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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1875)
LOCAI. BREVITIES. local newspapers. _ T hanks .—The renowned show’man, NEW, THIS WEEK. On motion, the meeting adjourned. We are turning out some neat horse P. T. Barnum, who is at present pre In pursuance to legal notice, the an WARNING TO THE PUBLIC ! P. P. P rim , Chairman. paring to visit several of the Eastern bills. nual District School meeting was held FRIDAY................................. S ilas J. D ay , Clerk. States with his prodigious Roman man calling himself w . k . at the District School House, in Jack Freight is 3 cents a pound from Davis and pretending to be an agent Hippodrome and Menagerie, has placed sonville, on Monday, April 5th, 1875, Roseburg. for GRAY ’S MUSIC STOKE, is now travel AGENTS FON THE TIMES. Letter from Nnm'» Valley. us under obligations for several tickets ing through the valley. The public is Geo. P. Rowell A Co....... ............... New York. at 4 o’clock p. M. The meeting was Snow to a considerable depth fell the to the same. We are at present un hereby notified that he is in no way con A ntioch , March 27th. nected with my business, and any repre S. M. Pettingill A Co..... ............... New. York. called to order by P. P. Prim, one of other night. sentations he mav make to that effect are !.. P. Fisher,............ ........ ....... San Francisco. able to be on hand, but we thank him To the E ditor of tiik T imes : false. MATTHIAS GRAY, Tho«. Bov ce...................... ......... San Francisco the Directors, who then stated the ob Open session at the Literary Society all the same. Mr. Barnum has sev Music Dealer, Portland, Oregon, and San Prospecting and locating cinnabar Rowell A Chesman........ .................. St. T j <mis ject of tho meeting to be the election this evening. Francisco, Cal. 15t3. Dan. L. Green.................. .Josephine Conntv. eral times been burned out and met Clin*. Ilutfhos................. .............. Kerbvville oi one School Director for a term of claims are yet the order of the day in Read Sheriff Manning’s notice in with various other misfortunes, but Ben Havmond................. .......... Rook Point three years, and a School Clerk for the this vicinity. The field of operation F. K. ARNOLD. this last effort of his eclipses all the T. A. DAVIS. seems to have drifted from tho north another column. term of one year. RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. C. K. Klum, of Ashland, was on our rest and is the most gigantic and gor Before any nominations were made, side of Evans Creek to the south, geous the United States has ever had M. E. C hurch .—Religions service«» every the District School Clerk read his an Neither homesteads or entered lands streets yesterday. occasion to witness. He is verily a WHOLESALE DRUGQIST8, Sundnv, at the usual hours, by the Rever nual report, of which the following is a escape the scrutiny of these experts, The County Jail Is now supplied model of perseverance and pluck, and ends J. R. N. Bell, J. S. McCain and M. A. This mineral has been discovered on with a good watch dog. Williams, alternately. synopsis, to-wit: we wish him all success. C atholic C hurch .—Divine Services ev Amount of money received during 71 Front Street, several homesteads and also several Several persons in search of cattle to ery Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa the year from all sources........ ...,..$1,958.96 j T he American Newspaper Adver pieces of entered land, which has given buy were in town this week. ther Blanchett. Amount paid teachers out of pub Oregon. tising Agency of Geo. P. Rowell <fc Co., Portland, lic Binds including interest on M. E. S unday S ciioot ..—Rctrular meetings occasion for the exchanging of some The Slate Treasurer is paying the New York, is the only establishment protested orders,................ $933.47 •very Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. pretty rough compliments between interest due on Modoc War Bonds. C atholic S unday Scnoor.. — Regular Incidental expenses,includ of the kind in the United States which ing interest ........................ 