Vhc iDrmûcratic Silurs. LOCAL BREVITIES have been received at the Roseburg Land office. John Bilger and son returned last week from a Centennial trip East. ’ Mr. Bilger visited the Philadelphia Exposition and speaks in high terms of that affair. He has been absent al­ most three months from this place and considers himself amply repaid for his visit. He was accompanied by a niece i from Buffalo, N. Y. Read the new advertisements. E. F. Lewis left for Salem this week. Speaking at Sain’s Valley Saturday. Gov. Briggs, of Josephine county, is in town. W. II. McDaniel has gone to the State Fair. Zach. Cameron now holds forth at Karewski’s. W. F. Cornell returned from Beaver A B old R obbery .—Last Sunday creek on Tuesday. morning, as a man named JohnCritch- Rev. Father Blanchet lectured in field was passing a China house with Ashland Suuday last. his purse in his hand and which he R. B. Ilargadiue’s brick store in was just putting in his pocket, a Celes­ tial, known as the “Doctor,” suddenly Ashland is looming up. Capt. J. Adams, of Fort Klamath, snatched it and darted into the house. A. C. JONES, W. M. COLVIG, J r ., Critchfield made complaint to Marshal left this week for the East Aibl others will adthess the citizens of Jaek- C. C. Beekman will in a few days McDaniel, who immediately arrested sui county on the Political Issues of the the Chinaman, as also another one who Dav at th»» following places : Table Bock start ou a Centennial trip East. precinct, at Stanley’s store, on Saturday, was standing by at the time of the theft, >< p'etnber 2?>il : Little Butte precinct, at the A large number of emigrants have and lodged them in the calaboose. The Brown-boroinrh M-hool house, on Saturday. September »th. at which time Tilden and been passing through town lately. The latter was subsequently released, Hendricks Clubs will be organized. Speak­ Mrs. Hon. W. J. Plymale has our ing to commence at 1 o’clock p. m . Ev­ but the “Doctor” on Tuesday had a erybody is invited to attend. thanks for a basket of splendid pears. preliminary examination before Justice Col. J. N. T. Miller and family will Kent, who bound him over in the sum R eligious S ervices .—Rev’. W. Hurlbut, the new pastor, arrived a few start for the Willamette in a few days. of $500, in default of which he was II. J. Terrill, of Butte creek, has remanded to jail. Critchfield is just days a?o, ami will hold religious ser­ vices at the M. E. Church next Sun­ gone to Liun county to live for a few from Josephine county, where he was employed as mill-wright in Wimer A I years. day. - - -- —---- ■ — We learn that a store will be put up Son’s mill. He alleges that there were M achinery A rrived .—The ma­ near Cbavner’s new bridge by Ka- three twenties, a $20-greenback, a $5 chinery of the Alden Fruit Dryer ar­ rewski & Cameron. gold-piece and two trade Hollars in the rived last week and is being put in Some rain has fallen during the past purse at the time. There is no proba­ position. It is expected that opera­ • week, which laid the dust and cooled bility that the money or any portion of tions will commence in a week or two. it will ever be recovered. It was cer­ the atmosphere considerably. The season has so far progressed that tainly a very bold robbery, to say the D. S. K. Buick and lady have been but few varieties of fruit will this year least. i elected as delegates to the State be put up bv this method. W hat O ur D elegation is D oing . i Grauge by the Pomona Grange. — ... S weet P otatoes .—James McDon- , Smith & Hockenjos are putting a —The members of the Legislature < ugh has this season raised about 1,000 new roof on the Court House and from Jackson, Josephine and Lake counties are busily at work and will pounds of sweet potatoes on his place otherwise repairing the building. near Willow Springs, which are pro­ i Newman Fisher and Fisher Jc Caro doubtless distinguish themselves in nounced excellent by those who have i inform us that they have nearly com­ their respective positions. Up to the present time they have introduced the tried them. This is a new wrinkle in pleted their Government contracts. following bills: the vegetable lino in this section. Senator Mitchell is announced to Mr. Herrin—Senate bill No. 10, for Had the season been favorable Mr. speak in this place io-morrow evening. McDonough’s crcp would have been ' He is a worthy advocate of the Repub- the relief of Jackson county to the amount of $898. considerably larger. j lican cause. Mr. Fidler—To locate the county j Dr. L. T. Davis, formerly of this seat of Josephine county at Kerbyville C atholic I ntelligence . — There i plate, is Vice President of the Tilden or Wilderville. will be an eight days* mission com­ and Hendricks Club at Windsor, So- Mr. McCall—To bond balance of the menced in the Catholic Church on j noma county. Modoc war claims. Sunday, Sept. 24th, to be preached by i Mr. Bodley, a clerk on the railroad, Mr. Cheesrnan—To amend section the Rev. Father Callan, of Yreka. 