* I i / _ --Y * 1 i i .i «i w> r rr wr div ^vmoiTafli îtnfrs. Publiahed Ev^-y Ij¿lday» ('ll AS. EDITOR PROPRIETOR^' A '! Bj »•FF1CE-On Oregon street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Ì 1 W .<1 nii ocra I- I X bY / n ¡Y ! A ■ /V I J J I ,L I OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. $n.oo 2.OII LOÓ Advertisements will be T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion................ “ each subsequent one............ 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A tair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut ed. and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always taken at par. I ' J X» JACKSONVILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY. .JUNI Iti. 1876. ?!> VOL. VI ------------------------------ 4--------- Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s T. A. DAVIS. im: EDK AI lOX ix I.AKL COI M Y. T. ft. DÄVIS & CO., 1<’ANCY * i NO. 25. 1 ’> oía » stoic y over . lion. Q. A. Brooks, School Superin BEAUTIFUL WOMEN AT TIIE BOTTOM fendent of Luke County, has furnished ............ L. F. Grover i Jnvernor,................. FURNISH IN»J and OF THE EVIL. ..... s. F. ('haihvick Secretary of ate,... lion. L. L. llowland, State Superin ............ \. H. Brown Slate Treasurer,...... tendent of Public Instruction, the fol ........ M M. . V. Brown W HOLESA L E DRUGG ISTS, «tale Printer................................ The New York >87 ot thus 1 »resents lowing history of educational matters I Rowland Snp’l of Public Instruction... L. L. goods the .-ituation : in the young and growing county of FIRST juiuciai . pimrut . It is wonderful how much beautiful 71 FRONT STREET, Lake, which the .Mercury has been • in-uit Jndg« ........................................ P. P. Prim GIRLS' BOYS' and won on have had to do with the uor- Attorney ......................... H. K. Hanna 1 »¡strict permitted to publish : JACKSON COFN'l'Y. This county being the youngest in ruption of Grant’s administration. POKTI.AND, ORKGON. When Secor Robeson paid $93,066 C LOTH I NG, R E A DY-MAD E ...... E. B. Watson 1 'minty Judge..................... the State, only thirteen months old, (John O ’ Brien. to Secor, in the teeth of the law, “a the history of her progress in educa i 'minty Commissione rs ■ i M. A. 11 ueston tional development is necessarily brief. present to a lady,” valued at $5,900. ...J. W. Manning sheriff, TE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND SHOES, BOOTS and .... E. 11. Foiidrav Ulerk... 'Fhe act of the Legislature creating was said to have been delivered before i a complete stock of ,...K. Kiibli ’I’rmsurer........................ Lakc-county wasapproved <)ct. 24,1874, hand. W. / A. • ’hilders •\ ssesMt >r,......................... When George 11. Williams was At ' edies , bedsteads a - <w.i ms, but did not take effect, under our Con- IL < I’. Fleming School Sii|M*rintcn<lcnt DRUGS, torney General, a very beautiful, sty- Surveyor........................ ............ I. S. Howard stitutiol), until Jail, 22, 1875. The ............... II. T. Inlow < 'oroner.......................... new county formerly formed a part of lish ami celebrated woman <>f great Otlicial Pa|H*r................. ..D emocratic T im es rillTHIMÎ, Jackson county, and, previous to the distinction and influence in Washing JOSEPHINE COUNTY. separation, contained only two organ- ton, employed a clerk in the Depart PATENT MEDICINES, County Jinlije,.......................... M. F. Baldwin ized sch' (»l disllicts. It will he borne ment of .Justice, so called, to make I S. Mess«*mrer, LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, County» ommiss,oners........ I n ,. civ . :n mind also that this county 1 was the out fraudulent vouchers by means of GI.ASSWAliE, WÍXDOW GLASS, scene of the terrible Modoc : Indian which she obtained money from the Sheriff........................................ ..Dan. L. Green clerk............................................ Chas. Hmrhes war ol 1872 and ’73, a bloody conflict Treasury of the United States for her Tiea-nrcr...................................... Wm. Nnuclte PAINTS. OILS AND in which many of our settlers were private use. A ****<'’<**< >r................................ .. ohn Taylor When George II. Williams, Attor murdered, and others with their fam- School Superintendent,............... L M. Smith PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, At E. Jacob's New Store. ney General of the United States, in Surveyor,.................................. M*. N. Sanders ¡lies forced to flee the country, The »'oroner...................................... Geo. E. Brigijs war was a sad blow to our school in terposed appeals to the Supreme Court otlicial Paper..................... D emocratic T imes BLUE VITRIOL. terests, from which the county is onlv against the payment of certain claim** Orth’s Brick Building, Jacksonville. (* ourt sittinos . just commencing to recover. Under which had been decided by the Court J<n*U<<o>i C<»»mO/.