i Ûhr § em o cr afir Or democratic ^iinrs. rates of advertising . Published Every Friday Morning, Bj CHAS. NICKELL, Advertisements will l»e inserted in the EDITOR ANO PROPRIETOR. ' T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion......................... $3.00 “ each subsequent one............ 1.00 I x‘gal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduct ion from the above rates made t<> yearly anil time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. (’ ounty W arrants always taken at par. OFFICE On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Kate* of Kiibscription : One copy, |>er annum,.............................. $3.00 “ six months................................... 2.00 [ “ three months,............................. 1.00 • InrariaM 7 in Advance. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEC. 10, 1875. VOL. V. Ladies' and Gentlemen's OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. T. A. DAVIS & CO., STATE OF OREGON. Governor,..................................................... L. F. Grover Secretary of State...................-N. F. Chadwick State Treasurer,........................... A. H. Brown State Printer................................ -M. V. Brown ; Sup’t of Public Instruction...!.. L. Howland FURNISHING and NV HO L E S A L E DRUGG I STS, FA.2NTCY (JOODS FIRST jrniCÎAT. DISTRICT. < ’irvuit Judge,.................................. T. P. Prim District Attorney,..................... 11- K. Hanna 71 BOYS’ and GIRLS’ JACKSON COUNTY. Countv Judge,........................... E. B. Watson (John O’Brien, < ounty Commissioners...... < M A.Hueston Sheriff......................................... I. W. Manning Clerk,........................................... E. D. Foudray Treasurer,..................................... K. Kubii Assessor,.................................... M • A. Childers School Superintendent........... 1!. C. Fleming Surveyor,...................................... J. S. Howard Coroner............................................H. T. Tnlow Official Paper,................... D emocratic T imes F. K. ARNOLD. T. A. DAVIS. front street , PORTI.ANH, ORKGON. R E A I) Y - M A D E C L O Till N G, ! • . . I BOOTS and SHOES, WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND iV a complete stock of GEOt 'EE IPS, BEDSTEA DS d ( 'IL 1 1ES, DRUGS, CLOTHING, PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, ! I JOSEPHINE COUNTY. County Judge,.......................... M. F. Baldwin County Commissioners,...... ! Nedy.’ PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUOKS, TOBACCO and CIGAKS, GLASSWAHH, WTSDOW GLASS, Sheriff,.........................................Dan. L. Green Clerk,........................................... Chas. Hughes CROCKERY, ETC., Treasurer,..................................................... Win. Naueke PAINTS, OILS AND Assessor........................................................ John Howell School Superintendent................. I. M. Smith Surveyor, .................................... W. N. Sanders At E. Jacob's New Store, | painter ’ s stock of every kind , Coroner....................................... Geo. E. Briggs Official Paper..................... D emocratic T imes BLUE VITRIOL, Orth's Brick Building, Jacksonville. court sittings . Jackman County.— Circuit Court, second Monday in February, .Tune and November. County Court, first Monday in each month. Josephine County.— Circuit Court, fourth Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc- tober. Conntv Court, first Monday in Jan­ uary, April, July and October. LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. ; A LI. <>F THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD : r\ at the very lowest rates. If you don’t believe me, call and ascertain prices for yourselves. No humbug ! All kinds ot produce and hides taken in jacksonvti . ee precinct . 42tf. Justice of the Peace,...................J. TT. Stinson exchange for goods. Constable................................... A. M. Asbury i “EXCELSIOR” FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, LTVERY STABIÆ Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. f C. C. Beeknian, Pres’t, I Sol. Sachs, Trustees,...................•! John Miller, i Wm. Hoffman, ( K. Kubii. Recorder,..................................... U. S. Hayden ; Treasurer,...................................... Henry Pape Marshal...................................... J. P. McDaniel Street Commissioner,................. .Silas J. Day Sole Agents for Oregon for the cele­ brated CAUBOLJC SHEEP DIP, which i kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep. ' and is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and | foot rot. Circular sent on application. Jacksonville, W. J. PLYMALE. - - PROPRIETOR. