-F ■ urn > iwi> Uhr ;Tlrmoti"atit times. 6. ) 0 rifili P’ipcr for JnrUon. Josephine X DiV. THUUSD \ y » it N- »VEM BER ‘J !. !""■ n i.• !> «s. Tbn di-r-'t ‘be* < learb* In lie»ito that the Radical I«*a«lers are d< terminod to fraudulently count 1! iyes in. rl’ho majorities that Tilden received in Txwisiana, Florida and South Carolina all stand for naught. The canvassing Boards of those .States, composed of carpet-luggers of no character, negroes who can neither read or write, and candidates for office, all under tho con­ trol of unscrupulous Radical politician*, will endeavor to virtually annul the fair expression of the people of tho en­ tire Union. ted plat That this was a pre-ca ■* V doni t there can no longer I • Grant’s prwl unatinn an 14 th< . u quent movements of the army H .X 1 that way. Before, during ami tho election, everything W’.s cuie U there was no disposition on th ■ 1 > » > ( * • anybody to create tr.v.l»!»* ; tin * » the only solution to G nt’s ext.r.ordi- nary orders is th it hi» n*.<»t;ves wt re to put back-bone into lho*e canvass; boards. i The conduct of the-'e boards here fore has b 'en anything but legal a id honest. They have twice counted < ut a bona fide maj >rity in Louisiana, a 111 a Republican Congressional Commi reported that fact to the country. U. S. Senate al*o refused to t Pinehbaek into that bodv fur tha * •V son. If these men acted this way t \V< and four years ago, what are the At ?r- ictn people to expect now ? It must also be rentembert w ' i 4 th a ♦ I Ü Administration upheld the * m their vile treachery against iron eminent. The difference now that the whole country is inter ■e; cil , » il the result, and tho people wiil ¡i ♦ I low these scoundrels to dc-it >;* I i r liberties nor subvert the Lone t e pression of their ballot«. i : We appeal to honest R eni I.( II and ask them to reflect an I U *e their ■ voices and influence again: this al- tempted outrage. How 1 mg ■ before the chalice may be hT 1 to y< r.ir lips. and then what ? The sJety of tlm Re- public appeals to tho patrioti-m of the people. They should unite, irrespec­ tive of party, and frown down this at­ tempt to destroy the corner-stone or our free institutions, If these de-1 rate Radical leaders succeed hi Ili. •if unlawful and despotic scheme*, 4 I u bun of liberty has set.” A Similar <«*♦■. *-■■■» - j » !>K. MASTS Ik’l.itaiii.i:. ■ 1 - ».wi r i ■»-> 4ii:.V Ell If. NOTES I I.» IH. I —IW ANI» NEWS. A Nntural < ouscqtieiice. I NEW STORE! I I T. G. REAMES. REAMES BROS., I, has I i'!l The Honorables Lyman Trumbull, H i ves’ majority in Ohio is only 7,516. I w. Watt*, one «d the Lli'cturs uu the J,><> Dion br>at Garnier in the billiard match John M- Palmer, W. R. Morrison, ! l • 4 i I o' < chi ticket in thi*Slat(‘, wasin- in New York for $1,000 and a medal. (Successors to White tì 4 H Ebxtor. 'i”ic I hv tor wa* I*<»* t- Democrats who, by request, are at New General Uro >k will prosecute the Indian I nri'tiT at l.afiyi •».> on tho 7th of No­ u ir during the Winter most vigorously. Orleans to be present at the Louisiana vember I i-t, ;tn < Ji y of tru-t and profit, S iting Dull has gone north with 2,500 war­ count, invited J. A. Garfield, W. D. C AI . IIX > R NIA STR E ET, w hieh disqnlifi s him for the new riors. Kelley, J. A. Kasson, John A. Dix, Tho Commi-sionor of Agriculture, during Itl« 4 I t •• ** is pl iin!y ;». (• he sought, John A. Logan and the Republican* the p:iro.vi< les f»>r tho I ll<>n. Phil. A. Roach and Horace Davis, through committees, as m iy be deemed appoi. ting of Electors by tho several Coiigiv"-m in-elect, addressed a monster an- most wise, so that such influence u« LOW PRICES WILL WIN Slate*, and *ay s: “No Senator or ti-Uoolie meeting at San Francisco ou I they possess may bo exerted iu behalf I 15th insl. Renresrntati ve, or person holding an I of such a canvass of the vote actually United State» troops are garrisonod all office of trust or r pi . Jit under the Uni- JUST OPENED over tho city of Now Orleans, and several I cast as by Its fairness and impartial­ ¡TRIE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- tod St- , Shull !