?lir giwraHc iimw. LOCAL BREVITIES. LETTER FROM JOSEPHINE. L ake C ounty .—A Lake county cor­ respondent, under a late date, writes : “It is raining very hard here to-day, and has been raining more or less for the past two weeks, rendering the ruads very muddy and almost impass­ able. The teamsters between here and Ashland aro having a rough time transporting supplies. But it has had the effect of starting the grass to growing finely. Stock of all kinds is doing well, and generally in good con­ dition. Business of all kinds is flour­ ishing and improvements are going on in all parts of the county, indicating that its inhabitants are contented and prosperous. Our tax levy is lower than it was anticipated it would be at first, having been fixed at twenty mills for the present fiscal year ; which is doing very well for the first 5ear in a new and thinly populated county like ours.” CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. I’RLM, J. W illiams C reek , N ov . 20th. Miners are busy. Administrator's Notice. M onday , Nov. 22d. To the E ditor of the T imes : Pin-backs have made their appear­ FRIDAY..................... NOVEMBER 26, 1875. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT State vs. David Briggs; indictment In consequence of tho protracted 11 the undersigned has been appointed ance in town. i I by tlie County Court of Jackson County, rain and high waters, I am enabled to for murder. The Jury having sat to ­ E piscopal P reaching .—Rev. J. I We learn that a masquerade ball is Oregon, Administrator of the Estate of sentj/you a few items from this locality: gether and heard all proofs and alle­ Pleasant W. Stow, deceased. Cornell, of Yreka, is exacted topreach to transpire at Kerby ville soon. All persons indebted to said estate are gations, Mr. Hall, a resident of this vicinity, and also arguments of re- in the Methodist Church, Jacksonville, * requost<>d to settle tlie same immediately, The loss of the Pacific has caused met with a sad accident to his family spective cou nstl, retired in charge of and all those having claims against said Wednesday evenin", December 1st, estate will present them with the proper more overland travel than usual. a sworn officer to deliberate on a ver- day before yesterday, while crossing vouchers to me at my place of business in at half-past seven o’clock. tlie town of Jacksonville within six months County warrants always taken at par the right-hand fork ot Williams creek diet. —--------•------- from the date hereof. T uesday , N ov . 23d. T ime C hanged .—The Oregon and on amounts due the T imes ofiice. at what is known as Munger Ford. HERMAN v. HELMS, State vs. David Briggs ; indictment Administrator ot said Estate. California Stage Company ehanged to Capt. Griffin last week killed a bear, The stream was very much swollen, November 2, 1875 . 45. Winter time on the loth, and the weighing about 300 pounds, near his and in driving in tho traces of one of I for murder. The Jury in this case, Administrator’s Notice. stages now arrive with more regularity farm. the horses came unhitched; the horse after considerable deliberation, re­ turned the following verdict : “We, at present, getting here about noon otice is hereby given that Williams creek, in Josephine, is still got over the tongue some way and the the undersigned has been appointed the Jury, find tho defendant not guilty from both north and south. so high as to delay the mail several current soon turned the wagon over by tho County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, Administrator of tho Estate of La­ twice in rapid succession. The whole of murder in either the first or second C elebration . — Ashland (¡range hours. vin ia Stow, deceased. degree, but guilty of manslaughter. ” family were submerged in tho stream All persons indebted to said estate are will celebrate the 1th of December Walter Jackson, of Salem, passed requested to settle tho same immediately, with the first turn of the wagon, and Signed by all the Jurors. Tho Jurors ami all those having claims against said with appropriate exercises at their new through town the other day, on his wore each polled on motion of