LAKE COI N’T Y ITEMS. S t . N icholas for J anuary is a real holi­ day number, and a peculiarly attractive Tho various current accounts of the ; Our regular correspondent, under one. It opens with a beautiful frontispiece date of Linkville, January 7th, fur­ called “Mozart, the Littlo Music King,” fol­ FRIDAY...................... ...JANUARY 15, 1875. capture of Walter and William Brown lowed by a short sketch of the great musi­ contain many inaccuracies. We have nishes us the following items : cian’s career. It gives us an abundance of Stock is doing well. AGENTS FOR'THE TIMES. at last been able to obtain an authentic interesting Christmas stories, such as “Tom­ my, the Soprano,” by Charles Barnard ; Big Klamath Lake-is frozen to the report of the airair, which may be Now York “May’s Christmas Tree,” by Olive Thorne ; s Pcttingill A Co. .................... New York. relied on in all its particulars, as ixe depth of ten inches. I. 1» Ftaher................... ................ Sau Francisco. “A Christmas Legend,” by Florence Scan- obtained it from headquarters, to-wit : , Ducks arc numerous, affording good nell (each of tho threo with a beautiful Rowell »V Chesman... ........................ St. Ixiuis Our readers will remember that amusement for sportsmen. picture by Eytinge); and “The Dwarfs thin. L. Green............ ...... Josephine County. I Mirror,” illustrated by F. A. Chapman. Chas. Hughes............ . ..................... Kerbvx il le theso brothers, who are indicted for , Tho road across the mountains is There is also a fac-simile of the original Ben Haymond........... .................... Rock Point the killing of Oliver Hurt, in Sprague good. Now is the time for freighters. manuscript of the famous ballad “’Twas the River Valley, last Summer, escaped RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. The weather is splendid. The snow Night before Christmas,” which will attract from that region and were supposed to the attention of all the boys and girls. The River has disappeared from Link beginning of the two serials, “The Young M. E. C u V rch .—Religious services every bo secreted in Benton county, wheit Sunday, at the usual hours, by the Rever­ Valley. Surveyor,” by J. T. Trowbridge, and “Eight ends J. R. N. Bell, J. S. McCain and M. A. their relations live. Efforts were by Tjouisa M. Aleott, with lino Linkville boasts of a dancing school Cousins," Williams, alternately. made for their apprehension, but were illustrations by W. L. Sheppard and Addie C atholic Cill’lU’ii.—Divine Services ev­ successfully conducted by Mr. Alex. Le u —Regular mediately made arrangements for their everyone seeming to enjoy themselves which ry L. Stephens, and Thomas Dunn English meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two immensely. has an old-fashioned Fairy-tale, with two i capture. For this expedition he de- o’clock. striking pictures by E. B. Bensell. Tho | tailed Deputy Sheriff Kent and H. L. O. C. Applegate and Judson Small number also contains “A Bird’s-oyo View P. 0. REGISTER AND TRAVELER’S GUIDE. 1 Webb, who on the morning of tho IS th have returned from their visit to the of the Battle of Lite,” illustrated by fivo ot Concklufs exquisite pictures ; a description Stacres leave Jacksonville as fol lews : | of December started for Sprague River, Willamette and elsewhere. of “The HornWIt,” with an illustration by For Rock Point, Grant’s Pass and Rose- I James C. Beard ; an articlo giving directions where the refugees were reported to burg, every day at 8 a. in. Mail closes at Business is rather lively in Link- for making a “Doiuino Bridge and an in­ 7:30 p. m. For I’htvnix, Ashland, Yreka ami Red­ be lurking. They went by the way of ville, money seeming to be more plen­ teresting account by Noah Brooks of the celebrated “Children’s Crusade.” Thon, ding, California, even nay at 10:30 a. m. | Fort Klamath to avoid suspicion, and tiful than for somo time heretofore. there are poems by Bret Harte and Eli- Mail closes at 10 n. m. Stuart l’helps ; a “Christmas