diKgnuiiii’idit Siwrs. THE KKPIULKAA ,M)WKEO. T. G. REAMES. Belknap*« Trial Postponed. K. KUBLI, E. R- REAMES. REAMES BROS., The Cincinnati Convention has met j Though the Senate has taken juris diction of the Belknap case, it is In no hurry to proceed to the trial. It 13 proposed to postpone further proceed ings until November, on the ground that a trial now, which would last at least six weeks, would prolong the session till Fall. The most important ' point has been gained by the vote on jurisdiction, and no harm can come from a postponement of the trial (ill I cooler weather. As to the"‘ result of i the trial when it does occur, doubts • are freely expressed, on the ground i that the Senators who voted against jurisdiction may possibly given ver dict of “not guilty,” without consid ering tiie evidence of guilt or inno- ¡ eence. This view of tiie case is not . Notice is hereby given that the un ' ’ forcible. The Senate is sworn to try the accused, and has solemnly decided I dersigned will shortly retire front busi i that the trial shall proceed. This i would be hut a farce if Senators were ness, and therefore request all persons not to be bound by tho evidence ad- i i indebted to them, by book account or dneed. I Odd fellows' Building, acksomill c, CrtftD, OfH.’lil Pnp"T for Jackson, Josephine k Lake and adjourned, and the result of Its (Successors to White Jt Martin,) labors has been a great disappointment • AY................................... -»UNF S’, It 76. to the Republicans of the nation. DEALER & WORKER IN DEALERS IN Rutherford B. Hayes, the nominee for DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. President, is the present Governor of TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, etc. Ohio, and, it is said, is a politician of some note there, tut outside of his FOlt CONGRESS: UALIFORNIA STREET, Pumps, own State he has never attained any* LA FAYETTE LANE prominence. He has never displayed JACKSONVILLE. - - OREGON. any statesmanship, and in national pol AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, or pofui-v«. itics is without ex|>erience. His nom ination shows to what straights the .. ' - — NAILS, Rej tiblican party were reduced when LOW PRICES WILL WIN FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOPS: they deemed it necessary, in order to W R. T. VnVET.T............................... Of Grant j A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES, HENRY KLIPPEL....................... O| Jack«on entertain any hopes of electing the E K CRONIN........................ Of Multnnman next President, to nominate a man 1HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- without any national record or reputa ure in notifying their friends and the HARDWARE, TINWARE, Tin: < itixFMK. ' public generally that they have purchased tion. Hayes’ nomination has created the stock of White A Martin, and are now receiving and opening a very large, exteu- POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIITION, Sinrp the rapid influx nf tbeCbine«u no enthusiasm in the Republican ranks, give and well-selected assortment of first began, many people of thl« Cr»n*t but, on the contrary, many of the lead harp U>en opposed tn tbi< immigration ing Republican papers in the nation Fuse and Caps, STAPLE DRY-GOODS, and anxious t<> put a stop to it, think cannot conceal their disappointment in? that the pro-oncp of these vast and chagrin at his success in the Con- BOOTS AND SHOES, .. Wooden and Willow Ware, I orde* of monpolian-* could but he ben vent ion. XV. A. Wheeler, who is the nominee eficial tn our welfare. But nt that How they I.ike Ilitye«' Noiniu«tlon. note, to come forward without delay California & Salem Cloths and Blankets, ROPE, NAILS, time the cry was for “cheap labor,” of the Cincinnati Convention for Vice We publish the following from the and settle up. nnd it was contended and believed by President, is a Congressman from New : SACHS BROS. Ready-Made Clothing', many that with Chinese we could com York, and is also without any great Sacramento liecord-Union, a leading PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. GLASS, We will continue to sell the re pleto important enterprises that could reputation as a statesman. He is a Republican Journal of tins coast, which AG RICULTUR AL IM PLEM ENTS, not be done without, and thus in a few man of whom a large majority of the shows how the nomination of the Cin CUTLERY, WIRE, mainder of our stock ot goods at re years add greatly to the prosperity of people cf the nation never before heard cinnati Convention are appreciated : j Hats and Caps It is not encouraging to perceive I duced San Francisco cost. the country. S » the Chinese were al of, » nd, after Novemner, will never S. B. Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose, lowed to come and have kept coming, ! hear of again. The Republican jour that among tho>e who are rejoicing1 LADIES, CHILDREN A MISSES SHOES. Jacksonville June 1st, 1876. »ind, to-day what is the re-lilt ? I-our nals have but one recommendation for over the work of the Cincinnati Con- j vention the Southern Deinocr: ts are j I ETC., ETC. financ ial condition any better than it him and that is, that he is the author even more conspicuous than the Re- ' wa* before ? No. And on every hand of the “Louisiana Compromise.” Be publicans. It is certain that no can We have also In connection with the above we hear the cry of “hard times,” oc that as it may, the prevailing opinion, i didate was so heartily feared and haled I have secured the services of a First-clas* a very large and fine stock of choice casioned by the millions of dollars ta evi n among leading Republicans, is j by the rebel element as James G. < Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair ken out of < ur country and locked in that his name will add no strength to' Blaine, and that men like Hill and , GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, QUEENS ing promptly and in superior style. Prin ter, Knott and Tarbox are fore- i the coffers of China. the ticket. most among the throng that congrat- ' WARE, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, We have tried the experiment with Tiie ticket put forth by the Repub ulates itself at tiis defeat. The wise’ PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, WIN the Chinese and It has not been a suc licans at Cincinnati is certainly a very\ mi-n of Cincinnati may learn a lesson ■ DOW GLASS, CAST AND cess. On the contrary, It has proven weak one, and already ensures the sue- I from this, even though it be too late' TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, STEEL PLOWS, WOOD detrimental to our interests. The cess of any staunch and true Demo to avail themselves of their new- 1 I am receiving and have constantly on bought experience ; for it is hardly hand a full anil first-class stock of Chinese have brought crime, pestilence, crats who may be nominated L»y the ■ EN AND WILLOW’ possible that the same nomination nnd misery with them, and taken home ■ St. Louis Convention. should at once tie pleasing to both par WARE. 17TC. Groceries, our gold. Their stay among us is only ties, and when Democrats make merry ' The ltillereiice. DRY GOODS, Gum Boot«, TOBACCO, over a Republican choice, the fact! temporary. They know nothing of boíles ill for tiie ensuing Republican We arc now ready to sell anything in our our system of Government and have The Democratic party was in power Ready-Made Clothing, linoat lowest cash prices. Persons wishing campaign. no interest in it, as other classes of nearly sixty years, and in all that time, | to buy goods will find it greatly to their ad GLASSWARE, CROC 2 RY, Etc., Etc. I vantage to examine our stock before pur National Democratic Convention. foreigners have ; nor do they contrib says the Pittsburg Post, no cabinet chasing elsewhere, as we are determineu not ute to the support of our public insti officer ever resigned, confessing his cor i to be undersold bv any house in Jackson This laxly will convene in St. Louis i conn? v. tutions. Thus will it readily be seen rupt practices, to avoid impuachment Everything sold at reasonable rales. ir-fFiiive us a call, and then judge for on next Tuesday, June 27th, at which ¡ Give me a call. K. KUBLI. that we have nothing to gain ami as Belknap dill. No Minister, sent by vourself as to our capacitv to furnish goods Jacksonville. Feb. IS, 1S75. time and place the next President of its above. REAMES BROS. JUST ISSUED. much to lo-e from this class of people. a Democratic President, was called Jacksonville. Feb. 12. 