dir democratic aimes. FRIDAY................................... VPRIL 7, 1876. Jackson Co. Democratic Convention. A Democratic County Convention for Jackson county is hereby called to be held at the Court House in Jacksonville on S at - vrday , Arun. 15, 1876, at 1 o’clock r. M.,for the purposeot electing eight delegates to the Democratic s;a e Convention to be held at Salem on April 26, 1*76. It is recommended that the primary meet­ ings in the various precincts tor the election of delegates to the County Convention be held at the usual places of voting <>n Satur- day, April 1*76. ¡iit 1 o’clock r. m . The several prêtmet* will be entitk?d to one delegate for ev< >rv twenty votes east for C<>1. LaDow in 1*74., and one tor every frac- tion of «deven and over, to-wit : Ashland................... ,..4| Leland................. ...... 1 Applegate................ ...21 Little Butte........ ...... 3 o Big Butte................. ...1 Manzanita......... Kock P» int......... ...... 1 Eden......................... Evans ('reek.......... . 1 > crlingville...... ...... 1 1' < »ots Creek............ .1 Table Rock........ ...... 3 Flounce Rock........ ...llUnlontown ....... ...... 1 <> t » runt **» 1 ......... . .1 Willow Springs.. Jacksonville.......... »..9 A Democratic Countv Convention i* also Called for the nomination of eouu’y officers and for the transaction of such other busi­ ness as may proper’v come before it. to be held in .Jacksonville on unlay. May j 3, 1*76, at l o’clock r. m .: and it is recom- mended that the primary meetings to elect delegates to the *aine be held Saturday, Mav 6. 1*76, at 1 r. v. The apportionment of the delegate* will be the same as above. s \M I. FURRY, Chairman pro fem. D in< cratie Co. Com. J. S. M arch , Secretary. JOSEPHINE OFMOCR1TIC CONVENTION. Notice i* hereby given that a Mass Con­ vention of the Democracy of Josephine county will be held in the Court House in Kerbyville on Saturday, the 15th of April, 1*76, for the purpose of electing two dele» gates to the Democratic State Convention, which meets at Salem on April 26, 1S76. By order oi the Democratic Co. Committee. T h ank * t —We are under obligations to Hon. L. F. L ine and Hott. J. K. Luttrell for public documents. -......... - " ■■ -4»--------- ——— To S ecreta iu l *.— I'he secretaries of the variou* precinct meetings to-mor­ row will oblige us by sending a list of the delegates elected in time for our next issue. ——————--------------------------- F rom the B lack H ills .—Major W. A. Owen has lately received two letters from the Bink Hills and a copy of the Laramie Sentinel, which we have been permitted to peruse. The\ give a favorable opinion of the country, but report nothing new. —- — • —— - ■ ■ - — . E xamined .—Wm. Rie ck, the clerk of Kahler & Bro.’s drug store at the time of the late robbery, was examined last Tuesday before Justice Stinson on the charge of being the perpetrator thereof. Several persons were exam­ ined in the premises. The defendant was bound over in the sum of $1,000 to appear at the June term of Court, but was not able to furnish the bail. ------------------------ ------------------------------ D emocrats should not fail to le at the primaries which transpire to­ morrow and see that good and reli­ able men are sent as delegates to their County Convention on the 15th inst. Every person having an inter­ est in the welfare of the country and believe the Democratic party the one to correct the great evils existing in the government of the land, should participate and lend a helping hand. ------------- >------------- J ury D isagreed .—The jury to which was submitted the case of A. L. Sturges et al. vs. Toy Long et al., a suit to recover mining property, ap­ pealed from the Justice’s Court by the Chinamen, could come to no verdict and were discharged late Saturday evening. The Court instructed the jury to find on nineteen different points, which it could not do. This vexed question thus still remains in statu quo, and time can only tell when it will receive a practical solution. ■ ■■ ■— •------------------------ P robate C ourt .—The following business was transacted in the Probate Court this week : In the matter of the estate of P. W. Stow, deceased. Petition of Herman Helms, administrator of said estate, to sell personal property, granted. In the matter of the estate of O P. Evans, deceased. J. C. Tolman, administrator of said estate, files his final account for settlement, which was ordered to be heard on the 2d of May. In the matter of the estate of John McPherson, deceased, Pat. Dunn, ad­ ministrator. Same as above. I. O. G. T. I nstitution .