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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1876)
ihr spnncrrntxr W fUnwrratic ®imw. A j Published Every Thursday Morning By n CHAS. NICKELI RATES OF ADVERTISING. r 4 Advertisements will be inserted in tteo T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion.......................... $3.00 “ each subsequent one............ LOO I<egal advertisements inserted reasonably*. A tair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut ed, and at reasonable rates. C oemy W ahhaxt * always at taken par. tDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. / \ ^fll Itntes of Kiib«t<*ript4on : .«.3.00 One copy, per annum,....................... A4 six months,...................... 44 three months,.................. Iur<irial>ly tn A>fanee. 2.00 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 16, y 1876 VOL. VI 1.IM1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Ladies' and Gentlemen's PROF ESS ION AL (’AR DS. STATE <>F ORF.OON Governor,.........................................L- F-Grover i A. C. JONES, Si-cretarv of State............................ F. Chadwick ATTORNEY A COUNSE LOR-AT-L AW, State Treasurer............................... If- Brown State Printer..................... M • V. Brown Siip'l of Public Instruction... L. L. Rowland JACKSNVILLE, 00N., FIRST JUPU’LAL DISTRICT. JACKSON COUNTY. G. H. AIKEN, M. D., ('ounty Judge,.............................. Silas I. Day i _ . (Samuel Furrv, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, County Commissioners...... • Abrsun Mjner< ....J. W. MiUining Sheriff, Jackson vil<% Oregon. ..... E. D. Foudray ('lerk,.i Treasurer,............................. ................ John < >rth i Assessor,............................... ....W. A. Childers Office—One door west of the W. U. Tele School Superintendent,... ......... E.J. Farlow graph otlice. ........J. S. Howard Surveyor........................... ........Dr. Callender Coroner............................. J. A. CALLENDER. M. D., JOSEPHINE COUNTY. County Judge.................. .......... M. F. Baldwin J J. E. Sevferth, County Commissioners ....... ( II. Thornton. ............. S... Messenger Sheriff,................. ........... Chits. Hughes Clerk,.................... . ............. Wm. Naueke Treasurer,.......... .................. J. P. Lewis .Assess« »r.............. School Superintt lent,............... J. M. Smith .....................W. N. Sanders Surveyor,............ .......... Geo. S. Mathewson Coroner................ P II Y S I C I A N A ND SURGEON, LAKE COUNTY. ATTORNEY a COUNSELOR AT LAW, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. jafT Office at residence, on Fifth street, op posite the Court House. H. K. HANNA, County Judge.................................. E. C. Mason ., ... i S. <Mos-*, < ounty Commissioners,.......< A Ten|,r^k< Jacksonville, Oregon, Sheriff............................ T. J. Brattain Clerk................................................. R. B. Hatton Treasurer........................................... I. L. Hanks Assessor................................................... M. Riggs School Suiierintendeiit...... H. M. Thatcher Surveyor..................................Frank Cheesman court srrriNos. Jackson C'»oit>i.— Circuit Court, second Monday in February, June and Novemlier. County Court, first Monday in each month. Jwphine - i'ouuO/.— Circuit Court, fourth Monday in i April ami fourth Monday in < »<•- (•»ber. 'County Court, fust Monday in Jan- uarv, April, July and <h-tober. ('«<»iff7.—Circuit Court, fourth Mon- .lay in J line ; Countv Court, first Monday in January. April. J illy and < h-tober. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business left in my care. Otlice in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. KAHLER & WATSON, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, I I Will practice in the Supreme, District and ot her ('ourts of t his State. Ollier in Court House—upstairs. H. KELLY, ( N. FiMier, President, | M. Caton, .. ' I>av¡«I <'ronemiller, j J. Nunan, ( George Brpwn. ............... .....U.S. Hayden .'..................... H\nrv Pape ................... J... P. il.’Ditniel >r .............. J. (.’. Weiss ► I JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. Trustees, E. B. WATSON. C. W. KAHLER. I ATTORNEY A COUNS ELOR-AT-LAW, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business en trusted to mv care. /tv.