THE DEMO Oe íDrraorratií (¿mes. Official Paper for Jaokson & Josephine Published Every Friday Morning. By RATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertisements will I m * inserted in the TlMEb at the following rates : One sqnare, one insertion........................$3.00 each subsequent one........... 1.00 hor legal advertisements,$2.50 persquare of 12 lines, first insertion,and $1.00 per square for each subsequent insertion. A fair reduction from the above rates made to yearly a3.00 “ six months.................................. 2.00 “ three months,..................... 1.00 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. P rof ess ion a l cari > s . Furniture Ware - Room, STATE OF OREGON. Dr» L. DANFORTH. Cor. California A Oregon Sts., ....... !.. F. Grover ^Governor, 'Secretary of State,.»»»»»»«...... . ,S. F. < 'hadwiek •State Treasurer,................... ...... X. H. Brown State Printer.......................... ......M. V. Brown Snp’t of Public Instruction ...I,. I,. Rowland FIRST JVDU’IAI. DI-TRIlT» Circuit Judgr District Attorney,.................... H. K. Hanna JACKSON IW’NTY. Judee ........ ................... D- B. O Watson County jutige ’Brien. County Commissioners...... j M X.Hueston Sheriff, ..................................... J. W. Manning .««««R. D. Fondrav Clerk... Treasurer •••••••••••• •••••< .................. K. Knbll A ««esso r... ........................ ........ XV. A. Childers School SujM'rintemlent, ......... II. C. Fleming .... E. C. Mason Survevor,........................ '... .......... IL T. Inlow Coroner........................... Official Paper.................. ..D emocratic T imes PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Has removed to Jacksonville, and tenders his prolbssional servies to the oublie. Office on California street, adiolnmg Ca­ ton’s shoe-shop. Residence on Third street, opposite and west of the M. E. Church. Oregon. •T ackson ville. The Mormons talk of emigrating to Mexico. The late Mayor Havemever, of New York, left $5,000,000 to his wife and children. DAVID LTNN The father of Charley It »ss, the ab­ Keen« const anil v on hand a full assortment ducted Philadelphia l»oy, offers $5,000 H. K. HANNA. of furniture, consisting of additional reward for the recovery of Atlorney-nt-Law and Notary Public. the boy, and no questions asked. BEDSTEADS, Jacksonville, Oregon. The business of canning oysters is BUREAUS. TABLES, growing brisk at Yaquina Bay, Ben­ Avill practice in nil the Courts of *he Slate. GUT1.D MOULDINGS, Prompt attention given to all business left ton county. The oysters are said to in niv eare. 29tf. I lie first-class and equal to Eastern. STANDS. SOFAS. LOUNGES, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. Uountv Judge.................•’......... M. F. Baldwin f S. Me«*enirer. County Commissioners....... < James Neelv. Sheriff......................................... Dan. L. Green Clerk.......................................... Chas. Huehes Treasurer,..................................... " n'- ^iatioke Assessor........................................ John Howell School Superintendent.............. B. F. Sloan Survevor...... I............................ w N Sander* C kroner........................... —........ Doo. F. Briers Official Paper.................. ..D emocratic T imes COURT SITTINGS. C. XV. KAHI.ER. E. h . WATSON The German Government has ap­ pointed a committee of ten members PARLOR A BEDROOM SUTTS, Attorney# and Counselors-nt-Law. to represent Germany at the American 1TTC., etc . Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia Jacksonville, Oregon, Also Door«. S»«h and B’^nd« nhvavs on in 187«. Will prictice in the Supreme, District and hand «»nd made fp nrAnr Plan»n«y done on other Courts ofthisState. T\ie Nevada City Debating Society ront-onnble terms. z-ff" Undertaking a spe­ Office in the building formerlv occunied cialty. 20tf. is going to debate a very abstract by O. Jacobs, opposite Court House. 20tf. question, namely: Is the pork in a J. H. STINSON. J. R. NEIL. “EZCELSIOR” di-h of pork and beans more nutritious / STINSON & NFTL. than the beans. CHAIRS OF KAHLER & WATSON. ALL KINDS. Attorneys and ConnsHlors-at-law, Jaeknnn CnHnta.