The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, August 20, 1875, Image 3

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W gmcrraiit Simes.
A shland , Aug. 18th.
Teams from Lake county are con­
stantly arriving, getting flour and other
Wallace Bishop has his thresher in
the neck of the valley above town, and
as the farmers report makes it lively
for the cereals.
J. S. Eubanks, formerly of Cotton­
wood, Cal., has recently located with
his family at Ashland. Of course they
are given a hearty welcome.
Our young, eloquent minister, Rev.
J. R. N. Bell, will start soon for his
conference. We have all felt his po­
tent influence for good, and are anxious
to Jiave him returned.
Geo. A. Dietz, the inventor of the
“California Fruit Preserver,” is with
Ilis invention is said to pre­
serve four thousand pounds per day.
Our fruit growers had better sec it.
Several families have gone from our
town mountainward to seek “a lodge
in some vast wilderness,” where the
deer and the trout and the soda-water
are. Isaac Miller, Sr., and Jr., Isaac
Woolen and James Ewing are among
the récupérants.
A. D. Helman and J. D. Fountain
are having constructed, in juxtaposi­
tion to the Post Office, a large, comely
building of two and a half stories. It
is a frame, 24x4G feet, and perhaps
half completed. There will be a capa­
cious hall above and store-room be­
Monday evening last Miss Martha
Swingle gave a neckerchief party. Cer-
tainly the Ashland buds and their
peach blooms were there. It was late
when they fetched away, imbued with
the idea that a necktie sociable is a
“good thing to have.” Of course, the
young bucks now go about with their
necks “bowed.”
AUGUST », 1875
Geo. P. Rowell A Co...................... New York.
S. M. Pettingill A Co.................. New Yorki
iMn. L. Green............ ......Josephine Coun’v.
Chas. Huche«................................ Kerbvvillo
Ren Havmond................................ Rock Point
I.. P. Fisher................................ San Francisco.
Thos. Rov.'o................................. San Francisco
Rowell A Chesman.............................St. Louis
Gus. A. Winckler.................................... Yreka
M. E. C hurch .—Religious service« every
Sunday, st the usual hours, hv the Rever­
end« J. R. N. Bell. J. S. McCain and M. A.
Williams, alternately.
C athot . ic C hvrch .—Divine Services ev­
ery Sunday. at the usual hour, bv Rev. Fa­
ther Blanchett.
M. E. Sr moat S choou —Recmiar meetings
every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
C athoi . ic S unday Scnoor.. — Regular
meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two
Staee« leave Jacksonville as follows :
For Rock Point, Grant’s Pas« «nd Rose-
hurg. every day at 8:30 a. m. Mail cloaes at
8 a. m.
For Phoenix. Ashland, Yreka and Red-
diner. California, every day at 2:30 p. in.
Mail closes at 2 p. m.
For Apnlojjaie. Krrbvville. Waldo and
Crescent Citv. everv Monday and Thursday I
morning st 4 o’clock. Mail closes at 8 p. m.
the preceding evening.
The mail for f’enfrnl Point. Table Rock,
Eagle Point, Brownsboron<rh and Sam’s
X allev. leaves everv Friday morning ;
closes the preceding evening.
The mail for T.inkvillc. Hot Springs, Yai-
nax and T~*ike City, leaves Ashland everv
Monday morning. For T.inkville every
Monday Thursday and Fridav mornings. !
Money Order Office open.from 9 a. m. to
5 p. m.
O fftce Horns—Froifj 7 a. m. tn 7 p. m :
Sundnvs. HO minute.« after arrival of stages.
Mail matter must he in on time or it will
not go.
M ax M uller , P. M.
P reaching .—Rev. T. Frazer, of
San Francisco, will preach in the M.
E. Church next Sabbath at 11 o’clock,
A. M.
N oticf .—Wagner, Anderson A Co.,
of the Ashland Mills, in another col­
umn, have something of importance to
say to the farmers of this county.
