che gemoffaHr ¿inics. THURSDAY, I I T he North Pacific Mutual Life As­ sociation of Portland is purely mu­ tual, simple, plain and easily under­ stood. * H ill ’ s M anual .—L. S. Bates,'the agent of this work, will deliver it to subscribers in Sim’s Valley and other places next week, commencing on the 15th. Now is the time to insure in a home Institution while the ngt*nts of the North Pacific Mutual Life Association of Portland, Oregon, aro in the county7. F ire . —T he reside nee o f W m. ley, of F be of brick an d two stories high. It will be a valu dile addition io the t >wn, and everybody hopes for i«> eai I\ r«mi| !■ li in. ASHLAND ITEMS. line b< tween Waldo ami that place, to connect with Charlev Griffith’s stage. R. B. Ilargadine is slowly’ recover­ Weather cooler. , It will bo running about the first of ing from his late indisposition. He is t next month. Game law about out. able to be on the streets again. Blackberries are abundant. The stage from the South arrived It costs only’ ten dollars to hit a “pea- [ five hours behind time last Saturday, chick” on the head with a stone. It Sawtelle troupe this evening. Another boarding-house in town IS owing to a.series of accidents befalling makes “pea-chicks” scarcer though. I it between Reading and Cole’s station. Mr. Bancroft, of the firm of A. L. talked of. ¡Nobody was hurt and tho damage Bancroft A Co., San Francisco, was in The County Commissioners’Court is done in each instance trilling. town last week. He seemed to be in session. If tho necessary arrangements can talking up the text-book question, Of The T imes until December 1st for be concluded, the “third” nines of this course he wishes for the re-adoption of $1. Send in your names. j place and Ashland will meet in a match the Pacific Coast series—being largely’ A large amount of Hour is being ' game at Phoenix next Saturday. The interested therein. sent to Josephine county. ! Jacksonville boys play a »‘stiff” game We missed the usual household and Ed. B. Caton and Dave Crosby ar­ for “thirds” and are eager for the fray. kitchen “hints” in the last issue of the rived from the Willamette on Sunday S. C. Taylor, living near Phoenix, in­ Tidings. We would advise our editor last. forms us that he lost his fine Sligart pro tem. to procure a “bundle of hints.” Miss Effie Hubbard returned Sat­ stallion some days ago. He was ap­ The match game of base ball adver­ urday from an extended visit to Ne­ parently in good health when left the tised to transpire between the Ash­ vada. ; evening before, but whi n found the land B ase Ball Club and Mystic Base K. Kubli, John Bilger, Kahler A- Bro. next morning was in the last agonies I 1 Ball Club of Fort Klamath was played here last Saturday, in the presence of and others received new goods this I of death. week. A harvest-hand named Swindon was a large concourse of people, who had A lot in Phcenix will be sHd at the other day knocked senseless by assembled to witness the progress of Sheriff’s sale on Saturday. See adver­ a derrick with which he was raising the game. The points in the game, straw at the farm of Jacob Ish. Dr. from beginning to end, were well tisement. played, and both clubs manifested skill Mrs. H Pape, accompanied by a son Callender, who dressed the wound, in “picking” up balls on fly or foul. and daughter, left Tuesday on a visit says it is a slight one, as the blow The first innings played resulted in was glancing. to Yreka. Donation patents have been received favor of the Mystic Club, but the Abram Miller, County Commission­ tide turned and the Ashland boys er, has rot timed from a business trip at the Roseburg Land Office for O. D. scooped them up to the tune of twenty- Hoxie and Frank Bill, of Jackson to the Willamette. county, and C. Niday, of Josephine. live to eight. The following is the J. Kirkland has gone to Roseburg Aho homestead patents lor T. M. Hat- score: for the machinery for the proposed R. o. R O. [ M'/sbc. J shland. j ton, of this county, and Antoine Ewing, p............. 9 3 (Schiller, c..... • > o distillery at Phoenix. 3 • > Dimick, c ........ Kells, r. f ..... .... 1 4 Joseph. Geo. Groiz, John Trimble, of Q «> s 1 Farlow, s 3 j Robinson, 2d b.. 2 The contract of carrying the mail Josephine. Fountain, 1st b.. I 5 Deane, c. f... .... 1 4 between Yreka ami Linkville has been Gillett, 2d b...... 4 9 Q Rvan, 3d b..., .... 1 < ) The bill passed through the House I Wai rod. 3d b..... 5 9 Moyer, 1. f... .... 0 I awarded to Wm. 1). Corpe. 9 by R«,prt*sent itiv«* Lane to reimburse ; Hamilton, r f... 1 4 Lepine, i»...... ... 1 9 Alfred Pike, the Confederate Gon­ Oregon and California for Modoc war Alford, e. t. ..... 4 3 May, 1st b.„. .... 0 Hill, 1. f...... .... 4 1 B'r«*h, s. s..... .... 0 er I, and daughter passed through town expenditure-, is still pending in the I « - I Totals 25 Totals i this week northwar«! bouml. Senate. It appropriates $70,0110 for i Innings............. ................. 