— Circuit Court, second LT VFJl Y STA B T. B, Mondav in Fel»r •«»’v. June and N ivemhor. Conntv Court, first Mondav in each mon»h. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Oregon Street, Jacksonville, .ZhaenAmc Chwwf»/.—Circuit Court. se»*ond Mondav in Anril and fourth Xfondav in Oc­ Will nractice in the Sunreme. District anil other Courts of »be State. Promo» atten­ tober. Conn»v Court, first Monday in Jan­ tion given to all business entrusted to our J. W. MANNING & R. ISH, Propr's. uary, April. Julv and Octolier. ca re. JACXSONV1T.T.E rRECTNCT. otfipe on California street, be’ween Justice of the Peace.................... J. H. Stinson Third and Fourth. 41 tf. Constable................................... A. M. Asbury \VTKG TEST PFCFTX’FD A N FW TOWN OF JACKSONVTT.T.F. J. A. CAT.I.ENT1ER. M. I». | A.C. MATTHIAS, M . D. «»(»«•k of Harness, piv-cio« and Car- ((’. c. Beekman, Pres’t. r'9>»es. we irn now »'ro»»arear» »bp »‘onntrv. Tteconler........................ ....ITenrv Pane n’reasnrer....... . ................ Animal* BOUGHT and COT D. Horses ...... Fr»w1. Groh Marshal............................ brolrn to work «in - — u tor the mimose of nraeticing "Sqrgcrv and other branche* of His nrofession. resneet- Jitfksonvillr Stamm No. 14^, L 0. R. M.. fully asks a portion of »he nublic na»ron- Hold* its regular meeting* every Thursday age. Office—Second door north of »he U. riVTV X’FR’ FT RM nF K VU ER ,<• Rnn. evening at the Odd Fellows Hall. Brothers ’ bave »he largest and most complete S. Hotel. **»f. in good standing are invi’ed to a»»cnd. I assortment of BEN SACHS. O. C. Dr. D. N. MOD ’ SFTTE. A. Ronv. R. S. DRUGS, MEDTCTNRS A CHEMICALS. Trustees—Herman v. Helms, Ben Sachs, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Fver bran "fit to Southern Oregon. Also Max Muller. ‘be latest and finest styles of Ashland. Oregon. TT Orffoni in Pofohontns Trih* No. 1. Im­ C. W. S avacie , C. of R. I (Irm Division No. 1. Son* ami Daughters of Temperance, meet* on Ttiesdav evening of each week in the Rod M*n’*‘ Hall. Brother* and sisters in good standing are invited to attend. C. ULRICH, W. P. F. K asshaffr . R. S. L M.. Hold* it* regular communications on the Wednesilav evening* or nre- ceding the full moon, in Jacksonville. Ore­ gon. T. G. REAMES, M . M. M ax M vtt . fr , Sec’y. Rath lfb*kah DtfTN Ladir No. 4.1. 0. 0. F.. Holds its regular meetings on every other Mon1.00 per bottle. RAZORS CAREFULLY PUT IN ORDER. . NOTICE. a LL PHRSON« INDEBTED TO THE A undersigned are requested to come for­ ward and-etde. Those who have not the readv caah can settle in lumber, m wrahf I wish to lire and let live. So » Cher. .« than myself. J- C. RELT. 1 ’• Jacksonville. Sept. L IS71. S. B. Axtell, a renegade Democrat, formerly Congressman from California, supersedes George L. Woods as Gover­ nor of Utah, who intends practicing law in San Francisco. A San Francisco firm is now making barrels out of paper. It is said that they are cheaper, lighter and better than common stave barrels for flour and many other things. Dr. Glass, in the Penitentiary for abortion, was last Tuesday a week ago severely, if not fatally stabbed by a fellow convict to whom he was admin­ istering medical treatment. Eagle City, in Union county, is the most easterly town in Oregon. A-to- ria, in Clatsop, the most northerly ; Port Orford, in Coos, the most wester­ ly, and Waldo, in Josephine, the most southerly. U. S. District Judge Durell, of Louis­ iana. who-e impeachment by Congress was favorable, has tendered his resig­ nation to the President, which has been accepted. Governor Kellogg is selling out his property in New Or­ leans. The fall elections give twenty-one Governors of States chosen by the De­ mocracy to fourteen elected by the Republican*. This does not include Booth, of California, and Taylor, of Wisconsin, who are classed as Inde­ pendents. I. T. Dav, of Turner, M irion county, furnishes the Salem Record his expe­ rience last season in fattening pigs on I wheat, bv which means he made good I pay for his stoc < hogs and realized $1 a bushel for his wheat, though work­ ing at a disadvantage. The climate of Cuba seems to be very unhealthy for Spanish troops. Caleb Cushing writes from Madrid I that over 80,00ft soldiers have been E ditor D emocratic T imes : Railroad building is not likel.v to be accelerated l»v fine writing, and i*, I am led to hope, after perusing a couple of communications upon the subject published In the T imes , equally free from any great flanger of being retard­ ed by the same means. The object of the author of the*e communication* seems to have been two-fi>ld : 1. To Jiellttle the impor­ tance of the completion of the Oregon and California Railroad. 