F or Y reka .—P. Fehely left for
Yreka Saturday, where he has been
engaged to make another kiln of
brick. He took several bauds along
to assist him in his work.
A t S oda S prings .—Wc learn that j
several persons from Yreka, including
a number of la«Ue«, have been sojourn­
ing at Caldwell’s Soda Spring-» during
the past few weeks.
R eturned . — From a gentleman
just in from Lake county we learn
that the Indian David Hill, who dis­
appeared so suddenly in New York,
while with the Meacham troupe, has
returned all safe to his tribe.
S t . M ary ’ s A cademy .—This ex-
cellent institution will lie re-opened on
Monday, the 30th inst., after a vaca­
tion of two months. A competent
corps of instructors in the various
branches taught will lx? in attendance,
and the best inducements are offered
for the education of females.
A ccident . — Our worthy County
Assessor, W. A. Childers, inet with
quite an accident the other day by his
horse falling with him among some
rocks, Injuring him in a severe man­
ner. We are pleased to say he is rap­
idly recovering, and will shortly be
ready to attend to his duties.
Those ball players of ours, who W’on
the laurel wreath at Yreka, w’ere re­
cently invited to visit the Ft. Klatnath
club, but they plead that the excessive
stale of the atmosphere, the long dis­
tance, illness, and business engage­
ments, and other things and circum­
stances over which they have no con­
trol, prevent their meandering to the
A naughty affair occurred on the
mountain, six or seven miles east of
Ashland, Thursday morning last. Two
parties. Thos. Smith and Oster, both
recently from California, were laboring
together, and while at camp became
involved in an altercation. Smith fired
a shot-gun at Oster, who returned the
fire with a revolver, hitting Smith in
the left shoulder, making a ghastly
wound. Oster came and surrendered
himself to the proper authorities, and
reported Smith dead. Coroner Inlow
repaired to the place of me disaster
and found the wounded in the care of
his wife. The injured was speedily
brought to town and is convalescing,
under the skillful management of Dr.
Iniow. The young disciples of Black­
stone were busy for awhile with their
big books, but District Attorney Han­
na came, and after a preliminary ex­
amination, “said defendant” was prop­
erly dismissed by Justice DePeatL
P ilot R ock .
F rom L ake C ounty .—Hon. E. C.
Mason favored us with a call this week,
and from him we learn that the South­
ern Wagon Road has been finished to
the foot of the east side of the Cas­
cades. Work will be suspended for
the present, as the means have given
out. The road is in fine condition and
reflects great credit on those under
whose supervision it is progressing.
Mr. Mason informs us that Lane stock
P ostmaster A ppointed . — John is away up in Lake county, and that
Bolt has been appointed Postmaster of his majority will run up into the hun­
the Applegate Post Office. Ever since dreds.
the destruction of R. Benedict’s house
D r . P ilkington ’ s R eport .—The
the people of that section have been
annoyed by the irregularity of the report of Dr. J. B. Pilkington, Presi­
rmnls, owing to the failure of the Post- dent of the Oregon Quartz Mining
uiasters ap|»<>inted qualifying, and the Company of Portland, has been submit­
office would have soon been abolished ted, and will be published in our next
had Mr. Bolt not signified his inten­ issue. Dr. Pilkington, as our readers
tion of serving. The people of Apple­ know, was out a short time ago in­
gate and vicinity will doubtless be specting tho interests of his company,
as also the mining resources of this
pleased at this news.
section, and his report is very favor­
F rom N ew Y ork .—Prof. J. W. able.
Merritt, of New York, who has been
F inally D ecided .—The case of
engaged by the Directors of Jackson­
Danforth vs. Griffin, to decide the
ville School District to act in the ca­ right of property, was finally decided by
pacity of Principal of the school fur the the fourth Sheriff’s jury in favor of the lat­
ensuing year, arrived in town Wednes­ ter, three others failing to agree. It was
day, direct from that State. Mr. Mer­ about a wagon levied upon by Dr. Danforth
as the property of B. B. Griffin, but which
ritt is a graduate of the State Normal was claimed by bis daughter.
and Training School of Oswego, N. Y.,
F or H arney .—Col. John Green,
and comes among us with the highest
recommendations. The school will re­ a gallant officer of the Modoc war, and
open In the course of a few weeks, and the hero of many an Indian fight, has
a large attendance should and doubt­ assumed command of the forces at
Camp Harney.
