The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, June 25, 1875, Image 3

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    ihr Urnwrrafic Vimrs.
L inkville June 19, 1875.
G alice C reek , May <31, 1875.
Another splendid rain.’
FRIDAY.................................. JUNE 25, 1875.
To the E ditor of tuf . T imes :
Grand hall at Linkville on the Fourth
Having a leisure spell, I thought a
of July.
few lines from this section might pos­
Crickets are making their unwel­ sibly be of interest to some of your
Gen. P. Rowell A Co...................... Now York.
S. M. Pottingill A Co.................... Now York. come appearance.
Dan. I.. Green........... ;...... Josephine County.
Nourse A Miller are receiving a large
Chas. Hughes................................ Kerhvville
I have been In this camp since Feb­
Ben 11 ■ivmrtnd................................ Rock Point
ruary last. When I came here, there
1.. P. Fisher................................ San Francisco.
Thus, Rover................................ San Francisco
Nourse & Miller are enlarging and was a great excitement about silver
Rowell A Chosnian............................ St. Louis
G ib . A. Winckler.................................... Yreka refitting their hotel.
mines, but that has diet! away to a
Major Jackson and Lieut. Hoyle , great degree; yet the leads are all
visited Linkvilleyesterday.
here, as also a few men that still have
confidence in their being rich.
M. E. Ciirncn.—Delicious services every
Sundav. at the usual hours, by the Rever­ perous, nuinliering 37 in membership.
During the excitement, Crow A
end* J. R. N. Bell. J. S. McCain anil M. A.
Langell Valley is being benefitted Sanders undertook the building of a
Williams, alternately.
C atholic CnvncH.—Divine Services ev- by a school taught by Miss Florence saw mill near the mouth of ¿Taylor
pry Sundav. at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa- 1 Hutchinson.
Creek, some 4| miles from Sanders’
ther Blanchett.
The Klamath Indians mourn the store on Rogue River. Their mill is
M. E. Srx pay S chool .—Regular meetings
every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
loss of their comrade, Dave Hill, and now completed or nearly so. I pre­
C atholic S unday S i - hoot .. — Regular will probably not invest in another
meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two
sume they will be making lumber in
— >
another week. The building is a
staunch one, and I understand has cost
“Johnny Smoker” can get away with about $4,000.
St-vres leave .T:v‘ksonville as follows;
For Rock Point, Grant’s Pass and Rose- I any horse within 100 miles of Fort
There is considerable prospecting
burg, every day at 8 a. in. Mail closes at Klamath, for greenbacks.
going on in the mountains around
7:30 p. in.
A philosophical author advises— here. Tip Smith, Barret A Co. started
For Phmnix, Ashland. Yreka and Red- j
din«.’, California, every day at 10:30 a. ni. . “Seek thou a good wife, for she is the
out last week with a good supply of
Mail closes at 10 a. in. *
For Annlegate, Kerhyville, Waldo and best gift of Heaven.” Uncle George provisions, tools etc., with the inten­
1’rescent Citv, everv Mon.lav and Thursday . has done it, and is as happy as the
morirng at 4 o’clock. Mail closes at R p. m. i
tion of spending the Summer in the
the nreeeding evening.
festive coon in a patch of green corn. mountains or find rich diggings ; and
The mail for Central Point. Table Rock, I
Lieut. Kyle, of Camp Bidwell, who we expect to hear good news from
I'-igie Point. Bmwnsborongh and Sam’s |
Valiev, leaves every Friday morning ; was wounded some time since by a ;
them ere the Summer comes to a close,
closes the preceding evening.
The mail for Linkville, Hot Springs, Yal- gunshot through the hand, is now at as they are practical miners and men
nns and Lake City, leaves Ashland everv , Fort Klamath, under treatment of Dr.
that have the nerve to delve after the
Mondav morning. For Linkville every
Mondnv and Thursday mornings.
McElderry, and is rapidly improving. i precious metal.
Money Order Office open from 9 a. m. to ,
Alex. Miller has the mail contract
5 p. m.
