I JOHN BILGER, I THE The Law of Newspapers. I T he B y -L aws of J ournalism .— Be brief. This is the age of telegraphs 1. Subscribers who do not give express and stenography. (California St., one door west of Sachs Bros.,) I notice to the contrary are considered as wish­ Be pointed. Don ’ t write all around ..ATRIL 9, 1S75. FRIDAY, ing to continue their subscriptions. a subject without hitting it. 2. If any subscribers order the discontin­ Jacksonville, Oregon, State facts, but don’t stop to mor- uance of their newspapers, the publisher No G ain in L akgf . Hoca.—Pome may continue to send them until all arrear­ feeder of swine writes : “There is not alize. It’s a drowsy subject, Let the ages are paid. DEALER AND WORKER IN i a single advantago to bo claimed in reader do his own dreaming. at once 3. 11 subscribers neglect or refuse to take i — O 7 — Eschew preface. Plunge their newspajMirs from the offices to which large hogs. There never was a mon­ they are directed, the law holds them re­ ster hog which did not make the man into your subject, like a swimmer into sponsible until they have settled the bills, TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. cold water. and ordered them discontinued. who raised him pay for every pound If you have written a sentenco that 4. If subscribers remove to other places eeps constantly on hand AN he weighed. They don’t furnish an I you think particularly tire, draw your without informing the publisher, and the assortment of the best rnr.ee of meat gratis, but charge full pen through it. A pet child is always newspapers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. price for every atom of their carcass. TINWARE, the worst in the family. 5. 7’lie courts have decided that refusing When slaughtered it takes a long time BRASS PIPES, to take newspapers from the office, or re ­ Condense. Make sure that you to get cool to the marrow bone, and FORCE PUMPS, moving and leaving them uncalled for, is when the hams are put in salt, it is really have an idea, and then record it prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. Have on hand and offer for salo CHAINS, LEAD PIPE, The postmaster who neglects to give troublesome to finish them to the cen­ in tiie shortest possible terms. \\ e the i>. legal IIARI>WARE, CUTLERY, of the neglect of a person t > ter. Four hundred pounds live weight want thoughts in their quintessence. take from notice HYDRAULIC NOZZLES, tho offico the newspapers ad­ When your article is completed, dressed to him, is as large as hogs should be, in order is liable to the publisher fi r PA INI’S, SIZES, GLASS, Tho Largest and Best Assortment to make good bacon. Beyond this size strike out nine-tenths of the adjec­ the subscription price. OKS, HOSE, POWDER there is a loss somewhere—either tho tives. BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. feeder, the butcher or consumer is ALL KINDS Oh1 W hat B utler T hinks . The tel- beaten, and as a general thing, every­ egraph reports Butler as saying that NAILS, —OF— i one uho has anything to do with the the Civil Rights bill does not give ne­ MINING TOOL. I big hog will Aral, if he observes close­ groes the right to enter saloons with­ SHOT, BRUSHES, ly, that they are not so profitable as out tho proprietor’s consent. Butler CARPENTER TOOLS, the smooth, little hog of only three probably wants to keep them out of his BLACKSMITH TOOLS, hundred and fifty pounds weight. favorite haunts, not careing how much I RON WASH-KETTLES, BRASS ANDIRON WIRE, Small head, with little upright ears, they may annoy hotel keepers and I SII EFT - I IV)N WARE. an I legs and feet delieate to perfection, public carriers. arc marks which indicate the greatest — vsuat . lt kept in --- FuM Cast Iron and Steel Plows. «mount of flesh for any given amount T here is seldom a lino of glory ROPE, of feed consumed, and much more written upon the earth’s face but a line CAULDRONS’, rapidity draw the attention of the of suffering runs parallel with it; and CULTIVATORS, Lu tcher. they that read the lustrous syllables of A VISITING CARD » COPPER WARE, the one, and stop not to decipher the WHEEL-BARROWS, A W onderful C lock .