1875. The people of the Ea-tern States home disgraced and ruined, us Schenck t the United Status will be placed in THE SODA SPRINGS! Two Hundredth Edition. look upon the Chinese very much as has been. No Democratic President nominal ion. HUNTERS' EMPORIUM! th**y do the Indians—that is, that they , or Attorney-General ever interfered to — AN U— are being persecuted by the people of ! shield public robbers as Grant and Revised and corrected l>v the author, E. de i the Pacific Coast. But here, wlietc Pierrepont have done. No Democratic ; 4 MAGNIFICENT PICTURE 14x18 IN-j F. CURTIS, M. l»„ <tc. I I HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE we have an opportunity of witnessing | Governor was ever driven from his A dies in size, pi inted on heavy plate pa per, beautiful in design and artistic in cxe- j A MEDICAL ESSAY ON TIIE CAUSE ' tiie evils resulting from the inroads of place as was Adelbert Amis, the Gov cution. It represents a Confederate Soldier | 11 and cure of premature decline in man.1 i these coolies, the p< Ople begin to real ernor of Mississippi ; rather than incur | after the war returning to his home, which showing how health is lost, and how re- j he finds lonely and desolate. In front ot gained. It gives a clear synopsis of the im- . ize that some measures must be taken the sure exposure of scandalous crimes, the ruined cottage, telling a sad tale of the pediments to marriage, the treatment of miseries of war, are two grave with rude nervous and physical debiliiy, exhausted to stop these evil-. It is not Just that Ames resigned, and to be still more crosses, on one of which some friendly hand vitality, and all other diseases appertaining the Government should levy a tariff to safe, left the State he had misgoverned. has hung a garland. To the right the calm thereto; the results of twenty years’ sue- , AND MARBLE WORKS. river and the rising moon indicate peace eessful practice. protect our manufacturers from the No shames like these were ever com and rest. The stars seen through the trees competition of foreign manufacturers, mitted by the Democratic party, in its i represent the Southern Cross. It is a pic OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. ture that will touch every Southern heart Ho ! Un4o All Who Thirst! while they leave the Workingman to fair and honorable rule of sixty years. and should find a place in every Southern CURTIS ON “MANHOOD.”—There is no member of society by whom this book will home. Sent by mail mounted on a roller , compete with the ruinous low wages We might go on multiplying instances and post-paid on receipt of 25 cents, or 3 not be found useful, whether he bo parent, j California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon COME YE UNTO preeeptor or clergyman.— London Times. of the Chinese. and giving illustrations indefinitely to for 60 cents. Address, I JOHN BURROW A CO., Pub's. CURTIS ON “MANHOOD.”—This book Tiie Democratic House of Repre show the contrast of seven years of B kistol , T enn . should be read by the young for instruc 4 I.WAYS ON HAND THE BEST STOCK ,®ff*Agents wanted everywhere to sell our i tion, and by the afflicted for relief; it will j . k ot Patent and Home-made Rifle and THE SODA SPRINGS! sentatives has already passed a joint Grantisin with sixty years of Demo cheap ami popular pictures. $5 to $10 per injure no one.— Mcdieol Times and Gazette. Shot Guns, single and double; Revolvers resolution to modify the treaty now cratic rule. Forty committees of Con- 1 • lay easily made. No money required until Price.—One dollar, by mail or express. of the latest patents; Pocket Pistols, neat, AX!) DItINK WITHOUT existing with China so as to restrict gresS are al work investigating the : pictures are »old. Send stamp for catalogue Address the author. DR? CURTIS, 520 Sut small and powerful ; Derringers, the latest and best; also, the best Powder and Pow uud terms. ter Street, or P. O. Box 337, San Francisco, der Flasks ; Hunting and pocket knifes of immigration, and it now remains to i corrupt practices of tiie last seven Cal. the best brands; all sorts of Shot and be seen wh.< die Republicans in the i years, and each committee has found i NOTICE. Pouches; Caps, Wads and everything in Money and Without Price ! Senate will do. The Democratic pady from a score to a hundred or more of tho Sportsman’s line. OFF U. S. LAND OFFICE, ) ! He will also keep a full line of SHELF has always declared itself opposed to 1 officials who are guilty of some grade ' L ineville , Ogn., May 20, 1876. j ; IIA RDWARE, Nails and Ro|x?ofall kinds and sizes, Carpenters' and Wagon-Makers. rp 11E UNI)ERSIGN ED ARE NOW KEEP- this immigration and is now the first of coriuption, either btibe-takiug or pOMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTER- J —FOR— i Tools, a complete assortment of Table and I ing the Soda Springs House.and having \J ed at this otiiee by Quincy A. Brooks, j to take action in this matter. To that bribe-giving, blackmailing, embezzle- , agent and attorney for the State of Oregon, ! Pocket Cutlery, together with a full supply repaired arm refitted the same are now pre pared to aeeommodate all that may favor us party, then, must the people