11 ;~,3¡ i,->i <»j 11 s i Dial Mrs. J. W. Thompson, of San Diego, Oreg«»ti, ami not the merely insigni ti- i A-hland........... ........... t» 5 4 212 - " il' ÔÏ -5 8 (’al., is on a vi-it to her parent*, J. S cant -uni of $7 000 as transformed by j Mystics............ ........... |2| loijtie 1,1 Eubanks ami lady, of A-hland. Fly catches—Ashland, 6; Mystic, 10. telegraphic err«»r. I Time ot game—2 hours ami 10 minutes. G. M. Banks, formerly of this place, Umpire, C. K. Kluni, of Ashland. Rev, J. S. Nr.w I. O. G. T. L odgi is an a-pirant for the Democratic nom­ The game passed off smoothly’ and McCain organized R«»gue River Lodge ination of Sheriff of Elk«», Nev. the Mystic Club bore its defeat good- No. 275 or. July 15th, with nineteen Rufus Mallory, of Portland, U. S naturedly, We would say, in justice to charter memners. The following an* Di-tri. t Attorney, passed through town (hat club, that it is a tine club, and a the officers chosen for the en-uing ye-terd iv en route for Linkville. jollier ami better set of boys can not term : Wm. Savage, W. C. T.; Miss J. S. Howard left for Galice creek Ada Birdseye, , W. V. T.; G. M. Sav- be found than its members. They sai l our boys got the best of them in on Tue-dav, where he goes to survey age, W. S.; Geo. < ico. Owens, Owen*, ’ W. A. S.; R. tlurt game of ball, but al the ball in a ditch for the English company. J. Orme, W. F. S.; Mrs. C. Birdseye. the evening they would make it up ; Sun. Phillip-, of Applegate, has a W. T.; Alex. Orme, W, M.; Mi-s and we gue-s they did. They danced White Price stidiion, 1 w-» years old last Dori Bird-eye, W. I > M. ; J T. Bail.'y, until twelve o’clock, and it was ru­ Spring, whudi wt ighs 1,400 pounds. W. C.; J. R. Baihy, W. I. G.; W. mored that the clock did not do much Miss Hattie Sav- Mi-»s Henry Pape has sent for a load of Ibiu-ton, \V. I). hour preceding good »luring the Yreka beer, which can In? obtained at »ig»‘, W. R II. S.; Mioded with this depre- performed at the Social Club Rooms dated money, though it may work a l ist Monday and Tuesday evenings to The performance hardship on tho-e who have a con- good audiences. was fair. sidtruble amount of them. C. C. Beekman this week received “M uch A do A bout N othing ” a splendid clock from San Francisco, Thu Yreka Union labors under the I which is about the largest and finest wrong idea that Jackson county will in town. It also keeps the day of the be able to *^pply only the home mar­ week and month. ket this year. The crops, owing to Assessor Childers informs us that he the unusual circumstances, are not as large as generally, but with the re­ has about completed assessing the mainder of last year’s surplus this sec­ county. The assess in nt roll will not tion is able to supply the home con­ be as large as last year, owing to the sumption and have plenty left for ex­ decrease in the valuation of stock. port. Uncle Jimmy Leslie has returned I and Douglas D ied . — Henry Remine, formerly from a trip to Josephine ioreman of the Sentinel, died at the counties. He sold his fine Black residence of his mother in Yreka on Hawk stallion to Chas. Duncan, of the 8th, aged 21 years, 8 months and Josephine, for $240—a small price. 4 days. He was taken sick last Wai­ $25 pays in full for a policy for life ter, since which time he has been in the North Piciflc Mutual Life As- failing, until death reliesed him. His sociation of Portland, Oregon, No Affliction was consumption of tlie bow­ oilier payments will ever lie required, els and kidneys. He leaves a mother, except for death assessments. brother and two sisters, and a large Laban Buoy, who served as Captain circle of friends and acqu lintances to of a company of volunteers in the In­ mourn his untimely death. May he dian war of 1855-5G in this section, rest in peace. A nother F ine M ineral S pring . —()n the .south fork of Evans’ creek, in this county, near J. B. Thomas’ saw-miil, i » tie of the finest soda or mineral springs. M.itij’ invalids have for the past few years been using the water of this spring, ami in every in­ stance have received much benefit ami in some cases complete relief. It is considered by p(*rsons who are ac­ quainted with both, that this spring is similar to ami contains equally as ben­ eficial medicinal properties as the cele­ brated Bartlett Springs, in (’alilurnia. The spring i* free to all who may de­ sire to try’ its waters. Post, so Sunday’ morning we bade them good-bye ami they departed for their home at Fort Klamath. R ob R oy . Ashland, August 6, 1876. A ppointment .—The following is my plan of appointments: 2d Sumlay in August, Evans’ Creek, Sat­ urday before. I 3d Sunday in August, Applegate, Quar­ terly Meeting. 