—On March 27th Rev. J. R. N. Bell, as State Dep­ uty, instituted a Lodge of Good Tem­ plars at Sam’s Valley, with twenty- five charter members. The following officers were installed : J. W. Ham­ mons, W. C. T.; Mrs. Mary Sizemore, V. T.; Miss Mary Dixon, Sec.; Mis* Matilda Mills, M.; Marsellus Rowe, F. 8.; John Sizemore, Treas.; Mrs. Mary Deskins, C.; Miss Lotta Ganiard, I. G.; Riley Myers, O. G.; H. P. Deskins, P. W. C. T.j Miss Morgan, R. IL S.; Miss Dennis, L. H. S.; Walter Mitch­ ell, W. A. 8.; Wm. Mitchell, D. M.; A. Morrison, L. D. LOCAL BREVITIES. ASIILAM» Ilins. MC1IOOL MEETING. L ast N otice to T ax -P a yers .— E ducational S tatistics . — We The meeting at the District School have been permitted to take the fol­ All persons who have not paid their April fools have vanished. Gardening busily progressing. lowing statistics concerning school i taxes for 1875 are requested to come Button-holes are scarce in town j House Monday, April 3d, was quite Democratic primaries to-morrow. an interesting one, there being 46 i matters of this county from the annual forward and settle the same iminedi - since the school election. We print horse bills at low rates. report of Superintendent Fleming to i ately. The law says they must and The common Good Templar hides voters of the Disttict present. State Superintendent Rowland : Num­ shall be paid, and I will enforce it. Yesterday was a very windy day. his bottle of “brain beadier” under Che I The meeting was called to order by ber of pupils enrolled in the public Therefore, settle forthwith, and save Miners of Foots creek are doing well. sidewalk. Hon. P. P. prim, President of the schools during the year, 1,698 ; aver­ further trouble. Board of Directors. Beautiful weather first of the week. Residents of our little town are bus­ J. W. M anning , The Clerk of the District read his age daily attendance, 1,058; number County scrip taken at par on accounts ily engaged at present in the pleasant financial report for the fiscal year end­ of teachers employed during the year, ■ Sheriff and Tax-Collector of Jackson Co. due this oilice. occupation cf gardening. Jacksonville, April 3, 1876. : 56 ; number of applicants for teachers’ ing April 3, 1876. ——— Schools are being reopened through- Mrs. Dr. Jackson, who has been I The President then announced that certificates, 16 male and 14 female; WANTED.—An agent for this place and cut the county. quite ill of late, is, we are glad to j the election of one Director was in or­ number of teachers employed holding vicinity lor tiie sale of E. Butterick & Co.’s I first grade certificates, 25 male and 6 I celebrated and reliable patterns. Good ref- Religious services at the Catholic learn, convalescing. Qur friend, J. Q. | der. Church every Sunday by Rev. Father Latta, is also again able to attend to j Whereupon a number of gentlemen female; number of teachers holding ' erences required. For terms, address H. ; A. D eming , 111 Post St.,San Francisco, Cal. Blanchet. business, after his illness. — ■ ■ — were placed in nomination; and, after second grade, 9 male and 16 female ; number of pupils enrolled in private A Consumptive Cough becomes teriible County Court was in session this Your itemizer last week mentioned • three or four ineffectual ballots, John March and April. These are the worst week. The proceedings will appear the case of a young lady being “smote Bilger was declared elected Director schools, 259 ; number of children be­ in months in the year for persons with dis- tween tho ages of 4 and 20 years not ea*ed lungs. in our next. Avert danger by an immedi­ *led” at the gate, but gave no names, for the term of three years. ate resort to Hale's Honey of ilorchovtnd and attending any school, 734 ; average John A. Smith has been appointed and now each one of about a dozen Henry Klippci was then elected i Tar. For sale by all druggists. number of months public schools have Pike’s Toothache Drops cure in one minute. Postmaster of the Sprague River Post young ladies (more or less) declare | School Clerk for the term of one year. been taught during the year, 5| ; num ­ Office, Lake county. that he referred to her, and she would On motion, the Directors were re­ DIED._______ ber of school houses built during the just like to find out who that corre- quested to enforce a rule that all non­ Rev. J. S. McCain will hold services —On Applegate. March 29, 1876, year, 1 log and 3 frame ; number of i SLAGLE of consumption, Clara Ann, wife of Rev. spondent is. She would ! resident pupils be made to pay their at the M. E. Church next Sunday I school houses in the county, 6 log and j John Slagle. morning and evening. We are sorry of having to record the tuition in advance. —At Farmer’s Flat, near thia city, 36 frame ; number of private schools DENEFF April 5, 1876, Kate, wife ot Hein Deneff; A motion was also carried directing Old papers are just the thing to put death of another one of Ashland’s re­ which have been taught during the aged about 52 years. the Directors to have the school build ­ spected citizens. Mr. Prentice passed under carpets. We have a