ïhe ^l'inoeniic ®iiw. THE MTEA.ilEll PACHTE. (ÌK5FHAL MOTI» AMD NEWS. T. G. REAMES. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! E. R. REAMES. REAMES BROS., Epizootic is prevailing in California. The ill-fated steamship Pacific, that —AT— Official Pnp.*r for Jackson 1 Joseph inp fornitici. was lost at sea on Thursday, the 4th Two hunters killed ten deer in one (Successors to White A Martin,) inst., about 40 miles from Cape Flat­ day recently, near La Grande. FRIDAY HARGADINE’S, NOVEMBER 19, 1875 tery, was built at New York in the The Gold Bank and Trust Company DEALERS IN year 1851, and consequently was 24 ■ of San Francisco has suspended. Til IMKMJIVIMJ PIKKT.AMATIOA'. ASHLAND, OREGON. years old. The Pacific was of 876 tons Real estate is said to have declined GENERAL MERCHANDISE, In becoming acknowledgment of the register, with 12 feet draft. She was forty per cent, in New York City. abounding blessings and merries at the HE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RE- hand of an Allwise Providence, vouchsafed built of oak and chestnut, and fastened I CALIFORNIA STREET, The Willamette woolen mills, in turned from San Francisco, where he with copper and iron bolts. In 1870, to us as a State during tho Vear now draw­ has bought and is now receiving the best ing to a close, making all to rtjoieo in seed­ the vessel was placed on the ways and Salem, are in complete running order assortment of JACKSONVILLE. - - OREGON. lime and in harvest, preserving us from the re-metaled. For many years she was again. ravages of ja-st ilen<*»*, fire, flood and storms, General Merchandise, Ten car loads of immigrants passed owned by the North Pacific Transpor­ and meting out to Us the ftill fruits ot all our common industries as it were to a pe­ tation Company, and formerly ran on through Winnemucca recently on their Ever brought to this market, consisting of LOW PRICES WELL WIN a general assortment culiar people ; 1 do hereby appoint Thurs­ the line between San Francisco and way to Oregon. day, the 25ih day of November, 1875, to be Portland. In the year 1862 tho Pa­ Portland is trying to start a reform observed as a day of thanksgiving and cific ran aground while coming up the DRY-GOODS, Aro now selling their first-class stock of school. There are hoodlums enough praise to Almighty God, “who maketh he undersigned take pleas - peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with Columbia river, near Coffin Rock, when in Multnomah county to fill one of ure in notifying their friends and the Clothing, Boots and Shoes, it wrs discovered that the forward ordinary size. the finest of the wheat.” public generally that they have purchased DRESS-GOODS, the stock of White A Martin, ana are now r. -I Given under my hand at Salem this part of the vessel was quite rotten and The full official vote of Pennsylvania GROCERIES, receiving and opening a very large, exten­ 5th day of Noveml>er, A. D., 1875. not able to withstand a heavy shock. sive and well-selected assortment of gives Hartranft, for Governor, a ma ­ , L. F. GROVER. LADIES’ FANCY GOODS, BLACK SILKS, However, the steamer was temporarily Ry the Governor : jority of 14,510—very small, consider­ Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings, repaired and continued to make regu­ ing tho circumstances. 8. F. C hadwick , See’y of State. STAPLE DRY-GOODS, lar trips. Being considered unsea­ IRISH POPLINS, John Grimsley, of Corvallis, chal­ PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ‘•Stonewall” JnrkMMi't Statue. BOOTS AND SHOES, worthy, the steamer was placed on lenges any clergyman in that town to The statue of ‘‘Stonewall” Jackson, the ways at San Francisco in 1869, debate with him whether Christ was Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, In large variety, at lower prices than any California & Salem Cloths and Blankets, a free gift to the State of Virginia by overhauled and had new boilers, 54x10 the savior of the world. several prominent English gentlemen, feet, placed in her. She was then put A squash, weighing 113 pounds and LADIES’ A GENTS’ IIATS, Ready-Made Clothing, Other Firm in Oregon. who were great admirers of this brave on the route between San Francisco I measuring 10 feet in circumference, is soldier, was unveiled at Richmond the and points along the southern coast of exciting Seattle. Oregon can beat it STATIONERY, NOTIONS, They also offer their large assortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, other day, in the presence of about California, and continued to run for by 18 pounds and two feet. 50,000 people. The statue is a mag­ several years. Over a year ago