THE VKKNBfRO TROUBLE». The dispatches announce the fact Official Paptr for Jackson k Joseph ine Conntirs. says a large body of citizens today that the Republic, the great organ set sent forth a statement of the origin of up by the Administration to kill the FRIDAY........................JANUARY 1, 1875. the late difficulties. The statement is New York Timet, is dead. signed by Humphreys, ex-Governor, Gervais, Baker City, Lafayette, FIFTH VOLUME. and other prominent persons. It says Marshfield of Ceos, Silverton, Indepen­ Cordosa was elected State Superin­ dence, Ashland and Jefferson, have all With this Issue commences the tendent of Education ; Ames then put on corporate clothes since the Leg­ fifth volume of the T imes and the illegally appointed Dorsey his suc­ islature adjourned. fifth yerr of its existence. The at- cessor upon the affidavit or the State They have a genius at Halsey, Linn mosphere of Jackson county had been Auditor. Dorsey being arrested and •o deathly to myriads of Democratic imprisoned for issuing forged certifi­ county—a little lady scarcely in her paper*—although the party that they cates, resigned, and Ames again made teens—that sketches almost equal to championed was largely in the an illegal appointment, which ap­ old masters, although she has never majority—that when the T imes was pointee still holds office. The investi­ had a moment’s teaching or training. •tarted its early demise was expected. gation showed Cordosa also guilty. She should be given a chance. An effort was made in New Orleans Four years have passed, and it still George W. Davenport, negro Chancery survives and flourishes. Fire has Clerk, on discovering that forged war­ on the morning of the 14th to intro­ totally demolished it and all the rants were in circulation, was re­ duce five or six colored girls as pupils into the girls’ upper high school, dangers and troubles incident to peatedly called on to report to the establishing a country newspaper have Board of Supervisors, but refused even which resulted in the withdrawal of appeared, but the T imes still greets its permission to examine the records. over fifty of the graduating class. This readers weekly, having never missed j At the October term of Court, Dorsey, is the first attempt to place negroes in a regular issue, except when burned Davenport and Cordosa were indicted this school. out, and then but for a slight period. by the Grand Jury. Upon examina­ The Grangers have purchased a lot The confidence of the public, so often tion many documents were discovered of land on the river bank at Salem, and sadly misplaced in Democratic news- missing, and some records committed a stock company will be at once organ­ ps|»ers of Jacksonville, has been grad­ to the care of Sheriff Crosby, had been ized, who will at an early day com­ ually restore«!, until now, after the stolen. The Sht-iff is also tax-col­ mence the erection of a mammoth lapse of four years, sufficient patronage ! lector ; his bond is worthless. When grain warehouse on the premises. It is guaranteed to make it a permanent the Supervisors’ attorney declared the is certainly a desirable location, being institution. We would not have our bond illegal, the Board refused to or­ contiguous to the water’s eige, and of readers believe that we are on the der a new one, and it was alleged they sufficient proportions to Accommodate high mad to wealth, for such is rarely acted under the influence of the an immense strifcture. The price paid tho case with a country newspaper Sheriff. Crosby published a card in was $1,300. publisher. November, stating that he would re­ President Grant’s brother has been In commencing a new year, we tain the office until ousted by the Su­ appointed Military Trailer for the posts have few promises to make. We will preme Court, and calling on tax-payers on the Upper Missouri. Orville L. endeavor, as we always have done, to to pay up. The tax-payers held a Grant thus secures one of the richest make the T imes as readable as pos- meeting demanding his resignation. places in the whole Indian country. •ible. It shall always be our ohjtsd to . Crosby resigned, and the others fled. Besides the privilege to supply provis­ give a full and reliable compendium of Gov. Ames, after an application from ions for the troops stationed at these the local news, and as much general Crosby, issued a proclamation com­ posts, the trader usually has control of matter as our space will permit. Our manding the tax-payers