>e appoiuted act Etec- United States gunboats and men-of-war aro I ity shall command tho respect and ac­ 1 uro in notifying their friend* *nd the I public generally th;*. they have purchased in the hurbor. tor.” quiescence of the American people of I the stock of White ,V Martin, ami are now The National Grange, Patron of Hus­ all parties.” '(Tort w?.* mads by Mr. Watts, Notwithstanding this On the corner of Oregon and Jackson Sts., . receiving and opening a very large, exten- bandry, commenced their fourth annual | site and well-selected assortment of its H » S( > S »llaee, <>f Vermont, who is in opposite Odd Fellow’s Hall, session at ('hic.igoon the 15th, with John T. very fair and honorable proposition, the actlv ■ tin* .*3 ne fix, to remedy their Jones, ot Arkansas, in the ehair. Republican representatives perempto­ di'ij ialiiieat; n by re-signing before a Milton Hal!, of Linn county, throws rily refused to any such conference. cert ili »te of eie timi wa* issued ; but everything in the pumpkin line ’way into This is another proof that they don’t Oregon, J ackson ville, BOOTS AND SHOES, iì provi'.* to be of ti‘> avail, tts the fer­ tin shade. He has one on exhibition in Al­ want to do the fair thing, but pro- bany measuring 7 teet.3 inches in cireumfor- tili.'ate is only an evidence ot election enceand weighing l"7'z pounds. pose to count Hayes in—though the California & Salem Coths and Blankets, I tor, and their ineligibility ou 4*H 4 J« 'l’lio Republican < .'overnor of North Caro­ people have emphatically decreed that WITH AN ENTIRE tho 7 h of November of four e pr> lina will refuse to grant certificates to the Tilden is elected^ Let them beware Î4i a’.v fact <>f their election. The Democratic electors there if the Governor of how they subvert the popular will. .•nate passed on this question < 'a'iiornia p rsi -ts in acting in the same wav U. S. toward the Republican candidates in his AC J RIC ULTUR AL IM P LEM ENTS, Alni it It. »V. V ince, of North Carolina, when NEW STOCK OP GOODS ’ S.ate. I I I a-l;« d r ad:ni*si»in to that body. Thi* A correspondent writing to us from Salem The Republican leaders and press Hats and Caps 'M’ltl, tn m was elected to the Senate requests us to ask, ••Why has not tho Depu­ admit that the Democrats have carried I e N-Tth Uir lina Legislature. At ty Marshal made arrests in Marion county —CONSISTING OF— Louisiana and Florida on the actual LADIES, CHILDREN A MISSES SHOES. oir? he W.i ! elected his disabilities for illegal voting?” We might answer by saying because tho illegal votes were cast votes cast, but propose to throw out lot !«f eti removed, but subse ,uent- for the Radical candidates. several Democratic precincts because, « 1 Senate rejected In 1ST'!, live per cent, more merchants as they say, intimidation and fraud We have al*o In enmioctinn with the above tliat he was not failed than in 1*75. In the nine months the were practiced. Everybody knows a very large and tine stock ot choice I : fro I •a January 1st to Oct ober 1st, 1*76, there if his election. at that a quieter and more orderly elec­ i the Republicans ! we:•e 800 more failure s occurred than in 1 GROCERIES GLASSWARE, QUEENS tw<- Ivo nu nt h* of 1875, with an excess of tion never occurred in those States. It r agnation as P >*t- loss to merchants, thi s year over last, of claim CLOTHING, WARE, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, I I is plain that these Radical managers gible, in the next ove r s.'5,000,000. r propose to defraud the American peo ­ PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, WIN­ » i The department of admissions of t he Cen­ ♦4 ple out of their free and honest choice tennial Exhibition has just finished the I DOW GLASS, CAST AND through the flimsiest pretexts and in » aunt of visitors to the grounds on Friday, 4. HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES STEEL I»L< >WS, WO< »D- t!io closing day, and this completes the the most infamous manner. There is 11 oilicial record of admissions during the six no doubt whatever but that Tilden has EN AND WILLOW i : ♦ in »nths extending from May 10 to Nov. 10. I carried all three of these doubtful GROCERIES, ive no legal standing. Dr The Exhibition was open 1 .’