Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1875)
Or Ætmwntfk Sinus. FRIDAY.................................. APRIL 2, 1<75. THE WORLD IS WHA T WE MAKE IT. I’ve seen some people in this life Who always are repining. Who never, never yet could see The storm-cloud’s silver lining. There always something is amiss, From sunrise to its setting ; That God’s hand made their map of life, They seem the whole forgetting. And I’ve seen a blessed sight, To sin beclouded vision, Some people who, where’er they be, Make earth seem an Elysian. They always see the brightest side— The direful shadows never— And keep tlie flowers of hope in bloom Within their hearts forever. The one can make tho sunniest day Seem wondrous sad and dreary ; The other smiles the clouds away, And makes a dark day cheery. This life of ours is, after all. About as we shall make it. If we can banish grief and care, Let’s haste to undertake it. P robably A M istake .—There sesms to have been a mistake in the dispatch which announced that a hill for over forty thousand dollars had been sent in for the board ol thejurors in the Beecher-Tilton case, for forty- three days. A thousand dollars a day for feeding twelve meh would seem excessive, even to California grandees and hotel-keepers. Perhaps the bill was really four thousand dollars, and that would be a swinging charge for the time, though not absolutely incred ible. If the Brooklyn Board of Su pervisors, however, are called upon to font many such accounts, as this, it is to be apprehended that the city will be bankrupted, whichever side wins. This is particularly hard upon the City of Churches, and we think Plymouth Church ought to pay the shot.— Record- Union. How to K eep W arm .—Ono way not to keep warm is to drink freely of hot drinks ; to keep the pores of the skin closed ; to eat more than can be digested ; to sit over a hot-air furnace; to lace tightly; wear tight garters, tight shoes, tight gloves, and bundle up with “heaps” of warm clothing ; wear mufflers around the neck, and avoid a breath of cool, fresh air; take wine or bitters before meals, and pills to aid digestion after eating. Do this daily a month or more, and you will be as tender as a tropical house plant, and will take “dreadful colds” on the slightest exposure. Hot drinks just before going out are especially favor able to induce chills ; and this is the way many are trying to cheat nature and prolong a miserable existence.— Science of Health. W orth R etelling .—A good story is told of an old farmer, whose son had for a long time been ostensibly study ing Latin in a popular academy. The farmer not being perfectly satis fied with the course and conduct of the young hopeful, recalled him from school, and placing him by the side of a cart one day, thus addressed him : “Now Joseph, here is a fork, and there is a heap of manure and cart ; what do you call them in Latin?” “Fork, ibus, cartihus, et manuribus,” said Joseph. “Well, now,” said the old man, “if you don’t take that forkibus pretty quickibus, and pitch that manuribus into that cartihus, I’ll break your lazy backibus.” Joseph went to workibus forthwithibus.— Figaro. S peaking of building the Univer. sity at Eugene, the Guard says : “The people ali over the county seem to have come to understand that it is not a matter that interests the people of Eugene only, but that it will benefit those of the rural districts to an equally greater degree. Previous to the coun ty convention, there was a decided op position to the institution, which was not in reality opposition to the levying of a tax as provided by the act of 1872 to complete the building. Since the statement from Judge Thompson that no tax would be levied, many of those vehement in their denunciations have signified their willingness to give at least something to aid the association to complete the work.” A P rofitable Cow.—The Tenth Duchess of Geneva, purchased by Lord Bective, at the New York Mills sale, for $3G,500, has had two calves since her sale—one a red bull calf, for which his owner has been offered, and re fused, $15,750 ; theother, the younger, is a red heifer, which is considered equally as valuable as her brother. Th us 2 in two years, the cow has made her oWnil $31,500, or very nearly paid for herse»£ S ome modern philosopher has given in these eleven lines the summary of JOHN BILGER, THE C hildren .