ALL KINDS OF AFTER a QUARTES of a CENTURY A H ospital for A nimals .—There CENTAUR LINIMENTS! KEARNEY ’ S Of active work in the tiel«I of honorable' is in Hindontan a sect called the Jains, practice in California, during which time one of the articles of whose* creed is thousands ot the most difficult cases of pre­ Fluid Extract The Q-teilest. Surest and Cheapest mature decay and diseases of contaminating THURSDAY............... DECEMBER 7, 1876. that men should not only do no harm | Remedies. poison have been overcome and tho suffer­ to animals, hut protect their lives and ers restored to healthy life and manhood cure their ills. The Jains have many INDIA N S L ’MMEli. Physician? recommend and Farriers de­ hospitals, where sick or maimed ani­ The J. C. Young clare that no such remedies have ever been Just afier the death of the flowers, mals are tenderly cared for. The fol- I in use. Words are cheap, but the proprie­ MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE Vid lx lore they are buried in snow, tors of these articles will present trial bot­ lowing interesting account of one of | THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR There eoniesa festival season, still offers to the afflicted the positive assur­ tles to medical men, gratis, and will guar­ them is from Roussejt’s “India When Nature is all aglow— antee mor® rapid and satisfactory results ance of honorable treatment and rapid and A >w with a mystical splendid “The pious Jain, who meets on the BRIGHT’S DISEASE! than have ever before been obtained. absolute cures, as can be shown by thous­ l liat rixals tlie brightness of Spring— road a wounded animal, stops to take ands of testimonials from grateful Patients. The Centaur Liniment, White Wrapper, Airlow with a beauty more tender Let me call the attention of those who suffer will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumba ­ AND A POSITIVE REMEDY FOR Than amiht which iliir Summer could care of it, or receives it into his house. from some of the effects of go, Sciatica, Caked Breasts, Sore Nipples, bring. The hospital at Bombay is situated in SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Frosted Feet, Chillblains,Swelling,Sprains, The preservation of health and life is de­ and any ordinary the centre of the most densely peopled Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspep ­ Some spirit akin to the rainbow pendent upon the projier condition of the FLESH, BONK OR MUSCLE AILMENT. quarter of the “Black Town,” and all sia, Nervous Debility, Dropsy, Female I hen borrows its magical dyes, procreative functions and any weakness or Non-Ret6ntion orslncontinenee It will extract the poison of bites and And mantles the fail spreading landscape visitors are freely allowed to enter it. Complaints, cause of weakness of the generative organs of Urine, Irritation, Inflammation, or Ul ­ stings, ami heal burns or scalds without a In hues that bewilder the eyes ; or their uses is a direct attack upon the gen­ You go, in tho first place, into a large ceration of the scar. Lock-jaw, Palsy, Weak Back, Caked The sun from his cloud-pillowed chamber, eral health as well as a -ure destruction—if court, surrounded by sheds, in the Breasts, Earache, Toothache, Itch and Cu­ BLADDER and KIDNEYS, Smiles soft on a vision so gay, not properly cured—of the organs that are midst of which are kept a number of Spermatorrhoea, Txmcorrhoea or Whites, taneous Eruptions readily yield to its treat­ And dreams that his favorite children, the pride of one sex and the blessing ot the The flowers, have not yet passed away. oxen. There is nothing more curious Irregular or Painful Menses. Boaring Down, ment. other. In youth is laid the foundation of Henry Black, of Ada, Hardin Co., Ohio, Sterility and all complaints in­ much of the misery of after years by the in- than this assembly of sick quadrupeds, Chlorosis, says : “My wife has had rheumatism for cident to females. There's a luminous mist on the mountains, NEATLY EXECUTED AT dulgenceof the most destructive habits mak­ five years—no rest, no sleep—could scarcely biome have bandages on their eyes ; A light, ablaze in the air, ing life a curse and spreading weakness and walk across the tloor. She is now complete­ KEARNEY’S EXTRACT BUCHU As if angels, while heavenward soaring, others lame, or in a helpless condition, ruin among mankind, for it is a well known Had left their bright robes fl tating there. are comfortably stretched upon clean For stone in the Bladder, Calculus Gravel ly cured by the use of Centaur Liniment. fact that the indulgence in solitary vice, We all feel thankful to you, and recom­ The breeze is so soft, so caressing, even in the slightest degree, plants seed of or Brickdust iMposit and mucus or milky straw. Their attendants rub them discharges, and diseases of the prostrate mend your wonderful medicine to all our It