Carol” were three days getting to that place, For Applegate, Kerbyville, Waldo and AU harmonious at Fort Klamath. zalieth by Mrs. Dodge ; and a beautifully illus­ Crescent Citv. St. .Nicholas, in order to Money Order office open from 9 a. m. to for Yainax, a distance of 10 miles, and opposing element. make room for all the good things that have 5 p. m. R. B. Hatton, tho popular mail con­ been crowded into it. O ffice Horns—From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m : 18 miles from Sprague River. It now ----------- » Sundays, 30 minutes after arrival of stages. tractor, leaves for Lake City, Cal., in Mail matter must l>e in on time or it will became necessary to proceed with J osephine C ounty S ubscribers . not go. M ax M ullek , P. M. ureat caution and tho party remained the morning. He promises us some Slit ¡’ll tworrafif Siiars. CACTI KE OF Till: KKOWN EKO I'll EKS. Ladies' and Gentlemens U nfortunate .—Last week we an­ nounced the loss by fire of 500 tons q T FURNLSniNG and hay belonging to David R. Jones, of Warner Valley. We now arc called ui»on to chronicle another misfortune FANCY GOODS, that has lately befallen him. Mr. Jones this week received a letter from BOYS’ and GIRLS’ Camp Bidwell, Cal., informing him that his residence, lately finished at READY-MADE CLOTHING, that place, was entirely destroyed by fire. The fire seems to have originated BOOTS and SHOES, from a defective flue. C hetco S urvey .—The cost of the FINE TOYS I OR HOLIDAYS, preliminary survey of the wagon road to Chetco amounted to $582. There CLOTHING, remains a balance of $122.50 yet to be subscribed, Jackson county having ap­ propriated the sura of $350, and the LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CIGARS» rest having been made up by the citi­ CROCKERY, ETC. zens of Josephine and elsewhere. D ied . The estimable wife of Capt. Thos. Smith, of Ashland, departed this life at her residence lately. Mrs. Hudson, mother of James R. Hudson, formerly of this place, died at the residence of- her son last Friday, aged nearly eighty years. F rom J osephine .—I). S. K. Buick and W. Beeson returned from Jose­ phine this week, where they have been organizing two Granges. Mr. Beeson informs us travel to tho Galice Creek mines is brisk and that he met quite a number on their way there. Orth’s Brick Building, Jacksonville. .<< A LL OF TIIE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD J Y at the very lowest rates. If yon don’t believe me, eall and ascertain prices for yourselves. No humbug! All kinds ot produco and hides taken in exchange for gooffs. 4*2tf. FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL cality where the Browns Tho Linkville atmosphere seems to the following amounts, to bo used in Klippel, Beekman & Johnson ’ s quartz defraying the expenses of the prelim­ 19th. were supposed to be. For two days have a peculiar attraction for him. inary survey of the Chetco Wagon ledge on Rogue River has arrived, and and nights they watched, and on the ' Uncle George Nourse is acting some­ I Road : Mr. Klippel has gone to superintend F or the D efense .—Wo learn that putting it up. morning of the 21th of December, just what strangely of late. It is thought the well known firm of Strahan & II. Woodcock,$5; J. I. Knight, $10; HE MADAME TAKES THIS METHOD of tendering her thank« to the public for McFadden, of Corvallis, has been re­ at daybreak, one of the Indians saw a by some that “those conduct” means J. W. Childs,$5; Dan. L. Green,$5; M. N ew P ost O ffice .—A late tele­ the patronage which has hitherto been ex­ ; Mike Boer, $10; T. G. F. Baldwin, $5 tained to defend the Brown brothers man emerge from behind a hav-stack matrimony or some other rash act. tended to hor, and would respectfully solicit , $5 Dan. Hunt, $5; T. F. gram announces that a new Post Office its continuance. and go directly for the house, which at their trial next March. lion. E. C. Mason, writing to State Patterson Magoon, $5; J. B. has been established at Murphy, Jose­ Her tables are always under her immedi­ -------- was situated about three-quarters of a Superintendent Rowland, says there Floyd, $5; Albert Sutry, control ; and by her long experience in $5; S. Mes- phine county. J. O. C. Wimer is the ate the business she fi^els confident tnatshe will F ree of C harge .