—As the pure breath of The Law of Newspapers. children revives the life of aged men, so is our moral nature revived by their 1. Subscribers who <lo not give express (California St., one door west of Sachs Bros.,) to the contrary are considered as wish free and simple thoughts, their native ’ notice their'stibscriptions. feeling, their airy mirth for little cause ing 2. to It continue any subscribers order tlic discontin Jacksonville, Oregon, or none, their grief, soon aroused and uance of their newspapers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrear- soon allayed. Their influence on us is | , ages are paid. DEALER AND WORKER IN at least reciprocal with ours on them. J. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take —OF— When our infancy is almost forgotten, their newspapers from the offices to which and our boyhood long departed, though i they are directed, the law holds them re TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. until they have settled the bills, it seems but as yesterday ; when lifo sponsible and ordered them discontinued. settles down darkly upon us, and we 4. Il subscribers remove to other places ' TEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AN without informing the publisher, and the doubt whether to call ourselves young L assortment of the best newspapers are sent to the former direction, any more, then it is good to steal away they are held responsible. TINWARE, from the society of bearded men, and 5. The courts have decided that refusing BRASS PIPES, even of gentler women, and spend an to take newspapers from tho office, or re F orce pumps , moving and leaving them uncalled for, is hour or two with children. After prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. Have on band and offer for salo CHAINS, LEAD PIPE, drinking from those fountains of still (>. llic postnuistor who nojjlccts to j^ivo H AR 1 )WA K E, CUT EERY, fresh existence, we shall return into the legal notice of the neglect of a person to HYDRAULIC NOZZLES, from the office the newspapers ad the crowd to struggle onward and do take to him, is liable to the publisher for PAINTS, SIZES, GLASS, our parting life, perhaps as fervently dressed the subscription price. The Largest and Best Assortment OLS, 1IOSE, POWDER. as ever, but, for a time, v’ith a wiser and purer heart, and a spirit more BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. ALL KINDS OF lightly wise. NAILS, —OF— T he F uture of A merica .—The MINING TOOL, SHOT, BRUSHES, Encyclopedia Britannica says : Tf the CARPENTER TOOLS, natural resources of America were BLACKSMITH TOOLS, fully developed it would afford sus IRON WASH-KETTLES, tenance to 3,600,000,000 inhabitants— BRASS ANDIRON WIRE, numlwr nearly five times as great as SHEET - IRON WARE. the entire mass of human beings now existing on the globe ! And, what is —USUALLY KEPT IN— —FROM— Cast Iron and Steel Plows. even more surprising, it is not im ROPE, probable that this prodigious popula CAULDRONS, tion will be in existence within three, CULTIVATORS, or at most four centuries. OLD AND RELIABLE HOUSE SACHS BROS., JOB PRINTING! A VISITING CARD! I t is said that the unpleasant squeak of boots and shoes may be prevented by simply driving a row of pegs through the sole from the toe toward —TO---- the heel. The noise is caused by the friction of the layer in tho eenter. This method stiffens the sole some what, but is preferable to tho intoler THE LARGEST POSTER, able sole agony. 7 7 7 7 7 7 We flatter ourselves that a fourteen years’ experience has made us familiar with DISSOLUTION NOTICE. FVINECAR Á WOMEN are-tubyected. and at a tonic for the Aged, Feeble, Debilitated, hat no equal. They are tlrictly intend ed at a Temperance Tonic or Bittert, to be used at a medicine only, and altvayt according to directions. S old by A ll F irst - class D ruggists . YÇ For the very l»est Photographs, go to Bradley A Rulofson’s Gallery withan ELE VATOR, 429 Montgomery Street, San Fran cisco. OLD MEXICAN ' A BRAVE BOOK! “WHAT WOMAN SHOULD KNOW!” BY MRS. E. B. DUFFY, rpiIE ONLY WORK OF THE KIND L ever written a woman is a necessity in every household, its entire novelty and eminent practicalness creates an immense demand. Notwithstanding the delicate sub jects necessarily treated, it is written in such a brave, pure style as will not ofleBd the most fastidious. Lady agents never have had such an opportunity to mako money and do good. Terms and sample shoots mailed tree on immediate application. A. L. BANCROFT <t CO., San Francisco, Cal. H In connection with all these I haveon hand a large assortment of GROCERIES of all kinds—just what every7 married man wants in his family’. And if you don’t l»e- lieve it, call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN BILGER, Importer of tarm implements and machines. 