■ ■ ■ A a uh jpiwratic unnrs Sto flmarratir ■a Published Every 3 h usday Morning By CHAS. .♦* £ r~i RATES OF ADVERTISING. NICKELI j , Advertisements will be inserted in the T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion....................... $2.00 “ each subsequent one...... ..... 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always at taken par. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Kates of Nubaeript ton: One copy, j'er annum,...................... »4 six months,....................... «4 three months,.................. InvariaWy in Advance. 2.00 1.00 JACKSONVILLE distinct bills appropriations for the rency at such times as five or more ing faster than appropriations and ex- the people. The Government of the various departments of public service, per cent, of the whole volume, and if penditures are reduced , leaving the United States, in my opinion, can ad­ STATE OF OREGON. and excluding from each bill all ap­ a surplus beyond what is required for Treasury with diminishing resources. vance to the resumption of specie pay­ A lbany , N. Y., July 31st. < lovernor....................................................... L. F. Grover Secretary of State,................... S. F. Chadwick G entlemen : When I had the honor propriations for other objects and all ordinary use does not happen to have The Secretary has done nothing under ment on its legal notes in gradual and State Treasurer,........................... V H- Brown independent legislation. In that way I been on hand at the money centres, a his power to issue bonds ; the Legis­ safe processes, tending to relieve tho State Printer................................ M. X . Brown to receive the personal delivery of your alone can the revisory power of each scarcity of currency ensues and also lative command and the official prom­ present business distress. If charged Sup’t of Public Instruction... L. L. Rowland letter on behalf of the Democratic FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. National Convention, held on the 28th of the two 1 louses and of the Execu­ stringency in the Ioan market. It ises, fixing a day for resumption, have by the people with the administration ...... P. P. Prim of June, at St. Louis, advising me of tive be preserved and exempted from wasajr reference to such experiences been made ; there has been no necro­ of executive office, I should deem it < ’ireuit Judge District Attorney,...................... IL K. Hanna my nomination as tho candidate for the moral distress which often compels thatnn the discussion of this subject mancy in the operations of the Gov­ ray duty to so exercise my powers JACK ON COUNTY. to assent to objectionable appropria­ in my annual message to the New ernment. The homely maxims of ...... Silas T. Day the constituency represented bv that tions, rather than stop the wheels of York Legislature in January, 1875, a every day life are the best standard of with which it has been or may be in­ County J udge...... vested by Congress so as the best and ( Samuel Furrv, body for the office of President of the the Government. An accessory cause < 'ountv Commissioners. suggestion was made that the Federal its conduct. A debtor who should i \l ram Miller. U. S., 1 answered that at my earliest soonest to conduct the country to that .J. W. Manning convenienceand conformity with usage, enhancing distress in business is to be Government was bound to redeem promise to pay a loan out of a surplus beneficial result. Sheriff, .1 D. Foudrav < 'lerk... found iu the systematic and insup­ every portion of its issues, which the income, yet I «oseen every day spend­ The convention justly affirms that Treasurer,..................................... ..John Orth 1 would prepare and transmit to you portable misgovernment imposed upon public does not wish to use. Having ing all be could lay his hands on in reform is necessary in the civil ser­ Assessor,.................................... M A. * ’hilder* mj acceptance. 1 now avail myself of .1 J. Farlow the first interval in occupations to ful­ the States of the South, besides the or­ assumed to monopolize the supply of riotous living, would lose all character vice, necessary to its purification, School Suj»erintendent,.... S. Howard J. Surveyor,.............................. dinary effects of an ignorant and dis­ currency and enacted * exclusions for honesty, and his offer of a new necessary to its economy and effi­ ................................. Dr. Callender fill that engagement. The convention, honest administration. It has inflict­ Coroner I against everybody else, it is bound to promise or his professions as to the ciency, necessary in order that the or­ before making its nominations, adopt­ JOSEPH INF. COUNTY. ed on them an enormous issue of furnish all which the wants of busi ­ value of old promises would alike pro­ dinary employment of public business Countv Judge........................... M. F. Baldwin ed a declaration of principles which, fraudulent bonds, the scanty avails of ness require ; the system'should pas ­ voke derision. The St. Louis platform may not be the prize fought for at the ' f J. E. Sevferth, County Commissioners........ ■ ,, T|iornlon. as a whole, seems to me a wise expo­ which were wasted or stolen, and the sively allow the volume of circulating denounces the failure for eleven years ballot box, brief reward of party zeal sition of the necessities of our country Sheriff,................................................ Messenger existence of which is a public discred ­ credits to ebb and flow according to to make good the promises of the legal instead of posts of honor assigned for Clerk............................................ Chas. Hughes and of the reforms needed to bring it, tending to bankruptcy or repudia ­ every changing want of business ; it tender notes ; it denounces the omis­ proved competency and held for fidel­ Treasurer,............................. ....... M m. Nauekc back the Government to its true func­ tion. Taxes generally oppressive iu should imitate as closely as possible Assessor........................................... I. !*• Lewis sion to accumulate any reserve for ity in public employ. The convention tions, «nd to restore tho purity of the School Superintendent.................T. M. Smith some instances have confiscated the the natural laws of trade which it has their redemption ; it denounces the wisely allowed that reform is necessary Surveyor,................................... W. N. Sanders administration and to renew the pros­ entire income of property, and totally superseded by artificial contrivances. conduct which, during eleven years of even more in the higher grades of pub­ Coroner.............................. Geo. S. Mathewson perity of the people; but some of destroyed its market value. It is im ­ In a similar discussion in my message peace, has made no advance towards lic service ; the President, Vice Presi­ these reforms are so urgent that they I.AKF. COUNTY. possible that these evils should react of January, 1876, it was said that re­ resumption, no preparation for re­ dent, Judges, Senators, Representa­ County Judge................................ E . C. Mason claim more than a passing approval. on the prosperity of the whole coun ­ f S. ( '. Moss, sumption should bo effected by such sumption ; but, instead, has obstructed tives, Cabinet officers and all others iu The necessity of reform in tho public County ( omnussioners,...... • . Tenbrook. try. Nobler motives of humanity measures as would keep the aggregate resumption by wasting our resources authority are not a private perquisite— Sheriff........................................... T. J. Bmttain expense, Federal, Stateand Municipal, concur with the material interests of amount of currency self-adjusting dur­ and exhausting all our surplus income, they are public trusts. Two evils in­ Clerk............................................. R. B. Hatton and modes of Federal taxation justi­ Treasurer....................................... J. I,. Hanks fied all prominence given to it in the all in requiring every obstacle to be re­ ing all process, without creating at any and while professing to intend speed­ fest the official service of the Federal ,.M. Rings Assessor........................ moved to complete a durable reconcil­ time an artificial scarcity, and without ily to resume specie payments, has an­ Government—one is the prevalent and ,..H. M. Thatcher I declarations of the St. Louis conven­ iation between a kindred population, School Superintendent exciting public imagination with nually enacted fresh hindrances there­ demoralizing notion that the public Frank Cheesman tion. The present depression in all Surveyor......................... once unnaturally estranged. On the alarms which impairs confidence, and to, and having first denounced the service exists not for the business and business and industries of tho people, COURT SITTINGS. Jack«on Co«»D/.—Circuit Court, second which is depriving labor of its employ­ basis recognized by the St. Louis plat­ contract the whole large machinery of baseness of a promise of a day of re­ benefit of the whole people, but for the Monday in February. .June and November. ment and carrying want to so many, form, with its amendment universally credit and disturb the natural opera­ sumption, it next denounces that bar­ interest of office holders, who, in County Court, first Monday in each month. accepted as a final settlement of con­ .Trephine County.