452.75 parties of such a nature as to give meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two E KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Amount now in hands of tho M. Mansfield has taken his Vermont o’clock. keeps itself persistently beforo the peo a complete stock of Clerk................................... 572.74—$1.958.96 offense to most anyone but the good- stallion “ Black Pilot ” to Siskiyou. ple by advertising in newspapers. P. 0. REGISTER AND TRAVELER'S QUID E. After which, the following nomina- j humored prospector, who seems to DRUGS, The Ashland Variety Troupe pro They evidently receive their reward, tions were made : For Director, C. have more interest in the steady ap Stage« leave Jacksonville a«, follows : For Rock Point. Grant’s Pass and Rose I C. Beekman and Michael Hanley. plication of the pick than the multi poses giving another entertainment for we have it from a reliable source PERFUMERY and TGI LET ARTICLES, burg, every «lav at 8 a. in. Mail eloses at that advertising orders issued by them For Clerk, Silas J. Day. Beforo an plication of idle words. Some of the shortly. 7:3ft p. m. For Plxvnlx. Ashland. Yreka and Red- election was had, the name of C. C. ' most learned of these experts seem to John Noland has a new Florence for their customers have exceeded PATENT MEDICINES, dint?. California, every day st 10:30 a. in. three thousand dollars a day since the think that the mineral discoveries on sewing machine for sale cheap. Ap Beekman was withdrawn. Mail clones at 10 a. ni. commencement of the year, and this is GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, For Annlrgatc. Kerbyville, Waldo and A ballot was had, which resulted in these lands will endanger the title, j ply immediately. Cre«cent City, everv Monday and Thursday not a very good year for advertising morning at 4 o’clock. Mail closes at 8 p. in. the election of M. Ilanley as Director, while the owners think the reverse. M. R. Fletcher is officiating at pres either. th* preceding evening. Faints, Oils and Hence some very spirited argument! ent as knight of tho yard-stick at The mail for Central Point, Table Rock. and Silas J. Day as Clerk. P assed A way . — Mrs. M. A. Ply- Eagle Point. Brownsborough and Sam’s On motion of M. Hanley, the follow between contending parties. Sachs Bros. He cuts a graceful figure Valiev, leaves every Friday morning ; male departed this life at the resi PAINTER'S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, The richest of these discoveries is on as such. closes the preceding evening. ing preamble and resolutions were The mail for Linkville. Hot Springs, Yai- dence of her son, Francis M. Plymale, the homestead of ’Squire Griffin’s, tht C’ameron Bros, of Applegate brought nas and T.ake City, leaves Ashland every read, to-wit: BLUE VITRIOL, Mondav morning. For Linkville every WHEREAS, It is plainly evident to most flattering yet discovered, witl; some fine fish to town last week. on the 3d inst. Mrs. Plymale was an M'»ndav and Thursday mornings. every candid and thinking mind that the one exception. old resident of Jackson county, beloved LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. Money Order Office open from 9 a. m. to John A. Boyer has them for sale Jacksonville District School, instead of be by all that knew her, and she leaves a » p. m. Houston <fc Co. are sinking a shaft, whenever brought in. O ffice H ours —From 7 a. ni. to 7 p. m.; ing in a flourishing condition, is fust dete large concourse of relatives and friends Snndavs, 3ft minutes after arrival of stages. riorating and becoming more and more de on their claim, and the ore is getting J. E. Beggs arrived in town this Mail matter must lie in on time or it will moralized ; not being the school it once was, better as they go down. Sole Agents for Oregon for the cele to mourn her death, which occurred in not g >. M ax M uller , P. M. brated CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP, which week with new goods for Kahler <fc nor that which it might now be, notwith the 71st year of her age. Her remains kills Ticks, Hodges is also operating, with a very and all parasites on sheep, Bro., Reames Bros., Wintjen & Helms, were deposited in the Jacksonville and is a sure Lice standing the Board of Directors ever has cure for screw-Worm, scab and P ostmasters A ppointed . Robert been, and now is, composed of men of in material change in his ore for the better. Ben Sachs