Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1876)
■ --»-r -r ' e hmmrant ®iww. Published Every Thursday Morning ßj RATES OF ADVERTISING CHAS. NICHELI ■«» Advertisements will be inserted in ths T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion....................... $3.00 “ each subsequent one.......... 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A tair reduction from the alxive rates made to yearly and time advertisers. S’early advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always at taken par. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Kates of Subscription : One copy, per annum,..............................$3.00 ft* six months.................................. 2.O0 14 1.00 three months,................. Invariably in Advance. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1876 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Ladies" and Gentlemen's PROFESSK)NAL (ARI>S. STATE OF OREGON. Governor......................................... L. F. Grover Secretary of State,................. ~S. F. Chadwick State Treasurer,........................... V H. Brown State Printer................................ M. V. Brown Sup’lof Public Instruction...L. L. Rowland A. C. JONES. RNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, JACKSONVILLE, OGN., i FIRsT JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . ............... P. P. Prim ............H. K. Hanna 1VNTY. <'ireuit Judge District Attor « County Judge,.............. County Commissioner! Sheriff,............................ Clerk,.............................. Treasurer,...................... Assessor,........................ School Superintendent Surveyor......................... Coroner........................... James Spence, M. D., H O M E O P ATI! 1C P II Y S 1 C I A N , w. ....I ...J. Hogue’s Ranch, near Kcrbyville. G. H. AIKEN, M. D., JOSEPHINE COUNTY. 1’11 Y SI (’IAN AND SURGEON, County Judge,.......................... M. F. Baldwin , ", . . I J. E. Sevferth, Jackson* lile. Oregon. County ( ommissioners,...... j „ Thnrilton. Sheriff,...........................................S. Messenger Clerk........................................... Chas. Hughes Treasurer,..................................................... Win. Nauck«* Assessor............................................. L P. Lewis School Su|»erintendent.................. L M. Smith J. A. CALLENDER. M. D., Surveyor,................................... W. N. Sanders Coroner.............................. Geo. s. Mathewson P H VS I (’ I A N A N D S U R G EON, LAKE COUNTY. County Judge............................... E. ('. Mason f S. (?. County Commissioners,...... A Tenhr(>ok< Sheriff.............. ............ i. ....... T. J. Brattain ........ R. . B. Hatton < 'lerk Treasurer.......... . .......................... ......... J. . L. Hanks Assessor.............................................. M- Rigg* School Su|»eriiitemleiit......... H. M. Thatcher >urvevor........ ..1’ rank Cheesnian muivr sittings . JarAxon County.— Circuit Court, second Monday in February, June and November. Countv Court, first Monday in each month. Joif-'p/iine Circuit Court, fourth Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc tober. County Court, first Monday in Jan uary, April. July and <letober. /.<«/.» f’ mmh P/.—Circuit Court, fourth Mon slav in June ; County Court, first Monday iu January, April, July and October. TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office at residence, on Fifth street, op posite the Court House. H. K. HANNA, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, Jacksonville. Oi’egon, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business left in my care. Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. C. W. KAHLER. E. »• WATSON. KAHLER & WATSON, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, [N. Fisher, President, M. <'atoii, David ('roneniiller, Trustee* J. Nunan, George Brown. Recorder,...................... .............. U. S. Hayden Treasurer,..................... ................. Henry Pape Marshal........................ ............ J. p. McDaniel St reel < <>mmi""i,>n<,r,. ................... J, ('. Weiss Will practice in the Supreme, District and other < 'ourts of this state. Office in Court House—-upstairs. H. KELLY, SOCIETY NOTICES. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Jarksoin ill.1 Lodge No. 10. 1.0. II. L, Holds Its regular meetings every Saturday eveningat the < hid Fal low’s Hall. Brothers in good standing are in cited Co attend. T. B. KENT, N. G. J. II. P enn , Rec. Sec’y. Jarksonvilk Stamiu No. IIs, I. 0. R. )l., Holds its regular meetings every Thursday evening at the Odd i ellow* Hall. Brothers in good standi^; are invited t<> attend. 1JEN SACHS, O. C. M ax M uller , R. S. —Orrfoni'tn Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, li:i- proved order of Red Men, holds it" CeJPk«* stated councils at the Red Men’" llnll the third sun in every seven suns, in the eighth run. A cordial invitation to all brothers in good standing. <’. W. SAVAGE, S. E. B. W atson , C. ot R. L and and M ineral D ecisions .