ahc ®mocratic^unc5. THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES. "J Official Paper tor Jackson & Josephine Published Every Friday Morning, By CHAS. NICKELL, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Kates of Subscription : Ono copy, per annum,............................. $3.00 “ • six months.............................. 2.00 “ . VOL. V. thr«M> I nontits,.............................. 1.00 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1875. PROFESSION AL CARDS. T. A. DAVIS. WHAT OREtiOK NEEDS. F. K. ARNOLD. T. A. DAVIS & c CO., In a late issue of the Oregon City Enterprisers a well written article on the necessity of Home Manufacture, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, under the above heading, from which we mnko the following extract: 71 Front Street, We doubt if there is a State in the Union possessed of more natural and i Portland, - - Oregon. productiye wealth than Oregon. There JACKSON COUNTY. J. H. STINSON. is one thing we can say without suc­ County Judge............................. E. B. Wataon ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, cessful contradiction, that there is no l. ounty Commissioners...... { TITE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND State that can show a greater export Sheriff.............. -....................... J. W. Manning AND JUSTICE OF THE PFACE. 11 a complete stock of for the number of people. This wealth Clerk............................................. E. I). Foudrav is probably more equally distributed Treasurer........... *........ ......"---- ►.-----K. Kvhll A W. A. Childers than in other States. We have no DRUGS, Schobl Superintendent............ U. fs. Fleming Oiru-e one block north of Court House, very poor people among us, and yet Jacksonville, Oregon. 14. Surveyor,........................................................... J- Howard PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, none aristocratically wealthy. Yet we Coroner.................................... H. T. Tnlow . 'Official Paper.................... D emocratic T imes H. K. HANNA, find that money is scarce and many of our citizens complain of hard times. JOSEPHINE JOVNTT. PATENT MEDICINES, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, Let us see if this is not our own fault County Judge........... -..... ....... M. F. Baldwin ( S. Messenger, Jacksonville, Oregon, GLASSWARE, WIE DOW GLASS, more than the cause of natural conse- County Camnusskincrs,. *■” | James Neely. qtences. In the first place, are not Sheriff.......... ..................... ........ Dan. T». Green Will practice in all the Courts of the State. the producers, to a great extent, stftnd- Prompt attention given to all business left Clerk.................................. ....... Chas. Hughes Paints, Oils and in my care. ........... Wm.Naueke inp in their own light when they do Treasurer,......................... Assessor...................................... .......... John Howell 1 Office in Court Homo—upstairs. not encourage home manufacture and School Superintendent,., ............. B. F. Sloan PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY’ KIND, hone industry ? See the enormous Furvevor........................... ....... W. N. Sanders j C. W. KAHT.RR. R. R. WATSON. amount of money our farmers allow to Cnronor.':.... ...................... ....... Geo. E. Briggs KAHLER A WATSON, Official Paper..... ............. . D emocratic T imes BLUE VITRIOL, go out of the State annually for sacks COURT SITTINGS. to »end their grain to market. These ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. I sacks could he made here, and hv so .TaeFvut Ownfv.—Circuit Court, second JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Monday in Fehrunrv. June and November. doing, would not only give remuner­ County Court, first Monday in each month. ative employment to many idle per­ CVu/n/»/.—Circuit Court, fourth W’’1 practice in the Supreme, District and other Courts offliisSTatc. sons in towns, but would give profita­ ^fUSole Agents for Oregon for the cele ­ Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc­ tober. Conntv Court, first Monday in Jan I Office in the building formerly occupied by brated CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP, which ble employment to our farmers. Just O. Jacobs, opposite Court House. kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, think for a moment what a difference uary, April. July and October. and is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and i JACKSONVTI.T.E rUFCTNCT. ■ tlis item alone would make to any J. A. CAI.I.ENDER. M,. D. | A. C. MATTHIAS, M. D. foot rot. Circular sent on application. Justice of the Peace,................... J. IT. Stinson cue town in Oregon. Over three hun­ Constable............................ . A. M. Asbury CALLENDER & MATTHIAS. dred thousand dollars go out of the TOWN OF JArKSONVn.T.E. PH YSTCI ANS AND SURGEONS, State annually for this one item alone. f C. C. Bookman, Pres’t, This entire sum could be kept at home I Sol. Sachs. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Trustees John Miller, Cor. Cal. & Oregon Sts., and circulated among our people. The | TTenrv Judge, farmer and manufacturer would get [ K. Knbli.