(T I ihe ^murratii Simrs ÏÏ lie iUmamrttf wmw Published Every Friday Morning, Bj RATES OF ADVERTISING CHAS. NICKELI Advertisements will l>e inserted in the EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. T imes at the following rates : OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rate* of Niibscription: $3.00 One copy, |H*r annum ti 2.00 six months, . “ three months,. .................................... 1.00 Invariably in Advance. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. - — VOL. V JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 1875 Ladies' and Gentlemen's T. A. DAVIS. F. K. ARNOLD. T. A. DAVIS & CO UENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. One square, one insertion........................ |3.00 “ each subsequent one........... 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A lair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. S’early advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always taken at par. SECKECY OF INVENTION«. Two thousand barrels of oysters The San Francisco Bulletin of Nov. A century ago what a man discov­ from Shoal water Bay are to be planted 6th gives the following in relation to ered in the arts he concealed. Work­ in Coos Bay. the “flyers” entered for the great four- men were put upon oath never to re­ WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, A chicken with four legs and a tail mile race for a purse of $30,000, which veal the process used by their em­ FANCY goods like a cat is the latest monstrosity in has doubtless transpired ere this at ployers. Doors were kept closed, and FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. 71 FRONT STREET, visitors were rigorously excluded from Yamhill county, Circuit .TiidpfP,.................. ............... P. P. Prim BOYS' and GIRLS' San Francisco : admission, and false operations blinded I lint riot Attnrnnv............... ........... H. K. Hanna Molasses made frnm watermelons Nine entries have been made in the workmen themselves. The mysteries JACKSON COUNTY. PORTLAND, OREGON. was recently exhibited at the Wilson CLOTH ING REA DY-MADE race, viz.: Wildidte, Grinstead, Katie of ever craft were hedged in by (Hiioic i County Judge......... ........ .......... E. B. Watson County Fair, Kansas. f John O ’ Brien. Pease, Springbok, Rutherford, Reve ­ fences of empirical pretentions anu ju­ County Commissioners.. i M. A. Hueston Stanley, the N. Y. Herald's explorer nue, Jr., Fanny Hall, Chance and dicial affirmation. The royal manu­ 1UE KEEP CONSTANTLY’ ON HAND Sheriff................................. ....... T. W. Manning in Africa, says that African mosqui­ Hock Hocking. BOOTS and SHOES, factories of porcelain, for example, VV a complete stock of Clerk,.................................. ........ E. D. Foudrav toes are as large as a Kentucky chew wildidle ’ s pedigree AND RECORD. I were carried on in Europe with a Treasurer........................... ..............K. Kubli I Assessor............ ................. ......XV. A. Childers of tobacco. Wildidle was foaled in 1870, bred by spirit of jealous exclusiveness. His DRUGS, School Superintendent... ........ IL <’. Fleming GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS d and Bedding................................. eral Land Office, will, in his forthcom­ iel of New Jersey, by Planet, her dam a Cornish miner, crossed the channel, 8.00 Drawing and painting........................ ing rejiort, strongly recommend that Minnie Mansfield, by imported Glen­ insinuated himself master of the se­ BI’BEAT’S, TABLES. Piano,...................................................... . 15.00 all timber lands offered by the Govern­ coe, grand dam Argentite by Bertrand. cret, and brought it home. The secret 5.00 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Entrance fee, only once,................... GUILD MOULDINGS, ment be appraised and thrown open Katie has a two-mile record of 3:32}, of manufacturing cast steel was also SELECT DAY’ SCHOOL. to purchasers at not less than appraised besides that winning the four-mile stealthily obtained, and is now witbin STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, Kerbyville, Oregon. value. the reach of all artisans. heat race of last year. CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. Senator Jones lately deposited in the Dr. L. DANFORTH. SPRINGBOK. PART.OR A BEDROOM SUITS, A n I nflation E xperimen San Francisco Mint five bars of silver The pedigree of Springbok bears a PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I bullion, weighing over 4(H) pounds fair comparison with that of any of his Lawrence County, Ohi ETC.» ETC. furnace comtntnMtyt&t Ila«» removed to Jacksonville, and tenders Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on I each. It came from I’anamint, and competitors. He was foaled in 1870, there is nothing doj his professional services to the public. hand and made to order. Planing done on was run into these unusually large bred by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn, i labor, but laborers wfio Office and residence on Third street, oppo­ reasonable terms, ’jAT Undertaking a spe­ bars as a protection against robbers on IL F. JOHNSON, C.C. BUSH. Ky., by imported Australian, his dam site and east of the M. E. Church. alive. They offer to work for their cialty. the road. Late Bush A < *o. Late <>f Johnson A Hearn. being Hester, by Lexington, grand board, but the furnace owners don’t DR. T. CALDWELL MACKEY. The Baptist denomination proposes dam, Heads-I-Say, by imported Glen­ like to have the name of employing THE BUSH &. JOHNSON, to celebrate the Centennial by raising coe—Heads-or-tails, by Lottery. He men for their Itoard, and hence they PIIY’SICTAN A- SURGEON, an educational fund of $5,006,000, has a three-mile record of 5:12} to fall employ them and issue to them a cur­ CITY DRUG STORK, which will be devoted to the endow­ back on. He has beaten Fellowcraft, rency—“more currency,” in fact. The Oregon. Forwarding & Commission Merchants, Jacksonville, ment of colleges, seminaries and acad­ Preakness, Mate, Katie, Wanderer and furnace managers also keep store, and JACKSONVILLE. emies in the different States and many other fast horses. the currency has on its face this prom, N. B.