defend­ the vellido was on top of them. It estate will present them with the proper hall, commencing at 11 o’clock a . m . i way to San Francisco. ant ’ s counsel, and answered that the vouchers to me at my place of business in soon rolled off, however, and Mr. Hall the of Jacksonville within six months I n forty-eight hours a cough may become Prof. Skidmore will deliver an oration. The Old Fellows and Masonic and his wife set about rescuing the verdict rendered herein was their ver­ dangerous ; but within that time any cough from town the date hereof. Members of the Order in good standing Lodges, of Ashland, are moving into HERMAN v. HELMS, be cured by the u-e of Hale's Haney of children. Mrs. Hall, by holding on dict. Verdict received by the Court can Horehound and Tar. Sold by all druggists, Administrator of said Estate. are cordially invited to attend. their new hall this week. November 2, 1875. to tho wheel of tho wagon, was en­ and ordered filed and placed on record. l’ike’s Toothache Drops cure in one minute. It was ordered that all jurors in at ­ Oregon Division No. 1, Sons and abled to catch the baby just as it’was T h an ksg i vi ng D av .—Yesterday Sheriff’s Sale. NEW, THIS WEEK being the time appointed by the Presi­ Daughters of Temperance, proposes being borne off by tho angry flood. I tendance on Court not upon the regu­ Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION dent and Governor as a day of thanks­ reorganizing this evening. Another of the children was rescued lar panel be discharged. duly issued out of the Circuit Court for FARMER S HOME, State vs. Andrew Casey; indictment Josephine county. State of Oregon, and to giving, Circuit Court adjourned and A singing school flourishes at Ash­ after it had floated down stream and un­ me directed, in favor of John Bolt and ORTH ’ S BRICK BUILDING, UP-STAIRS, public affairs came to a stand-still. land, under the management of Prof. der a drift. Another was not seen after ! for larceny in a dwelling house. Trial against Wong Faun and Yim Yam, for the sum of $623.70, gold coin, and $121.62 cost!» Religious services were nad at the 31. Willits, which is well attended. Jacksonville, Oregon. the first capsizing of the wagon until by jury n,K( defendant found not and attorney fees, and also the accruing E. Church, while poultry suffered se­ costs, I have levied upon and will sell at Circuit Court has been in session tho next morning, and then, of course, guilty. public auction for cash, at the Court House State vs. Daniel Doty ; indictment verely. rigid and motionless in tho arms of nearly three weeks, and yet the docket door in Kerby ville, Josephine county', Ore­ rs . williams takes this meth - — • ■ ------• for an assault with intent to kill. Mo­ gon, on . od of informing the public that she is Death. It was a melancholy and dis ­ O fficial V ote of L ake C ounty . has not more than been commenced. prepared to furnish board by the week, day Wednesday, December 15, 1875, tion of defendant for change of venue tressing accident. Mrs. Hall received or single meals, at reasonable terms. The —We have finally received the ofllcinl Considerable freight for this section overruled, and Clerk ordered to draw table will constantly be supplied with the between the hours of nine o’clock a . m . and injuries from which she will not be vote of Lake county at the late Con­ is yet lying at Roseburg, and several best the market affords. No Chinese em­ four o’clock r. m . of said day. all right, title a Jury in said case. John Ashmead ployed, likely to recover short of many weeks. and satisfaction guaranteed. Give and interest of the said Wong Faun and gressional election, to-wit: Lane, 113, teams are having a rough time trying Y im Y am in and to the following described and T. G. Dews were drawn from me a call and judge tor yourselves. Tho storm caught a number of the real and personal projierty, to-wit : An Warren, 65 ; Lane’s majority, 78. A to get it here. MRS. WILLIAMS. regular panel, which being exhausted, undivided throe-fourths (-X) interest of that Jacksonville, Nov. 26, 1875. Crescent City teamsters on tho other few scattering votes were also