* ch THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES. Zf he ¡gimsmhc Official Paper for Jaokson A Jottphino Published Every Friday Morning, B t CHAS. NICKELI editor ARD proprietor . OFFICE—On Oregon Ntreet, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of Subscription: Oua copy, per annum^..■»».».»..»».«».»..... $3.(X) ’ six months...................... »»......... 2Jx) “ three months,..... .».»...»............. 1 00 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 1875 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. general NOTE» an » news . Furai ture W are - Room, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertisement* will be inserted in th« T ime * at the following rates : One square, one insertion........................ $3.00 “ each subsequent one............. 1.00 For legal advertisements, $2.50 per square of 12 lines, first insertion, and $1.00 per *qn*re for each subsequent insertion. A fair reduction from the above rates mads to yearly advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly executed. """ ------ i-.J.-a gCBjgegregsggwa ORGANIZATION OF LAKE COUNTY. S ec . 9. The County Treasurer of Lake county shall receive an annual The following is the bill organizing salary of one hundred dollars. Oregon has 49 Odd Fellows Lodges. BTATK OF OREGON. Dr. L. DANFORTH. Cor. California A Oregon Sts., Uovnrnor...................... T- F- Grover Approved October 24, 1874. Leeches are killing sheep in Yam­ the county of Lake, passed by the late Secretary of State,.....»..»,»..... N. F. Chaosite and west of the M. E. Church. District Attorney,.. Be it enacted by the Legislative As­ not generally appreciated. Often than The Mormons despair of ever com­ JACKSON COUNTY. sembly of the State of Oregon : Keep*constantly on hand a full assortment H. K. HANNA, otherwise, the price at which cows ate of furniture, consisting of County Judge.............................. E. B. Watson pleting their temple, which the same S ection 1. That all that portion of bought and sold, is made to accord _ , . (John O’Brien, AUornry-ftt-Law and Notary Public. A.Hueston County Comtnlwsioners.»... » the State of Oregon embraced within with the amount of milk they will give. was commenced twenty years ago. BEDSTEADS, ....... , .......... «>>»»»»»»»»»•. ...L ...... . Manning the following boundary lines be, and But this is not a sound way of esti­ SherilT, Jacksonville. Oregon. Lower California is having fine rains, ..................... - .......... E. . D.FonxtTa v Clerk... I the same is hereby, created and organ­ mating their value. Beef cattle may BUREAUS, TABLES, Treasurer....................... .................. K. Kubli Will practice in all the Courts of tho State. as well as other portions of the State, ized into a separate couuty by the Assessor........................... ...... W. A. Childers estimated by the pounds of beef GUILD MOULDINGS, Prompt attention given to all business left name of Lake, to-wit : Beginning on be ....... H. C. Fleming and all fears of a short crop are now re ­ School Superintendent, they will make. A bullock that will in my care. Surveyor,......................... ............E. C. Mason the forty-second parallel of north lati- STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, moved. ............ H. T. Tnlow make 500 pounds of beef may be worth » V Coroner... tude at a point where said parallel is C. W. KAHLER. E. B. WATSON. D emocratic T imes SMficial Paper, The Coos Bay wagon road has been i intersected by the east boundary of half as much as one that will make CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. KAHLER A WATSON. JOSEPHINE county . sold to a California company for the | township No. 23, east of the Wiilatn- 1,000 pounds, but a cow that produces PARLOR A BEDROOM SI ’ ITS, only 100 pounds of batter a year is not •% .......... • • • • ■ ‘County Judge.............. ••» M. F. Baldwin j Attorneys and Counselors-nt-Law, sum of $110,000, whereat the stock- ette Meridian, thence due north on worth half as much as one that will . . (S. Messenger, County Commissioners........ j James Neel v. 1 said township line to the south boun­ make 200 pounds in the same time. holders rejoice. Jacksonville, Oregon, dary line of township No. 22 south of Sheriff......................................... I’5»”- L. Green ; Also Doors. Sash and Blinds always on( A female auctioneer is the latest the Oregon base line, thence due west As it will take the former cow two Vlerk........................................... Chas. Hughes ; Will practice in tho Supreme, District and hand and made to order. Planing done on years to make as much butter as the Treasurer.....................................A' ni.Naueke other Courts of this State. reasonable terms, Undertaking a spe­ California sensation. She is pretty, on said township line to the east boun­ latter does in one, she will cost her Assessor.......................................John Howell Office in the building formerly occupied cialty. 29tf. polite and persuasive, and gets away dary line of Lane county, thence owner a year’s keeping more than the School Superintendent................. B. F. Sloan by O. Jacobs, opposite Court House. 29tf. Surveyor.................................... W. N. Sanders j southerly along said boundary line and other will to get the same amount. withfinany ducats. Coroner.......................................Geo. E. Rriggs the east boundary line of Douglas J. H. STINSON. j. R. NEIL. “SXCELSIOB” Official Paper.................... D emocratic T imes Steps are being taken by the West- , county to the southeast corner of said The butter from the poor cow costs STINSON & NEIL, COURT SITTINGS. ern Union telegraph line to construct Douglas county, thence to, and south double what it does from the good ona, .factaon Chush/.