—Night calls promptly attended to. READING, CAL., Territories. RUTHERFORD ise to pay : “Pay (laborer’s name) $2 J. A. CALLENDER. M. D.. It seems that the City of Waco, Is the brother of Fellowcraft, a horse in merchandise, less number of cents TERMINUS OF C. AND O. RAILROAD. rpiIE NEW FIRM OF KAHLER A- B ro . burned near Galveston and all aboard that has the fastest record ever made punched out on the border.” Hero 1 have the largest and most complete P II Y SIC I A N AND SURGEON, assortment of lost, had on board 300 cases of petro­ in a four-mile race, 7:19}. Following you have “more money,” “the cur­ leum at the time, and as it was unlaw­ is his pedigree: Foaled 1871, bred rency expanded to meet the wants of JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. DRUGS, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, ark goods care b . a j . also ful to carry it her owners will be by A. J. Alexander, Woodburn, Ken. the trade” and all that sort of thing. buy Wool, Hides, Deer Skins, Sheep I Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also prosecuted. It is supposed that she tucky, hy imported Australian, his Well, what is the result ? The happy Pelts, etc. ! was struck by lightning. Office at residence, on Fifth street, op­ dam -Erolite, by Lexington, Rut her. laborer, rejoicing in the possession of We trust our knowledge of business and the latest and finest styles of posite the Court House. ford is of exactly the same blood as a “convertible greenback,” goes to the wants of our patrons is a guarantee that STATIONERY, There is no more wholesome truth Wildidle, his dam being a sister to the store to “convert” it, and finds the we will do business to their entire satisfac­ J. H. STINSON, tion. than this : That it is impossible to Idlewild, These five horses named prices so high, when paid in that sort Anda great variety of PERFUMES and 1«. Reading, April 13, 1875. T< >1 LET ARTICLES, including the best and reach and maintain a gold and silver comprise the Eastern division of of money, that the proceeds of a day’s ATTORNEY and COUNSE LOR-AT-L AW, rhea pest assortment of COMMON and PER­ basis for our finances, desirable as that the entries. labor only pay his board after all— FUM ED SOAPS in this market. MRS. BROWN, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. is, until the balance of trade is in favor just as though no “more currency” Prescriptions carefully compounded. THE CALIFORNIA HORSES. of the United States, until we export had intervened. But this currency is 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. Revenue, Jr., is a California horse of magnificent. Foreign nations cannot ASHLAND, more than we import — until we sell Office one block north of Court House, I whose pedigree little is known, and wrest it from him, even the rival gro­ more than we buy. Jacksonville, Oregon. 14. TABLE ROCK SALOON. The Oregonian says Hon. A. J. Du­ who has yet to make a record. Fan­ cery across the street won’t take it— Millinery and Ladies Goods. H. K. HANNA. OREGON STREET, fur has just returned from a trip on the nie Hall is of Norfolk stock, and has it is his own, created and expanded to accomplished some creditable perform­ “enliven industry,” “meet the wants ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. Cascades Mountains, where he has ob­ ance. Chance is a three year old, de­ of trade” and “develop the resources” tained rare specimens of our native scended from the same grandsire as Jacksonville, Oie’on, timbers for the botanical department Thad Stevens. He has been suffering of this mighty country. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Flowers, Feathers and Trimmings, he proprietors of titts well - of the United States’ exhibit at the recently from distemper, contracted at Prompt attention given to all business let) S tock H ogs .—No one can afford to known and popular resort would in­ coming Centennial. Among the vari­ in my care. form their friends and the publie generally eties are sections of the silver, white Sacramento. Hock Hocking is con­ stint hogs he intends to fatten. They HAIR, JUTE AND Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. that a complete and first-class stock of the sidered out of the race altogether, should be kept growing, and therefore best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and and yellow pine, lyalis, larch, cypressus, having injured himself by getting his the time to commence feeding is when porter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. nutkanus and several others, which C. w. KAHLER. E. R. WATSON. LINEN BRAIDS AND SWITCHES, They will be pleased to have their friends forefoot entangled in a sulky. they need it for this purpose. It is are now being boxed and prepared for KAHLER Sc WATSON, I the poorest kind of economy to starve “call and smile.” FASTEST FOUR MILES ON RECORD. shipment. Mr. Dufur is giving his CABINET. ATTORNEY’S & COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, Following is a list of fastest four- hogs, at any time, if you hope to A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found entire time and attention to preparing make them come to their best To here. We would lie pleased to have persons our agricultural productions, native mile races on record : JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Agent for McCall's Bazaar Fashions. possessing curiosities and specimens bring grasses, valuable timber, ornamental Fel lowcra f t, t i me.................................. ....7:19’4 make a hog that has been stinted fat them in, and we will place them in the Cab­ finishing wood, etc., for the great ex­ Lexington ............................................. ....7:19^ for the market requires very much Will practice in the Supreme, District and inet for inspection. other Courts of this State. hibition in Philadelphia next year. Lexington............................................. ....7:23£i more feed than if it had been evenly JOHN L. CARTER &> SON, Office in Court House—upstairs. WINTJEN Æ HELMS. and continually supplied with nour­ Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. The commendable effort he is making ishment. And remember that fresh Thad Stevens (second heat) .............. ....7:30 in this work entitles him to great JAMES S. HOWARD, Wildidle ................................................. water, salt and shade are also essential. ....7:25)4 credit, and should be seconded by all LIME FOR SALE, U. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR The record made by Thad Stevens —Indiana Barnier. our people throughout the State. 1ITE ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO is the fastest second heat on record, FOR JACKSON, »I all kinds of Painting, including A desperate shooting affray occurred and was made by him in the four-mile A T exas Judge is credited with in the Circuit Court room at Salem on BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE. the following decision : “The fact is, HOUSE PAINTING, race two years ago. Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. the 15th, while Court was in session. Official surveys made and patents obtained Jones, the jail is an old, rickety affair, SIGN PAINTING, at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining Watkins, the young man upon whose A n Eastern paper tells this : John as cold as an iron wedge. You applied Laws and Decisions at my office in Jack­ rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HERE- person Whiteman committed a terrible ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. King, in 1862, lived in Tennessee. to this Court for a release on bail, giv­ sonville, Oregon. I bv inform tho public that he has ONE outrage near Jefferson some months Soldiers of both armies raided on his ing it as your opinion that you would WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. THOUSAND BUSII El*Sofsuperior Jackson Creek Limo for sale cheap. Persons wish ­ since, was undergoing trial on a charge H. KELLY, farm, and he removed all his produce freeze to death there. The weather ing Brick-laying or Plastering done in the of adultery, as the alleged cause for ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. to a cave in the Cumberland moun­ has not moderated, and to keep you best style and at reasonable rates will do ATTORNEY A COUNS ELOR-AT-L AW, said outrage, and Whiteman had been Orders from tho country promptly attend­ well to call on me. For further information tains. A storm threw down a rock from freezing I will direct the Sheriff ed to. 21. retained from the Penitentiary as which closed the mouth of the eave. to hang you at 4 o’clock this after­ inquire at the Franco-American Hotel. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, G. W. HOLT. witness in the case. Watkins, who Therein he lived for thirteen years, noon.” Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1875. Will praetl<>e in all the Courts of the State. had been sitting with his head bowed, in the dark, eating from his produce Prompt attention given to all business en­ drew a pistol and fired three shots at and drinking from a spring. The other T he mode of punishing a criminal trusted to my care. RAILROAD SALOON, C alifornia S treet , Whiteman, all of which missed his In­ day a railroad company, blasting for a in Quebec is rigorous, slightly. They Office in the building formerly occupied by Kahler A Watson, opposite Court House. tended victim, but the last one struck tunnel, blasted him out. bury him to the neck in tho earth, Proprietor. THIRD STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OR., S. P. JONES, D. D. Orton, a spectator, in the side of so that all movement is impossible, Dr. J. C. BELT, the face, inflicting a severe but not A C incinnati scientist has allowed keep his mouth forced open with a HENRY PAPE, Engineer. dangerous wound, the ball having one but the choicest and best physician and sc rgeon , himself to be stung once a day for spike, and then drive all kinds of hor- Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars been extracted from near the upper three weeks by bees to ascertain the rible insects to take refuge in the Jacksonville, Oregon. kept. jaw. Watkins was lodged in jail. effect of the bites. He says that after mouth, ears and eyes. THROUGH TICKETS, 12} C ents . DRINKS, 12} CENTS. Whiteman was convicted of the muti­ about the tenth time the pain and Having located in the town of Jacksonville, lation and sentenced to onlj’ one year’s swelling were slight, the body seeming I P rofessor —“Now, class, we will NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t tor the purpose of practicing Surgery and other branches of his profession, respeet- pay. Families needing anything in our line CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CT- imprisonment, which so enraged his to become inoculated with the poison. represent the earth hy this hat, which fnllv asks a portion of the public patron­ can always be supplied with the purest and ( J gars constantly on hand. The reading victim that he undertook to take the I —” Small voice from the corner—“Is age5 Office-Second door north of the U. l>est to be found on the Coast. Give me a table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ it inhabited P ay your subscription. law in his own hands. call, and you will be well satisfied. cals and leading papers of the Coast. S. Hotel. 48tf- STATE OF OI IEGON. FURNISHING and ............ T.. F. Grover Secretary of State............ ..... ..S. F. ( ’hadwiek StiitA Troamirer............... ............ \. IT. Brown State Printer..................... ........ M . V. Brown Sup’l of Public Instruction...L. L. Howland H FURNITURE WARE-ROOM M I T N