BORN. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. L ake C ounty .—-Capt. O. C. Apple­ A shland N otes .—The liquor li­ gate, nowon a visit to the Willamette, WILSON—In this city, December 20, 1874, W, R. Dunbar, who has been recent­ cense question, which has often sorely Administrator'« Notice. to the wife of James A. Wiliam, a son. informs the Salem Record that times exercised the people of this place, is FRIDAY,.. DECEMBER 25, 1874. ly traveling through this section on are actually brightening for the set­ XTOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN THAT business connected with the Temper­ now practicable to solution. The Board LN the undersigned has been appointed by tlers in Lake county. They depend of Trustees having the authority to AUNTS FOR THE TIMES ance cause, writes as follows to the tiie Connty Court of Jackson oounty, Ore­ grant or refuse license, the citizens on sales of cattle and at the present gon. Administrator of the Estate of A. J. Geo. P. Rowell A Co.. ............... New York. Salem Statesman: GIVEN BY TIIK Rountree, deceased. time there is a fair demand and good can decide at the polls whether men S. M. Pettingill & Co i .............. New York. All persons indebted to said Estate are “These are some of the men that L. P. Fisher................ ........ San Francisco. prices for beef cattle to supply the requested to settle the same immediately, favorable or unfavorable to issuing liq ­ Thus. BojTs»............. ..........San Francisco alongside the Oregon Volunteersand ami all persons having claims against the . uor license shall be elected. License markets of Nevada and California. INDEPENDENT LITERARY SOCIETY! said estate are requested to present them Rowel) A Chesman... • •.............. .St • I .oil 1 s Dan. I*. Green............ ..Josephine Coun»v. Warm Spring and Klamath braves con­ and anti-license tickets may be expect­ He thinks 3,000 head have been sold with the proper vouchers to me at my resi­ Chas. Hughes........... ..... .. ....... Kerbvville tended with the bloodthirsty Modocs dence in Goose I,ake within six months OF JACKSONVILLE, within the past three months, bringing Ben Haymond........... .............. Rock Point ed in the field at any town election. from the date hereof. in the Lava Beds. This is a lovely Post J. J. CHARLTON, an average of $24 a head, or 4 cents a A dancing school promises, to be the Administrator of Estate A. J. Rountree. and the buildings—officers’ quarters, LISIOOS DIRECTORY. pound on foot. Mr. Barnes, of Goose At VEIT SCHUTZ’ HALL November 27, 1874. 48x51. latest novelty’. company quarters, laundry houses and M. E. CntTRCR.—Religious service« every I hospital building—are quite comforta­ The bears have been making away Lake, lately sold 300 head at $28 each. Executor's Notice. Sunday, at the u«nal hmirs, bv the Rever­ Prospects are improving.for that coun­ —ON end« J. R. N. Rell. J. 8. McCain and M. A. ble. A number of new buildings with R. B. Hargadine’s Angora goats, ty and population is steadily increasing. Williams, alternately. yroTicE is hereby given that are now being erected here for the and he accordingly put out poison for There is much excellent valley land to 1 x the undersigned has linen appointed by C atholic Curncn.—Divine Service* ev­ the intruders, which had the effect of CHRISTMAS EVENING, Dec. 25th. the County Court of Jackson county, Ex­ ery Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa­ better accommodation of the Post. The be found among the lakes, plains and ecutor of tiie Estate of Oliver M. Hurt, de­ ther Blanchett. lumber for these buildings is obtained killing two grizzlies. i ceased. mountains, and the development of M. E. St’jrnAV Smooth—Regular meetings All persons indebted to said estate aro A town hall and church are now at the Agency saw mill. I have just every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Southern-Middle Oregon has only A Cordial Invitation Extended to All ! requested to settle the same immediately, C atholic SrjrnAY S chool . — Regular witnessed the monthly review and bat­ talked of. ** and all jmtsous having claims against said commenced. meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two talion inspection of the troops here— estate are requested to present them with Christmas will bo unobserved here o’clock. I the proper vouchers to me at my residence in Sprague River Valley within six months M aster of C eremonies — W. J. S tanley . their gaudy uniforms, polished guns this year, as far as public amusements P repayment of P ostage .