HST5. RATES OF ADVERTISING Published Every Friday Morning, Bj CHAS. NICKELL, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Ila tex ofAubscription t <’ne copy, per annum, «• six months,..................... three months,................. Invariably in Advance. S3.00 2.00 1.00 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 187G VOL. VI tiENEKAL AOVES AND SEWS. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Advertisements will be inserted in the T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion....................... |3.00 “ each subsequent one.......... 1.00 T«egal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduction from the above raleamado to vearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always at taken par. HAPS OS’ THE CINCINNATI PLAT- FORM. A G ood T ime to I mprove or B uy S heep .—Sheep arc now cheaper than STATE OF OREGON. Small-pox is steadily increasing at previous time in the history of Governor,....................................... L. F. Grover M FURNISHING and To this end we imperative!}’ de­ the any State. San F ran ci.sco. Secretary of State.................... 8. F. Chadwick Large numbers have mand a Congress and Chief Executive State Treasurer,.......................... A. H. Brown Beecher has come out In favor of whose courage and fidelity to these changed hands at one dollar a bead, /State Printer................................ M. V. Brown WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Hayes, Let us hear from the Wood- duties shall not falter un'.il these re­ and still they are offered for sale. Es­ Sup’l of Public Instruction...L. L. Rowland hull. are being constructed for FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. sults are placed beyond dispute or re­ tablishments 71 FRONT STREET, killing shpep merely for the pelts and <’ircuit Judge............................... 42’^*‘ J*‘ ^r’m An average crop of wheat in the call .— Republican Platform. BOYS’ and GIRLS’ District Attorney........................ H- K- Hanna tallow. The causes of this depression United States Is about 300,000,000 “These results” are always repre­ JACKSON COUNTY. PORTLAND, OREGON. bushels. sented as endangered, and the Repub­ in the price of sheep are the low prices County Judge,..............................Sila« I. Dav READY-MADE CLOTHING, woo! and the scarcity of range for — A , ! Samuel Fnrrv, lican party continually claims that it of Dispatches from every part of the large flocks. The former cause will < ounty Commissioners...... ] Abram Miller. should he employed to place them “be­ undoubtedly East speak of the intense heat, its pass away as a change in Sheriff,....................................... L W. Manning TVE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND yond dispute or recall.” The recon­ the manufacturing Clerk...........................................E. D. Foudrav long continuance and its fatal effects. BOOTS and SHOES, of the IT a complete stock of struction job is still doing, is still tn do. country improve and interests Treasurer,.......................................... John Orth wool regains it Another change seems to have been Assessor,................................... W. A. Childers The permanent pacification of the former price. But the latter cause— School Superintendent,.............. E. J. Farlow GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS A CHAIRS, made In the office of collector of cus­ Southern section of the Union ; the DRUGS. Surveyor, .......................................I. 8. Howard the scarcity of range for large flocks— toms for Portland. John Kelly, of Coroner............................................................. Dr. Callender complete protection ol all its citizens will continue to grow more each year Lane county, is the man now. PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, JOSF.PniNE COUNTY. in the free enjoyment of all their as agriculture and cultivation takes CLOTHING, Countv Judge,.......................... M. F. Baldwin The largest tree standing in the I rights, are duties to which the Repub­ possession of the now untilled and va­ I _ ‘ _ . . (J. E. Sevferth, United States is at the head of Bear lican party are sacredly pledged.— Re­ cant lands. The present circumstances PATENT MEDICINES, County Commissioners, < Thornton. creek, north fork of the Tule river, publican Platform. Sheriff,...........................................S. Messenger I LIQUOKS, TOBACCO and CIGABS, are iniM favorable to the Improvement Clerk,.......................................... Chas. Hughes GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, California. It is over -16 feet in diam­ I Whenever any party is pledged to of our flocks. Let our sheep owners, Treasurer...................................................... Wm. Naucke eter. the pacification of a people entitled to while reducing the number, improve Assessor............................................ J. P- Lewis CROCKERY, ETC., School Superintendent,................J. M. Smith PAINTS, OILS AND Shepardson, on trial for robbing the self-government, and enjoying that the quality of their sheep, and they Surveyor,................................... W. N. Santiers will in the end be the gainers by the mail, and for which several innocent right peacefully, beware of it. Coroner.............................. Geo. S. Mathewson PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, At E. Jacob's New Store, men were sentenced to the Peniten­ It is the immediate duty of Congress operation. Now Is a good time also LAKE COUNTY. to fully investigate the effect of the tiary. was found guilty, but pleading for farmers generally to invest in a Countv Judge.............. E. C. Mason BLUE VITRIOL, . f s. c. Moss. immigration and importation of Mon ­ few sheep to be kept on their farms the statute of limitation escaped. County Commissioners, • A Tenbrook. Orth’s Brick Building, Jacksonville. golians on the moral and material in­ after the manner of the Eastern farm­ In the year 1860 the United States terests of the country.— Republican Sheriff........................................... T. J. Brattain LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. ers. Every farm should have a few Clerk............................................. R- R- Hatton produced 32,000 tons of wool ; the clip fíat form. sheep on it to supply the family and Treasurer....................................... J. L. Hanks of 1875 was 100,000 tons, yet the coun­ Assessor................................... M. Ricgs I What makes the duty so immediate? workmen with fresh meat, and to act LL OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD try imported last year $11,000,000 | School Superintendent...... II. M. Thatch r Grant has been urging it in hie mes ­ as weed killers on the fields and sum­ Sole Acrenfs for Orecon for the cele ­ at the very lowest rates. If yon don’t worth of wool and $50,000,000 worth Surveyor............................... Frank Cheesman brated CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP, which believe me, call and ascertain prices for sages for years, to no purpose. mer fallows. Every farm of one hun­ COURT SITTINGS. of woolen goods. kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, yourselves. No humbug I It is the right and duty of Congress dred and sixty acres can, if well man­ Jackson Cninty.— Circuit Court, second and is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and All kinds of produce and hides taken in Worcester (Mass.) Press says : “ We j Monday in February. June and November. foot rot. Circular sent on application. to prohibit and extirpate in the Terri­ aged, keep in good condition fifty I exchange for goods. 42tf. County Court, first Monday in each month. say confidentially to these republican tories that relic of barbarism polygamy. head of sheep upon what is ordinarily Josephine County.—Circuit Court, fourth gentlemen : You may make up your Republican Platform. wasted, or on what ordinarily requires « Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc­ "EXCELSIOR ” minds to see Governor Tilden carry a good portion of the time and labor tober. County Court, first Monday in Jan­ The Republican Congresses have New York State by about 60,000 or been neglecting their duties scandal­ of one man to keep In subjection, uary, Anril. Julv and October. Lake n>unty.—Circuit Court, fourth Mon­ Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., namely, the weeds. The meat and ously for a good many years. day in June ; County Court, first Monday I LIVERY STABLE 70,000 majority.” in "January. April, July and October. The death strokes in New York on We reaffirm our opposition to fur­ wool of these sheep and their increase Oregon. Jacksonville, TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. the 11th exceeded those of any pre­ ther grants of public lands to corpora­ can be made at net profits. Fifty Oregon St., Jacksonville, f N. Fisher, President, vious day for fifteen years, except July tions and monopolies. — Republican sheep can now be bought for fifty dol­ | M. Caton, It lars less than the average meat bill of 2d, 1862, when sixty-eight were re­ Platform. ■[ David Cronemiller, Trustees PROPRIETOR. W. J. PLYMALE. DAVID LINN | J. Nunan, ported. On Monday there were sixty This is like a thief’s declaration the medium farmers of the State. Th« I George Brown. deaths by sunstroke. that he reaffirms his opposition to increase from fifty ewes will furnish Keep® constantly on hand a full assortment Recorder,................... ................. U. S. Hayden the fresh meat in the future and save of furniture, consisting of Treasurer,.................. ................... Henry Pape It is estimated that there are now picking empty pockets. aving just received a new Marshal...................... ............... T...P. McDaniel BEDSTEADS, We will hold all public officers to a this fifty dollars, and the wool will sell 240,000 Angora goats on the Pacific stock of Harness, Bougies and Car ­ ................... J, C. Weiss for enough to buy the farmer two or Street Commissioner riages. I am now prepared to furnish my Coast, and quite an industry is antici­ rigid responsibility.