seems a mute token nt love, weakness in the system that grow to a har­ friends.” Atnl floats to the heart like a blessing down, and bring the blind and par­ gland. vest of disease and shame in after years. Sarnes Hurd, of Zanesville, O., says: From some happy spirit above. YOUNG MAN, KEARNEY’S EXT. BUCHU alyzed their food. “The Centaur Liniment cured my Neural­ If yon experience arnv weakness you should ‘•From this court we pass into an­ Cures abuses arising from imprudence, hab­ gia.” not delay, for a «lav may imperil your These days, so serene and so charming, Tush, of Newark, writes : “Send other of less extent, containing dogs its of dissipation, etc., in all their stages, at me Alfred health if not your life. In all forms of Awaken a dreamy delight— one dozen bottles by express. The Lin­ little exftense, little or no change in diet, no weakness and premature decay a cure is A tn mulous, tearful enjoyment, and cats in the same pitiable condition. inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes iment has saved my leg. I want to dis­ guarantee«! by the Doctor to the young, Like soft strains of music at night; This is so utterly repugnant to one’s a frequent desire, and gives strength to uri­ tribute it, Ac.” middle-age«! or old, without exposure or We snow they are fading and fleeting, The sale of this Liniment is increasing i hat quickly, too quickly, they’ll end, feelings that I ventured to tell my nate, thereby removing obstructions, pre­ hinderance from business. The remedies THE TIMES OFFICE, Ami we waa-h them with yearning affec­ guide that it would be greater charity venting and curing strictures of Urethra, rapidly. are purely vegetable anti of a nature that The Centaur Liniment, Yellow Wrapper, allaying pain and inflammation, and expell­ leaves no taint behind. Observe tho svm- tion. Is for the tough skin, flesh and muscles of j to put an immediate end to their suf­ ing all poisonous matter. toms and hasten to check the course ot the As at parting we watch a dear friend. HORSES, MULES AND ANIMALS. ferings ; to which he replied by ask­ Used by persons in the decline or change complaint, if you experience anv ot them of life: after confinement or labor pains, —night discharges, slight discharges at other We have never vet seen a case of Spavin, Oh, beautiful Indian Summer ! ing whether we treated our invalids in bed-wetting in children, etc. Sweeny, Ring-bone, Wind-gall, Scratches times, trembling, anxiety, forgetfulness, Tlmu favorite child ot the year— that way. A little further on isan en­ Prof. Steele says: “One bottlo of Kear­ or Poll-Evil, which this Liniment would contusion, pain in the back, limbs or body, Th >u darling, w hom Nature enriches closure reserved for bipeds. Aged ney’s Extract Buchu is worth more than all not speedily la-nefit, and we never saw but f< > re bo< lings, indigestion, timidity, aversion Witii uifls and adornments so dear ! a few cases which it would not cure. It will to society, loss of power, want of control, crows spend their lives peaceably in other Buchus combined.” How fain would we woo thee to linger cure when anything can. It is folly to variable temper, attacks of sickness akin to On mountain and meadow aw hile. this paradise of the brute creation in Kearney’s Ext« Buchu spend $20 for a Farrier, when one dollar’s biliousness, deposits in urine, irregular For our hearts, like the sweet haunts of company with bald vultures, and buz­ Permanently cures all affections of the worth of Centaur Liniment will do lietter. bowels, etc., et<*. Nature, TERRIBLE POISON. zards that have lost their plumage. At bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings The following is a sample of the testimony Rejouv and grow young in thy smile. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Among the most subtly and virulent ot in men, women and children, no produced: the other end of the court a heron, existing “J efferson , M o ., N ov . 10,1873. poisons in the human blood is that arising" what the age. Not alone to the sad fields of Autumn proud of his wixiden leg, strutted matter “Some time ago I was shipping horses to from venereal taint, often breaking oni, Ask for Kearney’s. Take no other. Dost thou a lost brightness restore, about in the midst of blind ducks and after years of apparent cure, in hideous, Price, $ A physician in attendance to answer cor­ keeper gave mo a bottle of your Centaur Of all that was brightest and best; those that dwell in the vicinity of man­ respondence and give advice gratis. Send Liniment, which I used with such success child without showing in the person origi­ Thy peace and serenity oiler that in two days the horse was as active and nally contracting it. .v toretasie of heavenly rest. kind, have here their representatives. stamp tor pamphlets free. nearly well. I have been a veterinary sur­ THE USE OF MEIR URY SOLD BY CRANE A BRIGHAM, Rats are seen here in great numbers, Only aids in this terrible deception by dry­ Wholesale Agents, San Francisco. geon for thirty years, but your Liniment T errible D isaster .