large num­ year, 6 ; estimated value of school i METZKER—In this city, April 6, 1876, of ing insured against lire. consumption. Miss Louisa Metzker, aged from this earth on the morning of the ber for sale in quantities to suit. houses, including grounds, $14,025 ; about 22 years. J. N. T. Miller moved that the Di­ Frank Krause has gone to Yreka 1st inst., after a long period of suffer- ’ 1 estimated value of furniture belonging to relieve one of the telegraph opera­ ing from that terrible malady, con­ rectors of this School District be and | to same, $1,035 ; estimated value of S E L LI j XT G O E E sumption. lie leaves a wife and are authorized to call a meeting, at apparatus, including maps, charts, etc., tors at that place for a few days. the proper time, for levying a tax for —FOR— From the comparatively small quan­ three children, besides a largo circle $420 ; average amount of salary per the purpose of maintaining a free of friends, to mourn his loss. month paid male teachers, $45.55f; tity of grain put in to this time there school in the District. Carried unani­ It was a sad affair. ’ Twas nearly will be little if any surplus this year. average amount paid female teachers, COST AND FREIGHT! mously. i$33.71f; no tax for school purposes 'flic C< lestial* assembled at the Cem­ sundown, and as the shades of eve­ The following resolution was intro­ ning drew near he might be seen ner- j was levied in any district but Jackson­ HUIE UNDERSIGNED. DESIRING TO etery last Sunday to perform the duced by E. D. Foudray : vously pacing up and down in front of ville District, where a levy of 5 mills j 1 closeout business in JacKsonville, offers pagan ceremony of feeding their dead. Resolved, That the tax-payers of for sale at cost and treight for cash his com­ the postoffice, occasionally giving vent was made. The total receipts for the plete and lirst-class stock of dry goods, dress this School District pledge themselves Jay Beach brought a couple of fine to his feelings in incoherent mutter­ 1 year were $11,220.92, and the disburse- goods, shawls, ribbons, ladies’ and chil­ horses with him from Lake county, ings. But do not lie frightened, gen- that when the proper time arrives to : ments $10,638.56, leaving a balance of dren’s hose and shoes, gentlemen’s furnish­ call a meeting for the purpose of levy­ ing goods, hats, groceries, crockery, lamps, and intends having trotters made out i tie reader, for such sadness is common ing a tax to support a free school, they $582.36 in the hands of school clerks. baskets, spoons, knives and forks, tobacco cigars, pipes, cutlery, stationery, toys, of them. will, by their votes, support such a tax. : The series of text books adopted by and here now. His girl had left him. Yankee notions, and everything usually the State Board of Education are used. found in a first-class variety store. A *ale of general merchandise is --------------- < ■ ,1 » The political contest waxes warmer as 1 The ayes and noes were called for, My stock is fresh and of the bes‘, and C entenni il C elebration .—Pur- those desiring anything in my line should now progressing at I’. J. Ilyan’s brick the time for the primaries approaches. which resulted in 36 votes in favor of me a call. i suant to published notice, the commit­ give building, under the auspices of Sheriff The “Pizzarinkturns” are a scarce and 1 the resolution and none against it. Those knowing themselves indebted will It will be seen by the above expres­ tees appointed to make arrangements please settle immediately. I mean business. Manning. j diminutive set here. We have heard BEN. SACHS. Morris Mensor has closed out busi­ of but one in tire precinct and, to use sion that the tax-payers of this District for celebrating the coming Centennial ! Jacksonville. July 1, 1875. ness at Kerbyville and removed hi* a vulgar phrase, “he gets hot under are squarely in favor of free schools. i met at the Court House in Jackson- : ville on Saturday, April 1, 1876. remaining goods to this place, storing the collar” when he is reminded of the This is as it should be. ---------------- <— ■ On motion, D. S. K. Buick was them for the present. i diminishing lot of “Pizz irinktums” in P ersonal .