polled. certain ditch known as the Raltman ditch, Sheriff Manning will enter upon the tho Sheriff was ordered to summon the waters of which are brought from Wil­ Lake responded nobly, giving Lane collection of taxes next week, com­ side of the mountain, where they will liams creek and empty in the Williamsburg twenty-four good and lawful men to probably have to leave their wag. , over again as many votes as all his mencing at Jacksonville on Wednes­ mines; also all the right, title and interest of said Wing Faun and Yim Yam to certain oils all Winter. So much rain thus complete the panel. competitors put together. day, December 1st. mining claims, flumes and dwelling-houses K. Kubli, County Treasurer, vs. - —-------- — early in the season was unlooked for, > situated in the Williamsburg Mining Dis­ A match game of base ball between and found people, in most instances, Louis Ilorne, M. E. Horne et al; con­ T he D oty C ase .—The following is trict, Josephine county, Oregon. DAN. L. GREEN, ( ’ apt. ( barley Hill ’ s and Capt. Charley firmation of Sheriff's sale. Sale con ­ a list of the jurors secured in the case wholly unprepared for it. Especially Sheriff” of Josephine county, Oregon. of State vs. Daniel Dotv, charged with Gillett’s nines was to transpire at Ash­ was it inconvenient to the hog-diov- firmed. Kerhyville, Novembers, 1875. W ednesday , N ov . 24th. land last Saturday. an assault with intent to kill, which ers who are in tho habit of supplying SOCIETY NOTICES. .James Helms vs. Daniel and Amanda will next engross the attention of the The Coos Bay papers contain the Happy Camp with those slowly pero- T he H uman T ei . eiirapit .—The nerves Circuit Court : J. Ashmead, Thos. G. advertisement of the Empire City grinative animals, which are so highly Doty; confirmation of Sheriff’s sale. are telegraphic fibres operated by the brain; Jarksonvilk Lotlze No. 10,1.0.0. F., but if the stomach, tho great vitalizer of the Sale confirmed. Dews, Geo. W. Bailey, Jesse Dodge, Drug Store, signed by A. P. Owen as prized by the “Heathen Chinee.” ' Bolds its regular meetings every system, is disordered, the whole nervous ' Saturday evening at the Odd Fel­ organization is partially shattered for the Silas Draper, James R. Boss, Soybond druggi-t and manager. A few of our farmers got a portion In Memoi-iaiii. low’s Hall. Brothers in good standing are being. invited to attend. Koster. The regular panel and a por­ Tarrant’s SrltziT Aperient We learn that the Directors of a of their seeding done before tho rain ; JOHN MILLER, N. G. Klamath Lodge, At a regular meeting of tion of another, subsequontly sum­ certain school district in this county those who did nut, now’ realize that- T. B. K ent , Rec. See’y. works wonders in cases of nervous debility U. I), of A. F. A A. M., held at Masonic arising from dyspepsia, by restoring the moned, have been exhausted. they missed it. refused to sign the pay-roll of the Hall, Thursday evening, November 11th, stomach to its normal condition and keep­ -------- - w- —---- Jnfksonvillr Stamm No. 148, U. 0. R. I., 1875, the following preamble and resolutions, ing the bowels. The persons most seriously afflicted teacher because he flagged their boys. A B ig C lean -U p in J osephine . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Holds its resrular meetings every Thursday expressive of the sense of the Lodge upon about these times with a “ smile that evening at the Odd Fellows’ Hall. Brothers —Jack Layton, who is extensively en­ Most of the schools will this week the death of brother Alexander IL Miller, in good standing are invited to attend. is childlike and bland ” are the min. gaged in hydraulic mining on Williams close the first quarter since they re­ NOTICE. N. FISHER, O. C. were submitted by the Committee and B en S achs , R. S. Creek, Josephine county, recently commenced last September, but will ers. They, like everybody else, were unanimously adopted by the Lodge : F. S. LAND OFFICE, | W hereas , Tho will of God is accom­ - I made a clean-up, from which he real­ continue on without any vacation at caught unprepared ; but the omens R osebcrg , October 27, 1875.) (Woman Pocahontan