ihr ^rmorrntir iiinrsJ J LOCAL BREVITIES. ASHLAND NOTES. More rain this week. A shland , Nov. 9, 1875. The following proceedings have Circuit Court in session. Miss Frances Myer has been em­ transpired in the Circuit Court up to FRIDAY.................... NOVEMBER 12, 1875. ; ployed to teach at the Linkville school. i time of going to press : Apples plenty and cheap. M onday , N ov . 8th. AGENTS FOR THE TIMES. Miss Katie Thornton is the assistant Jurors were in demand this week. Officers present—Hon. P. P. Prim, Geo. P. Rowoil A Co....... ............. New York. Holiday amusements are budding. teacher in the Ashland public school. Judge; H. K. Hanna, Esq., District S. M. Pettingill A Co...... .............New. York. . She succeeds. Dan. L. Green.................. losephine (’ountv. County warrants always taken at I Attorney ; E. D. Foudray, Clerk ; J. Chas. Hughes.................. .......... Kerl»vville The young, hilarious and festive of Ren Haymond................. ............ R. Teamsters arriving from Roseburg : evening party in the Grangers’ Hall on The cases of the State of Oregon vs. Thos. Boyce............... ....... San Francisco St . 1 .011*1*4 Rowell A i’hesinnn (»us. A. Winckler........... .....................Yreka report the roads as fearful. Saturday night. It was a very pleas­ Arch. Chrisman, James Hards, Joseph Wells, W. B. Darberry, Chas. Wilson, Don’t fail to call soon and settle ant affair. were continued. RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. what you owo the T imes office. C. B. Watson has charge of the Wm. Ray, J. M. McCall and Henry I Snow is now’ visible on the high school above town, near Daniel Walk­ M. E. Pitmen.—Religious services every , R. Brown were excused from serving as Sunday, at the usual hours, by the Rever­ mountains surrounding this valley. er’s. He and his family are residing I Jurors for the present term. ends J. R. N. Bell, .1. S. McCain and M. A. Williams, alternately. Read the Sheriff’s sale and land no­ at Judge Tolman’s. Mr. Watson is a State vs. Caroline Briggs; indict­ C athoi . ic C iivri 'H.—Divine Services ev­ tice among our new advertisements. proficient teacher. ery Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa- . ment for murder. Mandate from the ther Blanchett. Senator Mitchell passed through How Ashland radiates teachers ! Supreme Court ordered spread upon M. E. Sr nday S chool .—Regular meetings town the other day, en route for the We have many young men and ladies the records and stand as the judg­ every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. East. C atholic S unday S chool . — Regular sufficienty disciplined to assume con­ ment herein. meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two i More rain has fallen within the past trol of our public schools. Those State vs. Chester Barden; indict­ o’clock. month than during tho entire of last who have been engaged have almost ment for murder in the first degree. P. 0. REGISTER AND TRAVELER'S GUIDE. universally satisfied their patrons. year. Defendant arraigned and leave granted Stages leave Jacksonville ns follows ; Recent rains have had a copious until to-morrow to plead to said in­ Several persons from Josephine For Rock Point, (»rant’s Pass and Rose­ burg, every day at 8:30 a. in. Mail closes at county are in attendance on the Cir­ downward tendency. The market dictment. 8 a. tn. slopped over and the medium is now T uesday , N ov . 9th. For Phivnix. Ashland. Yreka ami Red­ cuit Court. ding, California, every day at 2:30 p. in. running down. The stock-holders aro Hon. Henry Klippel is officiating as James D. Fay vs. P. J. Malone ; ac- Mail closes at 2 p. m. content, but merchants and their job ­ For Applegate, Kerbyville, Waldo and Deputy Clerk during tho session of | tion to recover money. Continued. Crescent City, every Monday ami Thursday bers claim they have been “sadly i State vs. David Briggs; indict­ morning at I o’clock. Mail closes at S p. m. Circuit Court. the preceding evening. ment for murder in the first degree. The Lewis Bros, aro on their way taken in.” The