—From from the date hereof. R. 0. RESISTER AND TRAVELER’S GUIDE. and sabres, prancing steeds, martial are concerned. However, quite a the 1st of January next the new pos­ F loor M anagers : JAMES JONES, Executor estate of Oliver M. Hurt. Stages leave Jacksonville as follows ; music and well-timed and regular number will be on hand at the ball at tal law makes it incumbent upon us Robt. Kaliler, I. W. Berry, F. Kasshafer, For Rock Point, Grant’s Pa«« and Rose­ October 5, 1874. 46x49. Henry Helms, Geo. P. Fitts. burg, every day at 8 a. nt. Mail closes at movements making a very nice dis- Phoenix on Christmas Eve and the to prepay postage, that is, to pay the 7:30 p. nt. play, and almost causing me to wish to Literary ball in Jacksonville Christmas postage in advance. This will be a Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. For Phrenlx, Ashland, Yreka and Red­ I rniCKETS, $3.50. GOOD MUSIC AND ding, California, every day at 3:30 p. in. be a “boy in blue again,” and play sol­ i night considerable expense to us, but we do 1 Supper will be provided. Mail closes at 3 p. m. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER AND If the Recorder will send us down not intend to raise the subscription For Apnlegate, Kerbvville, Waldo and dier as I was wont to do in years gone 1 decree of the County Court tor the State Crescent Citv, every Monday and Thursday by at Vancouver, Walla Walla, and Si­ the proceedings of the Board of Trus­ price, as some' papers have done. All of Oregon, for Jackson County, sitting for I SOLDIERS’ morning at 4 o’clock. Mail closes at 8 p. in. the transaction of Probate business Decent- letz Bloek House. we ask is a prompt settlement when tho preceding evening. her the Sth, A. D. 1874, the undersigned, tees wo will give them space in our WAR CLAIM AGENCY! Tho mail for Central Point, Table Rock, Administrator of the Estate of John Thur­ In company with one of the officers columns! the subscription falls due, and ye Eagle Point, Brownsbnrongh and Sam’s ber, Sen., deceased, will offer for sale for NO. 34 MONTGOMERY BLOCK, Valiev leaves every Wednesday morning ; of the Post I strolled over to the west­ I cash in TTnited States Gokl Oiin to the high­ A correspondent writes about Ash­ trust our patrons will respond to this closes the preceding evening. est bidder at public auction, at the Court The mail for Linkville, Hot Soring«. Yia- ward of the guard-house, to where land having a preacher who works for rule in a cheerful manner. House door in Jacksonville, in said county, SAN FRANCISCO, CAI. nnx and Tjike City, leaves Ashland every four mounds of earth rising above on other people. This is commendable, Monday morning. For Linkville every Saturday, January 17th, 1875, P ersonal .—E. H. Heard, of Yreka, their sister soil cover the mortal re­ and may lie strange, as the correspond­ Monday and Thursday mornings. TV IT. AIKEN, ATI ’ ORNEY-AT-LAW, passed through town this week, bound The following descr11»ed real property, situ­ Money Order Office open from 9 a. m; to mains of Capt. Jack, Sconchin, Black fV . ami Commander of the Grand Army ated in the County of Jackson, State of Ore­ ent would have us believe, but he tor- 5 p. iu . for Galice Creek, where he proposes of the Republic in California and Nevada, gon, to-wil : O ffice II ovrs —From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m : Jim and Boston Charley, A plain, got to tell whether the minister’s con­ The S. W. ot N. W. L of section 20; remaining this winter, lie looks as will give prompt attention to the