ïta gmwntìr Stati« LOCAL BREVITIES. PROCEEDINGS OF THE DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COMMITTEE. Read James Hamlin’s estray notice. The Democratic County Committee FRIDAY,........................... MARCH 10, 1878. Sachs Bros, are selling very cheap. met, pursuant to call, at the office of Republican primaries will be held H. K. Hanna, Esq., in Jacksonville on RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. Saturday, March 4, 1876, and was on April 19th. M. E. CnvRcn.—Religious services every Sunday, at the usual hours, by the Rever­ The political ball in this county is called to order at 2 o’clock p. m . ends ,T. R. N. Bell, J. 8. McCain and M. A. i Members present—J. W. Manning, now in motion. Williams, alternately. C atholic C hurch .—Divine Services ev- j Alex.^Watts, of Josephine, was in ' John Sizemore, Samuel Furry, H. ery Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa- I Klippel, by H. K. Hanna proxy, and ther Blanchett. town this week. J. S. March. M. E. S unday S chool .—Regular meetings One thousand old ’ papers for sale every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. On motion, Samuel Furry was C atholic S unday S chool . — Regular cheap at the T imes office. elected Chairman pro tem., and J. S. meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two ’ Squire Gillette and James Woodson, i o’clock. March, secretary pro teifn. of Ashland, were in town this week. The following resolution was adopted: Jackson Co. Democratic Convention. Several trotters raayj be seen exer­ Resolved, That a Democratic Coun­ A Democratic County Convention for cising each morning on Bybee’s race­ ty Convention be held at the Court Jackson county is hereby called to be held House in Jacksonville on Saturday, at the Court House in Jacksonville on S at ­ track. April 15, 1876, at 1 o’clock P. M., for urday , A pril 15, 1876, at 1 o'clock p. m ., for The high waters threaten to take off the purpose of electing eight delegates the purpose ot electing eight delegates to the Democratic State Convention to be held at the bridge crossing Bear creek near to attend the Democratic State Con­ Salem on April 26, 1876. vention, to be held at Salem April 26, It is recommended that the primary meet­ McKenzie’s mill. ings in the various precincts tor the election I A heavy wind-storm prevailed Mon­ 1876. of delegates to the County Convention be It was recommended that the pri- held at the usual places of voting on Satur­ day night, but did no serious damage day, April 8, 1876, at 1 o’clock 1». M. mary meetings for the election of del­ The several precincts will be entitled to that we hear of. egates to the County Convention be one delegate for (»very twenty votes cast for The Sisters are having a neat, new Col. LaDow in 1874, and one for every frac­ held at the usual places of voting in tion of eleven and over, to-wit: fence built around the grounds of St. the several precincts on Saturday, Ashland..!......... .......... 4 Leland............... ....... 1 Mary’s Academy. 0 Little Butte....... ........3 1 Applegate......... April 8, 1876, at 1 o’clock P. M. Big Butte .......... ......... 1 Manzanita........ ...... 2 ' John Cimborsky has returned from The representation of the several Eden.................. ......... 3 RiX’k Print...... ....... 1 ! Evans ('reek........... 1 S'orlingville.............. 1 Llnkville, where he successfully or­ precincts was based upon the vote Foots Creek............... 1 Table Rock.................. 3 I ganized a lodge of Red Men. Flounce Rock........... lIVniontown ................ 1 given for Congressman La Dow at the Grant's Pass............. I Willow Springs......... 2 We will next week publish a synop­ general election in 1874—allowing one Jacksonville............. 9. A Democratic County Convention is also sis of the educational history of this delegate for every twenty votes cast, called for the nomination of county officers county since its organization. and one for every fraction of eleven and for the transaction of such other busi­ ness as may properly come before it. to 1 Rev. J. R. N. Bell will hold divine over. Those precincts where the vote be held in Jacksonville on Saturday, May ¡3, 1*76. at 1 o'clock p. m .; and it is recom­ services at the M. E. Church next was less than eleven were allowed a mended that the primary meetings to elect Sunday morning and evening. representation of one. delegates to the same be held Saturday, May The apportionment is as follows : 6, 1876, at 1 P. m . The apportionment of the 1 The settlers living in the vicinity of delegates will be the same as above. Votes Cast. Det. Joe Solomon’s store on Evans creek SA ML FURRY, 88 Ashland..................... 