—On Saturday and display remarkable tameness; And by Druggists everywhere. heads anything I ever used. ing it upon the surface and driving it back 24. “A. J. M'CARTY, Veterinary Surgeon.” ' into the blood. All venereal poison is a. evening, the 18th ult., a terrible acci­ mice, sparrows, peacocks and jackals For a postage stamp we will mail a Cen­ ■ blood poison and can be communicated dent <>c< urrvd in Sacramento, by which have their asylum in this Jain hos­ T. A. DAVIS. F. K. ARNOLD. taur Almanac, containing hundreds of cer­ AT MOST REASONABLE RATES! j in the blood and the only certainty of pre- some nine or ten persons wero killed, pital.” tificates, from every State in the Union. ! vention of transmission is in the positive These Liniments are now sold by all dealers | cures of the reform treatment practiced at and seventy or a hundred more in the country. ' the Dr. J. C. Young Mcdi«-al Institute, eoin- B alky H orses .—The Kentucky wounded. A concert hall, which had Laboratory of J. B. Rose A Co., YOUNG MEN , prehensive, scientific and thorough, having just been fitted up over a stable on Home Journal gives the following di­ 46 D ey S t ., N ew Y ork . i received endorsements as the best of all Who may he suffering from the effect modern practice. Recent cases cured in a .’vror.d street, and was filled to over­ rections for breaking up the balking of WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, of youthful follies or indiscretion, will do | few days and chronic eases with remarkable timing witii persons, fell iffe stage a viciously stubborn horse: “Put on well to avail themselves of this, the great­ rapidity. Our test of the presence of tho and all. Luckily from some unex- your harness and hitch him to any­ est boon ever laid at the altar oi suffering taint in the blood are never failing. ’ll FRONT STREET, humanity. Du. SPINNEY will guaran­ TO FEMALES: pktined cause the walls remained stand­ thing you desire, either single or tee to forieit $500for every case of seminal There are no «-lass of complaints that so C astoria is the result of 20 years experi- I ing, otherwise the loss of life would double, as you feel disposed, and give enlist the sympathies of the medical mind ments, by Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Massa- ’ weakness, or private disease of any kind have been much greater. The hall him the commanding word to go PORTLAND, OREGON. ehusetts. or so commands its gravest thought an«l It is a vegetable preparation as i or character which he undertakes and fails to cure. He would therefore say was formerly used as a State Armory, ahead. If he goes you have nothing study as those that afflict women. The effective as Castor Oil, but perfectly pleas­ Doctor after years of patient investigation ant to the taste. It can be taken by the I to the unfortunate sufferer w ho may read and has often been crowded with peo­ to do or say but let him go on and do and treatment isenabled to assure them rap­ youijgest infant, ami neither gags norgrij>es. | this notice that you are treading upon E KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND your work ; but if he refuses to go, ple, and was considered safe. It was id and thorough cures in all the complaints Dr. A. J. Green, of Royston, Ind., says of it : i dangerous ground when you longer de­ a complete stock of lay in seeking the proper remedy for the opening night, and over five hun­ take him out immediately, take all the incident to the sex. The weak can hope for S irs :—I have tried the Castoria and can your complaint. You may be in the first strength and the suffering for reliefand cure. speak highly of its merits. It will, I think, dred men were present. The Record- harness off except the bridle, and take stage; remember you are approaching Those w ho require personal supervision do awav entirely w ith Castor Oil ; it is pleas ­ DRUGS, Cnion gives the following summary of a small rope, the size of a plough line, the last. If you are bordering upon the the Doctor can furnish with apartments ant and harmless, and is wonderf ully effica­ last, and are suffering some or all its ill the injured : Killed, 7 ; believed to and tie one end to the bit on the right with careful and skillful nurses where un­ cious as an aperient and laxative. It is the effects, remember that if you persist in remitting attention and constant care give bo fatahy injured, 4 ; seriously wound­ hand side and puli it through the ring PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, very th inn. proerastination.thetime must come when i every assurance of rapid and permanent The Castoria destroys worms, regulates ed, 16 ; less badly hurt, 20 ; slightly