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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1875)
) She limitatif Sinus. THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES *Y Official Paper for Jackson & Josephine $ OFFICIS-On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Erick Building. Males of Nnbscriptiou: One copy, per annum, 44 six months, ... 44 three months. $J.on 2.00 , 1.00 VOL. V. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. STATE OF OREGON. Dr. L. DANFORTH, t JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1875. F. K. ARNOLD. T. A. DAVIS. T. A. DAVIS & CO., MINERS' MEETINU. E vans C reek , April 24, 1875. Pursuant to call, the miners of Evans PITYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Creek and vicinity met for the purpose of organizing a new mining district, ’ ’ ’ ’ as as removed to Jacksonville, and tenders forming a set of by-laws, electing a his professional services to tho public. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Office and residence on Third street, oppo 71 Front Street, local recorder, and to attend to any site and east of the M. E. Church. Circuit Judge,................................... F. P. Prim other business for the benefit of the District Attorney ............... H. K. Hanna Oregon mines. Portland« JACKSON COUNTY. J. H. STINSON. Tho meeting was called to order, Conntv Judge............................ F. R. Watson and on motion of B. F. Wade, E. Mor „ .' . , ( John O’Brien, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-L AW, County Commissioners...... Hueston E KEEP CONSTANT u ’ ON HAND gan was elected Chairman ; on motion AND JUSTICE OF THE ?<ACE. Sheriff........................................ L W. Manning a complete stock of of J. Satterfield, B. F. Wade was Clerk.............................................................. F.. D. Foudrav elected Secretary; on motion of J. V *■ ’Treasurer,............................................ K. Kubli Assessor...................................................... W. A. Childers Satterfield, the Chairman appointed B. School Superintendent,.......... H. C. Fleming Office one block north of Court House, F. Wade, A. Morrison and J. II. Cod Jacksonville, Oregon. 14. Surveyor,.. • •• • ..................... •••« ......•••J. Hovrard PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, ing, committee on resolutions and by Coroner........................................... H. T. Tnlow laws. H. ÏL IIAIFNA, Official Paper.................... D emocratic T imes Henry Mitchell was elected recorder PATENT MEDICINES, JOS Era INK COUNTY. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, for the term of one year. fYinnty Judge,.......................... M. F. Baldwin Jacksonville, Oregon, The following preamble and resolu GLASSWARE, WIE DOW GLASS, County Commissioners,...... f I tions and by-laws were reported by the RhprifT....................... .................. Dan. L. Green Will practice in all tho Conrtsoftho Sitate. committee, and unanimously adopted: Prompt attention given to all business left Clerk.......................... .................. Cha*. Hntrhes Painij, Oils and in mv care. W hereas , We, the miners of Evans Treasurer................. .................... Win. Nancke Assessor................... ..................... lohn Howell Office in Court House—upstairs. Creek, in Jackson county, Oregon, be PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, lieve that there are valuable lodes of Schoo! Superintendent,............... B. F. Sloan Fnrvrvor,................................... W. N. Sanders C. W. KAHLER. E. B. WATSON. quartz, containing gold, silver, cinna Coroner.......................................Geo. E. Briggs KA2IZX3, Ä WATSON, Bllii VITRIOL, Official Paper,................... D emocratic T imes bar and other valuable metals, and also much ground that would be valuable COURT SITTINGS. ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-L/AV, LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. for placer mines, situated on Evans .Tnrkivm Cminty-— Circuit Court, second mc ::: c . iyr '-E, crcgjn , Creek and in its vicinity, and whereas Monday In February. June and November. County Court, first Monday in each month. we are without any local organization, .f<».<enA»nr An/wt»/.—Circuit Court, fourth Will practice in the Supreme, District and and believe it necessary for tho suc flSFSolo Agents for Oregon for the Jele- other Courts oft his State. Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc Office in Court House — upstairs. brated C.47?/fOL7C SHEEP PIP, which cessful development of tho mines ; tober. Conntv Court, first Monday in Jan kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sleep, therefore uary, April, July and October. and is a sure cure for ecrew-worm, scab and H. KELLY. Resolved, That we form a now min JACKSONVILLE rRFCTNCT. foot rot. Circular sent on application. ing district in conformity with the Justice ■ f the Peace,...................J. H. Stinson attorney counselor - at - law , Constable................................... A. M. Asbury laws of the United Slates, and the lo TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, cal laws of Oregon. And also elect a (C. C. Beckpian, rrcs’t, local recorder, adopt a set of by-laws, j Sol. Sachs. Will pract’co in all tho Court* of tho State. Cor. Cal. & Orogen Sts., and attend to any other business for John Miller, Prompt attention given to all business en Trustees, | Henrv Judge, trusted to mv rare. the benefit of the mines. Governor,....................................... L- F. Grover Mecretarv of State,................. S. F. Chadwick State Treasurer,.......................... A. II. Brown Stat« Printer................................ M. V. Brown Sup’l of Public Instruction...!,. L. Rowland W NO. 20. lieved, the recorder shall turn over to his successor all hooks, papers &c., per taining to his office. On motion of A. Morrison, it was ordered that the proceedings of this meeting be sent to the T imes and Sen tinel offices for publication. E. M organ , Chairman. B. F. W ade , Secretary. LETTEIi FROM THE YANK LESUE. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertisements will be inserted in the T imes at the following rates : One souare, one insertion...................... ..$3.00 each subsequent one......... 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduction from the above rates made to vearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always taken at par. ever had on the line. The Stage Com pany will also put on the most comfor table and roomy coaches for Summer travel, with experienced drivers. With six-horse coaches and smooth roads, over the airy hills and green val leys of Southern Oregon and Northern California, the trip may be one of pleasure. Quartz discoveries are frequent at Canyonville, and lately one on Oily Creek, and other places too numerous to mention at present. R oseburg , May 3, 1875. E ditor B ulletin : ’ Having visit WnAT the G rangers H ave D one ed the Yank Ledge and Galice Creek S ince T heir O rganization . — A mines on purpose to write of them New York dispatch of April 21st says: anything that might appear new and Past Master Wright, of California, interesting to your readers, I would and Worthy Lecturer Thompson wera say that I find very little that is new entertained by Knickerbocker Grange to say pertaining thereto at present. About a dozen miners and resident Patrons of Husbandry. Grand Lec claim holders remain at Quartzville, turer Thompson said : In 1866, when fewer in number than I anticipated. there were only twenty Granges in the The principal business now at the United States, a connection with the Yank is to prove up the claims for the infant Order was almost disgraceful. Government patents, that is, put on American farmers, till recently, have $100 worth of work each year for five ignored the principle that is moving years, or $500 worth in one year to the world—the principle of association. obtain a patent for a claim, which in Their individualization was the cause this camp are surveyed off 1,500 feet of their subjection to almost every wide—about 21 acres in each claim. other interest. Six years ago no man One company has run in a tunnel in ufacturers dealt with us directly, no the Yank from the river 33 feet, from elevators or warehouses were owned the far end of which we obtained by us, no insurance was controlled by specimens that appear to carry the us. Now in one State alone there are average characteristics of the ledge, thirty-one insurance companies, and but no late assays have been made to more than half the elevatorsand ware show how much improvement there is houses in Iowa and Wisconsin are in the inside rock. Many.of the claim under our control. Furthermore, we owners being unable to place a mill on have agents in every section of the their claims, conclude to prove up and country, to whom we receive prices 40 await further developments by those or 50 per cent, higher than we former who are more favored. A subscrip ly received from local buyers. The I K. Kubli. Office in the building formerly occupied by Ja^ùjauvlZle, Orasen. BY-LAWS. i Kahler dr Watson, opposite Court House. tion for buying a quartz mill is in cir Patrons of Husbandry saved $5,000,- ...U. S. ITavden Reco-der....................... ..... TTcnrv Pape A rticle 1. This district shall in culation at the mines, and in Jackson 000 in 1873, $12,000,000 in 1874, and Treasurer,.................. J. P. McDaniel J. A. CATXENDFR. M. T». | A. C. MATTHIAS, M. D. Marshal...................... clude that portion of territory situated county, among tho farmers. They re according to present indications will ......Sila* J. Dav Street Commissioner DAVLD LINN in Jackson county, State of Oregon, port $1,500 raised in this way. It is save at least $20,000,000 in 1875. CALLENDER & MATTHIAS, as follows : Beginning at the mouth also reported that a party has gone to Eight years ago there were 10 Granges, SOCIETY NOTICES. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of Sardine Creek, running up said San Francisco to bring in a mill via next year 50, next 190, next 2,000 ; of furniture, consisting of creek to its head ; thence due north Coos Bay steamer, thence over the now there are 15 Granges joining our JACKSONVILLE, CRtßÜN. Jtifkionvillr lodrr No. 111. 1.0.0. F.. BEDSTEADS, to the county line ; thence due east a road to the mines. More need there is ranks daily. Holds its regular meetimr* every Saturday evenintr at the Odd Fel distance of some thirty miles to the now for capital than for laborers. Yet, BUREAUS, TABLES, B lushing .