2. To give some tone and encouragement to the Pengra scheme. Had he confined him- i self merely to the dissemination of his own views in the premises, without essaying an attack upon the many re­ spectable persons who happen to differ with him in regard to his conclusions, no fault, probably, would have been found with him. Alwiut ninety-nine citizens out of every hundred in Southern Oregon, west of the Cascades, regard the Pen­ gra enterprise a* inimical to the inter­ ests of this section. This vast majori­ ty of our people, however, are repre­ sented as entertaining ideas “born of ignorance or jealousy,” and as being “lamentably ignorant of the geogra­ phy of the country, or wilfully per- verse in feebly endeavoring to main- tain a position inconsistent with the facts of the case.” Inordinate assumption is a thing that a patient and long-suffering world is frequently compelled to tolerate; but when its privileges are extended to open denunciation of people for dar­ ing to entertain conscientious convic­ tions upon a subject of this character, it must expect to meet, sooner or later, merited rebuke. All the wisdom of one generation is not usually lodged in a single individual, and persons wishing to eniighter the public on questions of general importance would l>e much more likely to create a favor­ able impression and stand a better show of getting a respectful hearing, if they would concede to others the possibility of knowing something also. ing further was heard of it. Shrewd capitalists and sagacious business men would hardly invest on the strength of that notice alone. Let ns look for something practical and that is within our reach. A nti - W i n n e m ucca , F ight it O ut L ike P a and M a D id .—A story is tolti of a daughter of a prominent pardon, now in the lecture fl'dd, which is peculiarly interesting and suggestive of unconscious wisdom. A gentleman wa* Invited to th»» lec* turer’s house to tea. Immediately on being seated at the table the little girl astonished the famil.v circle and the guests by the abrupt question : “Where is your wife ?” N >w, the gentleman having b<»en recently sepa­ rateti from the partner of hi* life, wk taken so completely by surprise that he stammered forth the truth ; “I don’t know.” “D »n’t know,” replied the infant terrible, “why don’t you know?” Finding that the child per­ sistisi in her interrogatories despite the mild reproof of her parents, he concluded to make a clean breast of the matter, and have it over at once. So he’said with a calmness whi h was the result of in w ird expletive* ; “Well we*don’t live together; we think as we can’t agree, we had lietter not.” 11« stifle»out two feet long, so- ons tructed as to deliver a thread of water from its extremity with such force as to pierce leather. In operating on a patient affli-fed with neuralgia, the piston is worked a few times to expel the air from the tube : the point is thrtn held alwnit half an inch from the painful spot, the pump is worked, and the thread of water plays on the skin. Presently a white ve-iele appears on the* spot where the water strikes ; ami any number of punctures may be made at the dis­ cretion of the operator, and in propor­ tion to the extent of the pain. At flr-t the ve-i -les become red ; but af­ ter a few hours tlie vesicle and the redness disappear leaving only a small ’’la-k point, which is the crust formed by the drying of a drop of bheal in the puncture. The operation is d»‘scril»ed as painful ; hut the relief It produces is so great that patients always call for a repetition whenever their neuralgia pains return. The people of Jackson and Josephine have no earthly interest in the con­ Xnd •» p bov« no<1 tenders his professional services to the TOH VT vn-Tiri is not needed by the Willamette Val­ people ot the town and »he snrronndinv ..ho-tor,«’ qssnetnont of 00X1 XION and PER- eonn*rv. Dr. M i« a graduate of the Med­ EI’M’-'O SJO XT’s; 5„ this n»«»rke*. ley. It will not benefit any con-ider- •r.