and other merchants. foot rot. Circular sent on application. Cemetery last Monday, after appro Owing to the inclemency of ths i H. Brown has been appointed Port fluence and ability, and doubtless they priate services by Rev. di. A. Will- We learn that the California & Ore HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM! ir.Astrr r.t Brownsborough, and ion n have labored faithfully for the welfare of | weather, Cooling A Co. have not got gon Stage Co. have received a re iams. Requiescat in pace. the school, doing that which they thought fairly under headway with their ma- Pear«on at Applegate. —AND— best. But as we are all subject to missteps newal of contract to carry tho daily I 1 M odoc B onds .—The State Treas [ chinery, although they made an exper T ake N otice .—Gray’s Music Store, ■ or deceptions, they probably and evidently iment with a small lot of their ore a mail between Redding and Roseburg. I urer informs the Mercury that he has HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE . have been victimized ere this in matters i Portland, in another column warns i pertaining to the school. Seeing the de few days ago. They got twopounds The Oregon & California Stage line succeeded in accumulating sufficient the public against dealing with one praved condition the school is now in, it be of quicksilver, which demonstrates the will commence running on summer funds—“made arrangements”—to pay W. II. Davis, who purports to be its comes us as patrons and as parents to ferret fact that they will be handsomely re schedule time on tho 1st of May, mak off the interest coupons, due Jan. 1st, ' out tho cause, it possible, and unite our agent. Read the advertisement. warded while developing their claim. ing the trip from railroad to railroad on the above named bonds. Holders I prayers for its hasty eradication. of same will govern themselves It has been raining here almost inces in 52 hours. S old O ut .—Wm. Bilger last Satur ' From 356 reported scholars in the District, cordingly. ’ the average daily attendance reached but We this week received a call from day disposed of his remaining articles [ 50. Who, then, will endeavor to persuade santly for the past two weeks. The P rivilege R ecorded .—A compa and with his family left for California ’ himself that this school even approximates farmers have about given up the idea our Democratic friend Chas. Williams, the next day, where he proposes en that high standard ot perfection which it so of farming, and are beginning to look of Pleasant Creek. He reports mat ny from the Willamette the other day California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. forward for one of those old ancient ters quiet in his region, and that water recorded in the Clerk’s office privilege gaging in business. We wish him ail ' justly merits, and to which it is entitled ? Believing that there is a remedy at hand floods of forty or fifty days duration ; has been rather scarce thero this sea to turn the waters of Rogue river at lways on hand the best stock success wherever he may go. ’ for this evil, we unite in offering the follow- of Patent and Home-made Rifle and the big bar thereof. A Mr. Durham, ‘ ing resolutions, and pray that the Directors but as yet there has no enterprising son. Shot Guns, single and double; Revolver« E scape A ttempted .—Chas. Wil l consider them well, before employing an Noah sprung up in our midst to con Phoenix Lodge of Good Templars is formerly a resident in that section, is of the latest patents ; Pocket Pistols, neat, small and powerful; Derringers, the latest son, sent from this county for larceny, ! instructor for our children. struct an ark for the benefit of the prospering finely. It has over 70 one of the company. and best; also, the best Powder and Pow in company with another convict, at I Resolved, That we heartily denounce the righteous. der Flasks ; Hunting and pocket knifes of C itizen . members, and is still receiving more. Ben C igars , C iieroots , E tc . employ incut of any teacher who shall in- the best brands; all sorts of Shot and tempted an escape from the Peniten This lodgo intends giving an enter Pouches ; Caps, Wads and everything in Sachs this week received a large as | dulge to excess in intoxicating drinks of any P ersonal .