Tribe No. 1, Im- plished by the removal from our midst of ' now are every way favorable for an f1OM PLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTER- ized about $5,060. Although the last present. proved order of Rod our beloved brother, Alexander II. Miller; \ > ed at this Office by A. J. Henderson -t.'ted councils at t old-fashioned and successful mining lhereiore, be it feeasou was unusually mild and water against the heirs ot Wm. B. Bailey, deceased, Hall the third sun in even- m NH The examining of witnesses in the .. light, he has taken out considerable Briggs case closed Saturday evening, season. So mote it be. Resolved, That in the death of brother for abandoning his homestead entry, No. the eighth run. A cordial iuviiaQ|Spt9Sv 2201, dated August 1. 1875, upon the N. E. brothers in good standing. Josephine county is not only filling Miller our Lodge and Fraternity have lost gold-dust. The present indications and a general rush was made for home <>f N. E. *4 of section 20, and the W. L of E. I>. FOUDRAY, S. N. W. *, and N. W. '4 of S. W. *4 of section H. K. H anna , C. ot R. are favorable for an abundance of wa­ by those who have been in attendance up rapidly but the old settlers are an earnest and active member, and the com­ 21, Township 39 south, range 8 west, in Jo­ a respected citizen. awakening to the importance of fitting munity ter for some time to come, in which on the trial. Resolved, That we tender to the distant sephine county, Oregon, with a view to the of said entry : the said parties Warm Lotto No. 10, A. F. k A. W., up and beautifying their old homes. members of the family of our deceased cancellation event Mr. Layton will unearth a large arc hereby summoned to appear at this Of ­ Holds its regular communications Homestead and cash patents have Under tho stimulus of an increase of brother our deepest sympathy in this their fice outlie 11th day of December, 1875, at amount of the precious metal. on the Wednesday evenings or pre­ been received at the Roseburg Land population, the price of land has an hour of affliction, commending them to 1 o’clock r. M., to respond and furnish tes­ ceding the full moon, in Jacksonville, Ore­ alleged abandonment. gon. T. G. REAMES, W. M. Him, the All-Wise, for comfort and conso­ timony concerning P erson a i-—lion. W. W. Fidler, Office for L. Sleppy, R. Benedict, Mary upward tendency at present. W m . R. WILLIS, Register. M ax M uller , See’y. lation. J. C. F ullerton , Receiver. of Josephine county, was in town this A. Ross, R. Hardman, John Murphy, The District school for this place has Resolved, That in token of respect to our Ruth Rrbrkah Degree Lotlje No. 4,1. 0. 0. F., Peter Simon, T. A. Shaw and II. F. week. closed for the Winter on account of departed brother’s memory the Lodge be Matt. Dillon's New Saloon, Holds its regular meetings on every other Miss Dora Cardwell returned Friday Barron. dia)H“\V and terms LIBERAL. Orders a social ball transpired at his new hall he must settle for them then, when he given to the family of our deceased brother. 20,000 Lbs. of Old Cast Iron, outside when the tree fell, thus from tlie interior promptly attended to. took to his heels and succeeded in in the evening. get- Mathks » ! Committee. elivered at the foundry IN escaping. Three in that tent were E. E. G ore , J ting ' away. Next morning ho re- Ashland, for which we will pay the Roads are fearful in some portions PROCLAMATION. crushed, while one in another was ! highest price. bis turned to the hotel and nto of the county. We hear of a man be­ I mportant to W ine P roducers Every farmer lias more or less old cast ­ fatally injured and died soon after. about his premises, such as old stoves, - --------------- >------------------ ing discovered running down a hill breakfast, when Mr. Friendly had ‘_ Tlie Commissioner of Internal Rev- ings pinions and other articles. Those they I’EW GOOES AND LOW PRICES ! C onvicted .