CENTENNIAL R atifying the N ominations .— HORSE MEN X R X E Y A M ournful M eeting .— The San V Francisco papers have full accounts of I The Albany Democrat has the follow­ afcWsS Miff ing concerning the ratification meeting Fluid Extract what was intended to be a grand rati­ in Albany on the evening of June PRO CE AM AITON. JULY 7, 1876 I fication of the Radical nominees for 30th : “The nominations of Samuel »jQ ' J X • ’ • I’n-nidviil and Vice-President, held i > J. Tilden, of New York, for President M'.IIT OS THE FARM. CHICAGO AND NORTH-WESTERN Union Hull on the eveningof June 21st. and Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana, < N >w all clucked hoiuo to their feather bed* From the reports It seems to have for Vice President, were ratified by THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDI FÜR Are tne velvety chicks of the downy heads, been rather a Blaine mortification than the Democracy <»f the Capital of Linn RAILWAY. In th* oM Dutch style with the beds shove, a Hayes ratification meeting. It is county last night in.the good old-fash­ evident now, if not before, that there ioned way. A salute of 100 guns were \U under the wings of a hovering love, 13 KIGHT’S DISEAS1 is sorrow in the camp of the enemy i fired on the plaza, under tlie direction With a tew .’kinked in, as plump a* wrens, THE POPULAR ROUTE OVERLAND. over tho downfall of the Gollah of of Messrs. Win. Brown and George Around the edge of the ruflied Lena ! AND A POSITIVE REMEDY FOR their party. His name was received Hughes. The Mechanics Brass Band 11 With nose on the grass the dog keeps guard, • • LOOK TO YOUR BEST INTERESTS Passengers for Chicago, Niagara Falls, with bursts of applause. Tho Presi ­ Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspep ­ furnished the music. The evening With long-drawn breath in the old farm-yard Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Montreal, Quebec. sia, Nervous Deliility, Dropsy, Female dent of the meeting called him the train brought Ilia Excellency, L. F. Complaints, Non-Retention or jincontinence The cattle stand on the scattered straw. Now York, Boston, or any point East, fallen Warwick of the party and Grover, from the Capital, accompanied of Urine, Irritation, Inflammation, or Ul­ T HAVE LATELY BROUGHT OUT should buy their And cease the swing ot the under jaw. gushed about his “mighty arm.” Mr. by Hon. A. II. Brown, State Treasu­ ceration of the 1 from the East two pure blood imported The cat’s eyes shine in the currant bush, TRANSCONTINENTAL TICKET* 1 Percheron stallions, the best I could rind. Phelps, Timothy Guy, called him a rer, and Hon. J. II. Hackleinan, who BLADDER and KIDNEYS, Dew on the grass and stars in the hush, Via the Pioneer Route. lion. The political Fillibuster of the were escorted to the Court House, Spermatorrhoea, Leueorrhoea or Whites, PRIDE OF PERCHE i And over the marsh the lightning-bug Pacific coast, Tom Fitch, exhausted Avhere the meeeting Avas organized by Irregular or Painful Menses, Bearing Down, out from France to Ohio in 1874, and THE CHICAGO A NORTH-WESTER M Is twinging his lamp to the bull-frog's chug, his store of wordy titles in honor, not the electiou of Hon. 8. D. Haley Chlorosis, Sterility and all complaints in­ i Came made the season ot '75 in Wisconsin. He Is And the slender chaps in thegreeuisb tights. RAILWAY. of Rutherford Hayes, hut Blaine. He Chairman. After a few remarks Judge : cident to females. a dark dapple gray, well fbrmed, line stylo, That jingle and trill the sleigh-bell Dights; ; good disposition, with a graceful, free, ’ easy called him gifted, gallant and glorious ; Haley introduced the Governor, who i KEARNEY’S EXTRACT BUCHU Tn TS TS THE BEST ROUTE EAST The shapes with the padded feel prowl round, that I have never seen equaled in any lesser yet greater than Macbeth. He proceeded to make one of the best | For stone in the Bladder, Calculus (»ravel I action And the crescent moon has ruu aground, called him Ruperkand white-plumed speeches Ave ever heard upon a like I or Brickdust Deposit and mucus or milky horse of iris size. It« Track i« nf STEEL R AILS, and on if ha« beet» And the inky beetles blot the ujght discharges, and diseases of the prostrate FLEURY Navarre. Hayes cut a poor figure by made tlm FASTEST