“ Otlice o[»posite Court House. U.S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR llofils its regular meetings e\erv *» •• Saturday eveningat the Odd Fel- ow’s Hall. Brothers in good standing are ncited to attend. T. B. KENT, N. G. J. H. P enn , Ree. Sec’y. FOR JACKSON, Josephine am! Curry* counties, Oregon. (Hlicial surveys made ami patents obtained at reasonable rates. Full copies ot Mining Lawsand Decisions at my otlice in Jack sonville, < »logon. I JttrksoiHille Stamm No. ll\ I’. I). R. M., Holds its regular meetings every Thursday evening at die < hid Fellows Hall. Brothers in good standing are invited to attend. BEN SACHS, O. C. M ax M i ller , R. S. FORNITURE WARE-ROOM 1 I Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., Oregon. Jacksonville, I)rt‘?oiii;in I’orali tulus Tribe No. 1. Im- i>rov<l order ♦it Red Men, holds its stated councils at tire Red Men's Hall the tImd sun in every seven suns, in the eighth mil. A cordial invitation to all brothers in good standing. ( . W. SAVAGE, s. E. B. W atson , C. ot R. LAVID LIO I Keeps constantly on hand a tuli assortment oi furniture, consisting ot Holds its reirtilar commiini<*atioiis on the Wednesday evenings or pre I ceding the full moon, in Jacksonville, Ore gon. T. G. REAMES, W. M. M ax M uller , Sec'y. ---------- ------------ n C Rnth Rebekah Drsrer Lodge No. I, I. 0. 0. F., BUREAUS, TABLES, GUILD MOULDINGS, STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, (HAIRS OF ALL KINDS. PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, Holds its regular meetings on every other Monday evening at Odd Fellows Hall. Memtiers in good standing are invited to attend. JOHN MILLER, N. G. Sol.. S achs , R. S. T ETC., ETC. Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on hand and made to order. Planing done on reasonable terms. ^“Undertaking a spe cialty. FARMERS’ HOTEL, •OUT Il’S BUILDIN«;, OREGON STREET, I i Jacksonville, Oregon. Board an i Lodging Board........................... ♦Singh- meals............. Lodging...................... JOHN L. CARTER & SON, PAINTERS. ?.*> per week 4 ** ** I IVE ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO ....... 50 cents I H all kinds of Painting, including ........ 50 cents HOUSE PAINTING, SIGN PAINTING, RS. WILLIAMSTAKESTIJIS METH- od of informing t lie public, t hat she is ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, prepared to turni'h board by tlie week, day or single 1 cals, at reasonable terms. Tin* WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. table will ■oDstanlly be siqqilied with the arket affords. No Chinese em- Iwst till* ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. d satisfaction guaranteed. (Jive p|oy«‘<i, Orders from the country promptly attend inc a ca.. and judge tor yoursel \ es. MRS? WILLIAMS. ed to. 21. Jacksonville, Nov. 2«>, 1875. M WILL. JACKSON. Dentist, EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS. C A 1.1FO KN IA S. P. JONES, S t K E ET, Proprietor. VTONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND BEST 11 Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars kept. California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. DRINKS, 12} CENTS. NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE— it don’t pav. Families needing anything in our line p VERY OPERATION PERTAINING To can always be supplied with the purest and J the jaw skilfully performed al reasona best to lie found on the (’oast. (Jive me a ble rates. call, and yon will be well satisfied. No more credit will l>e given after the first of January, 1876. I will take all kinds LAGER ! LAGER !! of prmliice. Office and residence on corner of Califor nia and Fifth streets, Jacksonville. I THE EAGLE BREWERY. New Boot and Shoe Store, C' a li forma S treet , Jacksonville, Oregon. HllIE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, L has now on hand and is constantly man ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern Oregon, Xvhieh he will sell in quantities to suit purchasers. Call and test the article. All Kinds cf Job Printing AVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED in Jacksonville, the wnderaigiicil re spectfully informs the public that lie NEATLY is A CHEAPLY EXECUTED AT prepared to »lo all kinds ot work in the lax»t and shoe making line. Jiutisl-ielion muiian- iee<l. M. CATON. The Times Office H I BEDSTEADS, Warrrn Lotlsr No. Ill, I. F. & L M.. N ipped in the B ud .