■• omitía i. som. Jacksonville, September 8th; Ashland, September 7th; Rock Point, September 9th. Hera Comes the Governor I People’s True Representative! I John S. Mtwbv, the guerrilla chief, sup- ports Hayes and tin* whole Republican Official Paper fur Jackson, Joseph inc 4 Litkf. I reiormers. I The New York World is compiling and .SEITEN BER 7, 187C. classifying the lie-t»f tin* New York Tuni*. THURSDAY It has got its hands full. I DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. < Jov. Tilden distinctly represents the prin­ ciple of reform in ¡«»lilies ; but can I he same thing be said of Governor Haves? FOR PRESIDENT: So far, we have yet to hear of the first Ger­ man whom Carl Schtirz has turned around SAMUEL J. TILDEN, and carried w th him in this eani| a gn. i OF NEW YORK. According to the Milwaukee nire- ty-nine out of every hundred Germans in Wisconsin will vote for Tilden anti Hen­ FOR VICE PRESIDENT: dricks. THOS. A. HENDRICKS, The 1 lave,campaign is in Zach ('handler'» hands, and, if he is elts-led, he will have OF INDIANA. Haves in his palm. It’s a nice reformer tor ------------ ♦------------- a leatler. i FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS: MONTGOMERY QUEEN, THE KING OF SHOWMEN! WITH HIS CENTENNIAL ON WHEELS! An Army of Men, Droves of Horses, A Multitude of Animals, A Legion of Attrac­ tions, A Forest of Wild Beasts, Myriads of Birds, an Ocean of Reptiles. AGGREGATION RESPLENDENT MASSES OF MAGNIFICENCE. Dazzling, Gorgeous, Glitter; The Mighty Pageant of Palaces ; The Faneraid and Gold Scrolled Scriptural Illustrated Wild Animal Dens; The Heavily Ca.’ved Great Golden Chariot and Tableau Cars. i it CAGES CF WILD BEASTS OPEN TO VIEW ON THE STREETS. GRAND CABNIVAL OF BEAUTY procession that attracted 150,000 men, women and children from banks, oflice, stores worksimps, and dwellings, as it passed through the principal turrets of San Francisco. sum of money sufficient to ransom a Prince expended in the production of this huge undertaking. I A Centennial Army. An army of ninety thousand office holders is ono of the great features oi our Centennial year. Suppose they re­ ceive an average salary of only one thousand dollars each. This aggregates the snug little sum ef ninety millions of dollars annually. And supposing each is assessed the modest sum of thirty dollars for political purposes during the campaign, we have a political expense fund of two millions seven hundred thousand dollars. And all this comes from the hard earnings of a people nearly impoverished by an adminis­ tration that seems to care only to build up its pets at their expense. More and More. Alabama gets more and more one- sided like the handle of a jug, as the full returns come in, remarks the Philadelphia Times, Independent Nothing but an Immediate peace with SittiDg Bull, by a liberal payment to him and bis braves for the Custer butchery, and the prompt transfer of the whole army and a full complement of Gatling guns will give Hayes more than a township here and there in the South ; and, what is worse, the North I doesn’t look much more promising. i ELECANCE TRANSCENDENTAL AND MILES OF Hon. Henry Clay Dean, who “went off” i W. B. I.XSWKLL.............................. Of Grant with Brick Pomeroy after the St. LouisCon- j HEN BY KLIPPEL....................... Ol Jackson ! vention, has finally squared around and K A. CRONIN........................ of Multnoman i announced his determination to support I Tilden and Hendricks. Isn't this word •'Rebellion’’ getting pretty FOR CONGRESS: well worn out now in the mouths of the Re­ LA FAYETTE LANE, publican party ? Suppose the word “plund- ' er” was snbsti'tiled for a change. This . OF DOUGLAS. would suit admirably in Washington, if not here. .1 Prncliml Financier. The only hope of the Republicans in this campaign is to carry their points by misrep­ That Gov. Tilden is an able, practi­ resentation and downright lying. In Cali­ I cal financier, there can be no question. fornia their Sta e Central Committee have In his letter of acceptance he shows the forbidden any of their s|>eakers to discuss political issues of the day with persons people how the whole national debt the representing the other party. cm be paid off in the comparatively The Republican party has been in power short period of thirty-eight years, fora period of titteen years, and has inaug­ simply by adoption of a financial policy urated all the corruption that curses the I country. The people come forward and d<- which should secure to the country the mand reform, and lo ! ami behold the archi­ highest credit. By wisely availing tects of corruption present themselves as ourselves of this, says the Sun, he esti­ model reformers. Could anything bo more ridiculous ? mates that a reduction of one per cent, It you elect Tilden, Tilden will be the on the interest of the Ioans could be President, remarks the Syracuse Courier. effected; and this saving, invested at If you elect Hayes, the Lord only knows the low rate of four and a half per cent, who the President will be. It may be or Morton, or Blaine, or old Si­ interest, would cancel our entire na­ Conkling, mon Cameron, or even “Boss” Shepherd, tional debt in the course of thirty-eight or possibly a regency composed of the whole gang. The people should take no chances years. in such a lottery. This is no chimera. It is no wild, When such men as Columbus Delano, W. visionary scheme. It is the careful W. Belknap, Babcock and “Boss” Shepherd calculations of a practical business man, fall into line and shout themselves hoarse who knows how to put it in operation for Hayes, is it any wonder that honest men out ol the Republican party ? Honest and who will carry it into effect if any get men feel as did the Irishman who had a opportunity is afforded him. horse that commenced kicking when he was in the buggy. “Be ¡alters,” said ho, “if you We put it to the voters of the coun­ are going to get in, 1'11 get out.” try, the sensible men, whether the Notwithstanding the vociferous denials payment of the national debt is not a ofthe Radical telegraph it is authoritatively consummation devoutly to be wished ? announced by mail that Robert Lincoln, The heavy burden of taxation which son of the late President, is supporting Til­ den and Hendricks, and has joined a Heino- rests upon us would at least be re­ | eratic Club in Chicago. Also Hernden, moved from the shoulders of our chil­ Lincoln’s old law partner, has agreed to stump Illinois for the Democratic ticket. dren. What an unreliable engine that Radical tel­ Tilden, Economy, and the reduction egraph machine is anyhow. of the National debt—let this be the “Uncle Sam” may not be “rich enough to give us a farm,” but if elected he will war cry ? soon reduce taxes enough to take off the Why Don't They? mortgage that is now upon our property in the of bonded indebtedness. What Why don’t the Republicans answer long shape faces there will be among the thieves the facts of Tilden’s great letter ? when he takes his seat in the White House. There isn’t a single one of them that No subsidies, no more land grabs, no more uiobiliers, no more sales of post trader­ dares attempt a controversion of Uncle credit ships. What a hard time the rogues will Samuel’s charges that during the past have! Joseph Pulitzer, late editor of Carl Schurz’s eleven years the people of the United paper, and for sometime his associate in States have paid, in the form of Fed­ business, publishes a letter in the New Y'ork eral taxes, no less than four billions, Sun, in whieh, among other things, he says Jive hundred millions of dollars ; that I that over two-thirds in number and nine- w ithin the same period fully tuo-thirds tenths in real circulation and influence of the German newspapers in the United States as much more has been paid by them are supporting Tilden and Hendricks, not­ Mr. Schurz’ Haves and in shape of local taxation, and that the i withstanding Wheeler somersault. Our Radical friends (ggregate of Federal and local taxa­ would do well to make a note of this. tion, to which the country has been subjected during the period named, has l>een seven billions, Jive hundred millions, or more than three times as much as the whole national debt. Think of it, fellow-citizens, and then a-k yourselves whether anything else than the long protracted bard times, through which we are passing, are anything else than a legitimate result? And while you are thinking, please do not forget the fact, during those eleven years, the Republican party has held undisputed sway in the government of the country. OF All nations contribute t»» Moutgomery Queen’s Tented An ua ; bareback cel-brilics of Sunny Laly, Wild Ruhr- of Brazil. America's Channing and Proficient Equestriennes; Brilliant Paris surrenders her French. Eccentric Specialty Artists ; England's Skilled Gymnasts ; vies with the world, and her emLsuries «druggie for supremacy ; Gt rm iny's melody-producing (>>„. grrvatories furnish Musical Taient. Spam, llu sia, Austria and the great powers of the old world have their representatives. America's genius ami giant intellect moves the mighty nureal and the greatest of the great undertakings in the annals of show history on the Western Hemisphere. T’ io Grant QVA’JLIEN'A. The I nrirnl<«l M o LLIL BROWN The W.aieetful I.OWANDA Th. Female Paiu|»>n. D’A tm .IB, The French KEX.XEltEI.8. PIERCE, the Tamer of Tiger,, Th.