turn for ment or some form of official robbery ! against John Katador for abandoning pre- | COST AND FREIGHT!' ot Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc. einption filing D. S., A’o. 168, dated March The above goods are all of the best qual with a call. Prices to suit these hard limes. the remedy they tire seeking for this or malfeasance. Corruption has tie- I 14tii, 1874, upon the E. % ot S. E.J4, Section ity, and will be sold THE MARBLE BUSINESS I growing evil, uhi<h was inaugurated come epidemic among the Radical 26, .V. E. % ot AT. E. Ji, and lots 8 and 9,Sec CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. tion 35. Township 39 South, Range 8 East, in rilHE UNDERSIGNED, DESIRING TO Will still be a specialty. All orders in this under Republican rule. New guns made to order, and repairing line promptly filled in' tho best manner and leaders, and all are more or less tainted Luke county, Oregon, with a view to the 1 close out business in JacKsonville, offers GENERAL MERCHANDISE, NOTICE ! THE LOST CAUSE. ington Territory, and renders him all the assistance in his power to further our interests in Congress ; that he is a very influential member, and that the people C’ Ulil not do better than to re elect turn.” The till. i< ncy of so young and inexperienced a member of Con gress is almost without precedent ; and if he improves during Ids second term (to u inch he is surA to tie elected) in the same proportion he exhibits now, at the end ot that time he will be treading the p tills of statesmanship. BesitfuaUou ot Briatow. H on. B. 11. Bii-tow, Secretary of the Treasury, has tendered his resig nation to the President, which has been accepted. The telegraph assigns no reason for this act, but it has long been known that Biistow has been troublesome to Grunt, as Ids presence In the Cabinet lias interfered with many of the Presidents’ lat schemes, and his resignation is, therefore, a matter of no surprise. Grant has not yet made any nomination to succeed biin, I ut he will doubilrss fill this po sition with some mun more suitable to hh own purpose«. NOTICE. The Next l.egieiHlure. The result ot the election just passed i is now known, and the fond hopes of the Republicans that they would have a majority in the Lcgi-iature have vanished. The Legislature will stand as follows: Senate—Democrats, 21; I Republicans, 8 ; Independents, 1. House—Democrats, 31, Republicans, 25; Independents, 4. This will give the Democrats control of both branches of the Legislature over Republicans and Independents and a majority on Joint ballot of 14. State Election« Next Fall. Before the next Presidential elec tion, which will take place on the same day, November 7th, in all the thirty- seven States in the Union, seven of the States will hold elections for State : officers. In September, Arkansas, ; Vermont and Maine hold eleul'Otis. I In October, Ohio, Indiana, West Vir- . ginia and Georgia hold elections. Penn sylvania, which formerly held her State election in Ovtol»er, now, like most of the States, holds it in Novem- t»er, along with that of Presidential 1 electors. ! MANHOOD. | cancellation of said tiling : the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this on the 10th day of July, 1876, at 10 | offico o’clock A. M., to respond and furnish testi ' mony concerning said alleged abandon ment. S. B. CRANSTON, Register. 1 GEORGE CONN, Receiver. : and equally unfit to be trusted. Both i the Radical party and the Radical pol- A late correspondent of the Seattle ! icy must be stamped out of existence. Tribune urites from Washington : ' It is folly to talk about retaining either “Judge Jacobs tells me that Mr. Lane, itie one or tiie other and inaugurate of Oregon, is a good friend to Wash reform. Our Member. j 1 for sale at cost and freight for cash his com plete and first-class stocx of dry goods, dress goods, shawls, ribbons, ladies' and chil dren’s hose and shoes, gentlemen's furnish ing goods, hats, groceries, crocxery, lamps, baskets, spoons, Knives and forks, tobacco and cigars, pipes, cutlery, stationery, toys, Yanxee notions, and everything usually found in a first-class variety store. My stock is fresh and of the bes‘, nnd those desiring anything in my line should give me a call. Those knowing themselves indebted will please settle immediately. I mean business. BEN. SACHS. Jacksonville, July 1, 1875. U. S. LAND OFFICE, ) L ineville , Ogn., May 20, 1876. J COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTER- ed at this otfice by Quincy A. Brooks, agent and attorney for the State of Oregon, against .James M. True for