—Circuit Court, second LUBRICATING OILS ETC. ETC. these adverse circumstance's, ami being of claims in favor of the claimants, Monday in Februnrv, June ami Noveml»er. so young in years, no great progress in large sums of money were piid to a Countv i’ourt. first Monday in each month. very beautiful woman,whert upon those Corinti/.— Circuit ('onrt, fourth 4 LI. Of'THE \BOVE ARTICLES SOLD the way of educational advancement uppeaD were withdrawn ami the claim*; Monday in April and fourth Monday in <><•- ~«'fSole Atrenfs for Dregein for the cele <"\ at the very lowest rates. If you don't could he reasonably expected. tolter. <'minty Court, first Monday in Jan brated rAHBOfAP SHEEP DIP, which believe me, call ami ascertain prices for 'Fhe first School District organized paid. 31 r. Gazaway B. Lamar, who uary, April. July and <4<*tolM*r. kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, yourselves. No humbug ! had obtained such a judgment in the and is a sure cure for screw-worm, seaband All kinds ot produce and hides taken in within the limits of the new county JACKSONVILLE PRECINCT. Court of Claims for the sum of $600,- was that of Linkville. The event oc exchange for goods. 42tf. Justice of the Peace..................... I. IL Stinson foot rot. Circular sent on application. <ui(>, or thereabouts, told us that lie curred July 15, 1871, when the dis- Constable................................... A. M. Asbury TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. tiict formed a part of Jackson County, had been invited to pay $50,000 in “EXCELSIOB” f N. Fisher, President, and the organization, not withstanding this way ; and shortly after the appeal | M. »'aton, the Indian War, has been regularly in Lamar’s case w’as withdrawn, and 1 David Croncmiller, Trustees Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sis., got his money. ET VETEA STA BEK kept up ever since. In 1872 a School he When I J. Nunan, thi< same George II. Williams I George* Brown. District was organized at Goo^e L ike. Oregon. Jacksonville. Recorder....................................8. llavden These were our only public schools pre wa<, not long afterwmrd, nominated by Oregon St.. Jacksonville, Treasurer......................................... Henry Pape vious to the organization ot the new President (¡rant to be Chief .Justice of Marshal...................................... ’• P. McDaniel county, and were mainly supported by the United States, it was the fascina St reef »'ommissioner,...................J. »’. AX e'ss PROPRIETOR. W. J. l ’ LY MA LE. tion which a beautiful woman found DAVID LINN private subscription. The first action of our County School moans to exercise over the* mind of PROFESSIONAL ( ARDS. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment in President Grunt which secund that Superintendent, my predece of furniture, consisting of AYING JUST RECEIVED A NEW laying oil’ new di-tiicts, was the nomination for Williams. B. F. HOLSCLAW. M. D.. BEDSTEADS, stock of Harness, Buggies and Car- 28ih of May list. There v When anonymous letters addressed six riages, 1 am now prepared I*» furnish my BUREAUS. TABLES. now to various ladies of the Cabinet, mak -chools taught last year, and patronsand t lie public generally with as PHYSICIAN A N D S U R G E O N . ing statements of a very unpleasant have 11 School Districts, all < GUILD MOULDINGS, FINE TURNOUTS character, were traced by detectives to are now either organized or v STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, the author-hip of a certain beautiful Keibyville. Oreron. As can be bad on the Pacific Const. Saddle time to receive a poition of this year’s C1T \IRS OF ALL KINDS. horses hire«I to izo to an v part of t he countrv. I school funds. 'Flic following qre the woman, the protection of tl'.o Presi Dr. L. DANFORTH. Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses dent was no longer omnipotent, and PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, broke to work single or double. Horses present School Districts <»f the county: Linkville District No. 1, Bonanza 31 r. Williams was obliged to resign PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, boarded, and the best of can* bestowed upon District No. 2, Sprague River District his office as Attorney Gen> ral. He them while in mv charge. Has removed to Jacksonville, ami temlers No. 3, Pine Creek District No. 4, Goose had been retain»* 1, n it withstanding Also Doors. Sash and Blinds always on his professional services to the public. Ki? MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. Lake District No. 5, Antler Disi riet the immense and multiform corruption Ollice ami residciH-e on Thin! street, oppo han't and made to order. Planing done on reasonable terms. Undertaking a spe site ami east of the M. E. I'hurch. A liberal share of the public patronage is No. G, Chewaucan District No. 7, Sum and stealing of which he was guilty cialty. solicited. W. J. FLYMAI.E. mer Lake District No. 8, Eigle Point were wall known to Hamilton Fish, G. H. AIKEN, M. D.. District