Knight A Co. expect to commence
O ffice Horas—From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m ; ' from Linkville to Langell Valley,
work soon, on Taylor creek bar, near
Simdavs, .10 minutes after arrival of stages. '
Mail matter must be in on time or it will
Crow’s saw mill. I believe there is a
not go.
M ax M fi . ler , P. M.
Linkville, once a week, a distance of large bar of some 40 acres that has
106 miles, at $700.00 per annum ; ser­ undoubtedly once been the bed of
T eachers ’ I nstitute .—As yet, the
vice to commence on the first of July. Rogue river, that prospects well, but
proceedings of the late Teachers’ Insti­
The Yreka Journal of June 9th, for­ has never been worked, except by
tute have not come to hand, which ac- .
getful, or utterly ignoring the true
counts for their non-appearance this principles of journalism, does, of its { some Chinamen. But the high waters
of 18GI-G2 washed them out and filled
own accord, or through the agency of up their diggings. They of course be­
lli’Ti rned .—T. G. Roames and N. i others, enter boldly into a piece of came discouraged, after losing some
angell, representatives from Warren unclean work, wherein the mail service 150 sluice boxes, and left. However,
Lodge, ami Chas. Hughes, repre­ from Yreka to Fort Klamath via Link­ from considerable experience in the
sentative from Belt Lodge, Kerhyville, ville is brought into question. The mines, and from the location of the
have returned from Portland, where Journal, in setting forth reasons why bar, and prospects I have been shown
they have been in attendance on the such service should be granted, seems from reliable parties, there is no doubt
to have lost all regard for truth and in my mind about the entire bar be­
F. A A. M. Grand Lodge.
justice, grossly misrepresenting in ing very rich.
F«»r. L ake C ounty .—Sheriff Mul­ such a palpable manner as to excite , While everybody else was rushing
holland, of Lake county, together will) ridicule and disgust instead of aid and for the silver mines, ’Squire Knight
J II. Hudson and H. Roberts as dep­ sympathy for their pet scheme.
and lady came in and started a l>oard-
uties,. arrived in town Wednesday.
The Journal states that by having! ing house and have not frozen out,
They started yesterday morning for a route from Yreka to Fort Klamath, but always greet their patrons with a
Linkville, having in charge the Brown “would do away with the expense of a smile. And, sir, there’s the place fur
brothers, who will he tried next week military express from Fort Klamath to i your friends to go to get a square
nt that place for the killing of Oliver Linkville, which express, in winter, meal when they come to Galice City.
is obliged to be carried to Yreka,
M. Hurt.
The excitement brought us an ex­
owing to tin* impossibility of carrying pressman from Siate CreeK, that
C hange of F iles .—On and after
any mails via Ashland on account of brings our mail matter in twice a
the 1st of .July, 1R75, the following
deep snow.” The Journal misrepre­ week. That is, when the Postmasters
commissions will be charged on money |
sents in the above assertion, as the don’t forget to send it, or otherwise
orders issued by the various Post Of­
military express is carried bv Ilatton
fices : On orders not exceeding $15, 1<> A Garrett, and has been carried to sends it down to Waldo or over to
Leland. These things give consider­
cents; over $15 and not exceeding
Ashland by them for the last year in able annoyance. Our paper mail not
$3 >, 15 cents; over $33 and not ex­
both winter and summer. The Jour­ unfrequently goes to Waldo and then
ceeding $10, 20 cents ; over $40 and 1
nal further states that the road from returns; and also occasionally goes
not exceeding $50, 25 cents.
Ashland to Linkville “is closed about over to Leland. We often wonder
T he F ourth at F oots C reek .— half the year by i in passable snow, dif­ who is to blame. All agree that it must
The citizens of Foots creek and vicin- ! ficult to travel even in Summer.” It be some P. M. Many think it would
ity propose celebrating the Fourth of is contemptibly amusing that an indi­ be well to look after the matter and
July in appropriate manner. II. Kelly, vidual professing respectability, an see who is at fault.
