The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, September 10, 1875, Image 3

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SEPTEMBER 10, 1875.
F or C alifornia .—James A. Card-
well will in a few days start with a
numt»er of flue horses fur the Califor­
nia market.
C ounty C ourt .—The Board of
County Commissioners was in session
this week. The proceedings will ap­
pear In our next.
A large audience, composed of per­
sons from all portions of the county,
were in attendance on the joint dis­
cussion last Wednesday afternoon
between Honorables L. F. Lane,
Henry Warren and George M. Whit­
ney, respectively the Democratic, Re­
publican and Independent nominees for
Congress. A fair sprinkling of ladies
was also present. lion. Henry Klippel
was chosen Chairman of the meeting,
and after making some preliminary
remarks, introduced
a degree dispelled the impatience and
weariness that seemed to overspread
the audience at the close of his pre­
decessor’s speech. As he hardly spoke
the time allotted him, and consumed
the most of that in exposing the trick
certain designing Federal officials at­
tempted to play on him, he discussed
other topics but little; hence we cannot
judge how he stands on matters of Na­
tional importance. But he seems to
have little information concerning af­
fairs outside his own sphere. Judg­
ing from the delivery of hi$ address he
Is more of an exhorter than an orator,
and also rather Incoherent. The man­
ner In which he scored the Republi­
can tricksters was highly enjoyed, and
Mr. Warren winced under his merci­
less onslaught on Mallory and Under­
wood. Ho admitted being sold out by
the leaders of the Independent party >
but goes on with the campaign noth­
ing daunted. Mr. Whitney com­
plained of not being able to find an In­
dependent in this section. Fortunate­
ly a gentleman who has been casting
his fortunes with every party for the
past six years was present; and the
two embraced each other in a cordial
manner, shortly after which the Inde­
pendent candidate summarily closed
his remarks and subsided.
D istrict S chool .—The Jackson­
ville District School reopened on Mon-
xlay last with an attendance of 92
This gentleman occupied tho hour
scholars, which number will be in­ allotted him with an able and forcible
creased somewhat.
address on National affairs. He re­
I nformation W anted .—Elizabeth viewed the attitude of the administra­
Bennett, who is supposed to be living tion toward the people of the South,
near this place, will hear of something the abuses of the tariff by the Republi­
to her advantage by calling at the Post can party, the Salary Grab, the Finance
question, and other important matters
Office in Jacksonville.
now agitating the public mind, lie
H on . L. F. L ane at A shland .—A referred to the Indian policy now in
good audience was in attendance to force, and in a most emphatic manner
hear Hon. L F. L ine at Ashland. U p denounced the action of the Federal
delivered an able and forcible address, Government in the late Modoc War.
which was highly appreciated by those He pronounced himself in favor of
in attendance.
reimbursing Oregon to the last cent for
O n D it .—The marriage of a promi­ her expenses in that war, and if elect­
nent citizen and one of Jacksonville’-* ed to Congress he pledged himself that
fairest daughters is announced to he would labor for that matter as well
Mr. Lane then took the floor for ten
transpire next week, We aeknowl- as endeavoring to secure the passage
edge the receipt of an invitation to be of a bill to indemnify the losses of the minutes and wound up his competitors’
present at the ceremony, for which we settlers in that war. Mr. Lane was arguments in the most approved man­
equally as earnest on the school ques­ ner, which was highly appreciated.
tender our sincere thanks.
tion, and put a quietus on the false re­
Mr. Warren followed in a five min­
A ngora G oats —Thos. Chavn r port that he was opposed to popular utes’ speech, but adduced nothing new.
bought eighty-five Angora go its from education. He said he was in favor Ho, however, failed to answer Mr.
Landrum A Roger®, who were recent­ of public schools, was supporting them, Whitney in any of his charges against
ly in this county with a large hind. that it was of Democratic origin, and the Republican party of this State.