- M ATTHEW FAMI I.Y, ])A YTOX. the Mil>ilurcr Hyeiian, Wile P m use . the lion Queen THOMPSON. Educator of Elephant«; ORGAN, ln«truct< r ut llo «•«, v at A i stix , Clown ofCloun«, The’unapproachable Levantine. Mme. BROWN. Menage ExceHior. LING TON. FRANCIOS. HERBERT. EUGENE. LOUIS, HAiiio. ¿ g «* EMIin . ShBi KENNEBEL. und the endless auxiliaries!, complete the must expensive, extensive, unexceplmuubli, belter dressed and high toned Circus Company on the face of the globe. EMIDY'S GRAND TRANS-CONTINENTAL BAND. And a host of high ’nlaried. nove'ty producing, prominent performers, selected front the very best on the face of the globe, and with special reference to the Summer uf 1876. The long list of Living Wild Beasts of the very rarest kinds, including an Elephant, the Ronflbd Mouffloon. the Wild Pnard. n herd of p rforming Bengal Tigers, four performing Hyenas, two Lion.-ss<3 and their cubs, a Kangaroo and its young, pair of L-opnrds, pair of Silver Lions. Guz. rate. L>ons, Jugars, Etund, Sailed Ox. \ alk \ utk, Birds and Monkeys and a long ar­ ray ol which the particulars cannot be given. WWO Doors open at 1 and 7 o’clock P. M. : ew IE Ei JEO Circus commences at 2 and 8 o’clock P. M. One hour for the Menagerie. $1.00. | CHILDREN, under nine years, ADMISSION, - - - Fifty Cents. C. C .PlplX, Genera! Agent. EXTRA NOTICE! ODD FELLOWS’ CELEBRATION ' THE SODA SPKINOS —TO— MERCHANTS AND DEALERS Odd Fellows' Iiuild'HS, nrksonville, Oregon, AT BYBEE’S GROVE, DEALER & WORKER IN IN— IN SOUTHERN OREGON. TIN,SHEET IKON, COPPER, LEAD, etc. Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1878. JENSEN & UPLAND, U. S. BAKERY, YREKA, ARE NOW SELLING Soda, Graham, and Sugar Crackers, The Oregonian wants Gov. Tilden to come to the front and deny certain Jenny Lind Cakes and Gan­ ger Snaps. telegraphic charges which have been Give is a Rest. K. H.UBLI, TN ACCORDANCE WITH A RESOLU- L lion passed by the Grand Lodge of the United Stales at its last session, setting apart Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1876, for the cel­ ebration of the Centennial year by Odd Eel- lows, the members of Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, Ashland Lodge No. 45 and Kerby- ville Lodge No. 55 will hold a joint picnic at Bybee’s Grove, with the following l’HOGllAMME t Lodges meet in Odd Fellow's’ Hall at 9:30 a . M.; form in procession and march to the Grove. After reaching the grounds, Music by the Band. Praver by the Chaplain, S. J. Day, P. G. of Jacksonville Lodge No. 10. M usic. Oration by W. T. Leeko, P. G. of Ash­ land Lodge No. 45. Music. Basket dinner at 12 M., to which all are invited. In the afternoon, music, and speaking by members of the Order. The festivities will close by a GRAND BALL in the evening at Veit’s Hall. Tickets, in­ cluding supper, $3,00. Visiting brothers are kindly invited to participate. By order of the COM MITTEE. AND MARBLE WORKS. Rumps, AGRICULTURA L IM PLEM ENTS, Ho ! Unto All Who Thirst ! come ye unto THE SODA SPRINGS! NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, AND DRINK WITHOUT made against him. If Gov. Tilden were to take the trouble to deny every Money and Without Price ! POWDER OF EVERY DESCRII*TION charge made by irresponsible newspa­ We will guarantee to sell a bettor article oí Crackers cheaper than can be laid per reporters and telegraph operators, down from San Francisco. Fuse and Caps, he would have no time for anything milEUNDERSIGNED ARE NOW KEEP- else, and they would keep him busy Send in Your Orders Now l. ing the Soda Springs House,and having I repaired ana refitted the same are now pre­ from now until election. The best —TO— pared to accommodate all that may favor us Wooden and Willow Ware evidence that the Radicals are lying I with a call. Prices to suit these hard times. JENSEN & IFFLAND, YREKA, CAL about Gov. Tilden now is in the fact THE MARBLE BUSINESS ROPE, NAILS, that they themselves have declared Will still be a specialty. All orders in this GREAT SACRIFICE line promptly tilled in the best manner and him to be a pure and honest man in at reasonable rates. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS the past, and the false stories now put Address, as usual, I N— J. II. A A. H. RUSSELL, Ashland in circulation for the purpose of cov­ LIME FOR SALE, CUTLERY, WIRE, ering up the rascalities of the Radi­ C. C. WnEEI.KK. O. D. MARTIN. BLACKSMITHING! cals will not draw the attention of the —AND— WHEELER & MARTIN, public from the real issues before the Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose, AGKNTS FOR people. Why, says the Standard, if S ALL OU R MERCHANTS ARE SELL- BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE ing out at cost and freight, I am ready these Radical papers are so anxious for Grover & Baker's Improved ETC., ETC. to do blacksmithing at cost and freight, but explanations, has not Gov. Hayes, who must have the cash when the work is com­ LOCK STITCH pleted. Shop on the corner of California has been repeatedly charged with and he undersigned would iiere - Main streets. I have secured the services of a First-class by inform the public that he has ONE stealing from a dead soldier $400, ex­ DAVID CRONEMILLER. THOUSAND BUSHELS of superior Jackson SEWING MACHINE, Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair­ Creek Lime for sale cheap. Persons wish­ onerated himself from this and other OULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE ing Brick-laving or Plastering done in the WANTED ! charges ? We can assure our Radical to the citizens of Jacksonville and sur­ ing promptly and in su¡>erior style. best style and at reasonable rates will do rounding country that thev have recently well to "call on me. For further information friends that Hayes and Wheeler have arrived with a large supply of these popular inquire at the Franco-American Hotel. their hands full, not only for them­ machines, which they offer for sale at rea­ G. W. HOLT. 20,000 Lbs. of Old Cast Iron, sonable terms. They also have all kinds of Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1875. selves but for their party. Gov. Til­ supplies for other machines. elivered at the foundry in Persons wishing to purchase a machine TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, den has so far refuted every charge Ashland, lbr which we will pay the LAGER ! LAGER ! ! are invited to call and examine them at the I I am receiving and have constantly on highest price. which has been gotten up to injure his Every hand a lull and tirst-class stock of Franco-American hotel, Jacksonville. farmer has more or less old cast­ name, which is more than can be said ings about his premises, such as old stoves, pinions and other articles. Theso they THE EAGLE BREWERY. Groceries, for the Radical candidate. PRO BONO PUBLICO. would do well to gather up, and bring them To Merchants and Dealers A T W D before the rain sets in. We will also pav the highest price for old COPPER, BRASS and ZINC. J. M. McCALL * cn More Charges Againat Haye«. DRY GOODS, Gum Boots, TOBACCO, HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, he public are hereby noti - Ready-Made Clothing, . has now on hand and is constantly man­ tied that I have placed my notes and A Chicago dispatch of September ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern accounts in the hands of my attorney, H. 30th says a Times* correspondent at To­ Oregon, whieh he will sell in quantities to K. Hanna, with positive instructions to GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Etc., Etc. suit purchasers. Call and test the article. MILL NOTICE. make immediate and forced collection in ev­ ledo telegraphs that he has examined ery instance where security is not given. the records where Gov. Hayes’ assess­ Those knowing themselves indebted to UR MILL HAS BEEN MISREPRE- FOR SALE. Everything sold at reasonable rates. me will do w’ell to call upon Mr. Hanna, ments of taxable property are entered, sented by Grangers and others saying K. KUBLI. without delay, as this is my last call. My Give mo a call. that “wo are not doing anything but we Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1875. business must be settled ! and finds that he has underrated his are | doing PORTABLE FIFTEEN-HORSE POW- this : We give 36 tbs. of flour, 8 j JAMES T. GLENN. er steam engine is offered for sale. It income and estates in every case and , lbs. of shorts and 8 tbs. of bran per bushol Jacksonville, Sept. 9, 1874. WM. PURCHASING has only been in use three months and is in good wheat. We will also pay 65 cents has never paid more than the smallest of for wheat and pay for it in flour, ready perfect running order. Terms—six months’ credit, with approved security. Enquire of part of the tax which his ample fortune I sacked, at $18 per thousand. B. DALEY