íOrmcnatif'ïimrs. «o Roads rather bad. Nights cohl and frosty. IMrrrCory. M. E. I’lirncn.—Religious servi«*es every Duck and geese hunting the lago. Sunday, at t In« usual hours, by th«« Rever­ ends.!. R. N. Bell, W. Hurlburt and M. A. ’Squire Berry’s new house is going Will anus, alternately. <' vni<>t.K' Citrncn.— Divine S<«rvie»«s ev­ up. ery Suinlay, a! the Usual hour, by Rev. Fa­ Wm. Bybee has returned from Hap­ ther Blanchett. M.E.St \ pay S chool . Rcjitbir meetings py Camp. «•very Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Eggs scare«' at present and quoted •' XTiUM.tr S vmhy S chool .— Regular ni'‘eliti2s every Sundav afternoon, at two at 25 cents a dozen. o’clock. blooming Jos. Swingle has taken a Col kt .—The Dcvenrbvr widow of Lake unto himself. term of the Probate and County Com­ bo held next missioners* Courts will Nice toys for E. holidays at the Jacobs’, which will bet-old cheap. week. •— .. —-I— T hanks .—lion. James D. Fay has our thanks for a copy of the report of been added to Cardwell & McMahon’s stables. the California State Land Commission, <»f which he is a member. ——■—<- 4 — R emoval . — The Farmers’ will fine span of Vermont colts has A — Reads are getting bad an«l team-ters are asking higher rates Hotel hauling for freight. from i ’ E. C. Lord, of A. P. Hotaling it Co., Orth’s building to tlmdwelling <»n Ore­ liquor dealers at Portland, was in town gon street formerly occupied by l.-aac last week. in ft w «lays be removed Sachs. - — - —— *. A djourned .— The • Court Circuit adjourned on I ue.-day last, after being in se.-sion about two weeks. away near P. TutTt’s horse ran J. Grant’s Pass the other day, demolish* ing the buggy. James Watt and Chas. The next Slade will t» rm ol Court will commence on the >o<»n start a -addler-shop at Judge Tol­ third Monday in March. man’s tannery. U p .—We have sent state­ Surri e ments of account to those indebted to the T imes office, and trust they will respond promptly, as we are in pas»«««i through town last week, en ruict' t\>r Portland. President ? B ai .1..^-Warren M asonic F. A .A. M., io, A. evening 27 :h. L< <•< e;ni!ig has returned to A. DomJ.is county and take charge A sheet and pill »w case party will take well .\-hl in«i. A pleasant time is promised. R«*v. M. A. Willi ms the way ligious services at will give a performance next Saturday next Sunday The Yreka papers -peak well of this company. —————— •------- — A t a B argain .—A first class sew­ ing-machine, bran new, will 1 h * -old nt Flour or bargain. t ken. will of tiie Canyonvi'.ir school forthwith. here with a tìr.sl-elass troupe, witich n which he hunting trip, on su •«•«•--fuI pl ice this evening at Patterson’s hail, T heatre . — Frank Those desiring a new machine «•f an improved patter«) will do well to < squire imm**diaiely at this office. —— —— - • ■ - ........ T obacco L eaf —Capt. B. B. Griffin will hold re-' the M. E. Church morning at the usual hour. The Librarian of the Literary Socie­ ty requests those having books belong­ ing to >aid org mizatiou to return them immediately. be will wheat There were two hundred fix barrels and fifty­ of beer manufactured in Jackson comity during the year end­ ing .1 une ob, 1876. The pm-pects are that not so many l ist week brought into our sanctum a hogs will be manufactured into bacon, 1 >rge, fine leaf of hums and 1 a rd, this season as «luring tobacco, which has t e appearance of Lting of a quality. < i good town, a <1 -hows that tobacco Will grow am', m iture in this climate. • R obbery .