—One of those sedate Chinamen who occupy the washery on Griswold street, near State, fell in love some six weeks since with a girl whose parents live on Sixth street. No one knows whether she returned his affections or not, but it is certain that the man with eyes cut on the bias loafed up and down Sixth street a great deal, and that the pair walked out together beneath the twinkling stars. The girl didn’t say anything at home, and if the Chinese lover uttered a word about it to the old-fashioned Celestial who walks be- sido him the two have the secret locked in their hearts. However and never theless, the girl’s father was notified a few days ago that he might soon be come father-in-law to a Chinaman, and he decided to see about it. He kept bis eye on his daughter’s movements, and the other evening when she said she guessed she’d go over and see how Sarah’sjnew hat fitted, he put on his hat and followed after. She camo down town, met the boy with the blue cambric overcoat, and they walked and talked and smiled lovingly. Ah-Young had just commenced to relate a beautiful legend of bis native hills when somebody picked him up from behind. One hand seized his neck, and the other grabbed him lower down, and he was lifted over an old wagon and dropped upon a row of bar rels. He had scarcely mentioned his surprise when he was hauled off the barrels, stood on his bead, churned up and down for a while, and then hung on top of a board fence to dry. He didn’t dry. lie got down and made for his laundry, and when within four feet of the door be made a great leap and burster! it in and was out of sight like a stone cast into the darkness. If he loves again it will be a secret love, unknown to any heart but bis.— De troit Free Dre##. H JAMES S. HOWARD, ..-¿tow- Jatksonvillr Lotlsr >o. Ill, I. II. II. F.. How a B ird F lies .—The most prominent fact about a bird is a faculty in which it differs from every other creature except the bat and insects— its power of flying, For this purpose the bird’s arm ends in only one long slender finger instead of a full hand, To this are attached the quills and small feathers (coverts) on the upper side, which make up the wing. Ob serve how light all this is ; in the first «place, the bones are hollow, then the shafts of the feathers are hollow, and finally, the feathers themselves are made of the most delicate filaments, interlocking and clinging to one anoth er with little grasping hooks of micro scopic fineness, Well, how does a bird fly ? It seems simple enough to de- scribe, and yet it is a problem that the wisest In such matters have not yet worked out to everybody’s satisfaction. This explanation by the Duke of Argyle, appears to me to be the best : An open wing forms a hollow on its under side like an inverted saucer; when the wing is forced down, the up ward pressure ot the air caught under this concavity lifts the bird up, much as you hoist yourself up between the parallel bars in a gymnasium. But he could never in this way get ahead, and the hardest question is still to be an swered. Now, the front edge of the wing, formed of the bones and muscles of the forearm, is rigid and unyield ing, while the hinder margin is mere ly the soft flexible ends of the feath ers ; so when the wing is forced down, the air under it, finding this margin yielding the easier, would rush out here, and, in so doing, would bend up the ends of the quills, pushing them forward out of the way, which, of course, would tend to shove the bird ahead. The process, quickly repeated, results in the phenomenon of flight.— Ernest Imjersoll, in Scribner for So- r ember. The Centennial managers have added a dog display to the attractions of the Exhibition. The Tribune says of it: For the accommodation of the ca nine wonders nine sheds with double BOYS’ and GIRLS’ rows of stalls are provided, These stalls differ only from those ordinarily READY-MADE CLOTHING, j used for the exhibition of cattle at j State or county fairs in having their | floors placed two or three feet above BOOTS and SHOES, | the ground. The dogs, singly, in pairs ! or families, are chained or tied in their GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS A CHAIRS, places, and supplied with straw beds and plenty of biscuit and water. There are about GO of them here, of CLOTHING, all kinds, from the rough bull-dog and the common rat tarrier to the thorough bred English or Irish setter, and the LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, slight, graceful Italian greyhound, and