He also purchased a thoroughbred that nearly, if not all the benefits ac-
Thus closed the first joint discussion
buck from the same firm, for which he cruing school interests from land between these Congressional candi­
paid the round .-urn of $200.
grants, were secured hy Democrats, dates, and there seems to be one al­
If elected, he would labor assiduously most general opinion, and that is, that
C oming —Gen. and party
for the Interests of Oregon, and es­ Mr. Lane is too much for the others
sre coming overland, and will travel
pecially for those sections which had and has an easy race.
through to Reading hy special stage,
been neglected and most needed it, as
stopping at night and traveling only
the southern portion of the State, for
by daylight. Nine «1 i.vs is the lime
instance. Mr. Lane’s remarks were
L ineville , September 6th.
set f<>r hi-» trip from r.tilrov! to rail­
logical and Interesting throughout,
Threshing and sheep-shearing are in
road, and he w ill doubtless be in town
lie was listened to with marked at­ progress.
in a day <»r two.
tention and made a favorable impres­
Several parties in Lake county lost
I nsane .—Ins mity seems *o have be­ sion. He was frequently applauded, by the California Bank failure, but to
come almost a plague in this section and it was very evident that Lane men no ruinous amount.
lately, three unfortunates having be n were greatly in predominance. After
Linkvilie was quite lively during
committed to the Asylum wihin a his conclusion
the past week in consequence of social
week. The Li-t of these, John S'ow,
MR. warren
parties, horse-racing and various other
was examined before Judge Watson on was introduced, His remarks through- amusements.
Saturday last by Dr. Callender, and out were of an apologetic character,
Our much esteemed and jovial friend,
was taken b« low the next morning by jumbled up and without any connec­ Lieut. Hoyle, “draps down” in our
Herman Helms.
tion whatever. He jumped from one midst occasionally, who, by the way,
P erfectly S ecure .—Since the subject to the other like the Irishman’s is a relative of Hon. L. F. Lane.
We regret to state that Alex. Miller
late financial crash in San Francisco, flea, hardly arriving at the point at
persons in this as well as other section-* which he aimed before he was off on is quite unwell, and is now at Fort
beem somewhat afraid of gold notes; another entirely foreign to the pre­ Klamath under treatment of Dr. Mc-
but this fright is entirely unnecessary. vious one. And how he murdered Elderry. His many friends wish him
Notes of gold banks in ein ulation are English was most excruclatirg to see. a speedy recovery and return.
At a special call of Lake County
perfectly good whether the bank fail- He was evidently fighting the civil
or not, as the government has full se­ war over again, from the tenor of his Court, N. D. Stephenson was appointed
curity in bonds for all the notes issued. remarks, and seemed wofully ignor­ Clerk, vice Win. Roberts, resigned;
The San Francisco gold note bank ant of the fact that over ten years had and J. P. Roberts, Commissioner, vice
simply closed for the lack of the coin, (lapsed since that event and that it Henry Fuller, resigned. Other busi­
and will undoubtedly la? in good run­ was dead and should be forgotten. On ness of minor importance was trans­
National affairs he did not pretend to acted.
ning order again ere long.
Hon. L. F. Lane spoke here yester­
be conversant, admitting his inability
J ackson C ounty B ible S ociety to comprehend even the most promi­ day, on the political situation, to a
—This organization held its annual nent matters, and in attempting to rather small, though appreciative au­
meeting at the M. E. Church on Thurs­ discuss them exhibited a proneness to dience. His address was able, truth­
day evening, Septeml»er 2d, at which wander off on matters not at all con­ ful, and therefore forcible. We pre­
the following proceedings transpired, nected with the campaign, such as the dict a handsome majority for him in
as furnished us by John A. Boyer, the canal and locks, Baker City Academy, Lake county at the coming election.
Secretary :
which have long ago been passed upon. None of his opponents were present—
In the absence of the President and Vice
Mr. Warren evidently is a votary of utterly ignoring Lake county.
President, Wm. Hoffman acted as President.
O bserver .