—The suffusion or red low's Hull. Brothers in good standing are i Having formed a co-partnership for the prac Umpqua and the Trail Creek trail ; with patents for their claims, owners tice of our profession, we offer our ser invited to attend. dening of the skin, particularly of the GUILD MOULDINGS, thence in a southerly direction along can afford to wait until capital seeks C. W. SAVAGE, N. G. vices to the public. face, which is termed “blushing,” is a said trail to the crossing of said creek; the mines as an investment, when sat Office on California Street, opposite the S ot .. Saras, Rec. Ser’v. STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, Union Livery Stable. Jacob Ish, Isaac Sachs, Kaspar Kubli. thence down said creek to Rogue Riv isfied that such an outlay will be safe physical phenomenon entirely depend Trustees. er ; thence down said river to the place and permanent—a matter that the two ent upon mental influences. The num CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. Dr. J. C. BELT, of beginning ; the same shall be known mills aforesaid will prove. I found the ber of persons who suffer—actually suf Jurksmillf Mrnnm 5o. 11”. T. 9. K. fer—fmm a tendency to blush is large, PARLOR <t BEDROOM SUITS, as the Evans Creek Mining District. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, exteut of the ledge immense ; in every I Holds its regular meetintrs everv Thursdav A rt . 2. The extent of a claim on way equal to previously published de hence it may be encouraging, however, evenintr at the Odd Fellows’ Hall. Brothers ETC., ETC. Jaekson rille. Oregon. any mineral vein shall be 1,500 lineal scriptions ; far surpassing any we had to these distressed ones to know that— in good standing arc invited to attend. It is better for one to blush than to F. GROB, O. C. Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on feet along the lode, and 300 feet on ever seen in size and length ; enough S imon C auo . R. S. hand and made to order. Planing done on each side from the centre of the lode. turn pale. for each, enough for all. Several oth Trustees—Herman V. Helms, E. Jacobs, Havinor located in tho town of Jacksonville, reasonable terms. "A3~ Undertaking a spe That a blush is a sign which nature A rt . 3. No person shall hold more er parallel ledges to the Yank exist— for tho purpose of nracticine Surgery and cialty. Max Muller. | 29tf. ■ ■ other branches of his profession, respect than one claim on any ore vein by lo one, two and three miles away, and hangs out to show where chasity and fully asks a portion of the public patron Przoninn Porahnntas Trib* No. 1. Ini- cation ; by purchase any number of abreast of it—hut we were unable to honor would dwell. THE age. Office—Second door north of the U. proved order of Red Men, holds its I That a blush is nature’s alarm at claims may be held. give them a personal inspection. One 8. Hotel. 48ff. stated councils at the Red Men’s the approach of sin and her testimony A rt . 4. All claims shall be measured I of them was reported even better than Hall the third san in everv seven suns, in CITY DRUG STORE, the eighth run. A cordial invitation to all on a horizontal line and numbered 1, i j the Yank. We found in the tunnel to the dignity of virtue. MARY ’ S ACADEMY, That a full, blown rose besprinkled ST brothers in good standing. „ 2, 3, &c., from the original discovery several yellowish streaks of rotten SOL. SACHS, S. JACKSONVILLE. with the purest dow, is not so beauti on the direction of the lode both ways. quartz crossing the tunnel at right CONDUCTED BY C. W. S avage . C. o ( R. A rt . 5. No person shall be entitled angles with the rift of the ledge, some ful as a child blushing beneath its par to a vote at any meeting held for the of eight inches in width, and this kind ent’s displeasure and shedding tears of Orrgon Division 5o. 1, THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES, HE NEW FIRM OF KAHLER <t Bno. sorrow for its faults. Sons and Dauehters of Temperance, meet* have the largest and most complete regulating of mining interests in this of rock appears to slack down by ex And that so long as vicious or sinful TnA^dav evening of each wook m tno district, unless they are owners or part posure at the mouth of the tunnel. assortment of Red Men’s Hall. Brothers and sisters in HE SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF THTS owners of either quartz or placer claims The placer mines near and on Galice allusions and acts cause the warm pood standing are invited to attend.__ DRUGS, MEDICINES <t CHEMICALS, school will commence about the middle D XN’L. CRONEMILLER, W. P. within the district. Creek are of large extent and afford blood to crimson the cheek, the soul is of Aueust, and is divided in four sessions, J. R. W ade , R. S. A rt . 6. All meetings for the elec good pay. The two larger are clean quickened by higher spiritual impres Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also of eleven weeks each. The following are the the latest and finest styles of tion of officers and the changing of ing up for the season preparatory to sions, and impurity is offensive to it. terms: Warrcii Lodre 5o. 10, A. F. fc A. M.. Board and tuition, per term,............ ..