I WAbOX KOAO T«» CHETCO. A shland N otes .—From persons P ersonal .—Capt. James Barnes, of C hange .—Jacksonville Grange now LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. KTT> down from Ashland we learn the fol ­ Goose Lake, is in town. meets at the residence of Jacob Ish, A shland , Dece.aber 14, 1874. Administrator’s Notice. lowing items : Wm. Bybee has returned from Scott instead of in this place, as formerly. FRIDAY, ..DECEMBER 18, 1874. E ditor D emocratic T imes : Business is lively and flourishing Bar, Cal., having delivered his drove This change was made to accommo­ otice is hereby given that Thinking it may be interesting to I for the winter months. the undersigned has been appointed by date the various members. I A8EMTS FOR THE TIMES. of hogs without loss and in good condi­ many of your readers to learn the the County Court of Jackson county, Ore­ The firm of Watt A Klum, saddlers, tion. Administrator of the Estate of A. J. R aces .—We learn that there will gon, Goo. P. Rowell A Co...................... New York. facts concerning the proposed road to Rountree, deceased. has been dissolved. Charley Klum S. M. Pottingill A Co.................... New York' Chetco, I will give you a brief state­ be a trotting race and a short running All persons indebted to said Estate are John Pearson has rented the place L. I*. Fisher,............................. San Francisco. requested to settle the same immediately, Thos. Boyce............................... San Francisco ment of the character and cost of the continues the business. race the latter end of next week, of R. Benedict, on Applegate, and and all persons having claims against the Rowell A Chosman........................... St. Louis proposed work, deeming it amatterof The Temperance Society intends saiil estate are requested to present them though on what day we have not been moved his family thither. l»an. L. Green...................Josephine Coun’v. ! with the proper vouchers to tne at my resi­ giving an entertainmentonNew Year ’ s Cha«. Hughes................................. Kerbvville much importance to every citizen of apprised. dence in Goose Like within six months Louis B. Tucker, our accommodat ­ ------------ < . ——- — Ben Haymond............................... Rock Point Jackson county. night. from the date hereof. ing stage agent, has returned from an I mprovement .—David Linn is hav­ J. J. CHARLTON, ! The length of the road from the ini ­ Reverends J. R. N. Bell and J. S. Administrator of Estate A. J. Rountree. extended visit North. RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. ing his furniture ware-room painted, I November 27, 1874. 48x51. tial point of survey, 66 rods south from McCain have built themselves new which is a decided improvement upon Sergeants Sutherland and Kane, of M. E. C hurch .—Religion« services ovorv the eighth mile post north of Kerhy- parsonages. Executor’s Notice. Fort Klamath, are in town on business. former appearances. Sunday, at the usual hours, by the Rover­ ends J. R. N. Roll. J. S. Mei ’ain and M. A. ville, to Chetco Harbor, is 57 miles— Improvements are yet in order, as Ben Simplon, Surveyor-General of Williams, alternately. 23 miles less than the distance from well as building, considerable of which M usic .—M. Gray, the popular mu­ VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been appointed by C atholic C hurch .—Divine Services ev­ the State, passed through town this sic dealer of Portland, has our thanks the County Court of Jackson county. Ex­ ery Snndav, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa­ the same point to Crescent City. The is being done, considering that is win­ week on hi3 way to Washington. of the Estate of Oliver M. Hurt, de­ ther Blanchett. route followed by the survey passes ter. for a liberal supply of the latest sheet ecutor ceased. M. E. S um pay S chool .—Regular meet ings « Roht. A. Miller, of this place, is at­ All persons indebted to said estate are over an almost continuous strata of every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The streets are rather muddy. The tending the California University, San music. requested to settle the same immediately, C atholic S unday S chool .