I THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES. ------------------------------------ * - * ' Z"\ 7 A / Official Paper for Jackson A Josephine OFFICE—On Oresron Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of Subscription : • • One copy, per annum. ■ “ ' six months. . •• three months,........................ eb - rr 11 l 1 . 11 __i - ta.oo 2.00 1.00 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1875. VOL. V. NO. 19 —------------------------- i1 -- -------- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. e i professional cards . SWAMP LAID INBTRUCTIONS. F. K. ARNOLD. . I RATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertisement* will be inserted in th« T ikes at the following rates; One square, one insertion........................ 83.00 “ each subsequent one...... ....... 1.00 I^egal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduction from the above rates mane to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly ana promptly execut ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always taken at per. THE HTRYCTININE WONDER. N ecessity as a F orce .—There ia no moral lever equal to necessity. For some weeks past there has been STATWVF oercnN. The following instructions have been Dr. L. DANFORTH. Thousands of capable men and women a queer rumor of a man in Southern Governor..... .................................. T.. F. Grover issued by the Commissioner of the are this day suffering all the genius California, who Secretary of State................... JS. F. Chadwick PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, General Land Office to the Surveyor- ^tale Treasurer...... -................. A. H. Brown they possess to rust or dry-rot, because Like the I’ontic monarch of old days, Rfate Printer............... ................ M. V. Brown Has removed to Jacksonville, and tenders WHOLESALE druggists , Feeds on poison and they have no power. they are so comfortably circumstanced General of Oregon, relative to swamp Sup’l of Public Instruction...!.. L. Rowland his professional service« to the public. The man is about 52 years of age, in life as to be under no compulsion to lands and the proofs required to es Ftnsr judicial district . Office and residence on Third street, oppo 71 Front Street, and has a not uncommon habit of get exert themselves to develop the good site and east of the M.E. Church. Ulreuit Judge...___ ......................... T*; F. Prim tablish the title of the State thereto, as ting periodically drunk about every ( that was “born in them.” Had pov District Attorney........................ H. K. Hanna Oregon. communicated to the Governor of Or quarter—say fourlimes a year. He erty claimed them fór its own, and Portland, J. H. STINSON, JACKSON COUNTY. egon : has also a very rare and startling habit taste as well as emolument calculated Uonnty Judge........... ..... ............. E. B. Watson ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-L KW, f John O’Brien, I D epartment of tile I nterior , 'I of sobering up on strychnine. He to eliminate the intellectual gifts fn Vounty Commissioners 1...... i M. A Hueston I WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND G eneral L and O ffice , gets very drunk indeed, and when he their possession, they might have risen ANO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. ......... J. W. Manning Sheriff..... ' ’ a complete stock of W ashington , D. C., April 7,1875. ) gets enough of it to suit his taste or upon the topmost wave of popularity .......... E. I>. Fondrav Clerk....... .................... K. Knbli Treasurer, pocket, he asks a friend for money to j . to wealth and distinction. Placed To the Governor oj Oregon : A ««eater.. ■ - ........ W. A. Childers Office one block north of Court House, DRUGS, in advance, the impetus to labor Sehod'S'iTperintendent, ...... W. C. Fleming S ir : In the letter to you from this sober him. These habits are notorious there Jacksonville, Oregon. II. ! in his region of California, and they ' was lacking ; the intellectual field lay Surveyor,»....................... ........... J. S. Howard PERFUMER Y a nd TOILET AR TICL ES, office dated 13th ult. the directions in Coroner........................... ............... II.. T. Inlow excite the continual wonder of all who fallow for want of a necessity to make regard to the requirements as to proof H. K. HANNA. Official Paper................ - ..D emocratic T imes of the swampy character of land, did know the man. In the account he is i I it productive. Ambition and the love PATENT MEDICINES, JOSErniNE COUNTY. popular admiration, supply, with ATTORNEY A. COUNSELOR AT LAW, not state distinctly the number of wit nameless, probably because the writer i , of XI. F. Baldwin some minds, the necessity incentive to -County did not wish to wound the feelings of nesses required. Jacksonville. Oregon. < H. Mi**onrtr. GLASSU ’ AIIF, WINDOW GLASS, ! exertion, even when pecuniary results the drunkard’s family—he himself be County Commissioner«,.. 1 James Neely. I have instructed the Surveyor Gen ing clad inside and out with impregna exercise no influence in the same di Sheriff,................................ ........ Dan. L. Green Will practice in all tb? Courts of the State. I eral as follows : Prompt attention given to all business left ........ Chas. Hnghe« I* 1 e rk......•*... •..•••• ble cast iron. The writer says a med i rection. Prescott, the historian, was I Paints«, Oils and “It has been the practice of this in my care. Treasurer........................... ...........Wm. Nancke I a gentleman of opulence, for instance, office to require the testimony of at ical friend of his told him of this and Assessor............................. .......... John Howell Office in Court House—upstairs. he was impelled to literary labor i PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, | least two witnesses to establish the gourmand of poison a year ago, and School Superintendent....... .. ...... B. F. Sloan simply by a laudable desire to become Su \ OT «!*•••• • ■«••• va^e *««*••••*• ••• • • W.N. Sanders I C. W. KAHLER. charged him if the man ever ’ eame into F. R. WATSON. swampy character of land ; if, how Coroner....................................... Geo. E. Britnrs I eminent as an author. But cases of his drug store to give him whatever KAHLER & WATSON. Official Paper.................... D emocratic T imes BLUE VITRIOL, ! ever, the testimony of one witness, he asked for without fear of unpleas this character are not abundant in the properly describing the land is corrob i I ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, COrRT RTTTTNOS. I orated by the field notes of survey, it ant consequences. At length the mon annals of literature. Necessity has LUBRICATING OILS, IETC. ETC. Jael-.ton ChMuty.—Circuit Court, second ten distinguished writers where JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, will be sufficient ; if not thus corrob ster came to Gilroy on one of his peri made Monday in February. June and November. Conntv Cr>nrt. first Monday in each month. I orated, the concurrent testimony of at odical sprees and got drunk and drunk mere choice has made one. Driven Will practice in the Supreme. District and .7o»*nA>nc OnitUv. —C’rTart Court, fonrth least two witnesses will be necessary.” er fast. One morning he staggered perforce to write for bread, many men other Courts offliisState. Tiff* Sole Agent* for Oregon for the cele into the drug store under his heavy and women, unconscious of the un Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc t Office in Court House—upstairs. Your selecting agents will therefore brated CARBOLIC SHEET DTP. which I tober. Conntv Gouri, first Monday in Jan kill* Ticks, Lice and all parasite* on sheep, in preparing the testimony to be pre rload and looked dismally unhappy. worked mine of genius at their dis uary, April, July and October. and i« a snre cure for screw-worm, scab and sented to the Surveyor General be The druggist knew him and waited posal, dig and delve heedlessly away H. KELLY. JACKSONVILI.E FRECINCT. foot rot. Circular sent on application. I for development with a keen interest. until a sudden blow exhibits the men governed accordingly. Justice of the Peace.. ................. J. H. Stinson ATTORNEY A COUN8ELOR-AT-LAW, wealth at their disposal. The glit Constable................................... A. M. Asbury The Surveyor General was also in- The poison-proof man asked for a bot tal Í tering vein once struck, tact and en tle of strychnia. The druggist gave TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, structed in regard to the definition of ergy work it to the best advantage, it to him without a question. He next f C. C. Beekman, Pres’t. Swamp Lands, and of the right of the | Sol. Sfl<-h«. Will practice in all the Court« of the State. State of Oregon to make selections of asked for a little brandy. The man and a fortune is the consequence. I Prompt attention given to all business en Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., I John Miller. Trustees behind the counter measured him out i Swamp Lands as follows : I Henrv Judge, ! trusted to mv care. A S heep W ashing M achine .