$40.00 these Jaws must be called by posting putting up better works and new F ruit A long L ine F ences . —The JF Holds its regular communications Bed and Bedding................................. . ... 4.00 STATIONERY, written notices in at least three public ditches for running on a larger scale. Court \ on the Wednesdav eveninp* or pre Drawing and painting......................... .. 8.Q0 of Appeals of New York State And a great variety of PERFUMES and places in the district, or by publishing Very light rains in Jackson and Jose has recentl}’ decided that a man has no ceding the full moon, in Ve' Piano....................................................... ... 15.00 ROn. T. G. REAMES, W. M. Entrance fee, only once,.................. ••• 5.00 TOILET ARTTCT.ES, includine the best and the same in some newspaper printed phine counties have retarded placer cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER in the county, or some adjacent coun mining in these counties, and the pro right to the fruit growing upon the M ax M uller , Sec’y. FUMED SOAPS in this market. SELECT DAY SCHOOL. --- <--------- - branches overhanging his land where 'tìT Prescriptions carefully compounded. ty ; such publication to be made by duct of dust there is unusually light the trunk of the tree stands wholly Rnlh Rrbrknh Dczrrf Lodzr No. 4,1. 0. 0. F., Primary, per term,................................... $ 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. the recorder in each case during at this season. Persons visiting the Galice upon the land of his neighbor. But Hold* its regular meetings on every other Junior, “ .................................... 8.00 least twenty days previous to such and Yank mines from the north, will the law regards the overhanging Momlay evening at Odd Fellows Hall. Senior, “ .................................... 10.00 find the route from the stage road five branches as a nuisance, and they may Member» in good standine are invited to Pupils are received at any time, and their TABLE ROCK SALOON, meeting, stating the object thereof. attend. K. KUBLI, N. G. A rt . 7. The recorder shall he elected miles shorter by leaving the road at II. terms will be counted from the day of their OREGON STREET, removed as such, or the owner of R achel F isher , R. S. entrance. For further particulars apply at by a majority of the claim holders Smith’s, on Wolf Creek, and follow be the land shaded may remove them if the Academy. 2frtf. INDEPINDENT LITERARY SOCIETY, WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. present at the annual meeting to be the road down it five miles on wagon he is careful not to commit any wan held in May of each year. road, thence over saddle trail ten miles ton or unnecessary destruction in so Hold« its regular meetings at the District GEORGE 8CHUMPF. A rt . 8. He shall record all claims to Yank. II. Smith has the largest doing. Where the trunk of a tree School House everv Fridav evening. CHAS. NICKELL, President. he proprietors of titls well - presented for that purpose, and be en hotel building in Southern Oregon, BARBER, C has . J. H owarp , Sec’y. known and popular resort would in titled therefor a sum not exceeding $2 42x28, two stories, with an ell of the stands on the line, they have a joint form their friends and the public generally CALIFORNIA STREET, Jacksonville. that a complete and first-class stock of the for each claim recorded. Provided, same size, a store, warehouse, etc. ownership in the tree and fruit, and neither has the right to remove it with JOHN L. CARTER <fc SON. best brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and that it shall not be lawful for him to Near Smith’s ftioy leave the stage road out the consent of the other. This porter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. record any claim in conflict with any also for the Wolf Creek and Cayote PAINTERS. he undersigned takes pleas - They will be pleased to have their friends prior location. He shall endorse on all Creek mines ; the latter we visited, question, which has been the source of ure in announcing that he is now in “call and smile.” much litigation, and many personal notices placed on file in his office, the and found some twenty miners en quarrels, stalled in his new and eleirant quarters, CABINET. is now finally settled by the E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO which are fitted up in the latest and most A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found exact time of presentation for record. gaged in washing for the precious court of last resort, and interested par approved style. All branches of the busi here. We would lie pleased to have persons It shall be his duty, if required by the metals, with encouraging success. all kinds of Painting, including ness executed in first-class manner. ties can now know their rights, and possessing curiosities and specimens bring I have also added bath-rooms, complete them tn. and we will place them in the Cab locator, to furnish each shareholder McWilliams & C’o.’s claim took out $37 also their remedies, in all such cases HOUSE PAINTING, and convenient in their appointments, and inet for inspection. with a certificate of his claim, attested the day before, two men. O’Shea took as may arise in the future. SIGN PAINTING, those desiring a good, clean bath of any de by the seal of his office, for each of out $800 the week before—fine claim, WTNT.TEN <t HELMS. ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, scription can be accommodated. Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. which he shall receive the sum of fifty cement and gravel, coarse gold—one WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. T hey got up a surprise party Thurs DANDRUFF LOTION, cents. Before recording any claim he piece weighing five ounces, and several day night last on a young married ALL Style* of Graining Done. BAILROAD SALOON, shall satisfy himself that no rights are eight to ten dollars. Lawyer Kelley, couple, at whose house in Swampoodle An entirely new discovery for cleansing Order* from the country promptly attend infringed, and in all cases priority ol of Jacksonville, owns a large gravel a similar affair was one of the social the scalp and restoring the hair to its natu THTRD STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OR ed to. 21 m3. claim here, thought to be very rich, successes of the last season. The con location shall determine ownership. ral vigor. Price, $1.00 per bottle. the soil and gravel’beingsimilar to the spirators were met calmly but cordially A rt . 9. It shall be the duty of the HENRY PAPE, Engineer. FARM FOR SALE. RAZORS CAREFULLY PUT TN ORDER. recorder to make a transfer of all great Blue Gravel claim in California. at the gate by the husband, who rested claims in bis book to the County Clerk Mr. Davis also has good claims. On on his shot-gun, while his beautiful HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his farm situated on Antelope creek. EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, THROUGH TICKETS, 12} C ents . in every twenty days from the 14 th of the whole, it is the most promising and accomplished wife, whose face and 12 miles east of Jacksonville, containing 480 mining district we ever visited, and form were visible inside the porch, February, 1875. C alifornia S treet , acre* of land, 400 acres being good farming A rt . 10. All transfer of claims or with more water and hydraulics, for said she didn’t think she could keep tend and under fence. It is a good grain hoice wines , ltquors and ci Proprietor*. Webb & Jos**, parts of claims in this district shall be tunes might be washed out They the bull-dog back more than a minute farm and sheep ranch, well watered and gars constantly on hand. The reading good house* and barns upon it. table is also supplied with. Eastern periodi recorded in a book, kept by the record captured a nugget here of pure gold, TERMS OF SALE—Sil per acre, one-half cals and leading papers of the Coast. 29tf. er for the purpose, and he shall be en weighing twenty-four and a half longer. down, the balance to suit purchaser. XTONF BUT TIIE CHOICEST AND BEST titled to receive a fee of not more than ounces, a few days ago (saw it J. W. STMPSON. IN Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars A gentleman at a danco remarked IMAGER! LAGER!! X. B.—This land will be sold in smaller kept, $1 in each case, and all such records weighed.) McWilliams <fc Co. have to his partner, a witty young lady, 11 r parcels, if desired. 7tf. DBTNKS, 12| CEN*TS. shall be legal evidence of such trans Winter hydraulics, 160 feet head, and that the “room was too close—lie must gravel from 10 to 50 feet to bed rock, go out and get some air.” After an fer. NO CREDIT TN THE FUTURE—it don’t THE EAGLE BREWERY. A rt . 11. It shall be required of the the latter talacose slate. absence of half an hour he returned, pay. Families needing anything in my line local recorder to give bonds in the sum The Oregon and California Stage when she asked him “if he had been can Always be supplied with the purest and —BY— best to be found on the Coast. Give me a HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, of $500 for the faithful performance of Company will start on short time on to the graveyard, as his breath smelt call, and you will be well satisfied. 29tf. VEIT SCHUTZ. has now on hand and is constantly man his duty. the 15th instant. The company have ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern A rt . 12. It shall be the duty of the three men working on the roads to of the beer.” Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to All Kluis of Job Printing A t tho Atlas Works, in Pittsburg, recorder to act as clerk of all meetings smooth them down. The various Su suit purchasers. Call and test the article. R. SCHUTfc RESPECTFULLY IN- 29tf. held in the district by tho miners. pervisors of road districts, with their they aro making the largest shears forms the citizens of Jacksonville and NEATLY & CHEAPLY IXÍCTTID A A rt . 13. All examinations of the neighbors, are working their road tax ever constructed in this country. They mirronnding country that he ia now manu facturing. and will constantly keep on hand Per Da~v at home. Terms record shall be made in the presence of I out all along the line, determined to will weigh forty tons and will shear vd free. Address G. STINSON the very best of I Ager Beer. Those wishing the recorder or his deputy. When re- I have the smoothest road this Summer solid iron five inches thick. <fc Co., Portland, Maine; 6. a cool glass oi beer should give me a call. fcnucs, T T T T W T C - T M The Times Office« ■ — — ■