—We learn J’don the past few years. It was grown by the Captain his place a few miles from was robbed at The hoodlums to getting are more of a md-anre than ever. he They occupy I ite hours, maxing night hi«l- vous with their noi-e. Wm. Wheeler A ’Martin, agents of Grover Rock Point one A B iker’s sewing machine, for several that j ght last week, after he hail retired. T he thief cut off his pocket containing months pa-t doing business in this section, start«*«! fur the Willamette Val­ iev yesterd ly. for three teams to amounting to J tekson county is beaten one vote p <>ut $100, in the most scienlitic«mau- by Umatilla in the contest for th«' hon­ < pens« money Roseburg and back, without awakening him. i r arid < rt tin y« ting man 1 e theft. . A is ,-u- j icioncd of T hanksgiving D ay .—To-day the President and Governor as the time for ••expression of their thanksand prayer 1«» Almighty God the manifold for services will Thanksgiving end.” to banner Democratic The latter gives The northern bound stage was up­ set this side of the Canyon E. be had at the M. Church at 11 «»’clock Rev. W. a . al , on the evening of the 21st. All the passen­ gers except a lady, escaped injury, who was slightly bruised. A regular meeting of the Jackson­ Blessings bestowed on us «luring the j ear about the county «if Oregon. is to the people by )«comi».ended or of being Tilden 256 majority. ♦ - - ville Social Club wiil Monday evening. be held next moved their large stock of goods to the «-tore formerly occupied by Sachs Bros. is Their assortment of merchandise leading San will be sold al most Read houses, and reasonable rates. their new advertisement else­ where and give them a call. - -■ --- ----- - L ake spondent, C ounty writing from corre­ Lakeview, t»ends us the following vote on the county seat question, requesting us to publish the same : Link cille. l,ref'incts. Lalcei'ie Ò iJukville............... 117 Bonanza. •••••••••• 56 »Sprague Hiver.. ... G«josti Lake...... 4 14 Eagle Point......... 5 164 < rooke«! Creek.. • •• 17 Ciiewaucan......... • • • 25 Kummer Lake... * • • • 29 6 29 f ota Is *•••.•••••• ... 182 242 btlvtr Kike......... / Majority for Lakeview, 60. 8 H en for plaintiff for $860 and costs. , ) l«;,o|s 15.940 <»,090 4,434 4.423 2,790 2,780 2,575 5,500 «i.O'D 6,418 t;,oos 3,785 3,000 3,190 12,422 4. »00 2.SI5 3,425 «>.900 3,035 7.101 3,010 8.757 3.103 2,800 4.274 4,900 7,413 3,024 4,5«M) 4,378 2,«>53 3,lf>0 9,152 2,<> 13 «1,817 1«’>, HO «»,27.5 12,G12 19,740 2,82;> «>,140 5.42'> 18,323 4.115 3.212 2.52.5 2,975 4. »SO 13.3t 15 .^,359 1 1,7'.M> 5,626 .>,626 5,1'21, 12,7<-a 2.750 2,9»O 2.957 5,8'. »3 2.900 3,76.> 3js4 Alex. Martin.............. r................. G. Navlor........................................ J. Nunan................. t...................... •....... John «1’Brien.................................. Obenchain A Sons......................... • • •••••• John Orth........................................ ........ O. A C. Stag«y Co............................ ......... Mrs.«’. Patterson......................... ........ . C. T. l’avne.................................... F. M. Plvmale.............................. ......... Jami's l’ankev.............................. ......... Samuel Phillips............................. David Peniger................................ ......... W.J. Plvmale................................ J. P. Parker.................................... Estate <»t Joshua Patterson......... Woo«lfor7<> .3,950 2,566 3,533 3,339 3,147 3,93» 3.215 3,087 4,910 2.500 2,«¡59 2,820 9,000 7,339 3.175 3,853 <’>,092 3,843 8,807 • 7 2,800 2,587 2.812 '2.7i>0 rienced miner and knows what he is following business has been transacted doing. Lew is an We wish him good luck. A large number of strangers are con- stonily all pouring into this section from portions of the Union, many of whom permanently locate among us. Southern Oregon has greatly increase«! in the Circuit Court since our last re- port : Jos. McKee ef al vs. Wm. Hoffman and Wm. Ray; injunction. Continued. James T. Glenn vs. M. Dickenson ; action to recover money. Judgment «luring REAMES BROS., TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, et», (Successors to White «t Martin,) I DEALERS IN Pumps, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT», NAILS, of 1*. J. , estate of Daniel ! j the L. J. C. Duncan et al vs. John Citn- torsky et al; suit for injunction. De- creo for plaintiff. 