No. 9, Crane Creek District George M. R-ihe-on, William W. Del- THE ST. MARY’S ACADEMY. No. io, Langell Valley District No. 11. nap, Columbus Delano and Ulysses S. PHYSICIAN AND SUR G E O N , Reports from all the different dis Grant ; but he had to go on the detec CITY DRUCf STORF., CONDUCTED BY Jacksonville. Oregon. anonymous letters ; anti tricts will not reach me before the 10th tion this woman, and the Attor of next month. In the absence of THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES those reports, I respectfully submit the ne.v JACKSONVILLE. ns well, stepped down OflirP—One door west of the W. I’. Tele the glories and delights and following statement of stu b statistical graph otiice. of the most elevated circle of shoddy information, in reference to tin? pres I rpiIE SUHOT.ASTD ’ YF\R OF THIS rpiIE NEW FIRM OF KAHLER A B ro . I school will commence about the middle ent educational status of this county life in Washington. They did not, J. A. CALLENDER, M. D.. I have the largest and most complete of August, ami is divided in four sessions, as 1 have been able to gather from however, piss aw.iy from Grant’s con assortment ot PHYSICIAN AND S V R G E O N , of eleven weeks each. The following are the other sources : stant affections ; lor, with the expul terms: No. of children in the county over 4 sion of Bristow and the revolution in JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. S-tn.oo Board ami tuition, per term his Cabinet, which In* so zealou-ly con 4.00 and under 20 years of age, 562 ; No. Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also Bed ami Beddimr................... Drawing and painting.......... 8.00 of children enrolled in public schools templated until lightning struck him the latest and finest styles of Piano......................................... . 15.00 during the year, 115 ; No. of children a few days ago, Williams was to have < »ilice* at residence, on Fifth street, op- Entrance fee, onlv once...... . 5.00 posite the Court House. STATIONERY, enrolled in private schools during the been restored to power as Attorney SELECT DAY SCHOOL. year, 357, No. of teachers employed (Jenera’. And a great variety ot PERFUMES and H. K. HANNA. Th»* part which another beautiful T< »1 LET A RTH LES, including the best and Primary, perform,................................... $ ft.00 in public schools, , 6 ; No. of teachers . and noted woman has played in thi< ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, cheapest assortment ot »'» »M M< >N and PER Junior, “ .................................... 8.00 employed in private schools, 5 ; aver FUMED SOM’S in this market. Senior, “ .................................... 10.00 age No. of months taught in each public drama of errruption has been much Prescriptions carefully compounded. Jacksonville, Oregon, Pupils are received at any time, and their school during the year, 6 ; average No. commented upon by the press of late, 44 ROBT. K A1I LER, Druggist. terms will bo counted from the day of their and her seductive feminine charms Will practice in all the Courts of the State. entrance. For further parti< ulars apply at of months taught in each private Prompt attention given to all business left I have evidently done much to soften the Academy. 29tf. school during the year, 3‘. MRS. BROWN, in my «-are. The area of the county is about 11,- the public indignation toward her Ollice in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. TABLE ROCK SALOON, 400 square miles, with a population, vice*4. ASHLAND, And now it seems that it was a pres E. B. WATSON exclusive of Indians on the Klamath V. w. KAHLER. I OREGON STREET, Indian Reservation and the Military ent worth .$4,800 to “the first lady of KAHLER &, WATSON, Millinery and Ladies Goods, WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. at Fort Klamath, of about 1,000 souls. the United States” which secured for ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, The country is mountainous, the ; General Rufus Ingalls tin? immense lowest plateaus being at least 4,000 chances that belong to th»* control of RIBBONS OF ALL KINDS, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, he proprietors of tuts well - feet above the level of the ocean. The QuartermaMer General’s office. Will practice in the Supreme, District and known and popular resort would in chief industry is stock raising, which This is tin* old, old story over again. form their friends anti the public generally other < ’onrts of this ¡State. Flowers, Feathers and Trimmings, Wherever there is mi-chief the women that a complete and first-class stock of the is incompatible with populous settle Othcv in Court House—upstairs. are pretty sure to be in it ; and the best brands of liquors, winos, cigars, ale and ments, so indispensable to the growth porter, etc., is constantly* kept on hand. of all educational institutions. Hence men, with characteristic meanness, try HAIR, JUTE AND JAMES S. HOWARD, Thev will be pleased to have their friends the number of