— P ercheron H orses .—These horses Copp ’ s Eand Owner for November do not originate exclusively in Perche, A white woman was married to a reports a decision by the Secretary of as believed by many ; in fact this prov Chinaman in San Francisco on the FURNISHING and the Interior in effect as follows : 16 th. ince is rather devoted to raising hor y The filling of a declaration of a pre ses than to breeding them. The in Jules Brier committed suicide in emption statement before settlement telligent farmers of that section buy FANCY GOODS Boston on the 10th because Tilden does not invalidate a right in absence horses old enough to work, bred in was elected. of an adverse claim. All ex parte evi Vendee, Poiton, Bretagne, Normau- BOYS’ and GIRLS’ The granges of the United States dence filed after the close of the bear dy, Picardy, Artois and even in Cham have over $18,000,000 invested in their ing in a contested land case, before the pagne, Nivernais, Bourgogne and R EADY-MA I) E CLOTHING, various enterprises. local land officers, must be rejected ex Franche-Comete. These are selected cept as a basis for an application for a with good judgment from all the prin It is now thought probable in San Francisco that the difficulties in regard new hearing. All documents, all ex cipal races of French horses. Being BOOTS and SHOES, to the Lick trust will be amicably ar hibits, filed in the ease when the same the best specimens, their color, form have passed beyond tho jurisdiction of and style must correspond with what ranged. the General Land Office, must be is known as the Percheron horse. GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS A CHAIRS, Virgil S. Eggleston, formerly Pay passed ujion by the department proper, They are all well fed for one or two master of this military department, is and no paper thus filed should be re years and are thus inolified, “Per- engaged upon the Wayne county Jour ferred by the General Laud Office. CLOTHING, chises,” by the large amount of oats nal, published at Palmyra, N. Y. In school grants, where a party set fed by these farmers. They derive Small-pox is on the increase in San tled on land in the sixteenth or thirty their good qualities less from their an LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CIGARS. Francisco. Twenty-three cases were sixth section, lojg prior to the survey cestors than from the oat-sack (Magne.) received at the pest house last week, thereof, but hat exhausted his pre This idea may be a useful hint to some 15 being cured and only 4 deaths. emption privilege, he cannot by a American breeders who have been dis CROCKERY, ETC., There nre 50 patients in the hospital. homestead entry prevent the tract satisfied with the results of breeding from passing under the school grant. to Percheron stallions. It may also be A New York dispatch says : The Regarding swamp lands, it says that interesting to kn >w that the prestige At E. Jacob’s New Store, pool-room proprietors announce they to settle upon lands of a swampy char of gray color is losing ground, will pay no bets until the result is ab acter would raise such a doubt of the and the there is now a movement among Orth’s Brick Building, Jacksonville. solutely known, probably the 4th of settler’s good faith as, upon a proper the breeders produce Percheron of March. Meantime, something like application, to justify an order for an a bay or other to dark color.— California four millions of money is locked up. investigation. At such a hearing the Agriculturist. Grant is doubtless surrounding the ; character of the land at the date of the 4 LL OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD G uard N eeded .—If Hie robberies White House with troops to intimidate settlement shculd be determined. at the very lowest rates. Tf you don’t of the mail and express between Yre believe me, call and ascertain prices for Congress, when it meets in a few When notice of the selection of a tract vourselvi*. No humbug! weeks, from impeaching him and sum by the State is received at the local ka and Reading continue, Wells, Far All kinds ot produce and hides taken in marily kicking him out of office for in Land Office, the State should be no go & Co. may draw off the route, as it exchange for goods. 42tf. terfering with the Southern elections. tified before proof and payment is is a losing business to them, having It appears that the miners know’ made by the settler thereon. But hardly made expenses last year, and “EXCELSIOR” to lose money this year, if any better about the Black Hills than the where patents have been issued under liable geologists. The latter reported no the former ruling of the Interior De more raids are made on their treasure gold in paying quantities, yet a thou partment, cases will be considered rea box. As luck would have it, the rob bers missed the stages having large sand ounces were brought to Cheyenne judicata. Timber culture.