The minutes of the last annual meeting George Francis Train’s motto, “If you
don’t blow your own horn, nobody else
were read and approved.
S heriff ’ s S ale .—The goods in the
On motion, the old officers were retained, will,” and showed a decided weakness
except substituting O. Gunnison in the place
to self-praise throughout his entire re­ store of John A. Boyer will be sold at
of R. C. Armstrong, on tho Executive Com­
marks. He excused himself for his Sheriff’s sale on Saturday, September
Article 3 of the Constitution was changed |M>or effort on the plea of weariness, 11th, between the hours of 9 o’clock a .
to allow life membership on payment of $5, which is rather early in the action to m ., and four p. m . The stock consists
and the portion relating to paying $1 and
commence with such complaints. of groceries, provisions, boots and
receiving a bible in return was stricken out. j
shoes, tobacco and cigars, candies, nuts,
It was moved and carried that the next Like Mr. Lane, we are of the opinion
stationery, etc., of the first quality,
meeting oi the Society be held at the Meth­ that Republican party has either no
odist Church in Jacksonville.
platform or no candidate, judging from and those wishing the best of goods at
After a few remarks by Rev. Mr. Fletzler, the style Mr. Warren repudiated the their own rates should not fail to be on
agent of the American Bible Society, the
platform adopted at Salem on August hand.
meeting adjourned.
11th. He evidently feels hard to­
N ew S aloon .—Matt. Dillon has
F rom L ineville .—A correspond­ wards Grant, for removing him from
just opened a neat and spacious saloon
ent, under date of Linkvilie, August the Oregon City Land Office, from the
in Ryan’s building, next door to
26th, writes :
manner in which he went back on Reames Bros. He will constantly
Linkvilie is improving some and has him. He also attempted to dally with
a hopeful future, notwithstanding its the votes of our laboring citizens by keep on hand the best of liquors,
wines, cigars, etc. Read his adver­
isolated locality.
sneering at the professional classes and tisement, and give him a call.
At a reeent session of oar County trumping himself up as a working
Court, held August 23d, there was ap- man, when his days of labor, since he
T eachers ’ E xamination .—H. C.
|»ointed J- P- Ro M-rts as County Com- took bold of the public teat sixteen Fleming, School Superintendent, an­
mis-'loner, and N. D. Stephen-on, C’oun-; years ago, are few and far between. nounces that the regular quarterly ex­
ty Clerk, to fill th“ vacancies existing The Indian question and other matters amination of applicants for teachers’
in the County Board, caused by the |
of moment were severely let alone. certificates will take place on Saturday,
previous resign it Im of Henry Fuller He seemed much embarrassed through­ September 25th, at nine o’clock a . m .
and Wm. Roberta. The new ap­ out and doubtless felt his own weak­ Read advertisement.
pointees are both good uieo and will ness. A general sigh of relief seemed
A dmitted to P ractice .—By the
no doubt fill their offi lai stations satis­ to pervade the room as he took his seat San Francisco papers we see that our
factorily to the people.
and the Chairman introduced
young friend W. F. Herrin was ad­
P.tfittad matters are T»iet with us,
mitted to practice In the Supreme
bul there Is a general feeling or sentl- j
This gentleman is a rather fluent Court of California on August 24th.
roent prevalent in Lake county that
Success to him.
speaker, uses good language, but in a
the Democratic nominee, Mr. Lane,
political campaign is like a ship at sea
T he highest cash price paid for
will lie elected. This r«»unty will give ;
him a respectable majority over all his without a rudder. He afforded much county orders. For further particulars
merriment by hh eccentricities, and to apply at the T imes office.
op|ionent< any way.
The Jackson County Agricultural
Society met on Wednesday, and deter­
mined to hold a County Fair. Bybee’s
Grove was selected as the place and
October 21st, 22d and 23d as the time
for holding the Fair. The following
Committees were appointed :
Executive Committee.— D. S. K.
Buick, C. Mingus, J. S. Herrin.
