STAUE AGAIN KO II BE I). ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY FOR T11E Rev. J. S. McCain and family left RELIEF OE TI1E AFFLICTED. for the Willamette this week. They Stage robberies, which were unknown New flour is in market. will probably not return, as Mr. Mc­ for years in this section, aro becom­ The Surgeons of the National Surgical In­ Odd Fellows’ Bonding, acksoavillc, Oregon, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1876. Threshing still progressing. located in Indianapolis; Pacific Di­ Cain is likely to be stationed else­ ing frequent now. A short time ago stitute, vision, Alhambra Building, Bush Street, Schools will reopen shortly. Francisco, have yielded to the many where by his Conference. tho stage was stopped near Cotton­ San S ocial P arty .—The Jacksonville urgent appeals from their patrons and DEALER & WORKER IN Yreka beer at Henry Pape’s. A fellow who evidently had too wood, Cal.i and last Thursday even­ ' friends in Oregon and Washington Terri­ Social Club will give one of its popu­ and adjoining region*to revisit Port­ much tanglefoot aboard rode up Cali­ ing it was again halted by two men on tories Shows aro becoming abundant. lar parties at its rooms to-morrow land. Tho loriner visit was highly satisfac- fornia street at a furious rate last Tues­ the Siskiyou mountains, while on its • tory and encouraging, many of trie patients TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, eto. evening. August 18th. Good music S. P. Hanna, of Waldo, is in town. | then accepted for treatment being now en- will be in attendance. Tickets, $1. Peaches and water-melons in market. day, shooting a pistcl as he went. way to Yreka, and the express box ; tirelv cured, while nearly all are greatly He was arrested by Marshal McDaniel and mails taken. Milo Mathews, the benefited and in a fair way of recovery. Pumps, Three or more of the Surgeons will be at Another show in town to-morrow S chool F und A pportionment .— I and fined $5 for his amusement by driver, observed the men just ahead : the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Portland, Oro- 'Treasurer Orth has received from State evening. from Monday, the 28th day of August, Recorder Hayden. of him, while slowly ascending the i i gon, until Saturday, the 2d of September, 1876, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 'Treasurer Brown Jackson county’s por­ Col. Stone and lady were in town six days inclusive. The Galice Creek Mining Company mountain, but supposed they were They will have with them a great amount tion of the interest on the Irreducible this week. sent a quantity of ore to be assayed at tramps. On nearing the summit they of surgical apparatus, appliances, etc., and School Fund for the year 1876, which NAILS, County scrip taken at par at the j San Francisco on the day of the stage got off on the side of the road and, as : competent assistants and workmen to I change, fit, and make such apparatus as amounts to $1,463.11 in coin and T imes office. i robbery, but the robbers made away the stage came up, halted it and de­ [ may be required. They will come espec- $683.78 in currency. prepared ■ <> treat all surgical eases; A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES, There is an unusual numl»erof stran­ i with it, no doubt thinking that they manded the express box and mail­ ! ! ¡ally Paralysis, all kinds of Deformities of the T heatre .—The Sawtelle Dramatic gers in town. ! were getting away with that much sacks of the driver. 3Iilo attempted ! Face, Spine and Limbs, Diseased Joints, | Diseased Eves, Catarrh, Private Diseases, to parley with them, but they gave i Piles, Fistula, etc. All who wish to avail Company, composed of three male and HARDWARE, TINWARE, Mrs. C. W. Fitch has returned to gold-dust out of the express box. ! themselves of the advantages of the Insti- him to understand that they mean'., three female performers, gave three Eugene City. j tute, without the long journey to San Fran- L ist of J urors .