29tf. Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, Ac., and indeed all the affections which anse from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. No one remedy Is louder called for l>v the necessities of a tho American people than a sure and safe cure for Fiver ^^ s J and Ague. Such we are now enabled to offer, with a perfect JK certainty that it will eradicate “ the disease, and with assur ance, founded on proof, that no harm can ariso from its use in any quantity. That which protects from or prevents this dis order must be of immense service in the com munities where it prevails. Prevention is better than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which he must run in violent attacks of this balefttl dis temper. This “C ure ” expels the miasmatic poison of F ever ani » A gue from the system, and prevents the development of the disease, ir taken on the first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we sup ply for a dollar brings it within the reach of everybody; and in bilious districts, where F ever and A gue prevails, everybody should have it, and use it freely, both for cure and pro tection. It is hoped this price w ill place it within the reach of all —the poor as well as the rich. A great superiority or this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Qui nine or mineral; consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon tlie constitution. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequenco of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of dis orders arise from its irritation, among which arc Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, aiid derangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the in termittent type, or become periodical. This “C ure ” expels the poison from tlie blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an in valuable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the mala rious districts. If taken occasionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be ex creted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable for protection than cure; and few'will ever suffer from Inter mittent* if they avail themselves of the protec tion this remedy affords. For J.irer Coni/ttaJMf«, arising from torpid ity of the I.iver, it is an excellent remedy, stim ulating the Liver into healthy activity, and pro ducing many truly remarkable cures, where other mediemea fad. a. r w BIT' rtm Dr. J. Walker’s California Vin egar Bittei’S are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the nativo herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sier ra Nevada mountains of California, tho ' medicinal properties of which arc extract ed therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, “What is the cause of the unparalleled success of V ineoak B itters ?” Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving prin ciple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been com pounded possessing the remarkable qual ities of V inegar BiTTERsin hcalingthesick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well aa a Tonic, reliev ing Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis eases. If iiiPii will enjoy good health. let them use V inegar B itters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. r . h . M c D onald a co .. PREPARED BY IT COSTS NO MORE TO KEEP GOOD FOWLS THAN POOR ONES. Dr. J. C. AYER St CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists, AND SOLD ALL ROUND THE WORLD. PRICE, $1.00 PER POTTLE. 30 YEARS. This celebrated Liniment has no equal in ye world and has produced more cures of Rheumatism, Neural gia, Sprains, Scalds, Burns, Salt Rheum, Sore Nipples, Swellings, Lameness, Chapped Hands, Poisonous Bites, Bruises, Ac., on the human frame, and Sprains Strains, Galls, Stiff Joints, Inflammation, Ac., on beast, than all other Liniments put together. MUSTANG LINIMENT is warranted tn do just what is promised, or ye money will be refunded. Sold by all Druggists ana Country Stores. Be sure and get ye gbmuink . , S aowavs a cu . b ,0, It was the first and is The Only Pain Remedy that fnvtanflv stop« the mo«t excrnciatlnr pains, altars Inflammations, and cures CoiitfeMions. whether of