?lic Jtmortattc FRIDAY....... ....T................... APRIL 16,1*75. THF. MONEYLESS MAN. BY HKKMT WT ANTON. . Is there no place on the face of earth Where eharitv dwelleth, where virtue has birth T Where bosoms in kindness and mercy will heave, And the poor mid the wretched shall ask and receive ? la there no place on earth where a knock from the poor Will bring a kind angel to open the door? Ah 1 search the wide world wherever yon can. There is no open door for the moneyless man. Go look in the hall where the chandelier light I>rives off with its splendor tho darkness of night; Where the rich hanging velvet, in shadowy fold. Sweeps gracefully down, with Its trimming of gold. And mirrors of silver take up and renew In long lighted vistas the ’wilderlng view ; Go there in your patches, and find if you can A wetcomesmifc» for the moneyless man. dolook In your church of the cloud-reach­ ing spire. Which gives back to the sun his same look of lire. Whore the arches aud columns are gorgeous within, And the walls seem as pure as a soul with­ out sin ; ( Go down the long aisle—see the rich and the great, In the ]K>mp and the pride of their worldly estate./ Walk down in your patches, and find if you can. Who opens a pew for a moneyless man. Go to your Judges, In dark, flowing gown, With the scales wherein law weigheth qui­ etly down: Where’ he frowns on the weak and smiles on the strong, And punishes right where hejustifles wrong; Where jurors their lips on the Bible have laid. To render a verdict they’ve already made ; Go there in the court room, and find if you can. Any law for the case of a moneyless man. Go look in the banks, where Mammon has told His hundreds of thousands of silver and gold ; Where, sale from the hands of the starving and poor, Lies pile upon pile ot the glittering ore ; Walk up to the counter—ah, there you may stay. Till your limbs have grown old and your hair turns gray. As you’ll find at the bank not one of the clan With money to lend to a moneyless man. Then go to your hovel—no raven has fed The wife who has suffered so long for her bread; Kneel down by her pallet and kiss the death frost From the lips of the angel your poverty lost— Then turn in vonr agony upward to God, And bless while it smites you, the chasten­ ing rod; Ami you’ll find at the end of your life’s lit­ tle span. There’s a welcome above for the moneyless man. _____________ A C ure for R heumatism .—John Quinlan of Petaluma was a severe suf­ ferer from rheumatism. He procured a quantity of rank green eucalyptus leaves and heating each one slightly, bound them upon the parts in which he felt the most pain. The effect was marvelous ; the pain ceased in a short time, and in a little while the long suf­ fering patient felt like a new man. He continued to apply the leaves and to wear them while walking about the streets, and now at the end of two weeks, he feels entirely well. He has gained six pounds in weight during the last week, and says no amount of money would purchase from him the power of applying this remedy should he be attacked again. This remedy may not be equally efficacious with all, but Mr. Quinlan desires that the world should know what it has done for him, and to that end has communicated to us the above information.— Exchange. A larming E vil .—One of the most alarming evils in the present day, says the Washington Chronicle, is the most complete surrender of the average wo­ man to showy dressing. Economists have been vainly striving to arrest the progress of this voluntary slavery by decrying it, and pointing out the bad results that must inevitably follow when a love of dress is carried to ex­ tremes. Where it will all end there is no telling, but it is certain that it is producing a race which considers ex­ ternal adorement and the gratification of every pleasure of vastly more con­ sequence than the cultivation of the intellect or the advancement of the arts and manufactures. It should he the duty of every sensible mother to foster the opposite of this pernicious fashion. The remedy for this evil is in their hands, and unless they inter­ est themselves men may preach in vain. # , ■ ■ ■ - — A mong the “rulings” of the United States Post-office Department are some that read queerly enough: “The postal law does not exempt postmasters from working on the public roads.” “Ladies* garters, in packages not ex­ ceeding twelve ounces, are subject to • postage of two cents for each two otrnces.” “Packages bf human hair, not exceeding twelve ounces in weight,. may be sent by mail at the rate of two cents for each two ounces.” “A husband has no right under the postal law to control his wife’s corre­ spondence.” “Honey-bees are not con­ sidered proper matter for transporta­ tion by mail.” “When-a lady holding the position of postmaster marries and changes her name, a vacancy is cre­ ated.” S trawberry C ulture .