collection Sundays, 30 minutes after arrival of stage«. Additional Travel l’ay, now due Califor­ E. Ij.ofS. W. J* ot section 30 ; W. *4 of 8. Mail matter must be in on time or it will white board at tho head of each gregation fails to “pungle” enough to hale and hearty as ever, and feels con­ of nia and Nevada Volunteers discharged 300 E. Ji of section 30 ; E. J4 of N. E. ot sec­ not go. M ax M uller , P. M. grave, with the name of its occupant keep him a-going. miles from home. Soldiers can depend on tion 30 ; S. W. of N. W. of section 29 ; fident of striking something rich. fair dealing. Information given free of N. E. of N. E. ’4 of section 31. All in and date of execution, (Oct. 30. 1873,) niKKOI.VTIOM NOTICE. charge. When writing enclose stamp for Township 38, South of Range, 1 West, and Jay Beach, of Fort Klamath, is in Prospecting for cinna- C innabar lettered thereon, tells who lies beneath. reply and state company and regiment and containing throe hundred and sixty acres. town. bar or quicksilver is being prosecuted whether you have a discharge. Congress Sale to commence at 1 o’clock p. m . oi The firm of Hull A Nickell, In publishing A short distance away, still stands the has extended the time for tiling claims for said dav. E. I). FOUDRAY, to a considerable extent, and promis ­ John W. McKay, of Willow Springs, tho T imes , has t>eon dissolved hy mutual scaffold from which they swung from additional Bounty under Act of J uly 28,1866, Administrator of the Estate of John Thur­ eon<**nt, P. D. Hull withdrawing. All ac­ earth into eternity—a terrible warning ing discoveries are' the result. A. G. has just returned from a trip to Hum. to January, 1875, so all such claims must be ber, Sr., deceased. made before that time. Original Bounty of December 14th, 1874. * it counts duo said firm prior to September 1st, Rock fellow and E. K. Anderson, who boldt. $100 has i»eeii allowed all volunteers who to evil doers of the red race. The 1874, may be paid to either party, and all enlisted before .July 22, 1861, ftu'thrce years, some two years ago discovered rich Sheriff's Sale. account* against the firm will lie paid by weather here is clear and cold, and if R eturned .—Hon. Henry Klippel if not paid the same when dis<-liarged. Land Warrants can be obtained for services ren­ the name. All persons indebted are re­ the cold continues to increase as win­ deposits of this metal in working their has returned from San Francisco, dered before 18.55, but not for services in the Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND quested to settle forthwith, as the business ter come on, a thermometer lengthen­ placer diggings near Ashland, sent where he has purchased a fifteen­ late war. Pensions for lAte war ami 1812 order of sale regon, and to mo The results of these horse power steam engine for the sions short time ago. are allowed to Mexican and Florida directed ami delivered, in favor of J. B. will l»e placed in the hands of an attorney quired to marc the degrees to which quartz ledge of Klippel, Beekman & war soldiers. State of Texas has granted White er cent> per month from November the filled by the new proprietor. warmer now than has been. Perhaps have brought an expert from ’Frisco, rive shortly, when operations will com­ Aikeii also attends to General law and Col­ lllh, 1874. Also ¡n lavor of A. Fisher and P. D. H ull , lection Business. 32. N. Fisher ami against Win. Miller for only to a Webft does it appear cold.” who is now engaged in examining'! mence in earnest. C has . N ickell . the recovery of the sum of K|SI.4V. together them. There are several other depos- J FORT KLAMATH. GRAND CHRISTMAS BALL! ( B A M erry C hristmas to all. H ot water is the prevailing bever­ age. To neutralize its nauseating ef­ fects it is mixed with cold whisky. R aces .—Some exciting races are promised at Bybee’s race track to-day. We learn that there will be a trotting race and also a short running race. S old .