th» Luugs, Stomach, iiuwcla, or other glands or orcaiii. by inc application. * • IN FROM ONT TO TWENTY MTNUTES. ho matter how violent or excruciating the naln tha RHEUMATIC, Bed ridden. Infirm. Crippled NervouZ Neuralgic, or proatruted with disease may suffer, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF If WTt.L AFFORD TNSTANT EASE YLAXMATION OF THE KIDNEYS INFLAMMATION OF TITE BL a DDRSK I nflammation of the bowels * _ ____ CONGESTION OF THE LUNG«. S ore throat , difficult breathing PALPITATION OF THE IIEART HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPTHERIA. H eadache , CATARRH, INFLUENZA. toothache . NEURALGIA, rheumatism . COLD CHTLLS. AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ready Rellefto the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford earn and Comfort Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will In a f«W moments cure CRAMPS. SPASMS, SuUR STOMACH. HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHOEA* DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWEL«! and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should al wins carrv a bottle of Ra4< way'» Iteady Relief with them. A few drop. in water will prevent aickneRs or pains from change of water. It is better tluui French Brandy or Bitter» as • itlmulant . • FEVER AND AGUE. 'FEVER AND AGUE cored for fifty cents. There la not a remedial agent in this world that will core Fever and Ague, and all other Malariou«, Bilous, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by RAD- W ay s PILLS) so quick as RADWAY’S BEADY RE LIEF. Flity cents per bottle. HEALTH!' BEAUTY!! strong axt > runs Turn blood - txcreasx de flesh and weight — clear skin and ÜEAUTIFLL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL w. * s -1-------- Sarsaparillian Resolvent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. has made ttit ! most astoktshikg cures sn SUH'K. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANUE8. THE ODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT _• • -y . . Every Day aa Increase in M and Wt is Seen and. Felt. r Every drop ef tha FARSAPARTLLTAJT RESOL- VENT communicate« through the Blood. Sweat Urina, ánd other Fluids and juices of the »vrtem the visor ot life, for It repair« the w*«e, of tho body with new and •ound material. Sc rotula, Syphilis. Consumption. Glandular disease. Ulcers tn the throat Mouth. Tu- motwNodesin the Glandsand other part« of the system. Sore Eves, Strutuoruus disc harnea from the Ears. an<l the wo’rst forma of Skin disea-es. Eruptions. Fever Bores, Scald Head, Ring Worm. Salt Rheum. Eryatpelaa. Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cao- cers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful dis charges, Night Sweats, Los, of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, aro within the curative range ot thia wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few day«' use wMl Srovc to any person using itder either ot theau forms of isease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the waste« and decomposition thnt is continually pro«res»ing. suc ceeds in t. resting Utero wastes, an I repatrv the sama with new material madefrt'tn Iteahhy bl'Ktd—and thia the SALSA 1'ARILL.lart -Will and does secure-« cur» is certain; for when oceo fits remedy cnmmenc«« Ma work of purlflcaticn.F.r.' imcceeds In diminishing th« to j of wastes, its repturawill be rapid, and every dey the patient will fed himselfgrowtnir better nndstromter. tlie rood digest I in; better, improving, aud flesh and weight increasing. Kot only does the tUttssrxniLLUtr Rvsnvrvrr excel all known remedial agent« ini lie cure of Chronic. (Scro fulous. Constitutional, aud fcUu diseases, but it is th« only poaiuve cure fur , -Kidney £ Bladder Complaints, Tumor of 12 Years9 Growth Cured by Hadway's Resolvent DR. RADWAY’S t perfbctly tartelc»«. r'strt"1'v roafej w!'*t rwyet gem. parge, regulate, purity, cleanso un I strengthen. Rad way's Pills, for the enre of all disorders of the Stomach. Liver. Bowel*. Kidneys, bladder. Nervous Disea-es, Headache. Consttparton. CostiveneM, Irwhm-ackn. Dvs- peysia. Bi'iousuess, Bilious Fever. Inflammation ol ir.o Bowels, files, and oil Derangeim-nvi ot the In’er'.al Viscera. Vt arranted toeffect a positive Cure. Buret e Vegetablc.contaitnuj no uu rcury , uiiuerauurdeleteri ous drugs. A lew doses cf RADWAY’S PILLS will fro« the tem from all the atsive named di orders. Price.xn .