—Tho only way in which the strawberry grower can be fairly sure of a crop one year with another, is to irrigate. This is what the strawberry cultivators must make up their minds todoif they expect anything like certain returns fur their labors. In a spring like the last, wa­ ter for irrigation will decide the ques­ tion between a profitable crop and a total failure; and in ordinary seasons, when there is so much rain that the plants do not really suffer from drought, we feel sure that the advan­ tage derived from the application of water Just at tho time it is needed, will be such as to pay a handsome re­ turn upon the investment. In many localities the preparations for irriga­ tion need be but slight—a dam and a few water-courses being all that are re­ quired. In other cases water must be pumped by windmills into a reservoir. Even in the most difficult cases the outlay will not be very large. It should be recollected that no half-way measures will answer; the ground must have a thorough soaking. The watering had better not be undertaken at all if it is to be only a mere wetttag of the surface.— Science of Health. C omplaints about our fisherman had become frequent and loud. More than once the feminine head of our es­ tablishment had thrown away the Friday’s dinner beoause she did not like the peculiar smell of the leaden­ eyed fish. One day my neighbor Rod­ gers sent his black man, sharp—witted Sambo, down after a fresh codfish. The darkey entered the monger’s stall, and having made his way to the liench whereon the large fish lay, he took up a cod and began to smell of it. The fisherman observed it and fearing that other customers then in the store might catch the hint and the scent, called out,angrily: “Hullo! you black rascal, what are you doing—rubbing your sooty nose against the fish ?” “I ain’t rubbing my nose agin ’um, mas­ ter.” “What are you doing ?” “Me talk to ’um, dat’s all.” “Talk to a fish, and what did you say ?” “Me ask ’um what’s de news at sea, and by golly he says he don’t know, haint been dar theso three weeks.”— Ex­ change. " .1 ■ 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary are considered as wish­ ing to continue their subscriptions. 2. If any subscribers order the discontin­ uance of their newspapers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrear­ ages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspapers from tho offices to which they are directed, the law holds them re­ sponsible until they havo settled the bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If Subscribers remove to other places without informing the publisher, and the newspapers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers from the office, or re­ moving and leaving them uncalled for, is pritna facie evidence of intentional fraud. 6. The postmaster who neglects to give the legal notice of the neglect of a person to take from tho office tho newspapers ad­ dressed to him, is liable to the publisher for the subscription price. —I.. (California St., one door west ofSachs Bros.,) OLD AND RELIABLE HOUSE ** —FROM— A VISITING CARD! TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. eeps constantly on hand an SACHS BROS., K assortment of the best Have on hand and offer forsalo The Largest and Best Assortment GENERAL MERCHANDISE! —U8UAI.LY kept in — A First-Class Establishment! THE LARGEST POSTER, THE WANT of THIS COMMUNITY. NEATLY EXECUTED AT WK KEEP THE TIMES OFFICE, FIRST-CT.ASS A n Irish housemaid, who was »ent to call a gentleman to dinner, found him engaged in using a tooth brush. “Well, is he coming ?” asked the lady. “Yes, ma’am, directly; he is just sharpening