—T. G. Reames left last Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, this county and of their “blue” chances week for San Francisco to lay in a I called to the Chair, and E. D. Foudray was elected Secretary. Imp. O. IL M., wi.l give one of their in the coming contest. It must be first-class stock of goods. . E. D. Foudray was then called upon, ASHLAND, April 20, 1876. “away-up” balls on May 12th. Fur­ j discouraging to any faction to enter Jay Beach, of Fort Klamath, is j ami stated the object of the meeting into a contest with the word defeat am- ng us again. ther particulars next week. ; to be to make arrangements for a gen- I milE LADIFX OF ASHLAND WILL Road taxes are being worked out stamped upon its banner, ami surely Judge Reed left on Monday ’ s stage i eral celebration of the coming Fourth L give a grand masquerade ball on April now, anil a considerable force of men ! great will be its discomfiture after that j to look after his mining interests in 20, 1876. The use of the Ashland Woolen | of July. , Factory ha* been sef'ured for the occasion, unavoidable calamity befalls it. It and teams are engaged improving the j and no pains will be spared to make it one Josephine county. On motion, tho Secretary was in- I will be like the old man, ready to be I roads and streets of this district. of the most interesting allairs that ever dumped into its grave with coat, hat, I J. S. Howard returned from Jose­ ! strutted to give notice in the Oregon transpired in this section. Those wishing to appear in costume can R. S. Dunlap, our Sexton, has issued boots, spurs and all. phine last week, and is now surveying ‘ Sentinel and D emocratic T imes to procure masks at cost by applying to tho oiders forbidding persons from pulling ■ all Orders and Societies within the I managers. Ashland has been made tropical this j mining ditches in this county. Tickets, including supper, §2.50 ; admis­ the wild {lowers or otherwise injuring week pending the annual school meet- j lion. J. F. Watson returned to county that have appointed commit­ sion tickets, 50 cents. the shrubbery in the City Cemetery. tees, and those that have not who de­ Everybody is invited to attend. ing. Two opposing factions were mar­ Roseburg last Saturday. Masks to be removed at 11 o’clock. By order of t he COM MITTEE. A SI greenback will pay for the shaled against each other, and the eon- ' Prof. Willits and Misses Kate Thorn­ sire to participate in the arrangement, to send committees to attend a rneet- T imes until July 1st, when the elec­ test was exciting. The most impor­ ton, Fanny Myer and Lizzie Dunn, of i JOHN L. CARTER y the House Committee, provides ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. J. E. Bowe arrived from Galice I my and are thereby deprived of the ! ---------- •---------- only $70,000 for Oregon claims and from thecountrv promptlv attend­ S am ’ s V alley I tems .— At the ed Orders benefits of the school money for the 1 Creek this week. to. * 21. $4,500 for California claims. ' school election last Monday, C’apt. C. district. They claim that is not just | C ircuit C ourt P roceedings .— C. McClendon was elected Director, Postmaster Muller informs us that j that they should lie deprived of what NEW FERRY! 221 letters were registered by him dur­ they term their rights, but that they | The following business has been trans­ and W. J. Stanley District Clerk. ing the quarter ending March 31st. should be allowed their portion of the ’ acted in the Circuit Court : Politics are quiet in this section and Two and a Half Miles above Bybee's, S aturday , April 1st. Jacksonville comes next to Portland in funds to apply on their children at the ' the greatest harmony apparently pre­ A. L. Sturges, et al., vs. Toy Long, amount of registry business. ON ROGUE RIVER. vails among the Democracy. Academy. The advocates of a divi- j et al.; action at law to recover mining Persons desiring to take out liquor sion of the money were successful, and The District School will be re-opened property. Jury disagreed and was license at the next meeting of the the results of such a course are anx­ next Monday, under the management I rnilE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- discharged. Board of Trustees, which occur* on iously awaited. j of W. J. Stanley. R ob R oy . 1 ure in notifying the public that they John Lewman vs. Cecelia Lewman ; i have a new ferry at the above April 20th, should post the proper no­ A small area has been put in with named established Ashland, April 1, 1876. place, and have the largest and saf- suit for divorce. Decree granted. tices ten days prior to that date, and —-------- ♦------------- grain a* yet, but sowing is still pro­ . est boat on the river, furnished with the strongest wire rope, and charge less for W ednesday , April 5th. gressing. thereby save further trouble in obtain­ O stracized .—N. Langell has teen ferrying. Gives us a trial. --------- --------- -- Henry Amerman vs. John W. Pitt­ TAYLOR A CO. i deposed as member of the State Cen- ing the same. P ostage R ates .