—A strange SHEET-IRON WARE, clock is said to have once belonged to spotted and worn inscription of the other, get the lesser half of the lesson a Hindoo prince. Tn front of the WOOD E N J .V D WIL L O IF W ARE, clock’s disk was a gong swung upon that earth has to give. —TO— poles, and near it was a pile of artifi­ A M ontana editor bemoans the ca­ W« flatter ourselves that a fourteen years’ cial human limbs. The pile was made ATO J 70S'. lamities of 1S74, in the following touch­ experience has made us familiar with up of the full number of parts necessary i Always on hand a large lot of parlor, cook­ to constitute twelve perfect bodies ; ing strain : “First, the Beecher busi­ ing, office, cabin stoves, of assorted size«, but all lay heaped together in apparent ness, then the grasshoppers, then the THE LARGEST PGSTER, plain and fancy, constructed on the latest fuel-saving plans. Boilers, kettles, pots, confusion. When the hands of the Democratic victories, and now an in­ TEE WANT of THIS COMMUNITY. and everything connected with these stoves creased tax on whisky. What is this clock indicate the hour of one, out warranted durable and perfect. from the pile crawled just the number poor country coining to ?” All articles sold or manufactured by him warranted. His work is made of the best of parts needed to form tho frame of material and oft he choicest patterns. AVE KKKF I f the Beecher-Tilton scandal does one man, part coming to part with Orders attended to with dispatch ami peo- quick click, and when completed, the not improve the morality of the filled according to directions. Ho is deter­ mined to sell at low prices foreash. figure sprang up, seized a mallet, and pie it adds several remarkable phrases to literature, such as “ stepping down walking up to the gong, struck one FIRST-CT.ASS CrOOE>S blow. This done, he returned to the and out,” hanging on the ragged LIQUORS “nest hiding.” pile and fell to pieces again. When edge,” and ----------- < * ■— of all kind«, of the best brands,wholesale and two o’clock came, two men arose and —AT— A dvertising pays. A Dubuque retail. Also did likewise ; and at the hour of noon grocer who advertised extensively was JACESOXVJLLE, GREGOS, and midnight, the entire heap sprang by this means discovered by his Mary­ TOBACCO AND CIGARS. up, and marching to the gong, struck, land wife, from whom he eloped over connection with all these I have on hand REASOnAELZ FRICES ! a In one after the other, his blow, making thirteen years ago. large assortment of twelve in all ; then returning, fell to GROCERIES AT MOST REASONABLE RATES! SPECIAL NOTICES. pieces as before. R. R. R. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF I » OLD ANO RELIABLE HOUSE In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. HOT OM3 HOUR after rea 'Ing tMs edrefinement need any oo« PUFFER WITH PAIN. R A ¡J WAY’S READV RELIEF IS A CURE FOE f EVERY PAIN. 11 was the first and fa The Only rain Tteroortv that fn*’ant'v step* the rno«r exerucivina cam«, altars Intlarauiatioii*. and cure* tlolivv ion*. whether of tii» Lung*, stnrr.acii, UowcU, cr other [laud* or organa, by juc application. SACHS BROS., K IN FROM ONT: TO TVTNTT MTNTTES. no mn’ter hnwrioW er excruciating the pain th» lUIEL'M ATI. Fed ridden, litirm. Crippled. Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with ducajo may sutler, IADWAY’0 ucady relief r wtt . l Arrorn tn « takt ease ■•»FLANMAllON OF THE KIDNEYS * INFLAMMATION OF tiie BLADDER. B7T.AMMATIJN OF THE IMiiVEIA CONGESTION OF THE LUNGE. fORC THROAT, DIFFICULT KKEATIIfNG. PAl.l’ITATION OF TUE HEART. nrsTERIC3, CR3CT, ltlPTHERI V CATABEB, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHAr”TE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILL?!, AGEE «'HILLS. The application oftlie ICendy Ylellrrtn the part or pnri* xvin re the pain or difllculty exist* willallorJ eaa» ami Comfort. Twenty drops in half a tnmMcr of water will In a f»w moment* euro CEAMPS. M’ASMS, SOl’R STOMACH, HEARTBURN, .