Ä“ Preserii'*’»”»« rarofpi’v cmnnnnndod. ical Departmen» of the Iowa Universi’v. 41 ROBT. KAHLER. Druggist. with an afferenurse at Popp’s (’oliere. S». able portion of Eastern Oregon. Then Uopi*, and has been in active practice for why encourage it to the detriment of I fifteen veers. TABLE ROHR SALOON. piT Office and residence on Main street. roads that we do want and that the O7ÎUGO.V STTÌFFT, people of the entire State are interc't- ST. MARY’S ACADEMY. WINTJEN & HELMS. Proprietors. ed in ? The Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Road will t>e suttirient for the conducted BA' L iberality in F arming .—In thfa transaction of the transcontinental traf­ THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. , rruiF pnnpBTFTnnM of this wet l - art, and alm<>*t in this art alone, “it i* fic of the Willamette Valley, most as- j I ’ known and pnnular resort wnu’d »n- the liberal hand which rnik<*th rich.” *orm »heir friends and »he nublic typneraUv suredly. Oregon is not able to sustain Liberality in g-H»d barns and warm he s F holasttc year of this *ha» a comnle»p and fir*» cia** «tocl^nf »ho best brands of lirmor*. wine*, clear*, ale and and has not sutfi ient business to sup ­ sheher< ¡s the source of health, strength school will commence about the middle «or»er. e»c.. i* constantly kept on hand. of Aucust. and is divided in four sessions, Thov and comfort to animals; causes them port two overland routes. Pengra ’ s w»11 be pleased to have their friends of eleven weeks each. The following are the “»•all and smile.” road, therefore, not only conflicts with , to thrive on less food, and secures from terms: CABINET. *40.00 the interests of the O. A C. R- R., but ! damage all sorts of crops. Board and tuition, per term............. Liberality also in the provision of A Cabine» of Curiosities mav alsole found 4.0" Bed and B^ldinir................................. sent to Cuba since the beginning of also with the P. D. A- S. L. R. R. here. We would l«o pleaded to have persons *.00 Drawing and j»ainting........................ food for domestic animals is the source I Piano....................................................... . 15.00 r»osse«*ine curiosities and «necîmen* brine 187ft up to July. 1874, and that of this Then Pengra’s scheme for a road, of flesh, muscle, and manure. Entrance fee, only once,.......... v...... . 5.00 »hem in. and wo will placethem in the Cab- Thus it ¡s ¡n agriculture, as in every number only 46,00ft now survive, of (for that’s all it is, or probably ever I i net for inspection. *v ! part of creation, a wise and paternal SELHtT DA A’ SCHOOL. WTNTJEN A HET MS. whom a large percentage are invalided will be,) is objectionable on account of Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. Providence has inseparably connected Primary, per term..................................... ? Ro° 'and unavailable in the field. the manner in which the State, <>ur duty and onr happiness. Junior, “ .................................... 8-0° The San Francisco Mint is making through its officials, is mixed up with Senior, “ .................................... 10.00 EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS In raising animals the condition of Pupils are received at any time, and their I money at a frightful rate. One day, its business machinerv and internal success is kindness ami fienevolencc * C alifornia S treet , terms will lx1 counted from the day of their ! wf»pk before la*t, the coiner turned out transactions. The bill that recently toward them.— Josiah Quincy. entrance. For further particulars apply at Lohn Noland. the Academy. 