E-q., of this place, will deliver the . editor of a popular journal, should be' If you should hear any one making
oration, and other patriotic exercises so completely absorbed by selfish mo­ any inquiry about the ledges, tell them
will be had. Plenty’ to eat and drink tives and like interests of his co-oper­ that late assays say they are just as
ants as to publish abroad such a bare­
will be on the ground, and a floor will
rich as they were last winter, and the
faced untruth as the above quotation,
1>e laid for the benefit of those desiring
roads are in much better condition.
when all of Jackson and Lake counties,
to “trip the light fantastic” to good
Also that Mr. McNair A Co. have
and I might safely include a big por­
music furnished by the Orme Bros.
tion of Siskiyou, know it to be a mis­ made arrangements with capitalists to
A good time is expected.
bring in a 20-stamp mill and test the
matter and see whether Settlemeir’s
The Jacksonville Sentinel “chips”
A nnual C ommencement . — We
statements are true about them being
acknowledge the receipt of an invi­ in and says: “It is the wish of the peo­ played out.
G alice .
tation to the annual commencement ple of Linkville and vicinity to have
M an A rrested .—A man named
at St. Mary’s Academy, which took the mail come from Yreka instead of
place yesterday. Although we were Ashland as now.” The Sentinel errs Harry Lockhart broke into the house
unable to be present, those who were In the statement, as the people of of David Birdseye, near Rock Point,
there express themselves highly pleas- I Klamath Lake Basin are well satisfied Thursday, 17th Inst., and stolea watch
rd with the exercises, which were in­ with their present mail facilities since belonging to that gentleman. There
teresting and well rendered. One of the tri-weekly commenced ; and it is was no one home at the time, but the
the principal features of the occasion only individuals, whose mercenary family, who were visiting a grove a
proclivities out-weigh all sense of ■
was the graduation with high honors right, that are vainly endeavoring to distance from the house, were in­
formed that a suspicious looking man
of Miss Annie Miller. A large num- “Rule or ruin.”
O bserver .
had been seen prowling about the
........ ................
.her of visitors were present.
* «r.
R eport of the G rand J ury .— premises. Lockhart was afterwards
---------------- ♦----------------
M ail B ag F ound .—Last Saturday, The following is the report of the seen slipping along the river, and also
as a party of teamsters, consisting of Grand Jury empaneled for the June heard from at Gen. Ross’, where he
applied for work. The authorities
G. M. Vincent, S. H. Baker, J. term of the Circuit Court:
were apprised of the fact, and Sheriff
Dodge, W. T. Anderson and Fred.
Manning, in company with a son of
’Tice, were coming along In the can­
for the county of Jackson, State of Mr. Birdseye, were soon on his track
yon, at*out 7} miles this side of Can-> Oregon, would respectfully submit the
and succeeded in capturing him at the
yonville, the first-named person dis­ following:
covered some papers about 40 feet from
1. We have enquired into the con­ residence of Elder Ritter. The pris­
the road, under the grade, and upon dition and management of the public oner was brought to town and lodged
closer inspection, found a mail bag, prison in said county, and find it in in Jail. Upon being searched, the
good order and condition, and no com­
which proved to be rut open along one plaint from the inmates as to their watch was found in his pocket A
special Grand Jury, consisting of A.
side and the end. The mail matter was treatment.
scattered about and considerably dam- j 2. Into the condition and manage­ Bish, E. K. Anderson, S. Arrasmith,
aged by exposure and vermin. The ment of the offices pertaining to the R. C. Armstrong, A. H. Bootliby,
of Justice, and find them all in Lewis McDaniel and Granville Naylor,
hag had evidently lain thereabouts Courts
order, except the floor of the Court were empaneled, who brought in an
since March 16th, as letters found bore room and the steps on the outside,
the date of Jacksonville, March 15th, which would bo the better off with indictment of larceny in a dwelling
house. LocKhart plead guilty, and
and Sacramento papers of March 13th slight repairs.