—Alex. Martin has disposed of the stallion “Black Prince” to James Leslie. Two hundred dollars was the price paid, which is a small sum for the horse. C lome of V olume . — With this number closes the fourth volume and fourth year of the existence of the T imes . We will dilate somewhat on this subject in our next. S heriff S ale .—To-morrow Sheriff Manning will sell some real estate be­ longing to Wm. C. Miller and situated in the region known as Jackass. See notice of the sale elsewhere. Q uarterly M eeting .—A protract­ ed meeting at the M. E. Church, in this place, closed last Sunday evening. A fair attendance was present through­ out, but as to the number of converts we cannot say. C losed U p . —Wm. Bilger has closed D eath of A siier F. W all .—In our last issue we gave the information that the stage had upset on the Myrtle Creek hill, killing the driver, Asher F. Wall, which only proves too true. On the way to Roseburg, while going down the hill above mentioned, the horses Tan away. This locality has the reputation of being one of the roughest and most dangerous places on the road, and before the horses could be checked the stage capsized, with the ahove result. There were no pas­ sengers aboard, except a man in the employ of the Stage Company, who escaped unhurt. The stage and one horse were injured somewhat. The holies became disengaged and nui back to the station. When found, poor Wall was underneath the stage, dead. He was disfigured but little, only one ugly gash above the eye marring his countenance. Mr. Wall was an old resident of this place, and at one time held the office of Marshal; but for the past few years has Men residing at Eugene City. Like all mor­ tal men he had his faults, but no man was more esteemed by those with whom he came in contact than Asher F. Wall. He leaves a wife and three children in moderate circumstances. We learn that he had an insurance of $1,000 upon his life. Requiescat in pace. up shop and turned over the Iwlance of his stock to John Bilger, who will F rom G alick C reek .—A late dis­ dispose of them at the lowest prices. patch from Rock Point says J. L. Col- We learn that Mr. Bilger intends re­ vig and James Birdseye have just ar­ moving to San Francisco. T hanks . —Hon. James K. Kelly, U. S. Senator from this State, has our thanks for copies of the Congressional Globe, while our Representative, Hon. J. W. Nesmith, places us under obli­ gations for sundry numbers of the Congressional Record. C hristmas T ree . —The scholars of the M. E. Sunday School observed Christmas yesterday evening by a tree neatly ornamented with candy, nuts, etc., and other appropriate exercises. A pleasant time was had. We were invited to witness the ceremonies, but our time would not permit. E lection of O fficer «.— At a reg­ ular meeting of the Independent Lit- ertry Society, held Friday, December 18th, the following officers wer^el ries ep*ia, Heartburn, Sick Iloadache, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaints, Biliousness, Flatulency, Fullness of blood, and all Inflammatory Complaints, where a gentle, cooling cathar­ tic is required. Ko says the Chemist; so says tiie Physician ; ro says the great American Public of the nineteenth century. O mitted .—Correspondence on the Heed ye then, and I mj not without a bottle in the house. Before life w imperiled, deal railroad question and some excellent judiciously with the symptoms. Remem­ poetry are crowded out this week. ber that the sUgld ¡(itcrnal disorder of to­ day may beedma air bbwtiftAfe. incurable They will appear in our next. disease to-morrow. Sold by all druggists. ...... - ■■■'—■ ■■ ■ ■'«-■ . ... P ostmaster A ppointed . — J. P. The City Brewery, W ind .—A very heavy wind pre­ vailed Wednesday eveuing, and the weather-wise predicted a heavy storm, which seems to have opened al­ ready. Roberts has been appointed Postmast­ er of Lakeport, Luke county. D eath would be impossible if the procla­ mations of the alcoholic nostrum mongers were trn«. But, alas 1 their terrible excit­ ants send thousands staggering to t he grave. Instead of adding fuel to the tiro of disease with such deadly compound*, try the cool­ ing, renovating, purifying »nd regulating effect of that Inestimable combination of ---------- ------ ------ herbal juice* and extracts, Dj. '.Volker’s L eft U s .