—Circuit Court, fourth has its principal cause in the excessive troversies which engendered civil war, tions of business. Public economy, ren promise as a hindrance to resump­ truth, are but the servants of the peo­ official retrenchment and wise finance tion ; it then demands its repeal, and ple ; under the influence of this perni­ Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc­ government consumption, under illu­ tober. County Court, first Monday in Jan­ sions of specious property, engendered but in aid of a result beneficial to the are means which the St. Louis Con­ also demands the establishment of a cious error, public employments have uary, April, July and October. moral influence of good citizens as vention indicates as a provision for the judicious system of preparation for re­ been multiplied, and the number of Lake County.—Circuit Court, fourth Mon­ by facts. The policy of the Federal well as every government authority. resources and redemption. The best sumption. It cannot! be doubted that those gathered into the ranks of the day in June: County Court, first Monday Government wasting capital has been in January, April, July and October. going on ever since 1865, which conhl They ought to be taught not alone to resource is a reduction^ of expenses of I the substitution of a system of prepar­ office holders have already been in­ TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. only end in universal disaster. The maintain their just equality before the Government below its income, for ation without promise of a day for the creased beyond any possible require­ I N. Fisher, President, Federal taxes for the last eleven years : law, but likewise to establish a cordial that imposes no new change on people. worthless a system of preparation, ments of the public business ; while I M. Caton, reach the gigantic sum of four thou- i fraternity and good will among citi­ If, however, improved providence and would be the gain of the substance of efficiency in speculation, fraud and ' David Cronemiller, Trustees,. sand five hundred millions of dollars ; zens, whatever their race or color, who waste, which have conducted it to a resumption, in exchange for its shad­ maladministration in public business, ' J. Nunan, I George Brown. L cal taxation has amounted to one- are now united in the one destiny of a period of falling revenue,,oblige us to ow, nor is denunciation unmerited of from the highest to the lowest places Recorder.................... .................U. S. Havde third as much more; the vast aggre­ common self government. If the duty supplement the results of economies that improvidence which in the eleven of power, have overspread the whole Treasurer,.................. ................... Henry Tape shall be assigned to me, I should not and retrenchments by some resort to years since peace which has consumed service like a leprosy. The other evil Marshal...................... ...............J. 1». McDaniel gate being not less than seven thou­ ..................... T. ('. Weiss Street Commissioner sand five hundred millions. This fail to exercise the powers with which loans, we should not hesitate. The forty-five million dollars and yet could is the organization of the official class t n >rmous taxation followed the civil the laws and constitution of our coun­ Government ought not to speculate on not afford to give the people a sound into a body of political mercenaries, SOCIETY NOTICES. conflict that had greatly impaired our try clothe its Chief Magistrate and to its own c’¡-honor in order to save in­ and stable currency. Two and a half governing caucuses and directing the aggregate wealth, and had made protect all its citizens, whatever their terest on its broken promises which it per cent, of the expenditures of these nominations of their own party, and <5^. Jacksonville Lodze No. ID. 1.0. IL I.. prompt reduction of expen-e impos­ former condition in any political and still compels private dealers to accept eleven years or less would have pro­ attempting to carry the elections of the » i Hohl- its regular m«s'tings • v« rv personal rights. at a fictitious par. The highest national vided all the additional coin needful to people by undue influence and, by an ' Saturday eveningat the o«ld 1'1- sible. It was aggravated by such un­ Reform is necessary, declares the honor is not only right but would resumption. The distress now felt by immense corrupting fund, systemati­ low’s Hall. Brothers in good standing are scientific and ill-adj listed methods of invited l«> attend. taxation that the inerea-0'1 sacrifices St. Louis Convention, to establish a prove profitable. The public debt of the people in all their business and in­ cally collected from the salaries and of tho p**<>p’e were beyond the re­ sound currency ; to restore public nine hundred and eighty-five millions dustries, though it has its principal fees of office holders. The official class ceipts. It was an aggravated financial credit and maintain the national hon­ bear interest at 6 percent, in gold and cause in the enormous waste of capi­ in other countries, sometimes by its policy which tended to diminish the or ; and it govs on to demand a judi­ seven hundred and twelve millions at tal occasioned, by false policies of our own weight and sometimes in alliance