On Revision and Preparation o/
Premium List— II. K. Hanna, J. N.
T. Miller, N. C. Dean.
Indies' Department— Mrs. W. J.
Plymale, Mrs. Daniel Cronemiller, R.
S. Dunlap.
Finance Committee— J. C. Tolman,
John Sizemore, C. C. Beekman, S.
Booth, Peter Simon, Geo. Stephenson,
Wm. Ray.
On Arranging Speed Programme—
Henry Klip[>el, John E. Ross, Thos.
This is a good and laudable resolu­
tion. With an enterprising people
here, Jackson county is destined at no
distant day to take first rank among
the most favored counties of the State.
No person can assign a good and suffi­
cient reason why we may not hold a
respectable fair from year to year.
Our agricultural, mineral and manu­
facturing resources are almost unlimit­
ed, and in the matter of horses, cattle,
sheep and hogs, no county can excel
us. Jackson county has won an en­
viable reputation through the number
and excellence of her fine horses. If
wo desire to advertise our stock, pro­
ducts, manufactures, etc., let us make
a public exhibition and show what we
have and we can do. A county fair
managed for tho public good cannot
but result greatly to the advantage of
the community at large.
Let every person interested in the
prosperity of this county lend a help­
ing hand, and we shall have a fair of
which none of us need feel ashamed.
It can be done, and all there lacks is
the disposition. Let us all lift togeth­
er for once and see what the result
will be. We feel certain that we shall
so far surpass our own expectations as
to be for once happily disappointed.
I mportant to S wamp L and C laim ­
ants .—Notice has been given to the
Executive Department by the Land
Office at Linkvilie that instructions
have been received at that office from
the General Land Office at Washing­
ton, to withhold all lands from sale,
pre-emption and homestead entry,
claimed by the State of Oregon as
“swamp and overflowed,” that have
been surveyed since March 12, 1860,
and making them subject to the same
rules that lands are, embraced in the
Surveyor General’s list that he has
filed and may hereafter furnish that
office certifying to their swampy char­
acter and approving them to the State
of Oregon. The request for this with­
drawal, says the Mercury, was made
more than three years ago by the Gov­
ernor and has been constantly urged
by him since. This action of (he Gen­
eral Land Office will greatly facilitate
the segregation of the swamp lands.
applicant« for Teaclrera' Certificates for
Jackson county, Oregon, #ill be held in
Jacksonville on
Saturday, September 25, 1SH5.
Those desiring Cert’ficates will take duo
notice thereof and govern themselves ac­
County School Superintendent.
Administrator'! Notice.
is hereby given that
the undersigned has been appointed by
N otice
the County Court of Jackson county, Ore­
gon, Administrator of the Estate of Owen
Clark, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate are re­
quested to settle the same immediately, and
all persons having claims against said estate
are requested to present them with the
proper vouchers to me at my residence on
Ilancheria Prairie within six months from
the date thereof.
Administrator of said Estate.
Jacksonville, Sept. 1, 1875.
Matt« Dillon’s New Saloon,
Next door to Reames Bros.,
S ome new quartz mineshave recent­
ly been discovered sixty or seventy
miles northwest of Winnemucca. The
discoveries were made by E. M. Sil­
vers while on his way across from this
county. Mr. Silvers also reports that
he discovered several ledges in Stein’s
Mountain and other places along the
California Street, Jacksonville, Ogiu
undersigned takes pleas -
ure in announcing that he has just
T he
opened out at the above location, and will
constantly keep on hand a complete and
first-class stock of the best brands of wines,
liquors, cigars, etc., and also the latest Eas­
tern periodicals and leading newspapers of
the Coast. Give me a call.