4th Sumlay in August, Jacksonville,Quar­ terly Meeting. The oiliciarv will please attend—especial­ ly the (¿uarlerly Conferences. J. R. N. B ell , Pastor. Ik. KUBLL A NOT II Eli OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RELIEF (JE T1IE AFFLICTED. LOCAI. BREVI TI EM. The Surgeons of the National Surgical In­ stituto, located in Indianapolis ; Pacific Di­ vision, Alhambra Building, Bush Street, San Francisco, have yielded to the many ! urgent appeals lrom their patrons and friends in Oregon and Washington Terri­ I tories and adjoining regions to revisit Port­ land. The tormer visit was highly satisfac­ tory an«l encouraging, many of the patients then accepted for treatment being now en­ tirely cured, while itearly all are greatly benefited and in a fair way of recovery. Three or more of the Surgeons will bo at ; the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Portland, Ore­ I gon. from Monday , the 2Sth day of .August, until Saturday, the 2d of September, 1876, six «lavs inclusive. I They will have with them a great amount j of surgical appa itus, appliances, etc., and competent assistants and workmen to change, tit. and make such apparatus as may __ v bo require«!. 2. They will come espec­ ially prepared to treat all surgical cases : Paralysis, all kinds of Deformities of the Face, Spine ami Limbs, Diseased Joints, Diseased Eyes, Catarrh, Private Diseases, Piles, Fistula, etc. All who wish to avail themselves of the advantages of the Insti­ tute, without the long journey to San Fran­ cisco or Indianapolis, shoul«l do so at this Lime. No cases will be umlerlaken without a fair hope of relief. It is needless to say that the institution is entirely responsible, and the largest and most popular of the kind in America, curing thousands an­ nually. Remember the time and place, and come early. g»F.Send to the Institute for circular. DEALER & WORKER IN TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, «te Pump, IMPLEMENTS^ AGRICULTURAL NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, Wooden and Willow Ware married . ROPE, NAILS, WILKINSON—SINGER—Ou Big Butte, by Rev. F. X. Blanchett. Hiram C. Wilkin­ son and Miss Martha J. Singer. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS LEÍ JAL A DVERTISEM ENTS. CITI.ERY, WIRE, I Administratrix's Notice. Shot, Erushes, Chains and Hoée, In the matter of the estate of N. C. Dean, deceased, VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT irre., etc . x\ the under jned has been appointed by the County Court of Jackson county. Oregon, Administratrix ___ __ ol' __ the __ estate _____ of N. I have secured the services of a First -class i ’. 1 »can, deceast «I. All persons indebted to said estate are Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair­ requested to settle the same immediately, and t ix>-(* having claims against the estate ing promptly and in superior style. will present them with the proper vouchers t<> me at my rosi-fence near Willow’ Springs within six months from the «late hereof. ANNA DEAN, Administratrix of the estate of N. C. Dean. July 17, 1876. TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, 1 I am receiving and have constantly on hand a full and first-class stock of Administrator's Notice. In the matter of the estate of Napoleon Ba­ Groceries, ker, deceased. VroTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DRY GOODS, Gum Boots, TOBACCO, li the undersigned lias been appointed by the County Court ot Jackson county, Ore­ Ready-Made Clothing, gon, Administrator of the estate of Napo­ leon Bike r, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are n'quested to settle tin* same immediately, and tho-e having claims against the estaie will pres«?nt them with the proper vouchers Everything sold at reasonable rate«. to me at my residence in Applogato pre­ K. KUBLI. cinct within six months tr«'in the date Give me a call. Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1875. hereof. WM. KAY. Administrator of estate of N. Baker, dec’d. July 7, 1"76. TIIK SODA SPRINGS! Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Dl’- ly issued on: of the Circuit Court of the State of Oiegon forth«* C «nuiv ot Jackson and to me directed ami delivered in favor of J. M. Criekett, plaintill, and against John Dyer, defendant, for th«' sum of 815 87-100 and interest thereon at the rat«* ot 10 per «•ent. per annum 1r«»m the 17th day of June, 1876, and ilia further sum of 810 costs, and also th«'accruing costs, 1 ha'*’«* levied upon and will oiler for sale at public am*ii«m to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at the AND MARBLE WORKS Court House door in Jacksonville, Jackson county, < iregon, on Saturday, the 12th day of Augvst, 1876, at one o’clock p. nt., of said (lav, all of the Ho ! Unto All Who Thirst ? following described real property, to-wit : One lot situated in the town of l’lnenix in COME YE UNTO Jackson county, Oregon, ami rm*re particu­ larly described as lot No. 5, in block No. 2, as laid down on tlie plat of said town. THE SODA SPRINGS! Said property is levi«*«l upon as the prrp- ert v ot .John Dyer to satisfy the above de­ mands. J. W. M ANNING, AND DRINK WITHOUT Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. i Da'ed this Kith «lay of July, ls7*6. Co N TP. A CT A W A R D ED. —The sealed bids for putting a roof on the Court House and repairing the inside of the building were opened yesterday’ by the County Commissioners. Smith A Hockenjos were awarded the contract at $200, their bid being the lowest. B EXTRA NOTICE! — to — MERCHANTS AND DEALERS E lopement .