1 is visiting this section. He left for 85 of the civil code of procedure ; also Morning exercises bn l>oth Sundays at Beaver creek on Tuesday, to look at making an appropriation for the Silver 10:30 o’clock and evening exercises at Lako and Eugene wagon road and 7 o’clock ; on the week days, in the j the mines there. Morris Mensor and son returned Southern Oregon wagon road. morning at 7:30 o’clock and in the evening at 7 o’clock. Catholics are : from San Francisco on Tuesday. He j Mr C ain—To amend the election expected to attend and non-Catholics will ere long reopen in town with a law as regards selling liquor on that day. ■ new stock of goods. are respectfully invited. > ......... ■ Delegates to the State Grange, which E xciting I ncident .—The Salem O dd F ellows ’ C elebration — • meets at Albany next week, can travel Mercury of the 16th says: “Yester­ The Odd Fellows of Jackson and Jose­ ! at half rates over the various steam* day evening there was considerable phine counties celebrated the Centen­ ! boat and railroad lines. excitement on Commercial street, oc­ nial year yesterday in appropriate J. L. Carter intends building a new casioned by Jack Montgomery at­ style. The various lodges were well house on the ground where his former tempting to take his child, a little represented. Owing to the late rains residence stood, the lumber for the girl, from its mother—his former wife th»» celebration did not take place at —from whom he has been separated Bybee’s Grove as announced. The • same now being hauled. W. P. Daley, of Eddytown, New for some time. He had in his pocket members formed in procession at about eleven o’clock and marched to I York, who is supposed to be in this a decree of the Court of one of the the Court House, where the advertised section, can learn something to his ad­ southern counties granting him posses­ sion of the child, and when he under­ programme was performed in a be­ vantage by calling at the Post Office. A match game of base-ball between took to take it in keeping he was re­ coming manner. The ball in the evening was well attended and a very the District School nine and a picked sisted vigorously by the mother, whose pleasant affair. Want of time pre- nine occurred yesterday on the flat cries soon attracted a large crowd. Particulars The mother was finally referred to an eludes a more extended notice, which near the school house. attorney for his opinion, who, finding next week. we would liked to have given it that the decree was not accompanied —-------- ........ — J. C. Weiss is now making semi­ L egislative C ommittees .—The weekly trips over the mail route from by an order of the Court for posses­ Southern Oregon delegation to the this place to Brownsborough. He sion, decided that the mother could Legislature has been liberally honored leaves here every Monday and Thurs­ not be legally dispossessed and she was allowed to depart in triumph.” with positions on the various Com­ day mornings. --- - - --....... mittees. Senator Herrin is Chairman A man named Hawkins was arrested O n the S tump .—By the San Fran­ of the Committee on Counties. Sena­ in Goose Lake on a charge of larceny cisco papers, we see that Dr. J. Grey tor Green is Chairman of the Com­ committed in Polk county, and passed Jewell, formerly of this place, is doing mittee on Mining and member of the through towu the other day iu charge some good work for Tilden, Hen­ Committees on Military and Public dricks aud Reform. The Doctor is an Lands. Representative Crain is Chair­ of Deputy Sheriff Wing. Thos. G. Reames, of the popular effective speaker, and having had man of the Committee on Elections. much experience in public affairs at Mr. McCall is on the Committee on firm of Reames Bros., has returned Washington will doubtless give some Ways and Means. Mr. Fidler, of Jose­ from San Francisco, where he has been interesting chapters of how Radicals phine, is Chairman of the Committee 1 tying in a first-class stock of Fall and manipulate affairs in Washington. on Mining and member of the Commit­ Winter goods, which will arrive next We learn that he will stump Califor­ tee on Enrolled Bills. Mr. Cheesman, of Monday. nia in behalf of the Democracy. Dr. Dav. Rafferty, formerly of East Lakp, is Chairman of the Committee ♦-------- ---- , Portland, but now connected with Dr. on Public lands. He was also Speak­ D istrict S chool .