íhf íirintinatic &r¡5.: NirrATlOX IN MOITIl «AKQI.INA. ' menerai . note » 1.OUINIANA. ani » news . NEW STORE! One .Murder to Five Pariwbett. Matters are becoming very ticklish ! The Republican managers have A full-blooded Mongolian began his stud­ Gov. Kellogg was pushed into an In this State. The authorities at about completed their dirty work in ies in the Willamette University last week. awkward corner the other day in his liftai r.ip r for Jackson, Joxrphinc i Lake. I Washington are again intermeddling Louisiana, and, having thrown out I Governor Tilden is said to be reading all interview with the Democratic Repre­ DECEMBER 7, 1876. and perpetrating unconstitutional, un­ enough Democratic parishes and doc­ law on constitutional questions and elec­ sentatives now in New Orleans. He THURSDAY,. just and infamous acts of interference, tored up sufficient returns, will soon tions. and all the other Governors whose Mart. Brown's daily Albany Demoeçat has Tl»«* Fact* «* They which Is only another confirmation of give that State to Hayes and Packard. suspended. It was a lively sheet and we are States have repudiated them have The facts of the political situation the universal belief that Hayes is to The DemocraticCommittee have issued sorry to miss it. been telegraphing North all sorts of lies About 7,7011,000 citi- be counted in at all hazards and that the following proclamation, which ex ­ nre a- follows : Senator Morton has returned to Wash­ to Republican papers without think­ ington. He sa vis the Chinese investigation ing that they might be called to ac­ vuted for Presidential Elec ­ troops will be used to sustain the de ­ plains itself : zens have is very interesting and important. N ew O rleans , Dec. 1, 1876. tors. Of ting number al»out 44100,000 cision of the scalawag returning count for them at home. Ex-Senator The Timex' Washington special says Secre ­ 1 ilden and Hendricks and boards. The Canvassing Board of To the people of the United States : voteti for tary Taft has expressed tin* opinion that Doolittle asktd Gov. Kellogg what for Hayes and Wheeler; South Carolina, imprisoned by the Su­ On our arrival here, in casting about Hampton is elected Governor of South foundation he had for his statement 3,000,000 majority for Tilden and Hendricks, I preme Court, has been released by for approaches to the officers who con­ Carolina. telegraphed to a New York newspaper about 500,00p votes. The political Federal authorities. Two Legisla­ trol the elections in this State, we dis­ Geo. E. Thomas, formerly Superintendent that the vote of five parishes would be character of the electors is ps follows : j tures have been formed and serious covered that they were all of one po­ of the California Stage Company, has been thrown out on account of intimidation For Tilden and Hendricks, 208 ; for I times are expected. The outrageous litical party ; that the Governor had elected Sheriff of Walla Walla county by 3.50 and lraud. The Governor cast alxjut majority. Hayes and Wheeler, 166; majority proceedings which occurred in Louis­ appointed none but Republicans as JUST OPENED Clarkson N. Potter writes the New York for an answer and finally gave the de­ for Tilden and Hendricks, 37. The iana two years ago, have been repeated Supervisors of Elections, and that the Herald a long letter, maintaining that sooner tail of a murder that happened a year 87 majority on the electoral vote is in South Carolina. Grant has deter­ Returning Officers constituting the or later the election will go to the House and ago! One murder to five parishes! what the conspirators are now trying mined to sustain Chamberlain and his State Board were of the same political Tilden bo elected. One murder to keep thousands of Re­ On tho corner of Or«goa and Jackson St«., to reverse. If they can steal 19 votes rump Legislature (the lower house of school. Influenced by these inauspi­ The Morning Star, a leading Republican publicans from the polls and induce opposite Odd Fellow’s Hall, paper, advises tho South to prepare for by fraud and perjury for Hayes, they which has no quorum and is composed cious surroundings, our thoughts and another struggle, and never submit to the thousands of them to vote the Derno- can declare he has a majority in the of all negroes but five) with troops. hopes were turned toward the eminent seating of Packard. cratic ticket! No, gentlemen. Start Electoral College. Nineteen votes The following will give an Idea of how gentlemen who had been selected by If Hayes had been elected the news would your outrage machine at once, and