—Society elec­ mile from the stack. The man suited is plenty of good land in Goose Lake Si fers, $5; Frank songer, $5; S. T. White, $5; J J. P. Postmaster. give entire satisfaction to all. Her beds and tions, births, deaths, or matters of gen- the description of one of the brothers valley not yet taken up, and advises Mills, $5; Wm. Naucke, $5; Wm. rooms are fitted up in the most comfortable style, suited to the accommodation of single each......... . 100,000 500 each......... . 120,000 ent. We regret that our limited space present. Senator Tolin presided and Grange, L. Chappel ; Harmony Point Josephine counties, and tho citizens " 240 Cash Gifts, General Merchandise, 100 each......... . 50,000 I 500 Cash Gifts, forbids a detailed report of the lecture. J. B. Sifers acted as Secretary. Reso­ Grange, Tho3. Wright; Central Point should take hold of the matter deter­ 19,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each......... . 950.000 Which will be sold at the lowest prices. I Grange, M. Peterson ; Eagle Point mined to succeed. $50. Halves, 825 Tenth, Whole tickets, A fair share of the public patronage solicited. N ew G ranges .—D. S. K. Buick, lutions favorable to this road wore , Grange, Mr. Terrill; Sam’s Valley or each Coupon, $5. Eleven whole tickets, P. S.—I will shortly receive via (’rescent City an elegant stock"of fancy goods. B revities .—W. J. Stanley will »500. Worthy Deputy Master, assisted by passed, and a general interest in the Grange, Samuel March. For tickets, or information, address Give me a call. M. MENSOR. start an evening school before long...... THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Secretary W. Beeson, of .Ashland enterprise was evinced by those jires- Kerby villo, Oct. 21, 1874. 43. 2 Agent and Manager, Louisville, Ky. ent. A full report of the proceedings The Telegraph Otfice closes now at 8 o ’ clock A nother D iscovery .—We learn Grange, organized tho following r. m ., instead of at 9 o’clock r. M., as for­ and resolutions is promised us. G. W. FREY. M. CATON. that two gentlemen from California merly Granges in Josephine county : NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS! ...... The “Spotted Boy,” on exhibi­ On January 5th, a Grange at Kerby - L ucky .—Dame Rumor has it that have discovered rich cinnabar deposits tion in .Jacksonville recently, has been ar- CATON & FREY, otice is hereby given to the ville, with a full list of charter mem­ J. B. White, formerly of Rock Point, near ti.e boundary line of Jackson and • rested in San Francisco on the cliargo of Tax-payers of Jackson county that I New Boot and Shoe Store. will bo in my office from 9 o’clock a . m ., to bers. John B. Sifers, Master ; D. made the snug little sum Of $30,000 Douglas counties. No further partic­ being a lopor. ------- — •--------- - ulars. 4 cftelock r. M. of each official day, for tlio CALIFORNIA ST., JAIKBONVILU. Feister, Secretary. Post-office ad­ by a judicious investment in mining B usy .—The quartz excitement pre­ purpose ot receiving taxes. Those not pay­ within 30 days from date will have "to •stocks at San Francisco the other dress, Kerbyville. B urned .— The school house near vailing here makes business in the ing pay mileage, as the taxes must l>o collected On January 8 th, a Grange at Vannoy’s day. We only hope it is so, for we Grant’s Pass was burned to the ground County Clerk’s office rather lively. and I cannot afford to ride after them for aving permanently located nothing. I propose to enforce the law strict ­ in Jacksonville, respectfully inform Ferry. Jos. Pollock, Master; Thos. are always pleased to hear of the good on the 22d of December, and its en­ Mr. Foudray has recorded a large ly, so take warning in time. the public that they are pre|»are