— two drachms. Then followed a curious iK. Knbli. Office in the building formerly occupied by “ In making your decisions you will Mr. Webb is getting an apparatus in Oregon. Jacksonville, Kahler A Watson, opposite Court House. preparation of his hands which looked Recorder,.......................... ...... U. S. Harden be guided by the following definition the shape of a long deep trough made, ’T re^i«n m r . ...•«,■.■« ». ..... „.Henrv Pane of Swamp Lands : The land to come more like madness than anything else. less than a foot wide at the bottom, ..J. P. McDaniel J. A. CALLENPFg, M. P. ’ A.C. MATTHIAS, M. P. At a rsh *1 ..•••••••••«■•• Street Comtitrw«lOier.....i . ....... .Silas J. Day within the meaning of the grant must He produced two needles with threads and spreading out towards the top, DAVID LINN CALLENDER & MATTHIAS. | be so swampy or overflowed at the attached, and first taking the skin on through which the sheep after being PII YSI CI A NS AND SURGEONS, Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment planting, growing, or harvesting sea the back of his left hand with the shorn of their wool are to be driven, ROfTFTY NOTICES. of furniture, consisting of sons as to prevent the planting, culti- thumb and forefinger of his right, while it is half filled up with tobacco JACK80KVIILE, 0RE60N. Jnrkannvill* Lorisr 5o. F„ j vation or harvesting the staple crops, lifted it and asked the druggist to juice, to relieve the sheep of the scab, BEDSTEADS, Hold« its regplarmeetine« every and such must be its character in a pierce It with one of the needles and should they be so afflicted. The Saturday eveningaltho Odd Fel then wind the thread around tightly BUREAUS, TABLES. I majority of seasons. trough is about five feet high and low’s Hall. Benthere in good standing are Having formed a co-partnership for the prac I “Staple crops have always been held under the needle—thus stopping the twenty-eight feet long, and the sheep tice of onr profession, wo offer our ser invited to attend. GUILD MOULDINGS, i by this office to include crops of hay, circulation in the unlifted portion of C.W. SAVAGE, N. G. vices to the public. r • ' n J 3 f - 1 1 ” ’ Tri* Office on California Street, opposite the the skin. The other hand was treated are driven into H by means of a corral Sou SaCH’- Bee. j as well a9 the cereals when such erops STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, closing in towards the entrance, so I’n ion Livery Stable. I Jacob ish, Isaac Sach«. Kaspar Kunll, I are the result of preparation and sow in the same manner. This looked I that the sheep can go through in single Trustees. CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. ing seeds, and if this can be done suc like a magician’s preparation for a file, the tobacco juice covering them Dr. J. C. BELT, PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, ’ cessfully without reclamation by drains, trick, and now everything was ready. all over except their heads. At the lirkuuivillr Mamm 5a. 1IQ. T. 0. R. I m 7 i levees, embankments or other artificial The man then poured into his right end of the trough the sheep walk up rmidwile rfimbie meeting» cv^rr TburMkiv ! hand from the poison bottle what the evenihs at lb»* Odd Fellows’ Half. Brothers ETC., ETC. Jacksonville, Oregon. i means, the land is not swampy or in good standing arc invited tn attend. druggist judged was twenty grains of on a platform, where the tobacco liquid overflowed, within the meaning of the H F. GROB, O. C. Also Doors. Sash and Blind« always on ! strychnine, put it on his tongue and is allowed to drip off, before they are S tmon C apo . R. S. hand and made to order. Planing done on grant let out. A large boiler is used for boil Hdrinan v. Helrus, *TVYacobs, Having located in the town of Jacksonville, reasonable terms. jgff“ Undertaking a spe “But you are not to- infer from the swallowed it, took a taste more from ing the tobacco for filling the trough, for th« purpose of practicing Surgery and cialty. Max MnTler. 