mail for Central Point, Table Rock, Eagle Point, Brownsborongli and Sam’s here and will favor this section with Hiram Farlow’s temporary home Drawing of jury in said case or­ Valley, leaves every Friday morning ; on Little Butte creek was one day dered by Court, and C. C. McClendon, an entertainment. closes the preceding evening. The mail for I.inkville, Hot Springs, Yai- Owing to the prevalence of Circuit , last week destroyed by fire. He re­ Thos. Ferguson and Albert Osborne nax and Lake City, leaves Ashland every Monday morning. For I.inkville every Court, Jacksonville presents quite a sided alóne and was out hunting at the secured from the regular panel and Monday Thursday and Friday mornings. time it occurred, so nothing was saved. from another subsequently summoned Money Order Office open from 9 a. in. to lively appearance. 5 p. m. The property consumed consisted of by the Sheriff. Sheriff ordered to The warm rains have started the O ffice Horns—From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m ; Sundays, 30 minutes after arrival of stages. grass and volunteer grain to sprouting grain, tools, guns, etc., the total value summon forty-eight good and lawful Mail matter must be in on time or it will of which was about three hundred men to complete said panel of jurors, not go. M ax M uller , P. M. finely. Stock is doing well. to appear to-morrow morning. dollars. Mrs. Caldwell has rented the Soda W ednesday , N ov . 10th. On Friday night Ashland Lodge of I nsane .—A man named S. B. Starr Springs to J. II. Russell, of Ashland, State vs. Caroline Briggs; indict­ was on Monday last examined before I. (). G. T., through A. D. Helman, and removed to Jacksonville. L. I)., installed the following offi­ ment for murder. Motion that bail Judge Watson by Dr. Aiken, and pro­ The slaughtering of hogs com­ cers: C. H. Hill, W. C. T.; Elda given on appeal be exonerated was nounced insane. lie was yesterday taken to East Portland by John Pear­ mences ere long, and a large number McCloud, W. V. T.; C. Merritt, W. S.; granted. will be converted into bacon, hams, etc. Nellie Russell, A. S.; N. A. Jacobs, The Grand Jury, through their son. Sheriff Green, of Josephine, will call W. F. S.; Pauline Eubanks, W. T.; J. | foreman, returned two true bills into S elling C heap .—Sachs Bros, are on the tax-payers of that county ere S. Eubanks, W. M.; Susie Hill, W. I. Court, to-wit : One against Robert selling their large and first-class long, for the purpose of receiving taxes. G.; J. I). Fountain, W. O. G.; M. E. Brown, charged with larceny of a btock of dress-goods, black silks, Irish Veit Schutz elsewhere cautions the , Helman, W. D. M ; M. J. Swingle, horse, and one against Andrew Casey, poplins, ladies’ fancy goods, clothing, charged with larceny in a dwelling etc., cheaper than the cheapest. Read public not to credit his wife on his ac­ R. IL S.; M. A. Hudson L. H. S. house. their new advertisement and don’t count, as he will pay no debts of her | The election of officers to assume Eubanks A Miller vs. D. S. K. contraction. control of the secular concerns of our fail to give them a call. Buick ; appeal from Justice’s Court. The ground is in fine condition for town took place on the 1st inst., which G rand J urors .—The following are plowing. The farmers are only await­ resulted in the choice of the following Motion to dismiss appeal argued and the Grand Jurors empaneled for the ing some good weather to take advan­ persons : Councilmen, J. M. McCall, taken under advisement by the Court. Ormstead & Bixby vs. A. J. Reyn­ November term of the Circuit Court, tage of this fact. Wesley Mitchell, Isaac Miller, Sr., F. olds et al ; appeal from Justice’s Court. now in session : Thomas F. Beall, , Miners in various sections are pre­ W. Ewing and A. D. Helman ; Re­ Motion to dismiss appeal argued and foreman; John Cardwell, W. A. John­ paring for the Winter’s campaign corder, C. K. Klum ; Marshal, L. A. taken under advisement by the Court. son, John Buckley, George Brown The prospects are favorable at present Neil ; Treasurer, B. F. Reeser. They and James D. Buckley, A. Cantrell. were properly inducted into their re­ for a busy season. A S plendid E ntertainment .