1 1 j I 1 ; i j 1 j 1 1 1 , ! ! ! ’ j j ¡ HARDWARE, TINWARE, _____ Decision of low­ costs and disbursements. j A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OP ST0VB» ATTENTION! McMahon; appeal er Court confirmed except as to 1 j OREGON. • Ryan, administrator of the from County Court. I - In the matter of the final account i j 1 . JACKSONVILLE, Judgment .for plaintiff. Court adjourned. undersigned take pleas - POWDER OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ure in informing tho public that they have just received and opened an entire fresh stock of Fuse and Caps, he T FÄLL & WINTER DRY-GOODS, I ____ ____ Wooden and Willow Ware FANCY GOODS, ROPE, NAILS, A Ciwe ol Thirty Year's Standing. E ast A urora , N. Y., May 22, 1872. .IA a '. m /'.«. »Seth IF. I'otiie rf‘ Soru : Gentlemen—I was troubled with Dyspep­ sia for thirty years, and tried several med­ icines advertised for the cure of this dis­ tressing «•omplaint without deriving any benefit from them. About a year ago I com­ menced taking the hrurian Syrup, an«l after lining altogether twelve bottles I find myself entirely cured. I consider my case one of the worst I ««ver heard of, and 1 take great pl««asure in recommending tJe l'em- vian A’yr/tptoall Dyspeptics, believing that it will be sure to cur«« them. Yours respectfully, J. T. B owen . Sold by all druggists. HATS, BOOTS &, SHOES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS’ CLOTHING, Etc., Etc., CUTLERY, WIRE, In SACHS’ Brick Building, well known as "THE TEMPLE OF FASHION." Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose, ETC., ETC. | Theso goods were all purchased by a 1 * . member of our firm from FIRST-CLASS HOUSES in San Francisco, and we> will i warrant every article and sell them as cheap I have secured tho services of a First-claw -- --- • _____ -- for cash as any house in the county. Wis'tAu’s B alsam op W ild C herry — | We call the Mechanic, and am prepared to do all re)>air- The great remedy for Consumption. This ATTENTION OF THE LADIES ing promptly and in superior style. well-known reme«lv is «»ffered to the public, san«*tioned by tho experience of over fortv tho fact that we have tho largest assort­ years; and when r««sorted to in season, sel­ to ment of FANCY GOODS of every tiescrip­ dom fails to eficct a speedy cure of Coughs, tion now hand, and we will henceforth «'olds, Croup, Bronchitis, Influenza, Who«>p- make this on line of goods our specialty and ing Cough. Hoarseness, Pains or Soreness sell them at in the «'lu st or Si«h«, Bleeding at th«« Lungs, TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, Liver Complaint, etc. Bewaro of counter­ I I am receiving and have constantly on Price3 to Suit the Times. hand feits ’ Remetnber t hat the genuine IF m A o -’ a a full and first-class stock of of ('/ii'rri/ has <>n th«« outsid«« wrapper th«« signatttn* of “1. Bi rrs,” and Groceries, tin* printed nantt* of the propri«*tors, “S eth Wo also keep on hand a full stock of W. Fov. t.i; .V S on -, B > ston .” All othersare base i i n Cat ions. Examine the wraptH«r DRY GOODS, Gum Boots, TOBACCO, GROCERIES, carefully before purchasing. • Ready-Made Clothing, : HARDWARE, NAILS, GLASSWARE, T he I’erspiration to great extent depur- i GLASSWARE. CROCKERY, Ete.,Ete. at«‘sth<‘ blood, that is, it carries oft' its im­ !