energy, skill, and economy of produc­ cious system of preparation by public 5 per cent, in gold. The average in­ Government, has been greatly aggra­ with the army, has been able to rule tion and frugality of private consump­ economies, by official retrenchment, terest is five hundred and fifty-eight vated by mismanagement of the cur­ unorganized masses, even under uni­ tion, and induced miscalculations in and by wise finances, which sh ill en­ per cent.; a financial policy which rency, and is the prolific parent of mis­ versal suffrage; here it has already business, ami an unremnnerative use able the nation soon to assure the should secure the highest credit, and chief in all business. Never were its grown into a gigantic power, capable of capital and labor. Even in pros­ whole world of its perfect readiness to wisely availed of, ought gradually to evils more felt than now. Men do of stifling the inspirants of a sound perous times the daily wants of indus­ meet any of its promises at the call of obtain a reduction of one per cent, in­ nothing, because they are unable to public opinion, and of resisting an easy trious communities press closer upon the creditor entitled to payment. The terest on most the loans. A saving of make any calculations on which they change of administration, until mis­ their daily < timings. The margin of object demanded by the convention is one per cent, on the average would be can safely rely ; they undertake noth­ government becomes intolerable. A possible national savings is at best a the resumption of specie payments on one hundred and seventy-seven a year ing, because they are at a loss in public spirit has been stung to the small percentage of the national earn- legal tender notes of the United States in gold ; that saving regularly invested everything they would attempt ; they pitch of a civil revolution. The first higs, yet for these eleven ye^rs the that would not only restore public at 4$ per cent, would in less than 38 stop and wish ; the merchant dares step in reform is an election of the Government consumption has been a credit and maintain the national hon­ years extinguish the principal, and the not buy for future consumption of his standard by which the appointing larger portion of the national earnings or, but would establish sound currency whole one thousand seven hundred customer ; the manufacturer dares not power selects agents to execute official than the whoie people can possibly for the people. The methods by which millions(?) of funded debt might be make fabrics which may not refund trusts. Not less in importance is a save in prosperous times. For all new this object is to be pursued and means paid by this saving alone, without cost his outlay ; he shuts his factory and conscientious fidelity in the exercise of investments the consequences of these by which this object is to be attained to the people. It is best even, when discharges his workmen; capitalists the authority to hold to account and errors are now’ a present public calam­ are disclosed by what the convention preparation shall have been matured cannot lend on security they consider displace insubordiDates. The public ity ; but they were never doubtful, demands for the future and by what it on the exact debt, that it would have safe, and their funds lie almost with­ interests in an honest and skillful per­ denounces in the past. The resump­ to be chosen with reference to the ex­ out interest; men with enterprise, formance of official trust must not sac­ Rnth Rrhekah Dtwp Lotlze No. I, I. 0. 0. I'., never invisible; they wore necessary tion of specie payments by the Gov­ isting state of trade and credit of who have creditors to pledge, will not rifice to the usufruct of incumbents. Holds its regular meetings on every other and inevitable, and were foreseen and Monday evening at Odd Fellows Hall. depicted when the waves of that ficti­ ernment of the United Slates on its operations in our own country, and Ixirrow ; consumption has fallen below After these immediate steps, which legal tender notes would establish the course of foreign commerce and the natural limits of reasonable econ­ Will insure the exhibition of better ex­ Members in good standing are invited to tious prosperity ran highest. attend. JOHN MILLER, N. G. specie payments by all banks on all condition of exchanges with other na­ omy ; prices of many things are under amples, we may wisely go on to the In a speech made by mo on the 24th S ol . S achs , R. S. of September, 1868, it was said of their notes. The official statement tions. the range of the frugal specie pay­ abolition of unnecessary offices, and made on the 12 th of 51 ay shows the these taxes that they bear heavily on The specific measures and actual ment times before the civil war. Vast finally by a patient and careful organi­ FARMERS’ HOTEL. every man’s income, upon every in­ amount of bank notes to be $30,000,- dates are matters of detail having re­ masses of currency lie in hands un­ zation of a better civil service system, ORTH’S BUILDING, OREGON STREET, dustry, and upon every business in ! 