I BREVITIES. '< hr ¿ihmiirafir ®imrs spread poison in town early last Satur­ A uction .—The undersigned will of­ day morning, and his labors were re­ fer at auction at their store in Jackson­ Items very scarce. warded by the death of several dogs ville their entire stock of General THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1876. Vaccination in order now. therefrom. Merchandise, consisting of dry goods, Fall fights have commenced. Wing and Dodge, the rubber stamp clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, AGENTS FOR THE TIMES. men, were arrested near Roseburg the hardware and many other articles too County scrip taken at par here. Geo. P. Rowell A Co.. ............. New York. >. M. Pettingill A Co ............. New York. Ben. Sachs takes trade dollars at other day, for dtiving their wagon numerous to mention. Sale will com­ Dan. L. Grei n............ Josephine Countv. through a grain field and leaving the mence on Saturday, September 2, 1876, Chas. Hughes........... .............. Kerby ville par. l’-en lbivniond........... ............ Roek Point fence down. They were discharged and will be continued every Monday L. P. Fisher................. C. C. Beekman left for Salem Tues­ ....... San Francisco. and Saturday following, until all is 1 li................ upon trial. ....... San Francisco day. Rowell A < ’heMiian... ................. St. Louis Ligo Livingston, ex-Sheriffof Doug­ sold. The entire .stock will positively • ¡us. A. Winckler..... ....................... Y reka Mrs. 11. Pape has returned from R. B. Hatton............... ................ Linkville las, on Sunday last passed through bo sold without reservo. Come every­ Yreka. town from Lako county, where ho body and secure bargains. Iteligioin* IHreetory. Abo Monsor loft last wook for San went to purchase some mules, He Those indebted to us are requested M. E, C hurch .—Religious services every Francisco. i did not buy, as thoso ho desired had for the last time to come forward, pay Sunday, at the usual hours, bv the Rever­ up, and save expenses. ends J. R. N. Bell, J. S. McCain and M. A. Hon. Henry Klippel has gon© to I i already been sold. Williams, alternately. S achs B ros . Beavor creek. Tho subsistence department at Fort < vnioi.ic I'liriuii.—Divine Services ev­ ery Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa­ The Ashland Academy will re-open Klamatii is authorized to purchase, in ther Blanchett. R unaway . — Messrs. Quackenbush on September 11th. open market, at lowest obtainable and Burnham, insurance agents, while M. E. Si xi> w S chool .— Regular meetings every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Henry Pape has received another rates, 1,000 pounds of corn meal, 500 crossing the bridgo near the mines be­ C atholic S unpvy S chool . — Regular cargo of Yreka beer. pounds lard, 30,000 pounds potatoes, II tween Ashland and Phoenix, says the meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two I• O (*l< . Capt. B. B. Griffin lias our thanks and 20,000 pounds onions. II Tidinf/a, mot with an accident in which for a fine water-melon. School Superintendent Farlow was one of tho horses and their buggy P. 0. RtGiSTES AND TRAVELER S GUIDE. Major Jackson and wife have ar­ invited to treat on tho subject of were badly damaged. One of tho horses go«» leave J: :iekson\ ille as follows ; “History and Constitution of the Uni­ I got his leg through the bridge, and Ro •k Point, Grant's Pass and Roso- rived at Fort Klamath. 1,!! i or g. eV» ry day at *:.;<> a. m. Mail closes at R. C. Armstrong has our thanks for ted States” at tho State Teachers’ In­ in his efforts to recover, broke tho bug­ in. F or Ph'vnix Ashland. Yreka and Red- a basket of fine peaches. stitute, which convened at Salem gy-polo and, becoming frightened, ran »ling, California , every day at 2:30 p. in. Mad il closes <•! at 2 p. m. Tho Jacksonville Social Club will on the 23d, but was unavoidably ab­ away. Tho occupants saved them­ For Apph'ga ;c, Kerbyvilh», Wahlo and sent. selves by jumping out. The team Crescent City, every Monday and __ .* Thursday __ ¿..y meet to-morrow evening. morning at a? I o ’ clock. ?* :1 ' *- — The “ museum of living wonders, ” broke every spoke out of a heavy o'clock. Mail closes at S p. ni. John Orth has lost several sheep by U lit J »re«‘edinir evening. which was billed to show in tins place loaded wagon, with which they collid­ Th in til tor Central Point, Table Rock, the depredations of dogs. F-igl e Point, Brownsboronuli and Sam’s last Friday, failed to make its appear­ ed in their mad career. V dl< ey. leaves every Friday morning ; Bon. Haymond, Esq., of Rock Point, ance. Wo learn that it was almost to­ cl isos the preceding evening. E lopement at K erbyville .