to disperse. the transportation of the goods sent large and constantly increasing circula­ Simultaneously appeared a card among thither for the large Indian tribes of tion in Jackson. Josephine and Lake the negroes, signed Peter Crosby, de­ the Northwest. counties make the T imes a desirable nouncing the whites and calling on The new finance bill, resolved upon advertising medium, and our citizens the negroes to come to his rescue. have taken advantage of this fact, as The same day that the Adjutant Gen­ unanimously by the Senate Commit-- our columns will attest. Should cir- > eral and his aid-de-camp arrived at tee, provides for a resumption of specie payment January 1, 1879, for free cumstances permit, we shall ere the . Vicksburg, Capt. IlaH, of the negro banking, and for retiring greenbacks close of the present year present our militia, received orders to hold him­ to the extent of eighty per cent, on reader« with a larger paper, and a con- | self in readiness. Sunday night, the amount of new national bank notes aequently increased amount of reading , Chancellor Hill presented an order issued. It also requires $46,000,000 matter. granting an injunction against Crosby, of fractional currency to be gradually In conclusion, we will say that the acting as Sheriff. During the interim withdrawn, and coin, in denomina­ T imes will ever be found battling for next day Crosby was asked to send tions of from five to fifty cents^ issued the interests of Southern Oregon. j orders dispersing the negroes who in its place. We return thanks to our patrons for were rumored to be marching on the The Republican officials of Idaho the past liberal patronage, and ask a town. Crosby promised to do so. have counted out Hon. 8. S. Fenn, the continuance of the same. Nevertheless, the negroes marched Democratic candidate for Congress, into the town Monday, and a conflict though he received a majority of the The Fell tics ef 1S7L ensued, between 50 and 100 negroes votes cast, and given the certifi­ Old 1874 has breathed his last, and being killed and wounded and about cate of election to Bennett, the Repub­ looking over the politics of the past 80 captured, all of whom have been lican. This is a flagrant outrage. The Secretary of the Territory counted the year, we cannot but feel an emotion of released, except four leaders. pride and satisfaction coming over us. . The statement declares that the votes, and threw out a number of halt The glorious old Democratic party is negroes came to town under Crosby’s lots which were marked Hon. S. S. gradually being restored to power1 orders, and concludes by an appeal to Fenn, and by this arrangement created again. Oregon is one of the brightest the »judgment of the country as to a majority for Bennett, and declared stars in the Democratic constellation, whether they were right in denounc­ him duly elected. But Mr. Fenn can and gallant old Jackson lent no incon­ ing the officials, who they say, have afford to bide his time. A Democrat­ siderable hand in furthering this de­ banded together to plunder and ruin ic Congress will decide between him and his unscrupulous opponent, and in sirable event One year ago, Radical­ their section, and asks the country to the end justice will be done. ism was in its zenith of power. But sustain them in resisting forcibly the Ben Butler takes his defeat, it is retribution so earnestly hoped for, has encroachment and illegalities which said, with savage threatenings. Inter­ •urely and swiftly come. The Demo­ they cannot otherwise resist. viewed by a Sun reporter, he would cratic party is again assuming control We Mhnll Nee. not talk. But afterwards, when some of the several States and will ta verware, etc., has received a large ad­ dition to his well-selected stock of Jewelry and silverware. ELGIN AND WALTHAM, Gold and Silver Watches. Gold and Silver Chains, all imported from the first niannfac- i turers in the East. A fine lot of SETH I THOMAS’ EIGIIT-DAY WEIGHT CLOCKS. Also all kinds of E ioht -D ay and 30-iioun 1 CLOCKS? PorkET Ul’TLKRY AND W1LLOW 1 W are of all kinds ; a new assortment of the j BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, most elegant FIVE BRAN NEW FLORENCE * Sewing Machines ! 