time that ha« ever been MADE in occasion. It was indeed a stirring gland. And have blundered out the candle light! th'« country. Bv thin route rmeeneer« for point« ea»t comparison in Mr. Fitch’s speech. one and was frequently interrupted ' Arrived in Ohio last August from France. of Chicago have choke of the following lines from Chicagor KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU And everywhere the pillow fair Then came in like strain John M. with boisterous applause. At the con- ( Cures abuses arising from imprudence, hab­ | He is a dark iron gray, a young horse of BY THE PITTSBUItG. FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO Are printed with heads of tumbled hair. great promise, of immense power, as is AND PENNSYLVANIA RAILWAYS, Time walks the bouse with a clock-tick tread, I Coghlan, of tapeworm ticket notoriety. 1 elusion of the Governor’s speech, Mr. : its of dissipation, etc.., in all their stages, at shown by his general make-up, action ami O THROUGH TRAINS DATLY. with Pullman Patee» Bill Stewart, of the Emma mine dis­ P. E. Fairish of San Francisco was in­ little expense, little or no change in diet, no life., • > Car» through to Philadelphia aud New York on Without aud within tho tarin’s abed 1 inconvenience, and no exposure, ft causes i These stallions will be larger than White each train. grace, concluded the mournful exer ­ I troduced, who made one of those hap­ a frequent desire, and gives strength to uri­ -s THROUGH TRAIN, with Pullman Palace Cari to at maturity. IJ’OI» K WITH J 50.VG. cises. When he got through an en­ py efforts that made the welkin ring. nate, thereby removing obstructions, pre­ Prince Together with White Prince. Pride of I R iltinic.re and Washington, THE LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN venting and curing strictures of Urethra, thusiastic individual moved that ■ After the conclusion of the speeches a Petche and Fleury will he found at my sta- i BV RAILWAY Bower to weave the web of life i AND CONNECT! NS ¿NEW YORK CEN­ allaying pain aud inflammation, and expell ­ bins lor theuccominoilatioij ot the publie till Blaine be invited to come to California, Tilden and Hendricks club was organ­ ing all poisonous matter. TRAL AND ERIE RAILROADS:) ! With a bright and golden rilling : 26th. Afterthat, Fleury rvill remain ■ Q THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. With Palace Drawing and this proposition was received with ized by the election of Hon. S. D. Ha- ' i’sed by persons in the decline or change March To do God's work with a ready hand. here for the chining season. White Prince ; • » Room aud Silver Palace Sleep ng Cars through to rapturous applause. Poor Hayes and i ley, temporary Chairman, and G. II. j of life: after confinement or labor pains, and Pride of PerclioAvill go to Albany and ' N ew Y nrk. And a heart that is always willing, in children, etc. Salem, returning about the last of July. I BY THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL. GRAND TRJJNK, Wheeler came in now and then, but it I Stewart, temporary Secretary. Sever- ' bed-welting Prof. Steele says: “One bottle of Kear­ AT AV ESTEP. N AND ERIE AND NEW TORK CEN­ While iu tire Easton my last trip I made Titan to snap the frail and delicate thread was much more a gathering of the al committees were appointed and ney’s Extract Buchti is worth more than all it an object to see and learn bow the l’er- i GRE TRAL RAILWAYS: Of our curious live« asunder. moulnrrs than a jollification meeting. other Buchus couibinetL” THROUGH TRAINS, with Pullman Palace Drawing cherou stock was filling the wants orexpee- ; • > Rotan end Sleeping Cer.