LOCAL BREVITIES. preliminary examination before Judge SCHOOL SUPERI.VT EX DENT'S BEFORT A preparation so widely and favorably known as Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Watsqn. II. K. Hanna, Esq., District Shortly after the suspicion became Read J. H. Stinson ’ s law card. • II. C. Fleming, Esq., County School Renewer, needs few words of pnrise from very strong that something wrong had Attorney, and local counsel appeared FRIDAY, us. This compound b*s won its way to the Recording claims still progresses. Superintendent, submits the following APRIL 2, 1S75. occurred to Daniel McMahon, the for the State, and J. Finley Watson annual report of school matters in this highest favor in the public mind; and mul­ It is raining quite lively as we go to titudes, who have vainly used other reme­ sheep-raiser, a warrant was sworn out and James F. Gazley, of Douglas, con­ ABENTS FOR TNE TIME!. dies for the restoration of their hair» have» ducted the defense. The Court House county to Hon. L. L. Rowland, School press. by P. J. Ryan, of this place, for the ar ­ Geo. P. Rowell A Co........................ New York Superintendent of Oregon : on trying the Sicilian Renewer, been made The freighting season will shortly with eager d JX!1"*111 A Co....................... New Yorki rest of Chester P. Barden and Wm. was perfectly crowded glad by the speedy restoration of their grty J acksonville , March 20,1875. open. ' *'*'*her,..................................San Francisco. Carey, of Douglas county, charging listeners, a large number being from hair to its natural color, and the thin locks 7b Hon. I.. L. Rowlan , Superintendent of Tbos. Boyce................................... San Francisco Horse bills neatly printed at this thickened up, as in the days of early youth. the country. Deputy Kent, P. J. Public Instruction :■ ■S ~ ir ; I have the honor Rowell A Chesman............................... St. Louis them with the larceny of McMahon’s office, at reasonable rates. It also prevents the hair falling out, make* J/.1”' *<•..................... Josephine Conntv. sheep, which amounted to something Ryan and one or two others testified. to submit the following as the annual report f has. IIughes................................... Kerbvville for this county : The April term of the County Court it soft and glossy, and is altogether the best Ben Haymond................................... Rock Point over 1,000 head. It was well known The charge of larceny against Schu­ preparation for its intended purposes before will commence next week. > 5 O Q that they had driven the sheep off, as maker, who assisted in driving the the public.— Pittsburg Chronicle. ? Rich cinnabar discoveries are re- 2 RELIGIOOt DIRECTORY ® they seemed to have no scruples in sheep, was dismissed on motion of the ® 5* IMPORTANT.—Endorsed by the Medi­ Pupils ported from Wagner Creek. » r* “O e* B M. E. C hvrch .—Religious services every concealing tho act, and even hired prosecution, no evidence of complicity profession. D r . W m . H all ’ s B alaam 3 All Fools’ Day yesterday. Several cal o Sunday, at the usual hours, bv the Rever­ men from this county to assist them in appearing. Barden was held to answer w for the L ungs cures Coughs, Colds and ends J. R. N. Bell, J. S. McCain and M. A. ® laughable incidents transpired. o* Consumption, and all diseases of tho Throat 3. M. getting the hand to Douglas county. the charge of murder, but no charge Williams, alternately. The firm of Stinson & Neil has dis ­ and Chest. D r . T ownslet ’ b T oothackm C atholic C hvrch .—Divine Services ev­ McMahon owed Ryan a considerable of this nature was then preferred 1 168 167 189 356 50 $746.66 $3000 290 $1526 80 A nodyne cures in one M inute . solved. See notice elsewhere. 2 46 73 ery Sundav, at the usual hour, bv Rev. Fa­ 119 31 256.66 2000 574 58 sum of money, and the latter suspected against Carey. They were both ar­ 3 37 31 46 ther Blanchett. 30 61 22 135.33 400 200(H) A communication from Wagner 4 38 38 42 80 > « » lfHÏ.OO M. E. S unday .S chool .—Regular meetings something wrong about the sheep, as raigned on charge of larceny, and each 50 5 140 104 115 219 41 450.33 750 5 669 60 Creek is crowded out of this issue. every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. D e ROBOAM-SCHMIEDLING—At the rus- he did not believe McMahon had sold 6 bound over in the sum of $7,000. 