give Jacksonville, Oregon, added to Hayes’ real vote, 166, give this outrage was perpetrated : the President to be present and see have been dashed around the Globe in forty­ us murders and assaults and threats in him 185, while 19 sloleu Irom Tilden’s No one was allowed to enter the that the Board of Canvassers made a eight hours. But as it is, it takes a month to all their old time abundance, but don’t vote of 203, would leave him but 184. I State House in Columbia on tho 28th fair count of the votes actually cast, “doctor” up the returns. expect the Northern people to believe During the past live years Oregon has paid WITH AN ENTIRE Tho votes which the Radicals propose ult. unless on pass from Jones, Ulerk of i and on the 14th of November we in­ $18,600 internal revenue tax, a very large that Gov. Hayes must be declared to steal are, seveu in South Carolina, the iate llouse, or a mau named Dennis, vited these gentlemen to meet and sum compared with that paid by other and President because a year ago one mur­ winch they have already grabbed by ' ex-Superintendent of the penitentiary. confer with us. This co-operation was wealthier coin mon weal ths. der was committed iu Louisiana. You an infamous fraud, four iu Florida aud The Democratic members presented declined, but, nevertheless, we have Southern Democrats aro daily in receipt must produce a larger bill of particu­ NEW STOCK OF GOODS eight in Louisiana, in all 19 voles. ! their certificates from the Supreme reason to believe that to this corre­ of telegrams from the north am! west call­ lars if you want to win the case. spondence may be attributed the invi­ ing on them to stand firm and they shall Tilden carried these three Slates by a Court, but were denied admittance by tation to us on the 18th ultimo by the be supported to the utmost. A Nice I rio. popular majority of aoout 12,000. the corporal and guard, under orders Returning Board to attend and be The result of the New York billiard —CONSISTING OF— Now then, count Mr. Hayes in and us- from Dennis, who was standing by. present at its meetings as spectators tournament was a tie among Slosson, At this crisis we find a beautiful trio sume that the people of the country, The Democratic members of the House, and witnesses of its proceedings. Rudolph and Joseph Dion, Dion gets the coming to the front in the Radical this courtesy, and by the ser­ prize for the best general average. wishing to save what remains to them I after gaining admission to the State Through party. Beast Butler, whom no decent vices of a competent stenographer, we Democrats are trying to defeat one of from one civil war by avoiding an­ I House, proceeded to the door of the liecame possessed of all the essential the The Republican electors in Pennsylvania, Republican will own outside of Massa­ other, says the Sonoma Democrat, ami | House of Representatives with the facts delivered on the face of the offi- Samuel W. Starkweather, because of a mis­ chusetts; Colfax, who ought never to what will be the position of Mr. Hayes delegations from Edgefield and Laurens i vial papers. We have been furnished take in printing on some of the tickets. allow his name to go before the public —a President forced upon the country at their head, and demanded admission with a certified copy of the duplicate Carl Schurz denounces the action ot the again because of hi-connection with the I CLOTHING, of votes made by the Cum- South Carolina returning board as an act by fraud aud outrage, uuuer the form on the certificates of election taken I I statements mi-sioners of election at each place of of high-handed usurpation which should Credit Mobilier swindle, of which he of law with the spirit and letter of the from the record of the Supremo Court. ■ voting in the Slate. From these state­ be solemnly’ protested against by all citi­ does not only stand charged, but con­ Constitution violated and a Democrat­ Six soldiers were ranged on either side ments it appears that the Tilden Elec- zens. victed ; and Blaine who only escaped HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES of the approach to the door with two I tors received the following votes, viz : ic Congress facing the to-called Presi­ i Gen. Crook «attacked a Cheyenne camp expulsion from Congress f >r his co n c- officers in the center. The certificates dent al every step during his entire of Edgefield and Laurens delegates I McEnery, 83,712; Wickliff, 83,880; St. of 100 lodges on Powder river on the 25th tion with jobs by getting very sick and ' Martins, 83,676 ; Pocke, 83,529 ; De- capturing the village ami the greater term of office? What could compen­ being presented were decided invalid blanc, 83,667 ; Zay, 83,842 ; Cobb, 83,- lilt., part of the herd. Lieut. McKenney, of tin* tendering bis resignation. Indeed, the GROCERIES, sate the Republican party or any hon­ by doorkeepers, whereupon the entire 579 ; Cross, 83,652. And the Hayes 4tli cavalry, was killed. Republican pat ty has fallen low when est party for occupying such a position body of Democrats withdrew. They Electors received the following votes, Wigginton (Dem.) was defeated by one vote such men are recognized as its leaders. assembled in front of the State IIou®e, I to-wit: Kellogg, 77,152 ; Burch, 77,- by Pacheco (Rep.) in the Fourth Congress­ before the country, with the President from the steps of which the following 144 ; Joseph, 74,889 ; Sheldon, 74,844; ional District in California, and will contest Th«* Top and Bottom of It. and Cabinet the spawn of an unholy protest was read iu the presence of the Hardware, Cutlery and Crockery, i Marks, 73,221 ; Levissee, 75,370 ; the election. Luttrell (Dem.) was elected in alliance between Zach Chandler and military and citizens; There is no doubt in the mind of the Third District by m arly 1,(MK). Brewster, 75,437 ; Jefferson, 73,936. Kellogg, the rascally carpet-bag Gov­ C olumbia , N ov . 28,1876. The result of the vote for Presidential The first “case" under the new liquor law any person whose ( pinion is not gan­ We, a majority ot the members of the Electors, as disclosed on the face of was tried iu Columbia county last week. grened by partisan prejudice but that ernor of Louisiana ? IlTiuse of Representatives ot South Carolina ETC., ETC. elect, piotest against the refusal to admit ns the returns opened by the Returning The witness, when asked what he was doing admits that Samuel J. Tilden has been No Idea oí l.ettinx ^o, to the hall of Representatives. We protest Board in our presence, for the Tilden in the saloon, Replied that ho went in to against the military power of the United ‘ Electors was : McEnery, 82,223 ; St. change his breath. That settled the question. fairly and squarely elected. Bat from Some Democrats have an idea that Stales barring the passage into the State Martin, 82,129; Deblanc, 82,065; Cobb, The Washington ring wants Mr. Tilden all the actions of the R'publican man­ House of member-elect of the Legislature. If Tilden bad carried California, Ne- We protest against the legality ot the pro­ 81,959; Wickliff, 82,316 ; Poche, 82,- counted out. Boss Shepherd is bankrupt, agers Hayes is going to be. This is Which will he sold CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST in the State. vada, Oregon, or all these States, that ceedings and especially against the army ot 036 ; Zay, 82,242 ; Cross, 82,109. For and he knows that he will have no chance what Radical argument has come to. the United Stales being placed for the pur­ the Presidential eleclioa would have pose of this exclusion under the command the llayes Electors—Kellogg, 77,023 ; to retrieve his broken fortunes under Til­ Mr. Tilden was elected by the people ; PIANO COMPANY, of one John B. Dennis, partisan of Gov. Joseph, 74,642; Marks, 73,087; Brew­ den. Shepherd is for Hayes and heavier Mr. Hayes is to be elected hy the Re­ been settled beyond controversy. Chamberlain. We protest against the said ster, 72,270 ; Burch, 76,983 ; Sheldon, contracts. There was never a greater mistake. Dennis' instructions to the guard to admit 72,678 ; Levissee, 75,157; Jefferson, 8 H» BROADWAY, A memorial of the Anti-Chinese Union turning Boards. Wil! our R“publi no one to the State house, except upon his And so long as the Pacific States were own pass, or a pass of A. O. Jones, toriner 77,530. In most of the cases the re­ Club is in circulation throughout Oregon can friends refer us to that section ol in doubt, the Radical wire-pullers clerk of the House, who may thus exclude turns opened by the Returning Board and Washington Territory. Any person the Constitution of the United State® NEW YORK CITY, N. Y except his own partisans whereby the corresponded precisely with the cer­ receiving such memorial is requested to claimed North Carolina. As soon as it all which provides for the of Republican programme is to organize said canvass for names and return the same to was discovered that the vote of North House. We have presented ourselves with tified copies of the statements of the the club at Astoria. President by Returning I the judgment of the highest court of South Commissioners of Election furnished Make Only Style and Have Carolina was not necessary to count Carolina, certified to by its clerk with the us. The most material difference arose The Democratic city of New York regis­ The lutimi,íalion Huchear. great seal of the Supreme Court attached. Hayes in, the claim to that State was As to our right to participate in the organ!