20tf. Proprietor. $860,000 in double eagle*, represent- I passed the Legislature saddled upon A H uge S teer —A bovine quad­ Ing the largest coinage ever accom­ the State a needless burden which it ruped, of the masculine gender and GRANGERS. V‘°NF but the rnnTCFST AND best plished in a single day by any Mint will lie difficult to shake off. even if -hart horn persuasion, was recently * Wines. Brandies. Whiskies and Cigars in the United States. In three suc­ the State should seek to get rid of the slaughtered at Detroit, Michigan, that PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTET! kept. cessive days the Mint turned out $1,- incumbrance. Of the early completion was of monster proportions. He DRINKS, 12» CENTS. weighed 4,110 pounds alive; weight 600,000. which was al>o the largest coin- of the road there is hardly a shadow • »f dressed beef, 3,000 pounds ; hide, VO TOFMT IX THE FT ’ TTRE — it .ion» I can furnish nav. Families needing anything in my line I age ever made in the same period in of probability. It is most likely to 130 pounds, and rough tallow, 8<)ft can alwavs he supplied with the purest and First-Class WATER PIPE best tn be found on the Coa«t. Give me a the United States. subserve the single purpose of imped pounds. rail, and von will be well satisfied. 20tf. Jimmy Roger* informs the Yamhill ing other enterprises, with the possi­ Cheaper and More Durable A ccording to a.current news item, Reporter that recently a sort of ferial bility of giving Pengra’s real estate “a large caterpillar is destroying the —THAN— RAILROAD SALOON, velocipede (if there is any such things east of the mountains an upward ten­ pine forest of Finland, *ix thousand Wood, Iron, Lead, or any other Material. I Third Street, Jacksonville, Oregon, ' passed over his father’s farm, about dency for a brief period. As the acres of woods having t»een ruined tn i one mile south of McMinnville. ThQ. triple-starred contributor observes, “it the locality.” The Kansas grasshop­ ANY SIZE FURNISHED HENRY PAPE. Engineer. pers ought to feel them*ehes bursting ’ thing was first discovered down about takes money to build railroads and with envy when they hear of the I the Yamhill river, coming in a north- business to induce men to invest mon­ prowess of this voracious fellow. Send viur orders to THROUGH TICKETS, 12J C ents . westerly direction on “the wings of ey.” I am truly glad he was able to JOSIAH HANNAH. Or A i . fx . M artin , Agent. Jacksonville. T he editor of a country ncw-paper I the wind,” and roaring like several reach such an eminently correct opin­ in New Y<»rk thua app^ols to the na­ WINES. LIQUORS AND Ul- cataracts. It was funnel-shaped, and ion. When speaking of the Winne­ SELLING OUT CHEAP! i pHOTCF ture of his delinquent iwh-sTibers : ' ' gar* con*»an»lv on hand. The reading ! emptied its contents of water in a tor­ mucca road and the road down Rogue table is also -unplied with Eastern periodi­ “To all those who are in arrears one cals and leading papers of the Coast. 29tf. rent, sweeping a path about fifty feet river, I thought he exhibited a reckless vear or more, who will come forward To Close Business, In width. On each side of Its path­ obliviousness of that very important and pay up, we will give them a first H. L. WEBB. A P. JONES. way not a drop of water fell, and It consideration. class obituary notice gratis in case it THE AT W. BILGER’S, JACKSONVILLE. Where, pray, is the money to come kills them.” kept on its way towards the hills until NEW STATE SALOON. it was lost to sight. It did no particu­ from to build Pengra’s road—where is A HANDffOMF. Inelf hack, tire *toek ot goods for COST and FREIGHT, those who saw It coming and heard its apply la an attempt to build a road and remarked that he was at her ser­ for GASH. vice. “Yes, but I want a huff, not a SETTLE UP.—ATI person* Indebted »re I threatening roar. The “oldest inhab­ down Rogue river. I believe notice of green 6ne,* was the replv. The requested to settle up immediately. A word to the wise is sufficient. pNGLIRH ALE AND PORTER, txrrther itant” don’t remember of seeing such a bill in aid of the last enterprise was voting man went on raett-urin^ g< I I WILLIAM BILGER. j with the fine« bran da #f liquors and ci- a thing in Oregon before. given in the la*t Legislator*, but noth- Willow Sprinjrx, Aug. 2«. 1«74. 8|. garv alwavs on hand. I^tf. STATIONERY, proved order of Red Men. hold* it* stated councils at the Red Men’« Hall the thin! sun in everv seven *nn*. In the eighth run. A cordial invitation to all brother, in S.«l «Undinjr p g Wnn*n Lotlrr Na. 1Ü, A. F. KAlLllOA» I.IHKAHKL T T i