—W. F. Cornell, foreman ! tiary the other day, but was discovered kind whatever ; an<l that we further dis the Sportsman’s line. tainment some time during the pres sortment of cheroots, cigarettes and He will also keep a full line of SHELF of tho State Printing Office, favored before proceeding far, and brought prove the employment oi those who fre- cigars of the best brands. Try them. HARDWARE, Nails and Rope of all kinds ent month. ’ quent saloons and there or elsewhere in us with a cell last week. He is on his and sizes, Carpenters’ and Wagon-Makers, back. Mr. McMahon, the brother of the Tools, a complete assortment of Table and dulge in games ot chance. V.’e further be way South. L aid O ver . — A communication Pocket Cutlery, together with a full supply H ogs W anted .—Wm. Bybee else lieve that the Directors should, if they think R. L. Ish has returned from Rose murdered man, has gone to Douglas i from “Ceres,” and some poetry from of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc. expedient, place teachers under restraints The above goods are all of the best qual where advertises for 300 hogs, which county to take charge of the band of Ashland, will receive our attention next ity, and will be sold other than those prescribed by law, as, for burg, where he took the Gaylord fam he wants by the 25th of this month or instance, where a teacher persistently in- ily. sheep found in the possession of Bar week. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. not r.t all. Mr. Bybee desires them , dulges in acts as above set forth, that he G. W. Parker, of Los Angeles, Cal., den, and belonging to Daniel McMa New guns made to order, and repairing To “C itizen .”—Your question will promptly for the Virginia City, (Nev.) market, shall forfeit a certain amount of his salary arrived in town last Friday, on a visit I hon. done and in good style. All or obtained from the public funds of tho Dis- ders filled with dispatch. be answered in our next issue. and those having any to sell should Mr. Tipton writes under March 7th to his family here. He left for “the 27tf. JOHN MILLER. i trict. apply immediately. He will also take I All of which is respectfully submitted for States” on Tuesday’s stage. from Warner Lake that out of his IMPORTANT.—Endorsed by the Medi 150 to Scott Bar, Cal. See his notice. ! your consideration. Newman Fisher has gone to look band of cattle, numbering six hundred cal profession. D r . W m . H all ’ s B alsam for the L unos cures Coughs, Colds and (Signe 1) MANY PARENTS. after his cattle interests in Langell head, he has lost but one. The great Consumption, F rom G alice C reek .—J. S. How Jacksonville, April 5, 1875. and all diseases of the Throat est depth of snow was eight inches, Valley. and Chest. D b . T ownsley ’ s T oothache ard and Chas. Schultz have lately ar The question being on the adoption A nodyne cures in one M inute . and the ground was covered four days. Alvin Cardwell returned from Cali rived from Galice Creek, the latter of the resolution, on motion of D. Linn, Tho weather is yet as fickle as ever. BORN. within the past week. We have not the following amendment was offered: fornia this week, after several months’ sojourn there. Rain, snow and frost keep most of the BEESON—On Wagner (’reek, March 22, talked with these gentlemen upon the 'I Strike out all that part of said resolu- 1875, to the wife of W. Beeson, a daughter. II. L. Webb and J. B. Coates have trees from blooming, and vegetables matter, but learn that they both ex i tion in relation to a “teacher forfeiting HE CELEBRATED VERMONT STAL- press great confidence in the richness 1 j a certain amount of his salary obtained returned from Salem, having safely and grass are kept back for want of the DIED lion, Peniger’s Mike, now owned by Cardwell A Caton, will stand at the stable« of these mines. Our readers may ex from the public funds of the District,” delivered Dougherty and Cummins to sun. Tho dampness is favorable for PLYMALE—At the residence of F. M. Ply of James A. Cardwell, near Jacksonville. male, April 3, 1875, of Paralysis, Mrs. M. the farmers, however, while tho pect more from this source in our next. and substitute therefor the following: the proper authorities. Mike is 10 years old, was sired by old A. Plymale, aged 71 years, 1 month and Vermont, and is himself the sire of many Mr. Smith, Division Agent for the miners are benefltted some thereby. “That with all teachers who may be 26 days. ----- fine trotting horses who have shown extra C lean Ur.