— flic ma 1 tor Linkville. Hof Springs, Yai- favored us with a call yesterday. tally destroyed by firo at Ashland or n txand Lake <'ity, leaves Ashland every Reames Bros, have just received a Linkville, but are not certain at which The quiet town of Kerbyville, Jose­ Monday morning, l or Linkville every phine county, was thrown into quite Monday Thursday and Friday mornings. large supply of superior groceries. place. Money Order otlice openlromOa. ui. to an excitement by the elopemc.1t of a We were favored with another fine p. m. * A cucumber, representing a large young couple of that place, whose O ifh - e H ours —From 7 a. in. to 7 p. in ; Sundays, • minutes after arrival of stages, shower of rain last Tuesday evening. green snake, may be seen at Wheeler’s matrimonial intentions were not at all Mail m uter mu>t bo in on time or it will Matt. Obenchain killed a sheep last saloon, in Yreka, brought to town encouraged by the father of tho girl. nor go. M ax M uli . er , P. M. from Col. Stone’s ranch above Phoe- Beingjoined in wedlock, they returned I week which weighed 130 pounds net. nix, where he has cucumbers cight home, but we learn the irascible old U omini ;.—Montgomery Queen’s cel­ H. C. Paige, route agent of Wells, feet in length, twisted into all kinds man didn’t bv any means kill the ebrateti circus is on its way to the Ore­ Fargo & Co., was in town this week. gon Stato Fair and will be here some I of shapes, At least, so says tho Yre- fatted calf on the return of hisdaugh- Thos. Chavner ’ s new bridge across time next month. ka Journal. ter. Rogue river is approaching comple­ C ounty S eat of L ake .—A man­ M ore I mprovements .—II. K. Ilan- tion. D itch S urveyed .—J. S. Howard damus to compel Reuben B. Hatton, has just completed surveying a new n i, Esq., intends building a new resi- A now sidewalk around the Post <1 ‘nee on tho site of his old ono on Oflice is one of the latest improve­ County Clerk of Lake, to move the ditch for tho English Company at archives of tho county to Bullard’s Galice creek, which will be two and On gon street. Operations will be ments. creek, in Goose Lake Valley, was ar­ commenced forthwith. It will be I I We are under obligations to A. W. gued before Judge Prim last Tuesday. two-thirds of a mile in length and car­ quite tin addition to the town. Sturges for a bountiful supply of first- The County Court of that county first ry about 2,-100 inches of water. Mr. Ennis, the Superintendent, was in ordered Mr. Hatton to recount the town the other day contracting with F inal P roof on H omestead E n - class peaches. Trade dollars are liable to be in de­ votes on the county seat question in tries .—J. <’. Fullerton, Receiver of parties for digging the same. It is tiie L.tnti Office at Ro-eburg, will he in mand after all, as they are now worth connection with two Justices of the the intention to have it finished for Peace, but he refused. He was then Winter’s using. Jacksonville on Svptemlier 4th and 5th $1.05 in New York. Several substantial improvements ordered by the same authority to re­ for the purpose of taking final proof S t . M ary ’ s A cademy .—This ex­ on homestead and pre-emption entries. have been made in town this year and move the papers, records, etc., of his oflice to Bullard’s creek, but he de­ client school will reopen next Mon­ ! more are in progress. B asket .M eeting .—There will be a L. Chandler’s little girl had her arm clined. Hence the petition for a man­ day, August 28th, after several weeks’ basket meeting at the mouth of Foots broken the other day by falling from damus to compel him to do so. The vacation. The Academy commences creek on Sunday, September 10th a horse near Phoenix. County Court is represented by Messrs, its twelfth year under auspicious cir­ next, Rev. J. R. N. Bell officiating. cumstances. Hon. L. F. Lane may be expected II. K. Hanna and B. F. Dowell, and Religious services at eleven o’clock A. home soon. Ho will doubtless pass the Clerk by A. C. Jones, E-q. His C ase A ppealed .