. *
less will greet the new teacher.
L arge S teer .—Geo. S. Miller, of
Lake county, writes us that he is com­
ing this way with the largest steer
ever raised on the Pacific Coast. The
animal is 19 hands high, measures 9}
feet around the girth and 16 feet from
the tip of his nose to the end of his
tail. It is Mr. Miller’s intention to
exhibit him al the State Fair and also
at several points along the way there.
A F raud .—Some time since it was
announced in the T imes that Valen­
tine S. Howe, who broke into M.
Mensor’s store a few years ago and
was sent to the Penitentiary by Judge
Prim, has been recaptured in Wash­
ington Territory. This turns out to
be untrue, as the following from the
Bulletin of the II th will show :
A few days since Superintendent
Watkinds was called to Port Towns­
end for the purpose of securing an
escaped convict named Valentino S.
Howe. Upon arriving there ho came
face to face with a man named Barber,
who had been pardoned out of the
Penitentiary some years ago. The
way in which the trick was played
was as follows: Johnny Foster and
one or two other ex-convicts living at
Port Townsend came to the conclusion
that they wanted to go over to Vic­
toria. They were in embarrassed cir­
cumstances financially, or in other
words, “dead broke,” and they set
their heads to “raise the wind” to
make the proposed sail across the
channel. They went down and talked
to Barber awhile, and then proceeded
to the Sheriff’s office and told him
that a convict by the name of Howe
had escaped from the Penitentiary ;
that there was $500 offered for his ar­
rest ; that they (the ex-convicts)
knew where Howe was, and that if
the Sheriff would give them half the
reward they would tell where Howe
was stopping. This story the Sheriff
doubted and said so. To prove the
truthfulness of their tale they asked
the Sheriff to telegraph to Superintend­
ent Watkinds. This he did, asking,
“Is there a convict missing from the
Penitentiary by the name of Howe ?”
Immediately the answer came from
Salem, “Yes.” The Sheriff then told
the ex-convicts that if they would tell
him where Howe was he would give
them $150 as soon as he was arrested ;
and accepting the offer, Johnny Foster
and the others took the Sheriff to the
place where Barber was working, and
pointing to him, told the Sheriff there
was the man ; and Barber, acting like
he was badly scared, the officer of the
law nabbed him at once, put him in
heavy irons as a dangerous character,
¡raid the $150 and telegraphed to Mr.
Watkinds to come over and bring the
reward; in the meanwhile the ex­
convicts crossed the channel and got
out of harm’s way. Mr. Watkinds’
arrival caused Barber’s release and
then it leaked out that the whole affair
was a sell.
“M ountain B oy ” D ead .—The S. I
F. Chronicle gives the following notice
of the death of “Mountain Boy,” a
“Vermont” colt raised by James Mc­
Donough, of this county, and sold by
Alex. Martin to L. Swan, of Yreka,
a few years ago, who subsequently
disposed of him to C. W. Kellogg, of
San Francisco:
Mountain Boy, the leader of the tridem
team, which attracted so much attention the
day of the double team race on the Bay
District course, died a fow days ago. He
was slightly lame, and the veterinarian, a
Dr. Lewis, inserted a seton in his shoulder,
which was thought to be the cause of his
death. He was a remarkably fine-looking,
large bay horse, could trot to the pole close
to thirty, and in a four-in-hand tandem or
tridem team could scarcely be equaled in
any country. Mr. Kellogg valued him
more highly than any horse he owned. It
is a great loss to him, and more keenly felt
from the death of such a great favorite be­
ing the consequence of malpractice.