« throueH to New York to And theu blame heaven for the tangled web The lack of enthusiasm in the interest • other proceedings had which will be tations of the public^ and H oav the colts from Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, or New York city i published in full. The meeting theu ■ Kearney’s Ext. Buchu And sit aud grieve and wonder. White Prince Avould compare with those ot ! of Hay’s was clearly demonstrated and adjourned with nine cheers for Tilden, I BY BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD: Permanently cures all affections of thu other stallions of this stock. THROUGH TRAIN'S DAILY’, with Pullman Patee» I all the “gush” of the talkers was Hendricks and victory. Better to weave the wool and warp, bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings ! It is now 25 years since its introduction . Car- for Newark. Zanesville, Wheeling, Warhiug- in Ohio arid 19 years since first introduced : wasted on the defeated and downcast existing in men, women and children, uo i ton and Baltimore without change. Wi h a pa tjrn of Heaven’s own choosing, I in Illinois. The one-fourth and one-half I matter what the age. Mr. Blaine. Wiuuing ibe palm aud the tuneful harp, bloods make tine, valuable animals, bring- ■ This is the SHORTEST. BEST and unir line running N ew A pplication .—The Republi­ Ask for Kearney’s. Take no other. ! Pullman .elebmted PALACE SLEEPING CARS AND And the crown, with no tear of losing. Price, £1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. ing at least double tlie price of good com- ' COACHES. I j can party seeking a continuance in connecting with Union Pacific Railroad at Depot, Cor. Maiden Lane and William mon slock, the supply being not equal to <»•'.Ali A and from ihe WEST, via Grand Junction. Mar- T ue F eeding of H orses .—The 1 power on account of its character may Then alike in the shade and the sun th»» demand at that. street, New York. »ball. C..rains, are relieve! stems filliug that on the occurrence of upper border of wood projecting in­ the Risky Mountains — 8,200 feet of TERMS. I soda or washing powder, which all contain almost instantly by external application. the hundredth anniversary of our ex­ wards for two inches and a transverse above the level of the sea—2,000 more or less enlistie properties. If is gunr- Twenty-five dollars. U. S. gold coin, the I’romptly relieves pains of Burn«, Neu I da. miles, in a tin pail, two fish of a Excoriations, Chafings, Old Mores. antccd not to injure in the least degree the season—-excepting White Prince fillies, who istence as a nation, grateful acknowl­ bar ot half-inch across the middle. Holla, Felons, Corns, etc. Arrt-st« in­ finest fabrics, and will save halt the soup will oti I a ' bo bred by special agreement, flammation, reduces au ell in;?», stops bleeding, edgments should be made to almighty A piece of two-inch hoop iron, on the species called by the boys out there generally which should be made before I leave for the used. It saves an enormous removes discoloration »»><1 beats lapidly. God for the protection vouchsafed to t >p of the manger, protects it from the walking fish. It has four legs, waste in soap, and wear and tear in «dot lies. Willamette. FEMALE WEAKXENSE9. it always retieves Pasturage for mares from a distanee. 62’.. pain in the back mid loitis, fullness and pie.,«- FOR TOILET AND BATH.—Rock Noap our beloved country. I therefore in­ damage by the horse’s teeth. This which it uses when on land, and its inz rain in the head, nausea, vertigo. ■ cents per week ; but no aecmmtability as­ skin is as smooth as an eel ’ s. When possesses remarkable cosmetic properties, vite the good people of the United simple arrangement prevents the horse SX EEY'CORRIItEA it. ha« noequal. All kinds of sumed for aeeidents or <-><•» pcs. without any deleterious effect upon the ulcerations tovrhich I art in ure»ubj>«t a i States, on the approaching 4th day of from throwing out his corn, and the in the water the l»*gs double up, and a skin. W. C. MY EK. I Tt is perfect ’ v harmless, a.id gives a promptly eurel. l-’uller details iu book iiecum- panyinF each battle. July, in addition to the usual observ­ provender is not set in so thick a layer i ring of fins around the neck stands vigorous and healthy tone to tho skin: it Ashland, I'eb. lri. J876. PILES —blind or Bleeding—mwt prunin' »riv f the out like a rutile, and is used by restores the freshness and bloom of youth I ances with which they are accustomed as in the ordinary narrow and shal­ and ready cure. No cu»e, however chi jua: or in a manner which is marvelous. It is put fish in swimming. obstinate, can long icaist its ivenlnr u.