-ICK 1! WAlllE, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL. I’AiNS. _ Travelers Fhvulil rhvava carry a bottle of llnd- tray’» JIcady IT.-iier wi-.li ih< m. A few drop* in water will | rev-tit r : kn<-s* WI.KHIT—CLEAR SKIS AND bealtifll cumulexion secured to au ^ DR.'RADWAY’S Sarsapariilian Resolvent the ' great blood purifier . has made rnr most astonishing cures sc QUICK SO RAFII) AUE THE CHANGES. TUB BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE lNFLUEN«'!i OF THIS TRUJ.Y WONDERFUL MEDICINE. THAT I » A merican C redit A broad .—Mr. McCulloch returned lately from Amer­ ica, and is once more at the head of his flourishing banking house in Lom­ bard street. Wo are very much obliged to you for not keeping him any longer. Some eminent London financiers interested in American af­ fairs seem to have expected Gen. Grant to suppress his personal preju­ dices for the good of his country, and make Mr. McCulloch Secretary of the Treasury. But they expected too much. Meantime American credit over here is perhaps as low as it has stood for a long time. A banker re­ marked to me yesterday that it is quite hopeless to bring out anything I American unless of the most strictly first-class gilt edged description. I said I was not sorry to hear it. We I have had enough ventures tried of the I speculative swindling kind.— London Correspondence of the A. Y. Tribune. The firm of Hull A' Nickell, in publishing tho ’1'iMEs, lias bt*en dissolved by mutual consent, P. D. Hull withdrawing. All ac­ counts due said firm prior to September 1st, 1S74, may lie paid to either party, and all accounts against the firm will be paid by the same. All persons indebted are re­ quested to settle forthwith, as the business must l»e closed without delay. All accounts not settled in a reasonable length of time will lie placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. All unexpired contractu for subscription, advertising, etc., will bo ful­ filled by the new proprietor. 1». I). Hri.r., C has . N ickell . I Ye a 4^ I » Plantation Bitters preparation, made chiefly from the nativo herbs found oirtlielower ranges of the Sier­ ra Nevada mountains of California, th© medicinal properties of which are extract­ ed therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is nlmost daily asked, “X\ hat, is the cause of the unparalleled success of V inegar B itters ?” Our answer is, that they remove tlio cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving prin­ ciple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history cf the world has a medicine been cora- pomded possessing the remarkable qual­ ities of V inegar BtTTEiisin healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, reliev­ ing Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver aud Visceral Organs, ia Bilious Dis­ eases. WOMEN are'subjected, and as a tonic for the Aped, Feeble, Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intend­ ed as a Temperance Tonic or Bitters, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. boLD by A ll F irst - class D ruggists . MEXICAN ! I I i I Thi. celebrated Liniment ha. no equal in ye world and has produced more cures of Rheumatism, Neural­ gia, Sprain., Scalds, Burns, Salt Rheum, Sore Nipple», Swellings, Lameness, Chapped Hands, Poisonous Bites, Bruises, 4c., on the human frame, and Sprains Strain», Gall», Stiff Joints, Inflammation, Ac., on beast, than all other Liniment» put together. MUSTANG LINIMENT is warranted to do just what is promised, or ye money will be refunded. Sold by all Druggist» and Country Stores. Be »uro and get ye gknvinb . Lyon Manufacturing Co.. N»w lork.