3. Made an examination of the con­ was yesterday sentenced to two years
were also among the matter. The
dition and keeping of the public rec­ imprisonment in the penitentiary.
teamsters brought their discovery to ords, and find them in good order and
He formerly worked as saddler in
town and turned it over to Postmaster in a good state of preservation.
All of which is respectfully sub­ YreKa, and was traveling South when
Muller. How the bag came there is a
he committed the tjieft.
A. M. B jlrry , Foreman.
I mitted.
The weather Is getting rather warm.
Veit Schutz left this week for Fort
Klamath with a load of beer.
rhe foundation of Veit Schutz’ new
building has been commenced.
John Bilger, Wintjen & Helms and
John Miller received new goods this
Nearly all the witnesses in attend­
ance on the Circuit Court from Jose­
phine have returned home.
The heavy rains last week injured
the hay crop but little, although there
was quite a portion of it cut.
Judge Prim and tho several attor­
neys will leave for Lake county this
evening or to-morrow morning.
The infant child of Hon. E. B. and
the late Mollie E. Watson died on the
18th inst., aged 4 months and 18 days.
E. A. Whittles}’, in former days
connected with the W. U. Telegraph in
this section, died recently at San Fran­
St. Mary’s Academy closed its third
regular quarter yesterday. Studies
wilt be resumed in the course of sev­
eral weeks.
We learn that James Lawrence and
Wm. Angle, of this county, have se­
cured a contract in the rebuilding of
Fort Bidwell, Cal.
L. Ilerling left last week for San
Francisco, having been called there by
a dispatch announcing the serious in­
disposition of his daughter.
Ah Hoo, arrested a few days ago for
stealing a watch and indicted by the
Grand Jury for larceny, was let
out on bail, C. C. Beekman and U. S.
Ilayden being his sureties.
The residents of Galice creek and
vicinity propose celebrating the com­
ing Fourth in patriotic style, closing
witli a hall in the evening. Isaac Cox,
Esq., is announced as the orator of the
A couple of hoys, aged about 1.3 and
14 respectively, thinking that they i
could do for themselves, started off
Saturday tor tho North unbeknown to
their parents. A messenger was sent
after them, who, after goirg some dis­
tance, met them coming back, they 1
having evidently concluded that Jack­
sonville was not the worst place in the
world after all.
A correspondent writing from Ap­
plegate, under date of June 11th,
says: “The latest discovery is three
miles below the Yank ledge, being
situated on both sides of Rogue River.
It is supposed to be immensely rich ;
there being plenty of gold visible to
tho naked eye and is said to yield
$500 per ton. There has, up to the
present writing, been but two tons of
rock taken from the ledge, and that
by E. R. Scott.”
Farmersand others having improved
or unimproved farms to let or for sale,
can have them advertised, free of
charge, in “The HW Shore, ” an 8-page
monthly, illustrated paper, to be pub­
lished at Portland in the interest of
immigration—first number to appear
July 1st. Write location of farm,
number of acres, what improvements,
price asked, name of owner and where
to inquire. Address, Publishers licif
Shore, Portland, Oregon.
P ersonal .—C. C. Beekman left last
week for San Francisco, and is expected
home in a few’ days.
Dan. L. Green, the efficient Sheriff
of Josephine, was in town this week in ■
attendance on the Circuit Court.
S. Campbell and E. C. BrooKs-left
for the Jewett ledge yesterday.
Robt. A. Miller, who has been at- !
tending the San Jose University for
the past year, returned home Wednes­
Judge Bronaugh left for Portland
Judge Reed arrived Monday from
Galice creek.
Hon. J. F. Watson started on a busi­
ness trip to Kerhyville yesterday.
Mr. Wm. Hess, formerly of this
county, but now a resident of Dresden,
Germany, is on a visit to his many
W. F. Cornell returned from the
Beaver Creek cinnabar mines last
C ircuit C ourt for L ake .—The
first term of the Circuit Court for Lake
county will commence at Linkville
next Monday, June 28th. The case
of the Brown brothers will then come
up. Messrs. James D. Fay, J. R. Neil,
Kahler A Watson, and, we learn, Hon.