-, from the failure of the Supervisors of tered 183,000 on a population of over a mill­ But One Price. dropped. If still another State had zation ot said House, we are refused by or­ East Baton Rouge, Tangipahoa and of ion; the Republican city of Philadelphia If our patrons will read the dispatch­ ders of said Dennis admission to said hall, Orleans to forward the statements of registered 186,000 on 700,(H)0 population. Or been necessary, then Mississippi would except upon his pass or the pass ot said es which are constantly arriving, giving votes from all the voting places in one to about every four of her entire popu­ Jones, or the certificate of LI. E. Hayne, have been manipulated to secure by full particulars of intimidations, says Secretary ot State, who is now under the these respective parishes. Iu thirty- lation. Where are the frauds? fraud the election for Hayes. In i condemnation of said court for refusal to five out of the thirty-eight States in The World's Cincinnati special says: the Standard, they will find hy the certificates in accordance with its judg­ short, the Radical leaders had no in­ issue ment and mandate. In protesting against the Union these figures would be con­ Judge Stanley Matthews has received a tele­ figures given that the number of ne­ tention, under any circumstances, of this barefaced usurpation—this trampling clusive. No one would claim that Til­ gram from Senator Sherman declaring that I groes in almost every instance is four SENT ON TRIAL on the laws and constitution ot the Slate; turning over the Government without this defiance of the highest tribunal ot the den and Hendricks were not entitled the Louisiana returning hoard's count is to one white person. Strange how one to the Electoral vote of the State ; but fraudulent on its lace, and asking him to a desperate struggle to hold on to the State—it is our purpose to offer no resistance a Louisiana tribunal has been set up communicate with Governor Hayes. white man can so completely iulimi- to this intervention, but to make our solemn power which they have so basely used appeal to the American people without dis­ which, on former occasions, has over­ After reading Gov. Chamberlain's procla­ date, under a Radical State administra­ No Agents. No Discounts« tinction of party. Our veneration for law, No Commissions. for self-glorification and self-aggran­ our respect tor the .Supreme Court, and the thrown the will of the people, as ex­ mation to ritle clubs, demanding the sur­ tion with federal soldiers, and four ne­ usages of all Legislative assemblages, forbid pressed at the polls, for which the render ot the.r arms, the club at Kock Hill, groes to one to say nothing of the I dizement. our participation in such unprecedented and power is not claimed in its discretion S. C., procured a box, placed in an old horse white Republicans, This is the C’en- revolutionary proceedings. Signed by all Th« Question Iteverwe«!. to change the result of the popular pistol, a flint-rock ritle and an army mus­ SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. the Democratic memliers, 64 in number. vote at the recent election. In view, ket, and shipped it to the Governor marked tennial year, however, and nothing is The majority for Hayes in half a MAILED FREE. remarkable. however, of the return«», and the law “C. O. D.” The expressage was $18. Mr. Hendrick« on the Situation. I dozen States is small, says the New and the tacts which should control the Bud Doble reached Chicago a few days ago Impeachment Proposed« Sheriff's Sale. York Sun, and in some of these a ma­ The New York Herald, speaking of Returning Board, with which we have en route to California, having in charge the jority of the State canvassers are Dem­ the interview between Tilden and made ourselves familiar, we have no most formidable public stable of trotters VIRTUE <>F AN EXECUTION It is probable that articles of im­ pY O duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit hesitation in saying that the result that was ever known. The horses comprise ocratic. Now, suppose these can­ Hendricks on the 25th ult., says both peachment against Grant, Cameron Court of Oregon lor Josephine county, and vassers should propose to throw out a