22 31 53 32 151.66 500 1 390 00 dence of the bride’s parent«, on March C atholic S unday S chool . — Regular P. Fehely is making preparations for ! < b| 61 64 125 19 238.00 500 40 119 00 Barden is said to claim that he pur­ 8 4 20 28th, by Judge Watson, Emil DeRoboam meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two them and left the country. Deputy 26 30 56 22 121.33 300 200 00 manufacturing another kiln of brick. o’clock. to Rosa Schmiedling—all of thia county. Sheriff Kent accordingly left for Doug­ chased the sheep, and that he could 9 39 32 34 66 17 154.50 300 5 246 00 Several witnesses in the Barden- [Compliments received. We wish the 10 19 29 22 51 ... R. 0. RESISTER AND TRAVELER'S GUIDE. las county, and a few days after ar­ show receipts for the same, signed by 11 24 27 25 52 11 ¡19.00 50 happy couple a long and pleasant life oi Ì19 0O Carey case arrived from Douglas last 75 12 34 46 47 93 45 226.33 1200 180 360 00 McMahon. On the contrary, however, wedded bliss.] rested Barden at his residence on the Staees leave Jacksonville as follow»?: week. 14 32 27 26 53 29 116.62 300 166 00 For Rock Point, Grant’s Pass and Rose­ South Umpqua, and Carey on Elk these receipts are pronounced as forged 15 13 20 10 24 16 91.00 320 50 166 00 Read what Wm. Bilger has to say burg. every day at 8 a. m. Mail closes at 16 23 35 36 71 41 172.60 350 13 7:30 p. m. ! Creek, and returned to this place with and not in McMahon’s writing. 17 31 36 22 58 40 102.66 He HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM! 150 218 60 among the new advertisements. For Phoenix, Ashland, Yreka and Reel­ them. The former was placed in the Barden and Carey were both the ob­ 18 44 45 45 90 42 196.00 50 —AND— 18(5 50 means business. dinar, California, every day at 10:30 a. m. 19 33 22 23 45 20 130.(56 400 130 00 Mail closes at 10 a. m. Jail and the latter in the station-house, jects of much curiosity, everybody 20 30 M 37 96 37 205.33 2(M> Pat. Dunn has been appointed ad­ HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE. 165 00 For Applegate, Kerbvville, Waldo and 21 31 25 28 53 31 107.33 seeming anxious to see them. The 5 93 75 Crescent City, every Monday and Thursday and both were closely guarded. ministrator of the estate of John Mc­ I 22 32 45 31 28 156.33 300 240 00 morning at 4 o’clock. Mail closes at 8 p. ni. Shortly after their arrival here, former is a man of respectable appear­ 23 30 22 21 76 43 161 121.33 50 160 00 Pherson, deceased. the preceding evening. 21 14 19 30 49 22 128.33 600 ance, between 35 and 40 years old, 248 00 Carey, the younger of the two, made a The mail for Central Point, Table Rock, Superintendent Fleming examined 25 15 12 10 22 15 59.66 900 190 42 Raffle Point, Brownsborough and Sam’s confession to Deputy Kent, charging about medium size, of stout build, and 26 21 20 13 33 11 84.00 75 84 00 some applicants for teachers’ certifi­ Valley, leaves every Friday morning ; 28 19 20 39 23 81.66 100 200 00 Barden with having killed McMahon, has the appearance of being a shrewd 27 closes the preceding evening. ’ 28 12 15 8 23 17 49.00 KM) 00 cates last Saturday. 50 The mail for Linkville, Hot Sprincrs, Yai- and active person. Carey is a young 29 19 27 17 44 21 19(5.24 and also saying where the body could 150 00 nax and Lake City, leaves Ashland every Some of our merchants are making 30 10 6 5 11 3 49.00 120 00 50 Monday morning. For Linkville every be found. Acting on this, Mr. Kent, man, not 30 years of age, slender build, ; 22 20 26 12 42 31 107.33 80 122 355 preparations for laying in a large stock Monday and Thursday mornings. 10 11 50 75 00 of goods this season. Money Order Office open from 9 a. m. to reinforced by II. K. Hanna, Esq., Dr. and formerly worked for ’Squire Ber­ 32 27 19 15 29 19 72.33 ! 30 33 21 81.66 210 00 350 15 5 p. m. Callender and others, left for the scene ry. Jacob Wimer and other citizens of 341 19 14 15 29 19 74.25 1 ....... 200 00 Somebody, without the fear of the California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. , O ffice H ours —From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.; 1 18 20 35 21 38 ■... 119.00 this county. lie wore the appearance 120 00 immediately. They camped that Sundays, 30 minutes after arrival of staces. 1 17 1 19 36 |13 105.00 150 «•• • • 205 00 devil before his eyes, shot R. V. Beall’s Mail matter must be in on time or it will night on the ground and within a short of being thoroughly frightened, while 361 21 lways on hand the best stock 18 ! 22 40 !... 105.00 500 37 39 135 00 watch dog the other night. L not go. M ax M uller , P. M. of Patent and Home-made Rifle and distance from where the body Lay con­ in Court. Those who pretend to know Total voters, 1,242; male pupils,’1,229 ; Shot Guns, single and double; Revolvers The chimney of Wm. Blechert’s of the latest patents ; Pocket Pistols, neat, F or S alem .