abandoning pre emption filing D. S., No. 249, dated April 7th, 1875, upon the N. of S. W. %, S. E. JOHN L. CARTER & SON, % of S. \V. Ji and lots 4 and 5, Section 19, Township 39 South, Range 9 East, in Lake PAINTERS. county, Oregon, with a view to the cancella tion ot said filing : the said parties are here by summoned to appear at this office on the E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO 10th day of Suly, 1876, at 10 o’clock a . m ., to all kinds of Painting, including respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. HOUSE PAINTING, S. B. CRANSTON, Register. GEORGE CONN, Receiver. SIGN PAINTING, promptly done and in good style. All or at rea» unable rates. ders tilled with dispatch. Address, as usual, 27tf. JOHN MILLER. J. H. A A. H. RUSSELL, Ashland THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, NOTICE, STOCKMEN! ASHLAND, OREGON, i W. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO.. Prop'rc. TIIE WELL-KNOWN VERMONT HORSE ANUFACTURE AND BUILD ALL kinds of mill and mining machinery, castings, thimble skeins, and irons, brass PENINGER’S MIKE, castings and Babbitt metal. Bells cast. Farming machinery, engines, house fronts, STAND FOR MARES AT THE stoves, sewing machines, blacksmith-work, WILL »1 stable of the owner, J. A. Cardwell, and all work wherein iron, steel or brass is near Jacksonville,during tire season of 187'5, used, repaired. Parties desiring anything commencing April 1st and ending July 1st, in our line will do well to give us a call be fore going elsewhere. All work done with at the tollowing rates : $15 for each mare, in gold coin or its equivalent, payable at tho neatness and dispatch at reasonable rates. time of service. Bring on your old east iron. ^Mike is 12 years old, was sired by old ZIMMERMAN & CO. X crmont,out of a thoroughbred Whip mare; Ashland. April 8, 1876. he is a beautiful bay, 17 hands high, well formed, and weighs 1.6U0 pounds. He has RAILROAD SALOON, sired more fine horses, according to the ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, class of mares that have been bred to him, NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Cor. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville than any’ other horse in the world, ot his WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. age, and lie is without doubt the Favorite rilHE QUARTERLY EXAMINATION OF I Horse where he is known. HENRY PAPE, Engineer. ALL STYLES OF GRAINING GONE. I will furnish pasturage to those desiring 1 applicants for Teachers’ Certificates for j I it at 75 cents per week. I will not be re Orders from the country promptly attend - Jackson county, Oregon, will be held in sponsible for any’ accidents or escapes. ed to. 21. Jacksonville on J. A. CARDWELL. THROUGH TICKETS, 12 J C ents . Nntiirday, June 24, 1876. LAGER J LAGER ! ! Those desiring Certificates will take due i WANTED ! notice thereof and govern themselves ac- I flHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CI- cordingly. H. C. FLEMING, V’ gars constantly on hand. The reading County School Superintendent. table is also supplied with Eastern periodi 20,000 Lbs. of Old Cast Iren, cals and leading papers of the Coast. ' M W MILLINERY ! rs . a . c . jones , at her resi - dence on Fourth street, opposite the M M. E. Church, keeps on hand and tor sale i the latest styles of Bonnets, Ladies’ and • Children’s Hals, Ribbons and Millinery of every description and best quality. I Goods Bonnets and hats trimmed in the. most ‘ fashionable styles at reasonable prices. elivered at the foundry in 1HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, j Ashland, for which we will pay the . has now on hand and is constantly man Notice to Holders of Modoc War Bonds. highest price. ufacturing the best Lager Beer In Southern Every larnter has more or less old cast Oregon, which ye will sell in quantities to OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ings about his premises, such as old stoves, suit purchasers. Call and test tne article. interest coupons^ Nos. 1,2 and 3, Jan pinions and other articles. These they uary and July 1, 1875, and including Jan w ould do well to gather up, and bring them END 25c. to G eo . P. R owell <t Co., New uary 1, 1876, will bo paid on presentation at before the rain sets in. York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, con- , this office. We w’ill also pay the highest price for old talning lists ef 3,000 newspapers, and esti- ' A. H. BROWN.Sta‘e Treasurer. COPPER. BRASS and ZINC. mates showing cost of advertising. , Salem, May 15, 1876. J. M. McCALL A CO. D 1 N S