— Regular good material for road-bed, has no D eath would be impossible if the procla­ and all persons having claims against said meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two heavy grades, the steepest being one town authorities will probably take the Jose. estate are requested to present them with mations of the alcoholic nostrum mongers I the proper vouchers to me at my residence o'clock. proper steps towards remedying this John Bilger has returned from Link­ were true. But, alas ! their terrible excit­ in Sprague River Valley within six months foot in 10, and but little of that. The evil. P. 0. REGISTER AND TRAVELER'S GUIDE. ants send thousands staggering to the grave. from the date hereof. ville. average grade is one foot in 164 feet, JAMBS JONES, McCall A Co. have a complete and Instead of adding fuel to the tire of disease Stage« leave Jacksonville a« follows ; and much of it comparatively level. Executor estate of Oliver M. Hurt. Jos. IL Hyzer has resigned the with such deadly compounds, try the cool­ superior supply of goods for the win­ For Rock Point. Grant’s Pa«« and Rose­ October 5, 1874. 46x49. burg. every day at 8 a. in. Mail closes at There is very little rock. The line is ter campaign, which they sell at rea­ paint brush and going to be a Granger. ing, renovating, purifying and regulating "¿M p.in. conveniently watered throughout.— He has rented David Hopkins’-farm effect of that inestimable combination of Sheriff’s Sale. F<»r Phrenix. Ashland. Yreka and Red­ sonable rates. I herbal juices and extracts, Dr. Walker’s There are good places for stations, ding. California, every day at 3:30 p. in. in Josephine, and moved there already. ? California Vinegar Bitters—the sole specific The Academy has an attendarce of Mail closes at 3 p. m. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND plenty of timber and considerable J. B. Coates returned from east of the for Dyspepsia, Physical Debility, Headache, For Apnlegate, Kerbvville. Waldo and order of sale duly issued by E. D. Crescent City, every Mondnvand Thursday grass. The highest point of altitude about 120 pupils, and is getting along mountains Sunday, where he has been Bilious Colic, Liver Complaints, Rheuma­ Foudray, Clerk of the Circuit Court for morning at 4 o’clock. Mad closes at 8 p. m. Jackson county, State of Oregon, and to ma attained by the road is 1,900 feet. The finely. Some are from Jacksonville, I acting as Deputy for Sheriff Manning tism, Gout and Chronic Constipation. the preceding evening. directed and delivered, in favor of J. B. ■ The mail for Central Point. Table Rock. highest point on the Crescent City road while several come from the border in collecting taxes. White A Alex. Martin, and against Wm. JT-W For the very best Photographs, go to C. Facie Point, Brown«l»oroiigh and Sam’s Miller for the sum of $48.3.35, in gold counties of California and various sec ­ Bradley A Rulofson’s Gallery with, an ELE­ coin, with interest thereon at the rate ot one Valiev leaves every Wednesday morning ; is 4,800 feet. The route leads directly W. R. Dunbar, G. W. C. T. of Ore ­ closes the preceding evening. VATOR, 429 Montgomery Street, San Fran- per cent, per month from November the through a valuable mining region, hav­ tions of Oregon. The mail for Linkville. Hot Springs. Yia- 11th, 1874. Also in favor of A. Fisher and CÌSCO. gon, who has been sojourning among The town government is now in op­ nnv and Lake City, leaves Ashland every ing gold, copper, iron and other ores, N. Fisher and against Win. C. Miller for M >n lav morning. For Linkville every which would lie rapidly developed by eration and running smoothly. Mar­ us for some time, attending to matters the recovery of the sum of $323.40, together MARRIED Monday and Thursday mornings. with interest thereon at the rate of one per connected with the temperance cause, shal Dailey proposes impounding such Money Order Office open from 9 a. m. to the construction of this road. CARLTON—NTCHOLS—On December 10, cent, per month from the 15th day of Sep­ left for his home last week. I 5 p.in. 1874, at t ho residence of t ho bride’s mother, tember, 1873, in gold coin ; and a further Chetco is a good summer harbor, and domestic animals as are prohibited by O ffice H ours —From 7 a. ni.to? p. m • Butte Creek, by L. Tinkham, Justi<*e of sum in favor of J. B. White and Alex. Mar­ Sundays. 30 minutes after arrival of stage«. as safe in winter as Crescent City. ordinance from running loose within the Peace, Adolphus Carlton to Miss Al- tin and against Wm. C. Miller for the re­ No M ail S ervice .—Some time covery of $79.20, in gold coin, together with Mail matter must l»e in on time or it will sameda Nichols—all of Jackson county. Mr. Miller, of Chetco, offers to donate the corjmration, which lias not be­ ago the mail service between Waldo $22.30 costs, and accruing costs, I have lev­ not go. M ax M ci . i . er , P. M. ied upon and will offer for sale at public the land and water front necessary for come quite familiar to the inhabitants and Crescent City was changed from a auction to the highest bidder for cash in U. NEW, THIS WEEK DKMH.ITIOX NOTICE. S. Gold coin, at the Court House in Jack­ wharfage and warehouse purposes, and as yet. semi-weeklv to weekly, at which the sonville, in said county, on people of that