Governors, after a careful review of the shown by the votes actually cast can­ Gdldsmith Maid, 2:14; Bodine, 2:19)4; Karns, and other members of the Cabinet, for to me directed, in favor of Lawrence Leon­ not be changed without a palpable 2:20; Thorndale, 2:21 )a; Sam Purdy, 2:20)a; and against E. A. Higgins, Thomas sufficient number of Republican votes whole field, and a perfectly candid ex­ abuse of the letter and spirit of the Clementina, -2:21, and Abe Edginton, 2:26. their unlawful and infamous connec­ ard Higgins, William Higgins and John Hig­ gins, for the sum of $360.30, U. S. gold to give these States to Tilden, simply change of views bearing on every pos­ law governing the Returning Board, The Times' Washington special says the tion with the elections in the South, coin, together with costs and accruing cost«, because this would insure his election, sible phase of the contest, have con­ and a manifest perversion of the facts Republicans are hardly to be found who up­ may be prepared by the House of Rep­ 1 have levied upon and will on what would the Republicans all over cluded not only that they are elected before it. Irregularities have been hold the proceedings in South Carolina. A resentatives. These worthies have vio­ Monday. December 11. 1876, the country say ? They would de­ by a majority of the electoral vote, committed in some instances by officers Boston gentleman well expressed the feel­ lated the Constitution and trampled on between the hours of nine o'clock a . m . and conducting the elections, and in mak­ ing, who said: “If Hayes takes his seatit tour o’clock p. m . of said day, offer for sale nounce these canvassers as a pack ol but also that they will be quietly and ing the returns ; but they are about as will ruin the party ; but let Tilden have the the rights of the people whenever it tor cash in hand to the highest bidder at villains, who ought to be in the peni­ peacefully inaugurated. A gentleman much on one side as the other, and as Presidency, and the next time we will beat became their interest to do so, and in the Court House door in the town of Ker- byville, in said county, the following de­ tentiary, and they would call every who occupies a very high position in to intimidation, violence, or other ille­ you out of your boots.” justice to law and decency they should scribed premises, to-wit : interest in a certain min­ man who justified their conduct a the party and was much with Gov­ gal acts preventing a free and fair elec­ The Democrats propose to object to tho be impeached, whether they are or not. ing hour-sevenths ditch and mining claim situated on Red swearing in of the representatives from Col­ there is evidence on both sides, tion, scoundrel. Dog creek, in said county, or the entire in­ ernor Hendricks yesterday, said Heu- but not of such a character as to affect orado, holding that the enabling act has not terest ot said defendants in said premises. dricks is in excellent spirits, perfectly the general result. In most instances been fully complied with. They deciare heuaibie Talk. ¡SIMEON MESSENGER, .Sheriff of Josephine county, Oregon. confident of being inaugurated on the the acts of violence proceeded from that the constitution provides that the State Dated at Kerby ville, Nov. 8, 1876. The Oregonian lakes a sensible and ! ASHLAND, OREGON, 5th of March. He don’t doubt but mere lawlessness, as in the case of Legislature shall specify the mode and date of State elections. The Col >rado constitu­ rational view of the political situation. what the three disputed States will be Henry and Eliza Pinkston, and had no tional convention assumed this task, which WANTED ! connection with politics. It is a sig­ It opposes the three Southern States W J. ZIMMERMAN & CO., PropTs. counted for Hayes, but thinks this nificant fact that in the parish where renders the election in that State void. being counted in for Hayes. It adds: fraud cannot stand when Congress it is alleged that the voters were kept The New’ York World states that Secre­ No candid republican can entertain a 20,00C Lbs. of Old Cast Iron, tary Z. Chandler said just before he left that |l MANUFACTURE AND BUILD ALL doubt that it would be infinitely better meets. Both Governors agreed, that from the polls by intimidation, the to­ city Thursday after election : “I’ve got Jtl kinds of mill and mining machinery, elivered at the foundry in for the future of bis party to lose the the Vice-President has nothing to do tal vote of such parishes was as large one man already down South, and the Dem­ castings, thimble