settlements containing to put off upon them as much of the “call and smile.” V. S. ÜEITTY MINERAI. SURVEYOR sufficient population to support a school blame as possible. CABINET. LINEN BRAIDS AND SWITCHES, FOR JACKSON, A Cabinet of Curiosities may also }>o found are necess: rily few and scattering. T he stupidity of the ojd colonial here. We would l>o pleased to have persons These conditions, of course, operate — ALSO — possessing curiosities and specimens bring unfavorably to the growth of educa who went to the mill with his bag of Josephine and Cnrrv counties, Oregon. Otlicial surveys made and patents obtained them in. ami we will place them in the Cab tional interests; but the prospects in wheat on one side of his horse and a at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining inet for inspection. Agent for McCall ’ s Bazaar Fashions. Liws and Decisions at my oilice in Jack the near future are more encouraging. large stone on the other, to balance it, WINTJEN A HELMS. sonville, (»regon. Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1871. 32tf. The experience of the past year proves is (»nly equaled by the prevalent ab that this county is better adapted to surdity known as the wheelbarrow. FARMERS’ HOME, H. KELLY, EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, agricultural pursuits than was hereto It is balanced so as to bring the load ORTH’S BRICK BUILDING, UP-STAIRS, fore supposed, and, as the tide of emi on the shoulders, but nevertheless, the ¡ATTORNEY *t COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, C alifornia S treet , gration flows westward, and the O. & whole civilized world submit as pa Jacksonville. Oregon. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, tiently to it as though it was a neces S. P. JONES, Proprietor. C. It R. progresses northward, wecon- sary toothache. It Is a good deal worse fidelity look for such accessions to our JVill practice in all the Courts of the State, Board and Lodging.. 85 per week jproiiipt attention given to all business en B< »ard.......................... I population as will cause a great in than tax on tea. The Chinese have ....37’ ¿ cents trusted to my care. Single meals.............. one but the choicest and best crease in the number of our schools out-Yankee»! the Yankees on wheel ....... 25 cents Otliee in the building formerly occupied l»y Lodging...................... Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars I and ¡»lace their support upon a much barrows. There is hut one wheel, like Kahler A Watson, opposite Court House. kept. Leonard’s, but it is large and is placed more desirable foundation. RS. WILLIAMS TAKES THIS METII- DRINKS, 12} CENTS. in the center of the load, so that grav The foregoing is a brief outline of •VÿTLL. JACKSON, Dentist, . od of informing the public that she is NO f’REDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t education in Lake county, its past ity furnishes its own shoulder. In prepared to furnish board by the week, day I or single meals, at reasonable terms. 1 he pay. Families needing anything in our line I record, the difficulties with which it Shanghai thousands of these are to be table will constantly be supplied wilh the can always l»o supplied with the purest and Í has had to contend, its present status seen on the streets—sort ot wheelbar best the market affords. No Chinese em best to be found on the Coast. Give me a and future prospects. In such a his row express wagons or hacks, the usual ployed, ami satisfaction guaranteed. Give call, and you will bo well satisfied. me a call and judge lor yourselves. tory will be found little of interest, ex load being two persons, resting one MRS. WILLIAMS. on a frame that covers the wheel, i New Boot and Shoe Store, cept in so far as it may serve to illus arm Jacksonville, Nov. 26, 1875. and sitting on a platform on either 1 trate the old story of western progress side. A stalwart coolie will take four i C alifornia S treet , ! and civilization—a community of pio i California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. All Kinds of Job Printing neers insured to hardships, surrounded men on his barrow without unusual Oregon ! in their frontier isolation by discourag- effort. It is enough to make a Yankee Jacksonville, I ing obstacles, but struggling bravely on i pull his chin whiskers half out to see 1 VERY OPERATION PERTAINING TO U the jaw skilfully performed at reasona to secure comfortable homes, aril to a Chinese farmer rolling along a live NEATLY A CHEAPLY EXECUTED AT aving permanently located fat li-'g to the slaughter-house, with ble rates. . in Jacksonville, the undersigned re establish those educational interests No more rmUf will be given atter the that will ensure liberty, prosperity, en out the everlasting draw on his pa spectfully informs the public that he is first of Jan nary* U?78, I will take all kinds prepared to do al) kinds of work in the boot lightenment, and g^od government tn tience, ingenuity and classic vocabu of nroduve. , , r and «¡hoe making line. Satisfaction guaran Office »ml resident» on comer ni < ulifor- 1 lary. . their posterity. STATE OF OREGON 7 FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, II T N M 1 nia and Fifth streets,Jacksonville. H The Times Office. •* teed. M.CATON. X * i« RATE« OF ADVERWMß. r Kate* ol' Niibncri pt ion 4'm* copy, per annuni^.............. x “ six months........... ».