—The examination of near town, with his hat and coat off, him arrested and placed in jail. Here ; enue has deckled that wine manufac­ would do Well to gather up, and bring them witnesses in the trial of David Briggs, and upon his intentions being ques­ Mr. Pearson recovered his charge and tured from grapes raised by the seller before the rain sets in. We will also pay the highest price for old indicted for the murder of John Dela- tioned, remarked that he was prepar- conveyed him safely to the Asylum. I himself and sold at the place where COPPER, BRASS and ZINC. JO. SOLOMON, J. M. McCALL A CO. matter, was concluded Saturday eve­ 1 ing to dive after his team. manufactured, is not liable to a special 4 T EVANS CREEK, JACKSON COUN- F armer ’ s H ome .—Mrs. Williams ning, and Court adjourned to the fol­ ty, Oregon, respectfully calls the atten­ From the following item in the Coos in another column announces that she tax. But if sold away from the place PRO BONO PUBLICO tion of the public generally to his LARGE lowing Monday, when the respective Bay Neus of the 17th one would infer where manufactured it is liable. A and WELL ASSORTED STOCK of counsel delivered their arguments. that our old friend, W. II. S. Hyde, is prepared to furnish board by the vintner who sells wine made from PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTI- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Messrs. II. K. Ilanna and A. C. Jones had involuntarily become a Baptist: week, day or single meal, at reasonable grapes not entirely of his own raising rPHE I tied that I have placed my notes and appeared for the prosecution, while “The boys on the pile driver in front rates. The table will constantly be is subject to special tax therefor, wher- accounts in the hands of my attorney, II. which lie offers for sale cheaper than the K. Hanna, with positive instructions to cheapest. Messrs. J. D. Fay, J. F. Watson and of our ofiice heard something drop one supplied with the best the market af­ ' ever he may sell the same. Give me a call. make immediate and forced collection in ev­ fords. No Chinese employed, and fir Wool and Hides taken in exchange ery instance where seeurit.y is not given. Kahler & Watson represented the de­ day last week, and soon became satis­ for goods at market rates. Those knowing themselves indebted to satisfaction guaranteed. Read her ad­ Hon. Lafay- me will do well to call upon Mr. Hanna, P assed T hrough fense. Almost the entire day was fied that they had a wet Hyde.” JOS. SOLOMON. Evans Creek, Sept. 27, 1875. vertisement and give her a call. without delay, as this is my last call. My ette Lane, Congressman-elect, passed consumed by the pleadings of the va­ business must Ito settled ! Jacob B. Sprenger, well known in through town yesterday on his way to JAMES T. GLENN. rious attorneys, And it was about six N ew G oods . — E. Jacobs is just in All Kinds of Job Printing this section, died at the residence of Jacksonville, Sept. 9, 1874. 1 Washington. Owing to his limited o’clock p. m . when Judge Prim deliv­ I ered his charge and the Jury retired. his brother-in-law, Capt. John Coch­ receipt of a first-class stock of new time ho was unable to stop over, as he SETTLE UP. goods—the first installment of a com­ otherwise would have done. Upon the reassembling of Court next ran, near Hubbard's station, Marion county, on the 14th, of consumption. plete and superior assortment ho lately YfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT NEATLY A CHEAPLY EXECUTED AT morning, the Jury returned a verdict IN tlie accounts of the firm ol Manning A purchased in San Francisco—the bal­ tì3“Tho National Gold Medal was award­ I$h Deceased was forty-one years and have been placed in my hands for col­ of manslaughter and were subsequently ed to Bradley A Rulofson for tho host Pho­ three months old, and was widely ance of which will be here in a few tographs in the United States, and the lection. All persons indebted to said firm discharged, after a siege of two weeks. a re requested to settle immediately. i H. K. HANNA. i No time has as yet been set by Judge known as a hotel keeper in Portland days. Don’t fail to give him a call, as Vienna Medal for the best in the world. Jacksonville, Sept. 2, 1875. I 429 Montgomery street, San Francisco. . and Albany. he sells very reasonable. The Times Office Prim when sentence will be passed. I N B M i D