29tf. above that because, land may, in its the bottle direct and washed it down into which it is conducted by means of other bmuche« of his profession, respect natural state produce a valuable crop, with brandy, ne walked around for of a pipe. Alex. Stewart is engaged In fully a«k< a portion of rhe public patron flrfonhn Ponhonta« Tribe 5o. 1.1m- THE age. Office—Second door north of the U. that the swamp claim must therefore five or ten minutes, and asked the making the trough,, which is said to pr<»ved order of Red Men. holds its S. Hotel. 4Mf. «♦n*rd councils at the Red Men’s be rejected. A tract of land may be druggist to bleed him from the arm. be in general use below by sheep men, Rail the third sun in everv «even suns, in CITY DRUG STORE, valuable for its wild grasses, or cran Three ounces of blood were drawn, to and much handier and quicker than thoeiBhth run. A medial ifivtiatioa-to all berries, and yet lie clearly and un which the patient added a little brandy dipping the sheep In tobacco juice.— ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, brother« rn good Mandlnff. 1 «■’' SOL. SACHS, S. JACKSONVILLE. questionably swampy or overflowed, and drank it down without flinching. Yreka Journal, CONDUCTED BY C. W. S avaob . of R. and unfit for cultivation until drained, The treatment was complete. In fif teen or twenty minutes he was a or otherwise reclaimed. . .tgA.t OrHWuDivkton Ma. Uu' bout C heat -H ay .—A Linn coun C changed man—lively and talkative, ty A 8I8TER8 of the HOLY NAMES, he new firm of kahler a bro . “ You will take no notice of selec farmer makes an important commu Son« and Daughters of Temperance, meets have the largest and most complete tions made by the State of lands sur active and well, and left the store re nication to the Granger, in relation to ■I ■■■■ on Tuesday eVerihnr of each week in the assortment of veyed before March 12, 1860. This marking that he had got over that one. the possible value of what is called nE SCHGT.ASnr YEAR OF THTS He has practiced the strychnine anti nchool will commence about the middle DRFGF, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, doe9 not apply, however, to those dote for whisky ever since 1856, and “white land.” Of this sort of land, DW’UCBONEMILLER, W. P. of Ausust, and is divided in four session«, townships on the southern border of which is generally considered worth J. R. W a PR. R S. a / » ' i Ever brought to Southern Oregon, Also the State, the plats whereof were sus it has never failed to bring him around less, there is more or less on every of eleven weeks each. The following are the the latest and finest styles of tornys: « pended in 1859 and withdrawn from all right. He claims to have “shut farm in the Willamette. The gentleman Tier’ll firte* Ma. Ifr.W 840.00 Board and tuition, per term............. the local Land Office, and the surveys down” on drink very much in the last referred to says that he plowed up STATIONERY, Hohls »♦« regular,communication« Bed aim ! Beddinff. . 4.00 on ‘be TVedne«dav evening* or ore- Drawintt and painting.............. , 8.00 finally completed and approved after few years, and hopes that he will be some six or seven acres of white land, able in time to break off the habit al and seeded it to cheat; getting his • •1 And a great variety of PERFUMES and . is.no oHin;. tl^uU Or- PWnn March 12, 1860. Entrance fee, only once,--------- ---- 5.00 TOILET ARTICLES, including the best and “Some Township«, especially those together. The strychnine antidote seed from the refuse of the fanning cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER M ax M uller . Sec’y. FUMED SOAPS in this market. SELECT DAY SCHOOL. around Klamath Lake, surveyed in may be a sure thing, but it is not like mill. From that number of acres be • • ’ A. Prescriptions carefully compounded. 1858, had left, some unsurveyed land ly that it will ever he popular among harvested twenty tons of hay, all well Until RMtl Hrrt Uil« Ma. 4, t 0 0. F., 1 ’r 1 mfir n . per term, 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist, the afflicted, who as a rule prefer to filled with kernels of cheat, or ches*, Hold« its regular meetings on every other -- ........ ——-------- —— which has since been surveyed, and N . ----- - Monday evening at Odd Fellows Hall. ^lett^rMP. - -• —■ - •— .M*. .i .