—Messrs. Henry Klip- California branch of the Stage Com MOTHER. ordinary speed, among which are Taylor’« Your paper costs you less than six employed hereafter the Directors be Benedict, Barney Flanders, McDonough’s pel and C. C. Beekman this week re authorized and empowered to so make pany, was in town last week. He cents a week ; less than a diligent hen Dick, Kahler’s Selim, Plymale A McDon- Farewell, our darling mother, turned from a visit to the Elizabeth their contract that for any violation of brought over an extra stage. ongh ’s Tanqison, Cardwell’s Billy, McDon Our tears are Mowing fast ; earns in a week at the market price of ough’s Nelly. For what wo cherished fondest quarts ledge, having witnessed the the provisions of this resolution the J. B. White, of Oakland, Cal., has eggs ; less than the cost of a cigar a Pasturage for mares from a distance fur To-day from us has passed. first clean up of the new mil! lately put Directors may dismiss them at any returned home, after a brief sojourn day ; less than a single glass of beer. nished free of charge. T erms —$25. And oh ! how deep our sorrow among us. up there. Ninety-three tons of quartz time.” CARDWELL A CATON, Propr’s. When we knew that she must go, A penny a day can be saved in many have been crushed, which averaged over J. A. C ardwell , Groom. When wo knew the “hand of wisdom'* T. G. reames left for San Francisco Pending which, N. Langell moved a way better than stopping your coun p. s.—We are prepared to furnish pastur Had willed that sho must go. $15 a ton. This is a good yield, con that a committee of three be appointed last week to Ir.y in a complete and first- age and are making a full season with the ty paper. But our sorrow must be chastened horse. 12m3. sidering that considerable of the quartz class assortment of new goods for the to draft resolutions, to be submitted, In submission let us swell C ircuit C ourt P roceedings .—The The grand Angelic anthem, was bed-rock and the difficulty ex expressive of the sense of the meet Iieames Bros.’ store. SETTLE UP! I “He doeth all things well.” following business has been disposed perienced in getting the machinery ing upon this subject, which was not P robate C ourt .—The following of in the Circuit Court since our last We know- that thou art numbered in working orderowing to thecold. The agreed to. HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING Dis With dear ones gone before, posed of tho Eagle Sample Rooms to proceedings were transacted in the company feel encouraged enough to report : Among his brightest jewels WEBB A JONES, and intending to leave The question then recurring upon On “Canaan's happy shore.” keep ten men constantly employed, and the amendment offered by Mr. Linn, Probate Court this week : Jacksonville, those indebted to me are re State vs. Walter A. and Wm. Brown; quested to settle immediately, as my book« Estate of Minus Walker. Sale of indictment for murder. It appearing Tho scales of earth have fallen are sanguine of the ledge paying even it was agreed to, and the resolution as must lie squared. lti sweet celestial light, Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto personal property by II. F. Barron, ad to the satisfaction of the Court'that all bettor than this. The main ledge has amended was adopted. You have realized the promise, fore extended me, I solicit a continuance of “Let the blind receive their sight.” ministrator, confirmed. not been discovered as yet. papers in the case having been trans the same to my successors. On motion, the Directors were in JOHN NOLAND. Estate of John Blattner. Sale of ferred to Lake, and the case now pend So may your Angel presence Jacksonville, March 24, 1874. 13. structed to keep the policy of insur Be with us over still, C ounty C ourt P roceedings .