—Land covered by quantities of gold dust on board, the by tho Black Hills coach on its last Oregon St.. Jacksonville, an invalid State section may be entered only extensive haul having been that trip. under the provisions of the Timber made by the robber who was killed, Fifteen negroes from various pre Culture Act, or otherwise subject and lhe treasure recovered by the ex PROPRIETOR. cincts in Ouachita parishes reported to thereto. press messenger. The express mes the Democrats of the St. Charles Ho senger and the Shasta count y officials P eculiarities of P ublic S peak have beeu hunting the stage robbers A A’I NG JUST RECEIVED A NEW tel, New Orleans, on the 21st, that al though they had been Presidents of ers .—An incident occurred towards for the past week, but up to the latest stock of Harness, Buggies and Car riages, I am now prepared to furnish my Republican clubs, they now leave them the close of the session of the House advices had discovered no traces of patronsand the public generally with as and gave reasons therefor. of Representatives, which illustrates them. The robbers appear to lay in FINE TURNOUTS Information has been received at lhe power of habit. Mr. Cannon, who wait for the stages cluse to Reading, is in the habit of applying his ideas or within twenty miles of that place, As can bo had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle Washington that a number of mem through the movement of the fore and evidently expect to escape by the horses hired to tro to any part of tho country. bers of Congress have already signified Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses their intention to offer amendments to finger of his right baud, desired to in railroad if closely pursued by the broke to work single or double. Horses terrupt Mr. Cox, who had the floor, in officers. If the mail is to be contin boarded, ami the best of care bestowed upon the Constitution of lite Uuited States order to reply then and there to a ually molested every other trip, the for the purpose of avoiding in future them while in my charge. the difficulties and dangers now at statement made by that witty gentle Yreka Journal says the contractors 7XTMY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. tending the election of President. man. Mr. Cox allowed Mr. Cannon to ought to call on the military authori take .the floor on the condition that he ties for a cavalry escort, which the A liberal share of the public patromure is Mr. Tilden cannot be inaugurated should keep his hands in his pockets Government is bound to furnish. solicited. W. J. PLYMALE. on the 4lh of next March—for the while speaking. The unsuspecting reason that that day falls on Sunday— Cannon accepted the condition, spoke U ncle S am ’ s F arm .—Hon. J. A. TWELFTH YEAR. and Grant’s term does not expire until a few words with his hands nervously Williamson, Commissioner of the Gen 12 o’clock, noon, of that day. Hence feeling for something in his pantaloon eral Land Office, has furnished to lhe the inauguration cannot take place un pockets, forgot himself, pointed a Secretary of the Interior a synopsis of ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. til Monday. From 12 o’clock, Sunday, threatening index finger at Cox, and the forthcoming annual report, of CONDUCTED BY until inauguration, the acting Vice sat dow n amid roars of laughter. which the following are the main President, Senator T. W. Ferry, of The New York IForZtZ, commenting points of interest: The cash receipts THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES Michigan, will be the President of the upon ¡his humorous incident, mentions aggregated $1,747,215. The total | United States. their peculiarities, while speaking, of a number of acres of public lands dis The late Oregon Legislature amend number of Congressmen. Mr. Cox posed of during the year was 7,424,- he scholastic year of this school will commence about tho end of ed the attachment law so as to provide walks up and down the aisle ; Eugene 227, of which 2,875,910 acres were ab August, and is divided in four sessions, that an attachment may be sued out to Hale speaks with his coat buttoned; sorbed by homestead entries ; 707,985 often weeks each. hold property of the defendant until Mr. Frye bends his back ; Mr. Thur acres were’obtained by entries under Board and tuition, per term,............ •.$40.00 man waves a red handkerchief; John the timjer culture law; 1,008,000 Bed and Rodding................................. ... 4.00 the questions at issue in the suit are Drawing and painting........................ ... 8.00 decided. The affidavit of the party Sherman plays with Morton’s crutch, acres were approved to various States Piano...................................................... ... 15.00 suing out an attachment need not and Mr. lloar smiles blandly and con as swamp lands; 4,001,778 acres were Entrance fee, only once.................... ... 