F t LOCAL HH EVITI ES. I ful snow-storm on April 6th. The thermometer was down to 10° below zero and the storm was the worst ever experienced in that locality. Since that time it has been very w’arm and dry, and tho farmers are irrigating the grain fields wherever it is possible, but owing to the small amount of snow in tho mountains water for irrigating purposes is very scarce. S t . N icholas for J une opens with one of the most charming frontispieces that have yet appeared in the maga­ zine, illustrating a fanciful poem by Rachel Pomeroy, about a little giant­ girl, who is certainly unlike any other of her race with whom w’e are ac­ quainted. Stories of adventuro have by this time come to be a fixed fact with the boys who read St. Nicholas, and they P risoner E scaped .—Harris, the will fully appreciate the interesting ac­ negro held to answer the charge of count of tho manner in which a “First larceny of a horse, last Saturday es­ Trout” was caught, the article telling caped from the County Jail. It seems them just “How to Camp Out at the that while James Leslie, the Jailor, was Beach,” and a certain crisis in the at breakfast, and Chas. Harris alone story of “The Young Surveyor.” As in charge, the negro asked to go out for the girls, they will testify that in tho yard, and permission was grant­ there is no lack of enjoyment for them ed him. One of the prisoners inside when they have read the chapters of the jail just then called for a basin, and i “Eight Cousins,” “The Story for the while Charley was giving it to him, Bird-defenders,” “Christinchen’s An­ the negro slipped the shackles (which swer,” and “Among the Lillies.” Harris had fastened too loosely) off his Mrs. Diaz’s “Bad Luck of Bubby feet and made tracks for the brush. Cryaway,” the story of a “Ragamuffin Ilis absence was soon perceived, and Party,” “Mrs. Headache,” and the R. L. Ish and W. IL McDaniel dis- beautifully illustrated poem of “The patched after him. Although he was Little Girl who Wouldn’t say Please,” supposed to have gone in the direction are all of them very serious in one of Bear creek and was reported to sense and very funny in another; have been seen in that vicinity, a while children of a studious turn will thorough search there failed to reveal his find something exactly to their mind whereabouts. A few days afterwards, in the “Life of a Clothes-Moth” and he was seen on Applegate. Deputy the description of “Tho Druids and Sheriff Kent started after him on Tues­ their Temples.” day, and succeeded in getting on Har­ The poem of “Tho Fays”—beautiful ris’ track ; but owing to the inefficien­ in itself—is illustrated most exquisite­ cy of thoso assisting him, together ly by Jessie Curtis, who has no su­ with some tall running on the part of perior in the dainty and graceful exe­ the negro and the thick brush conve­ cution of drawings of this delicate nient, he failed to capture him. Mr. order. Kent returned yesterday, and we The illustrations generally are ad­ learn from him that the negro broke mirably drawn and engraved; and the into a cabin belonging to a Mr. Baker, I various departments are, as usual, full stealing a pair of blankets and some of information, anecdote, and humor. provisions therefrom. He thinks the T he S quirrel .—Here, boys, is a prospects for his capture very fair. regular bonanza : Governor Pacheco, P ersonal .—Jay Beach, of Fort of California, publishes a letter received Klamath, and Misses Ida and Carrie by him from a firm of paint brush Beach, of Oakland, Cal., are in town manufacturers of New York, sutrirest- ing that he offer a reward for the on a visit. Hnn. James D. Fay, of San Francis­ skins of the squirrels, which have be­ co, arrived in town Sunday morning. come such a nuisance in the rural Ho has been retained as counsel for districts of his State. The tails of the Daniel Doty, Brown Brothers and little animals, it is said, furnish what Mrs. Briggs and son, whose cases will is known as “camels’ hair” in the come up at the present and regular brush business, and a market can be found for all that the boys can procure. June terms of the Circuit Court. John A. Boyer, who has been in at­ Write a letter to Governor Pacheco, at tendance on the Grand Lpdge of the Sacramento, Cal., for the address of l.O.O. F., at Portland, returned home the brush factory, then set your traps, clean out the squirrels, saving to the Monday. Win. Bybee returned this week State many thousand bushels of wheat, and sell the squirrel tails for a ship from a trip to California. load of money. James F. Gazley, of Douglas, and G erman M inister .