• CROCKERY, CUTLERY, purities. If th«« port's Is'come obstructe«l tiiosc impurities, when they «lo not remain latent in the circulation, cause eruptions. ’ And very many other articles too numerous *7r^“ Everything sold at reasonable rate«. Th«« reiiK'dv for this state of things is G'Z cm / j ’ ji j to mention. ^■iTGive us a call and judge for yourself Give m«« a call. K. KUBLI. .Sulphur Soap. ! as to our capacity to furnish goods as above. ---- . Jacksonville, Feb. IS, 1875. 11EAME3 BROS. i3B*The National Gold Medal wa* awarded to Bradley «t Rulofson for tho best Photo­ THE SODA SPRINGS! graphs in tho United States, and the Vienna Medal for tho best in the world. 429 Mont­ gomery street, San Francisco. 1 i j MARRIED. BRADLEY- MERRIMAN-.At the rosL dence of th«* bride’s father, November 23d. I.v Rev. J. F. Bradtor«!, Jay Bradley and Miss Laura A. Merriman—both of Jack- (Calitornia St.,one door west ofSachs Bros., son county. ; JOHN BILGER, } BORN. Jackson ille, Oregon, REAMES—In this city, November 27th, to tho wife of E. R. Reames, a daughter. DE ALER AND WORKER IN 1 SPECIAL NOTICE. TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. A C ARD. jrEEPS CONSTANTIA' ON HAND AN j 1Y assortment of the best 1 AND MARBLE WORKS. Ho ! Unto All Who Thirst! COME YE UNTO To all who are suffering from the errors and ipdiseretions of youth, nervous weak­ TINWARE, BRASS PIPES, ness, early W A RE, CUT LER Y, Sand aself-a7.7. LES, Jos«>ph T. Inman, Station />, Bible House, New York. PAINTS, SIZFiS, GLASS, OLS, HOSE, POWDER. Money and Without Price ! )AINTS (p «tents er other.) Oils, Var- nishes, shelac. Window Glass, Emory, BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. I 1 Borax, etc., fur salu in emlless quantities by I ' .JOHN MILLER. 1 NAILS, l rpiIE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW KEEP- MINING TOOT., 1 ing the Soda Springs House,and having A ILS. Ropes, Carpenters’ and Wagon- repaired and retitte«l the same are now pre­ SHOT, BRUSHES, Makers’ Tools tor sale bv pared to accommodate all that may favor us CARPENTER TOOLS, JOHN MILLER. with a call. Prices to suit these hard tiinos. BLACKSMITH TOOLS, ’EW Guns made toorder and repairing THE MARBLE BUSINESS IRON WASII-KET i 'LES, properly «lone by JOHN MILLER. BRASS AND IRON WIRE, Will still be a specialty. All orders in this O vou want protection ? Rnv a Pistol or line promptly filled in the best manner and SHEET-IRON WARE. Knife, or both, of JOHN MILLER. | at reasonable nites. Address, as usual, A FULL lineof shelf and heavy hardware Cast Iron and Steel Plows. J. H. & A. II. RUSSELL, Ashland /i for sale by JOHN MILLI'.R. ROPE, I \ D V TORSE, Paint,Sash,S««rubbincand Black- kl ening Brushes at JOHN MILLER’S. kinds of ammunition for sale by JOHN MILLER. FULL lino of Saddlery Hardware for sale bv JOHN MILLER. V AVERY description of Cuilerv! for salo JOHN MILLER. 1 <4 ««heap by N ««legant assortment of Pocket and Ta- Æ bio Cutlery for salo by J. MILLER. 4 and Whetstones, Tape and Chalk for sale at JOHN MILLER’S. O IL Lines, Kentucky Jacks for Sale. rtOL. GEOIU f E B. PA Y N E, OF 11ENI)ER- VJ son, Kentucky, has just arnv««d with past few j for plaintiff by default for $74.57 and EIGHT LARGE THOROUGHBRED KEN­ costs. TUCKY JACKS years, and there is room for more. James T. Glenn vs. Jesso Richard­ from that State, which he offers for sale. John Orth picked a piece of gold son ; suit to foreclose mortgage. De­ Any one wishing to buy can H««e them al weighing about a dollar out of one of Bybee’s farm, near Jacksonville. cree of foreclosure granted. ’/«ar They are from 2 td 7 years old. the