—The following is business by threatening to shoot him. | cisco or Indianapolis, should do so at this POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION performances at the Social Club Rooms Fresh water-melons at Ben Sachs , No cases will be undertaken without the panel of jurors drawn at tho Au­ There being no chance of resistance, i ! a time. last week, which were well attended. and E. Jacobs. fair hope of relief. It is needless to say gust term of the County Court: he accordingly forked over and passed ‘ that the institution is entirely responsible, Rip Van Winkle, East Lynne and Fuse and Caps, Jos. Rapp has our thanks for a the largest and most popular of the E. K. Anderson, Q. N. Anderson, on. At Cottonwood the authorities of I | and other plays were presented in first-class kind in America, curing thousands an- bucket of splendid pears. Haskel Amy, R. C. Armstrong, Fred. Siskiyou were telegraphed to, but took | nually. Remember the time and place, and manner, and Harry (Jordon favored i come early. X-iUSend to the Institute for A party from Ashland left for a trip Wooden and Willow Ware G. Birdsey, Morris Baum, C. C. Beek­ no action in the premises. When the circular. the audiences each night with some man, John Bilger, A. 31. Berry, II. news got here tho next morning, Sher­ excellent songs, The troupe gave gen- to the mountains this week. MARRIED.____ ______ The T imes from now until Dec. 1st ROPE, NAILS, F. Barron, Abraham Bish, Fred. iff Manning and Marshal McDaniel eral satisfaction. It left for tho North McKEE — MERRITT — In this city, August Barnaburg, John W. Baker, Merritt started immediately for the scene; Sunday morning, and will be at the for $1. Send in your names. loth, by Rev. J. S. McCain, Jos. M. Mc- Keo and Miss Sarah A. Merritt. George W. Frey and family have Bellinger, John M. Black, Wm. II. but, after a careful search, could find coining State Fair. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS Baszy, James R. Boss, David Crone­ no clue of the whereabouts of the rob­ gone to Happy Camp to locate. F alse R umor .—Our citizens were NEW, THIS WEEK. miller, Milo Caton, John Cimborsky, bers. Tracks were found, but could i Mrs. W. M. Turner has returned CUTLERY, WIRE, considerably exercised last week by a William Cameron, Lyman Chappel, not be traced any distance. Deputy Notice of Final Settlement. report in circulation that small-pox from a visit to the Willamette. James W. Collins, M. II. Coleman, Sheriff Coates and Deputy U. 8. Mar­ S. Booth Is training several fast i In the County Court of the State of Oregon, had made its appearance among the Daniel Chapman, Orlando Coolidge, shals W. A. Owen and N. Langell re­ for the County of Lake, sitting in probate. Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose, Indians at the Klamath Agency, and runners for the Oregon State Fair. Robt. A. Cook, Pat. Donegan, R. S. sumed the pursuit on Sunday, but dis­ In the matter of the estate of William Crick- ett, deceased. Judge Watson has returned from Dunlap, L. J. C. Duncan, Jeptha Da­ that some had died of it. The rumor ETC., ETC. covered nothing further except the | T J. CHARLTON, ADMINISTRATOR fortunately proved unfounded, several a visit to Empire City, Coos county. vidson, Martin II. Drake, Patrick supposition that the robbers got into the i r f . of said estate, having tiled in said persons directly from the Agency de­ George Schumpf is repainting and Dunn, Joel Dixon, George L. Deane, road again a distance from where the ‘ Court his final account for settlement, and I have secured the services of a First-class ■ also praying for an order for setting the nying that there was a single case pre- I otherwise improving his barber-shop. Matthew Fountain, J. J. Fryer, Hiram for hearing the same, therefore notice robbery was committed. Officers are 1 time is hereby given that said tinal account will Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair­ vailing there. Such reports are liable K. Kubli, Capt. Caton and James A. Farlow, Daniel F. Fisher, John L. yet on the track, and a vigorous search be heard and determined in said Court on ing promptly and in superior style. to do much injury to the business in­ Wilson have returned from Beaver Grubb, John A. Grieves, J. F. Gregory, first day of the October term thereof will be prosecuted. Postal Agent Un­ I the (October 2, ¡876,) at 9 o’clock A. M., at which terests qf the community, and should creek. Thomas II. Gilson, Herman v. Helms, derwood, who is here assisting in J time all persons having any objections to I slid final account and settlement must then not be made without good foundation Those who have agreed to furnish A. V. Gillett, James Herd, Fred. He­ working up the case, has received a and there make the same. for them. Bv order of Hon. E. C. Mason, County us wood are requested to do so imme-! ber, M. A. Houston, Josiah Hannah, telegram from Washington, in which Judge. TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, 1 I am receiving and have constantly ou Jr., Michael Hanley, Martin F. Hurst, tho Postmaster-General authorizes a August 8, 1876. R. B. HATTON, Clerk. D r . C onlan L ynched .