—H. L. Webb and J. cealed. The next day McMahon was him say he is of a simple nature. female pupils, 1,176. Total number of pu­ house burned out one morning this small and powerful; Derringers, the latest Great credit is due the authorities, pils, 2,405. best; also, the best Powder and Pow­ B. Coates left for Salem last Friday, found in a gulch, about a mile from week, which created some excitement. and der Flasks ; Hunting and pocket knifes of A tax of $106 was levied in district No. 12. and especially Deputy Sheriff Kent, his cabin, covered with leaves, rocks, having in charge Wm. Dougherty and A heavy rain fell Saturday evening the best brands; all sorts of Shot and District No. 10 is a new district. The fol­ J. J. Cummins, who will make brick i etc. Much excitement was prevailing for their eminently successful efforts lowing are the incidental expenses of the and also on Sunday, which had the Pouches; Caps, Wads and everything in the Sportsman’s line. at Hotel de Watkinds for six months over the supposed murder, and a large in tracking up this affair. The plans various districts : No. 1, $199 ; No. 2, $5.25; effect of raising the streams consider­ He will also keep a full line of SHELF HARDWARE, Nalls and Rope of all kind* - number of persons from various parts were certainly well laid and as well No. 4, $20 ; No. 5, $38.35 ; No. 7, $2 ; No. 8, and one year respectively. ably. and sizes, Carpenters’ and Wagon-Makers, $78 ; No. 17, $4 ; No. 19, 62 cents ; No. 21, $5; carried out. of the county were present. An in­ a complete assortment of Table and P. J. Ryan has been appointed ad­ Tools, 1 No. 22, $3.50 ; No. 24, 50 cents ; No. 28, $12; L ectures .—Mrs. Mattie Gaylord de­ quest was held there by Dr. Inlow, Pocket Cutlery, together with a füll supply LAKE COUNTY ITEMS. No. 30, $1 ; No. 31, 50 cents ; No. 32, $1.50 ; ministrator of the estate of Daniel Mc­ of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc. livered two lectures at the Court House Coroner, and the following is his The above goods are all of the best qual­ No. 35, $1.50. I Mahon, deceased. See notice else- ity, and will be sold L inkville , March 28th. last week, both of which were well at­ report: The above figures are taken from the re­ where. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. ports made by the district clerks. tended. Singing, etc., also was had Unreliable weather. STATE OF OREGON, ) as. gathering of was a pleasant There The whole number of pupils in this coun- New guns made to order, and repairing County of Jackson, j Stock oF all kinds in good living each evening, and those who witnessed promptly done and in good style. All or­ I ty attending no school whatever is 853. I, II. T. Inlow, Coroner of said coun ­ at Veit ’ s Hall dancers last Monday condition. the entertainment pronounce it good. ders filled with dispatch. The condition of the school houses of each ty and State, do hereby certify that I evening, The supper was excellent, 27tf. JOHN MILLER. Reports from eastern valleys are They left for Roseburg on Sunday. district can be judged from their value, there did on the 25th day of March, 1875, being one house in each district except No. and everybody seemed to enjoy them­ hold an inquisition upon the body of generally encouraging. selves. H eavily I roned .—Barden has Daniel McMahon, found dead in Lit­ Lake County Court convenes next 7, which has two. There are three private schools, one in Wm. Bilger will hold a public auc­ been heavily ironed since his exami­ tle Butte Creek precinct, in tho county Monday. No business of much import­ District No. 5—an academy, having four tion at his residence on Fourth street nation. The shackles are securely and State aforesaid. ance on docket. teachers *rs employed ; two in DistricANo. 