hr grrnomtirSimrs. VIAltkl l liEMKAI. NOTEN AM» NEWS. FOR 111 R 1*KOI»I CE. REAMES BROS., Snow in the Willamette last week. —AT— The Willamette is high and contin- (Successors to White A Martin,) ually rising. James O’Meara is writing on the DEALERS IN Portland Journal. ASHLAND, OREGON. Vice- President Wilson is still im- proving in health. Much rain has fallen in California rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RE- CALIFORNIA STREET, 1 turned from San Francisco, where he and other portions of tho Coast. has bought and is now receiving the best Brigham Young has been discharged assortment of JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. from custody by order of Chief Justice General Merchandise, White. < brought to this market, consisting of Legal tenders are quoted in San a Ever LOW PRICES WILL WIN general assortment Francisco at 87 cents buying and 871 selling. DRY-GOOI >s, Are now selling their first-class stock of Brick Pomeroy, of the N. Y. Demo­ HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- ure in notifying their friends and the crat, has suspended. Liabilities, $140,- Clothing, Boots and Shoes, public generally that they have purchased DRESS-GOODS, 000 ; assets, none. the stock of White A Martin, ana are now receiving and opening a very large, exten­ The National Grange met at Louis­ sive and well-selected assortment of LADIES ' FANCY GOODS, BLACK SILKS, ville on the 17th, and was to continue Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings, in session ten days. STAPLE DRY-GOODS, Diptheria is prevailing in different IRISH POPLINS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, BOOTS AND SHOES, portions of tho Willamette. Several children have died of it. In largo variety, at lower prices than any California & Salem Cloths and Blankets, Bodies from the steamer Pacific are constantly being found. Several more Other Firm in Oregon. Heady-l-iade Clothing, have come to shore since our last. To THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES ! As a producer, I fee! a deep interest Official Paper for Jackson & Josephine Counties. in the future of Jackson county. FRIDAY..................... NOVEMBER 26, 1875. Looking forward to the harvest of 1876, with the abundant rains that 1»E>I<»« lllTlC I .MTY. have already fallen, gladdening alike the hearts of tho miner and hus­ We apprehend e read by the young for instruc­ the Mills. at Shasta, Cal., a few years ago, but tion. and by the afflicted for relief; it will By order of the Board. injure no one.— Medical Times and Gazette., each time awarded a new trial by the J. S. HERRIN, President. ON ROGUE RIVER. Price.—One dollar, by mail or express. F. M. P lymaee , Secretary. Supreme Court, was finally acquitted Address the author. DR. CURTIS. 520 Sut­ ter Street, or P. O. Box 337, San Francisco. last week, On his release, however, Cal. ’ * LAGER ! LAGER !! he was arrested upon a requisition riMIE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- 1 ure in notifying the public that they from Governor Grover, and is doubt­ have established a new ferry at tho above less on his way to this State ere this. named place, and have the largest and saf­ est boat on the river, furnished with tho The following item appeared in tho strongest wire rope, and charge less for (Successor to Caton JVvy,) N. Y. World two weeks before the ferrying. Gives us a trial. 1HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTER ER, TAYLOR A CO. . has now on hand and is constantly man­ great Virginia City fire : “Spiritual­ ufacturing the best Laeer Beer in Southern New Boot and Shoe Store. istic mediums predict that Virginia Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to EAGLE MILLS. suit purchasers. Call and test the article. City, Nevada, is soon to be destroyed CALIFORNIA STREET. 1IIE EAGLE MILLS, ONE AND A by fire from Heaven, and some of the . half miles from Ashland, have been WARNING ! good inhabitants are packing up for a thoroughly renovated and put in the best by an experienced miller, and are aving permanently located removal; but the average resident re­ order he undersigned hereby noti - now turning out an article of flour that is in Jacksonville, I respectfully inform fies the public that whereas my wife has the public that I am prepared to do all flects that the only fire likely to reach gaining a reputation not surpassed by its left my bed and board without cause or kinds of work in the boot and shoe-making former good name. We warrant every sack him must come from the opposite of our flour free of weevil and to be of the provocation, I will pay no debts of her con­ line. Satisfaction guaranteed. quarter.” traction. VEIT SCHUTZ. best quality. A. F. FARNHAM. 29tf. G. W. FREY. J. NUNAN, T In Every Description of Saddlery, ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP. MANHOOD. O I 1 1 T H