of the left under the chop, pull his the most skillful physician can render i ernes. the Stomach, cures Wind Colic, and permits v««u no assistance; when the door of hope PATENT MEDICINES, bruised and hurt, 32 ; total known, 79. bead around to his left side, and slip The Institute is supplied with a of natural healthy sleep. It is very effica­ will be closed against you ; when no an­ LYING-IN D EPA RTM ENT cious in Croup, and for Teething Children. ; It is known that fully fifty persons the rope under his tail like a crupper gel of mercy can bring you relief. In no Where patients will receive the treatment Honey is not pleasanter to the taste, and ( who can be classed as slightly hurt, and make it fast, keeping his bead GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, Castor Oil is not so certain in its effects. It , case has the Doctor failed of suec«‘ss. so essential in such cases. were taken to their homes before their well close to his side. Now all is Then let not despair work upon your im­ l I RED AT HOME. costs but 35 cents, in large bottles. Correspondence. Thegreatdifficulty Aany J. B. R ose «V Co., 46 Dey St., New York. I agination, but avail yourself of the ben­ names could be secured. Workmen ready, let him go, and take a good long PAINTS, OILS AND eficial results of his treatment before i sick find is the trouble of visiting the city, iu the ruins place this class as high as whip and make him go, talking kind­ your case is beyond the reach of medical i often incurring an exjM-nse far exceeding 100. At the lowest estimate not less ly to him all the time. He will travel PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, skill, or before grim death hurries you the cost of treatment. This expense can bo UNION to a premature grave. Full course of avoided by w riting to the Doctor, giving in like a dog after bis tail, for he can than 130 persons were injured. treatment. $25.00. Send money by Post your own way, the symptoms of your trou­ travel no other way, but after a while BLUE VITRIOL, Office order or Express w ith full descrip­ ble or complaint. Cures guaranteed tho T ight B oots .—Wearers of tight he will fall down, when you will im­ tion of case, (’all or address same as by personal visits. All communi­ COIL CALIFORNIA A 4th STS. DR. A. B. SPINNEY, boots will, no doubt, find the following mediately let loose the ro|>e and let cations strictly confidential and all leltera LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. No. 11 Kearney St., San Francisco. either returned or destroyed. interesting reading: Hard corns are him get up; now talk kindly to him jrffThe Doctor can be relied upon in all caused by too much pressure of the and caress him. Your work is now cases requii ing confidence and secrecy. Re­ he undersigned would re - shoe, or by its being so loose as to slip half done, for you have only to tie the pose confidence in him, all you who’ suffer spectfullv inform their friends and tho irff Sole Agents for Oregon for the cele­ or are in distress. He will sjieedily relieve back and forth on the spot where the rope to the other side of the bit, and brated public generally that they have purchased CARBOLIC SlIEEl' DIP, which and cure vou. Address, corn afterward shows itself. Medical pull his head around the other way, kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, the above establishment, which will be BENJ. F. JONSELYN, M. D., conducted under their constant books record several cases where par­ and make it fast like a crupper the and is a sure cure for screw-worm, seaband henceforth 618 Sacramento Street, personal supervision, and they guarantee Box 635. San Francisco, Cal. ing a hard corn caused bleeding which same as before, and start him off again foot rot. Circular sent on application. satisfaction to all who may favor them with no means could arrest, and death en­ and let him go till he falls down a their patronage. FRANCO-AMERICAN These stables are centrally locate«!, ami sued. Nothing harder than the finger­ second time ; let him get up imme­ within convenient distance of the various nail ought ever be allowed to touch the diately and hitch him up, you will houses of public entertainment. Horses corn, which can always be cured or probably never have any more trouble To the W oiikino C lash .