45 PER CENT. CHEAPER ! ! THAN EVER AT With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses Toys for the Holidays, and Mules, which will lie hired to go to any part of the country at moderate rates. CONSISTING OF ALBUMS, DOLLS, BABY WAGONS, 1 Animals bought and sold, and broke to saddle or harness. WORK-BOXES: 29tf. KUBLI A WILSON. Tn fact everything that is wanted for the hol­ idays. A ‘fine lot of SILVER-PLATED New Store! New Goods! WARE of the best quality. Also a fine lotot Music B ojccs , Accordcons, Guitars, Violins, etc. A Fine Assortment of JOHN A. BOYER, CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, Pipes, Pipe-stems, and anything of that LINTS BRICK BUILDING, CALIFORNIA St., kind that may I m 1 wanted. I am also Agent for th« GROVER A BAKER and FLOR­ DEALER IN ENCE Sewing Machines, and keep them « constantly yr hand. I have just receive«! GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, the latest improved Florence, which feeds the work FROM THE OPERATOR. Jewelry, Watches and Chicks cleaned Assorted Huts, and repaired and warranted. Also Sewing Machines cleaned and repaired. Give me a call. 29tf. TOBACCO, CIGARS AND PIPES, JOHN NEUBER’S? Estray Notice. FRUITS IN SEASON, NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS! mAKEN UP BY JAMES HARER. SUB- I Agent at Klamath Agon«\v. residing at Yainax, Oregon, and appraiser! by John W. Gearhart, a Justice of the Peace, at Sprague River District, on the 30th of June, 1874, the following described animals, to-wit : to One sorrel mare, fourteen hands high, about seven years old, white face, loft hind ankle white, and branded on right shoulder with the letter “W.” Worth $50. One flea-bitten gray mare, about 10 years old, thirteen hands high, covered with red pimples, but no brands. Worth $30. One sorrel mare, about six years old, fif­ teen hands high, saddle-marked, but no brands. Worth $35. One light bay filly, about two or three years old, thirteen and a half hands high, and both ankles on the hind feet white. No brands. Worth $35. Ono bay horse, about six years old, thir­ teen an«l a half hands high, branded on the right hip with tho letters “W J,”an«l on the left side of the neck with the letter “S.” He also has a star in the forehead and snip on the end of the nose. Saddle marks on noth sides. Appraised at $35. . 45t4. PLAIN ANO FANCY CANDIES. otice is hereby given to the of Jackson county that I N will Tax-payers be in my office from 9 o’clock a . m ., 4 o’clock p. m . of each official «lay, for the purpose oi receiving taxes. Those not pay­ Charley Ross. ing within 30 «lays from date will have to pay mileage, as the taxes must be collected and I cannot afford to ride after them for This youth, who several months ago nothing. I propose toonforce the law strict­ was abducted in Philadelphia/ which ly, so take warning in time. affair created intense excitement throughout the Union, has not been found yet, although large rewards have been offered and untiring search been instituted. The latest news regarding him is given by a New York dispatch, dated December 14th, which says the Police Superintendent received a dis­ patch from Fort Hamilton, Long Island, this morning, stating that William Mosher and Joseph Douglass, burglars, were shot last night. Doug­ lass, before dying, declared that Mosher knew all about Charley Ross, the child stolen from Philadelphia. Detectives say that Mosher, the bur­ glar who was shot near Brooklyn last night, and was accused by his pal with being the abductor of Charley Ross, resided before the abduction In Monroe street, near Second, In Philadelphia, and owned a horse and wagon. TÇUE GENERAL MERCHANDISE Some Satisfaction. GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. J. W. MANNING, Sheriff A Tax-Collector of Jackson Co., Ogn. Dated this 14th day of December, 1874. LAGER, LAGER! TÏÏE EAGLE BREWERY. i/ 1HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, has now on hand and is constantly man­ ufacturing the best Imager Beer in Southern Oregon, whieh he will sell in quantities to JOHN suit purchasers. Call and test the article. 29tf. 1 GRASS SEED. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. 1 Please give me a call. Jacksonville, August 5, 1874, 29tf. FRUIT TREES. Agency of the Willamette Kursery. UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed agent of G. W. Walling A T HE Non s well-known Willamette Nursery of Oswego, Clackamas county, informa tho public that he is prepared to fill all ordenvfor cboioe fruit trees at short notice and at rea- sonable rates. CHERRY TREES a special­ ty , of which I have a large and choice as­ sortment on hand. Give me a call. 49n‘3- R. S. DUNLAP. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. L. CARTER