To L eave Ua.—We regret to learn
that Louis Horne intends removing
to Roseburg at an early day, and tak­
ing charge of a hotel there. Mr.
Horne and family, during a residence
of many years among us, have made
hosts of friends, and while we regret
their departure we wish them all
success wherever they may go.
We can assure the people of Roseburg
that they will find him an adept in the
business and will give the utmost sat­
C hange of F irm .—J. W. Manning
has purchased the interest of Richard
L. Ish in the Excelsior Livery Stable.
The best of turn-outs will as over be
kept on hand, while perfect satisfac-
tion in all branches of the fyusiness
will be guaranteed.
I n T own .—Dr. Wit*. P. Cool, who
lived in Jacksonville when a boy, ar­
rived in town last week, accompanied
by his family. He is now a practicing
dentist, and is on a professional visit
to this section.
O ats C ontracts . — Through the
courtesy of Max Muller, stage agent
at this place, we are enabled to give
the names of those who secured the
contracts for oats, advertised by the
O. A. C. Stage Company, and also the
prices, to-wit :
Jacksonville Stat ion— Alex. Martin;
1,500 bushels, at 23} cents per bushel.
Casey's — Alex.
Martin ; 2,500
bushels, at 29 cents a bushels.
Cole's—. Alex. Martin and P. Done­
gan ; 2,000 bushels, at 38 cents a
Grave Creek— <acob Ish and John E.
Ross; 3,000 bushels, at 39 cents a
Those at Ammerman’s, Rock Point
and Grant’s Pass are let by the month
to the proprietors of the stations.
B revities .—M. Caton has removed
his shoe shop next door to the Eagle
Sample Rooms.
A delegation of Masons left town
yesterday to be present at the Institu­
tion of a Masonic lodge at Ashland.
Last Wednesday was the 15th anni­
versary of Jacksonville Lodge No. 10,
I. O. O. F., and flags were raised in
honor thereof.
Read the advertisement of the Eagle
J. H. Hyzer is managing Ben. Sachs’
store in his absence. Call and see him.
D ied at R oseburg .—P. J. Malone,
who in the civil war was prominently
connected with the press of this place
and State, died at Roseburg on the Odd Fellow*’ Building, Jacksonville, Ongon*
14th. He was traveling through Ore­
gon for the benefit of his health and
his death was rather unexpected by
many of his friends. His family were TIN, SHEET IRON, COrPER, LEAD, eta.
with him. Since his departure from
Oregon, Mr. Malone has been engaged
as reporter in the Courts of California,
and also for the press.
S achs B ros , are constantly receiv­
ing new goods, and have one of the
most complete and best assortments of
general merchandise ever brought to
Southern Oregon. “Quick sales and A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES,
small profits” is their motto, and those
desiring anything in their line will be
accommodated at the :’fc vst rates. *
T ake W arning .—J. B. Thomas, of
the Meadows, elsewhere cautions the
Faso and Caps,
public not to purchase a certain note
given by hliq to Jason Owen», as he
will not pay it.
Wooden and Willow Ware,
W ood .—Those who have promised,
as also those who intend settling their
subscription in wood, are informed
that we are now ready to receive the
E agle M ills .—These well known
mills have been thoroughly renovated
and are now turning out a superior Shot Brushes, Chains and Hoss,
J ustice ’ s C ourt . — Business has article of flour.
been brisk in the Justice’s Court for
eaches , watermelons and other
the past few days. The following is a
fruit at Boyer’s.
synopsis of what has been done :
I have secured the services of a First-claaa
State vs. Chas. Parker ; assault on
N otice .—A called meeting of the stock­ Mechanic, and ana prepared to do all repair­
S. Humphrey. Trial by jury and ver­ holders of the P. of H. Mill Co. will be held
ing promptly and in superior style.
dict of guilty. Defendant fined $5 at Colver’s Hall in Phoenix Monday, August
23d, at 10 o’clock a . m ., for the transaction
and costs.
of important business. It is desirable that
State vs. Chas. Parker; larceny of a every stockholder be present. By order of
horse. Held to answer in the sum of the Board of Directors.