—Rev. Mr. attorney for Barden, arrived in town Krebs, of Marysville, Cal., held di­ this week. Judge J. IL Reed, of Portland, is vine services at the Court House last in town, He Ì9 one of the counsel in Sunday morning and evening. He is the-case of State vs. Mrs. Briggs and of the Lutheran denomination, deliv­ son, and will, we learn, assist in some ering his sermons in the German lan­ of the cases before the present term of guage, which were listened to by a good audience. Court. George Conn, of Linkville, wa3 in C amp M eeting .—Notice is herebj’ town this week. given that there will be a Union Camp “Governor” Briggs, of Josephine, is Meeting held on the Sam’s Valley in town. Camp Ground, commencing on the 3d Deputy Sheriff Kent returned from day of June next. Ail are cordially Crescent City a few days ago, having invited to attend. T. L. J ones , Pastor. with him a witness in the case of the State vs. Albert Johnson, indicted for C ircuit C ourt .—After waiting on larceny. the Grand Jury for some time, the F rom the A gency .—A letter from Circuit Court commenced business yes­ the Klamath Agency, Lake county, terday morning. The case of the State under a late date, gives these items : vs. Albert Johnson, indicted for larce­ We have fine weather and grass is ny, was first called, and was still being considered as we went to press. growing finely. The musquitoes are gathering in F or Y reka .—Patrick Fehely left from all quarters and preparing for the for Yreka last week, where he goes to Summer’s campaign. The Agency is being whitewashed. make a kiln of 45,000 brick, which The Indian school, taught by C. II. will be used in constructing the new Dyar, is prospering. The scholars are Siskiyou county jail. He took some fair readers and some of them write employes from this place with him. tolerably well. The fish are running in the streams, T hanks .—We are under obligations which are full of them. The Indians to Hon. James K. Kelly for a supply have all the trees along Williamson river covered with fish, which they of public documents. Also to Hon. J. W. Nesmith for like favors. are drying for Winter’s use. Some say that fish were so thick in Lost river at one time that it was dan­ IMPORTANT.—Endorsed by the Medi­ gerous to ford it, as the horses were cal profession. D r . W m . H all ’ s B alsam liable to step on them and slip down. for tiie L ungs cures Coughs, Colds and Read the new advertisements. FRIDAY........................ ............MAY 28, 1875. Strawberries are coming into market. The matrimonial market is improv­ AGENTS FOR THE TIMES. ing. Ger». P. Rowell A Co.... .....................New York. Louis Hubert has his sprinkling cart ..New York. S. M. Pottingill A <’o Dan. L. Green................ .. Josephine County. in operation. Kerbvx ill«» Boek Point Ben Havmond............... Henry Judge will to-morrow hold a ...San Francisco. L. P. Fisher,.................... ...San Francisco public auction. Thos. Bnvee..:................ St. 1 • on is Old papers, in quantities to suit, for ............... Yreka Gus. A. Winckler........ sale at this office. RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. Prof. I. Cox’s school gave an exhi­ M. E. Cnt’Rcn.—Religion« service« every bition yesterday evening. Sunday, at the usual hours, bv the Rever­ Rev. R. C. Oglesby officiated at the ends J'. 11. N. Bell, J. S. McCain and M. A. William«, alternately. M. E. Church last Sunday. C atholic C hurch .—Divine Service« ev­ J. Nunan has purchased tho resi­ ery Sundav, at the usual hour, by Rev. la­ ther Blanchett. dence of II. Judge, on C street. M. E. Suxn \v S chool .—Regular meetings Horseback riding is quite popular every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. C atholic S unday S chool . — Regular among the gentler sex at present. meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two o'clock. The name of the Lakeport Post Of­ fice, in Lake county, has been changed F. 0. REGISTER AMO TRAVELER S GUIDE. to Morgansville. Stage* leave Jacksonville a« follow« : For Rock Point, Grant's Pa«< and Rose­ P. J. Ryan is having his building, burg. every day at 8 a. in. Mail closes at next door to Reaines Bros., completed. 