000, less §2,000,000 held by them­ ference to ever changing conditions. used. A year and a half ago legal under test, wherever practicable, of the country, and year by year they are selves. Against these $28,000,000 of They belong to a domain of practical tenders were at their largest volume proved competency and fidelity. Jacksonville, Oregon. destined to press still more heavily notes, tho banks held $141,000,000 administrative statesmanship. Tho and $12,000,000 since retired have While much may be accomplished by unless they arrest tho system that legal tender notes or a little more than captain ot a steamer about starting been replaced by fresh issues of $100,- these methods it might encourage de­ $5 per week Board and Lodging gives use to them. It was compara­ five per cent, of their amount, but from New York to Liverpool does not 000.000 of bank notes. In the mean­ lusive expectations if I were to with­ 4 n », Board....................... they also held on deposit in the Fed­ assemble a council over his ocean chart, time, banks have been surrendering hold here an expression of my convic­ ,...37? J cents tively easy when values were doubling •Single meals eral Treasury as security for these as human intelligence must be at the about four millions per month, because tion that no reform of civil service in ....... 25 cents under the repeating issue of legal ten­ Lodging....... der paper money to pay out of the notes, bonds of tho United Stales, helm to place the shifting forces of they cannot find profitable use for so this country will be complete and per­ M RS. WILLIAMS TAKES THIS METH- froth of our growing and inapparent with which they can bo changed from waters and winds, to feel elements day many of their notes. The public manent, until its Chief Magistrate is 1YL od of informing the public that she is wealth these taxes, but when values currency into investments. Iu this by day and guide to mastery over mind will no longer accept shams; it constitutionally disqualified for reba­ prepared to furnish board by the week, day recede and sink towards their natural i lies the only danger to be guarded them ; such preparations are nothing has suffered enough from illusions in tion ; experience having repeatedly or single meals, at reasonable terms. The I against in the adoption of general table will constantly be supplied with the scale the tax-gatherer takes from us without them. A legislative com­ an insincere policy which increases exposed the futility of self-imposed best the market affords. No Chinese em­ not only our income, not only our measures intended to remove a clear­ mittee fixing a day and official prom­ distrust, and an unstable policy which and restricted by candidates or incum­ ployed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Give profits, but also a portion of our capi­ ly ascertained surplus, that is with­ ises are shams among thoughtful men increases uncertainty. The people bents, though its solemnity only can me a call and judge tor yourselves. drawn from any which are not a per ­ tal. I do not wish to exaggerate or MRS. WILLIAMS. whose judgment will, at least, sway need to know that the government is be effectually delivered from his great­ Jacksonville, Nov. 26, 1875. alarm, I simply say that we cannot af­ manent excess beyond the wants of public opinion in an attempt to act on moving in a direction of ultimate est temptation to misuse that power ford the costly policy of the Radical business. Even more mischief would such a command or such promises safety and prosperity, and that it is and patronage with which the Execu­ WILL. JACKSON, Dentist, majority of Congress ; we cannot af­ result from the measures which affect without preparation. This would end doing so through prudent and safe con­ tive is necessarily charged. Educated ford that policy towards the South, we the public imagination. With the in a new suspension ; it would be a servative methods, which will be sure in the belief that it is the first duty of cannot afford magnificent and oppres­ fear of an apprehended scarcity in a fresh calamity prolific of confusion, to inflict no new distress on the busi­ the Republic to take his fair allotment, sive centralism into which our Gov­ community where credit is so much distrust and distress. The act of Con­ ness of tho country. Then the inspi­ care and trouble in public affairs, I ernment is being convened ; we can­ used to fluctuations of values, the vi­ gress of July 14, 1875, enacted that on ration of new hope and well founded have for forty years, as a private citi­ not afford the magnificent scale of tax­ cissitudes in business are largely caused and after the 1st of July, 1879, the confidence will hasten, restoring the zen, fulfilled that duty, and though oc­ ation. To the Secretary of