>6 days. During States and secured 203 electoral vote", that time the paid admissions wereS,004,325. V ¡» iren,t defect clevis thoquoi The free admissions were 1,735,067. Total or eighteen more than a majority ; but » I a r« reiving tl,.e noxt highes ♦ I admissions, 9,7*9,392. The total roeeijils tho Republican leaders seem to think 1 We are now ready to sell anything in onr line at lowest cash prices. Persons wishing were $3.*13,749,75. The average daily total « «il ' vol.•* for i’r: ‘J? 1 (.1 (J 1 4, lei I 1 to buy goods will find it greatly to their ad­ that it lies altogether with the scala ­ admissions were 61,56*. 'The average daily Hardware, Cutlery and Crockery, vantage to examine our stock before pur­ re -eipts were wag returning boards and themselves chasing els»*wh<>re. as we are determined not been arrived at A . is conclusion h is to be undersold by any house in Jackson whether they aro to be placed where A trae í’icture. county. umny cases s ¡tulla r 10 tho c nu m they belong or not. But let them go j^viiive us a call, and then judge for (1 !!(•** ’ if)!) andtho lîoU se of Represcn- yourself as to our capacit y to furnish goods The San Francisco i'janiiner gives slow in this game. The people are as above. REAM1-SS BROS. tati ves h: is establ; shed a precedent in the following true picture of the coun­ not fools or idiots, but know full well I Jacksonville. Feb. 12, 1875. iho ca*e, which i s giv en by a curre- try had tho Radicals been successful what is transpiring. I land Stan ,f, .r the suffrages of hi* fellow citizens. 1 ii>election will give a check to the evils which were demoraliz­ ing i.ur social systei i, which were wasting Hie productive energies ot the people, and which were rapidly changing the Govern­ ment from its original form to a cent ralized despot i >m.' ’ Thank.jl ving CHEAPEST in the State. Pwlamal ion. In accordance with time-honored custom, and in acknowledgment of abundant blessings which have been vouchsafed to the people of this Stale at the hand of an All-wise I’rovid-ncc during the year now drawing to a dos •, I recommend the observance of Thursday, the «30th day of November, 1876, as a day of thanksgiving and [»raise to Almighty God, the giver of every good and perfect gift. ■—'—' . In testimony whereof, I ■ L. s. have hereunto set my hand * » ■ ami caused the seal of said Statu to be affixed, at the city of Sa­ lem, this 13th day of November, A. I). 1876. L. F. GROVER. By the Governor : S. F. i ha D wick , Socrel iry of Slate. —ANI U. S. PIANO COMPANY, 81H BROADWAY, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE NEW YORK CZTV, H. T Make Only Style and Have But One Price. Ih.n !">imps' Some of the Republican0, in thei taking his t i partisan zeal, hold that the returning take the oat boards of Louisiana, Florida and Sautii Ji !y 2d, 18( California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. ♦ • the House I Carolina have a right to throw I 1 .i. 4 LWAYSON HAND THE BIXT STOCK counties and precincts where t A of Patent ami II >mc-m i It* Rille ami ouse SENT O?s TRI AT i Shot Guns, single ami double; Revolver* think intimidation and fraud have b Or, the 27th of May, ¡870, of the la.« -t nt* ; I'ockrt 1'istols, m at, practiced. Now let us supposo small ami powerful ; Derringers, the latest ittee on < leclion* reported same ease in California, for the sak ! ami l>e*t; also, the lx—t I’owderaml Pow- > No Agents. No Discounts. der T’la*k* ; limning ami pocket knifes < f Lt wing resolution : Comparison. Great frauds are kni « > the best braml*; all sorts of' Shot ami duly R ’r‘d. That A. S. Wallace No Hunger. No Commissions. to have been practiced in the cour. Pouches; Caps, Wads ami everything in < o ti­ lccted a member of the F<»rty-1 the Sportsman's line. J.R.CMl XlttS. Ahi gri -i* !r m th'* Fourth Di-trictof >*outh Car ­ of San Francisco, Sacramento an»l . 