ihr gcmcirnfif ors. FRIDAY.................... DECEMBER 10, 1875. RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. M. E. C hurctt .—Religious services every Sunday, at the usual hours, l»v the* Rever­ ends J. R. N. Bell, J. S. McCain and M. A. Williams, alternately. C athouc C hurch .—Divine Services ev­ ery Sunday, at the usual hour, l>y Rev. Fa­ ther Blanchett. M. E. S uxdat S chool .—Regular meetings every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. C atholic S unday S chool . — Regular meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two o’clock. C ounty C ourt .—The County Com­ missioners met this week, but trans­ acted little other business than auditing a large number of bills. —----- ■— B all .—M. Ryder, of Kerbyville, will give a grand ball at his hotel on Christmas eve. Good music and sup­ per will b© provided, anti a pleasant time may be anticipated. See adver­ tisement. ----------------<---------------- T ime C hanged .—Owing to the last Saturday of this month faliing on Christmas, Superintendent Fleming has postponed the regular examination of applicants for teachers’ certificates to the following Friday, December 31, 1875. D ead .—Dr. Charles Brooks, in early days a resident of this place, died at the Dalles on November 21st. He was a native of Kanawha, West Virgina, and one of the most accomplished sur­ geons on the coast. His age was 43 years, and he leaves a wife and family to mourn his loss. ♦.... ............ E lection of O fficers .—At a reg­ ular meeting of Warren Lodge No. 10, A. F. A A. M., held December Sth, the following officers were elected : Thos. G. Reames, W. M.; C. C. Beekman, S. W.; J. E. Ross, J. W.; John Miller, Tn a«.; Max. Muller, Sec.; R. S. Dun­ lap, Tyler. The installation of officers will take place on Monday, December 27th, 1875. ------------------- P leaded Gui lty .—In theU. S. Dis­ trict Court at Portland, on November 27th, James W. Vannoy was arraigned and pleaded guilty to the charge of running an illicit distillery. Judge Deady then sentenced him to pay a fine of $100 and to thirty days’ im­ prisonment in the county jail of Jo­ sephine county upon each of two in­ dictments. An indictment against Vannoy for retailing liquor without license was dismissed. --------------- < P robate C ourt . — The following business was transacted in the Probate Court: In the matter of the estate of La- vinia Stow. Herman Helms, admin­ istrator, filed his inventory and ap­ praisement of said estate, amounting to $1,602.75, which was approved and or­ dered placed on record. In the matter of the estate of P. W. Stow. Herman Helms, administrator of said estate, files his inventory and appraisement of real and personal prop­ erty of said estate, amounting to §3,591.25 which was approved and ordered placed on record. --- > C avalry H orses .—Mr. Ball, sent over to this section from Yreka by the officers in search of horses for the First Cavalry of California, secured the num­ ber he desired without trouble and at fair prices. Word w’as sent Alex. Martin that Mr. Ball would be here at such a time, and that gentleman circulated the matter so that when Ball arrived more horses were on hand than he wanted. Twenty-three w’as the number bought, although nearly a hundred could have been secured. Ball was w’ell pleased with his pur­ chase, and said that the animals were fully as good as those bought in Siski­ you, as well as being much cheaper. ■ — » —- --- - D eath of M rs . H anna .—Laura E., wife of H. K. Hanna, Esq., departed this life at the family residence in this city early Saturday morning, after a short illness. Dr. Aiken, the attend­ ing physician, informs us that the cause of her death was Puerperal Per­ itonitis, complicated by extension of inflammation, involving the liver and stomach. The primary disease was fully under control, and had not seri­ ous complications intervened, the pros­ pects of her recovery would have been good. Mrs. Hanna was a native or Ogdensburg, N. Y., and 37 years, 6 months and 7 days of age at the time of her death. A large concourse of friends and acquaintances followed her remains to the grave Sunday afternoon, after appropriate ceremonies at the M. E. Church. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her untimely death. Maj’ she rest in peace. 1.0(41. BREVITIES. ----------- done. Dudley Ilillery, the person sent to the T he S oda S prings .