7:30 p. m. For Phivnix. Ashland. Yreka and Red- I). Linn has the job. dimr, California. every day at 10:30 a. in. Mail closes at io a. nt. Prof. I. Cox will give an exhibition For Apnleuate. Kerbyville, Waldo and Crescent Citv. every Monday and Thursday of Odic force at the Swinden School morning at 4 o’clock. Mail closes at 8 p. in. House to-morrow evening. the preceding evening. Th'mail for Central Point. Table Rock, Canned Columbia river salmon is Fai’le Point. Brown «boron eh and Sam’s V«llev, leave« every Friday morning ; now sold in town. It is regarded as a c’o««>s the preceding evening. luxury by all who have it tried. The mail for Linkville. Hot Sprint»«, Yai- nax and Lake City, leave« Ashland every The weather Wednesday night was Monday morning. For Linkville every so cold as to kill the tender vegetables Monday ami Thursday morning«. Money Order Office open from 9 a. m. to in various portions of the country. » p. m. O ffice ITnun«—From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.; New goods were received this week Knndavs, 3D minutes after arrival of stage«. Mail matter must be in on time or it will by Reaines Bros., Fisher & Caro, E. not go. M ax M uller , P. M. Jacobs, John A. Boyer and others. Mr. Scott showed us some fine rock D entistry .—Dr. W. Jackson will taken from a well defined ledge lately leave for Goose Lake and Chewacan discovered by him on Rogue river. Valleys about the 20th of June, to be The spelling mania has about died gone several ^cpk«. out. We believe this section is the L egal A rray .—The legal frater­ only one that has escaped its ravages. nity la well represented at this session Street Commissioner Day last week of Court. Besides our local bar, had a force of men working on the Messrs. Fay, Reed and Gazley, from Crescent City road, which was sadly other sections, are in attendance. ’ in need of repairs. Thefe is quite a number of strangers P icnic .—We learn that the Temper­ ance organizations of Jacksonville, in town this week, owing to the prev­ Ashland, Phoenix and Heber Grove, alence of Court, which gives the town promise uniting in a picnic, to be held a lively appearance. in the upper portion of the valley A party of five San Francisco capi­ some time next week. talists, who have been on a trip in the northern portion of the state, stopped L and P atents .—Cash patents have in town a day last week. been received at the Roseburg Land Miss Mollie McCully’s school had a Office for John Callaghan, Henry Am­ merman, J. G. Van Dyke, J. F. Wells, pleasant picnic at Bybee’s Grove last H. C. Dollarhide, Hanes True, Andrew Friday. The event was duly appreci­ Dosier, of this county, and George W. ated by the participants. The oration of II. K. Hanna, Esq., Diinick, of Josephine. delivered at the Red Men’s celebration A dditional J urors .—By instruc­ on the 12th, will l>e found entire on tions of «the Court, the Sheriff has the first page of this issue. summoned the following eight persons It is high time something was being to complete the panel of trial jurors done towards celebrating the Fourth for the present term, to-wit: John A. of July, if the people of Jacksonville Boyer, Benton Ell more, Jesse Wilson, intend observing that event. Sr., A. Olferd, M. Lindley, Daniel It is not altogether certain that Bar­ Hopkins, W. IL McDaniel, Alex. den will come to trial at this term, Martin. and, perhaps, never will. His condi­ L ake C ounty I tems . From a let­ tion is not improved in the least. ter received this week from the Big The stages are arriving somewhat Springs, Lake county, we glean the earlier than usual, but lay over a con­ following items: A cinnabar ledge has been discover­ siderable time before starting. Sum­ ed by Oliver Swingle in the canyon mer time will be made from next where Black Jim, the Modoc warrior, Tuesday on. James Steel and J. G. Kelly, of Port­ was captured. Shook A Walters’ saw mill, at this land, were in town last week. They are looking after their quartz interests place, is nearly completed. at Althouse, Josephine county, and, T he G rand J ury .