4 A « A The Radicals who wore so loud for He will also keep a full line of SHELF olina <1 is entitled to lhe beat, he claims in I ♦ HARDWARE, Nail* xml Ro|.<'ofall kinds meda, where the Republican vote and tin* House. war if Tilden was elected, since they I Tho latest now» indicate no particu­ SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. and sizes. Carpenters’ ami Wajem-Makers, majority aro swelled out of all propor­ Under the operation of the previous found that they made fouls of them­ 7’ools. a complete assortment of Table ami lar change in tho Preaidantial question, ex­ Pocket Cutlery, together with a full supply tions. Suppose the Board ot Canvas­ question, this resolution was passed, selves by not submitting to tho verdict cept that South Carolina ia reported to have MAILED FREE. ot Paints, Oil*. Varnishes, Glass, etc. sers of that State, which is Democratic, Speaker Bhd.no in tho chair, am! on of tho pooplo gracefully, aro trying to gono from *250 to 953 majority for Hayes, The above good* are all of the best qual­ ity, and will be sold Sheriff ’ s Sale. though the .Democrats get the Governor and should throw* out the«-e counties and the same day Mr. Wallace presented throw the responsibility on tho Demo­ several of the State oflicerH. Florida has un­ CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION thereby give tho State to Tilden. himself and was sworn in as a mem­ crat*. The [xx,r fellow* got insane doubtedly gone for Tildon by from 460 to New guns j duly issued by tho Clerk of the Circuit made to order, and repairing Great would be the hue and cry uf the ber. Here, therefore, we have the prec- over their defeat and knew not what 1,000 majority ; but a very suspicious action I • Court of Oregon for Josephine county, and promptly • «lorn- and ’ *" in good ’ atyle. All or- ’............. to ine directed, in favor of Etwrence Leon ­ ders tilled with dispatch. is taken by Governor Stearns when he Republicans thereat. No language edvl't ’••nt of cf the House of Representa- they said, si.ys the ¿Standard, and ard and against E. A. Higgins, Thomas 27tf. JOHN MILLER would lx? suflicient in which to express ti e.s in i tvor of lhe doctrine that votes should not be held responsible for it, usurps authority to count the votes for Elec­ Higgins, William Higgins and John Hig­ tors himself. Tho t it nation in Louisiana is gins, for the sum ot $3»>0.3o, U. S. gold I their condemnation of such proceed­ CilS t for r.’» ineligible candidate are of any moro than any other lunatics. unchanged. “O, Lord, how long ?” coin, together with costsand accruing costs, » I have levied upon and will on ings. And yet this is precisely the no effect, ami in favor of the doctrine rn They have been successful so long in !*o that the candidate receiving the their political contests that they did Monday, December 11. 1876, same case as is presented i’i Louisir.na, al... ASHLAND, OREGON,« Nctico to Tax-Payers ! next highe- t number of votes i, although between the hours of nine o'clock a . m . and Florida and South Carolina. Let the not know how to take defeat when it four o’clock r. m . of said day, ofTer for sale not a majority, is entitled to be recog- Republicans be at least consistent in nized as elected, As this is a prec- i came. Don’t be alarmed. There will rpiIE UNDERSIGNED SHERIFF OF for cash in hand to the highest bidder at the Court House door in the town of Ker­ the premises. Let not their yreed for edent of a Republ jcan House of Rep- : t:e no war. Tho people, Republicans L Jackson county, Oregon, will moot the byville, in said county, the following de­ tax-payers of said county, for the purpose office and power overcome their good rt sentatives, we trust our Republican as well tis Democrats, will see that I of receiving taxes, on tne following days in scribed premises, to-wit : interest in a certain min­ anufacture and build all acquiesce right prevails, no matter what a few their respective precincts, at their usual ing Four-sevenths sense, if they have any. Corhiinly friends wiil m iost cheerfully acquie ditch and mining claim situated on Red . kinds of mill and mining