Tk--' - V ’ ' .J V V ■ ’ .■? i'r *’■ “fi - Ot îDimorïïitii (Mints RATES OF ADVERTISING! Published Every Friday Morning. Bj CHAS. NICKELI Advertisements will be inserted in the T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion....................... $3.00 “ each subsequent one........... 1JX) Legal-advertisements inserted reasonably A lair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always at taken par. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rateo »f Nubscri piton : ('ne copy, }>er annum,.................... . six months,..................... three months,................. Invariably in Advance. $.1.00 S.M JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1876 1.00 . K. ARNOLD Ladies' and Gentlemen's I c T. A. DAVIS & CO FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, H « THE DLMtHKATK NOMINEE. were to maintain the integrity of our territory and the supremacy of the I STATE of O regon . Albany has organized a rousing Til ­ Samuel J. Tilden was born at New constitutional authorities. He had •I Governor....................................... L. F. Grover FURNISHING and den and Hendricks club. Lebanon, Columbia county, New York, been educated in the school of Jack- Secretary of State.................... 1” • * hadwiek State Treasurer,........................ A- H. Brown I son, and had teen a diligent student of in the year 1814. The family came Blaine’s friends are alarmed about I State Printer.................. .......... M. V. Brown W » OLES A LE DRUGGISTS, FANCY” GOODS him—fearing softening of the brain. from England to Massachusetts in the lessons taught by the nullification Sup’l of Publie Instruction...L. L. Rowland 1634. Governor Tilden’s father was a controversy of 1833. He had studied FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Several eases of sunstroke, and five FRONT STREET, man of notable judgment and a great carefully and profoundly the relation ... P. P. Prim Circuit Judge BOYS’ and GIRLS’ mad dogs were killed in New York friend of President Van Buren’s. of the Federal and State Govern­ Attorney, ...................... H. K. Hanna District on the 28th ult. JACKSON COUNTY. From his father Governor Tilden in­ ment, and of the citizens of those Gov­ PORTLAND, OREGON. READY-MADE CLOTHING, herited a taste for political life. He ernments. He had thus early formed < ’minty Judge.«............................ SilM T- Mr. Exon estimates the damage by ( Samuel Furrv, entered Yale College when 18, in the perfectly clear and settled opinions, < ’ounty Commissioners...... | Abram Miller. overflow to inhabitants along the Co- year made memorable by the second about which his mind never vacillated. J. W. Manning IV E KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND lumbia at not less than §100,000. sheriff, BOOTS and SHOES, ,E. D. Fond rav »V a complete stock of election of General Jackson to the They were the opinions of Jackson, of Clerk... ......... John Orth The grasshopper plague is feared in Presidency, and of William L Marcy Van Buren, of Wright, and of Marcy, Treasurer,........................ W. A. Childers Assessor*.......................... Montana this season. Crickets are al­ to the Governorship of New York. with whom, during most of their pub­ ,...E. J. Farlow GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS A CHAIRS, School Superintendent, DRUGS, ready troublesome in some parts of In that canvass he became interested lic lives, he had been on terms of per­ ...J. S. Howard Surveyor.......................... ...Dr. Callender Coroner............................ Idaho. in the issues of the day, and disap­ sonal intimacy.” PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. CLOTHING, In the winter of 1860-1 he attended Governor Hayes gave $500 to help pearing for two or three days returned County Judge,................ ........ M. F. Baldwin with an essay on the subject, which so the New York meeting of leading along the Ohio women’s temperance ( J. E. Seyferth, PATENT MEDICINES, County Commissioners, ..... ( H. Thornton. pleased his father tiiat he had his son men to consider measures to avert an He is said to be very sorry I LIQUOBS, TOBACCO and CIGABS, crusade. read it to Van Buren, who had it ap ­ Sheriff,....... ...................... ........... S. Messenger armed collision between the free and for this now. Clerk.................................. ......... Chas. Hughes GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, pear in the Albany Argus as an ad ­ the slave State’. He urged the North Treasurer,........................ . .......... Wm. Naucke The California rifle team may be set dress, over the signature of a dozen to reconciliation and forbearance, and ............... J. P. Lewis CROCKERY, FTC., Assessor............................ down for the championship of the or more leading Democrats. It occu­ the South to a deference to tlie will of PAINTS. OILS AND J. M. Smith School Superintendent,. world, they having won in the contest pied a half a page of the paper, and the majority, and a respect for the Con­ Surveyor,........................ .........W. N. Sanders Coroner............................. Geo. S. Mathewson PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, At E. Jacob’s New Store, at Philadelphia on the 7th. was copied into most of the Democrat­ stitution, outside of which it could ex­ LAKE COUNTY. ic papers of the State. The Evening pect no protection. On the war break­ Voters in November are to choose County Judge.............. .... ........ F. C. Mason BLUE VITRIOL, between a well known reformer, 8. J. Journal paid it the compliment of ing out Mr. 'Tilden associated himself f S. C. Moss, Orth’s Brick Building, Jacksonville. County Commissioners,. ’ t A. Tenbrook. Tilden, and the quintessence of un­ attributing it to the pen of Mr. Van with Dean Richmond, the Ipader of Sheriff................................ ...... T. J. Brattain I.UBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. Buren, and the Albany Argus paid it I the Democracy in New York. At a knownness, Rutherford Hayes. Clerk .................................. ......R. B. Hatton Treasurer.......................... ........ L L. Hanks Eight dollars per day for hotel bills the greater compliment of stating “by meeting at the house of General Dix, ............. M. Riggs Assessor ........................... A LT. OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD at Philadelphia is not so bad. Some authority” that Mr. Van Buren was ! on Lincoln’s call for 75,000 troops, Mr. School Superintendent... ...H. M. Thatch r not the author. Ill health compelled Tilden predicted a long war, and Sole Accents for Oregon for the cele­ at the very lowest rates. If you don’t Surveyor........................... Frank Cheesman brated CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP, which believe me, call and ascertain prices for folks could have paid thirty dollars per Mr. Tilden to leave college early, but thought 500,000 men should be called hour by mortgaging their property and court sittings . kills Ticks. Lice and all parasites on sheep, yourselves. No humbug ! in 1834 he entered the University of out, half for reserve and half for im­ All kinds ot produce and hides taken in borrowing of their friends. Jackson County.— Circuit Court, second and is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and New York, and completed his academic mediate action. Later in the war, the foot rot. Circular sent on application. exchange for goods. 42tf. Monday in February, June and November. A petition is being circulated in educ ition there. He entered the law Government at Washington advised County Court, first Monday in each month. Josephine County.— Circuit Court, fourth Corvallis praying the Legislature not otli e of the late John W. Edwards, in with him as to the best methods for “EXCELSIOB” Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc­ to purchase the locks and canal at Ore­ the city of New York. While yet a the conduct of the war. He addressed tober. County Court, first Monday in Jan­ gon City and to refuse subsidy in favor student Mr. Tilden sprang to the de­ Secretary Chase as follows : uary, April, Julv and October. Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., Lake County.— Circuit Court, fourth Mon­ of the Winnemucca railroad. fense of Mr. Van Buren’s policy in “You have no right to expect a LIVERY STJVBLE day in June : County Court, first Mondaj 1837, in the trying financial panic of great military genius to come to your Mitchell’s bill has been passed by in January. April, July and October. OregoB. Jacksonville, that year, when he issued his message assistance. They only appear once in the Senate, to extend the time for the TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. Oregon St,. Jacksonville, for a special session of Congress, and two or three centuries. You will (N. Fisher, President. completion of the surveys and loca­ | M. Caton, a separation of the Government from probably have to depend upon the tion of the Portland, Dalles and Salt . i David Cronemiller, W. J. PLYMALE. PROPRIETOR. Trustees,. the hanks, and the establishment of DAVID LINN i verage military talent of the country. Lake Railroad and its branches until 1 J. Nunan, the independent Treasury. Mr. Tilden Under such circumstance« your only I George Brown. I April 14, 1878. Keep« constantly on hand a full assortment __ U. S. Hayden wrote various papers in the President ’ s course is to avail yourself of your nu­ Recorder....................... of furniture, consisting of ___ Henry Pape In a croquet game at Lafayette last defense, signing as “Crino.” Treasurer,.................... aving just received a new merical strength and your superior ,,J. P. McDaniel ; BEDSTEADS, Marshal........................ stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­ week, between four players, two rep­ In the fall of 1838, at an immense military resources resulting from your ___ J. C. Weiss I Street Commissioner,. riages, 1 am now prepared to furnish my resented Tilden and Hendricks and meeting in Columbia county, he first greater progr» ss in industrial arts and BUREAUS, TABLES. patronsand the public generally with as tW" Hayes and Wheeler, The Demo­ took the stump, and replied to United your greater producing capacities. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GUILD MOULDINGS, I erats won, thus forever settling the States Senator Nathann I 1*. Talmadge, You must have reserves and concen­ FINE TURNOUTS STANDS, SOFAS. LOUNGES, Presidential question. a Whig who had left the DeiiuMTatie trate your forces on decisive points, B. F. HOLSCLAW. M. D„ As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle party, His success was marked, and and overwhelm your adversaries by CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. horses hired to go to any part of the country. Plymouth Church has I Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. TTorses Mr-. Tilton a penny’s worth since the made him at once prominent in the poitionate numtiers and re­ PHYSICIAN A N D SUR G E O N parlor a bedroom suits , broke to work single or double. Horse« political field. In 1840 be spoke at serves. ” Church trial. Neither has Theodore, hoarder!. and the he«t of care bestowed upon ETC., ETC. \\ ith peace, Mr. Tilden’s greatest them while in my charge. nor her old friend, Mr. Beecher. The New Leb non in defense of the schemes of the Administration, and political work began. With Charles hard part of the load comes upon wo­ Also Doors. Sash and Blinds always on drew the attention of the country to O’Conor he attacked the frauds and hand and made to order. Planing done on ¡STMY TERMS ARE REASON A RLE man every time, doesn’t it ? Dr. L. DANFORTH. reasonable terms, Undertaking a spe­ him by his manner and his thorough rings” in New York, the histories of A liberal share of the oublie natrnnage is Senator Morrill of Maine was, on acquaintance with the financial ques­ “ cialty ’ . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON solicited. W. J. PLYMALE. the 22d, nominated by the President tions of the day. On being admitted which are well known. The system government in New York city had nd confirmed by the Senate as Secre­ to the bar, he opened hi* office on Fine <>f THE ST. MARY ’ S ACADEMY. become and extended its in­ Officu and residence on Fifth street, oppo­ tary of the Treasury rice Bristow. It stieet, in New York City. In 1844. fluences corrupt, to Albany, and shaped and site east of the M. E. Church. was the quickest trip of the kind ever in connection with John L. O’Sullivan, CONDUCED BY CITA’ DRUG STORE, controlled culminating in made. Blaine, it is said, will succeed he founded the Daily News, to advo­ the Act of legislation, G. H. AIKEN. M. D., April 5, 1870, giving the THE SISTERS of the HOLY HAMES Morrill in the Senate. cate the election of James K. Polk for power of local city governments to a JACKSONVILLE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, We defy any true lover of his coun­ President, and Silas Wright fur Gov­ few individuals of what was termed Jacksonville. Orenou. try to say that he cannot “stand” on ernor of New York. “the ring” for long terms, and freed mHE SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF TUTS I In 1845 he was elected to the As­ from accountability, This was known he new firm of kahler a bro . I school will commence about the middle the St. Louis platform ! It is one of have the largest and most complete of August, and is divided in four sessions, the grandest proclamations of princi­ sembly from New York city, and while as the Tweed charter. The results Office—One door west of the W. U. Tele­ assortment of graph office. of eleven weeks each. The following are the ples ever published ; and the keynote sitting there was elected to the Con­ are matters fresh in the history of the terms: of Reform running through its entire stitutional Convention. In both bodies country. Mr. Tilden took ground DRUGS, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, Board and tuition, per term,........... J. A. CALLENDER, M. D., $10.05 Bed and Bedding................................. . 4.00 length will be sounded in one grand Mr. Tilden was a conspicuous authori­ against the ring, and fought it ener­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also Drawing and painting........................ . 8.00 chorus in November next. ty, and left a permanent impression. getically. He went into the State the latest and finest styles of Piano....................................................... .. 15.00 The defeat of Wright in 1846, and the JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Entrance fee, only once................... ,. 5.00 “Uncle Sam”—that is the name of coolness between Polk and Van Buren, Convention of the Democratic party STATIONERY, I the Centennial candidate and the next resulted in withdrawing Tilden from as a delegate from his old county. SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Prior to the Convention he sent a let­ President of the United States. They politics, and he gave his whole atten­ ter <“ Office at residence, on Fifth street, op­ And a great variety of PERFUMES and to 76,000 Democrats of the State, posite the Court House. TOILET A RTICLES, including the best and Primary, per term,................................... $ fi.00 call him “Uncle Sam” for short, but tion to the profession. He had no “ .................................... 