skeins, anti irons, brass Ashland, for which we 'will pav th« highest price. * Preoidency than to retain it by ques­ with couuting the votes, but simply as at any time heretofore, aud in the ocrats will need a d—d fast train to get the castings and Babbitt metal. Bells cast. whole Stale is 1,500 above any vote E\ ery farmer has more or less old cast ­ Farming machinery, engines, house fronts, tionable means. To hold it under con­ opens them and that Congress alone inside track of him. 1 don’t propose to be stoves, sewing machines, blacksinith-work, ings about his premises, such as old stoves, heretofore cast, and an honest and fair ditions which could be challenged for counts the votes. The results of their all work wherein iron, steel or brass is pinions and other articles. These they canvass of the returns, even under the euchred in this matter, and Hayes has got and unfairness would be almost or quite to be the next. President whether he’s elect­ used, repaired. Parties desiring anything would do well to gather up, and bring them sure to wreck the parly in the next legal examinations during the confer­ Louisiana law, cannot materially re­ ed or not.” These were the words of the in our line will do well to give us a call be­ before the rain sets in. going elsewhere. All work done with also * l’,e highest price for old elections. It would then be beaten at a ence were convincing to their minds, duce Tilden’s majority as shown on Republican Chairman as reported by Gen­ fore COPPER, BRASS and ZINC. neatness and dispatch at reasonable rates. the face of the returns. eral James McQuade, who with several time when the consequence of defeat but according to the Constitution and ,2-iT Bring on your old east iron. J. M. McCALL * ™ (Signed :) John M. Palmer, Lyman other gentlemen heard them when uttered. ZIMMERMAN & CO. would be the loss of every thing, eoupled practice of Congress, fraudulent re­ LAGER! LAGER!! with the overwhelming ascendancy of turns of the three returning boards Trumbull, Win. Bigler, Geo. B. Smith, Tho Centennial Exhibition is the largest Ashland, April R, 1876. Geo. W. Julian, P. H. Watson. the Democrats iu every brunch of the ever held. The amount of ground enclosed LAND FOR SALE. will be reversed by Congress, and their is 236 acres, and the buildings cover 75 acres. go ver u men L _______ Florida. inauguration will follow inconsequence. The extent and cost of other exhibition rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR THE EAGLE BREWERY. C«a*rm« M««te. JL sale 240 acres of choice agricultural land, Hendricks was found to be in perfect The latest advices are to the effect buildings, in round numbers, has been: 175 acres under fence, situated in Josephine Congress met on Monday last. The accord with Tilden’s steadfast position, that the Republican managers have London, in 1851, buildings covered over 20 county, Oregon. For information, enquire VIE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WEITERER,, acres and cost $500,000 ; Paris, 1855, covered of John Bolt, Applegate, or at the residence . has now on hand and is constantly man­ seuiou will doubtless be very interest­ which is to exhaust every legal and “doctored up” enough returns and thrown 30 acres, cost $4,000,000 : London, 1862, cov­ of LA FAYETTE ALLEN. ufacturing the beat Lager Beer in Southern ing and important. Hon. Samuel J. peaceable remedy to secure his rights, out sufficient Democratic precincts, without ered 24 acres, cost $2,300,000 ; Paris, 1867, Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to A N elegant assortment of Pocket and Ta- suit purchasers, Call and test the article. lUttdail, of Pennsylvania, was elected but to sternly discountenance every the color ot justice or law, to give the State covered 40)i acres, cost $4,596,000; Vienna, xx. ble Cutlery for sale by J. MILLER. to Hayes by the insignificant majority of 47. 1873, covered 50 acres, cost $6,850,000 ; Phil­ r .anker m the House, having received attempt at violence. Hendricks parted Tilden has a considerable majority accord­ adelphia, F you want a No. 1 home-made Rifle or 1876, covered 75 acres, cost $s,- IL and Whetstones, Tape and Chalk first-class Shotgun, go to from Tilden tn the most hopeful spirit. ing to the returns of the precinct officers. the Democratic caucus nomination. Lines, for.sale at JOHN MILLER’S. 500,000. JOHN MILLER. 25 - . I NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES! I New York Store I I I ! i i I u. s. I I $290.00 ! i i THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, D I I I I I I I O I