machinery, places of voting, and will remain in each in the action uf our State officers, in castings, thimble skeins, and irons, brass Dog creek, in said comity, or the entire in ­ precinct from 9 o’clock a M., until 4 o’clock that which is sauce for the goose ought terest of said defendants in said premises. eastings and Babbitt metal. Beils exist. ca-e they shall, (as v c hold they must I disappointed Radicals may want, Til- 1*. M., ot each day, to-wit SI M E( IN M ESS ENG ER, Farming machinery, engines, house fronts, to be so for tho gander. \>y virtue of their oath of office) with­ 1 den wiil bo declared the President, Applegate.......................... November 9th Sheriff of Josephine county, Oregon. stoves, sewing machines, Idacksmith-work, 44 Union Town...................... hold the certificate of election from, a and the people will say atneu. 10th and all work wherein iron, steel or brass is Dated at Kerbyvillcj Nov. 8, 1876. The .Next Cuu^rew. 44 Sterlmgville ....................... liti: used, repaired. Parties desiring anything person ineligible by the constitution of 44 Manzanita.......................... 20th in our line will do well to give us a call be­ Trouble» Them. 44 Enough i3 known to establish the his country frem holding the office of Willow Springs................. 21st WANTED ! fore going elsewhere. All work done with tí o-> 1 i Elen................................ fact that the next House of Represen­ Elector, and shall give the certificate neatness ami dispatch at reasonable rates. 44 The fact that Dr. Watts was ineligi­ Ashland............................. 23<1 z-£T Bring on your old ™ THROUGH TICKETS, 12) C ents , Sheriff and Tax-Collector of Jackson Co. 1871, and now command 92 to 93 Judge Dowell renders a lengthy de­ Lights give place to men of greater cents. The Governor attributes this cision on this case in his last issue, but, LAGER ! LAGER ! ! character though of less preten Jons ; FOR SALE. to the confidence the people have in unfortunately for the Republicans, the HOICE WINKS, LIQUORS AND Ci­ but this loss to the Radicals will be in gars constantly on hand. The reading the government of their own choice. Judge sits in a Court of his own, and table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ a great measure made up by the reap­ THE EAGLE BREWERY. 4 FLOURING MILL, ONE RUN OF The Governor congratulates the people his hefty opinion avails them not. cals and leading paper* of the Coast. JTL burrs, good water power, favorably lo- pearance of the “widow” Butler from I of Alabama and the country up. hi tho cated iu Kerbyville. For particulars, ad­ TiiO <1 Í1OI1. Massachusetts. dress • J. B. SIFERH, settle up HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, election of Tilden and Hendricks, Kerbyville, Josephine county, Oregon. The Republican majority in the Sen­ has now on hand and is constantly man­ The Democrats liavo elected Tilden which he says has been achieved with­ ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ate will be small, perhaps c nsiderably upon a fair and square vote, and it now Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to Farms for Sale- out blood or violence or force, and ha* the accounts of the firm ot Manning suit purchasers. Call and test the article. less than it has been for many years. Ish have been placed in my hands for col remains to be seen whether there is covered the patriotic people of the Persons desiring to purchase good farms ¿11,) A DAY at home. Agents wanted lection. All persons indebted to said tirir We w.ll give the names of themem- United States with never failing and I virtue enough left in the American of any size, will do well to enquire of : ____ • ___ ■ ■ ■ A 1 Outfit and terms free. TRUE A CO. are requested to settle immediately. beis of both Houses as soon as possible. imperishable honor. 11. K. llANNA I people to see him inaugurated^. JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. Augusta, Maine. $200.00 ! B THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, M D C T . N Jacksonville, Sept. 2, 1675.