tho Treas­ by the temporary beliefs of men, even Secretary of the Treasury shall redeem prices of nature, and prosperity will cupied in an unusual degree, duringall ury I said early in 1865, «there is not before their beliefs can confirm to as­ in coin legal tender notes of the Unit­ begin to return. The St. Louis Con­ that period with concerns of Govern, California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. a royal road for the Government more certained realities. Amendment is ed States on presentation at the office vention concluded its expression in re­ ment I have never acquired the habit than for an individual or corporation ; necessary, currency at a given time at the Assistant Treasurer in New gard to the currency bill by the declar­ of official life. When a year and a half what you want to do now is to cut cannot bo determined arbitrarily, and York. It authorizes the Secretary to ations of its convictions as to the prac­ ago I entered on my present trust, it p VER Y OPERATION PERTAINING TO down your expenses and live within should be assumed on conjecture that prepare and provide for such resump­ tical results of the system of prepara­ was iu order to consummate reforms j the jaw skilfully performed at reasona­ its amount is subject to both perma ­ your income ; I would give all leger­ tion of specie payments by use of any tions. We believe such a system well to which I had already devoted sever­ ble rates. nent and temporary changes. An en ­ No more credit will bo given after the demain of finance and financiering ; I surplus revenues not otherwise appro­ devised, and above all intrusted to al years of my life. Knowing as I do, first of January, 1876. I will take all kinds would give the whole of it for the old largement of it, which seemed to be priated and by issuing in his discre­ competent hands for execution, cre­ therefore, from fresh experience how of produce. Office and residence on cornor of Califor­ home-made maxim of live within durable, happened at the beginning of tion certain classes of bonds. More ating at no time an artificial scarcity much the difference is between going your Income. This reform will be re­ the civil war by a substituted use of than one aud a half of four years have of currency, and at no time alarming through an official routino and work­ nia and Fifth streets, Jacksonville. sided at every step, but it must be currency in tho place of individual passed, Congress anil tho President the public mind into a withdrawal of ing out reforms of systems and poll, New Boot and Shoe Store, pressed persistently. We see to-day credits; it varies with certain states have continued ever since to unite in that vast machinery of credit by which cies, it is impossible for me to contem­ immediate representatives of the peo­ of business ; it fluctuates with regu­ acts which have legislated out of exis­ 95 per cent, of all business transactions plate what needs to be done in tho C alifornia S treet , ple in one branch of Congress, strug­ larity at different seasons; for in­ tence every possible surplus applicable are performed and a system open to Federal administration without an stance, when buyers of grain and other to this purpose. The coin in the Treas­ the public and inspiring general confi­ acute sense ol the difficulties of the Oregon. gling to reduce expenditures, compelled Jacksonville, to confront the menace of the Senate agricultural products begin their oper- ury claimed to belong to the Govern­ dence would from the day of its adop­ task. If summoned by the suffrages and Executive; and unless objection­ atious they usually need to borrow ment, had, on the 30th of July, fallen tion bring healing on its wings to all ¡ of my countrymen to attempt this , work, I shall endeavor with God’s help i aving permanently located able appropriations be consented to capital or circulating credits by which to less than forty-five millions of dol­ harassed industries ; set in motion operations of Government thereunder manufac- i to be the efficient instrument of their to make purchases and want these in Jacksonville, the undersigned re­ lars against fifty-nine millions of dol­ I the wheels of commerce, spectfully informs the public that he shall is suffer detriment or cease. I funds in currency capable of being dis­ tories and mechanical arts ; restore will, prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot think an amendment to the Constitu­ tributed in small sums among numer­ lars on the 1st of July, 1875, and avail­ (Signed,) ability of part of the sum is said to be employment to labor and renew in all and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran­ S amvel J. Til. den . tion should be devised separating into ous sellers ; an additional need of cur- questionable. Thu revenues are fall- I its material sources the prosperity of I teed. CATON. TILDEN'S LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I I I I I I 4 I I H ■»