—Jump-off Joe, in Jo­ sephine, tias a sensation in the shape IN SOUTHERN OREGON. of an elopement. A girl named Cole, aged about fifteen, has been missing for some days, and as the young fel­ I JENSEN à IFFLAL’D, low who has been courting her and M. E. C hurch .—Rev. J. S. McCain whose name is Williams, is non est in­ will hold divine services at the M. E. S. BAKERY, YREKA vent n.i, it is supposed they have eloped. Church next Sunday morning and ARE NOW SELLING evening. This will be Mr. McCain’s F rom G alice C reek .—Wo learn last appointment for the conference I that the company incorporated to work Soda, Graham, and Sugar year. Cracker3, the Yank ledge has commenced oper­ T he North Pacific Mutual Life As­ ations and is working day and night Jenny Lind Cakes and Gin­ hands. The prospects are reported fa­ sociation of Portland, Oregon, has now ger Snaps. vorable. Fred. Fisher, the Superin­ numbered among its policy holders some of the best men of Jackson tendent, was in town this week. * county. I We will guarantee to sell a better article of A gent for L ake C ounty . — IL B. Crackers cheaper i han can lie laid Q uackenbush , of the North Pacific i i down from San Francisco. Hatton, E>q., County Clerk of Lake, Mutual iJfe Association of Portland, ' i.s pur age it for that section. He is Oiegon, has taken over 100 applica­ Send in Your Orders Now authorized to collect and receipt for all lions for policies within tile Lut three —TO— accounts due this office, as well as to weeks. receive subscriptions, advertisements, JENSEN Si IFFLAND, YREKA, CAL. ^^TThe National Gold Medal was awarded died at his residence near Creswell, etc. to Bradley it Rulotson lor the best Photo­ Lane county, on July 31st, aged 74 NOT CLOSED OUT. C atholic < hi kuh —On the occa­ graphs in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in the world. 429 Monte years. sion <»f th«* inauguration of the new gomery street, Ban Francisco. L?OR THE BENEFIT OF THE (TTI- We have thus far escaped froni th»* “SLtndard” organ next Sunday, there U sens of Butte creek, Sum’s Valley and the public generally,and owing to the false smoky weather common every Sum­ will be High Mass and a discourse ap­ To Whom it May Concern. statements io the «ll<*ct that the store and mer. Fires are raging in the hills propriate to the ceremony. The pub­ business have been closed out at thi- place, A LT, THOSE INDEBTED TO THE UN- the undersigned take this method of relat­ southwest of town, however, l»ut are lic is cordially Invited to attend. j A dersigned are requested to come for­ ing these accusations by stating that the not large enough to create much ward and settle immediately, or their ac­ goods formerly belonging to the P. of II. counts will be placed in a lawyer’s hands Business Association have been purchased T jie North Pacific Mutual Life As­ smoke. for forced collection. My books must be of Helman A Fountain, of Ashland, and the business continues at the former stand at The mill at the Esther mine, in sociation of Portland, Oregon, is based squared, anil 1 mean what I sav. Daley A Emery's mill, on But o creek, in- J. C. BELT, M. D. dc|»endent of any corporation or associa­ Josephine, is pounding away at the upon the true principles and is con­ Jacksonville, Aug. 1, 1876. tion. The stock of goods consists of '«• gen­ ducted by some of the best men on the quartz night and day. The indica- eral assortment of merchandise, drugs and * FOR SALE. medicines. Teams on the road are constant­ tions are that this month’s run will lie coast. T heatre .—The Sawtelle Troupe, ■composed of several first-class male and female actors, is now on its way from California and billed to play at this place this ami to-morrow eve­ nings. J. Al. Sawtelle, the leading player of the company, has performed in San Francisco, Portland and other cities, and in the character of Rip Van Winkle is said to be immense. The Yreka papers speak highly of the troupe, and we have received a letter from a friend there recommending the most profitable yet made by at it as the best that has passed through least $500. Northern California for years. For --- The Crescent City Courier says Mr. :he advertisement particulars, read Diedrich intends putting on a stage elsewhere. Odd Krilovs' Boildinr, crksomiUr, lrr