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B. F. HOLSCLAW, M. D., PHYSIC! A N AND S U R G E O N , Dr. L. DANFORTH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oi-egon. DAVID LINN Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of furniture, consisting of aving just received a new stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­ BEDSTEADS, H riages, I am now prepared to furnish my patronsand the public generally with as BUREAUS, TABLES, GUILD MOULDINGS, FINE TURNOUTS Kerbyville. Oregon. - Oregon St.. Jacksonville, As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle horses hired to go to any part of the country. Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses broke to work single or double. Horses boarded. and the best of care lxjstowed upon them while in my charge. STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, ETC., ETC. lias removed to Jacksonville, and tenders ; Also Doors. Sash and Blinds always on S-ir MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. his professional services to the public. hand and made to order. Planing done on Office and residence on Third street, oppo- , Undertaking a spe- A liberal share of the public patronage is reasonable terms. site and east of the M. E. Church. solicited. W. J. PLYMALE. ! clalty. DR. T. CALDWELL MACKEY. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Jacksonville, - - - ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, THE CONDUCTED BY CITY DRUG STORF, Oregon. ! THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. i JACKSONVILLE. N. B.—Night calls promptly attended to. | HE SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS school w-ill commence about the middle rpHE NEW FIRM OF KAHLER A Bno. T of August, and is divided in four sessions, I have the largest and most complete SURGEON,, J. A. CALLENDER, M. D„ P lì Y S I C I A N AND of eleven weeks each. The following are the ' assortment of terms: JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Board and tuition, per term................... $-10.00 | DRUGS, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, ___ I Bed and Bedding....................................... 4.00 Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also Drawing and painting.............................. 8.00 jjHF" Office at residence, on Fifth street, op­ Piano............................................................. 15.00 I the latest and finest styles of posite the Court House. I Entrance fee, only once,........................ 5.00 STATIONERY, SELECT DAY SCHOOL. J. H. STINSON, And a groat variety of PERFUMES and ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-L AW, Primary, per term,.................................... $ 6.00 ! TOT LET ARTICLES, including the l»est and Junior," “ ..................................... 8.00 ' cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER­ Senior, “ ..................................... 10.00 FUMED SOAPS in this market. AND JUSTICE OF THE PFACE. Prescriptions earefullv compounded. Pupils are received at any time, and their 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. terms will be counted from the day of their Office one block north ot Court House, entrance. For further particulars apply at the Academy. 29tf. Jacksonville, Oregon. 14. MRS. BROWN, H. K. HANNA, TABLE ROCK SALOON, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, OREGON STREET, Jacksonville, Oregon, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business left in my care. Office in Orth's Brick Building—upstairs. WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. ASHLAND, Millinery and Ladies Goods, RIBBONS OF ALL KINDS, he proprietors * of this well - known and popular resort would in­ form their friends and the public generally Flowers, Feathers and Trimmings, C. W. KAHLER. E. B. WATSON. that a complete and first-class stock of the best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and KAHLER A WATSON, HAIR, JUTE AND porter, etc., is constantly kept on band. They will be pleased to havo their friends ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, I “call and smile.” j LINEN BRAIDS AND SWITCHES, CABINET. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, I A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found Will practice in the Supreme, District and here. We would lie pleased to have persons i — ALSO— possessing curiosities and specimens bring other Courts of this State. Offiee in Court House—upstairs. them in, and we will placethem in the Cab­ inet for inspection. Agent for McCall's Bazaar Fashions. WINTJEN A HELMS. JAMES S. HOWARD, Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. Matt. Dillon's New Saloon, V. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR i FOR JACK80N, T EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS. Next door to Reames Bros., C alifornia S treet , Josephino and Curry counties, Oregon. Official surveys made and patents obtained ' - - - Proprietor. at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining , S. P. JONES, I^iws and Decisions at my offiee in Jack­ sonville, Oregon. one but the choicest and best Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars H. KELLY, kept. attorney a counselor - at - law , DRINKS, 12} CENTS. California Street, Jacksonville, Ogn. rpiIE undersigned takes pleas - 1 ure in announcing that ho has just opened out at the above location, and will constantly keep on hand a complete and first-class stock of the best brands of wines, liquors, cigars, etc., and also the latest Eas­ JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t tern periodicals and leading newspapers of pay. Families needing anything in our line the Coast. Give me a call. Will practlco in all the Courts of the State. can always be supplied with the purest and __________________ MATT. DILLON. Prompt attention given to all business en­ best to be found on the Coast. Give me a trusted to my care. call, and you will be well satisfied. RAILROAD SALOON, Office in the building formerly occupied by Kahler A Watson, opposite Court House. New Boot and Shoe Store, THIRD STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OR., LAGER! LAGER!! N C alifornia S treet , HENRY PAPE, Engineer. Jacksonville, - - • Oregon. THROUGH TICKETS, 12} C ents . aving permanently located 1HE PROPRIETOR, .106. WETTERER, in Jacksonville, the undersigned re­ has now on hand and is constantly man- ; spectfully informs the public, that he ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot Oregon, which he will soil in quantities to and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran­ suit purchasers. Cali and test the article. teed. M. CATON. 1 H is pHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CI- ' J gars constantly on band. The reading table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ cals and leading papers of the Coast. UEX’EKAL NOTES AND NEWS. COROX EK'S JI HI OX THE PACIFIC DISASTER. TO JlTMiE WOOL ON LIVE SHEEP. Things appear tranquil between the The finest and softest wool is found United States and Spain. A dispatch dated Victoria, Novem­ on the shoulders of a sheep. But not A scheme is proposed for preventing ber 23d, says that after three hours’ one person in a thousand h? awJte of the filling up of Coos Bay. deliberation the jury returned the fol­ this fact. Let us watch -Weipert he is aliout to pass judgment on All over New England the weather lowing in relation to the inquests held a when sheep concerning tho value of the recently is the coldest remembered. on bodies of those recovered from the animal for producing wool, and it will Remarkable activity is displayed in wreck of the Pacific : be seen that he always looks at the the several navy yards of the Union. That the body is that of Thomas J. wool on the shoulders first. A writer Ice has already commenced blocking Farrel ; that the said Thomas J. Farrel of extensivo experience in rearing fine navigation in New York and Pennsyl­ came to his death by drowning ; that i wooled sheep and in handling wool, the said Farrel was a passenger on ■ communicates tho following sugges­ vania. hoard the American steamship Pacific, tions fur selecting a good wooled sheep: The statement of the public debt which sailed from Victoria, B. Always assuming that tho wool to fur shows a decrease of only $480,078 dur­ San Francisco on the 1th of November, be inspected is really a fine wool, we ing November. 1875 ; that the said steamship Pacific first examine the shoulders at the part A fleet of iron-clads have orders to sank after a collision with the Ameri­ where the finest and best wool is usual­ steam at once from Philadelphia Navy can ship Orpheus, off Cape Flattery, ly found. This we take as the stand­ Yard to Norfolk. on the night of the 4th of November, ard, and compare it with tho wool from tho ribs, the thigh, the rump and Fresh troubles on tlie Rio Grande are 1875 ; that the Pacific struck the Or­ the shoulder parts, and the nearest the rejHirted, and Mexican cattle thieves pheus on the starboard side with her I wool from the various portions of the stem a light blow, the shock of which are raiding desperately. should not have damaged the Pacific, ■ animals approaches tho standard, the A railroad to Port Orford is talked if a sound and substantial vessel; that better. First we scrutinize tho fine­ of. Residents of that place claim that the collision between the Pacific and ness, and if tho result is satisfactory it is the best port on the Coast of Ore­ Orpheus was caused by the Orpheus we pronounce the fleece in respect of gon. not keeping the Pacific’s light on the fineness “even.” Next we enquire The obsequies of the late Vice Pres­ port I kiw , as when first seen ; but put­ into the length of the staple, and if ident in Washington were of an im­ ting the helm hard to starboard and we find that tho wool on the ribs, thigh posing character, and also all the way unjustifiably crossing the Pacific’s bow; and back approximates reasonably in that the watch on the deck of the Pa­ length to that of our standard, wo on to and in Boston. at the time of the collision, was ’ again declare the sheep, as regards The remains of Hon. George T. Vin­ cific, sufficient in number to keep a length of staple, true and even. We ing, lost on the Pacific, were buried not