— spective positions Saturday evening. S urrendered II erself . — Mrs. E. D. Foudray, Esq., is Sachem of The celebrated Lewis Bros.’ Grand J. M. McCall was elected President of Caroline Briggs, convicted of man­ Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, I. Culmination, which has been creating the Board of Councilmen; and now slaughter at the last term of Court and O. R. M., vice P. D. Parsons, who has a/urore for the past season in Califor­ for a year to come the law-making sentenced to five years’ imprisonment removed to Chico, Cal. nia, and comes with exceedingly com­ machinery of our temporal affairs is in the Penitentiary, surrendered her­ D. B. Rea, formerly of this place, is plimentary testimonials from the East­ self this week, and is now confined in now located at Tucson, Arizona, where supposed to operate unctuously. ern and Southern press, will appear in P ilot R ock . the County Jail. She will be taken to he is practicing law and also inter­ this place next week. The favorable Salem in a few days. ested in some promising mines. P robate C ourt .—Tho following reputation preceding this entertain­ ------------------- <-------------- — The County Jail will receive sundry business was transacted in this Court ment is a guarantee that our people A larm of F ire .—Last Wednesday, will have an opportunity of attending while Peter Britt, of this place, was coats of paint ere long. This step is last week : In the matter of the estate of John a popular and legitimate place of experimenting with alcohol, the liquid rendered necessary to keep the build­ Blattncr. Herman Helms, adminis­ amusement. In regard to the nature exploded, burning his face and head ing in a good state of preservation. and setting the ceiling of the room in The roof on the new’ Masonic build- | trator of said estate, was ordered to of the performances, we refer our read­ which he was at work on fire. Had ing is being put on, and the structure ; pay preferred claims in full and the ers to the programmesand large illus­ trated and pictorial posters about town, it not'been for the timely arrival of as­ itself is being painted. J. L. Carter & ' balance pro rata. sistance, the building would have been Son have the contract for doing the ■ In the matter of the estate of P. which advertise a routine of start­ consumed; as it was, but little damage painting. W. Stow. Herman Helms, adminis­ ling and refined sensations, pleasing was done. C. C. Beekman, agent of Wells, trator of said estate, was authorized acts, daring feats of jugglery, tableaux, vivants, grand operatic selections, vo­ C ounty C ourt P roceedings .—The Fargo & Co.’s express, will receive ' to pay $175 to Quinton Anderson, calizations and musical gems of the following are the proceedings of the subscript ions intended for the sufferers upon said Anderson relinquishing his farm of the deceased. day. Tickets, only 50 cents; children County Court at its November term : of the Virginia fire and forward them lease upon the ■ ■ " ■ ♦------------------ half-price. * Present — Hon. E. B. Watson, free of charge. J ury S ecured —In tho Circuit S ale of F ine H orses .—We learn Judge; M. A. Hueston and John A pleasant party took place at Veit Court, most of this week has been O’Brien, Commissioners ; E. D. Fou- Schutz’ Hall last Friday evening. The consumed in empaneling a jury in that W. C. Myer, of Ashland, recently dray, Clerk ; J. W. Manning, Sheriff. Ashland Band discoursed excellent the case of State vs. David Briggs, in­ sold eight head of his Percheron E. D. Foudray, County Clerk, was music for tho occasion, and Madame dicted for murder. After exhausting horses to Messrs. Bonney & Jones, of authorized and instructed to have.the Holt provided a good supper. the regular panel and three subse­ Wasco county, viz.: “Gen. Murat,” a County Jail painted. The O. A. C. Stage Company have quent ones, a jury was finally secured, full blood, foaled May, 1874, weight, Bills to a considerable amount were been paying their employees along the to-wit : C. C. McClendon, Thos. Fer­ 1,300 pounds ; Percheron mare, three- audited. line during the past few days. It is guson, Albert Osborne, Joab Robinson, fourths blood, imported from Ohio, --------•-------- P ersonal .