—Our Postmaster man ; action to recover money. Judg ­ I. B. Williams has purchased Hale’s ! tral Committee by the Jackson County ment for plaintiff by default in the promulgates the rates of postage in TIIE FINE STALLION, ranche on Antelope and taken up his Republican Committee. The reason this poetical but impressive manner, sum of $246.88 and costs. Young Prince, residence there. The Farmer’s Home assigned is want of loyalty to the Re­ Sachs Bros. vs. Edwin Smith ; ac­ a la Mark Twain : publican party and connivance with an will still be conducted at the old stand one-cent stamp for a circulaire. tion to recover money. Judgment for ; A Will stand for mares at mv A two-eent stamp for a newspapair. in the best style and at moderate rates enemy for its overthrow two years stable, four miles north-east of plaintiffs by default in the sum of A three-cent stamp fora sealed lettair, ^hwnix, (excepting Wedne*- by I*aac Williams and lady, who guar­ ago. The enemy alluded to is the : All licked on the right cornair. •Tl-virk days) commencing April 1st, interest, and costs. Lick, brothers, lick with care, Pizzarinktum, or so-called “People’s $198.42 and $27.93 antee to give satisfaction to all. and closing July 1, 1876. -— 1 * V. •--------------- On the right-hand side, not everywhere, Young Prince was sired by the well Party,” of which Mr. Langell is a lead­ Unless you want the Postmastair A Q uery .—When the clique that 1 To Silas J. Day, the efficient business known Percheron horse, White Prince, make things hot, and “cuss and swear.’’ ing light, at the same time profess- : manipulates the affairs of the so-called owned by W.C. Myer, out of a Black Hawk --------- • -------- 1 manager of the mill of the Patrons of mare. He is a beautiful dark iron gray, Loss of S tock in L ake C ounty . and will probably weigh 1,400 pounds. Husbandry at Phcenix, was in town ing Republicanism. Judge Watson is in I “People’s Party” prates about high j the same boat, but, we understand, is i taxes in the call issued by it, has it —By a private letter from Judge Ma­ T erms —Ten dollars, U. S. gold coin, the this week. He informs us that 350,- season, payable at the end of the same. S. C. TAYLOR. 000 pounds of flour are now in store at , not an aspirant for office this year, j any reference to future taxation in the son to II. K, Hanna, Esq., we learn i We can ’ t blame the Republican Com ­ event of the success of its scheme to that the loss of stock in the eastern the mill. It is said to be of a superior F. RITSCHARD, mittee under the circupistances ; we capture the county officers next June ? portion of Lake county has been very quality by all who have used of it. i believe any other party would have There is not an iota of just complaint I severe, and he thinks that more stock W A T C II M A K E R AN D J E W E L E R Joe Newcomb, confined in the Ker­ j done the same thing. against our present taxes, hence we has died this Winter and Spring than Jacksonville, Oregon. byville jail, attempted to escape from ----------- —< . .......... .. • has died heretofore, all put together, cannot but think it has. But the peo­ that institution recently, by going M ining as a B usiness .—Every I HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- since the county has been settled. ure in informing the public that he ha* out of a hole through which the stove­ dollar spent in developing mines and j ple have not lost them, and the so­ This is pretty hard on Lake. just opened out in Langell’s building, on licitude of these political guerillas is pipe passed. But the opening proved producing bullion adds so much to tho ■ ! California street, where he is prepared to C oming B ack .—We are pleased to i execute all work in his line in the best man- too small and he stuck fast, when material wealth of the country. Our | naught. j ner and at reasonable rates. Gen. Taylor, the jailer, and T. G. Pat­ mines that are now requiring aid will, j T eachers ’ I nstitute .—It is pro­ see that several Democrats who sup­ Cleaning and repairing watches and ported the Independent ticket two : jewelry a specialty. terson came to his relief and pulled in course of time, he self-sustaining, ' posed to hold a Teacher’s Institute in Give me a call. F. RITSCHARD. years ago are returning to their first him back. this place about the first of June next, and, in time, will yield a much larger MILL NOTICE. The continuous bad roads having sum than is required to keep them in | and Superintendent Fleming has ap­ love and intend staying there. Jack- son county always fared very well made hauling almost impracticable, successful operation. This remark ap- ; pointed Professors J. W. Merritt and but little flour has been brought to i plies to productive mines. Mining is J. 8. McFadden and Miss Mollie Mc­ I under Democratic administration, and N AND AFTER TIIE. TENTH DAY there is no reason why there should ot September, 1875, the Palyon« of Hus- town this Winter, in consequence of i an undoubted source of wealth. The ' Cully as a committee to prepare a | be a change, at least for the present. ’ ba’adry Mill Company will cease to grind ' bn exchange, except for family tor pro which the supply ran short last week ' risks are greater than in other pursuits, programme for the same. The teach­ ducers, in unbranded sacks; and in icu