4 Chairman pro tern. Democratic Co. Com. i have petitioned for a post office. J. S. M arch , Secretary. 2 38 Applegate.................. All those knowing themselves in­ Big Butte.................. 11 1 C hinese K illed .—A couple of debted to the T imes office are requested Eden........................... 65 3 Evans Creek.............. 11 Chinamen, while mining on Jackass, to settle, as the money is needed. 1 Foots Creek ................ 11 1 were caught by a cave of dirt and re­ K. Kubli, County Treasurer, will 1 10 ceived injuries from which, we learn, shortly leave for Salem to settle Jack- Grant’s Pass.............. 13 1 they both died. son county’s portion of the State tax. Jacksonville.............. 173 9 7 1 Wintry weather still continues, and Leland....................... F or A shland .—Dr. W. Jackson 66 3 Little Butte .............. will visit Ashland on the 15th of this | the fanners who have sowed little or Manzanita................. 41 2 month, when those desiring anything no grain as yet are looking rather blue. J Rock Point................ 29 1 Sterling ..................... 5 1 done in his line can then be accommo­ Persons desiring to purchase pianos, [ 70 8 Table Ro-k ................ dated in the best style. organs or sewing-machines, will find i 14 Uniontown................ 1 ------- - -------- 2 4L R icher than E ver .—Parties late­ superior inducements by inquiring at Willow Springs......... ly up from the Fort Lane diggings the T imes office. It was also resolved that a Demo Plenty of rain and some snow has report the prospects even better than cratie County Convention be held at fallen during the past week, which , ever. Pieces of gold weighing SCO and the Court House in Jacksonville on has considerably increased the water $40, as also smaller ones, have been Saturday, May 13, 1876, at 1 o’clock supply for mining purposes. picked up within the few past days. p. M., for the purpose of nominatiug Frank Krause, formerly of this place, ■ county officers and the election of a The water supply is fair, enabling the company to do several hours’ work but now telegraph operator at Kalama, ' Democratic County Committee. And W. T., is in town on a visit, after■ it is recommended that primary meet­ an absence of over two years. ings be held at the usual places of vot­ How is T his ?—We have It from Wm. Hoffman and Wm. Ray, as ing in the several precincts, at 1 o’clock good authority that Dan Leavens, of Douglas county, has been issuing poll will be seen by advertisement, have p. M., of Saturday, May 6, 1876. The representation of the several tax receipts to Chinese located in this applied for a patent to their placer precincts will be the same as given for county. These receipts have no date claims in Jackass Mining District. Ca*h patents have been received at the County Convention to convene on or number on them, and the whole matter seems to be a rather curious the Roseburg Land Office for H. F. , April 15th. On motion, Committee adjourned. proceeding. Let the authorities of Barron, E. Wells and J. J. Nichols, of S am ’ l F urry , Chairman. this county, and for David John, of Douglas county explain. J. S. M arch , Secretary. Josephine. A H andsome S pecimen . — The i M. A. Houston, one of our efficient large nugget picked up in the Fort County Commissioners, informs us that T own E lection .—The annual elec­ Lane diggings some time ago by Jas. a very heavy rain fell in Sam’s Valley tion for municipal officers last Tuesday McDonough, is now in possession of last Monday night, which raised the passed off quietly, though considerable Robt. Kalder, at the City Drug Store, | interest was taken in some particulars. streams considerably. where it may be seen. It weighs The saloons, as usual, were closed dur­ about twenty-six ounces, but contains ; Prof. Fleming, School Superintend­ ing voting hours. One hundred and some quartz. The value of this hand­ ent, elsewhere gives notice that the thirty-eight votes were polled, which some specimen is between $300 and j quarterly examination of applicants for is an increaso of several on last year’s S400 in gold. It would certainly be a teachers’ certificates will be held on vote. The following is the result: great card fur Jackson county at the the last Saturday of this month. for trustees : An immensely rich quartz ledge, as­ M. Caton..................................... Centennial. 