—The Jackson­ er pro tern, of the House upon its or­ Loryea’s elegant Turkish bathing In­ ville District School re-opened last stitution, stopped over a day in town Monday with an attendance of one ganization. last week. He is on a visit to his hundred and seventy scholars in the R obbery on B eaver C reek .— former home. four departments, a large increase over From W. F. Cornell, just in from A rumor was in circulation that H. previous attendances. The new ad­ Beaver creek, we learn that on the dition is a big improvement in every Sth three masked men made a raid on P. Deskins’ team had fallen through way, and there is plenty of room for tlkd Chinese companies mining on the Bogue river bridge, while on the all comers. Beaver and Hungry creeks, and robbed way to Fort Klamath, killing four hor­ 1 1 ♦---- ■ ses and badly injuring himself, but it them of uhat gold-dust they had in S uicide .— A Swiss in the employ of proved untrue. their possession, as also what was in the Galice Creek Mining Company David Linn has finished the erec ­ committed suicide on the J 1th by the sluices at the time, which they tion of a neat and substantial balcony- made them dean up, all of which must shooting bituself in the head with a around the Masonic building, which have amounted to a considerable sum. rifle, lie was supposed to be tempo­ makes a first-class appearance. Carter This robbery was committed in open rarily insane at the time, as he had acted i daylight, and it is thought by some & Sons are now completing the paint­ rather strangely of late. He was that the robbers are none others than ing of the structure. about 40 years of age. Patents for B. F. Dunlap, O. W. the Wells boys, who are supposed to be I. O. G. T. P icnic .—The Good Tem­ prowling in the Siskiyou mountains. Akers, C. A. Inlow, E. Morgan, H. We also learn that a miner’s cabin In Smith, J. B. Wood, E. Wells, T. Hop­ plars Lodge of Sam’s Valley will hold That region was broken into the night wood, D. W. Akers, D. C. Emerson, a picnic at Chavner’s new bridge on .before and robbed of a watch and quite and C. A. Trefelthen, of this county, Saturday, September 30tb. A gener­ and for Garrett Crockett, of Josephine, al invitation is extended. « sum of gold-dust. A uction .—The undersigned will of* fer at auction at their store in Jackson­ ville their entire stock of General Merchandise, consisting of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, hardware and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale will com­ mence on Saturday, September 2, 1876, and will be continued every Monday and Saturday following, until all is II sold. The entire stock will positively be sold without reserve. Come every­ body and secure bargains. Those indebted to us are requested for the last time to come forward, pay up, and save expenses. S achs B ros . T he S tate F air .—The managers of the next State Fair, which will com­ mence on the 9th of October,'are mak­ ing great efforts to make it the best and most complete ever witnessed in Oregon. Many improvements to the ground, buildings, etc., have been and are being made, and no pains will be spared to make it successful in every particular. Read the advertisement elsewhere. —— ♦ ■ ■ — ■ NEW, THIS WEEK. LEGA L A1) VERTISEMENTS. Farms for Sale Administratrix's Notice. Persons desiring to purchase good larms of any size will do well to enquire of JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. Administrator’s Notice. In the matter of the Estate of Frederick Pflug, deceased. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Jackson county, Oregon, Administratrix of the estate of Frecl. Pflug, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are re­ quested to settle the sain»» immediately, and those having claims against the estate will present them with the proper vouchers tv me at my residence on Farmer’s Flat within six months from the date hereof. DORETHEA PFLUG, Administratrix of the estate of F. Pflug. September 14, 1876. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN the undersigned has been duly appoint- ed by the County Court of Josephine coun­ ty, Oregon, as the Administrator of the es­ tate of Evan Taylor, deceased, late of Jose­ phine county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said es­ tate are requested to present the same, with proper vouchers, to tne at my residence oq Rogue river, in said county, within six months from this date. And all persons in­ Notice of Final Settlement. debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, JAMES NEELY, for the County of Jackson, sitting in pro­ Administratorofthe estate of Evan Taylor. bate Tuesday Sept. 5, 1876. September. 12, 1876. , In the matter of the estate of Nathan Hull, deceased, VELSON II. BERRY,ADMINISTRATOR IN of said estate, having tiled in said Court his final account for settlement, and also praying for an order for setting the GRAND time for hearing the same, therefore notice is hereby given that said final account will be heard and determined in said Court on Tuesday, November 7th, 1876. at which time all persons having any objections to —AND— s id final account and settlement must then and there make the same. Published in the D emocratic T imer for four consecutive weeks by order of Hon. Silas J. Day, County Judge. E. D. FOUDRAY, Clerk. —OF THE— 1776. 1876. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION ! STATE FAIR! E den C lub M eeting .—Owing to T. A. DAVIS. F. K. ARNOLD. the heavy rain that prevailed Saturday evening the speakers announced to ad­ —COMMENCING— . dress the Tilden and Hendricks Club at Phoenix did not put in appearance. MONDAY, OCT. 9th, 1876, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND CONTINUING SIX DA YS. They will be on hand next Saturday evening, however, when an interest­ 71 FRONT STREET, ing meeting will beheld. Everybody Extensive Improvements in Progress. is invited to attend. PORTLAND, OREGON. Oregon State Agricultural Society, T. Ä. DAVIS & CO., F or S alem .—VV. C. Myer, accom­ panied by Ed. B. Caton, left yesterday for Salem, taking with him several horses of the Percheron stock, includ­ ing his fine stallions and mares, which he intends exhibiting at the State Fair. He takes some animals along with the intention of selling them. S enatorial .—Upon the first joint ballot In the Legislature yesterday, Gov. Grover, the Democratic caucus nominee, received 44 votes; Jesse Applegate, 32; Nesmith, 11. No elec­ tion, forty-six votes being necessary. Completion of the "Water Works. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND IV a complete stock of LARGEST ATTENDANCE DRUGS, IN THE HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY. PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, he board of managers have spared no exertion or expense to insure the complete success of the coming annual Exhibition. T PATENT MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, Half-fare for Passengers & Freight. PAINTS, OILS AND Passengers and freight taken at half rates on the Oregon and California Railroad, and PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, on the lines of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. Freight and stock at half rates BLUE VITRIOL, on all other railroad, steamboat and steam­ ship lines in the State. LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. N otthno is more harrassing than ulcers or boils. Fortunately they can be quickly healed by the useot Glenn’s S ulphur S oap , Largest Premiums for Trial of Speed. JAP Sole Agents tor Oregon for the cele- which purges the sore of its poisonous virus brated CAltBOLIC SHEEP DIP, which or proud tlesh, and thus removes the only For Blood, Speed and Bottom, now in kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, obstacle to its healing. process of training, never heretofore equaled and is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and in the State. foqt rot. Circular sent on application. y-iTThe National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley o, terms of the Act of the Legislature in regard Sept. 12, Tobias Wriggle ami Olivia Twist. thereto, that the County Court of the State SMITH—GIVAN—In Ashland. Sept. 10th, PRO BONO PUBLICO. of Oregon for the county of Jackson will 1876, by J. M. Sutton, J. P., Francis W. make such selections on Smith and Miss Alice M.Givan. Thursday, October 5. 