the CONFECTIONERY, ETC., An exchange thinks that the Radi­ nificent one, and the last work of the vessel was sold, and for some time Hats and Caps, CLOTHING cals of Ohio now add “ F. F. ” after great English sculptor, Foley. The past has been running in Goodall, Nel­ Which I will sell for country produce, or statue contains the following inscrip­ son & Co.’s line between San Francisco, their names, which signifies frauds be­ to good men on time as cheap as the cheap­ CHEAPER than the VERY CHEAPEST! .ADIES, CHILDREN A MISSES SHOES. est ; but if you have cash to pay for goods. Victoria and Sound ports. Her di­ fore and forgery after election. tion : I am your man. Cash is my strong suit. I will sell so much cheaper than Grangers On his late Western tour Grant can that “Presented by English gentlemen as mensions were : Length, 223 feet; I will make them know that a mid­ We guarantee every article sold by us as a Tribute of Admiration for the soldier beam, 331 feet; hold 17 feet. Her was dead-headed over the railroads dleman in this line is not only a luxury but We have also In connection with the above absolute necessity. I have a band of represented. Call and see us before pur­ a very large and fine stock of choice maritime register was A 2, and for froiu Long Branch to Colorado and an and patriot, Thomas J. Jackson. sheep that pavs my expenses. R. B. HARGADINE. And gratefully accepted by Virginia a long time she has not been consider­ Lack. Who wouldn’t be President? chasing elsewhere. You will save money Ashland, Oct. 20, 1875. GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, QUEENS in the name of the Southern people. ed a safe boat to travel on. Her value by doing so. SACHS BROS. The great four-mile race for $30,000, WARE, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Done A. D. 1875, in the hundredth was about $100,000. Her cargo was announced to come off at San Francis­ ANNIVERSARY BALL! PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, WIN­ hops and oats, worth alxmt $25,000. co last Saturday, was postponed to year of the Commonwealth. — OF — Look I There is Jackson standing Insurance on the ship is about $47,500. to-morrow, on account of bad weather. DOW GLASS, CAST AND like a Stone Wall.” The cause of the disaster was/ a STEEL PLOWS, WOOD­ We are informed that the great Ruth Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 4, The ceremonies are said to have collision with a large sailing vessel, EN AND WILLOW I. O. O. F., been the most imposing that ever oc­ which is also reported to have been prestidigitator, Hermann, who is now WARE, ETC. curred in Virginia, in which many wrecked, but all on board saved. The playing an engagement in California, distinguished soldiers of the Union Pacific began filling rapidly after she will soon visit this State, He has a TO BE GIVEN AT VEIT SCHUTZ’ HALL, IN JACKSONVILLE, side participated. The opening prayer struck, and the crew commenced lower­ world-wide reputation. We are now ready to sell anything in our The steamship Dakota, which was line at lowest cash prices. Persons wishing was delivered by Bishop David S. Dog­ ing boats; but owing to the confusion to buy goods will find it greatly to their ad­ gett, and the ceremonies were inaugu­ and rough sea they only succeeded in the largest steamship ever in the wa. Thursday Eve, Dec. 30, 1875 vantage to examine our stock before pur­ chasing elsewhere, as we are determined not rated by a brief but eloquent address getting off two boats, which were ters of Puget Sound, returned to to bo undersold by any house in Jackson Reception Com m ittee : from Gov. Kemper. The oration was probably swamped afterward, as noth­ Seattle, a distance of 56 miles, in 3:45, county. K. Kubli, Newman Fisher, C. W. Savage. jrircive ns a call, and then judge for delivered by Rev. Moses D. Hoge, D. ing has been heard from them. Only the quickest time ever made. vonrself as to our capacitv to furnish goods . f loor Managers : as above. REAMES BROS. D., the personal friend of the dead two persons, Henry F. Jelly and Neil Mrs. Brigham Young, number sev­ Henry Klippel, F. Luy, T. T. McKenzie, Jacksonville, Feb. 12, 1875. Dan. Green, Jacob Ish. soldier. The procession was over two O’Henley, Quartermaster of the Pa­ enteen, has had her one-seventeeth in­ Committee of Arrangements: miles long, and Gen. Joseph E. John­ cific, were rescued from 250 passengers terest in her husband put in jail for Mrs. Lotrise Savage, Mrs. Rachel Fisher, HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM! Mrs. Jane Kubli, J. Miller, Sol. Sachs. ston acted as the Grand Marshal. The and the crew. Four bodies are said to refusing to pay her the $9,000 ordered —AND— old “Stone Wall” brigade was in the have been recovered. to be paid by the Court as alimony, ickets , ( including supper ) $3.50. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE procession, many of its members hav­ Captain Jefl. Howell, who was in pendente lite. Good music will be peovided. A gen­ ing traveled great distances to be command of the Pacific, it will be re­ The N. Y. JFbrMclaims the Democrats eral invitation extended to the public. • successor to judge A NUNAN, present. The statue stands in the membered, took charge of the steam­ won a moral victory as visible as their NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS! same square with those of Washington, ship Los Angeles in the midst of a memorable victory last year, because Manuf cturer & Dealer Henry Lewis, Jefferson, Marshall, Ma­ terrible storm a few months ago, and the Democratic losses on the 2d re­ rnilE UNDERSIGNED, SHERIFF OF son and Nelson. i brought her safely to Astoria. He sulted from the accession to the Re­ 1 Jackson county, Oregon, will meet the tax-payers of said county, for the purpose of In Every Description of Saddlery, was a brother-in-law of Jefferson publicans of the canal thieves. receiving taxes,on the following days in their Railroad Matter*. precincts, at their usual places of Davis of Confederacy fame, and as a A dispatch from Memphis says that respective voting, and will remain in each precinct HARNESS, was ranked as one of the Rumors have l>een afloat lately to mariner California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. Captain Jefferson D. Howell, Com­ from 9 o’clock a . m ., until 4 o'clock f . M., ol each day, to-wit : the effect that the Oregon and Califor­ ablest on the coast. mander of the steamship Pacific, lost ........ December 1st .............................. A LWAYS ON HAND THE BEST STOCK nia and Oregon Central Railroads were A dispatch from Port Townsend, recently, was a brother of Mrs. Jeff. Jacksonville 2d CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS A of Patent and Home-made Rifle and Willow Springs......................... 3d soon to be sold to the Central Pacific November 12th, says the revenue Davis, and served as midshipman un­ Manzanita................................... Shot Guns, single and double; Revolvers 4th Sterlingville.............................. . of the latest patents; Pocket Pistols, neat, Railroad Company of California. A i cutter Oliver Wolcott has just return­ der the Confederate flag with Admiral Eden............................................. SADDLERY-WARE, 6th small and powerful ; Derringers, the latest 7th Ashland...................................... Journal reporter called on Mr. Holla ed from a cruise in search of the miss­ Semmes on the Alabama. and best ; also, the best Powder and Pow­ 9th Little Butte................................. der Flasks ; Hunting and pocket knifes of day, the President, the other day, to ing vessels, bringing with her the en­ 10th Big Butte..................................... best brands; all sorts of Shot and The Board of Managers of the Ore ­ 11th WILL SELL FOR CASH AT GREATLY the Flounce Rock........................... Pouches ; Caps, Wads and everything in learn what truth there was in these re­ tire crew of the ship Orpheus, which 13th tt reduced rates. Table Rock................................. the Sportsman ’s line. gon State Agricultural Society will 15th .74*" Repairing done promptly, and at Uniontown................................. ports. That gentleman stated most proves to be the vessel which collided ID* will also keep a full line of SHELF 16th prices in keeping with the times. .................................. HARDWARE, Nails and Rope of all kinds positively that no such negotiations as with the Pacific. Captain Sawyer, of meet at the Secretary’s office, in Sa. Applegate 20th Leland ....................................... J. NUNAN. and sizes, Carpenters’ and Wagon-Makers, lem, on Tuesday, November 30, 1875, Grant 21st Jacksonville, Nov. 5, 1875. ’s Pass............................... mentioned had been contemplated or the Orpheus, states that the bow of Tools, a complete assortment of Table and 22d at 10 a . M. The arrangement of the Pleasant Creek......................... Pocket Cutlery, together with a full supply entertained, but that arrangements the steamer struck his ship just abaft 23d Rock Point................................. ot Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc. list of premiums for 1876 and other 24th Foots Creek............................... are about consummated to