—The case of P. m . and three p. m . Everybody is in­ Honor has taken the case under ad ­ through Jacksonville. Donegan vs. Dan. Mnrjmy, a suit con­ vited to attend. visement. cerning the partition •; sheep, decided Rev. J. R. N. Bell will hold divine F rom F ort K lamatil — Rufus for the defendant in the Circuit Court, F rom C alifornia . \v. 31. Colvig, services at tho M. E. Church next Mallory, U. S. District Attorney, re­ has been appealed to the Supreme of 11 » k Point, after a several months’ Sunday morning and evening. sojourn in San Francisco, returned Simon Lane, brother of Gen. Joe turned from Fort Klamath last week, Court. home Sunday last. He speaks in glow- Lane, passed through town from Indi­ bringing with him Quinn, the sheep A ppointment .—The following is my plan ing terms < members of Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, Ashland Lodge No. 45 and Kerby­ ville Lodge No. 55 will hold a joint picnic GLASSWARE. CROCKERY, Etc., Etc. at Bybee’s Grove, with the following PROGRAMME J Lodges meet in Odd Fellows’ Hall at 9:”.o T*■“Everything sold at reasonable rates. A. M.; form in proce-sion and march to the Give me a call. K. KUBLI. Grove. Alter reaching the grounds, Jacksonville. Feb. IS, 1875. Music by the Band. Prayer by the Chaplain, S. J. Day, P. G. of Jacksonville Lod ge No. 10. TUE SODA SPRINGS! Music. Oration bv W. T. Leeke, P. G. of Ash­ land Lodge No. 45. M usic. Basket dinner at 12 M„ to wlii< h all are invited. In the aft* • music, and speaking by members of rder. Tho festi-. • viil close bv a grand I in the evening at Veit’s eluding supper, $.3.00. Visiting brothers are kindly invited to participate. COMMITTEE Bv order of the AND MARBLE WORKS. LEGAL ADVERTISEM ENTS. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, tortile County of Laki*, sitt ing in probate. In the matter of the estate of William Criek- ett, deceased. ,T. CHARLTON, ADMINISTRATOR of said estate, having filed in said Court his final account for settlement, and also praying for an order for setting the time lor hearing the same, therefore notice is hereby given that said final account will be hoard and determined in said Court on the first day of the October term thereof (October 2, 1876,) at 9 o’clock a . m ., at which time all |>ersons having any objections to s iid final account and settlement must then and there make the same. Bv order ot Hon. E. C. Mason, County Judge. R. B. HATTON,Clerk. ‘ August 8, 1876. J EXTRA NOTICE! —TO— MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN SOUTHERN OREGON. JENSEN à IEFLAND, U. S. BAKERY, YREKA AKE NOW SELLING Soda, Graham, and Sugar Crackers, Jenny Lind Cakes and Gin­ ger Snaps. Ho ! Unto All Who Thirst ! COME YE UNTO THE SODA SPRINGS! AND DRINK WITHOUT Money and Without Price! rilHEUNDERSIGNED ARE NOW KEEP- 1 ing t he Soda Springs 1 louse, and having repaired and refitted the same are now pre­ pared to accommodate all that may favor us with a call. Prices to suit these hard times. THE MARBLE BUSINESS Will still be a specialty. All orders in this line promptly tilled in the best manner and at reasonable rates. Address, as usual, J. H. A A. II, RUSSELL, Ashland GREAT SACRIFICE —I N— BLACKS M I T 111 N G ! 4 S ALLOUR MERCHANTS ARESELL- 1 i ing out at cost and freight, I ain ready to do blacksmithing at cost and freight, blit must have the cash when the work is com­ pleted. Shop on the corner of California and Main streets. DAVID CRONEMILLER. PRO BONO PUBLICO. rPHE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTI- X tied that I have placed my notes and accounts in the hands of my attorney, II. We will guarantee to sell a better article of K. Hanna, with positive instructions to make immediatcand forced collection in ev­ Crackers cheaper than can be laid ery instance where security is not given. down from San Francisco. Those knowing themselves indebted to me will do well to call upon Mr. Hanna, Send in Your Orders Now without delay, as this is my last call. My business must be settled ! —TO JAMES T. GLENN. Jacksonville, Sept. 9, 1874. To Merchants and Dealers JENSEN & IFFLAND, YREKA, CAL. LAGER! LAGER!! FOR SALE. FLOURING MILL, ONE RUN OF burrs, good water power, favorably lo­ A cated in Kerbyville. For particulars, ad­ THE EAGLE BREWERY. dress J. B. SIFERS, Kerby ville, Josephine county, Oregon. rpiIE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, I has now on hand ami is constantly man­ ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to suit purchasers. Call ami test the article. G WM. PU R C II A S II B. AGENT, I’er ^av I eO 1 ’e.v worth $1 FRANCISCO, California. Co., Portiau«'» Marne., LAKE» home. Samples free. S tinson A