-e. to greet the return of that day, further, low maqger. up with a brilliant lalad, aud is having an VARICOSE VEIXS. It i* the only sura « ura. YOUNG MEN such manner and at such time as in JvlDA'EE DISEASES. It has uo equal lor p r- immense sale. I < sells itself. See quotations. manent cure. VENTURA R ock soap co ., I Who may b “ suffering from the « ‘ fled j DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM their respective localities and religious BLEEDIA’G from any cause. For thi< ii i« a spe­ £ W e all H ave our S at a ns .— •hfu! follies or indiscretion, will do 726 Montgomery Street. S. F. of vou1 cific. It has saved hundreds of lives uten a I party may be most convenient, to Each one of us have a different Satan. ADOPTED AT SALEM ON APRIL ex -°» well to avail themselves of t his. tlie great-; other remedies failed to arrest bleeding fro;.» mark its recurrence by some public, Satan comes to one man in the form 1876, BY TIIE STATE CONVENTION. nose, stomach, Innes, ami <>l«ew)>erc. est boon over laid at thealiarot suffering < FRANCO-AM ERICAN TOOTHACHE, Earache, Nieuralgi* »»'I humanity. Du. SPINNEY will guaran ­ religious and devout thanksgiving to of idleness, and makes him waste day Rheumatism are all alike relicted, uod tee to forfeit 8500 for every case of seminal The Democracy of Oregon in Convention ___ often permanently cured. Almighty God for the blessings which after day, year after year, until he has assembled, re-atlirms the platform of princi­ weakness, or private disease of any kind ' PHYSICIAXSof all schools who:are acquainted with have been bestowed upon us as a na­ wasted his whole life doing nothing. ples adopted at the last Democratic State or character Avhieh he undertakes and Pond's Extract of Witch Hasel recom­ mend it iu their practice. AVe have letters of j tails to cure. He would therefore say tion during a centenary of our exist­ Satan conies to another man as work, Convention, and adopt the following in ad­ commendation from hundreds of Physician», tn the unfortunate sufferer av 1 k > may read . to the same, to-wit : HOTEL & RESTAURANT. ence, and humbly to invoke the con­ and makes him destroy himself in the dition many of whom order it for use in their own. this notice that yon aro treading upon’ Resolved, That the action of the Demo­ practice. In addition to tbs foregoing, they tinuance of His protection. In wit­ opposite way by wearing out prema­ cratic House of Representatives of the Uni­ dangerous ground Avhen you longer do- j order its n«e for Swellings of all kinds. Quinsy, Sore Throat, Inflamed Ton­ lay in seeking tho proper remedy fori ness whereof, I have hereunto set my turely, his brain and his body. He ted States, in ferreting out corruption and sils, simple and chromo Diarrhoea, Ca­ • your complaint. Yon may be in the first I bringing crim.nais to justice, merits the hand and caused the seal of the Uni­ comes to another as Christian zeal, and commendation tarrh (for which it is a »ptcife>, Chil­ stage ; remember you are approaching of eA’ery true patriot. Opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, blains, Frosted Feet, Stings ’of ted Slates to be affixed. Done at the the man becomes a bigot, full of fire Resolved, That the largo influx of Chinese the last. If you are bordering upon the Insects, Mosquitoes, etc.. Chapped | last, ajid aro suffering some or all its ill | Hand», Face, and indeed all uumi'«r of city of Washington this 26th day of for the Lord ; but the Lord he serves immigration to the Slates of the Pacific skin diseases. effects, remember that if yon persist in coast of America has been a curse to tho June, A. D. 1876; and of the Indepen­ ¡8 a God of wrath, a God who cares for TOILET (TSE. liemoves Soreness, Roughness procrastination.the time must come when ' ; that the Chinese are a people that I and Smarting) huuls Cuts, Eruptions dence of the Uuited Slates of America trifles, a God who prefers sacrifice to country the most skillful physician can render have not, and never can bo brought to have, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. und Pimp’ss. It rerii-et, inrtftralej and you no assistance; Avhen the doorot hope refrether, whilo wonderfully improving the me luOth, u. 8. G rant . any interest consistent with the welfare and mercy. He comes to him as charity, prosperity of our Government and its insti­ Complexion. will l>e closed against you ; when no an- j Ly the President, but it is a charity which tolerates evil tutions : and that wo pledge ourselves to TO FARMERS—Pond’s