finish the the fore chains, disabling her, and he The above goods are all of the best qual­ important matters will come before Tax-payers will please pay j their taxes at ity, and will be sold Westside road to Junction City at an lay to that night and Friday repairing the above stated times. The law in regard — FOR — CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. to their collection will be strictly enforced. early day. He also gave other items his rigging. He then set sail for land, the meeting. J. W. M ANNING, New guns made to order, and repairing A ledge of ruby silver, twenty-two Sheriff and Tax-Collector of Jackson Co. of interest to the general public, which but mistook the light on Cape Beale promptly done and in good style. All or­ COST AND FREIGHT! ders tilled with dispatch. will be published before long, all of for Flattery, and on Saturday, at 5 feet wide, has recently been discovered 27tf. JOHN MILLER. in Kern county, Cal., within six miles which go to convince us that, after all o’clock A. m ., the vessel struck a rock. ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP. he undersigned , desiring to said to the contrary, there is not now, The crew succeeded in landing on of the town of Kernville. It is said to JUST ISSUED. close out business in Jacksonville, offers be fabulously rich, and the peculiar nor has there been, any negotiations Copper Island, where they were found. for sale at cost and freight for cash his com­ C. K. KLUM, plete and first-class stock of dry goods, dress looking to a purchase of the Oregon The Orpheus is supposed to be a total thing about it is that it is the only mine Two Hundredth Edition. goods, shawls, ribbons, ladies’ and chil­ of this character hitherto found on the IN MANUFACTURER AND DEALER Railroads by the Central Pacific, wreck. Various articles, including dren’s hose and shoos, gentlemen’s furnish­ western slope of the Sierra Nevada ing goods, hats, groceries, crockery, lamps, More than this, w’e are satisfied that all the valuables on board, were saved, baskets, spoons, Knives and forks, tobacco mountains. SADDLERY & HARNESS, and cigars, pipe^, cutlery, stationery, toys, Revised and corrected bv the author, E. do in less time than is usually 8upi>osed however. Yankee notions, and everything usually F. CURTIS, M. I)., Ac. A prominent Republican politician the Oregon Central road will be ex- shland , okegon , keeps a gen - found in a first-class variety store. Letter Irem Daniel Clark. oral assortment of goods in his line of of New York attributes the decrease My stock is fresh and of the bes*, and tended to the junction. trade, consisting of Team, Buggy and Plow those desiring anything in my line should MEDTCAL ESSAY ON THE CAUSE in the Democratic majorities in the Harness, Team and Buggy Collars, Bridles, give me a call. and cure of premature decline in man, S alem , November 5, 1875. showing how health is lost, and how re­ Lashes, Collar Pads, Currycombs, Those knowing themselves indebted will Effects and Tendencies. State to Morrisey’s opposition to John Stirrups, Cinchos, Whips, Spurs, and everything please settle immediately. I mean business. gained. It gives a clear synopsis of the im­ To the E ditor of the T imes : Kelly and Tammany. He claims the usually kept in a first-class establishment. pediments to marriage, the treatment of The New York World, moralizing Will you please say, through your col­ Democratic majority would have been Ladies’, Men’sand Boys’Saddles a Specialty. Jacksonville, July 1, 1875. BEN. SACHS. nervous and physical debiliiy, exhausted vitality, and all other diseases appertaining upon the effects and tendencies of Rad­ umns, to the Patrons of Husbandry of this in excess of that polled for Tilden if Repairing done with neatness and dis­ thereto ; the results of twenty years’ suc­ jurisdiction that Bro. Arthur Warner has prices to suit the times. ical legislation, draws the following resigned his office as State Agent, having Morrisey’s influence had been cast patch, and cessful practice. MILL NOTICE. WHEAT taken at tho Highest Mar­ ket Rates in exchange for goods. truthful picture: given the most entire satisfaction to the ex­ with that of Kelly’s. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS'. Ashland, Sept. 16, 1875. N AND AFTER THE TENTH DAY ecutive committee, and that Bro. S. P. Lee Nothing corrupts the minds of men of September, 1875, tho Patrons of Hus­ CURTIS ON “MANHOOD.”