-voja per Box SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. -¿E a P “F alse a X d TRUE.’’ Send one wttar to RABW a Y A CO, No 32 Warren St, X-* *rl tnforntanon worth thousands will ^e«eul, .♦ Side Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Alnjiin Order uäReiäj fw Work, If there is a FLORENCE MACHINE within one thousand miles of Ban Fran cisco not working well, I will fix it with out any expense to the owner- SAMUEL HILL, Agent, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, Oakland Poultry Yards, GRAND HOTEL BUILDING, UUILL Bl ILDING, A tAK FRANCISCO. . Corner of 16th A Castro Sts., Oakland, Cal. Lyon Manufacturing Co., New inrk.^ VICK’S FLORAL GTTinK! FOR 1875. UBLISHED QUARTERLY. JANUARY number just issued, and contains over 100 Pages, 500 Engravings, descriptions of more than 500 ot our best Flowers and Veg etables, with Directions for Culture, Colored all Plate, etc. The most useful nnd elegant work of the kind in the World. Only 25 cents for the year. Published in English and German. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. P mers who are not Grangers. They in MINING CLAIMS. duced their wives to join and report before they would commit themselves. MILL NOTICE. Now, when they will, they cannot; he undersigned is prepared to make preliminary aurvey of Mining E ARE NOW READY TO RECEIVE ♦wo black balls greeted every applica Claims in conformity to the new. law of wheat in store, and will commence tion. MeanwhHe the wives go regu Congress. All lode oJaims held under said grinding on the 10th inst. larly and triumphantly to every law are required to be surveyed and the Our terms for grinding will be the eighth btishel, or exchange. Grange meeting, and the men stay at survey recorded. JAMES S. HOWARD, Surveyor. DALEY A EMERY. home and tend tho babies. Office at Jacksonville, Oregon. 5tf. Butte Crock Mills, Sept. 1,1873. 36tf. I T TOBACCO AND CIGARS. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. CALIFORNIA STREET. tn Jacksonville, I respectfully inform the public that I am prepared to do kinds of work in the boot and shoe-makfrig where. line. Satisfaction guaranteed. G. W. FREY. A btoby la told of two Vermont far of all kinds, of the best bran ds,wh")lesalo and retail. Also Prepared and bottled under ye immediate supervi sion of Professor Thomas B. Cross, for ye last New Boot and Shoe Store. aving permanently located LIQUORS M ustang L iniment : GEORGE W. FREY, (SucceAtor to Caton <t Always on hand a large lot of parlor, cook- ing, office, cabin stoves, of assorted sizes, plain and fancy, constructed on the latest 1 fuel-saving plans. Boilers, kettles, pots, ; and everything connected with these stoves warranted durable ami perfect. All articlessold or manufactured by him warranted. His work is made of tho best material and of the choicest patterns. Orders attended to with dispatch and filled according to directions. lie is deter mined to sell at low prices for cash. Druggistsand General Agents, San Franc's- co, Cal., and New York City. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. A woman’s book about Women by a woman. not one hour after reading this advertlaement need any oils PUFFER WITH PAIN. DR. RADWAY’S STOVES. H SPECIAL notices . It a purely Vegetable Prefaration, compoted of Caliiaya Bark, Roott, Herbt and Fruitt, among tvkick will be found Sartaparilian, Dandelion, Wild Cherry, Sattafrat, Tanry, Genitan, Sweet Flag, etc.-, alto Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes and Juni per Berries, preterved in a tufficicnt quantity (only) of the tpirit of^ugoct Cane to keep in any climate. They invariably relieve and cure the following complaintt: Dytpeptia, Jaundice. Liver Com. plaints, Lott of Appetite, Headache, Biliout At tacks, Fever and Ague, Summer Complaintt, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, General Debili ty, etc. They are especially adapted at a remedy for the diteatet to tv kick CURES THE WORST PAINS * In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. t r Homestead Tonic B rightly ’ breaks the morning of a new era in the annals of medicine. Alcohol will soon be banished from the list of reme dies, and only known as a poison. Dr. J. Walker’s California Vinegar Bittern, com posed entirely of wholesome botanic ex tracts and juices, are everywhere supersed ing the fiery astringents, which no man or woman ever yet took without bitterly repent ing their credulity. There is no disease, acute or chronic, in which the new tonic may not bo administered with beneficial effect. COPPER WARE, WIIEEL-BARROWS, SHEET-IRON WARE, WO ODE N A ND WIL L O IF WA R E, OLD years In childhood’s sport and play........ 7 years in school front clay to day.............. 14 years at trade or college life...................... 21 years to And a place and wife................... 28 years to pleasure’s follies given............... 