Ben. Hayden, of Polk, will appear for
defendants, while II. K. Hanna, Esq.,
District Attorney, will conduct the
Some very good rock is being taken
L inkville , June 14, 18f5<
from the Hodges ledge on Evans’ To tite E ditor of1 thf . T i .M f . s f
Yesterday odr little village was vis*
The people of Siskiyotl are excited ited by a refreshing shoWer whicH
over the quartz discoveries on McCloud Listed several hours.
Everything is “gay and lovely” herd
river, and the Journal says Galice
and prospects for tho summer rathe/
Creek is nowhere. Ah 1 ’
C. C. Beekman took 25 pounds of favorable;
The tri-weekly mail between Ash*
ore from the Elizabeth ledge with him
to San Francisco, W’hich he will have land and this place is now running,
and owing to the rapid iriefdasd of thd
subjected to a practical test.
population of this section another ad­
Houston A Co., of the Evans Creek
dition to the mail facilities between
District, are working their cinnabar
here and Lake City is grerttly needed.
claims with an arastra, pulverizing the
The district school, under the stl*
ore. How they succeed we are not
pervision of Prof. J. H. Clayton, is in
a flourishing condition and well at*
The Emeline Quicksilver Mining tended.
Company, of Beaver Creek, proposes
Spelling school, which has been rag­
running a ditch from the creek to its ing In some parts rather in the fornY
claims this Summer, with which to of an epidemic, seems to have reached
facilitate their development.
this place on Friday evening last.
Ligo Heard, of Galice creek, says The affair passed off in a quiet rrfartrtef
the ledge discovered by E. R. Scott and ended in a social dance at the
is one of the richest ledges ever dis­ hotel.
covered on the coast. There is a great
We have heard but little talk of a
deal of the rock which appears to be celebration on the Fourth, though
half gold, and they have taken rock that there is yet ample time for prepaftt*
von could not see a particle of gold in, tions.
which panned out very rich after
Capt. O. C. Applegate, who returned
being pounded up in a mortar. The lately from the East on a lecturing
ledge where discovered is a foot wide, tour, is expected here in a few days,
and five or six feet down is three feet where he will meet the hearty welcome
wide. The parties owning it are E. | of many friends.
R. Scott, Wm. Bybee and Isaac Cox. j A notorious bilk, sailing undef thd
We learn that the English company title of Dr. Jones, who made hfrriself
which has invested in Galice creek conspicuous on the streets of Ashland
placer mines, propose running a ditch during the last week, passed here a
from that creek to their diggings and few days «ago for the purpose of attend*
will commence operations soon. The ing to a little business affair vCffilch de­
ditch will be about four miles long, mands his attention in the vicinity of
and it is estimated will cost from $25,- Willow Ranch. From circumstances,
000 to $.30,000. But, when once fairly we would judge this abbreviated pre»
under way, the diggings will pay fix (Dr.) to his name means debtor,
though it may be meant for a bur­
largely and doubtless prove a good in­ lesque on the medical profession,
vestment, as the ground is said to be i Who knows ?
T om .
of the best quality, plenty of it, and
F ree E xhibition .—Professors Rockwell
but little difficulty will be experienced
<t Hulburt will give a novel free exhibitions
in getting rid of the tailings.
Friday, Saturday and Monday, July 2d,
Id and 5th, at 1 o’clock each day, of their
wonderful trained horses Mazeppa, Star,
Dan, Billy and San Jose Beauty. They will
J acksonville , June IGth.
them to carriage without bridles or
During intermission of morning ex­
i reins, with heads and necks entirely loose,
ercises of the Teachers’ Institute for I controlling them wholly by the motion of
the First Judicial District, at the sug­ the whip. This is a feat of horsemanship
gestion of L. L. Rowland, State Su­ unequaled in this or any othor country.