of ail sizes, from the diminutive toy CROCKERY, ETC., black-and-tan terrier to the massive Siberian bull-dog and the mild-eyed Newfoundlander. At E. Jacob's New Store, Long before the visitor reaches the show he is greeted with such a med ley of dog voices as he has assuredly Orth’s Brick Building, Jacksonville. never heard before. From the deep bay of the foxhound to the sharp yelp of the terrier, from the full tones of * LL OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD the English mastiff to the uncertain A at the very lowest rates. If you don't squeak of the poodle, there are num believe me, rail ami ascertain prices for berless gradations, with variations for yourselves. No humbug ! All kinds ot produce and hides taken in each mood of the «log mind. The whining of some of the petted lap exchange for goods. 42tf. dogs, exposed to the cool wind of the last few days, as well 4s homesick, and “EXCELSIOR” perhaps hungering for the dainty food to which their fair owners have accus LIVERY STABLE tomed them, is really pitiful. Setters ;ire more largely represente«! than any other variety of the dog race, an«! Oregon St., Jacksonville, there are many fine, highly-bred ani mals here. There are some excellent W. J. PLYMALE. PROPRIETOR. red lri>h setters, including a few that are valued at 2tm guineas apiece, and some black-and-tan (Jordon setters so aving just received a new finely marked that they would form C entennial L osses . — Adjutant stock of Harness, Buggies and ('.afy- tine subjects for the animal painter. N ew F ood for H orses . —A new riages, I am now prepared to furnish my Hoyt, with his many trunks full of Many English setters are exhibited, kind of mash for homes is now in use. patronsand the juiblicgenerally with as articles lost on the exhibition ground«, and some of them not only show the It is thus described by the California FINE TURNOUTS points of good dogs, but have pedi could start a bazaar in opposition to Farmer: “It is composed of two the Japs. In an immense record book As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle grees of remarkable extent. Most he keep« an account of every article quarts of oats, one of bran, and a half horses hired to iro to any part of the country. noticeable among the latter are two pint of flax-seed. The oats are first Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses dogs, recently imported from England, brought to the otlice, where it was placed in the stable bucket over which broke to work single or double. Horses found, when and by whom. The lost boarded? and the best of care bestowed upon late the property of Edward Laverack, goods are packed so systematically is placed the linseed ; add Ixiiling wa of Shropshire. The are descended ter, then the bran, covering the mix them while in my charge. that, with the aid of the record, the from stock which Mr. Laverack ob ture with an old rug, and allowing it to TERMS ARE REASONABLE. adjutant can, as s<x>n as he receives a tained in 1825, and which it was sup thus rest for five hours ; then stir the description of one of them, return it mass well. The bran absorbs, while A liberal share of the public patronaee is posed had been pure for thirty-two to the owner in a moment. The ar solicited. W. J. PLYMALE. years. He has kept a continuous retaining the vapor, and the linseed ticles comprise purses and pocket-books strain of pure blood since that time. binds the oats and bran together ; a containing motley, watches, hats, va The pedigree <>f two dogs for nine gen TWELFTH YEAR. greater quantity of flax-seed would lises, fan«, para.Mils, spectacles, um erations is shown, and the number of make the preparation too oily anil less names in it is adapted to give it person brellas an<l other articles, the names of relished. One feed per day is sufll- ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, i <m enlarged i«lea <»f the dimensions of which would make a lengthy vocabu cient; is easily digestible, and is lary. Watches, money and children the graveyard which might contain especially adapted to young animals, ('ONDUCTED BY are soon redeemed. Alxiut it dozen the bones of his ancestors. Some wag adding to their volume rather than to lost children are brought to the office THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES has burlesqued the pedigree-mongers i every week. Persons from places as their height—giving substance to the by ¡«.suing the prospectus of the full