8.00 urging them to “take a knife and cut cheapest assortment of COM MON and PER­ Junior, Senior. “ .................................... 10.00 his full name is Samuel J. Tilden, fortune and his income had been slen­ the cancer out by the roots,” referring FUMED SOAPS in this market. H. K. HANNA, irfT Prescriptions carefully compounded. Pupil« are received at any time, and their The allegorical “Uncle Sam,” will be der. He gave himself up to law to the power of the “ring,” and its in­ ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. terms will bo counted from the day of their turned into a glorious reality in the with that assiduity and the energy fluence in the party. The result was entrance. For further particulars apply at shape of an honest, capable, Demo- which has characterized his life. He a triumph for him. New York city Jacksonville, Oregon, the Academy. 29tf. cratic Chief Magistrate of our repub- soon made bis mark at the bar, and then sent him to the Legislature, he FARMERS’ HOTEL, Will practice in »lithe Courts of the State. lie. his business developed rapidly. He meanwhile prosecuting the “ring Prompt attention given to all business left ORTH’S BRICK BUILDING,UP-STAIRS, TABLE ROCK SALOON, Senator Kelly has announced that took passing interest in politics, but suits,” which were actions to compel in mv care. OREGON STREET, Jacksonville. Oregon. Office in Orth's Brick Building—upstairs. he will not be a candidate for re-elec, no leading part until 1857. In 1855 investigation of the departments of C. W. KAHLER. E. B. WATSON. WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. tion next Winter. He says living in he was engaged for the defense in a the city government, and to force pub­ $5 per week Board and Lodging Washington is so expensive that no most important action involving the lic plunderers to disgorge. His labors 4 «« « KAHLER A WATSON, Board......................... money can be saved. Nonsense; the right of A. C. Flagg to the office of in the Legislature were devoted to the ...3714 cents Single meals............ ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, Lodging..................... HE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL- Hon. James G. Blaine saved $600,000 Controller. The case was a desperate same end. This made him a still ....... 25 cents known and popular resort would in­ in six sessions and lived as high as the one, and involved political feeling of more prominent man, and resulted iu JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, form their friends and the public generally RS. WILLIAMS TAKES THIS METH- that a complete and first-class stock of the best. ] Kelly evidently has not benefit- a bitter character. He achieved a tri­ his being fixed upon for Governor of od of informing the public that she is best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and ted by the example of his radical as­ umph in the case which made his the State, to which office he was 'Will practice in the Supreme, District and prepared to furnish board by the week, day porter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. sociates. other Courts of this State. name popular in the land. elected by a plurality over John A. or single meals, at reasonable terms. The Thev will be pleased to have their friends Office in Court House—upstairs. Dix of 53,315. In liis first message Two years later he won a victory in table will constantly bo supplied with the “call and smile.” Advices received from Canyonville best the market affords. No Chinese em ­ CABINET. state that another rich strike was made the Burdell-Cunningham contested will he pointed out the intentions of his H. KELLY, ployed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Give A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found in the Lucky Queen mine last week. case, a proceeding growing out of a administration as follows : yourselves. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, me a call and judge tor here. We would lie pleased to have persons MRS. WILLIAMS. In running in the main cut, a ledge murder, which drew the attention of First—Return) in the Administration. possessing curiosities and specimens bring Jacksonville, Nov. 26, 1875. the whole country. The cause called Second—The restoration of the financial JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, them in, and we will placethem in the Cab­ was struck which is likely to prove the principles and policy of Jackson and Van inet for inspection. richest discovery ever made on the for the exercise of a high range of Buren. Will practice in all the Court« of the State. JOHN L. CARTER WINTJEN A HELMS. He pointed out to the Legislature SON, Jacksonville, Aug. coast. Gold is shown all through the metaphysical powers, auid could only Prompt attention given to all business en­ 5, 1874. 