—The following we learn, think of putting up a mill is the Grand Jury empaneled for the there. May term of the Circuit Court: Math­ To-morrow is the time set for the ew Fountain, foreman, James McDon­ ough, Q. N. Anderson, J. P. True, meeting in Jacksonville' of the com­ Daniel Chapman, John A. Grieves, mittees from Jackson, Josephine and Ben George. Up to time of going tn Curry counties, apjminted in relation press the Jury was still in session, and to the construction of the Chetco Wag­ had returned three indictments, to- on Road. A son of A. W. Sturges died on Sat­ wit: An indictment of murder in the first degree against Daniel Doty ; one urday last of typhoid fever, and was I against Mathew Harris for larceny of buried the following day at Uniontown. a horse, and one against Albert John­ The infant son of C. D. Reed and wife, ot Farmer’s Flat, also died about the i son, for larceny in a house. same time. P robate C ourt .—The following We learn that operations are being business has been transacted in this actively prosecuted by the company Court within the past few days: incorporated to turn the water at the Letters of guardianship have been big bar of Rogue river, for mining the A train of nine wagons passed issued to Kaspar Kubti, as guardian of bed thereof, and that several hands are through the city Sunday, en route for the Willatnette. There were several Katharine Ruch and Elizabeth Ruch, employed in the enterprise. families, all from Jackson county.— minor heir9 of Fredolin Ruch. lloseburg Plaindcaler. Quite a large number of immigrants Letters of guardianship were also These immigrants may have passed have lately been coming into Josephine issued to Peter Britt, as guardian of I county, which is an excellent section through this county into Douglas, but Fredolin Ruch, Kaspar Ruch and Hen­ for persons in search of homes, with our cotemporary is in great error when ry Ruch, minor heirs of Fredolin Ruch, small means. There is considerable he asserts that they are from Jack- deceased. land not yet taken up, and everything son county, as no such immigration In the matter of the estate of John has left or is likely to leave here. The is cheap. W. George, deceased. Clinton Schief- Plaindealer should at least give this The Plaindealer says: Wm. Carll flin, executor, filed his final exhibit county the benefit of a correction. and prays that a day for hearing of the returned from the Rogue river mines Go one, go all, both great and small, same be set. July 6, 1875, was ap­ last week, where he took about 20 miners. His reports of that locality and examine the large stock of Spring pointed as the time for said hearing. are very flattering, and those he took and Summer goods received by Sachs In the matter of the estate of Samuel there commenced operations on good Bros. They have selected them with Dewitt Asher Iltald, Administrator, paying placer diggings the same day. a view to suit the tastes and fancies of filed his final exhibit and prays that a A correspondent of the Mercury, everybody, and are offering them very day be set for hearing. Prayer grant- , ed, and July 6, 1875, appointed as the writing from Chewacan Valley, says low for cash and to prompt paying cus­ * that that section was visited by a fear­ I tomers. day for said hearing. I I ■ ■ . ■— ♦----------------- — K. KUBU, NEW, THIS WEEK. Notice of Final Settlement. Odd Fellows’ Building, JacKwBvilk, Orrgn, In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson countv, sitting in Probate May 26, 1875. DEALER & WORKER IN In the matter oi tho Estate of Samuel De­ witt, deceased. I SHER D. HEALD, ADMINISTRATOR 7V of said estate, having filed in said Court TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, «U. his final account for settlement, and also praying for an order lor setting the time for hearing the same; therefore notice is Pump«, hereby given that said final account will be heard' and determined in said Court on Tuesday, the 6th day of July, 1875, at which time all persons having any objections to AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, sair. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitter«, the great vegetable tonic of the age. LARGE STOCK ? NEW GOODS —AT— Everything sold at reasonable rates. Give me a call. K. KUBLL Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1875. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. ASHLAND, OGN., JOHN NEUBER, CHEAP FOR CASH! fflHF, UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST RE- L turned from San Francisco, where he has purchased the most complete assort­ ment of General Merchand: a ever brought to this market, and is now receiving the same. Having ¡mid cash for my goods and bought them cheap, I intend gelling them CHEAP FOR THE CASH. I take country produce in exchange for goods, and also sell to good men on time on as reasonable terms as any other house n the oouuty ; but 1 iutend to make the cash trade a dpeclalty, and any one that has cash to pay for goods will find it to their in­ terest to give me a call before purchasing. R. B. HARGADINE. Ashland, May 11, 1875. MRS. BROWN, OULU IN CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SIL- verware, etc., has received a large ad­ W ATCHES, dition to his well-selected stock of Jewelry and silverware. ELGIN AND WALTHAM, Gold and Silver Watches, Gold and Silver Chains, all imported from the first manufac­ turers in the East. A fine lot of SETH THOMAS’ EIGHT-DAY WEIGHT CLOCKS. Also all kinds of E ioht -D ay and 30- houb C locks ; P ocket C utlery and W illow W are of all kinds ; a new assortment of th* most elegant Toy« for the Holidays, CONSISTING of DOLLS, BABY WAGON«, ■WORK-BOXES; ASHLAND, Tn fact everything that is wanted for the hol­ idays. A fine lot of SILVER-PLATED Millinery and Ladies Goods, WARE of the best quality. Also a fine lot at .Vtmc Boxes, Aecordeons, Guitars, Violms, «to. A Fine Assortment of . RIBBONS OF ALL KINDS, CREWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, Pipes, Pipe-stems, and anything of that Flowers, Feathers and Trimmings, kind that mav be wanted, i am also Agent for the GROVER A BAKER and FLOR­ ENCE Sewing Machines, and keep them HAIR, JUTE AND constantly on hand. I have just received the latest improved Florence, which feed* the work FROM THE OPERATOR. LINEN BRAIDS AND : SWITCHES, pAT Jewelry, Watches and Clocks cleaned and repaired and warranted. Also Sewing Machine« cleaned and repaired. —ALSO Give me a call. 29tf. ALBUMS, Agent for McCall's Bazaar Fashions. Ladies* and Gentlemen*« YOU FURNISHING and SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL SOON ON BEN SACHS, FANCY GOODS; And examine his Full and Elegant Stock of DRY-GOODS, Consumption, and all diseases of the Throat TOBACCO, PIPES AND CIGARS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, and Chest. D r . T ownsley ’ s T oothache GROCERIES, A nodyne cures in one M inute . BORN. Candies and ¿¡ufs of Every Description, IIYZ^R—On May 22, 1875, to tho wile of Joseph H. Hyzer, a son. CROCKERY, NEW, THIS WEEK._ Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson county, sitting in Probate May 26, 1875. In tho matter of the Estate of John W. George, deceased. fl SCIIIEFFELIN. EXECUTOR OF THE vJ. said estate, having filed in said Court his final account for settlement, and also praying lor an order tor wetting the time lor hearing the same ; therefore notice is hereby given that said final account will be heard and determined in said Court on Tuesday, the 6th day of July, 1875, at which time all persons having any objec­ tions to said final account and settlement must then and there make the same. By order of Hon. E. B. Watson, County Judge. E. D. FOUDRAY, Clerk. May 26, 1875. _ 22x25. BOOTS and. SHOES, GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS & CHAIRS, TOYS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC., ETC. CLOTHING, VERYrTHIl|& SOLD AT REASONA- 6le rates. Give me a call and judge for yourselves. 33tf. LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, E EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, CROCKERY, ETC., C alifornia S treet , Webb & Jan«*, - - - Proprietor«» At E. Jacob*« New Store, Orth’a Brick Building, Jacksonville. •\TONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND BEST li Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cighrs kept. ° DRINKS, 12} CENTS. ll OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t at the very lowest rates. If you dou*t pay. Families needing anything in niy line believe me, call and ascertain prices fur can always be supplied with the purest and yourselves. humbug! best to be found on the Coast. Give me a ' All kinds ot No produco and hides taken in call, and you will be well satisfied. 29tf. exchange for goods. 42tf. A