frame, l’rof. ¡Sanson reminds us not far distant as California and Kansas pedigree of a d«>g, giving its descent to overlook the food in tlie nourish have viiitixl the exhibition and gone rpiIE SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS from one of the Biblical dog« that ment question in connection with the home again ignorant of the fact that I school will commence about the end of amelioration of stock. He considers licked L;«za iib’sores. There a o om- August, ami is divided ill four sessions, they had lost considerable amounts of paratively lew |fl>inters, but some are oats, so generally given to sheep, as of ten weeks each. money on the grounds. They have, good animals. Some Irish terriers ¡ire objectionable, and approaching the un Board ami tuition, per term,................... $10.00 however, without exception, recovered Bed and Bedding........................................... 4.00 shown of a very high strain of blood, profitable ; rams generally receive one Drawing and painting.............................. 8.00 ¡is may be judged from the price, 2(10 their property upon writing to the ad pound of oats daily, ewes half the Piano................................................................... 15.00 jutant and proving it to be theirs. quantity. Oats forming an exciting Entrance fee. only once............................ 5.00 guineas in gold, asked f«>r one or two of the best. Very curious in appear food, are especially suited to rams dur SELECT DAY SCHOOL. O ratory vs . J ournalism . — The ing the season when they are to serve, Primary, per term,...................................... $ 6.00 ance are the Irish water spaniel«, with Junior, “ ....................................... 8.00 long curly topknots and shaggy ears. day for speeches has gone by. says the but for hastening the development of Senior, “ ....................................... 10.00 There are quite a number of dachs New York Herald, which adds : young sheep, they only build up the Pupils are received at any time, and spe hunds, a medium-sized dog with sing Webster, (’lay, Calhoun, with all their txnies. not the flesh. cial attention is paid to particular studies in eloquence, could not move.this gener ular crooked forelegs. Among'' th° behalf of children who have but limited time. For further particulars apply at the other canines are English fox-terrier«, ation as they did in their own age. The A book has been published entitled Academy. reason is that the press has superseded “ The Father’s Story of Charley Hess.” used to unearth the fox when the the forum. When the country was hounds have run him into his burrow; i It gives a complete history of the ab THE many Skye terriers, Scotch terriers, small and newspapers were few, voters duction of the lost boy and of the black-and-tan terriers, poodlesand Lip were obliged to depend upon public means used to secure his recovery’, to CITY DRUG STORE. dogs, Spitz dogs, Siberian blood speakers for their political ideas. Mass gether with much interesting matter hounds, a tine English mastiff, English meetings were then serious matters, relating to the case in its general JACKSONVILLE. and Italian greyhounds, Chesapeake and had direct effect upon the canvass. aspects. The fact that the father re Bay duck dog«, vicious-looking bull Now they are mere celebrations, in fused $20,00.1 offered him by a liberal terriers, 'English pug-dogs, sheep «log«, which parties utter the r enthusiasm. minded gentleman as the ransom de m|IK NEW FIRM OF KAHLER A B ro . and two queer hairless Mexican The last of the great deflates was prob manded by his abductors, because it 1 have the largest and most complete ably when Lincoln met Douglas on the would have encouraged child-stealing hounds. assortment of This is the first extensive dog-show stump in Illinois and argued the ques in the future, will commend him more DRUGS, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, ever held in this country. Such tions of the day in immediate pres warmly to the sympathies of all who shows have, however, been of pretty ence of the people. But speeches are have heretofore watched with anxiety Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also regular annual occurrence in England not now made to be heard, but to be his fruitless efforts. After reading of the latest and finest styles of read. The great orator who speaks in the monsters who figure in this narra and France for some time past. a hall cares less for his three or four tive, we turn to Sitting Bull with feel STATIONERY, thousand auditors than for his hundred ings of comparative nearness. I t iz a great deal cheaper to work And a great variety of PERFUMES and thousand readers. Another reason T< *1 LET A RTK 'LES, including t he l»est and than it iz to beg ; enny man can earn why oratory is becoming every year cheapest assort incut <>f ( ’( >.M M( >N and I’ER- two dollars while he iz begging one. A N ew B onanza .