—Mr. and Mrs. was shot at by one Vannoy last week, Manning & Ish vs. W. II. Parker; asylum a short time ago. Another il­ J. H. Russell have leased the Soda but no damage was done. The road lustration of the value of advertising. action to recover money. Judgment Springs of Mrs. Caldwell, and having ' being in very bad condition, the driver by default. drove through Vannoy’s place, which The Crescent City Courier says: G. Karewski vs. Joseph Rath; action refitted the house in first-class style undoubtedly was the reason why he “We understand that Henry West­ to recover money. Judgment by de­ are now prepared to accommodate all brook, of Smith River Valley, designs fault. who may favor them with a call in the fired the shot. trying the experiment of raising An­ White & Martin vs. Thos. Brady ; best manner and at reasonable rates. J ob P rinting neatly executed. gora goats in this county, and is now’ confirmation of Sheriff’s sale. Sale The marble business, so long carried “The National Gohl Medal was award­ on his way from Ashland, Oregon, confirmed. on by them at Ashland, will still be a ed ^S to Bradley A Rulofson for the best Pho­ with a drove of the animals.” James T. Glenn vs. Richard and specialty, and all work in this line ex­ tographs in the United States, and the The Circuit Court will probably ad­ Elizabeth Davis; suit to foreclose ecuted satisfactorily and promptly at Vienna Medal for the best in the world. journ this week, as Judge Prim in­ mortgage. Decree granted. low prices. Don’t fail to read their 429 Montgomery street, San Francisco. tends starting for Salem as soon as James T. Glenn vs. Joseph and C. advertisement and give them a call. I n forty-eight hours a cough may become dangerous ; but within that time any cough possible, to be in attendance on the L. Cox ; suit to foreclose mortgage. , can be cured by the use of Hale's Honey of S ettle U p .—We have sent state­ Horehound and Supreme Court, which meets next Decree granted. Tar. Sold by all druggists. Pike ’ s Toothache Drops cure in one minute. ments of account to about all indebted James T. Glenn vs. Martin F. Hurst; week. The principal cases on docket have nearly all been disposed of, how­ action to recover money. Judgment to the T imes office, and request them BORN.________ to come forward and settle between by default. ever. FREY—In this city, December 1st, to the John Bolt vs. George B. Gammons ; now and Jan. 1, 1876. The amount wife of G. W. Frey, a son. The Josephine stage arrived Sun­ due from each is small, but in the ag­ DUNLAP—On Big Butte, Nov. 27th, to the day, having been able to make but one confirmation of Sheriff’s sale. Sale gregate amounts to considerable. As wife ot B. F. Dunlap, a daughter. confirmed. trip during last week, owing to the DIED. G. W. Lance vs. W. O. Lutin et al.; it takes money to run a newspaper and high waters. The principal streams we can’t subsist on wind altogether, HANNA — In this city, December 4th, are out of their banks, while the most suit to foreclose mortgage. Decree those interested will no doubt appreci­ Laura E., wife of H. K. Hanna, Esq., a insignificant creeks and sloughs have granted. native of Ogdensburg, N. Y., aged .37 ate the meaning of this notice. years, 6 months ami 7 (lays. T hursday , December 9th. suddenly become serious obstacles to - ---------------------- SILLS—On Big Butte, October 25th, Sarah J. C. Morrison vs. S. Cohn; action C ouncil M eeting .—A meeting of Jeannette, only daughter of Baldwin and travel. Nancy ('.Sills, aged 1 year, 7 months and The Willamette papers say that tho to recover money. Judgmeut for Jackson County Council will be held 25 days. at the hall of Jacksonville Grange on j widow of one of the men murdered by plaintiff by default. the Modocs, with her two children, WANTED ! P ersonal .—Judge Reed left for Monday, December 20th. All dele- ' gates and members are requested to were helped by tho charitable people Josephine Monday last. attend, as business of importance re­ of Lafayette, Yamhill county, the other Miss Annie Miller has returned from 20,000 Lbs. of Old Cast Iron, quires their attention. day, while in search of her brother a visit to Salem. elivered at the foundry in J. I sh , Sec’y Council P. of II. who worked there last season. We Ashland, for which we will pay the ----------------- - W. A. Owen and J. B. Coates re- are of the opinion that she has been highest price. D entistry .