^ VTCK’S FLORAL GUIDI5:! FOR 1875 U BUSH EI) QU A RTERL Y. J ANU A R V number just issued, and contains over P 100 Pages, 500 Engravings, descriptions of more tlum 500 oi our best Flowers and Veg­ Jacksonville, I respectfully inform etables, with Directions for Culture, Colored H tho in public that I ain prewired to do all Plate, etc. The most useful and elegant » kinds of work in the boot and shoo-makmg work of the kind in the World. Only 25 I line. Satisfaction guaranteed.__ cents for the year. Published in English 29tf. G. W. FREY. and German. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. t it’im. perfeettv ♦ IU4- ,trce, remiatc. r»ir’’ way's I’ll!-«, tor th«' m Liver. Rowel*. lleadaebo. «'nnctipn t Persia. Li’louo* Rowel*, !•>> ; ! . .1 Vim'cr • \ raijurdu..- . Vegetah!-, < ©u* i i u ’ . c «nd ¡«.J» ad ••■ ».i.'i; A'. j t W do to ilAUWAV A >*O No 32 >\»ir»a ___ Jt *< ’rifortnatt-n wo-tti thousands will Leoc J THE NEW IMPROVED FOii THE WHISKERS. As our Rencwcr in many cases re­ quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk­ ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation.’, whidi will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub r.or wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. Eide Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM­ PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Always is Order azd Ready fe Work. I If there is a FLORENCE MACHINE within one thousand miles of San Fran­ cisco not working well, I will fix it with­ out any expense to the owner. Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO.. IT COSTS NO MORE TO KEEP GOOD FOWLS THAN POOR ONES. NASHUA. N.IL SAMUEL HILL, Agent, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, « kt Oakland Poultry Yards, grand hotel building , Corner of IGth A Castro Sts., Oakland, Cal. EGGS FOR HAl'CHINCr From the largest and best bred Fowls in the World. Carefully packed and warrant­ ed to carry safely any distance. The varie­ ties comprise Dark and Light Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins. White Leg­ horns, Houdans and Silver-Spangled Ham­ burgs. Black Spanish, White Dorkings, Gol­ den Polands, Aylesbury Ducks and Game, Sebright and Black African Bantams. The finest collection of Bronz.e Turkeys on the Coast. 75^ Send stamp for illustrated circular to GEO. B. BAYLEY, Importerand Dealer of Choice Poultry, box 659, San Francisco, Cal. 6m3. N. UN FRANCteCO. P.HBURNETT. I ____________ Street*, San Francisco,California. Capital, (Paid up ii Goll) $800,000 Surplus Fund tin Gold) 206,110 H. F. JOnNSON. T. A. HEARN. JOHNSON ft HEARN, Successors to RANTZAU 1 SHAW ARO CSM8T0CK à. MARTIN, Tranaactai rvrry kind of T.rgitimntc Bnnkiug BmiufM. Forwarding 1 fomiaisiioD Ncrrmtiu BUYS AXD NKLI.M EXCHANGE on the principal Cities of the United States and Europe REDDING, CAL. IASVEM CERTIFICATES of DEPOMIT available at all commercial and financial point.*. AND MEEI.S National, State, City aud County Bonds. ' ark oi r goods care of j . a it . INVESTMENTS ZU ADE on orders. By close attention to business we hoi»e Dissolution of Co-Partnership. SILVER BILI.IOT and ■ to merit a continuation of the patro/.ago EEOAI. TENDERS bought and sold. 29tf he partnership heretofore DEPOSIT ACCOTNTK kept in Gold. Silver heretofore extended to the old firins ana Currency, and suhjec* to check at pleasure. existing between Henry R. Brown and Robert H. Brown is this day dissolved by INTEREST VAID in Time Deposits. All Einda of Job Printing mutual consent. All debts due the firm òf COLLECTION« MADE In Raa Vravei». «• and vicinity without charge, and at all other Brown Bros, will be paid to Robert H. points nt «*t. and proceeds remitted at current Brown. IT. R. BROWN, rates of Exchange. NEATLY A CHEAPLY EXECUTED ROBT. IT. BROWN. 