—The no­ diately. hand a full and first-class stock of torious Dr. Conlan, who was such a C. W. Kahler, Esq., is visiting his j Jackson Hockersmilh, R. B. Harga- reward of $200 each for the apprehen­ nuisance to the people of this place relatives in the northern portion of the dine, John Holton, John Head, Daniel sion and conviction of the perpetrators Groceries, Hopkins, George W. Isaacs, Alexander of the robbery, which, in connection and Linkville last year, as will be seen county. DRY GOODS, Gum Boots, TOBACCO, N. Jones, Abraham Jacobs, William with the standing reward of $300 each by the following from the Yreka rnion —TO— The Jacksonville and Ashland Ready-Made Clothing, of last Saturday, came to a sudden “third” nines failed to connect last , B. Kincaid, William W. Kentner, offered by Wells, Fargo & Co., makes David Kennon, Kasper Kubli, Milton the amount $500 for each. death in California : By a gentleman Saturday. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Etc., Etc. Lindley, George H. Lynch, J. N. T. The robbers made a very good haul. who arrived in Yreka from Redding Religious services at the Catholic Miller, Samuel J. March, John Murphy, Mr. Underwood estimates that they ! on Thursday night, we learn that the IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Church next Sunday by Rev. Father Andrew S. Moon, George F. Morrison, got about $7,000 in all. The express box ' Everything sold at reasonable rate*. news had just reached Redding before Blanchet. Give mo a call. K. KUBLI. Bennett Million, Moses Mansfield, contained only $13, but a large quan­ he left that the notorious Dr. Conlan Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1875. The addition to the Jacksonville James Miller, Benjamin Mensch, Jas. tity of gold-dust, amounting to about JENSEN & IFFLAND, had been lynched at Adin, Modoc District School House is approaching McDonough, John Meak, James M. $5,000, had been sent by registered THE SODA SPRINGS! county. The particulars of the affair, Matney, J. R. Minnis, Jerry Nunan, letters from Kerbyville and Waldo, U. S. BAKERY, YREKA, as related to us, are as follows : Con­ completion. A thunder shower visited this sec­ Henry Norton, J. J. Nichols, Granville which they captured, together with lan had been bothering E. Lauer, for­ ARE NOW SELLING merly of this place, all day, endeavor­ tion on Monday evening. It was of Naylor, Jas. II. Oatman, Bartlett some greenbacksand gold-notes. The Obenchain, John O’Brien, William fellows seemed to have some idea that ing to make a fuss with him, and short duration. Soda, Graham, and Sugar D. J. Ferree has been appointed I I’ernoll, Champ. T. Payne, Thomas G. the gold-dust was aboard, as they de­ finally chased him down the street Crackers, Reames, Joseph Robinson, Horace sisted from cutting the sacks when U. S. Commissioner for Lake county ■ with a pistol. A young man lately Root, Albert G. Rock fellow, James T. they had secured it. The only pas­ Jenny Lind Cakes and Gin­ from Colusa county, and who had been by Judge Deady. ger Snaps. Ramey, John E. Ross, William F. sengers were four ladies, and they married but two weeks, interfered to Ben Sachs intends closing out in a prevent Conlan shooting, when Conlan month and is selling at low prices. Songer, Thomas II. Stimson, John were not molested. Sizemore, Hobart D. Taylor, John AND MARBLE WORKS. The driver, on returning the next took aim at him and shot him, the ball Call and see him. Tupper, John Watson, J. N. Woody. morning, found the six sacks and ex­ We will guarantee to sell a better article of entering his forehead between the eyes The party which went out on a trip Crackers cheaper t han can be laid press box laying in the road, and ! and killing him instantly. The citi­ to Crater Lake has returned after a down from San Francisco. County Court Proceedings. Ho ! Unto All Who Thirst! i brought them back to this place. j zens of Adin, who witnessed the affair, four weeks’ cruise. ' Four of the sacks had been cut open Send in Your Orders Now enraged beyond endurance by the pre­ AUGUST TERM. COMB YE UNTO Postal Agent Underwood is in town with a sharp knife, and their contents ’ — TO — vious actions of Conlan and the subse­ Officers present—lion. Silas J. Day, on business in connection with the quent murder of an estimable young Judge; Samuel Furry and Abraham strewn along the road. The box was late mail robbery. JENSEN & IFFLAND, YREKA, CAL THE SODA SPRINGS! man, now rose in a body, captured Miller, Commissioners; E. D. Foudray, i broken open and everything taken II. L. Tickner, of Yreka, was in from it. Conlan, took him to a tree and hung Clerk. AND DRINK WITHOUT NOT CLOSED OUT. town last week on business concerning Various conjectures are made as to him. Wm. Taylor, Supervisor of District P. S.