82tf. be handled by one possessed of great the frauds upon the State, and de­ quartz, plainly visible to the naked trusted to my care. PAINTERS. penetration of character. His success manded investigations into canal and «¿0- Office opposite Court House. eye, and the rock inexhaustible and EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, easily worked. removed all apparent doubts as to Mrs. other matters which the Legislature JAMES S. HOWARD, Cunningham ’s true position with re­ ! ordered, and the system of fraudulent C alifornia S treet , KITE ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO The Utica Observer, published in gard to the murder of I)r. Burdell. expenditures on canals received U. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR V V all kinds of Painting, including the town where Roscoe Conkling lives, His next professional case of note thorough overhauling. He recom­ S. P. JONES, Proprietor. says : “It is conceded on all sides that HOUSE PAINTING, was in the suit of the Pennsylvania i mended, and the Legislature adopted, FOR JACKSON, Mr. Hayes is an exceedingly nice sort Coal Company with the Delaware and SIGN PAINTING, financi d measures which were re­ Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. one bitt the choicest and best of a man. Ben Butler certifies to his Hudson Canal Company, Another was ceived with general approval, and by Official surveys made and patents obtained ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars honesty and Schuyler Colfax to his the case of tae Cumberland Coal Com­ at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining kept. piety. But if he waits for Utica to pany against its Directors. In these the exercise of Executive prerogative, Laws and Decisions at my office in Jack­ WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. DRINKS, 12} CENTS. ‘enthuse’ him into the White House suits he rescued the corporations from he secured the reduction of the State sonville, Oregon. ALL STYLE8 OF GRAINING DONE. he will he the senior of Methuselah unprofitable and embarrassing litiga­ tax the first year of his administra­ NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t about 17 per cent., and, as the WILL. JACKSON, Dentist, Orders from the country promptly attend­ pay. Families needing anything in our line by several centuries before he gets tion, re established their credit and tion New York World puts it, inaugurated ed to. 21. can always be supplied with the purest and there.” made their resources available. “a financial policy by which the State best to be found on the Coast. Give me a General Jubal Early says: “Gov. Since 1855 the greater number of tax, which was 7} mills on the dollar call, and you will be well satisfied. Hayes served only once with the Ar­ the great railway corporations north ; of the assessed valuation when he New Boot and Shoe Store, my of the Potomac, and that wan at of the Ohio and between the Hudson came into office, will be -reduced to 4 (Successor to Caton & Frey,) South Mountain, in Cox’s division, and Missouri rivers have beeu at some mills at least at the expiration of his C alifornia S treet , from Western Virginia. His other time his clients. term of two years, and at the expira­ New Boot and Shoe Store. Regarding the war, a New York service was in the Army of West Vir ­ tion of the next succeeding year to Califtrnia Street, J action ville, Oregon. Jacksonville, Oregon. ginia. His military career was so ob­ Democratic paper says of him : “Till not exceeding 3 mills.” CALIFORNIA STREET. scure that his name is not even men­ the war came Governor Tilden made very operation pertaining to Mr. Tilden is now in the G3d year every effort to avert the rebellion. tioned ‘ in the published reports, and ■th« jaw skilfully performed at reasona- of his age. He is five feet ten inches aving permanently located aving permanently located bNo*more credit will be given after the in Jacksonville, the undersigned re­ though now he is represented to have When his efforts, combined with those in hight, and he has what physiologists call in Jacksonville, I respectfully Inform wonders under Sheridan in the of other prominent patriots, had proved the purely nervous temperament with it» is the public that I am prepared to do all spectfully informs the public that he done ftrst of January, 1876. I will take all kinds kinds of work in the boot and shoe-making prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot valley I never heard of him before in abortive, his convictions of duty were usual accompaniment ot spare, figure, blue anti shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran- fair complexion. His hair, origi­ «^Office and residence on corner of Califor­ line. Satisfaction guaranteed. perfectly decided and clear. They I eyesand that capacity. M. CATON. feed. nally chestnut, i« now partially gray. 2!Hf. G. W. FREY. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. T T M N E nia and Fifth streets, Jacksonville. H H 1