—Thereis no Telegraphic dispatches state that has been chosen as his successor ; that the bandry Mill Company will cease to grind member of society by whom this book will like a wicked statute. To frame mis­ State Agency in the future will be carried the steamship City of Waco was NEW FERRY! on exchange, except for family use tor pro­ not la* found useful, whether he be parent, chief by a law is to set up the throne forward ducers, in unbranded sacks; and instead preceptor or clergyman.— London Times. with the utmost vigor. burned outside of the bar at Galves- of iniquity on the ruins of justice. will bay wheat and pay the highest market CURTIS ON “MANHOOD.”—This book But this is what the Republican party Since the late meeting of the State Grange ton, on the 8 th inst. The sea was Tico and a Half Miles aboce Bybee's, price therefor. For particulars, apply at should be read by the voung for instruc­ the Mills. tion, and by the afflicted for relief; it will has done by its fiuancial legislation. the business of the Agency has increased very rough and it is generally be- By order of the Board. very rapidly, given much encouragement injure no one.— Medical Times and Gazette. In putting evil for good it has harden­ J. S. HERRIN,President. ON ROGUE RIVER. for its future prosperity. The committee lieved that the crew and passengers Price.—One dollar, by mail or express. F. M. P lymale , Secretary. ed the hearts of men and confounded Address the author. DR. CURTIS, 520 Sut­ confidently hope that all true Patrons will were all lost, Some sixty souls were on the moral distinction between right ter Street, or P. O. Box 337, San Francisco, their business there. All busi­ The City of Waco was a the vessel. Cal. and wrong. In putting bitter for concentrate LAGER ! LAGER !! ness communications in the future should HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- sweet it has perverted the natural be addressed toS. P. Lee, Portland, Oregon. staunch, first-class vessel, and valued ure in notifying the public that they have established a new ferry at the above taste of the community. In putting GEORGE W. FREY, named place, and have the largest and saf­ darkness for light it has clouded the Also please announce that I start on Mon­ at $250,000. boat on the river, furnished with the At the Boise races recently, a gen­ est understandings of some men to the day, November Sth, to attend the ninth an­ strongest wire rope, and charge less for (Successor to Caton Mvy,) most primary maxims of private and nual meeting el the National Grange, at tleman who was greatly indignant at ferrying. Gives us a trial. Louisville, Kentucky, to bo absent about HUIE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, TAYLOR A CO. public ethics. I has now on hand and is constantly man­ two months. During my absence Bro. 8. one of the decisions given from the ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern New Boot and Shoe Store. W. Brown, of Vancouver, W. T., will act in judges’ stand, remarked in a pretty Vice President Stricken with Apoplexy. EAGLE MILLS. Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to my place as Chairman of the executive com­ ! loud tone of voice that he “could lick suit purchasers. Call and test tne article. CALIFORNIA STREET. having been elected to that position. he eagle mills , one and a Vice President Wilson was the mittee, any one of them for $100. ” John All business connected with that depart­ half miles from Ashland, have been WARNING ! other day prostrated with an apoplec­ ment will be under his supervision, and all Hailey approached him and exhibited thoroughly renovated and put in the best by an experienced miller, and are aving permanently located tic stroke while in Washington City. I communications will be addressed to him : that amount of money, asking him if order now turning out an article of Hour that is riIHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY NOTI- in Jacksonville, I respectfully inform during my absence. He was for a time in a very precarious he “meant business.” He was taken gaining a reputation not surpassed by its 1 ties the public that w hereas iny wife has the public that I am prepared to do all D aniel C lark , former good name. We warrant every sack loft my bed and board without cause or kinds of work in the boot and shoe-making condition, but at last accounts was con­ Master of the Oregon Grange, and Chairman aback and seemed to have forgotten of our flour free of weevil and to be of the provocation, I will pay no debts of her con­ line. Satisfaction guaranteed. I his threat just about that time. traction. * VEIT SCHUTZ. best quality. A. F. FARNHAM. I of Executive Committee. 29tf. G. W. FREY. valescent. T SACHS BROS. T J. NUN AN, T 44 44 <4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 T MANHOOD. A A O T T H «U m ---