—Attention is called to j Every farmer has more or less old cast­ turned from Salem Wednesday, hav­ joshing the good people of that section about his premises, such as old stoves, ing safely arrived there with Mrs. the advertisement of Dr. Jackson, the ings pinions and other articles. These they as regards her being a sufferer by the Briggs and son after being delayed popular dentist of this place. He is would do well to gather up, and bring them Modoc war. the rain sets in. considerably by rain and high waters. now better than ever prepared to do before We will also pay the highest price for old Rogue river, Boar creek and other and ZINC. Prof. Marsh, of the Pacific Univer- 1 all kinds of work in his line in the COPPER, BRASS J. M. McCALL A CO. streams in the county have risen so sity, Forest Grove, passed through most scientific manner and at reasona­ high as to overflow their banks. A ble rates. Give him a call. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. —----- —e — considerable portion of tho ground town Saturday on his way home from the East. S tate vs . D aniel D oty .—The | along Rogue river is submerged, so ----------- •----------- rplIE QUARTERLY EXAMINATION OF that there would be imminent danger F or S ale .—Those desiring a first- jury in the above case, after being out JL applicants for Teachers’ Certificates for county, Oregon, will be held in of Hen Owen squatting upon it as class sewing-machine, bran new, at less several days, brought in a verdict of Jackson Jacksonville on swamp land, were he in the State. than first cost, can be accommodated guilty. Motions for a stay of proceed­ Friday, December 31. 1873. Several small bridges have been swept by calling on E. C. Brooks and exam­ ings and for a new trial were argued Those desiring Certificates will take due away, and the larger ones are not al­ ining one of the celebrated Wilcox & yesterday, and will probably be de­ notice thereof and govern themselves ac­ cordingly. H. FLEMING, together free from danger. cided by Judge Prim to day Gibbs’ machines. D Estray Notice. waken up by the undersigned , 1 near Bybee’s Ferry, one yellow bay mare, about 14 years old, black mane and tail, small white spot on the left side of the back, about 14S hands high, right hind and fore feet white, no brands, has been on tho range about two years, and is breachy. Appraised at $25 by C. C. Gall, J. P. JAMES W. COLLINS. November 26, 1873. 60. A GRAND BALD WILL BE GIVEN AT RYDER’S HOTEL, KERBYVILLE, —ON— Friday Eve., Dec. 24, 1875. ■ A Cordial Invitation Extended to All. M. RYDER. SURGEON DENTIST. 4 LL BRANCHES OF THE PROFES- A sion attended to in the most scientific manner with promptness and at reasonable rates. Every style ot Plate-work made— Gold, Silver, Platina, Alumnium and Rub­ ber Plates. Special attention given to chil­ dren’s teeth. Nitrus Oxide (laughing gas) given for the painless extraction of teeth. Will visit Ashland annually on March 1st; also Kerbyville on 4th Monday in October. Office and residence on corner of Califor­ nia and Fifth streets, Jacksonville. ^TCall and examine specimen work. TIIE SODA SPRINGS! AND MARBLE WORKS. Ho ! Unto All Who Thirst ! COME YE UNTO THE SODA SPRINGS! AND DRINK WITHOUT Money and Without Price ! rpHE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW KEEP- I ing the Soda Springs House, and having repaired ana refitted the same are now pre­ pared to accommodate all that may favor us with a call. Prices to suit these hard times. THE MARBLE BUSINESS Will still lie a specialty. All orders in this line promptly tilled in the best manner and at reasonable rates. Address, as usual, J. II. A A. II. RUSSELL, Ashland. “Peace, Good Will to All !” Conte all ye noble immigrants, Likewise ye neighbors too; Come all of you who have the stamps, And learn what I will do : My prices they will suit you all And take you by surprise; You’ll buy if you will only call, So take my sage advice. To tell of my variety, I hardly have the time; You’ll get your full satiety, If I can make them rhyme. Goods suited for both voiing and old, The rich as well as Hie poor ; Come and see me with the gold, You are welcome to my door. I have ladies’ boots in every style, And hoods for little girls ; Hose that will make you smile, And dolls with flaxen curls. A tit of corsetsand balmorals, Gloves, collars and fancy ties ; Shawls, tlannel that is royal, Fancy notions at any price. I have thread, needles, pins and lace, Shirts, yarn, and socks for gents ; Drumsan