5.00 certified to railroads under laud grants "tate that the affiant believes the de tinually. SELECT day school . of Congress, and 640,692 acres were Primary, per term,................................... $ 6.00 fendant is endeavoring to put his prop A somewhat amusing incident is disposed of by ordinary cash sales. Junior, “ .................................... 8.00 erty out of his hands to defraud his Senior, “ .................................... 10.00 creditors, but that he is justly indebted told of a woman whose husband, a The total disposals were 545,945 acres Pupils are received at any time, and spe to the affiant and that tho same has wealthy man, died suddenly without less tnan those of the preceding year. leaving any will. The widow desir 21,806,517 were surveyed during the cial attention is paid to particular studies in behalf of children who have but limited not been paid. ous of securing the whole of the prop fiscal year, and 680,253,094 acres had time. For further particulars apply at the The Czar Alexander receives, in erty, concealed her husband’s death, been previously surveyed, leaving yet Academv. round numbers, $25,000 a day income; and persuaded a poor shoemaker to to be surveyed in the land States and the Turkish Sultan, $18,000 ; the Em take his place while a will could be Territories of the United States, THE peror of Austria, $10,000 ; the Emper made. Accordingly he was closely 1,132,665,344 acres. or of Germany, $8,200 ; the King of muffled in bed, as if very sick, and a CITY DRUG STORE, Italy, $6,440 ; the Queen of England, lawyer was called in to write the will. L ouisville , Ky., Nov. 17.—Mr. $6,270 ; the King of the Belgians, $1,- The shoemaker, in a feeble voice be Henry Watterson telegraphs to the JACKSONVILLE, 743 ; the President of the French Re queathed half of all the property to Courier-Journal, from New Orleans, public, $500 ; the President of the lhe widow. “What shall be done with that the returning board shows con United Slates, $146, and yet, notwith the remainder ?” asked the lawyer. clusively its intention to proceed with HE NEW FTRMOF KAHLERtfr B ro . standing this latter fact, there are hun “The remainder,” replied he, I give out fear or shame in counting out Til have the largest and most complete dreds of good citizens who aspire to and bequeath to the poor little shoe den’s majority. In conversation with assortment of be President of this great country. maker across the street, who has al Senator Stevenson yesterday, Gov. DRUGS, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, The privilege of withdrawing bests ways been a good neighbor and a de Kellogg admitted that of the votes Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also made on the result of the Presidential serving man ;” thus securing a rich cast, Tilden had unquestionably re the latest and finest styles of election which was accorded on the 22d liequest for himself. The widow was ceived a majority. He speaks in se by John Morrissey to those of the bet thunderstruck with the man’s auda vere terms of ex-Gov. Wells, stating STATIONERY, ting fraternity who had deposited wa cious cunning, but did not dare to ex that this man has the destiny of the And a groat variety of PERFUMES and gers in his hands was taken advantage pose the fraud; and so two rogues United States in his hand, but there is no hope of fair play from him wHotn TOILET ARTICLES, including the bestand of by a large number of betting men. shared the estate. cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER Sheridan once removed from office for Bets were withdrawn by tlie mutual FUMED SOAPS in this market. S mall S eeds in a P ound . — The being, as he said, an impediment to Prescriptions eareftillv compounded. consent of those making them, Mor number of seeds of wheat in one the execution of the laws. Mr. Wat 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. rissey iu every case being allowed to terson reports having seen over 100 deduct the amount of his commission pound is 10,500. pound one The number of seeds in colored Democratic leaders, who deny TABLE ROCK SALOON for holding stakes. Morrissey said last of barley is 15,400. the statements of Packard ; also, hav evening his actions had been with the OREGON STREET, seeds in pound one The number of ing examined the affidavits of 500 desire of accommodating those of his oats, 20,000. of other colored Democrats, who bear tes WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. patrons who preferred to call their seeds in one The num her of pound timony to the fact that they voted of wagers off. of rye, 23,000. their own free will. The person who suggested there was seeds in one pound The number of rpiIE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL- O il C loths .—If a little milk is put l known and popular resort would in great anxiety to make Blaine presi of buckwheat, 25,000. form their friends and the public generally dent of the Senate, so that in case of The number of seeds in one pound into the last water they were washed that a complete and tirst-elass stock of the trouble he could be President after the with, it will keep them bright and of rod clover, 246,600. best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and 4th of March, happened not to remem clean longer than clear water. I used The number of seeds in one pound porter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. ber that Blaine ’ s present term will ex They will be pleased to Have their friends it upon the Japanned hearth of the of white clover, 686,400. “call ami smile.” pire on the 4 th of March, and that he h eater.