—-Late Portland FUM ED SOAPS in this market. less effective in moving the people is papers contain accounts of the recent Prescriptions carefullv compounded. The most painful reckoleckshun ov mi that it is preceded by the press. discovery, in Wasco county, of boiling life was the time spi nt when I waz a 44 RoBT. KAHLER, Druggist. springs of silver of great and fabulous boy, waiting to be whipt. If it man R emedy for P oison .—If a person richness—in comparison with which TABLE ROCK SALOON slips from the top round ov fame’s bid swallows any poison whatever, or has all gold, silver, or diamond discoveries der he liiiz got to fall to the bottom ; OREGON STREET, there iz no haffway house. In most fallen into convulsions from having sink into utter insignificance. Ship arguments the truth iz lost sight oil'; over-loaded the stomach, an instanta loads of the precious metal, worth $9,- WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. the partys roll up their sleeves and go neous and very efficient remedy is a 000 per ton, are represented as Imiling in simply to win. There iz a grate heaping teaspoonful of common salt, up from the bowels of the earth, in a deal ov bogus htimility floating around; and as much ground mustard, stirred molten condition, ready for the mold« rpiIE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL- 1 known and popular resort would in the most humble kritter you ever see rapidly’ in a teacup of water, warm or of the mint. If half the reports are form their friends and the public generally iz a hornet, who haz lost hiz stinger.— cold, and swallowed instantly. It is true, and they are represented to I xj that a complete and first-class stock of the scarcely down before it begins to come vouched for by responsible parties, best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale ami Billing#. ------------------------- f. .1 .... ■ up, bringing with it the remaining every man, woman and child in Ore porter, etc., is constantly kf'pt on hand. They’ will be pleased to have their friends No O ne P erfect .—One day you contents of the stomach ; anti lest gon can soon liecome a millionaire, as “call and smile.’’ will be pleased with a friend and the there be any remnant of a poison, how it is estimated that IGO acres are cov CABINET. next day disappointed in him. It ever small, let the white of an egg ered by these spring«, an t their depth A Cabinet of Curiosities may also bo found will be so to the end ; and you must and sweet oil, or butter, or lard—sev is unknown. here. We would l»e pleased to have persons possessing curiosities and specimens bring make up your mind to it, and not quar eral spoonfuls—lx* swallowed imme them in, and we will place them in the Cab rel, unless for very grave causes. diately after vomiting ; because these A n Irishman, being tried for assault inet for inspection. very common articles nullify a and battery, in Virginia City, Nevada, Your friend, you have found out ; and larger WINTJEN A HELMS. you cannot expect to get much more number of virulent poisons than any when asked by Judge Knox if he had Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. I anything to say by way of defence re than you give. You must look for medicines in the shops. OEND25e. to G eo . P. R owell A Co., New much weakness, foolishness, and van plied : ‘«Well, your honor, I saw hut kJ York, for Pamphlet of loo pages, con 1 F you arc too fat, ami would like little of the fight, ns I was uuderilcalU taining lists of 3,000 newspapers, and esti ity in human nature ; it is unhappy it i you tite too sharp in seeing them. to fall oil, mount a vicious horse. mates showing cost ol advertising. must ul the time.” ! JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SOCIETY N<JTICES. » I FURNISHING and Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Oilice in Orth’s building—up-stairs. P. P. Prim Circuit Judge,. District Attorney........................ IL K. Hanna THE <EN O V VIAI. DOG SHOW. NO. 47 I I ♦