— Republican Plat­ three suits of clothes each year, while BUREAUS, TABLES, patronsand the public generally with as pated in breeding them, as their skins form. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GUILD MOULDINGS, Yes, but the people will hold the the sheep will save the wages of one make excellent lap-robes and gloves, FINE TURNOUT'S party that appointed them to a “rigid man on the farm by consuming the | while their wool is very valuable. STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, B. F. HOLSCLAW. M. D., weeds.— Sacramento Record Union. As can he had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle responsibility.” CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. The Postoffice authorities have is­ horses hired to co to any part of the country. Wo rejoice In the quickened con­ Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses sued a caution informing the public PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, D on ’ t G roan . — The man who PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, broke to work single or double. Horses science of the people concerning politi­ groans over his poverty without taking that they must not enclose coin or boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon ETC., ETC. ¡jewelry in letters, either ordinary or cal affairs.— Republican Platform. any steps toward bettering his condi­ them while in niv charge. Kerbyville. Ore”on This is licking the hand that smites tion is Justly regarded as a good-for- registered, which are sent to any for ­ Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on them. hand and made to order. Planing done on J5TMY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. eign country in the Postal Union. nothing dunce. Had lie sense, the Dr. L. DANFORTH. reasonable terms. .«-fF Undertaking a spe­ We sincerely depress all sectional more desperate his fortunes the more A !il»eral share of the public piCrnniw is PHYSICIAN AND SUR G E ON . cialty. Grant, Belknap, Beecher, Blaine, i feeling and tendencies.— Republican energetic would be his attempts to im­ solicited. AV. J. PLYMALE. Babcock, Robeson, Schenck, the Re- ' Platform. prove them. Groaning does not help THE 1 publicans in the Senate, and ninety- | “ You lie, you villian«, you lie! ” — Offico and residence on Fifth street, oppo­ the mutter ; work is what is wanted. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY. I four thousand office-holders, have has- site and east of the M. E. Church. Tribune of 1866, passim. Persistent work will accomplish most I • tuned t<> hitch themselves to the coat­ CONDUCTED BY i anything. Opfmrtunities are always G. H. AIKx.N, M. D., tails of Hayes. It is too heavy a load Too M uch N oise for the S ize .— waiting for those who are able to seize THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES for a small man to draw. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, After a most ridiculous and extrava­ them. If a young man Is poor it does JACKSONVILLE. gant plea by a young lawyer in a triv­ no good to complain about it. Let him The Baltimore Gazette says that Jacksonville. Orcgou. ial case, an old lawyer, who had a way go to work to acquire means to fit him­ HE SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS Gen. Grant has turned out of office all of saying quaint things, remarked, in he new firm of kahler a bro . self for bu-iness. When thoroughly school will commence nhnnt the middle i the men whoso uobly aided Bristow Office—One door west of the W. U. Tele­ have the largest and most complete opening the opposing side of the case, of August. and is divided in four sessions, instructed in business affairs he will i in punishing the whisky thieves and graph office. assortment of nf eleven weeks each. The following are the breaking up illicit di-tillation in the that his young friend’s elaborate plea find plenty of opportunities to advance ♦erm«: J. A. CALLENDER. M. D., Business men are always DRUGS, MEDICINES Æ CHEMICALS, Board and tuition, per term,............ JUO.nn West. The meaning of it probably is reminded him of the experience of a himself. neighbor of his who was once en ­ glad to get such talent. They know 4. no that the whole business will be revived Bed and Bedding................................. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also Drawing and painting........................ 8.on ! for the benefit of the campaign fui d. gaged in breaking a colt, and the story that any young man who has had force the latest and finest styles of Piano....................................................... . is.nn he told of it was in substance like this: of character enough to educate himself JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Entrance fee. only once.................... . 