walls of his brick building, where it James T. Glenn and Alex. Martin was doubtless inadvertently placed by UP. vs. J. W. McKay and wife; suit to tRe brick-layer, being mixed with the I foreclose mortgage. Decree granted. yrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT mortar. Who knows but what some James T. Glenn vs. II. A. Grigsby 1N the accounts of the firm of Manning »t of our brick buildings are built with lsh have been placed in mv hands fur col and wife ; suit to foreclose mortgage. lection. All persons indebted to said firn gold! are re«iuested to settle immediately. Decree granted. More amalgamating pans have been II. K. HANNA James T. Glenn vs. Jesse Gage and Ja<«ksonville, Sept. 2. 1S75. added to the Esther mill on Grave wife ; sait to foreclose mortgage. De­ creek. These pans will permit the Farms for Sale- ere«« granted. saving of all the gold and silver in the James T. Glenn and White it Mar­ Persons desiring to purchase good farms ore reduced by the mill, and will prove tin vs. W. B. Kincaid and wife and ■ of any size will do well to enquire of a great source of profit to the stock­ JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. holders.* Asher Marks, of Roseburg, Mary Ann Chambers ; suit to foreclose (ftlft A DAY at home. Agents wanted. the other day bought 6,000 shares of mortgage. Decree granted. £ 16 Outfit and terms free. TRU E CO., this mint. i James T. Glenn vs. Z. A. Garrison population DEALER & WORKER IN CALIFORNIA STREET, ; ¡ et al ; action to recover mining claim. 4.000 8,121 2,093 3,S21 1 iiii 7,820 4,'>42 .“>.022 1. 4.410 7,75» 5,150 3,01 >8 9,432 3,000 4.035 4,700 6,578 18,SOO '-,847 5, «>58 7.018 ‘ 4,01)0 ¡ not appear in the above list. E. R. RE AMES. T. G. REAM ITS. John Beckner et al vs. J. B. Coats 4 , / Í 4 1 expe­ t«>ur up the Coast. in S eat . — A S. --------- < ........ CI R< ' UIT ( « 1U KT 1 ‘ K« K EE I ) INGS. - -The has left Empire City on a prospecting put chased from Francisco findings confirmed and judgment giv­ sessed by the Assessor, hence they do . complete and first-class in every par­ ticular, having been 3,018 S«fiin* large tax-payers were not as- L. II. Zigler, formerly of. this place, Odd Fellows* Building, Mksonville, Oregon, vs. Edwin Morgan and wifi»; suit to 5 5S0 firmation of Sheriff’s sale. Sale con­ t».327 1 4,000 firmed. 7,199 B. F. Dowell vs. James A. Cardwell, 5.732 <>,112 ¡ administrator of the estate of Wallace 1.909 A. Gridley, W. C. Griswold and J. A. 2.«>«>9 . 5,132 Cardwell; suit in equity. Referee’s .> McCall ,«>83 W. <’. M ver................................... ........ . requested to be present, as business of White A Martin............................. ———— • ———---- — R emoved .—Reanies Bros, have r< - Ja««ob Isfi......................................... ......... Dr. Inlow........................................ Wm. Justus.................................... A. <'. Junes...................................... ......... ti a profe-oiitmal trip to l.inkviile. gtarui Tilden, ofeour.se. The Alden II. K. Hanna, E-q., left Sunday laH .?<•». Who will be our next ident question ; need of the money or its equivalent. ----------- P ersonal .—Hon. James K. Kelly atinel propounds this self-ev­ 'l’ln* White A Martin and James T. Glenn taken from the assessment rol To f 1876; • foreclose mortgage./ Decree granted. J. M. Cricket vs. John Dyer; con­ A. Alford....................... .8 2,591 ILi'kcl Amv......... 1 jndsey Applegate......... John Anderson........... Ash'and Woolen Mills... F. K. \nderson............ ITenrv Ammerman........... F. «<. Birdsev........... |). N. Birdsey................. F. Ba runburg............. Mciiitt Bellinger............... ..... <•. Ilcitrv 1 »leecher..................... Peter Britt......................... (>.S. Butler...................... 