J ohn S. H errin , President.
$100. Bail furnished.
I am receiving and have constantly on
F. M. P lymaee . Secretary.
a full and first-class stock of
S. Humphrey vs. Chas. Parker ; suit
to recover a horse. Jury trial and
verdict for defendant.
Jackson County Agricultural Society. DRY GOODS, Gum Boot«, TOBACCO,
T unnel R ight F iled .—T. F. Du-
Ready-Made Clothing,
gan A Co. this week filed in the Coun­
ty Clerk’s office a tunnel right of all
the waters outside of the southwest
line ot the corporation of Jacksonville
that may run in a tunnel they propose
cutting, for the purpose of supplying
the town with water in the case of fire
or any other necessity that may be
deemed proper, and intend making
application to the Board of Trustees
in relation to the matter.
Society will meet at the Court House GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Ete^ Eto.
T in tural Jacksonville
on Saturday, August 28,
1875, at 1 o’clock p. m ., for the purpose of
taking into consideration the propriety and
expediency of holding a County Fair.
,;E0~ Everything sold at reasonable rates.
JACOB ISH, President.
Give me a call.
W. J. P lymale , Secretary.
Jacksonville, Feb. 16, 1875.
1 County : The proprietors of the Ash­
land Mills will not exchange flour for wheat,
only for the producer’s own consumption,
and that in their own sacks, unbranded ;
but will buy good milling wheat and pay
the highest market price.
C ounty F air .—As will
elsewhere, a meeting of the Jackson
Ashland, August 18, 1875.
County Agricultural Society will be
held on Saturday, August 28th. The
meeting is called for the purpose of
considering the propriety of holding a
County Fair. Let there be a full at­
tendance. Jackson county can and
ought to support a first-class fair,
which cannot but be beneficial to the
best interests of this section.
P ersonal .—We regret to learn that
Thos. G. Rearaes is so severely indis­
posed as to be confined to his room.
His many friends hope for his speedy
Ben. Sachs left for San Francisco
Saturday to lay in a first-class stock
of goods.
Jerry Woods, a well known kDight
of the whip, was in town Sunday.
I n B usiness .—We see by the Al­
bany papers that Martin Angel, for­
merly of this place, has purchased the
sack factory in that city, and has gone
extensively into tho manufacture of
sacks, tents, wagon covers, etc. We
wish him success in his new busi­
verware, etc., has received a large ad­
dition to his well-selected stock of Jewelry
UIE EAGLE MILLS, ONE AND A and silverware.
half miles from Ashland, have been
thoroughly renovated and put in the best
order by an experienced miller, and are Gold and Silver Watches. Gold and Silver
now turning out an article of flour that is Chains, all imported from the first manufac­
gaining a reputation not surpassed by its turers in the East. A fine lot of SETH
former good name. We warrant every sack THOMAS’
of our flour free of weevil and to be of the
host quality.
Also all kinds of E ight -D at and 30- hour
Crxjcxs; P ocket C utlery and W iuzjw
W are of all kinds ; a Dew assortment of the
tain promissory note, executed and giv­
Toys for the Holidays,
en by the undersigned to Jason Owens on
or about the 28th of May, 1875, for the sum
of $75, with interest at one per cent, per ALBUMS, DOLLS, BABY WAGON8,
month, to become due one year after date,
was obtained by fraud and’misrepresenta­
tion, and thattherefore the undersigned will Tn faet everything that is wanted for the hol­
not pay the same or any part thereof ; and all idays. A tine lot of SILVER-PLATftD
persons are hereby notified and warned WARE of the best quality. Also a fine lot ot
against purchasing said note.
Music Boxes, Accordeons, Guitars, Violins, ate.
Dated August 17, 1875.