5.00 Albany Argus says: “ The Demo ­ I The colt breaker made his young will always prove useful, and can be STATIONERY, ; cratic National Convention marks a son hide in the bush while ho himself depended on. Young man, if you are SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Office at residence, on Fifth street, op­ And a great variety of PERFUMES and new era in the history of the Demo ­ was to mount the animal and put him poor, don’t groan, but go to work. posite the Court House. TOILET ARTICLES, including the best and Primary, per term,................................... $ fi.no cratic party. It was thoroughly ag­ at his top speed to the hiding place, “ .................................... R.no cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER­ Junior, H. K. HANNA, gressive in Its character. It was com ­ and then the boy was tn rush sudden­ Senior, “ .................................... 10.no S mallpox —In case this loathsome FUMED SOAPS in this market. Prescriptions carefully compounded. posed of fresh representative men ; Pupils are received at any time, and their ly out and shout “ Boo ! ” the idea be ­ disease should gain a foot-hold in our ATTORNEY a COUNSELOR AT LAW, 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. ♦erm« will he conned from the day of their men from the people, who understood ing to prove how well the colt would midst as in all probability it may, we nntranoe. For further particulars annlv at the people’s wants, who would stop Jacluonville, Oregon, stand the scare. give a remedy said to have been dis­ the Academy. 29tf." FARMERS' HOTEL, at no compromises. ” Everything was done according to covered by a surgeon in the British Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business left ORTH’S BRICK BUILDING,UP-STAIRS, TABLE ROCK SALOON. The machine that runs for Grantism programme, hut the result was alto­ army. The mode of treatment is as in my care. is to continue to run for Hayes. The gether too much of a scare for the colt, follows: When the preceding fever Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. Jacksonville. Oregon. OREGON STREET, success of llayes means a continuation who kicked up his bee’s and put down is at its hight, and just before the c. W. KAHLER. K. B. WATSON. of Grantism. If so stubborn a man as his head and the old man was thrown eruption appears, the chest is rubbed .$5 per week WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. Board and Lodging with croton oil and tartaric ointment. KAHLER A WATSON, Grant is but dough in the hands of the over it far into the road on Ids head. 4 “ Board............... .s....... Clearing the dust from his loosened Th ’s causes the whole of the eruption Hings, what shall we say of him whom ....37% cents ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, Single meals...... . ....... 25 cents HE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL- the rings seek to make his successor ? teeth, he made for the boy with the to appear on that part of the body to Lodging......... known and popular resort would In­ Besides, Grant indorses llayes, takes switch he had cut tn drive the colt, and the relief of the rest. I It also secures JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, form their friends end the public generally RS. WILLIAMS TAKES THTS METH- that a complete and first-class stock of the him to his arms, adopts biin as his with rage began tn dress the astoni-hed a full and complete eruption, and thus Will practice in the Supreme, District and young man down, shouting, “What prevents the disease from attacking od of informing the public that she is best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and own favorite. other Courts of this State. prepared to furnish board bv the week, day did you do that for? What did you the internal organs. This is now th« norter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. Office in Court House—upstairs. or single meals, at reasonable terms. The Thev will be pleased to have their friends The Eugene City Guard says: A do that for ?” established mode of treatment in the table will constantly be supplied with the “call and smile.” worm, said by some to be the army “ But, father, ” said the boy, crying, English army in China, and is regard­ best the market affords. No Chinese em ­ H. KELLY, CABINET. worm, is making sad havoc among “you told me to holler boo !” ployed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Give ed in England as a perfect cure.— Jfer- A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found vegetation in this locality. Potatoes ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, me a call and judge tor yourselves. I “ Yes, ” said the old man; “ hut, dang cury. here. We would be pleased to have persons MRS. WILLIAMS. I seem to be its weakness, in some cases possessing curiosities and specimens bring it, it was altogether to big a. ‘ boo ’ for Jacksonville, Nov. 26, 1875. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, them in. and we will place them in the Cab­ as many as a pint having been found ' so small a colt I” W eeds .—It is a good thing for a inet for inspection. in one hill, but these not being handy ! Will practice in all the Courts of the State. farmer not to be afraid of weeds. WINTJEN A HELMS. Prompt attention given to all business en­ I JOHN L. CARTER & SON. it operates on any and all kinds of Some think and act as though they Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. O ld M aids .