S achs B ros , are constantly receiv­
ing new goods, and have one of the
most complete and best assortments of
general merchandise ever brought to
Southern Oregon. “Quick sales and
small profits” is their motto, and those
desiring anything in their line will be
accommodated at the lowest rates. *
R oseburg , Oregon, «Sept. 1, 1875. f
\J tered at this Office by Edwin Morgan and
William Selph against John B. Crews for
abandoning his Homestead Entry, No. 1189,
dated January 24th, 1870, upon the 8. X of
8. E. % of Section 29, and the W. % of N. E. %
of Section 32, Township 35 South, Range 2
West, in Jackson county, Oregon, with a
view to the cancellation of said entry ; the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this Office on the 9th day of October, 1875,
at 1 o’clock p. m ., to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged abandon­
WM. R. WILLIS, Register.
J. C. F ullerton , Receiver.
M eeting T o -N ight .—The mem­
bers of the Independent Literary So­
ciety are requested to meet at their
old quarters this (Friday) evening at
half-past seven o’clock. A full attend­
Notice of Final Settlement
ance is requested. By order of the
Iu the County Court for the County of Jack-
P resident .
son, State of Oregon, sitting in Probate on
Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1875.
In the matter of the Estate of Andrew J.
Coakley, deceased.
avid peninger , administrator
of said estate, having filed in said Court
his final account for settlement, and also
praying for an order for setting the time for
hearing the same, therefore notice is hereby
given that said final account will be heart!
and determined in said Court oil Tuesday,
the 5th day of October, 1875, at 10 o’clock
a . m ., at which time all persons having any
objections to said final account and settle­
ment must then and there make the same.
By order of Hon. E. B. Watson, County
E. D. FOUDRAY, Clerk.
A rrested .—A man was Sunday
last arrested by Deputy Sheriff Kent,
charged with stealing some clothes
from a Mr. Bills, living at the U. S
Hotel. He had an examination before
Justice Stinson, who committed him
T he N ew P ostal C ards .—The to Jail.
color of the new postal card is tech­
A t A pplegate .—Hon. L. F. Lane
nically styled “cream white ;” in other
words, it is a yellowish white. This addressed the citizens of Applegate
color the Department believes prefer­ and vicinity yesterday. Whether he
able to pure white, because the latter was joined by the other candidates we
soils so easily. The design of engrav­ did not learn. All will meet together HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM!
ing is the same as that heretofore at Kerbyville to-day, however.
agreed upon, viz : In the upper left
F or S ale .—Those desiring a first- HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE,
hand corner is the monogram “U. S.” class sewing-machine, bran new, at less
in ornamented letters, across which is than first cost, can be accommodated
a scroll with the words “Postal Card” by calling on E. C. Brooks and exam­
in bold face letter. Below this in a ining one of the celebrated Wilcox &
straight line, in hair letter i3, “Write Gibbs’ machines.
the address on this side—the message
R emoval .—II. K. Hanna, Esq., has
on the other.” In the upper right
hand corner is the stamps, the design removed his law office from the Court
of which is a profile bust of the God­ House to Orth’s building, up-stairs, California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon.
dess of Liberty, surrounded by a frame where he may be found at all times
lways on hand the best stock
work border, the sides of which repre­ ready to attend to all business in his
oi Patent and Home-made Rifle and
Shot Guns, single and double; Revolvers
sent fasces, connected at the top by a line.
of the latest patents ; Pocket Pistols, neat,
scroll bearing the words “U. 8. Pos­
R eturned .—Wm. M. Turner, N. small and powerful; Derringers, the latest
best; also, the best Powder and Pow­
tage,” and at the bottom a curved Langell, J. S. Howard and sons and and
der Flasks ; Hunting and pocket knifes of
hand inclosing the words, “One Cent.” Chas. Schultz, who have been on a the best brands; all sorts of Shot and
Pouches; Caps, Wads and everything in
The monogram, letter and stamp will surveying expedition east of the I the
Sportsman's line.
He will also keep a full line of SHELF
be printed in black, and the card will
mountains, returned last week.