127 sayings per pound, is reported to have Newman Fisher...................... !...................... ns R epublican C ounty C onvention . been found on Cayote creek by a Mr. J. Nunan......................................................... ns 95 —Capt. Caton, Chairman of the Re­ O’Shea. We trust it is not a myth, as Geo. Brown............................................. David Cronemiller .................................... 93 publican County Committee, has is- I many other quartz stories have proven. Dr. W. Jackson.............................................. f]8 sued a call for a county convention, to j The heavy rains the forepart of this Fred. Luy....................................................... is elect four delegates to the Republican Pat. McMahon................................................ 7 week raised Cow creek so as to make Scattering ....... ....... 3 State sanhedrim and nominate a full it Impassable for the stages, in conse ­ FOR RECORDER : • I ■ coflnty ticket, to be held in Jackson­ U. S. Hayden...... .................... 113 quence of which they have been very ville on April 26th. This will be the C. W. Savage ..... i .............................. ........... 20 first time for many years that the Re­ irregular from both north and south. Matt. W. Dillon,........................... 3 J. C. Overheck, who has been keep­ publicans of this county have not Hayden’s majority................................ 90 played the political ground-hog, and ing a repair station on the other side for treasurer ; looks as though they intend to give us of Trinity mountain (Cal.) all Winter, Henry Pape........... ............,............................. 134 for marshal : a fair and square battle. But then “we returned home this week, and will James P. McDaniel......................................... 80 can’t always sometimes tell.” soon take a position as telegraph opera­ J. H. Hyzer........................ 48 tor under Dr. Plummer at Albany. McDaniel’s majority..................... 41 P robate C ourt .—The following Joe Clow has thrown up his position STREET COMMISSIONER: proceedings transpired in the Probate of driver on the Oregon and California J. C. Weiss....................................................... 138 Court this week : H. F. Barron, administrator of the Stage Line and has been sojourning in S prague R iver .—A correspondent estate of Minus Walker, deceased, town for a few days past. We learn just in from Sprague River Valley, filed his semi-annual exhibit, which that he intends starting for Eastern Lake county, writing from Ashland, Oregon shortly and will take a band of was approved. under date of March 4th, gives the W. Beeson, administrator of the horses to the Black Hills. following items concerning that sec­ A bloodless affray occurred on Butte tion : estate of Rnxanna Thurber, deceased, files the inventory and appraisement creek this week between Arthur Pool The Winter has been quite severe, of said estate, which was approved and Wm. Sutherland, originating over and should the bad weather continue some trivial matter. Words were first considerable stock will perish, as hay and placed on record. The final exhibit and settlement of the instruments of warfare, and soon is getting scarce. Herman v. Helms, administrator of came to blows and stones, when Suth­ Health has been generally good, al­ estate of John Blattner, deceased, was erland rushed into his house and pro­ allowed and said administrator ordered cured a pistol, which he fired at Pool, though several cases of intermittent discharged and his sureties released but missed him. The former was ar­ fever have been reported. Some of the citizens of Sprague upon filing receipts of claimants rested and had an examination before Justice Tinkham Wednesday. H. Kel­ River Valley are talking of going to against said estate. In the matter of the final settlement ly, Esq., who was in attendance as his Arizona. • U • * : • i • 7 ! u