his teeth !” w. “J. G ray —Pack with my box five dozen quills.” There is nothing re­ markable about this sentence, only it is nearly as short as one can be con­ structed, and yet contains the whole alphabet. —AT— JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Plantation Bitters Zr « /arrZy Vegetable Preparation, eomfosed of Calisaya Bark, Foots, Herbs and Fruits, which will be found Sarsafarilian, Dandelion, Wild Cherry, Sassafras, Taney, Cenitan, Sweet Flag, etc.; alto Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes and Juni­ per Berries, f reserved in a sufficient quantity (only) of the spirit ofSu&s Cane to keep in atty climate. They invariably relieve and cure the following complaints: Dysfeftia, Jaundice. Liver Com­ plaints, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Bilious At­ tacks, Fever and Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, Palp ¿test ion of the Heart, General Debili­ ty, etc. They are especially adapted as a remedy for the diseases to which WOMEN sere" subjected, and as a tonic for the Aged, Feeble, Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intend­ ed as a Temperance Tonic or Bitters, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. S old by A ll F irst - class D ruggists . YÇ OLD MEXICAN STABLE, M ustang L iniment Oregon Street, Jacksonville, J. W. MANNING & R. I8H, Propr’«. Prepared and battled under ye immediate supern- sionof Professor Thomas B. Cross, for ye last 30 YEARS. This celebrated Liniment has no equal in ye world and has produced more cures of Rheumatism, Neural- aving just rbceivep a new &, Sprains, Scalds, Burns, Salt Rheum, Soft Nipples, stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­ riling*, Lameness, Chapped Hands, Poisonous riages, we are now prepared to furnish our Bites, Bruise«, Ao., on the human frame, and Sprain* patrons and the public generally with as Strains, Galls, Stiff Joint», Inflammation, Ac., on beast, than all other Liniments put together. FINE TURNOUTS . MUSTANG LINIMENT is warranted to do a what is promised, or ye money will be refunded. As can be had on tho Pacific Coast. Saddle by all Druggists and Country Stores. Be sura horses hired to go to any part of the country. nod get ye CHNUiNX. H A ritmais BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses broke to work- single or (feeble. Horses boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon them while in onr charge. OUR TERMS ARE REASONABLE. - A liberal share of the public patronage is solicited. [28tt] MANNINO A ISH. A BRAVE BOOK! preparation, made chiefly from the native Fieri » k found ou the lower ranges of the Sier­ ra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extract­ ed therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, “What is the cause of the unparalleled success of V inegab (H itters ?” Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the grbat blood purifier and a life-giving prin­ ciple, u perfect Renovator aud Invigoratoj of the system. Never before in the history of the world lias a medicino been com­ pounded possessing the remarkable qual­ ities of V inegar B itters in healing the sick of everv disease man is heir to. They are a gentle 'Purgative as well as a Tonic, reliev­ ing Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis­ eases. If mon will enjoy good health, let them use V inegar B itters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. R. H. MCDONALD A Co.. Druggists and General Agents, San Franc'S- co, Cal., and New York (fitv. Bold by all Druggists and Dealers. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. FLORAL GUIDEl FOR 1875. P T W RADWAY’S READY RELIEF WILL AFTORD T^ c T axt EASE xri4»N OK THE KIDNEY«, inflammation of rnE bt . addek AtFLAMMATION OF TUB BOWELS. CONGB3TION OF TUB LUNOL S ore throat , difficult breathing . PALPITATION OF TUB HEART. HYSTERICS. CROCK, DIPT« E RIA ~ CATAKkn. WFLUENRA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. ___NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM. COLD CHTLT.9. ACT'D «’RILIM The application of the Ready JRellefto the part«.» pnrtiiwher«« tbo pernor difficulty exiauwiU afford eabo and Comfort. Twenty drops In half a tnmbler of water will In afesv' moments cura CRAMPS. SPASMS. soUR HTO ma