1 The following named persons were riveted on, and there is but little < by tho Catholic sisters, and to-day. Ilis household and kitchen The grass is starting a little, but —one conducted summoned and sworn as jurors, to wit: furniture, etc., will be sold without danger of getting free of them, even I A. II. Boothby, J. M. Black, Haskell looks as though it was ready to go the other a primary school. Vermont Stallion “MIKE." The wages of teachers are $33‘£ to $75 per reserve. if he should so desire. Carey is also Amj’, Eber Emery, Peter Simon and back at any time. month. The annual salary of the County The new Jail will contain 4,000 now confined In the Jail and securely M. Hanley. D. Gordon’s new saw-mill on Klam­ School Superintendent is $500. HE CELEBRATED VERMONT STAL- Doctor Matthias was called to make a ath River, near Whittle’s ferry, will Tho districts report the adopted series of pounds of iron spikes., For strength, ironed, though not as heavily as Bar­ lion, Peniger’s Mike, now owned by post-mortem examination of the body be in running condition by the first of text books in use, but the universal cry is neatness and usefulness, but few insti­ den. Cardw JI A Caton, will stand at the stables of said McMahon, deceased, and on ------------- ••------------------- i against the Pacific Coast Readers and Spell- tutions on the Coast can excel it when of James A. Cardwell, near Jacksonville. May. Mike is 10 years old, was sired by old oath testified that decomposition has j ers. It is the general opinion of the public completed. E lection of O fficers .—At a reg­ Vermont, and is himself the sire of many Farmers have commenced plowing. that fraud was used by -the publishers in fine trotting horses who have shown extra­ ular meeting of the Independent Lit­ set in to a considerable extent, that Easter Sunday transpired on the ordinary the death must have been caused by More grain will be sown than usual in , order to secure their adoption. speed, among which are Taylor’s erary Society, held Friday, March the destruction of the right side of the Benedict, Barney Flanders, McDonough** 28th. Appropriate exercises were had The majority of the district clerks think this section, oats being the principal Dick, Kahler’s Selim, Plymale A McDon­ 2Gth, the following officers were elected head, including also the lower jaw, ! that more money is the most urgent need at the Catholic Church. The children ough’s Tampson, Cardwell’s Billy, McDon­ crops. | of our public schools in this county. Let were in ecstasies over a large supply of ough’s Nelly. for the ensuing term Chas. Nickell, that said destruction was caused by a Lake Lodge, I. O. of G. T., assisted Pasturage for mares from a distance fur­ the next Legislature raise the school funds President; Miss Mary Berry, Vice pistol or gun shot, as evidenced upon colored eggs, and the event was cele ­ nished free of charge. by Fort Klamath Lodge, will give a in some way so that there will be a sufficient T erms —$25. President; Chas. J. Howard, Secretary; the hat and that portion of the person grand entertainment at Linkville on amount of money to conduct the public brated with the usual energy. as aforesaid. CARDWELL A CATON, Propr’«. Miss Eliza Langell, Treasurer; Robt. An interesting and w’ell-written ar­ J. A. C ardwell , Groom. The verdict of the jury is as follows: the 7th of April. The Temperance schools for at least six months each year. P. S.—We are prepared to famish pastur­ Let there be a heavier penalty placed on ticle from the pen of our fellow towns­ Kahler, Librarian; Frank Kasshafer, We, the jury having been duly sworn age and are making a full season with th* cause is marching onward. school officers in order to compel them to according to law, and having made in­ Warden. horse. 12m3. man, Wm. M. Turner, appears in the In consequence of a great number of do their duty. quisition upon the body of Daniel Mc­ A ncient C oins .—E. Jacobs last Mahon, deceased, find that he was a trees falling, the road across the Cas­ On my visit to the schools last Fall, I last Overland Monthly. A gentleman, YOU found those in session in tolerable good familiarly known hereabouts and else­ week show’ed us a couple of ancient native of Ireland, aged about 38 or 40 cades is almost impassable. The su­ condition ; yet there seemed to be in some where as “Beek,” figures extensively SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL SOON ON coins, belonging to J. D. Cook, a mer­ years, that he came to his death on the pervisors of that road, if there are any, , a lack of that earnest co-operation of parents in the story, which is worth reading. 20th day of February, A. D. 1875, in chant of San Francisco. One W’as a this county, by pistol shot wounds. are sadly neglecting their duty, and with teachers, which is absolutely necessa­ Jewish coin called the “Machses Schek- And we further find Chester Barden will probably be officially reminded of ry in order to the success of any school. P ersonal .