—Circuit Court, second Attorneys and foiinsrllorvat-Law, I j I V F RY STABLE, a telegraph line to Marshfield, Coos on the east boundary of township No. 4 and produced at a ruinous rate for the Monday in February. Juneau J November. farmer. Such a cow will not pay the east of the Willamette Meridian to County Court, first Monday in each month, i county, from Roseburg. cost of keeping, and Is only fit for JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, said 42 deg., parallel of north latitude, the shambles. She ought certainly JowpAme County.— Circuit Court, second Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Ex-Governor Thomas E. Bramlette, thence due east along said parallel to Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc­ Will practice in the Supreme. District and never to occupy a place in the dairy. tober. Conntv Court, first Monday in Jan- , other Courts of tho State. Prompt atten­ manager of the great lottery, died at the place of beginning. A eerd of such cows would make any uary, April, July and October. tion given to all business entrusted to our J. W. MANNING & R. ISH, Propr’s. his residence in Louisville on the 13th, S ec . 2. The territory embraced dairyman grow poor, while with a JACKSONVILLE PRECINCT. care. Office on California street, tatween within said boundary lines shall com­ herd of the other class he coaid hardly Justice of the Peace.................... J. H. Stinson of rheumatism of the heart. Third and Fourth. 41 tf. Constable.....................................A. M. Asbury i pose a county for all civil and military A severe snow storm and awfully purposes, and shall be subject to the fail to grow rich. aving just received a new TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. J. A. CALLENDER, M. D. | A.C. MATTHIAS, M. D. stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­ cold weather prevailed throughout the f C. C. Beekman, Pres’t, same laws and restrictionsand entitled riages. we are now prepared tn furnish our D ollar M ark .—The theory of a CALLENDER A MATTHIAS, I Sol. Sachs, Northwest last week. Hogs were to elect the same officers as other coun­ writer in the Atlantic Monthly is that patronsand the public generally with as ■! John Bilger, Trustees I Henry Judge, Physicians & Snrgrons, ties in this State. Provided, That it I the two parallel upright marks may bo frozen to death in Chicago. FTNE TURNOUTS I K. Kubli. shall be the duty of the Governor, as As can l»e had on the Pacific Const. Saddle There are 5,000,000 bushels of wheat ; soon as convenient after this Act shall traced tack to pillars of Hercules, and ,.U. S. Harden JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. 'Recorder..................... horses hired to co to any part of tho country. the S-like figure to a scroll entwined ....Henrv Pape Treasurer,.................. Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses in store at New York, which is three become a law, to appoint for Lake around them ($). According to tra­ ...„.Fred. Grob Marshal...................... broke to work single or double. Horses times as much as there has l>een at the county, and from her resident citizens, Peter Boschey Street Commissioner, dition, when the Tyrian colony landed Having formed a co-partnership for the boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon I the several county officers allowed by on the coast of Spain and founded tbo close of navigation since 1871. practice of our profession, we oiler our ser­ them while in our charge. SOCIETY NOTICES. law to other counties of the State, vices to the public. OUR TERMS ARE REASONABLE. Out of one thousand convicts in the which said officers, after duly qualify­ ancient city of Gades, (now Cadiz) Office on California Street, opposite Melcarthus, the leader of the expedi­ A liberal share of the public patronage is California State prison, 1G0 are under Jacksonville lodsr No. F.. Union Livery Stable. ing. according to law, shall be entitled tion, set up two stone pillars as a me­ solicited. [2Stt] MANNING A ISH. Holds its regular meetings everv 21 years o( age, and 241 are under 2G to hold their respective offices until morial, over which was built the tem­ Dr. J. 0. belt ­ Sntnrdav evening nt the Odd Fel­ years. The result of idleness among their successors are duly elected, at ple of Hercules. Centuries later, when low’s Hall. Brothers in good standing are THE physician AND SURGEON, the general election of 1876, and have Charles V. became Emperor of Ger­ Invited to attend. n the youngsters of that State. C. W. SAVAGE, N. G. duly qualified as required by law. many, he adopted a new coat of arms, Jncknon ville, Oregon. CITY DRUG STORE, Miss Yokum is the most popular S ok S achs . Rec. See’y. in which the pillars of Gades occupied S ec . 3. The temporarv county seat Jacob Ish, Isaac Sachs, Kaspar Kubli, school marm Empire City has ever a prominent position in the device. of Lake county shall [be] located at Trustee». JACKSONVILLE. Having located in tlic town of Jacksonville, bad. She is muscled like a hired Linkville in said county, until a per­ Hence, when a new coin was struck at tor the purpose of practicing Surgery and man and stands the big boys on their manent location is adopted. At the the Imperial Mint, it bore the device, Jafkwnvillr Stamm No. US V. 0. R. M.. other branches of his profession, respect­ fully asks a portion of the public patron­ Hold* its regular meetings every Thursday head in a corner when they show any next general election the question shall two pillars with a scroll entwined he new ftrm of kaht . fr CRONEMILLER. than myself. J. C. BELT, M. D. with the finest brands of liquor* and ci­ A dvertising begets wealth. mated at $80,000,000. I hundred dollars. gars always on hand. 16tf. Jacksonville, Sept. 1,1874. Jacksonville, Dec. 8, 1874. 5O. professional ca rds < H I T T T T W ■■■I I » ■ ■ — -I • ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i i H — C M , N ♦ a A E ¿ ■■ ■ ■— ■ ♦ »■■■■■ " ■