Extract. No Stock gel of mercy can bring you relief. In no Breeder, no Livery Man can afford to be with­ H amilton F ish , case has the Doctor failed of success. and lets it alone, which has no edge use our best endeavors for the adoption of out it It is used by all the leading Livery Secretary of the State. measures as will prevent and cure this MADAME HOLT. Stables, Street Kailronds and first Rorteucu Proprietress. ; Then let not, despair work upon your im­ to it, no courage ; an indolent charity, such agination, but ha ail yourself of the ben- in New York City. I thus noequal for Sprains, groAving evil. which is not love at all, but only easy Harness or Saddle Chafings, 8tiffneu. I eficial results of his treatment before R evolution in G rain S acks .—It good nature. So he disguises himself Resolved, That our inestimable system of Scratches, Swellings, Cuts, Lacerations, Bleed­ I your case is beyond the reach of medical schools, and our no less valuable ings, Fneumdnia, Colie, Diarrhoea, Chills. Feeins that there is to be a revolution as an angel of light, calling himself common skill, or before" grim death hurries you Colds, &c. Its range of action is wide, and tho scheme of religious toleration, are the work­ to a premature grave. Full course of relief it affords is so prompt that it is in valua­ in the matter of grain sacks. Yester­ patriotism when he wishes to make manship of Democratic hands, aud the ble in every Farm-yard as well as iu every $25.00. Send money by Post i day we heard a prominent dealer offer nations hate each other; calling him­ fruits of Democratic policy ; that it is the rpHE MADAME TAKES THIS METHOD | treatment, Farm-house. Let it be tried ouoe, and you Office order or Express with full descrip ­ right and duty of the State to L of tendering her thanks to the public tor will never 1« without it. to give a farmer 25 cents per ton more self Christianity when he wishes to exclusive ('Jill or address tion of cnso. provide for the education of its children ; the patronage which lias hitherto l>een ex­ CAVTIOXi Pond’s Extraei has been imitated. DR. A. B. SPINNEY. for his grain if he would u*e cotton make men persecute each other; call­ and it having been a principle established tended to her, and would respectfully solicit The genuine article has the words Pond's No. 11 Kearney St., Sun Francisco. Extract blown in each bottle. It is prepared sacks instead of burlap. He claims ing himself honesty when he wishes in the formation of our State Constitution its continuance. by the only persons living who eve? no public funds of any class should lie Her tables are always under her immedi­ knew how to prepare it properly. Refuse alt that instead of attracting, the cotton to encourage a man in his rude and that used for sectarian schools or societies we ate control ; Rnd by her long experience in other preparations of AVitch Hasel. 7 his is repels moisture, and that the ravages overbearing ways ; and so on, chang­ declare our faithful adherence to this prin­ the business sho feels confident that she will UNION the only article used liy Physicians, and in the hospitals of thia country and Europe. of mice are not half to great as when ing himself into every virtue and ciple, and oppose any invasion of it ; that it give entire satisfaction to all. Tier beds and HISTORY and Vaca of Pond's Extract, is the inalienable right of every citizen to burlaps are used. As an illustration, every grace.— James Freeman Clarke. rooms are fitted up in the most comfortable in pamnhlet form, eent free oa application ti> worship God according to the dictates of style, suited to the accommodation of .single POND’S EXTRACT COMPANY, Iffi Maiden he a—erts positively that mice will his own conscience, and no political disabil­ occupants or families. Her beds are always Lane, New York. > Dot touch cotton sacks so long as there ities should be incurred by reason of relig­ kept clean. MEALS AT ALL HOURS.’ Cor. California vtn by actual exper­ temper is oftener the result of un­ Ave deprecate all attempts to raise sectarian NEW FERRY! happy circumstances than of an un ­ iment, the revolution in sacks will be issues as utterly uncalled for and reprehen­ he undersigned would re - happy organization ; it irequently, sible and meriting the emphatic condemna­ — ARD— speedy and complete. The burlap • • > 1 A spectfullv inform their friends »nd the tion of every good citizen. however, has a physical cause, and 7'ico and a Half Miles above Bybee's, sacks are now selling at 14 cents, public generally that they have purchased the above establishment, which will be while only 121 cents aro asked for cot­ a peevish child often needs dieting henceforth conducted under their constant BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE ton sacks. The experiment is worth more than correcting. A child of ac­ personal supervision, and they guarantee ON ROGUE RIVER. a trial, to say the least of it.— Stock- tive temperament, sensitive feeling, satisfaction to all who may fiivor them with and eager purpose, is' more likely to MAGNIFICENT PICTURE 14x18 IN- their patronage. ton Herald. ches in size, printed on heavy plate pa­ HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HERE- These stables are centrally located, and meet with constant jars and rubs, than per, beautiful in design and artistic in exe rpHE ­ ’ UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- within convenient distance of the various bv inform the public that he has ONE- O ur S ugar P roduction . — The a dull, passive child ; and, ff he is of cution. It represents a Confederate Soldier 1 tire in notifying tho public that they houses of public entertainment. Horses THOUSAND BUSHELS of superior Jacksor» nation has a sweet tooth. The quan­ an open nature, his inward irritation after the war returning to his home, which have established a new ferry at the above and mules will be boarded aud cared for at Creek Lime for sale cheap. Person* wish­ tity of sugar iLade in the United is shown in bursts of passion. If you he finds lonely and desolate. In front of named place, and have the largest and saf­ moderate charges. They hiiA’e one of the ing Briek-laying or Plastering done in tho Slates in 1875 did not vary much from repress these ebullitions by scolding the ruined cottage, telling a sad tale of the est bnaj on tho river, furnished with the largest and finost stocks in Oregon, south of best style and at reasonable rates wUl do miseries of war, are two graves with rude strongest wire rope, and charge less for Portland, of well to call on me. For further information that of 1874, reaching 44,650 tons and punishment, you only increase the crosses, on one of Avhieh some friendly hand ferrying. Gives us a trial. inquire at the Franco-American Hetel. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, TAYLOR A CO. manufactured from 215,000 hogsheads evil by changing the passion into sulk­ has hung a garland. To the right the calm G. W. HOLT. With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ river and tlie rising moon indicate poace Jacksonville, Feb. II, 1875. nf mviasBes, each gallon of molasses iness. A cheerful, good-tempered and rest. The stars seen through the troeB sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses yielding 3| pounds of sugar. Regard- tone of your own, a sympathy with represent the Southern Cross. It is a pic­ THE CITY BREWERY, and Mules, which wnll be hired to go to any part ot the country at moderate rates. i >g the crop of maple sugar, in the his troubles whenever the trouble has ture that will touch every Southern heart FARM FOR UH SALL Animals bought and sold, and broke to V l Í1! rf I’ absence of definite statistics, the yield arisen from no ill-conduct on his part, and should find a place in every Southern I 1/ saddle or luimess. ___ —BY home. Sent by mail mounted on a roller i lie «timocratic ¿imw. 1776. . I ROCK SOAP. 1876. ' • I R POND’S ! I I LIVERY AND SÄLE STABLE, ■■ ---- ----------■« ■ I " T THE LOST CAUSE. A T I I is estimated at 14,000 tons; and of sugar from beets there were not le$s than 300 tons. The total consumption of sugar in the United States for the year Just closed is estimated at 773,000 tons, which iucludes6l,185,473 pounds imported from the various sugar pro­ ducing countries. Of this amount Bos­ ton imported 112,867 tons in 1875, against 60,475 tons in 1874, 29tf. KUBLI A WILSON. Never fear and post-paid on receipt of 25 cents, or 3 spoiling children by making them too for 60 cents. Address, AGENTS FOR THE TIMES. JOHN BURROW