Mr. R. will also give a free lecture on the
perintendent of Schools, the teachers management
of the horse. Schools of in­
of Jft K«on county present pr< ce-ded structions will l>e formed after the lecture.
with the preliminary organization of Don’t fail to see them. They will also
visit Canyonville, Roseburg and other
a Teachers’ County Institute.
points in the Umpqua and Willamette Val-
Prof. II. C.\Fleming was chosen leys.
Tcnctier** County
——— •———-
temporary Chairman, and F. W. Ew­
S achs B ros , «ire constantly recefv*
ing, Secretary.
I ing new goods, «and have one of (So
Prof. Rowland briefly stated the most complete and best assortments of
object of the organization to be “the general merchandise ever brought to
semi-annual convocation of teachers of I Southern Oregon. “Quick sales »nd
Jackson county for mutual intellectual : small profits” is their motto, and (hose
advancement and social intercourse.” desiring anything in their line will be
A motion was approved that a com­ ! accommodated at the lowest rates. *
mittee of three be appointed to draft
T he F ourth .—No pains are being
constitution, and the following ap­ i spared by the Patrons of Husbandry
pointed as such : F. W. Ewing, W. J. to inaKe the Fourth of July celebration!
Stanley, N. II. Clayton.
at the Overbeck Grove a grand success,
The Committee’s report was re­ and it will doubtless be such.
ceived. The constitution was read
F ound G uilty .—Ah Hoo was yes­
and approved, and received the follow­
ing signers; II. C. Fleming. W. J. terday tried by jury, under an indict­
Stanley, W. A. Perkins, C. B. Fitz­ ment for larceny, and found guilty.
He will be sentenced this morning.
gerald, W. J. Savage, J. II. Skidmore,
Mrs. S. J. Day, N. II. Clayton and F.
W. Ewing.
WATSON—Tn Ashland, June 22d, to the wife
ot C. B. Watson, a daughter.
The following officials were then
elected for the ensuing term < II. C.
Fleming, President; W. J. Stanley,
Vice President; F. W. Ewing, Secre­ 1776.
tary; Miss Laura Merriman, Treasurer.
A motion that the Committee on
Constitution be continued to draft by­ FOURTH of JULY BALL \
laws was adopted.
Members being in haste to proceed
• !
with exercises of District Institute, I
the session closed to convene «at option MONDAY EVENING, JULY 5, 187«.
of President and Secretary.
II. C. F leming , President
F. W. E wing , Secretary.
ood music and supper will
— - - ■ ■—♦--------- ----
be provided. Tickets |3.00.
V erdict of M anslaughter ^—
The examination of witnesses in the
Briggs case closed Tuesday forenoon.
The balance of that day and a greater
portion of the next was consumed in
the arguments of the counsel, who >
were allowed two and a half hours !
each. The pleas of the respective |
sides were of the best ever listened to
in this section, and no efforts were Tnx M orld is in B loom .—Nature wean*
spared by either in doing full justice : her Summer smile. But the victim of Ner­
vous Debility is like a blighted branch in
to their case. After an able and im­ the sunshine. Let him re-vitaliae tonic and
partial charge by Judge Prim, the purify his system with
Tarrant’i Effenrsefnt Sfltirr Aperieilt,
Jury retired on Wednesday evening
to deliberate on a verdict, and, after and within a week he will feel like a new
being out several hours, returned a I“’
verdict of manslaughter.
The defendant’s counsel have moved
(YiicceAsor to Caton A Pery,)
for a stay of judgment and a new trial,
which motion will be argued to-day.
New Boot and Shoe Storch
B all .—A grand ball will be given
on Monday, July 5 th. The best of
music and supper will be provided,
aving permanently t . oc ATE d
in Jacksonville, T respectfully inform
' and a good time may be expected.
the publio that I atn prepared to do
! More particulars next weeK. Read kinds of work in the boot and shoe-making
line. Satisfaction guaranteed.
the advertisement.
i 29tf.