1S76, mHE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTI- at the Clerk ’s otlice in said county by draw­ BORN. ______ 1 tied that I have placed my notes and ing from the names presented four persons accounts in the hands of my attorney, II. LACY—On September 19th, to the wife of 1<. Hanna, with positive instructions to as students to said University in conformity W. C. Lacy, a daughter. make immediate and forced collection in ev­ with the law in such case made and pro­ vided. ery instance where security is not given. Done by order of the County Court at the DIED. ___ Those knowing themselves indebted to in»» will do well to call upon Mr. Hanna, September term thereof. SI LAN J. DAY, County Judge. LINKSWILER—On Antelope creek, Sept. without delay, as this is my last call. My 17th, Hannah, wife of Tobias L. Links- business must be settled ! Attest ; E. D. F oudray , County Clerk. wiler, aged 58 years. [Eugene City pa­ JAMES T. GLENN. pers please copy.] Jacksonville, Sept. 9, 1874. LIME FOR SALE, Mrs. Linkswiler came to Oregon in 1844 and settled in Jackson county in 1858. She leaves a sorrowing husband and six cliil- FOR SALE. —AND— ilron, besides a large circle of friends, to mourn her loss. BAND OF 1,120 SHEEP, WELL GR \D- ed with merino, consisting of 670 ewes anti 450 lambs of good size, within live miles of Fort Klamath, aro otlcred for sale »•heap. These sheep have shorn from 8’i to 9 pounds of good wool in the last year. —TO— Full one-half of the breeding ewes will mm: undeiisiosed wovld here - raise good bucks. The whole flock can be 1 by inform the public that he has ONE bought at a very low price bv applying to '1’1 IO UN AN D BUSHELS of superior Jackson Creek Lime for sale cheap, Persons wish­ ‘ JOHN CALLAGHAN, ing Brick-laying or Plastering done in the North-east of Jacksonville. best style and at reasonable rates will do well to call on me. For further information IN SOUTHERN OREGON. inquire at the Franco-American Hotel. Notice to Teachers. ur, 3 and Main streels. OdONEMILLER A SHANNON. tbs. of shorts and 8 tbs. of bran per bushel We will guarantee to sell a better article ot of good wheat. We will also pay 65 cents Crackers cheaper than can be laid tor wheat and pay for it in flour, ready Interesting to Farmers. down from San Francisco. sacked, at $18 per thousand. % DALEY A EMERY. rpHE UNDERSIGNED, BELIEVING IT Send in Your Orders Now Butte Creek, August 16, 1876. L to be the mutual advantage of imllers (uul farmers, have made arrangement« — to — FOR SALE. whereby the Ashland and Pluvnix mi 11s will be under the management of Jacob Wag­ A PORTABLE FIFTEEN-HORSE POW- ner, who will have charge of both mills for A er steam engine is offered for sale. It the company during the ensuing year, end­ has only been in use three months and is in ing July 1st, 1877. State Agricultural College, perfect running order. Terms—six months’ We will pay the highest market price for credit, with approved security. Enquire of good merchantable wheat, and are prepared CORVALLIS, BENTON CO. to contract Hour at $18 p» r thousand pounds HENRY KL1PPEL, at the mills. Otlice of the company at the C. C. BEEKMAN. Ashland Mills. WAGNER, ANDERSON FARMERS’ The next Sossion begins Thursday, Sep­ MILL CO., Ashland, Oregon. FOR SALE. tember 21, 1876. To Merchants and Dealers O JENSEN & IFFLAND, YREKA, CAL. A FLOURING MILL, ONE KUN OF LAGER! LAGER’! est advantages of any insti - ¿x burrs, good water power, favorably lo­ tution in the State. A Collegiate educa­ cated in Kerbyville. For particulars, ad- tion, liberal, thorough and complete, FREE. dross J. B. SIFERS, Yet a few vacancies for next session. Kerbyville, Josephine county, Oregon. THE EAGLE BREWERY. STATE STUDENTS. The law provides for the free tuition of PURCHASING sixty young men, over sixteen years old. WM, rp HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, Young men may secure appointments by 1 has now on hand and is constantly min- applving to the Senator for the District in ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern which they reside, or to Oregon, which he will sell in quantities tn '¡SAN FRANCISCO, California. suit purchasers, Call mid test the article. B. L». ARNOLD, President. B ! 5> ! LAKE. AGENT, 4