—Hon. Jas. D. Fay, of said that their disbursements for this Isaac Skeeters, Geo. Bush, Wm. Har­ weight, 1,600 pounds; “Eugenie,” per, Josiah Neathamer, li. J. Terrill, seven-eights blood, foaled May, 1875, San Francisco, and Hon. J. F. Wat­ quarter amount to about $30,000. Arthur Pool, Wm. Payne, Wm. Suth­ weight, 600 pounds; “Bismarck,” son, of Roseburg, are in attendance on No official news has been received one-half blood, three years old, and four erland. The trial begins to-day. the Circuit Court. from the election in Lake county as -- ----- one-half blood fillies from one to three Hon. Henry Klippel and lady and yet. Parties from that section last G rand B all .—Ruth Rebekah De­ years old—from No. 1 American mares. Mrs. John Bilger arrived from San week inform us that at last accounts gree Lodge No. 4, I. O. O. F., will The introduction of these horses will Francisco this week. Mr. Lane was seventy ahead. The . give a grand anniversary ball on doubtless prove of benefit to the G. Karewski has gone to Portland. vote was light. Thursday evening, December 30, 1875. stock interests of Eastern Oregon. Col. W. 8. Stone passed through ! John R. Tice and others, while on Good music and supper will be pro­ the road to Fort Klamath with freight, vided and no pains spared to make it H oliday G oods .— The holidays town this week. Dr. Callender has returned from encountered a regular young hurri­ a success in every particular. Every­ are approaching, and Ben Sachs is in cane, which upturned several trees I body is invited to attend. See the the field with a fine assorpbent of no­ Coos Bay. and played havoc generally. Fortu- advertisement elsewhere. tions, toys, nuts and candies; also ..... w------------- L ost at S ea .— Wm. Hoffman, Esq., i nately no one was hurt, although it dry-goods, groceries, fancy goods, etc., O fficial R eturns of J osephine . h&t Tuesday received a telegram an­ was a close call. which he sells cheap. Give him a —Sheriff Green of Josephine informs nouncing that George T. Vining, a We learn that the Portland company, call and see for yourself. son-in-law of his, had been lost on the j interested in tho mines at Althouse, us that the official vote of that county —------ gives Mr. Lane 38 plurality. No polls T he D ocket . — The Circuit Court steamer Pacific, an account of the , Josephine county, will engage six were opened at Vannoy ’ s and Leland, docket presents quite a formidable ap- loss of which will be found else- j teams to haul quartz from their ledges and the vote everywhere was light. I pearance and embraces thirteen crim- where. Mr. Vining was in an to the mill. The persons forming that ------ - ■ — <»----------- - ©arly day a resident of this sec­ company mean business, and will no I mportant D ecision .—The De­ | inal cases, twenty actions at law and tion, and was prominently connect­ doubt make it pay. partment of the Interior decides that thirteen chancery cases. The pros­ ed with its affairs. He was once a The Yreka Journal tells of a pom­ an administrator or guardian cannot pects are favorable for a session of candidate for Secretary of State on the pous-looking individual palming him­ relinquish the homestead entry of a | several weeks’ duration. Democratic ticket, and filled several self off on the people of that section deceased person without authority P reaching .—Elder W. H. Brad­ offices of trust while residing in Oregon. as a mining expert, but subsequently from tho Probate Court. ford, a Baptist minister, will preach ------------------ ». .1, At the time of his death ho was en­ proving to be a humbug. After giving ’ R. B. II argadine , of Ashland, last on the “Immortality of the Soul” in gaged in the mercantile business at him a lively airing, that paper states the M. E. Church, Jacksonville, on Franklin, W. T., where he leaves a that he has made tracks for this region. week received another addition to his tnext Sunday. first-class stock of goods. family to mourn his untimely end. I Look out for him. — , ---------- . ----------------------- •----------------------- ---------------------- .