CH. heartburn , sick iii - adache , diarrhoea . DYSENTERY. CoLJC. WIND IN THE BOWELS* and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should »I w* carry a bottle of Rad- . tray’s Ready Relief with ih«-m. A few drupe in water will prevent net ties* or pain* from change of water. It Is better tluu French brandy or Biller« as • «tipiulant. . . • * y FEVER ATTD AGUE. FEVER AND AGUlt cured for flfir een»«. There Iff not a remedial epent In thia world that wilt enre Fever and Arue, mid all other Malarious. Bilou*. Scarlet. Tvphold, Yellow, and other Fever* (aided by R a D- ■W a T’S TILLSI to quick a- RADWAY d REAbY MJi- LIEF. FiTty cenu per bottle. WOODE N A ND WILLOW IT A II E, STOVES. DR« RADWAY’S Always on hand a large lot of parlor, cook­ ing, office, cabin stoves, of assorted sites, plain and fancy, constructed on the latest fuel-saving plans. Boilers, kettles, pots, and everything connected with these stoves warranted durable and perfect. All articles sold or manufactured by him warranted. His work is made of the best material and of the choicest patterns. JliT Orders attended to with dispatch and filled according to directions. He is deter­ mined to sell at low prices forcash. of all kinds, of the best brands, wh Tiesale and retqil. Also • Tn connection with all these I have on hand a large assortment of GROCERIES of all kinds—just what every married man wants in his family. And if you don’t l»e- licve it, call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN BILGER, Importer of farm implements and machines. 29tf. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For the relief and euro of all derange­ ments in the stom­ ach, liver, and bow­ els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. Being purely vege­ table, they contain no mercury or mine­ ral whatever. Much aérions sickness and suffering is prevent­ ed by their timely use; and everv family should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long exj>erience has proved them to be the saf­ est, surest, anil best of al! the Pilla with which tly market abouuds. By their occasional use, the blood is purified, the corruptions of the sys­ tem expello« 1, obstructions removed, and tho whole machinery of lite restored to its healthy activity. Interna* organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Aj/cr’s Pills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who eiqoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for anv length of time, so that ll»ey are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Althougn searching, they are mild, and operato without disturbance to tile constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each l>ox, how to use them as a Family Physic, and for tho following complaints, which these Pilla rapidly cure : — For nyapep«tw or Xadlgeatiow, Ustl«*M> n*^M. Languor and L om of Appetite, they should bb taken moderately to stimulate the stom­ ach, ami restore its healthy tope and action. For Liver Complaint and.its various symp­ toms, Hiliom* Headache, Mick Head­ ache. Jaundice or Green Micknena, Hil- lout Colic aud Hilio«** »ven, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For ISynentery or Diarrhoea* but one mild dose is generally required. For Dheumatiam. Lout, t re pa u» lb e u *»■.*•’• of 11m b.>dy with new and sound material. Rerolnla. S'phDK Carwumptioa. (Zxuidnlur dl-niaae. Ulcers in the throat Mouth. Tu­ mors, Nodesln the (Hands.ind other Jan*««/the »y-trin. Sore Eves, fitrumorou* diMharges from the Ear« and tlie worst f'Tiu. of Fkin «Ik^a.-es. Erapunm. Fever Sores Scald Uoa.I, Ring Worm. Salt Rheum. Ervripela% Acne,’Black SpoU, Wurm* iH the Flcah. Tumor* Can­ cers in the Womb, and ell weakening and painful d»»- chanrea. Nl;htswca:j, I.