35 years to Dusiness hardly driven.............. 42 years for some wild-goose chase.............. 49 years for wealth and bootless race......... 56 years in hoarding for your heir................6.3 years in weakness, pain and care........... 70 Then die, and go—you should know A First-Class Establishment! T om T humb lately advertised him self in a new way at Pittsburg, by en gaging a well known champion in a NEATLY EXECUTED AT WE KEEP public game of billiards at his hotel. The miniature General is said to be a very good player, barring a tendency to “pocket himself.” THE TIMES OFFICE, FIRST- CLASS GOODS W hen a Connecticut deacon nudged a somnolent worshipper, with the con —AT— tribution box, the sleepy individual JA OK SON 1 ’ILL E, OREGON, awoke partially, smiled, murmured “I don’t smoke !” and dropped off REASONABLE PRICES ! again. • I I ■ ■■■ ♦ ......-- T he latest feature of the chromo AT MOST REASONABLE RATES! gift business comes from Dexter, Maine. They have a church there which gives a chromo to every new Y-’3' We invito all to call and examine our convert. Goodsand Prices, feeling assured that we ——♦--- ---- will give entire satisfaction to ALL. SACHS BROS. “C- c - c - can that p-p-p-parrot talk ?” asked a stuttering man of a German. “Ven he don’t talk so gooter as you, I schop, by tarn, his head off.” - ■ — Ye W hen a young man who parts his hair in the middle goes down on an orange peel, no !>ody seems to care whether he ever gets up again or not. life: 7 7 7 7 GENERAL MERCHANDISE! THE WANT of THIS COMMUNITY. The firm of Hull A Nickell, in publishing the T imes , has been dissolved by mutual consent, I*. 1). Hull withdrawing*. All ac counts due said firm prior to September 1st. 1874, may be paid to either party, and all accounts against the firm will be paid by the same. All persons indebted are re quested to settle forthwith, as the business must be closed without delay. All accounts not settled in a reasonable length of time will be placed in tho hands of an attomej’ for collection. All unexpired contracts for subscription, advertising, etc., will be ful filled by the new proprietor. P. D. H ull , C has . N ickell . t R. R. fc.' RADWAY’S READY RELIEF W P ratt EGGS FOR HATCHING OJIBOCART. RKHURNETT. From the largest and best bred Fowls in eomer Pine KSmsoiM Street» g- the World. Carefully packed and warrant ed to carry safely any distance. The varie ties comprise Dark and Light Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins, White Leg (Pali nj ii Goli) horns, Houdans and Silver-Spangled Ham burgs, Black Spanish, White Dorkings, Gol (la Gold) den Polands, Aylesbury Ducks and Game, Sebright and Black African Bantams. The TranaactM every kind of Lesiiimaie finest collection of Bronze Turkeys on the ■tanking Huainemi. Coast. on the ^SBTSend stamp for illustrated circular to principal Cities of the United States and Eurone GEO. B. BAYLEY, of Importer and Dealer of Choice Poultry, box available at all commercial and tinancial points? 659, San Francisco, Cal. 6m3.' “S?y ^«onai, state, City and SanFraueiseo,California. Capital, Surplus Fund Dissolution of Co-Partnership, $800,000 206,110 BUY« AN» SELI.S EX( IIAX(JE IMITKM CRRTiriCATES DEPOSIT io^is.SErDS INVESTMENTS 2TIA»E on orders. LEGAL II. F. JOHNSON. r. A. HEARN- JOHNSON & HEARN, Successors to RANTZAU 1 SHAW AND COMSTOCK A, MARTIN, Forwarding & Commission Mcrrhants, REDDING, CAL. ark your goods pare of j . a h . By close attention to business we hoj>e M to merit R continuât ion of the patronage heretofore extended to tho old firms. 29tf.. HE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE iecVat &e»u?J.Ter existing between Henry R. Brown and Rollert H. Brown is this day dissolved by All Kinds of Job Printing on Time Deposits. mutual consent. All debts duo the firm of wRhmi^S^fe1 Brown Bros, will be paid to Robert H. SSs o*E$XngA Pr<>CeedS re’n,ttCd at Cnrrvat NEATLY a cheaply executed at Brown. II. R. BROWN, ROBT. H. BBOWN. Brownsborough, Jackson Co., January 0. H. BOGART, PKTEK H. BTOOTT, Cashier. 33, 1875. 0m3. President The Times Office. T FfTEREST PAID «♦ «miicTnft?