HARDWARE, Nails and Rope of all kinds
have no border. They will be manu­
and sizes. Carpenters’ and Wagon-Makers,
a complete assortment of Table and
factured by the present contractors, the
B ook N otice .—W. J. Stanley re- Tools,
Pocket Cutlery, together with a full supply
Morgan Envelope Company, of Spring­ quests us to state that those who have of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc.
The above goods are all of the best qual­
field, Massachusetts, and they are near­ subscribed for books, through him, can ity,
and will be sold
ly ready for issue. The color at first procure them by calling at the City
selected was the shade known as the Drug Store.
New guns made to order, and repairing
promptly done and in good style. All or­
“Water of the Nile,” but, after a full
W ood .—Those who have promised, ders filled with dispatch.
consideration of the matter, cream
white was thought better.
subscription in wood, are informed
P ersonal .—Major James T. Glenn that we are now ready to receive the
he tax - payers of the county
arrived from Oakland Wednesday. same.
of Jackson, State of Oregon, are hereby
notified that the Board of Equalization will
He will remain with us awhile.
T hanks .—We last week, neglected meet at the office of the County Clerk of
Miss Anna Kent, formerly of this
to mention that Jos. Rapp favored us said county on the
place, is teaching school at Yreka.
Last Monday in September, IMS,
with a fine watermelon, for which he
P. D. Hull is again among us.
and publicly examine the assessment rolls
has our thanks.
and correct all errors in valuation, descrip­
is agent for the Albany Democrat, a
tion or quality of lands, lots, or other
property. All persons interested will ap­
first-class Democratic sheet.
S chool . — Miss Mollie McCully’s pear
at the time and place appointed.
Judge Reed, of Portland, arrived in school will commence next Monday,
Assessor of Jackson County, Oregon.
town yesterday.
September 13 th.
W. A. Owen has removed his family
pS* The National Gold Medal was award­
to town.
to Bradley Rnlofson for the best Pho­
Hon. Henry Klippel and Syl. Camp­
tographs in the United States, and the
Dated on C street, opposite the stable of
bell have returned from their respec­ Vienna Medal for the best in the world.
J. W. Manning, consisting of a good house
tive mining camps, but report nothing
and lot, substantial barn and other improve­
429 Montgomery street, San Francisco.
ments, is offered for sale cheap tor cash.
Here is a chance for a good t«rgain. For
particulars, call on H. L. Webb, at the Ex-
Thos. G. Reames, of the popular
—WOODY—At the residence of J. N. celsior .Stable, or at the T imes office.
firm of Reames Bros., has gone to BISH
Woody, near Phoenix. Sept. 5th, by Rev.
M. A. Williams, Allen W. Bish to Miss I
San Francisco to lay in a first-class
A. C. Woody—all of this county.
stock of goods.
otice is hereby given that
Capt. O. C. Applegate, of Lake coun­
the aoeonntN of the firm of Manning A
Ish have been placed in n»y hands for col­
ty, favored us with a call last Satur­ BROWNING — On Grave Creek, August
27tb, to tho wife of L. N. Browning, a lection. All persona indebted to said firiM
day. He informs us that a party of
are requested to settle immediately.
tourists will start in a few days for
Jacksonville, Sept. 9,1875.
Crater Lake, accompanied by Peter
Britt, of this place, who will take !
All linda of Job Printing
photographs of the magnificent scenery i VTOTICE IS GIVEN TO ALL HOLl)-
li ers of lots in Quartzville, in the Galioo
the country affords.
Creek Mining District, that they are re­ NEATLY A CHEAPLY EXECUTED AT
T» VUUy <11 I
---------------- ♦------------------
D eath .—Frank Silva, a Portuguese
I well known in this vicinity and Yreka,
died last week of consumption.
quired to work ont tho amount of labor due
on the road from said place to tho stage
Th* Times Office.
road, as per agreement, by the 23d of Sep­
tember, 1875, or, tailing to comply, they CttnCOA Per Dav at homo. Terms
will forfeit all right to the same.
V-wU free. Address G. STINSON
Jc Co., Portland, Maine,