section felt greatly ag­ SUPERINTENDENT’S NOTICE. ■ The firm of Hull A Nickell, in publishing San Francisco capitalists have offered T he L ast A ssay . Elder Peterson Saturday, December 26th, 1874. the T imes , has l>eon dissolved by mutual to construct them. hands us the following receipt of the grieved. Worse than this, the mail consent. P. D. Hull withdrawing. All ac­ Residents of Chetco Valley held a assay by the Sin Francisco Assaying contractor failed to put in appearance, VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL at one o’clock p. M. of said day, the follow­ 11 persons wishing Teachers’ Certificates, ing descril»ed real projierty, to-wit: counts tine said firm prior to Septemlier 1st. meeting in our presence, expressive of and the mail was carried by sub-con- that the undersigned will hold a public ex­ The N. W. J4 of section 10, in Township and Refining Works of the quartz sent 1874, may l»e paid to either party, and all amination at his residence, on Rogue River, 38, S. of R. 3 West, containing 160 acros, ex­ their interest in the enterprise, and of­ accounts against the firm will bo paid by cepting and reserving therefrom one min­ to that city to be tested. As we tract until the other (lay. Complaint on the 31st of December, 1874. ing claim belonging to Foon A Co., situated B. F. SLOAN, the same. All person* indebted are re­ fering to aid by individual donations have published the results of former was made to Congressman Luttrell below the mining claims of John Buckley, School Sup ’ t of Josephine Co., Oregon. quested to settle forthwith, a* the business ranging from 30 days’ labor, in various and the Postal Agent, who promised and two mining claims belonging to John assays, he requests us to give this one : must he closed without delay. All accounts sums, to $500 in cash, and aggregat­ Buckley, and also a part of a mining claim John S. Drum, Oftkland— D ear S ir : to act early in the matter. Nothing belonging to a Chinaman, situated below n«>t settled in a reasonable length of time NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS! was heard in the premises until Wed­ the mining claim of Foon A Co. aforesaid ; will be placed in the hands of an attorney ing a large sum. They want a free The sample of ore which von left for assay all of which is situated on Jackass creek, in contains as follows per 2,000 pounds: 1.00 nesday week ago, when an order was for collection. All unexpired contracts for road, and appointed a committee of the county of Jackson, State of Oregon, and VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE subscription, advertising, etc., will be ful­ their number to co-operate with the ounces of silver, value. $1.29 ; no gold. received discontinuing the mail ser- 11 Tax-payers of Jackson county that I levied upon as the property of Wm. C. Mil­ Respectfully Yours, be in my office from 9 o’clock A. m ., to ler to satisfy the above demands. filled by the new proprietor. people of Jackson and Josephine coun­ vice altogether between these two 4 will J. W. MANNING, J ohn II ewston , J r ., o'clock I*, m . of each official day, for the P. D. H ull . Sheriff ot Jackson county, Oregon. purpose of receiving taxes. Those not pay­ ties in constructing this road. places. The people are consequently Sup ’t and Chemist. C has . N ickell . ■ Dated at Jacksonville this 24th of Novem­ within 30 days from date will have to Mr. Peterson informs us that all deprived of all mail facilities whatever ing The people of Josephine, too, are 48t4. pay mileage, as the taxes must be collected ber, A. D. 1874. I A pples .—Jos. Rapp has our thanks quite aware of the benefits that would interested wore greatly surprised at except by a circuitous route via Hum­ ami I cannot afford to ride after them for nothing. I propose to enforce the law st rict- for a liberal supply of splendid apples. accrue to them, and are awaiting an this result, as the rock sent Mr. Drum boldt Bay. Mail matter will be sev­ lv, so take warning in time. SOLDIERS’ J. W. MANNING, invitation from the people of Jackson was off the same piece assayed by eral weeks old before reaching many I Sheriff A Tax-Collector of Jackson Co., Ogn. N ew G ranges .