0. H. B0GAHT. PITER H. BVaKTTT, MUTING CLAIMS. “C ut that meat for you—of course MILL NOTICE. I will,” said a Kansas waiter as he he undersigned is prepared strapped a case-knife on his boot-leg. E ABE NOW READY TO RECEIVE to make preliminary survey of Mining The guest was one of your particular Claims wheat in store, and will commence In conformity to the new law of men from Boston, and he got up and Congress. All lode claims held under said grinding on the 10th inst. Our terms for grinding will be the eighth law are required to be surveyed and the left the table. bushel, or exchange. survey recorded. DALEY EMERY. JAMES S. HOWARD, Surveyor. irown«borough, Jackson Co., January S ubscribe for the T imes . Duttc Creek Mill«, Sept. 1,1873. 86ti. Office at Jacksonville, Oregon. fitf. 23, 18.Ö. dm3. W PerfßctPüiE Buckingham’s Dy If men will enjoy good hoaltli. let 30 YEA ns. RENEWER. Sold by all Dru'jyists, and Dtalert tr. Htdicinu. Price Ono Dollar. them u.'.e V inegar B itters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. Prepared and bottled under ye immediate »□ pern­ lion of Prwfessor Thoma. B. Cross, for ye last CALIFORNIA STREET. T I I r . ii. M c D onald a co .. Druggists r..id General .'.g'nits, San Franc'S- co, Cal., ai*.d New York City. Sold by all Druggists and Dealer«. I aving permanently located i Dr. J. Walker’s California Vin­ egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable I, a furtly Vtgelabit Creiaratian, composed cf Calisaya Bark, Roots. Herbs and Fruits, arnonf which will be found Sarsaparilian, Dandelion, Wild Cherry, iassafrar. Tansy, Genitan, Sweet Flag, etc.', also Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes and Juni­ per Berries, preserved in a sufficient quantity {only) of the spirit of 3\x^flx Cane to keep tn any climate. They invariably relieve and cure the following complaints; Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Liver Com­ plaints, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Rillous At­ tacks, Fever and Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, General Debili­ ty, etc. They are especially adapted as a remedy for ths diseases to which * “■ \ Every year increases the popularity of thi< valuable Ilair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. W e can assure oar old patrons that it is kept fully tip to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep­ aration for restoring G ray or F aded H air to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, becomes white ami clean. It removes ail eruptions and dandruff and, bv its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as ii stimu­ lates and nourishes the hair-glands. l»v its use, the hair grows thicker aud stronger. Iu baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical H air D ressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap­ pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State A> aver of Massachusetts, a vs, “The constituents arc pure, and careiudy selected lor excellent quality; and I consider it the B est P reparation for its intended purposes.” * 1 T here are young men who can’t hold a skein of yarn for their mothers without wincing, but will hold 125 pounds of a neighboring family for the best part of a night, with a patience and docility that are certainly phe­ nomenal. ,— Kidney Bladder Complaints, Tumor of l:i Ytars* ► Cured by Bud may’s ILesoivent, HAIR I * ■ P fl A novel way of producing seedless —AND— watermelons is : When the vine be­ gins to hear, let the first watermelon BRICK LAYING & PLASTERING DONE. on each branch grow undisturbed, but cover the branch up with dirt, from UNDERSIGNED WOULD 1IERF- the first melon to the second one, or i 1IIE bv inform the public that he has ONE within six inches or more from the THOUSAND BUS H ELS of superior Jackson end of the vine will be a seedless Creek Lime for sale cheap. Persons wish­ ing Brick-laving or Plastering done in tho watermelon, the melon nearest the best style and at reasonable rates will do body of the vine having kept all the well to ‘call on me. For further information seed. inquire at the Franco-American Hotel. T he Painesville (Ohio) Telegraph has this : Many Republican journals GEORGE W. FREY, are trying to extract comfort from “Blessings in Disguise” as they are (Suct'Mor to Caton & Prey,) pleased to term the lato Democratic triumphs. Perhaps they see it—we New Boot and Shoe Store. don’t. r,p » I 33 I 1 G. W. HOLT. Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1875. ¿•Every drop cf Ui<* FATISAPARTLLTAN RESOT^- VENT coTnmiinh ntf* throiurh th<* Rhxwl. Sw**t. Urine, and other Flin t* and juice*of the .«v*tem the vi>ror of life, for it repair* th« wa*'e«of the body with new and »ound material. Rcrotula. S' pliill«, Cuti«uniption. Glandular wui prove to any person t. .w itf renberot lUv-xi foruu or di*ca»e Its potent porrcrt Y cere them. It the patient, d ..ty becoming reduced bv the waste« and decomposition thr.t i*continually pro-'-eiaing. suc­ ceeds in arresting the*’» waste*, and ret hi :« the same with new material •TStlofr >ia [icul’hv LI ih .I —and tnt« the KARSAi'ARILL -iilXJiH nn I does scetir-—• cure Cal* remedy commence* Its i. certain; i r v.’bca i irncceed* tn diiiiii»i»Mnv the vork of putiscati. in .of wn«te». >:*v , ‘or.. 1 t.-' rrn.l. and every day In tticraticnlu :llie<1Pi-f..win : t>-iterand*tronawr. the food digcviina better, eppvUtc impruviug, aud Oeih and weight increasing. Not only do« * the S»n'*r*rtt.tTit R -*n,.rvvi excel ell Know a rented la I *, in t live tire ot Climuir. >cro- lulous, <’.on«tituu<»iin', tu>J dtscaaea, vui 1; u ti>a only positive cute 1 r VEGETABLE SICILIAN »■ OLD Homestead Tonic S uicide .—It is estimated that, out r-ir For the very best Photographs, go to commit Rradley A Kulofson’s Gallery with an ELE­ VA Toil, 429 Montgomery Street, San Fran­ suicide in Spain, 32 in the United cisco. States, 43 in Belgium, 66 i 1 Sweden, 69 in Great Britain, 73 in Bavaria, 94 A BRAVE BOOK! in Norway, 196 in the Grand Duchy of Baden, 110 in France, 123 in Prussia, 128 in Ilanover, 155 in Oldenburg, 156 “WHAT WOMAN SHOULD KNOW!” in Lauenburg, 159 in Mecklenburg, BY MRS. E. B. DUFFY, 173 in Holstein, 206 in Schleswig, 251 A woman’s book about Women by a woman. in Saxony, 288 in Denmark, and 383 in Saxe-Altenburg. Of the occupa. rpilE ONLY WORK OF THE KIND tions of these suicides, it is observed 1 ever written by a woman is a necessity in every household, its entire novelty anil that 9 per cent, belong to the agricul­ eminent practicalness creates an immense tural classes, 13 per cent, belong to the demand. Notwithstanding tho delicate sub­ tradesmen, 15 per cent, to the mer­ jects necessarily treated, it is written in such brace, pure style as will not (.fiend the chant«, 22 per cent to professions, and a most fastidious. Lady agents norer have the remaining 41 per cent, are without had such an opportunity to make money a settled occupation. It is remarked, and do good, 'l'erms and sample sheets immediate application. in tho same connection, that warm and mailed tree on A. L. BANCROFT A CO., dry seasons are regarded as particular­ San Francisco, Cal. ly favorably to the development of the mania for suicide. LIME FOR SAKE, of 1,000.000 inhabitants, 11 ,0 HALES '* » 4 B rightly breaks the morning of a now era in the annals of medicine. Alcohol will soon be banished from the list of reme­ dies, and only known as a poison. l>r. J. Walker'» California Vinegar Ritter», com­ posed entirely of wholesome botanic ex­ tracts and juice«, are everywhere supersed­ ing the fiery astringents, w hieh no man or woman ever yet took w ithout bitterly repent­ ing their credulity. There is no disease, acute or chronic, in which the new tonic may not be administered with beneficial e fleet. Every Bay an Increase is Flesh an4 WeW is Seen aii Felt of all kinds—just what every married man wants in his family. And if you don’t be­ lieve it, call and examino my stock before We invite all to call and examine our purchasing elsewhere. Goods mid Prices, feelbig assured that we JOHN BILGER, will give entire satisfaction to ALL. Importer of farm implements and machines. SACHS BROS. 29tf. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. CURES THE WORST PAINS M T Caihier. Präsident The Times Office.