—Since the above was in type the late stage robbery. No. 31, files his report of work done j the whereabouts of the culprits, l?OR THE BENEFIT OF TIIE CITI- B. F. Dowell has returned from on the Ashland and Linkvillo road. j Some seem to think that they have P zens ol Butte creek, Sam’s Valley and Money and Without Price ! we learu that the story of Conlqn be­ the public generally, and owing to the false ing lynched is untrue. He is confined Linkville, where he has been attend­ It appearing that there is still $86.02 ' made their way to the Coast; others statements to the ettect that the store and business have been dosed out at this place, in the county jail of Modoc awaiting ing to some swamp land cases. remaining in the County Treasury to i believe they have escaped by way of the undersigned take 'bis method of refut­ rpHE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW KEKP- trial. James Hamlin bought the house the credit of the Linkville special road i Lake county, while there are still oth­ ing these accusation by stating that the 1 ing t he Soda Springs House, and having ——---- ------------- formerly bc:uiging to the 1’. ol H. repaired and refitted the same are now pre­ ers who surmise they are yet secreted i goods Business Association have been purchased pared to accommodate all that may favor us P robate C ourt .—The following and lot in Phcenix at Sheriff’s sale last fund, it was ordered that an order for in the mountains. Of course it is yet of Helman A Fountain, of Ashland, and the with a call, Prices to suit these hard times. that amount be drawn on that fund in business was transacted in this Court Saturday, paying $35 therefor. business continues at the lormer stand at impossible to tell which i> correct. Daley A Emery's THE MARBLE BUSINESS mill, on Butto «'reek, in­ his favor, and that he file his receipt Rev. M. A. Williams will hold re ­ last week : dependent of any corporation or associa­ Will still be a specialty. All orders in this 1 However, the chances are considerably The final settlement of Fanny Clark, ligious services at the M. E. Church for work on said road fur the remain­ j in favor of the thieves. We trust that tion. Tho stock of goods consists of a gen­ line promptly tilled in the best manuer and eral assortment of merchandise, drugs and ing $5.71. reasonable rates. administratrix of the estate of Owen next Sunday morning at eleven. j they may be speedily captured and medicines. Teams on the road are constant­ at Address, as usual, M. Chapman, Supervisor of District j the property recovered. ly enlarging the stock. Goods will be sold Clark, deceased, was allowed and ad­ J. H. A A. II. RUSSELL, Ashland E. D. Foudray, David Cronemiller on as reasonable terms as anywhere in the No. 35, files his report of w ’ ork done ministratrix discharged. county. Bacon, lard, wheat, oats, wool, and James Stewart left for the Beaver j J acksonville P ublic S chool .— eggs taken in exchange for goods. Reason­ by him and tenders his resignation as GREAT SACRIFICE The petition of Herman Helms, ad­ creek cinnabar mines on Tuesday. able credit to responsible persons—premium The Jacksonville District School will Supervisor, as he intends leaving the on all cash sales. INLOW BROS. ministrator of the estate of Lavinia Alex. Martin left for Oakland, Cal., | county. Report accepted and resigna­ reopen ou Monday, September llth,j Eagle Point, July 31, 1876. —I N— Stow, deceased, to sell certain personal last Sunday. Herman Helms started tion accepted. under the management ot Prof. J. W. property, was granted. for San Francisco at the same time. The sealed proposals for covering the Merritt and a corps of efficient assis­ JOHN L. CARTER do blacksmithing at cost and freight, but A couple of new patents, in the agreeing to do the work for $227, and have been provided, and instructions IT all kinds of Painting, including which were approved. must have the cash when the work is com­ pleted. Shop on the corner of California W. Beeson, administrator of the es­ shape of a step-ladder and double-tree the other by Smith & Ilockenjos for will be given in music and such HOUSE PAINTING, and Main streets. academic studies as pupils may wish tate of Roxanna Thurber, deceased, for three horses, are on