proper outlook, the said watch consist­ next desire to satisfy ourselves of the with Masonic honors in the Garrison ing of three men, namely : one at density of the fleece, and if wo do Cemetery at Steilacoom on Nov. 15th. the only wheel, one supposed to be on the this by closing tho hand upon a por­ Gov. Dunn, of Arizona, will be re- ! lookout, and the third mate—a young tion of the rump and of the loin wool, moved for his speech in favor of allow- j man of doubtful experience. The Pa­ the fleece at these points being usually ing the Catholics a sharo of the school cific had about 238 persons on board at the thinnest and faulty, and if this fund in opjiosition to the President’s the time of the collision ; that the again gives satisfaction, we signify tho theory. Pacific had live boats, whose carrying fact by designating the wool “even” as respects density. Now to summarize The purchase of the great Suez canal capacity did not exceed 160 persons; these separate examinations: If you by England is consummated. She will that the boats were not and could not find the fleece of nearly equal fineness gain much power in Egypt through be lowered by the undisciplined and from tho shoulder to the thigh, of this purchase. France had the oiler insufficient crew ; that the captain of nearly equal length at shoulder, rib, from the Khedive first, but through the Orpheus sailed away after the col­ thigh and back, and density on shoul­ lision, and did not remain by the Pa­ some bungling failed to take it. cific to ascertain the amount of damage der and across the loins, you may con­ clude that you have a perfect sheep At a big Indian council at Standing she had sustained. Rock Sunday before last, the Missouri The jury on the inquiry into the for producing wool. Selecting sheep Indians,* who compose 70 per cent, of death of Mr. Sullivan, after a few mo­ for valuable feeders is quite another the Black Hills tribes, resolved to sell ments’consultation, were satisfied with thing. to the whites—convinced that they the evidence already in, and returned W illiam B. A stor .—William B. will take tho country anyhow. a verdict of found drowned. Astor, the owner of a hundred million The jury sitting on the bodies of Daniel O’Leary won tho walking of dollars, is dead, lie was the eldest match against Weston, the other day, Mrs. Kellar, Mr. Vining and another son of John Jacob Astor, who carne to and is now champion. He finished his man, name unknown, after an hour’s New York about a century ago, with 500 miles in 5 days, 22 hours and 32 deliberation, eventually agreed on a a few hundred dollars’ worth of musi­ minutes from the time of starting. verdict, also of found drowned. Mr. cal instruments, and died worth twen. Plummer, who almost throughout dis­ Weston walked only 151 miles. agreed with the views of the five ty millions. Tho bulk of his wealth Gov. Ingersoll, of Connecticut, has remaining jurors, at length gave in on and that of his son was derived from appointed James E. English U, S. condition that he be allowed to assist the increase in the price of real estate Senator rice Senator Ferry, deceased. in drawing up a representation to the in New York. William B. Astor was Mr. English has been Governor of and Dominion Government in respect to a cultivated man; but there is reason to believe that his enormous wealth Congressman from that State, is a the late wreck. oppressed him all his life. Certainly sterling Democrat, and well qualified. it procured him no exemption from The population of Oregon is rapidly T he 1‘ clse —Every intellectual per­ labor, for his whole time was occu­ increasing, as is shown by the vote son should know how to ascertain the east at the late special election. Little state of the pulse in health ; then by pied in attending to his houses and more than half of the actual votes in comparing it with what it is when he lots, of which he owned blocks, and the State were cast, and yet the official is ailing, he may have some idea of streets, and whole quarters. Like his vote shows that nearly 20,000 were the urgency of tho ease. Parents father, he gave largely to various charities, besides increasing the en­ polled. should know the healthy pulse of each dowment of tho Astor Library, to W. II. Leminger, of Salem, has in­ child—as now and then a person is which the founder of the estate origi­ vented a new style of shackle, which born with a peculiarly "low or fast nally bequeathed $400,000. The de­ bids fair to take the place of all that pulse, and the very case in hand may ceased man was very quiet in his hab- kind of “jewelry” now in use in the be of that peculiarity. An infant’s i its, rather shunning than courting pub- country. It is so constructed that the pulse, 110; a child of seven, about 80; ' licity, and, in fact, living much as a joints cannot be reached by either file . and from twenty to seventy years it steady and well-to-do merchant of re­ or saw, and no hammers or other tools is 70 beats a minute, declining to 60 tiring disposition might have done. at