— property by H. v. Helms, administra ing in that county, and there being To help us bear our sorrow, The following are the proceedings of ance against fire on the School House tor of said estate, confirmed. To help us do His will. no jail there, it was ordered that the TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. paid up to the amount of $2,000, and the County Court, in session this week: Estate of Robt. Alexander. Final defendants be committed to the cus Farewell, then, Angel mother, While your loss we do deplore, TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL Present—Hon. E. B. Watson, Judge; the amount of money necessary there exhibit accepted and approved and tody of the Jailor of Jackson county We hope for blest reunion \ persons indebted to the undersigned John O’Brien and M. A. Houston, for be paid as all other incidental ex Thos. W. Dippel, administrator, dis until further order of the Judge thereof. Upon the “shining shore.” that I have placed my accounts in tho April 5, 1875. hands of J. II. Stinson, Justice of the Peace, ••• penses are. Commissioners; E. D. Foudray, Clerk. charged. Parthena J. Rowland vs. D. B. for collection. Those interested will take The bonds of the School Clerk were The {»etitlon for narrowing a road notice, as business is meant. Estate of John McPherson. Inven Rowland ; suit for divorce. Divorce NEW, THIS WEEK DAVID CRONEMILLER. placed by the Directors at $1,000. in District No. 14, was laid over for tory and appraisement approved and granted and the care of Mary Caroline Jacksonville, Dec. 8, 1874. 50. Silas J. Day, the School Clerk elect, P. Dunn, administrator, given an order want of proof of notice. HOGS WANTED. Rowland, a minor, given to plaintiff. The petition for change of road in presented his bond in the sum of to sell personal property. All Kinds of Job Printing Defendant to pay costs and disburse WANT THREE HUNDRED HEAD OF $1,000, conditioned as the law requires, District No. 35 was laid over for want hogs, yearlings and upwards, spa da sows ments of suit. and barrows. I want them by the 25th of NEATLY A CHEAPLY EXECUTED AT with C. C. Beekman as surety, which of proof of notice. I nstallation .—At a regular meet this month or not at all, and I will pay four The report of Daniel Hopkins, Su liond was accepted and approved by ing of Oregon Division No. 1, Sons C ommittee A ppointed . At a cents a pound, gross weight, for the same. pervisor of District No. 35, was ap the Board of Directors. and Daughters of Temperance, held meeting of the Jackson County Grange Jacksonville, April 5, 1875. WM. BYBEE. The Times Office. proved. He was re-appointed for the Michael Hanley, the newly elected April 7th, the following officers were Council, held April 6th, a committee ensuing year. Director, and Silas J. Day, the newly installed for the ensuing term by Dan of three was appointed to confer with Last Notice to Tax-Payers ! TORSALE. S. II. Cooke was appointed Super elected Clerk, each had the oath of iel Cronemiller, D. D. G. W. P.; James similar committees from Josephine 1IIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR . sale his elegant, silver-plated Grover otice is hereby given to those visor of District No. 14. Office administered to them by P. P. R. Wade, W. P.; F. L. Mace, R. S.; and Curry counties, to incorporate a and Baker sewing machine, but little used. persons who have not paid their taxes The County Treasurer was author Prim, President of the Board of Di S. M. Hubbard, F. S.; Chas. Howard, company for the construction of a Price reasonable. For terms apply at tlie for the year 1874, that I will in a few days of Ben Sachs, where the machine may ized to sell '!»•• M 1 h Whr Bond held rectors. I. S.; Mrs. S. J. Oliver, W. A.; Miss wagon road to the Coast from Jack ride for taxes and charge the tax-payer I store L. H ERLING. mileage, and you that have not paid had bet be seen, or to ’—i by the rotini.v : » !-.e Lest advantage. On motion of J. R. Neil, it was or Eva Hubbard, Treas.; Miss Emma sonville. The committee appointed ter settle immediately and savo costs. The The bills audited amount in round dered that the proceedings of this Armstrong, C.j Henry Helms, A. C.; consists of R. Benedict, Arthur Wilsou taxes must and shall be collected, and this I Tn QOA Per P*y at home. Term» is tho last warning. J. W. MANNING, I 00 v ,. OT. Address G. STINSON VwV free. numbers to about $2,o00. meeting be published in both of our . Wm. Rieck, O. S, Sheriff and Tax-Collector of Jackson Co. i a Co., Portland, Maine. and W. Beeson. 6. ÍThc limr $ SCHOOL ELECTION. I A T. A. DAVIS & CO., W ! A NOTICE TO STOCK-RAISERS I T T i I N 1