■ new plats of the entire Townships re bear those ills they have than fly to as some are wont to call it, and mak M*ml»ere in good standing are invite«l to TABLE ROCK SALOON, Pupil« are received at any time, and their turned to this office ; snch subsequent others that they know not of. The case ing the very-choicest kind of feed for atte«v1. K. KUBLI, N. G. term*will ho counted from the day of their OREGON STREET, Racrnn. F isher , R. S. survey does not open the whole is reported for a fact. either cow or horse, especially so for entrance. For further particulars anply at * 1 w _ - - the Academy. 29tf. Townships to selection, but only those cattle that you may desire to stall-feed IlDEPUMtlT HTtRIRT SOCffTT, V ery often the screw hole gets so for beef. WIHTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. partsnot surveyed before March 12, He claims that an ox in fair worn that the screw will not stay in. Hold« it* regu’ar m«»*Hng« at the District 1860. There is no pretense that the in the fall will thrive and School Hou«* everv Fridav evening. Where glue is handy, the regular car condition first survey was fraudulent or erro grow fat during winter on this hay , .CHAS. NICK ELL, President. he proprietors of this well - penter makes the hole larger and glpes alone. And with the a little Cnaa. ,J. How ARP. Sec’y. ¿'X neous, only that all the land was not ground feed, known and popular resort would In form their friends »nd the public generally surveyed. Those lands not included in a large plug, making a ne«t for an the fattening process is quite rapid. that a complete and firet-class stock, of the in the old survey.«, but included In entirely new hole. But this is not al JOHN L. CARTER <fc SON, l>est brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and ways the case, and people without U ndoubtedly R ich .—During the porter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. those made since March 12, 1860, can tools, and in an emergency, often have They will be pleased to irare their friends week, says the Corvallis Gazette, we he undersigned takes pleas - be selected now, but those surveyed to fix the thing at once. Generally ure in announcing that he Is now In “call and smile.” prior to that date must be excluded.” leather is used, but this is so hard that received a very pleasant call from Hon. stalled in bis new and elegant quarters, . CABINET. , L. F. Mosher, ex-Judge of this Dis I hope thia will enable your agents TlfE ARE FT’T.TA’ PREPARED TO DO which are fitted nn in the latent and most A Cabinet of Curiosities may also I ms found to present the proper testimony to the it does not hold well. The best of all trict, and from him we learned some approved style. AB branches of the bnsi- here. We would be pleased to have persons »V all kinds of Painting, including thingR is to cut narrow strips of corks, very favorable accounts from the Galtoe nc«« executed fn ft rst-cJasw manner. possessing curiosities and. specimens bring Surveyor General without so encum I have also added bath-room«, complete them in. and we will place them in the Cab HOUSE. RJHNTINCU. / . -r f bering his records with unnecessary and fill the hole completely. Then Creek Mines. The Judge has un and convenient int heir appointment.«, and inet for inspection. STGN PA1NTTNG. papers as to cause delay in the exami force the screw in. This will make as bounded confidence In their richness i those desiting a good, clean bath of any de WTNT.TEN A HELMS. ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, tight a job as if driven into an entire and extent, but is opposed to any pan scription can be accommodated. nation and report in regard to the Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. ly new hole. ic being created, and as yet these lands claimed. , DANDRUFF LOTION, Pi ALL Style* of Graining Dene. Very respectfully, mines are undeveloped, and this can RAILROAD SALOON, A P rolific C ow .—The Oregonian only be done by a large capital. An entire! v new discovery for cleansing 8. S. B urdett , Commissioner. ’ Ardere from the country promptiv'aftend- says: “Last week we published a the scalp and restoring the nair to its natu THIRD STREET, JACKSONVILLE, OR •d to. 21 m3. He feels quite sanguine that a quarts ral vigor./Prire, 41-00 per bottle. paragraph about a gentleman living in mill will soon be in operation ther^, T here is a hearty vigor about Washington county, who was the . HENRY PAPE, Engineer. IFARM FOR SALE. RAZORS CAREFULLY PUTIN ORDER. Omaha journalism which suggests that owner of a cow that gavo birth to five and that the development if this «bo •. ' r.l -,r r ' d Z 8 — ‘ ’ ' ' ! 