A Fine Assortment of
Pipes. Pipe-stems, and anything of that
kind that mav be wanted. I am alao Agent
Two Hundredth. Edition. for
ENCE Sewing Machines, and keep them
constantly on hand. I have just received
the latest improved Florence, which feeds
Revised and corrected Lv the author, E. do
Jewelry, Watches and Clocks cleaned
F. CURTIS, M. I)., Ac.
and repaired and warranted. Also Sewing
Machines cleaned and repaired.
Jl&r Give me a call.
and euro of premature decline in man,
showing how health is lost, and how re­
gained. It gives a clear synopsis of the im­
pediments to marriage, the treatment of
nervous and physical debilliy, exhausted
vitality, and all other diseases appertaining
thereto; the results of twenty years’ suc­
cessful practice.
F ine G oods .—W. M. Landrum,
who is in the county with a large
band of Angora goats, has with him
some fine specimens of the dressed
Oregon St., Jackaonvilla,
hides of the animals. They are dyed
CURTIS ON “MANHOOD.”—There is no
in various colors, and for beauty and member of society by whom this book will J. W. MANNING,
not be found useful, whether he be parent,
utility are not to be excelled.
preceptor or clergyman.— London Times.
H uge T urnips .—Marion Taylor, of
Butte creek, bought to this office last
Saturday two of the largest turnips we
have ever seen. One was a foot
through and weighed 22} pounds.
Who can beat it ?
T urned G ranger .—Samuel Hall,
having sold his interest in the carpen­
tering business in town, has secured a
ranch on Applegate and proposes de­
voting himself to farming hereafter.
D eputy A ssessor .—Silas J. Day,
C ommenced G rinding .—The Pa­ Esq., has been appointed Deputy by
trons of Husbandry Mill Company Assessor Childers, and will assist in
has commenced grinding wheat, and completing the assessment of the coun­
ty. An excellent appointment
the flour is already in the market
C urtailed .—Owing to the lateness I P arty .—A pleasant party occurred
it was received, wo are compelled to at Horne’s hotel Wednesday evening
curtail tho excellent letter from Ash­ which was well attended and highly
i appreciated by the participants.
should be read by the young for instruc­
aving just received a new
tion, and by the afflicted for relief; it will
stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­
injure no one.— Medical Times and Gazette.
riages, we are now prepared to furnish our
Price.—One dollar, by mail or express. patrons and the pubHc generally with aa
■ .
"• u
■ • ■ ’
Address the author, DR. CURTIS, 520 Sut­
ter Street, or P. O. Box 387, ban Francisco,
As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle
horses hired to go to any part of the country.
Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Honea
broke to work single or double. Horses
T he H ouse W e L ive I n .—In other words, boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon
our bodies—are held on repairing leases. them while In our charge.
We must prop and sustain them when they
exhibit signs of weakness and decay, or
they will inevitably break down. Dr.
Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters, a match­
A liberal share of the nubile patronage la
less compound of newly discovered medic­ solicited.
inal herbs, peculiar to the Pacific region,
the debilitated, the bilious, the rheumatic,
the consumptive, will And the most genial
tonic and restorative ever oflered to the suf­
fering invalid. It contains no alcohol, and
consequently leaves no sting behind.
sale his farm situated on Antelope creek,
«JTThe National Gold Medal was a ward­
12 miles east of Jacksonville containing 480
ed to Bradley A Rulofsoii for tha best Pho­ acres of land, 400 acres being good farming
tographs in the United States, and the land and under fence. It is a good grata ‘
farm and sheep ran eh, well watered and
Vienna Medal for the best in the world.
good houses and barns upon it.
429 Montgomery street, San Francisco.
TERMS OF 8ALE—S11 per acre, one-half
down, the balance to suit purchaser.
<►£ «n OOA Per Day at home. Terms
ÇÜ ’0Jp4v free. Address G. STINSON
Iff. B.—This land wfl I! be sold in smaller
i  Co., Portland, Maine.
o . parcela,
ircela, if desired.
* *: *9 r