11. F. Barron....................... <'. U. Beekman...................... .1 imes Barnes.................. IL It. Brown ..................... R. II. Brown................................. Il««nrv «'as««y.................................. I». < ’hapman.................................... t >. Coolidge............................. Mrs. M. Colver.............. Mrs. M . A. Chambers.................. 1 Fisher A < 'aro............................... ..... . Fisher A Bro................................... ........ A. G. Fordvce............................... ......... Alfred «Jordon............................... «>s««ar «Laniard................................. ......... W. J. <»r««gorv................................ E. Graupner................................... ......... James T. < Henn............................. ......... James 1 lelms.................................. ......... John Holton................................... .......... James Hamlin............................... ..... . a K. KUBLI, De­ cree granted. of Jackson county, who pay taxes on $2,500 and over, or $50 and more, as Have you got your turkey ? Cui XTY et al; suit to foreclose mortgage. The following Is a list of tax-payers Items are scarce. THURSDAY,.......... NOVEMBER 3o, 1ST«. Krligioiis Ol It HEAVY |TAX-PAYEKN j LOCAL BREVITIES. the SETTLE Augusta, Maine. « CAUT.DRONS, CULTIVATORS, COPPER WARE, WHEEL-BARROWS, SHEET-IRON WARE, NEW BAKERY, I n M asonic B uilding , O regon S t ., JACKSONVILLE, OGN. _ M’O ODE .V A ND WIL L O W WA It E, STOVES. Always on hand a large lot of parlor, cook- i ing, otli««e, cabin stoves, of assorted sizes, plain and fancy, constructed on the latest fuel-saving plans. Boilers, kettles, pots, and everything connected with these stoves warranted durable and perfect. All articles sold or manufactured by him warranted. His work is made of the best material and of the choicest patterns. Orders attended to with dispatch an«l tilled according to directions. Ho is deter­ mined to sell at low prices for cash. I rnHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY DE- 1 sires to announce to the public that he is now prepared to fill all orders for cakes of every description, such as wedding cakes, 'cakes for parties, wine «lakes; also brown , and rye bread, ginger snaps and crackers. I Takes'orders on exchange. Prices reasuna- i ble and satisfaction guaranteed. ./¿T Fresh bread every day. W m . KREUZER. GREAT SACRIFICE! —IN— * LIQUORS BLACKSMITHING! ofall kinds, of the best brands,wholesale and retail. Also TOBACCO AND CIGARS. OUR MERCHANTS ARESELL- out at cost and freight, we ar«» ready A S t«> ing ALL do blacksmithing at com. and freight, but Tn connection with all these I have on hand I a large assortment of j must have the casii when the work is coin- I pleted. Shop on the corner of California GROCERIES ' and Main streets. SHANNON A BIRDSEY. j of all kinds—just what every married man i wants in his family. And if yon don’t be- ' li«*ve it, call and examine my stock before LAND FOR SALE. 1 purchasing elsewhere. JOHN BILGER, HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR Importer of farm implements and machines. sale240 acres of choice agricultural land, 175 acres under femte, situate«! in Josephine FOR SALE. county, Oregon. For information, enquire of John Bolt, Applegate, or at the rraridt-nct» LA FA Y ETTE A LLEN. 4 FLOURING MILL, ONE RUN OF , of 21 burrs, good water power, favorably lo­ cated in JCerbyville. For particulars, ad­ Tn QQA P°r at b°,ue« Sample« e’J 1 worth ÿl free. S tins W A dress J. B. SI FEES, Kerby ville, Josephine county, Oregon. Co., Portland*, Munte. T I