----------------------- . ........... ——♦ - ------- - ♦ • — Iu Memoriaiu. RE AND OHIO RAILROAD: THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman Pataca Cara for Newark. Zanesville, Wheeling, Warhing- ton and Baltimore without change. Thia is the SHORTEST. BEST and only line running Pullman celebrated PALACE SLEEPING CAR8 AND COACHES, connecting with Union Pacific Railroad at OHAHA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Mar­ shall, Cedar Rapid«, Clinton, Sterling and Dixon for CHICAGO AND THE EAST. »««a, ror This popular route is unsurpassed for Speed. Con fort and Safety. The smooth, w.-ll-ballasted and perfect track of steel mils, the celebrated Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, the perfect Telegraph System of moving trains, the regularity with which they run. the admira­ ble arrangement for running through cam to Chicago from all points West, secure to passengers all the com­ forts in modern Railway Traveling. No change* of Care and no tedious delays at Ferries. Passengers will find Tickets via this Favorite Route at the General Ticket Office of the Central Pacific Rail­ road, Sacramento. Tickets for sale in all the Ticket Offices of the Central Pacific Railroad W. H. 8TENNETT. MARVIN HUGIIITT. Gen. Sup. Gen. Paa. Ageat. II. P. STAN WOOD, General Agency, 121 Montgomery street, San Francisco. SELLING OFF —FOR— COST AND FREIGHT! undersigned , desiring to dose out business in Jacksonville, offers T he for sale at cost and freight for cash his com­ plete and first-class stock of dry goods, dress goods, shawls, ribbons, ladies’ and chil­ dren’s hose and shoes, gentlemen’s furnish­ ing goods, hats, groceries, crocKery, lamps, baskets, spoons, knives and forks, tobacco and cigars, pipes, cutlery, stationery, toys, Yankee notions, and everything usually found in a first-class variety store. My stock is fresh and of the bes4, and those desiring anything in my line should give me a call. Those knowing themselves indebted will please settle immediately. I mean business. BEN. SACHS. Jacksonville, July ], 1875. ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP. SCRANTON—TAYLOR—At the residence of the bride’s parents, on Butte creek, Nov. 7th, by L. Tinkham, J. P.. J. W. Scranton to Miss Marguerite C. Taylor. C. K. KLUM, TAYLOR—YOCUM—At the residence of Marion Taylor, on Butte creek, Nov. 7th, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN by L. Tinkham, J. P., John Taylor to Miss Australia Yocum. SADDLERY & HARNESS, NEW, THIS WEEK. _ EUREKA MILLS. , O regon , keeps a gen - eral assortment of goods in his line of A shland trade, consisting of Team, Buggy and Plow Harness, Team and Buggy Collars, Bridles, Ntirruj>s, Lashes, Collar Pads, Currycombs, he undersigned having pur - Cinchos, Whips, Spurs, and eveiything chased the entire interest in and thor­ usually kept in a first-class establishment. oughly fitted up these mills with the latest Ladies’, Men’s and Boys’Saddles a Specialty. improvements, is now prepared to manufac­ Repairing done witli neatness and dis­ ture flour equal to any in the State. Thirty-six pounds of flour, two pounds of patch, and prices to suit the times. jAT" WHEAT taken at the Highest Mar­ shorts and eight pounds ot bran will be given in exchange for sixty pounds of good ket Rates in exchange for goods. Ashland, Sept. 16, 1875. merchantable wheat. Persons having flour, shorts or bran in the Mills must take them away on or before PRO CLAM ATION. the 31st of January, 1876. All persons in­ debted to the firm of McKenzie & Amy must settle up on or before the above date, as the books of said firm must be squared at NEW GOODS AND LOW DEICES ! that time. T. T. McKENZIE. T J. NUN AN, JO. SOLOMON, 4 T EVANS CREEK, JACKSON COUN- 71 ty, Oregon, respectfully calls the atten­ SUCCESSOR TO JUDGE