—The New York Ledg­ trusted to my care. vegetables. A patch of potatoes on could not he killed. We know that Office opj»osite Court House. PAINTERS. er comes to the rescue of old maids, as the east side of the river, at Skaggs ’ EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS. ferry, was entirely destroyed by them, follows : “Shriveled and withered, you they can be if properly managed. JAMES S. HOWARD, say they are ! Men and women grow The secret is to start early and keep at and W. T. Osburn only saved his po­ old and gray, whether married or sin­ them. Perseverance duringthe whole E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO C alifornia S treet , U. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR all kinds of Painting, including tatoes by pouring kerosene on the gle ; but many an old maid lingers to­ season is necessary. Harrowing the S. P. JONES, tops, having first tried ashes without day on this mundane sphere who ground soon after the crops are planted, Proprietor. FOR JACKSON, HOUSE PAINTING, any effect. Jos. Myers states that would have died long ago, an unhap­ and again as soon as they are up, and SIGN PAINTING, Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. they are also at work in his hop-yard, VTONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND BEST but as yet have done no great injury.” py but admired wife had she consent­ then cultivate often, will nearly de­ Official surveys made and patents obtained ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, Li Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining ed to marry some man whom she did molish them. Any that escape the Laws and Decisions at my office in Jack­ WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. kept. The New York Evening Post, which not love, but did despise, and said implements should be hand-pulled. won vflle, Oregon. DRINKS, 12 } CENTS. is certainly not a Democratic paper, ‘Yes’ where conscience and God com­ ALL STYLE8 OF GRAINING DONE. To destroy potato bugs—mix one NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t very forcibly says : “The Republican manded her to say ‘No.’ Long live gallon of prussic acid with three WILL. JACKSON. Dentist, Orders from the country promptly attend­ pay. Families needing anything in our line party roust acknowledge with Bhame old maids, and let no woman, from the ed to. 21. can always be supplied with the purest and that If their adversaries had not ob­ fear of becoming one, ever willfully ounces of rendrock, stir well and ad­ best to be found on the Coast. Give me a minister a tablespoonful every hour tained a majority in the House of Rep­ and deliberately sacrifice herself, It and call, and you will be well satisfied. a half until the bug shows signs resentatives, and set on foot the inves- I id the next crime to suicide.” of weakening. Then .stamp on him. (Successor to Caton d' Frey,) New Boot and Shoe Store. tigations which are now going on, the i frightful abuses which have been late­ L ittle Billy was very cross and I T wenty - button gloves that reach I C aijfornia S treet , ly revealed, would, in all probability, | tired the other night, and he wanted to the elbows are the fashion this year. New Boot and Shoe Store. ! have continued unchecked to the end ! his father to take him on his knee ; After a man has bought one pair he r.i.fcmia Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. ; Jacksonville, CALIFORNIA STREET. Oregon. of Gen. Grant’s administration, and, if but father was tired or pretended to never denies a woman’s right to bare x VERY OPERATION PERTAINING TO the office-holders could succeed iu be. “I want you to hold me on your arms. the jaw skilfully performed at reasona- electing his successor, would have knee,” he whined. “I tel! you I can- aving permanently located aving permanently located lasted perhaps four years more. That b,No*more credit will be ^ven T here are two reasons why some not do it, I am tired,” replied his fath­ in Jacksonville, I respectfully inform in Jacksonville, the undersigned re- Gen. Grant is responsible for what has the public that I am prepared to do all first of January, 1876. I will take all kinds : speetfullv informs the public that he is er impatiently. “Tired ! You was not people don’t mind their own husin««s. of work in the boot and shoe-making ■ prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot happened, it would require the most very tired last night when you held One is that th?y haven't any biisinw-, ° o’SSÎÏnd residence on corner of Califor- kinds line. Satisfaction guaranteed. . and shoe making line. Satisfaction giiaran- shameless hardihood to deny.” and the other i- they haven’t any wind, Mary mi your knee in the kitchen.” 2!Mf. r G. W. FREY. I teed. M. CATON. ■is and Fifth streets, Jacksonville. a OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. T. A. DAVIS. F. K. ARNOLD. T. A. DAVIS & CO I I 1 ! I I A ______________ ____ _______________________B.____________________________ —---------- 1 FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, I I I H I T T ——— T M W 1 H I H I ———-I. I ■ I ■!