—K. Kubli arrived from ! Tho bouses are dften very poor and in bad el,” which is over 5,000 years old; the (aided and assisted by William Carey) the same. condition ; and a wonderful lack of maps, Salem this week. The following occurred in Linkville charts, etc., is easily observed. We have other a piece of the Roman Empire, to be the person by whose act the death Judge Reed has returned to Port­ TOBACCO, PIPES AND CIGARS, and dated 1513. They were of an of the said Daniel McMahon was oc­ recently, between two individuals of some very good houses, and some of our land. casioned ; that the same was done by the Teutonic persuasion: “MineGott!” schools, I think, will compare favorably ancient and unique appearance, and shooting him with a pistol and was C. W. Beckworth, father-in-law of GROCERIES, with those of the same grade in any part of exclaimed Ed. “ look at the geeses Bill are scarce in this country. Baftlen, was in town this week, on done in the commission of a robbery— the State. Candies and Nuts of Every Description, and we deem the same to be murder has killed !” “Geeses, did you say ?” You will notice in tho table that Districts business with latter. He secured a H igh W ater .—Stages have been in the first degree. remarked John, “why them’s gooses, No. 13, 37,38, are not reported. They are deed of Barden’s land, a power of at­ CVLOCKEKY. arriving very irregularly during the the districts cut off from this county to torney from him, besides transacting “Signed by all the jurors.” Ed. stood you ignorant Dutchman.” TOYS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC., ETC. I further certify that the only ar­ corrected, and John stepped loftily Lake county by our last Legislature. past week, owing to the highness of other business with the prisoner. Respectfully submitted, the water both in California and Ore­ ticle found upon the person of the de­ away. I Mr. McMahon, brother of the mur­ II. C. FLEMING, verything bold at reasona - gon. This has especially been the case ceased was one pocket knife, which I County School Superintendent. dered man, arrived from Nevada this During the recent heavy wind- have deposited with the County Clerk ble rates. Give me a call and judge for north of us, where Cow Creek and the of the county aforesaid. All other per­ storm, Link River was blown almost yourselves. 33lf. L odge I nstallation .—Rev. J. S. week. sloughs thereabouts have prevented I sonal property of the deceased has been dry ; whereupon some Linkvilleites A. P. Armstrong, who has been at­ McCain on March 9th installed a lodge the stages from connecting. The taken in charge by P. J. Ryan, who tending the Salem University for sev­ thought it a good opportunity to prac­ weather having moderated, however, has been appointed Administrator of tically illustrate the children of Israel of Good Templars, called Pleasant eral months past, has returned home. estate of the deceased. And the Grove Lodge. The following officers we may expect our mails more reg­ the Henry Fuller, County Commissioner BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE. body of decedent was taken in charge crossing the Red Sea ; but having lit­ were elected for the ensuing term : ularly. by the Administrator as aforesaid and tle faith, and as there was no enemy of Lake, is in town. by him buried in the cemetery at Jack­ behind them, the thing was a failure. II. F. Phillips, W. C. T.; Mary Walk­ Hon. J. F. Gazley, of Douglas, ar­ C ircuit C ourt P roceedings .— The sonville, county and State aforesaid. er, W. V. T. ; E. Alice Gray, W. a ; HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HERE- by inform the public that he ha* ONE following are the proceedings of the Given under my hand this 29th day A few Modocs at the right time, and Laura----- , W. F. S. ; J. W. Dollar- rived in town last w’eek. THOUSAND BUSHELS of superior Jackson Sol. Sachs left for San Francisco yes­ Creek Lime for sale at tho right end, would have made a hide, W. M. ; Chas. Low, W. T. ; A. Circuit Court since our last report: of March, A. D. 1875. cheap. Persons wish­ H. T. INLOW, grand success of the affair. terday to lay in an elegant stock of ing Brick-laying or Plastering done in the Parthena J. Rowland vs. D. B. Row­ L. Fitzgerald, W. C. ; J. P. True, P. best style and at reasonable rates will do Coroner of Jackson county. O bserver . land ; suit for divorce. Referred to W. C. T.; Oscar Phillips, I. G. ; Wal­ goods for Sachs Bros.’ “Temple of well to call on me. For further information The body w ’ as then put in a box and inquire at the Franco-American Hoto» — the Clerk to take testimony. H orses S tolen .—Samuel Colver ter Phillips, O. G. ; 8. J. Dollarhide, Fashion.” G. W-5&0LT. White