- ” - - - - Oregon. their share of it, while at the same ...IT. S. TTavdon Having formed a co-partnership for the prac­ Jacksonville, Recorder........... ......... time the farmers would be creating a ..... Henrv Pano Treasurer..................... tice of our profession, we offer our ser­ Marshal....................... .J. I*. McDaniel vices to the public. ¡consuming element to use up the sur- ...... Silas J. Dav "»'♦"Office on California Street, opposite the Street Commissioner ! plus products on which we now have DAVID LINN Union TJvery Stable. to pay heavy freights to ship to other SOCIETY NOTICES. 1 Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment Jbuntries. We annually import not Dr. J. C. BELT, of furniture, consisting of less than ten hundred thousand dol­ Jirksonvilfr Loiter No. 10.1.0. 0. F„ P II Y S I C T A N AND S U R G E O N, BEDSTEADS, lars’ worth of farming implements, and ? Holds its regular meetings everv j this is constantly on an increasing de­ Jackson ville. Oregon. • Saturday evr-ninir at the Odd Fel­ BUREAUS, TABLES, low's Hall. Brothers in good standing are mand. All these implements could invited to attend. be made here, and we need only im- GUILD MOULDINGS, x c. w. savage , n . g . Having located iu the town of Jacksonville, j port such of the material as we have S oi _ S ictts . Rec. Sec’y. for the purpose of practicing Surgery and STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, ! not in our own State. Let some one Jacob Tab. Isaac Sachs, Kaspar Kubll. other branches of his profession, respect­ Trustees. take this item alone and see how many fully asks a portion of the public patron­ CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. age. Office—Second doqr north of the U. ! consumers this large sum of money S. Hotel. 48 tf. Jarksonvilte Stnnnn No. Il’, F. 0. R. M.. PARLOR & BEDROOM SUITS, would support, directly and indirectly. Holds jtv regular meetings every TNiursdav Our shoes, leather and harness probably evenln«’ at the Odd Fellows’ Hall. Brothers ETC., ETC. cost us another million annually. ST. MARY ’ S ACADEMY. in good standing are invited to attend. F. GROB, O. C. Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on These could all be made at home and Nex’CN C avo . R. S. CONDUCTED BY hand and made to order. Planing done on the money retained here. See how Trustees—Herman v. Holms, E. Jacobs, reasonable terms. Undertaking a spe­ many consumers this vast sum would Max Muller. cialty. 29tf. THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. support and keep the money in circu­ lation at home. Our ready made firjimhn- Po*ahonf'”i Trib" No. 1. Im- THE pr >vnd order of Red Men. holds its clothing is another big item which HE SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF THIS ** stated councils at the Red Men’s could all be saved. Now, when we school will commence abolit the middle Hall the third d houses and barua upon it. table is also supplied with Eastern periodi- he turns over from his side the tack is call, and you will be well satisfied. 29tf. TERMS OF SALE—$11 per acre, one-half cals and leading papers of the Coast. 29tf. driven into his back, and he at once down, the balance to suit purchaser. J. W. SIMPSON. springs into the air and awakens when LIME FOR SALE, LAGER! LAGER 1! N. B.—Tins land will be sold in smaller he comes down. The first night he parcels, if desired. 7tf. ' * —AND— bounded up a distance of eight feet, and all the clothes off his wife, THE CITY BREWERY, BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE. THE EAGLE BREWERY. but pulled it awoke him almost instantly. —BY— He is getting more used to the sensa­ HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, tion now, and rarely jumps over three he undersigned would here ­ VEIT SCHUTZ. has now on hand and is constantly man­ feet When the tack strikes him. by inform the public that he has ONE ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern STATE OF OREGON. Dr. L DANFORTH, Governor......................................... L. F. Grover SecfeCarv of State,.......... —,..S. F. Chadwick PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, State Treasurer............................A. H. Brown State Printer................................. M. V. Brown Sup’t of Public instruction...L. L. Rowland Has removed to Jacksonville, and tenders his professional services to the public. first jmici at . district . Office and residence on Third street, oppo­ Circuit Judge..................................... P. P. Prim site and east of the M. E. Church. District Attorney,..................... II. K. llanna FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, T T —■... . .1 ■. ■— ■», — T T W • .1.»—— — — «► # C T THOUSAND BUS HELS of superior Jackson T Creek Lime for sale cheap. Persons wish­ Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to purchasers. Call and test the article. r . SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY IN- ; ing Brick-laying or Plastering done in the suit 29tf. forms the citizens of .Jacksonville and best style and at reasonable rates will do surrounding country that he is now manu ­ to call on me. .For further information w