—We can fur­ and mules will be boarded and eared for at nish you employment at which vou can moderate charges. They have one of the kept frofn causing inconvenience by with him.” make very large pay in your ow n hx-alities^ and finest stocks in Oregon, south of simply bathing the part in warm wa­ HOTEL k RESTAURANT, largest without being away from home over night. Portland, of ter for half an hour for several days in Agents wanted in every town and county T he denizens of Tuolumne, Cal., go BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, to take subscribers for the Centennial Rec­ succession ; often a single bathing will to curious extremes on the subject With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ ord, the largest publication in the United accomplish the object of softening the of polities. A Democrat and Republi­ sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses Stales—16 pages, 64 columns; elegantlv il­ Opposite Odd Fellows’ Hall, anti Mules, which will be hired to go to any parts adjacent to the actual corn so that can in Sonora agreed to take three lustrated ; terms, only $1 per year. *Tho part of the country at moderate rates. Record is devoted to w hatever is’of interest it can be picked out with the finger­ drops of croton oil in case the Presi­ Animals bought and sold, and broke to connected with the Centennial vear. Tho nail, and the shoe can instantly be dential favorite of the other was suc­ saddle or harness. great exhibition at Philadelphia is fully il­ CARDWELL A McMAHON. worn without much discomfort, which cessful—the victor to administer the lustrate«! in detail. Everybody wants it. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. The whole people feel great interest in their an hour before gave great pain. It dose to the loser. In Tuttletown a Country’s ( entennial Birthday, and want to may return in a.week, or a month, or Republican agreed with two Demo­ LIME FOR SALE, know all about it. An elegant patriotic a year, but the same treatment will al­ crats that the latter were to eat a crow OSBORN A ALEXANDER, «•rayon «lrawing is presented free, to every 624 MARKET STREET, Opp. PALACE HOTEL- subscrilx'r. It is entitled, “In remembrance ways prevail. Paring causes them to if Hayes was elected, and the former MADAME HOLT. - - Proprietress. —AND— Ban Fnnriaco ot the lfMlth Anniversary of the Indeitend- spread and tako deeper root. would partake of the same palatable ence of the Unite«l States.” Size, 23 by 3ft The Great Mechanics’ Tool Store diet in case Tilden took the Presiden­ inches. Anyone can become a successful BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE of the Pacific Coast. U tilizing his D aughters .—John tial chair. The Republican is fatten­ agent, for but show the paper an<1 picture ami hundreds of subscril>ers are easily ob­ Luikens, a musician residing in Grand ing his crow so that his friend will tained everywhere. There is no business Haven, Michigan, is carrying out a nov­ not have to make too many wry faces. HE MADAME TAKES THIS METHOD that will pay like this at present. We have el plan to utilize his rather large family of tendering her thanks to the public for manv agent who are making as high as $2ft HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HERE- the patronage which has hitherto been ex­ of girls. He has eight daughters, the per day and upwards. Now is the time: I t is told that during Edwin Booth’s bv inform the public that he has ONE tended to her, and would resjiectfully solicit don ’t delay. Remember it costs nothing THOÜSANI) BUSH ELSof superior Jackson oldest of whom is seventeen, and the recent trip to California he and others its continuance. to give tin* business a trial. Send for our Creek Lime for sale cheap. Persons wish ­ youngest is three years of age. He were very much disgusted with the Her tables are always under her immedi­ ing Brick-laying or Plastering done in the IODIDE OF POTASS. circulars, terms, and sample copy of paj>cr, thinks there will be twelve or fifteen of admiration of a loud-talking woman ate control ; and by her long experience in l>est style and at reasonable rates will do which are sent tree to all who apply ; do it business she feels confident that she will well to (»11 on me. For further information to-«lay. Complete outfit frye to those who them some day in the future, and being who declared, among other things, the give entire satisfaction to all. Her beds and Hotel. The best beautifier of the Complexion now­ decide to engage. Farmers ami mechanics a comparatively poor man, “how to that she would give $100 lor a kiss rooms are fitted up in the most comfortable inquire at the Franco-American their sons and daughters make tho G. W. HOLT. in use cures pimples, boils, blotches, rheu­ and make daughters self-supporting” has from the great actor. At Omaha an style, suited to the accommodation of single Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1875. very best agents. Address, matism, and mercurial pains. Sold by all or families. Her l>eds are al ways THE CENTENNIAL RECORD, lieen an exceedingly practical and im­ emigrant, who had been robbed of his occupants druggists. kept clean. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 31. Portland, Maine. Use Low’s Coneentrated Flavoring Ex­ portant question to him, an earnest con­ last penny, boarded the train, and Interesting to Farmers. tracts for ice cream, cakes, etc. sideration of which led him to decide to Booth, after giving him $100, asked NEW FERRY! PRO EONO PUBLICO. teach hi-> girls music and organize them his admirer if she would really give HE UNDERSIGNED, BELIEVING IT FARM FOR SALE. into a string and brass band, and there­ $100 for a kiss. She declared she to be the mutual advantage of millers by make them pay for their keeping. would, and the actor, bestowing upon Two and a Half Mile» above Bybee*», and farmers, have made arrangements HE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTI- whereby the Ashland and Phoenix mills will milE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR About one year ago, he, with consider­ her a resounding smack, turned over fied that I have placed my notes and l»e under the management of Jacob Wag ­ 1 sale his farm situated on Antelope creek, able difficulty, procured the necessary that $100 also to the emigrant. accounts in the hands of my attorney, H.. ner, who will have «-barge of both mills for 12 miles east of Jacksonville, containing 480 ON ROGUE RIVER. K. Hanna, with positive instructions to brass horns and violins and engaged a the com pan v during the ensuing year, ond- acres of land, 400 acres being good farming make immediateand fore«! collection in ev­ ing July 1st, 1877. A gentleman in Virginia City, teacher. II is four eldest girls have land and under fence. It is a good grain ery instance where security is not given. We will pay the highest market price for farm and sheep ranch, well watered and made such progress in their art that, as­ Nev., whose Chinese cook left him, rpiIE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- good 1’hose knowing themselves indebted to­ merchantable wheat, and are prepared houses and barns upon it. me will do well to call upon Mr. Hanna,, sisted by their father and teacher, they was unable to retain any of numerous I ure in notifying the public that they to contra«-b flour at $18 per thousand pounds good TERMS OF SALE—$9 per acre, one-half without delay, as this is my last call. My play in public occasionally, and will “Johns” for over a day, until he in­ have established a new ferry at the above at the mins. Office of the company at the down, the balance to suit purchaser. business must be settled ! ills, undoubtedly, in the course of time, duced one of them to explain that named place, and have the largest and saf­ Ashland^M J. W. SIMPSON. JAMES T. GLENN. WAGNER, ANDERSON A FARMERS’ boat on the river, furnished with the N. B.—This land will be sold in smaller grow into a first-class Irand and earn some apparently meaningless strips of est Jacksonville, Sept. 9, 1874. strongest wire rope, and charge less for MILL CO., Ashland, Oregon. pareels, if desired 7tf. red paper on the kitchen wall con­ ferrying. Gives us a trial. their ow n “pin money.” TAYLOR A CO. tained the Chinese inscription : “Boss FORDHAM JENNINGS, THE CITY BREWERY, S ervant (to Irish laborer)—“Here woman, long time tongue. Muchee Is some later, Pat, if you care to have jaw, jaw.” GROCERS, Dr. SPINNEY Co., —BY— it; but I’m afraid it’s quite dead.” pecialists , no . n kearney st ., A soldier on trial for habitual Pat—“Orh I dead is it ? Shure, then, treat all chronic and private diseases Nos. 600 and 602 Front St., VEIT SCHUTZ. without the aid of mercury. Consultation, drunkenness was addressed by the darlin’t, I’m the boy to bury itI” Office hours, 9 to 12 M., 2 to 5 and 6 to SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SHERMAN AND HYDE,. president of the courtmartial: “Pris­ free. 9 p. m . Sundays excepted. Call on or ad­ M rs . C akii , of Quebec, hanged her­ oner, you have heard the prosecution dress MUSIC DEALERS, DR. A. B. SPINNEY, R. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY IN- XES, Hatchets, Drawing Knives, Broad­ Kearney St., San Francis«) Cal. self with her false hair last week. for habitual drunkenness ; what have forms tho citizens of Jacksonville and axes, Mattocks, Picks, all sizes of Ham­ CORNER KEARNEY & SUTTER STS- surrounding country that he is now manu ­ mers, etc., for sale by JOHN MILLER. The coroner’s verdict was that the Carr you to say in your defence ?” “Noth­ facturing, ami will constantly keep on hand AILS. Ropes, Carpenters’ and Wagon- San Francisco was demolished by a misplaced ing, please your honor, but habitual FULL line of shelf and heavy hardware the very l>est of Lager Beer.’ Tlmse wishing Makers’ Tools for sale bv “switch. ” thirst!” a cool glass of beer should give me a call. Agents fur the Pacific Coast. for sale by JOHN MILLER. JOHN MILLER. ;"¿e □moraiií ours. BUCHU!! JOB PRINTING! ■ ■ ■ ii - e ♦ »■ i T. A. DAVIS & CO., ———— MOTHERS. W LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, T M M ■ -■ ■■ ♦ ♦ » ■■ '■ ■ ■ II I— T T T T ■■ ■— ------- * * * - I ■■ » ■■■ ■■■■■, e ♦ »■■■■■!■ - I ■ , ■ «■—!! ■ I ■» »'■ ■ — '■ !■■■■— S Illi N A A M