forescore. A healthful grown per­ As he leaves five children, tho great will enable a prisoner to get it off. son’s pulse beats 70 times in a minute; W. M. Rice, of Oakland, has invent- ; there may be good health down to 60; estate which has been nursud so care­ ed a new way of preserving meats but if the pulse always exceeds 70, fully during two generations will now without brine. It will keep in any there is a disease ; the machine is probably go to pieces. climate and much better than by the . working itself out ; there is fever or T he California Agriculturist says former mode. Ho has been experi- ; inflammation somewhere, and the body menting for (ho past three years, and is feeding on itself; as in consumption, there aro 2,000,000 beo-hives in the believes he can ship to any part of the where the pulse is quick—that is over . United States. Every hive yields on world and keep the meat fresh and 70, gradually increasing, with de­ i an average a littlo over twenty-two pounds of honey. The average price sweet. creased chances of cure, until it at which honey is sold is twenty.fivo The N. Y. Sun has a true apprecia- | reaches 110 or 120, when death comes cents a pound ; so that, after paying tion of what the political issues of 1876 , before many days. When the pulse is their own board, tho bees present us will be when it says : “Honest pay­ over 70 for months, and there is a with a revenue of $8,000,000. To ment of our debts, unalterable opposi­ slight cough, the lungs are affected. reckon in another way, they make a tion to Grantism, constant warfare i clear gift of over a pound of pure against tho ‘rings’ which infest the A M ammoth S teer .—An exchange honey to every man, woman and child Administration and on which its power says that a steer owned by George in tho vast domain of tho United is built up, thorough reform at Wash­ Miller, a farmer on Lost river, near . States. Over twenty-three and one- ington, and overthrow of the one-man I Klamath lake, Oregon, has arrived at third million pounds of wax are given power in politics, aro tho war-cries of Salem and will be sent to the Centen­ to us by these industrious workers. the people.” nial. The steer stands 19 hands high Tho keeping of bees is one of the (6 feet and 4 inches), measures 19 feet j most profitable investments that our Secretary Chandler has commenced a general removal in tho Interior De­ j from tip to tip, and weighs 5,000 people can make of their money. The partment. All tho chief clerks are pounds. Whether this steer is larger profits arising on tho sale of surplus dismissed by advice of ex-Indian Com­ than that of our friend, the Hon. Jacob honey average from fifty to two hun­ missioner Smith, who is himself re­ See, of Montgomery City, Mo., we dred per cent, on the capital invested. placed by E. S. Toby, of Boston, and doubt. We will put Missouri against N ew D ance .—The new Diagonal tho subordinate clerks will be pretty the world for big steers, and, if tho Waltz is said to possess remarkable well thinned out. It is not probable Oregon steer goes to the Centennial, that there is any reform intended by we will see that Mr. See’s steer goes mathematical l>eauties. The directions this action, but perhaps merely to there too. Missouri takes second are : Begin at the top of the last line place in nothing.— Column's Hural forming the letter W, and complete make way for ¡»arty favorites. the letter without turning your part­ An outbreak of the Indians in the World. ner ; back and advance diagonally at Black Hills country appears imminent. A n Englishman was boasting to a an angle of about forty-five degrees. The savages are defiant and their ra­ Yankee that they had a l>ook in the Meanwhile hug your partner as closely tions have been stopped. There are British Museum which was once as she will permit, and project your el. 250 Apaches in the mountains expect­ owned by Cicero. “Ob, that ain’t bows at an acute angle into the stom­ ing aid from the Utes, and have sent nothin’,” retorted the Yankee; “in the ach of any awkward fellow or anxious off their squaws and children. A com­ museum in Besting they’ve got the mamma who seeks to interfere. The pany of cavalry and a force of 300 vol­ lead pencil that Noah used to check . diagonal waltz offers a rare opportuni­ unteers are ready to move against off the animals that went into the ty for a short cut into the affections of them. Capt. Pollock’s command has ark.” any susceptible young woman. left the Black Hills and gone into Winter quarters at Fort Laramie. I ndustry , economy and prudence O ur brains are seventy-year clocks. Hundreds of miners are going into are the sure forerunners of success. The angel of life winds them up once the hills. Arrests have been made of They create that admirable combina­ for all, then clow the rase and gives persons for selling whisky to Indians tions of powers in one which always the key into the hand of th? angel ot on the reservation. i conduce to eventual prosperity. . the resurrection. — - ’ 1 ■ — - ■ ! ■!