—No more shall the doui- California Vinegar Bitters—tlie sole «.»ecitic zens of this benighted region behold for Dyspepsia, Physical Debility, Headache, Bilious Colic, Liver Coinplainra, Rheuma­ theciastnccountenanceof “Uncle” Billy tism, Gout and Chronic Constipation. * TTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR IM- iA. mense assort men of Candies, Toys and other goods suitable for the COMING IIOL- I DAYS. Warranted to keep in all ciitnatcs. Prices low and terms liberal. Orders for the interior promptly and carciully attend­ ed to. 49m3. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS! OTICE IK HEREBY GIVEN TO THE Tax-payers of Jackson county that I N will be in inv office from 9 o’clock A. M., to I o'clock p. m . of each official day, for the pnr|»ose ot receiving taxes. Those not pay­ ing within 30 days from date will have to pay mileage, as the taxes must be collected - by - and I cannot afford to ride after them for nothing. I propose to enforce the-taw «MrieU VEIT S chutz . ■y, '■Tliuf.U^NsnwrM Sheriff A Tax-Collector of Jackson Co., Ogn. 1TR. SCHU^Tf IfESVF/Wv ILLY IN- Dated this 14th «lay of-December, 1874. 1V1 form* the eitiae»* of Jaetamviii* •ml «urroOTiffng eountry.4b > GRASS SEE to buy or trade for thefoDowihg note, to-wit: - ___ " 9 Ixwr R ivksl , I anuell V alley « 4 mHE UNDERSIGNED WO Jackson Co., Oregon, Dec. 16th, 1874. J 1 1 bv inform the public that behft! On or before the first d*y of Mareh next, 75 pound* of tho celebrated Moskoet Grass of Texas for sale at the atpre of White A we, or either of us, promise to pay to H. Martin, Jacksonville. 'Phis grass supersede* Vanlieber or order, in U.8. Gold Coin, the' the pralrlo grass in Texas, and is pro­ sum of one hundred and forty dollars, (fl 40) nounced superior to bunch-grass. It is rel­ for value received. ished by cattle and will stand drouth. Tbi- SILAS AYI/sWORTH, seed was propagated in this oounty, and GEO. 8. MILLER. will lie sold at the low pidoo of 56 <«ents a I will not pay the above bote, for it is pound. H. W. pYAB. fraudulently obtained. 45. GEO. 8. MILLER. Burke. After a long and pleasant res­ j.-iT For the very best Photographs, go to idence among us he has left us, and Bradley A Rulofsoh’s Gallery with an ELE­ now administers to the wants of the VATOR, 429 Montgomery Street, San Fran­ thirsty of San Francisco. We wish cisco. ■ -------- ----------------- him success wherever he may go. ( MARRIED __ V acancy F illed .—A vacancy ex­ DOZIER—p/) WELL—At the residence of the bride’s lather, on Emigrant Creek, by SETTEE UP. isting in the office of Sachem of Ore-» E. De Peatt, J. P., Andrew Dozier to Miss Livonia Powell. SUPEAlNTENKNT’S NOTICE. gonian-Pocahontas Tribe, I. O. R. M., ll persons knowing them - J acobs —SMITH—I d this city, at tho Fran­ n owing to the resignation of A. P. nelvea indebted to the undersigned, co-American Hotel, by Rev. M. A. Wil­ OTrCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL. proprietor of the Eagle Brewefv, are here­ liams, on December 20th, A. 8- Jacobs to Owen, P. D. Hull, Senior Sagamore, portions wMdnr Teachers’ Certificat**, . Mrs. May Smith—all of Ashland. -[Ot­ by requested to come forward and setti« that the undersigned will hold • public *x- was chosen to fill the vacancy. their accounts, either by cash cr notQ, by tumwa (Iowa) Democrat please copy.] ------------------- - • » ri» A N at his residence, on Rogue Rivor, [The happy ebnphe have our thanks for a thy 1st ot January, 1875. Prompt compli­ am¡nation on tho 31»t of December, 1874. ance with this request will save cost and T he T imes will be four years old supply of cake. We wish them a pleasant trouble. C losed . —Th’e various schools have B. F. SLOAN, JOSEPH WETTERER. .Nchoo» Snp*t of Jdwphfne Co., Oregon. voyage upon the seas of matrimony.] JackeonvU ’ o, Dec. 1, 1«7L 19td. next Friday, January 1st. adjourned for the holidays. 4 Vi ' U