exhibition in $200. The bid of Smith & Ilockenjos SIGN PAINTING, DAVID CRONEMILLER. was accepted. The work is to be fin­ to pursue. A first-class opportunity was given until the next term in town. ORNA M ENTA L I’A INTI N< 1, is thus offered to those who do not. PRO BONO PUBLICO. which to file his semi-annual exhibit. McCall & Co., of Ashland, intend ished on or before October 20th. WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. wish to take a full course, but desire Adelbert McKee was appointed Su­ The inventory and appraisement of building a brick store this Fall, the ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. the estate of Samuel Laport, deceased, material for which is now being man­ pervisor of District No. 35, vice M. to give their time and attention to par­ milE ri’BI.IC ARE HEREBY NOTI- ticular studies. Non-residents of the Orders from the country promptly attend­ I 1 lied that I have placed my notes and Chapman, resigned. showing the same to be $685.80, was ufactured. 21. ; accounts in the hands of niv attorney, II. District wishing to attend should apply ed to. A panel of 100 jurors for the year , K. Hanna, with positive instructions to presented and approved. The building for the Alden Fruit to George Brown, President of the make immediate and forced collection in ev- Herman Helms, administrator of the Dryer will be completed ere long ending July 1, 1877, was drawn. To Whom it May Concern. I cry instance where security is not given. Board of School Directors. Bills to a considerable amount wero Those knowing themselves indebted to estate of P. W. Stow, deceased, files and the machinery will be on the way A LL THOSE INDEBTED TO THE UN­ me will do well to call upon Mr. Hanna, audited. W iiat are the credentials of G lenn ’ s IX dersigned are requested to come for­ without delay, as this is mv last call. My his sale bill of personal property sold, here in a few days. ------- --------- S ulphur S oap ? Firstly, it is indorsed by ward and settle immediately, or their ac­ business must be settled ! which shows that property to the Jacob Ollefer, after a short but lively A ppointment .—The following is my plan medical men as a disinfectant, deodorizer, counts will be placed in a lawyer’s hands , , JAMES T. GLENN. amount of $995.15 was disposed of. career as tailor among us, has absquat­ of appointments: Jacksonville, Sept. 9, 1874. and remedy for local diseases of the skin. for forced collection. My books must be I say. 3d Sunday in August, Applegate, Quar­ Secondly, it is an admirable article for toilet ! squared, and I mean what Sale bill approved. J. C. BELT, M. I). ulated, leaving several creditors to terly use. Thirdly, it is inexpensive. Meeting. LAGER! LAGER!! Jacksonville, Aug. 1, 1876. Wm. Ray, administrator of the es­ mourn his untimely departure. 4th Sunday in August, Jacksonville,Quar­ JsSTTho National Gold Medal was awarded tate of Napoleon Baker, deceased, files White & Kearns’ Minstrel Troupe terly Meeting. FOR SALE. j to Bradley & Rulofson lor the best Photo­ the appraisement of said estate, which THE EAGLE BREWERY. returned to California after their per­ The officiary will please attend—especial­ graphs in the United States, and the Vienna ly the Quarterly Conferences. was approved. Administrator given PORTABLE FIFTEEN-HORSE Pow­ Medal for the best in the world. 429 Monte formance here. Oregon climate evi-■ goinerv street, San Francisco. er steam engine is ottered for sale. It J. R. N. B ell , Pastor. an order to sell personal property. has only been in use three months and is in mHE PROPRIETOR, .TOS. WETTERER, dently does not agree with them. John P. Walker, administrator of perfect running order. Terms—six months' I has now on hand and is constantly man­ FOR SALE. P ay U p .—The stockholders of the credit, with approved security. Enquire of ufacturing the l>est Lager Beer in Southern The return game between the Ash- the estate of Elizabeth Walker, de­ HENRY KLIPPEL, Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to Alden Fruit Preserving Company, who C. C. BEEKMAN. ceased, filed a supplemental appraise­ land and Fort Klamath Base Ball suit purchasers. Call and test the article. FLOURING MILL, ONE RUN OF have as yet neglected to pay the as­ Clubs will probably be played on the burrs, good water power, favorably lo­ ment of property found since first ap­ cated in Kerbyville. For particulars, ad c» ­ I Q A DAY at home. Agents wanted. per day at home, Sample* sessment levied a short time ago, are dress J. B. SIFERS, ©14 Outfit and terms free. TRUE