t There is considerable talk concerning of the estate of John C. Thurber, 8r., counsel, informs us that Sutherland deceased, E. D. Foudray, administrator. was bound over in the sum of $200, where the county seat is to be located. which bonds were readily furuished. The people are unanimously In favor Same as above. Adjourned until to-day at 9 o’clock It is difficult to imagine, from the sto­ of its being located in Lake county ries told, who was to blame. somewhere. ,---------------- --- .. ■■ ------------------------ BOARD OF TRUSTEES. BAH'S VALLEY ITEMS. The Board of Trustees met, pursuant to adjournment, on Tuesday evening, March 7th, with President Beekman in the Chair, and all the members pres­ ent. The Town Marshal made a report of the moneys collected by him in the pa9t year, which was read and placed on file. The Street Commissioner’s annual road report was received and read, and supplemental to the same was a report from P. Boschey, as Deputy Street Commissioner, which was also read and examined. The Board refused to receive the Deputy’s report, recogniz- ingjio such au officer, and ordered both reports to be returned to the Street Commissioner, with instructions for him to embody all road matters in his report. J. A. Wilson made a written state­ ment to the Board of work done on California street, graveling, etc., amounting to $58. Referred to the Committee on Public Improvements, with instruction to examine the same and recommend such action as they shall deem proper in the matter. A petition was received from C. W. Savage, representing that he had previously paid into the Town Treas­ ury $5 in coin for a billiard license, but did not take out the license, and asked to have the money refunded to him. Referred to the Recorder for examination. The returns of the election were then canvassed, and the result declared as follows, to-wit: Trustees, J. Nu­ nan, George Brown, David Cronemil­ ler, Newman Fisher and M. Caton ; Recorder, U. S. Hayden ; Treasurer, Henry Pape; Marshal, J. P. McDaniel; Street Commissioner, Chris. Weiss. The Recorder was ordered to issue a certificate of election to each of the officers-elect. It was ordered that the Judges and Clerks be allowed $2 each for their services. The Board then adjourned to meet on Thursday evening, March IGth. REAMES BROS., T C ampaign T imes .—One dollar will pay for the T imes from now until after the June election. Those desiring it during that time should send in their names at once. C ounty C ourt .—The County Court was in session this week, but nothing of particular Importance was transacted. No stage from the South for two days—hence our Ashland notes are missing. WARE, ETC. POND'S EXTRACT Ought to be in every family ready for use. Nature and science are combined in the man­ ufacture. Disease originates from disorder of the sys­ tem, 'So a medicine acts on the cause. Experience has heralded the virtue of Pond's Extract. Xternal application or inwardly taken with safety. The cures of Pond's Ex ract are marvelous. Relief from pain obtained by use of Pond’s Extract, A bottle for 50c., 31 and 81.75, largest cheapest, Can be obtained from druggists every where. Try it once, and you will never be without it. We are now ready to sell anything in our line at lowest cash prices. Persons wishing to buy goods will find it greatly to their ad­ vantage to examine our stock before pur­ chasing elsewhere, as we are determined not to be undersold by any house in Jackson j county. ^9“Give us a call, and then judge for ' yourself as to our capacity to furnish goods REAMES BROS. | as above. Jacksonville, Feb. 12, 1875. HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM! •a. ------------- «—.—- . - A Consumptive Cough becomes terrible ' in March and April. These are the worst i months in the year for persons with dis- ! eased lungs. Avert danger by an immedi­ ate resort to Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. For sale by all druggists. Pike’s Toothache Drops cure in one minute. — ami - hardware AND CUTLERY STORE MARRIED. COOK—MANSFIELD—On March 5ib, by Thos. Mee J. I*., David S. Cook to Miss Laura F. Mansfield—all of this county. ________ BORN.