3JS00O VTD’Zt ? yiojr 'r • city is not yet an enervated center of calves within the space of 23 months. nanza” will be more rapid. Success to he uxderstgnet HF. UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR wale hfs farm ukuatwl on Antelope creek, CAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, THROUGH TICKETS, 12| C ent «. effete civilisation. The editor of the Mr. G. L. Roland, of North Yamhill, the enterprise. 12 mile« ________ east of JicWioffv dlle, containing „ 4*0 — _ Omaha Herald says that the wall-eyed is the possessor of a cow which ‘dis “Is Mias Blinking at home ?*’ asked SSf were« Undo •«’V* being good farming scullion who fiddles and dances in the counts’ the above. This cow gave land and rinder fence. It 1« a godd grain Mr. Sanders of the Irish girl who HOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND Ci - Pr^rUtan. Plattsmouth Herald delivered a tem birth to six calves, all within the farm and «haaiurenqh^.well .watered and gars constantly on- hand. The reading answered the ring at the door. “Yes. vnod hnnM* and barn* trpon It. lecture a few nights before, period of 24 months. During that time table is also supplied with Eastern periodi perance I Viftve she is, sir.” “Is she en TERMS OF SALE—til per were, one-half cals and leadi ng papers of the Coast. 29tf. and that he is glad that the lecturer <d«wn, the balance to eult pnrehaaw. the animal gave birth to twin9 three BUTTHi! CHAt^fcST AND BEST “An’ is it engaged you say? was partially sober at the time, and times. Mr. Rowland also owned a gaged J. W. SIMPSON. 1* Wine«, Brandies, 'Whiskies and Cigars Faith, an* I can’t tell ye, sir; but she . I C” / ■. riHIH.I ’ G ‘ M - * i J N. B.—ThiirtWd wUl Nb told in smaller kept. not dripping drunk, as usual. ff cow that would have had four calves h O Bnf kissed Mr. ’ Vincent last evening as if •parcel«, if desire«!. “if. DRINKS, 121 CENTS. all in a year had she not lost her breath.” she had not seen the like uv Mm, an* M -r1 - ’e * «» t *' r * * *’ i s G igantic F amily .—The tallest it’s engaged I b*lave they are, sir.” NO CREDITIX THE FUTURE— it don’t man in Lowell, Mass., is Columbus A correspondent of the R. F. Sy. Families needing.anvthingin my line T^’ier, a bar-tender, who is seven feet Chronicle thinks Shacknasty Jim’s n always be suppliM-With the pnre«t and -BT- T he L ord of R ivers .—The Ama l»est to be found on the Coast. Give me a he proprietor , jos . wi ^ tterer , two inches in height, 18 years old, and name is derived from the Irish name zon transcends in length, breadth and call, and you will be w»ellaaihtfied. 29tf. h«a now on hand and is constantly nian- weighs 215 pounds. His father is six O’Shaughnessy. His real name was magnificence the Mississippi, the Nile VEIT ß. C.H UTZ. ufkctmAdg the best Lager Beer In Southern feet five inches in height, his mother Shag Nasty Jim, and was changed to and the Yangtse. It is about 4,000 Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to AH Xfada «f Jolr Mating five feet ten inches, and his sister, 15 Shack nasty by Bogart the first corres miles in its extreme length, and 180 suit purchaser«. Call and test the article. R. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY TN- .. emf. years old, who has not yet “ got her pondent of "the Chronicle at the lava miles wide at its mouth. Ihirty-five forms the citizen« of Jacksonville and -------------------- •------------ i NEATLY A CHEAPLY FXHTTFD A growth,* ’ six feet eight inches, the anrroaindhpg country that be in new mann- i / ’ 5 ' beds and was given him by the set miles inland its width is 10 miles, and ' -• ’ > I ( I fa« turuu5. and wiU constantly keep on hand Q a Tfl QOA ^er home. Terms average height of the family being six tlers In the valley, without any cor- at a distance of 2,800 miles from Its 04V free. Address G. STINSON the very best of I^ger Beer. Those wishing mouth it -measures o00 yards in u idth. feet six inches. I ruption of name. • A Co., Portland, Maine. 6. a cool glass of beer should give me a call. i The Times Office. > >■ V * Ä ~ T. A. DAVIS & CO., ! I I I I t FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, *4. I « J > i i 4 I , —------------ +-------------------- I T T 5« 1 I T T 4 <• T * ; '• i ' ♦ ■. » C »J fr í- < fit’? i 4 . • • T M i 1 / 1 "-i"? •>4.