■......... three months.................. 1 nvai-uil'lm AdrtlHff'. I v «7 i lirM RAI, noti :.«» and xkwn The St. Louis Times says: “The first fruits of a Democratic Congress— two hundred octavo volumes of five hundred pages each — exposing the shameful record of the last two Radi cal administrations. Judge Sawyer, of Sin Francisco has decided that that portion of the act of Congress providing that any manager of a theater or similar institution guilty of a misdemeanor who should refuse admission to any colored person un constitutional and void. A correspondent writing under date of May 24th from Pine Opening oil the military road from Eugene to Fort Klamath, says: “The snow on the Cascades is about ten miles across, and melting rapidly. Two men and a wo man came across yesterday without much trouble.” I)r. Bunnell, S perintendent of the Esther mine, in Josephine county, re ports everything favorable in connec tion therewith, ami the pro-peetd of the ledge never showed better than they do at,'the present time. Work is being crowded ami tiie mill Is running to its utmost capacity. 1 « i 1 Indications are that wool will not be in so great a demand this year as for merly, although latest dispatches indi cate a better showing. z\. telegram of June 6th says: Wool is in light de mand. Colorado, w shed, 18@26c; unwashed, 14016c; extra and Merino, pulled, 3(J(u 32)c; N>». 1 super, pulled, 36032 •; Fex is, fine and medium, 18025 ; coarse, 16018. The Philadelphia corre-pondent of the Chicago Courier writes : Besides the 120-foot plank the Oregonians have a section of a lir tree seven feet six inches in diameter, 130 feet from the ground, and a section of another fir tree five feet through 200 feet from the ground. Oregon will not have any palm tree her»*, but she is to carry off the palm so far as trues are con cerned. Jarret A Palmer’s Fast Train made the following lime from New York to S»n Francisco: To Philadelphia, 90 miles ftom Jer-ev City, one Imur and 40 minutes; Harrisburg, 196 miles, 3 hours ; Altoona, 327 miles, 7 Imurs ; Pittsburg, 441 miles, 10 hours; Chi cago, 913 miles, 2<l hours ; crossing the Missis-ippi River at Clinton, 23) hours; Omaha, l,4o5 miles, 32 hours; Chey enne, 1,932 miles, 40 hours; Ogden, 2,435,55 hours; San Francisco, 3,317 miles, 84 hours. A G reat P aper .—The New York Sun is ejuite a newspaper, as the fol lowing figures, taken from R »well*«/ Newspaper Reporter, will attest : During the year ending March II th, 46,799,769 copies were printed, or an avirige daily cin*uhition of 136,600 copies. In priming these papers 3,426,610 |M»unds of paper were used. The editorial force numbers 105, with Charles A. Dana as editor-in-chief, and 65 printers set type. Fourteen sets of stcreotype plates are taken from the type, so that fourteen papers are printed simultaneously from seven pres-es, two of which print 300 Suns a minute, and the other five 200 each. This does not suffice, however, and one with a capacity of 50,000 an hour is being erectcil for them. It only costs $15,827.17 a week to run the itistilu- tion, and yet they sell the pa|»erat two cents a copy, and nuke money enough from tiie subscript ion alone to more than pay expenses, to siy nothing of advertisements. Yet there are seven other journals of more importance in New York city th in the Sun. W hat T hey S ay .—From all sources we hear commendatory ulter.in-es in regard to th** renomin ition of lion. L F. Line. The Dayton (W T Aetcj) says : Mr. Line has already proved himself to be one of the best repre sentatives Oregon has ever had in Con gress, ami Ins re-electHn, which is cer tain, will be nothing more than a just recognition of his abilities and services in behalf of the it terests of his State. The platform of principles prosentusi to the people l»y the convention th it nominate<l him meets all the live issues of the times, fairly and square ly, ami invites the court.lenre of every candid ami unprejudiced mind. The remainder of the ticket is made up «»( the best men in tiie party and in tiie Slate, and the harmonious action of the convention ensures success next month. C ure for C orns .—There is hut one cure for corns, and that is? 'Fake a lemon and roll it until it is soft, cut a thick slice and bind it <»n>lhe corn on retiring at night. In the morning, it tin* corn is while and disintegrated, pull it out with your finger nail---- never cut a corn. Soin» times sev oral applications of the lemon slices will !»<• necessary, but the corns are bound Io succu'nb, and you can dance (lie next night if you like, After you remove the corns wear ehoe *• that fit ami a to not too stiff in Ih«* soles. * I