___ __________ FISHER—In this city, March 7th, to the California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon wife of Newman Fisher, a son. DIED. on hand the best stock of Patent and Home-made Rifle and A lways Shot Guns, single and double; Revolvers I BAY—Near Willow Springs, March 8, 1876, of scarlatina, Hulsey Belle Bay, aged 4 of the latest patents; Pocket Pistols, neat, 1 years and 3 months. small and powerful; Derringers, the latest and best; also, the best Powder and Pow­ Flasks ; Hunting and pocket knifes of __ NEW, THIS WEEK._ _ _ _ _ der the best brands; all sorts of Shot and Pouches; Caps, Wads and everything in Estray Notice. the Sportsman's line. . - —- lie will also keep a full line of SHELF ’ WAKEN UP BY THE UNDERSIGNED, HARDWARE, Nails and Rope of all kinds i £ living six miles east of Jacksonville, | and sizes, Carpenters’ and Wagon-Makers, j on the 3d day of November, 1875, one bay Tools, a complete assortment of Table and mule and one sorrel mule, supposed to be Pocket Cutlery, together with a full supply j 15 years old, and breachy. Appraised at of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc. 855 by J. P. Burns, J. P. The above goods are all of the best qual­ The owner or owners are requested to ity, and will be sold come forward and prove property, pay CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. ! charges and take thorn a wav. JAMES HAMLIN. New guns made to order, and repairing promptly done and in good style. All or­ ders filled with dispatch. 27tf. JOHN MILLER. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. F or D ouglas C ounty .—A. P. Armstrong has secured a school at Day’s creek, Douglas county, and will leave about the 15th to a-sume his charge. He goes highly recommended by Prof. T. M. Gatch, President of the Willamette University, as also by the directors of the various schools he has managed in this county. He has proven himself an industrious and en­ ergetic instructor of the young, and will doubtless give entire satisfaction wherever he may go. : “R ings .”—Our cotemporary sar­ castically dilates upon the Republican prospects in the ensuing campaign, and says homething about gagging rings. Perhaps he can explain what he means, for it would puzzle the average reader to opine what lie is driving at. Let us bear from him again on this matter. E. R. REAMES. Mump9 and scarlet fever have both | disappeared, and the health of the Lr I r ' J f people is improving. (Successors to White A Martin,) J. T. Raimey is at present engaged in DEALERS IN puttingout grape-cuttings, and intends planting ten acres this Spring. He has about half that amount out at GENERAL MERCHANDISE, present. CALIFORNIA STREET, Messrs. Houston & Co.’s cinnabar in­ terests are becoming more flattering JACKSONVILLE, - . OREGON. as they go down in the shaft. The; paying ore is now about nine feet wide, j and continues to widen as they go LOW PRICES WILL WUT down. Our brotherhood in Sam’s Valley is laboring under another one of those HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- terrible convulsions, and the most san­ ure in notifying their friends and the guine are beginning to despair, as it is public generally that they have piirchased stock of White < >'• W. nnd Lot ILL SELL FOR CASH AT GREATLY No. 1 of Sec. 23, Township 38 8., Range 3 | reduced rates. Wost, containing 53.20 acres. if&r Repairing done promptly, and at The location of said claims is not of record. 1 The said claims were acquired by said ap- • prices in keeping with the times. J. NUNAN. plicant-s by purchase, and are now known Jacksonville, Nov. 5, 1875. as the Hoffman and Ray Gold Placer Min- ' Ing claims. It is hereby ordered that the above notice be published for sixty days in the D emo ­ cratic 4 T imes , a weekly newspaper publish­ ed at Jacksonville, Oregon. (Successor to Qaton d: Frey,) Given under my hand this 2d day of March, A. D. 1876. j W m . R. WILLIS, Register. W GEORGE W. FREY, New Boot and Shoe Store. NOTICE. CALIFORNIA STREET. LL KNOWING . THEMSELVES IN- debted to the undersigned are hereby requested to call and settle by cash or note, AVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED as all accounts remaining unsettled by the in Jacksonville, I respectfully inform 25th of Maroh next will be placed in the the public that I am prepared to do all hands of an attorney ior collection. kinds of work in the l>oot and shoomaking WAGNER, ANDERSON A CO. line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ashland, Feb. 24. 1876. ; 29tf. G. W. FREY, A H