—, of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, cro nl.hi« the curath e range or thia wonder of Modern <"hc::.Lrry. and n tew dav»' u^e will prove many person urir.x it mr either oi tLoac iuraaior d>-ea«e its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily bceovrlng reduced bv the wastes and decomposfion tfpitMCominualiy prou resMttg. »pc- ecedain arresting liic-ie waste*. an«t rtparrs the Mtr.e w ith new ruaicrial)node from healthy bJoml—and th-.» the eARSAFARILLia« Wil! and enoa secure-« cure H certain; for wb6n orc, rtfs rame.ly eommences lw work of purification. t..Z «mceeciK in dhniuishMt t*a Io j of wastes, its repairs Will I«" rapid, and every day the put tent will id weight h>cft*»ln;'. Not only hoc. the S*«S4PAnn.ti*!V nrsotwrer rvcel *11 knowt rvniediul agenr'liilliuv'ireel Ciirixiie. scro­ fulous, Constlttmonai, aud Lklu «Lwaatai, but u i* gm only positive cure 1 -r Kidney £ Dladdcr Complaints, Tumor cf 19 Years9 Growth Cured by Iiadway's Itesolvent, DR. RADVtfAY’S . perfectly ta.telcF*.elegant’v enat< ! wi!’t cwfrijum, pnrpc, regulate, purify, clean»«* mi l streneUien. Rad- waysPHL*. I«>r the cure <>t ml disorder«,th« stomach. Liver. B<«w«-i«. Kidneys, Bladder. N«-rv»»us liiwa-e-. Headache. Constipatum. C'rdivvness. Iudicestion. Dy«- petmia. Bibousiies-.Bilions Fever Iiifianimarien at «ha Bowels. Pile*. a-«d nil Derangeuieuis <>t the lu'erual Viscera. W:«rr*ncr«l merle. . a pwuire cure. Purely Veritable,c- ntat.itug uo mercury uriuerauordeRier!- ©usclrv-- -». cuscini-. _______ _ ____ _ _____ 1 ___ A tew d.»evcf RADW a Y’S pTfXS will free the tem'from thoalxive iniux d d> order*. Price,X-cvuu tenifrom *>l *>lthoatx.vc nnux-ild> Prate,X-cvuis tx-rBciX SOLD p-rfta 801.0 BY 1-tClJGGIKTa I'KlhBHSTR ~'EAL> ’ -FALSE ^•EAD J- ALSR_A.ND AND 1UL 1UUE. ’E. ’’ ¿_ _fiend .«end on. rett« .«tar Dnn to R a DW a Y A CO. No SI Wurratk 1, N--W Vi trifoematl.Hi worth thousands will '-.ej.i.: i 9 XJ THE NEW IMPROVED x Sitatlon of the Heart. Pain in the ide, Back and Loin*, thev should be contin­ uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the’ system. Witii such change those complaints disappear. For Dropay and Dropsical Mwelllnga, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Sup|»r<*«ioit, a large close should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym- pathva As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pitta to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pitta makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM­ PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET, i AlwyiiaQrderandReidyftrWwk. If there Is & FLORENCE MACHINE within one thousand mllel of Ban Fran- cisco not working well, I will fix it with­ out any expense to the owner- PREPARED BY IT COSTS NO MORE TO KEEP GOOD FOWI.S THAN POOR ONES. Oakland Poultry Yards, Corner of 16th o«t excruciating pain«, allays Inflammation*, and cure* Conci-winn«. whether of Ih. Luaga.Stomach, Bowe 14, or olliw glaud* or oraaua. by jtro application. IN .FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent nr ercrnctatlne the pain the RHEUMATIC. Be«l-rid every pain . It was the first and Is HEALTH! BEAUTY!! LIQUORS “EXCELSIOR” LIVERY ROPE, CAULDRONS, CULTIVATORS, COPPER WARE, WHEEL-BARROWS, SHEET-IRON WARE, ■■ T he San Francisco Post truthfully says : “The Republican party, as rep­ resented in Congress, has evidently de­ cided on its policy. It will not re­ form ; it will not retrench. It will in­ dorse Grant, raise the taxes, screen thieves, and fight it out on that line. Let the Democratic party take its po­ sition just as clearly, and await the verdict of 1876. ■ ■ — ■ Cast Iron and Steel Plows. GOODS Homestead Tonic < ♦ » NAILS, MINING TOOL, SHOT, BRUSHES, CARPENTER TOOLS, - BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON WASH-KETTLES, BRASH ANDIRON WIRE, SHEET-IRON WARE. We flatter ourselves that a fourteen years’ 'experience has made us familiar with Ve OLD 1 TINWARE, BRASS PIPES, FORCE PUMPS, CHAINS, LEAD PIPE, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, HYDRAULIC NQZZLES, PAINTS, SIZES, GLASS, OLS, HOSE, POWDER. BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. REASONABLE PRICES! T he ruthless Burnham writes to her Republican : “Tiitoq, Elizabeth says, was ashamed of her size, and said it AT MOST REASONABLE RATES! occasioned ridicule for them to walk together. One would say so. Stand­ ing beside him, she doesn’t come to We invite all fo call and examine our Goods and Prices, feeling assured that we the aecond button of his vest. She is will give entire satisfaction to ALT.. the size of the average girl of 10 years, SACHS BROS. and her womanly developments are so feeble that if she were veiled you’d say she was a skinny little school girl, who had got a stoop doing too many hard sums. She wears a black velvet bonnet, with wide strings, tied under her chin. She has a black merino sacque of home manufacture, with some large beads showered over it, and about the neck a red India scarf. She holds a wicker-'*overed vial of camphor, which kept the moths out of us all during the entire session.” ...... * NOT CMC HQ UR I —OF— JOB PRINTING! In from One to Twenty Minutes. Jacksonville, Oregon, DEALER AND WORKER IN ■ i R.R.R. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS- —OF— ALL KINDS OF UBLISHEDQUABTERLY. JANUARY number just issued, and contains over 100 Pages, 500 Engravings, descriptions “WHAT WOMAN SHOULD KNOW!” more than 500 ot our best Flowers and X eg- BY MRS. I. B. DDFFT, etables, with Directions tor Culture, Colored Plate, etc. -The most usefnl and elegant A woman’s book about Women by a woman. work of the kind in the World. Only 25 cents for the year. Published in English he only work of the kind and German. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. ever written ft.y a woman is a necessity in every household, ita entire novelty anil eminent practicalness creates an immense will NOTICE. demand. Notwithstanding the delicate sub­ jects necessarily treated, it is written in such E ARE NOW READY TO RECEIVE a &rave, pare style as will not offend the wheat in store, anti1 will commence most fastidious. Lady agents never have -^»»1...... .. . grinding«on the 10th ins I. had such an opportunity to make money Our terms for grinding will be-the-eighth B righam Y oung has sufficiently •nd . Terfha and sample sheets bushel, or exchange. recovered to sit up and get married oc­ mailed tree on immediate application. DALEY A EMERY. A. L. BANCROFT A CO., casionally. Butte Creek Mills, Sept. 1, 1873. - 36tf.. San Francisco, Cal. . JOHN BILGER, THE The Law of Newspapers. eggs for hatching From the largest and best bred Fowls in the World. Carefully packed and warrant­ ed to carry safely any distance. Tho varie­ ties comprise Dark ’ and Light Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins, White Leg­ horns, Hondans and Silver-Spangled Ham­ burg«, Black Spanish, White Dorkings, Gol­ den Polands, Aylesbury Ducks and G«mo, Sebright and Black African Bantams. The of finest collection of Bronze Turkeys on the Coast. jsff-Send stamp for illustrated circular to GEO. B. BAYLEY, Importer and Dealer of Choice Poultry, box 659, San Francisco, Cal. flm3. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. FTHTE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE L existing betweew Henry R. Brown and Robert H. Brown.- is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Alîdtbts dMe the firm of Brown Bros, will be.paid to Robert H. Brown. H. R. BROWN, ROBT. H. B BO VPN. Brown «borough, Jackson Co., January 23, 1875. 6m3. Dr. J. C. AYER ¿t CO., Practical Chcmiatg, DOWELL, MASS., XT. 8. A. SAMVEL HILL, Agent, FOR SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. No. 19 New Montgomery Street, . oxÄfc W GRAND HOTEL BUILDING, RAN FRANCISCO. |^XO.H.BOGART. comer Pine tu SmeoM H. F. JOHNSON. |SanFraiicisco,Ca orma. P. A. IIF.ARN. JOHNSON A HEARN, Capital, (Paid bd la Goli) $800,000 Surplus Fund (in Gaio 206,110 RANTZAU A SHAW AND COMSTOCK A MARTIN, Transact» every kind af Legitimate Hanking liuiiineM. Forwarding i Commission Merchants, Successors to , BTYS AMD SKLLM EXCHA1IGR on the principal Cities of the United state« and Europe REDDING, CAL. IHHUEM CERTIFICATES of DEPOSIT available at all commercial and financial points. AMD SELLS National, State, City and County Bonds. ’ 7 ark your goods gare of j . a h . I1VVESTMIINTS HADE on orders. By close attention to business we hope <---------- L Z ________ __ BULLION and to merit a oontiniiation of the patronase LEGAJi TEMDHBB LEGAL TENIDKBS ItOQglit Ixraglit and sold. heretofore extended to the old-firms. 29iJ. ACCOITMTM kept In Gold. Silver ana and Currency, and subject to check at pleasure. IBTTEBKST PAID on Time Depoefts. Man Praneia. Prancia. COLLECTION* MADE in San ••and rtolnity without charge, and »nd at an aft other remitted at current KEATLY X CHEAPLY KXIfTTED ATI rates oi Exchange. ■i m O b O j M All Kinds of Job Printing 0. H. BOGABT, Cash! or. PETER H. BUB1TETT, TrosUtant The Times Office.