— Exchange. CABINET. could not be made president of the T he S ame .—An Irishman being ? A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found Senate this winter and hold over into little fuddled was asked what his re I cing .—Take the yolk of an egg, a here. We would be pleased to have persons possessing curiosities and specimens bring next Congress by reason of the expira ligious belief. “Is it me belafe ye’d little butter melted, beat well together, them in, and we will place them in the Cab tion of his term with this Congress. be asking about ?” said he. “Il’s the put on your cake, sift on sugar, and inet for inspection. Ferry is in the same situation, and same as the widely Brady. I owe her set in the oven a few minutes. WINTJEN A HELMS. __________ . .. —----- • after the counting of the vote will bo twelve shillings for whisky, and she Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. K id gloves for ladies now reach to ' likely to resign as president, so that belavps 1’11 niver pay her; and faith the shoulders, and soon ladies will QEND 25c. to G eo . P. R owell A Co., New one of the Senators not expiring next that’s my belafe too.” 0 York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, con March will be elected ; otherwise have to take off all their clothes in Ol- taining lists ©f 3,000 newspapers, and esti der to get on their gloves. ¡S ubscribe for the T imes . i there will be interregnum iu office. mates showing cost of advertising. H I JAMES S. HOWARD, U.S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR * FOR JACKSON, Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. < official surveys made and patents obtained at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining Laws and Decisions at my office in Jack sonville, < »regon. FURNITURE WARE-ROOM » Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., ----------------- T DAVID LINN Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of furniture, consisting of Ruth Rrbfkah Drsrrr Lodge No. 1, I. 0. 0. I., Holds its regular meetings on every other Monday evening at Odd Fellows Hall. Members in good standing are invited to attend. JOHN MILLER, N. G. S ol . S achs . R. S. BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, TABLES, GUILD MOULDINGS, STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. FARMERS’ HOTEL, PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, ORTH’S BUILDING, OREGON STREET, Jacksonville, Oregon. Board and Lodging. Boa til......................... Single meals............. Lodging..................... $5 per week 4 ♦* - 4» . ...... 50 cents ....... 50 cents RS. WILLIAMS TAKES THIS METH- od of informing the public that site is prepared to furnish board by the week, day or single meals, at reasonable terms. The table will constantly be supplied with the l>est the market affords. No Chinese em ployed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Give ane a call and judge for yourselves. MRS. WILLIAMS. Jacksonville, Nov. 26, 1875. WILL. JACKSON, Dentist, ETC.. ETC. Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on hand and made to order. Planing done on reasonable terms. JAX Undertaking a spe cialty. JOHN L. CARTER &, SON. PAINTERS. E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO all kinds of Painting, including W HOUSE PAINTING, SIGN PAINTING, O RN A M ENT A L PA INTI NG, WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. Orders from tlje country promptly attend ed to. 21. EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. C alifornia S treet , Proprietor. S. P. JONES, VERY OPERATION PERTAINING TO the jaw skilfully performed at reasona ble rates. No more credit will be given after the first of January, 1876. 1 will take all kinds of produce. < Iffice ami residence on corner of Califor nia and Fifth streets, Jacksonville. New Boot and Shoe Store, C alifornia S treet , Jacksonville, Oregon. but the choicest and best Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars N one kept. DRINKS, 12 J CENTS. NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t PW Families needing anything m our line eamilways lie supplied with the purest and best to be found on the Coast. Give me a call, and you will be well satisfied. All Hinds of Job Printing vl iving permanently located * in Jacksonville, the undersigned re H spectfully informs the public that he is pre part’d to do all kinds of work in the boot and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran teed. « i Oregon. Jacksonville, NEATLY A CHEAPLY EXECUTED The Times Office A.\D NEWN. i JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, ; WESERAL NOTEM T