—D. S. K. Buick, Dated this 14th day of December, 1874. to join in the work. Capt. Fisk, Portland, which resulted of the residents. The Crescent City Deputy Grand Master for this section, NO. 34 MONTGOMERY BLOCK, The County Grange Council at its so well. This latter assay reported Courier grows justly indignant over Informs us that he will organize a Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Grange at Kerbyville on January 5th, last session appointed a Committee to all gold and hut little silver, while the the matter. It says that the citizens visit Kerbyville to confer with the San Francisco assay reports but little of Crescent City and vicinity have TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER AND anil also one at Vannoy’s Ferry on 1 decree of the County Court tor the State January Sth. Both sections are in people of that county on the 6th of silver and no gold. This does not dis­ agreed to pay H. Gasquet $40 atrip to of Oregon, for Jackson County, sitting for H. AIKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, courage those concerned, who have bring the mail from Waldo. What the transaction of Probate business Decem­ January. . and Commander of the Grand Army i Josephine county. the Sth, A. D. 1874, the undersigned. of the Republic in California and Nevada, The cost of constructing a first-class confidence in the richness of the ledge, action will be taken to have the mail ber Administrator of the Estate of John Thur- will give prompt attention to the collection F atal A ccident .—Louis Tucker, road upon the line surveyed by us, the and will fully test its merit. service go on as heretofore, we have l>er, Sen., deceased, will offer for sale for of Additional Travel Pay, now due Califor­ cash in United States Gold Coin to the high­ nia and Nevada Volunteers discharged 300 Route Agent of the O. A C. Stage Co., road to have not less than a uniform not learned. est bidder at public auction, at the Court miles from home. Soldiers can depend on I. o. G. T.— W. R. Dunbar, G. W. House door in Jacksonville, in said county, fair dealing. Information given free of yesterday received a telegram stating width of 12 feet, uniform grades, H oliday P resents —Only a week on charge. When writing enclose stamp for I that the stage had upset that morning smooth surface, well protected by cul­ C. T., on December 2d organized a until Saturday, January 17th, 1875, reply and state company and regiment and Christmas, and as everybody is near Myrtle Creek, killing the driver, verts, inside bridges, etc., substantial lodge of Good Templars at Linkville. about to invest in holiday presents, The following described real property, situ­ whether you have a discharge. Congress has extended the time for filing claims for Asher F. Wall, formerly of this place. bridges, and in short to be a first-class The following are the officers for the we will offer some gratis information ated in the County of Jackson, State of Ore­ additional Bounty under Act of J uly 28,1866, gon, to-wit : ensuing term : W. J. Small, W. C. No further particulars at present. road in every particular, will aggregate The S. W. % of N. W. J< of section 20; to January, 1875, so all such claims must be T.; Mary F. Poe, R. II. S.; Anna as to where you can get what you want E. Ji ofS. W. M of section 30 ; W. Ji of S. made before that time. Original Bounty of $100 has been allowed all volunteers who E. Ji of section 30 ; E. % of N. E. Ji of sec­ enlisted A nother L edge —A ledge of con­ $55,865. Walker, L. IL S.; Orphea Cranston, at reasonable rates: before July 22, 1861, for three years, tion 30 ; S. W. Ji of N. W. Ji of section 29 ; if not paid It is proposed by the friends of the White A Martin and Caro A Fisher N. same when discharged. Land siderable pretensions has been discov­ W. V. T.; Geo. Conn, W. S.; Ella E. Ji of N. E. Ji of section 31. All in Warrants the i»n be obtained for services ren­ road to make an effort at once to pro ­ 38, South of Range, 1 West, and dered liefore 1855, ered near Kerbyville, Josephine coun­ Cranston, W. A. S.; Wm. Forsythe, have an elegant stock of dry goods, Township but not for services in the containing three hundred and sixty acres. late war. Pensions for late war and 1812 ty. Prospecting has been in progress cure national aid to build the road, W. F. S.; Ellen Forsythe, W. T.; Nel­ etc., to select from. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock P. M. of obtained and increased when allowed for day. E. I). FOUDRAY, on it, but we have learned of no devel­ and afterward keep it in repair by levy­ son Stephenson, W. C.; Ed. Penning, less than disability warrants, no pen­ E. Jacobs and Ben Sachs have a nice ■said Administrator of the Estate of John Thur­ sions are allowed to Mexican but ing a nominal toll, sufficient for that and Florida ber, Sr., deceased. opments. Other quartz discoveries are W. M.; James Markley, W. D. M.; assortment of toys. war soldiers. State of Texas has granted purpose only. December 14th, 1874. Pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Rev­ also reported. P. M. Poe, W. I. G.; Dennis Small, iI At the City Drug store may be found I The advantages accruing to the peo­ olution. New Orleans and Mobile Prize I W. O. G.; J. H. Miller, P. W. C. T. elegant albums, books, etc. Money is now due and being |>aid. W. II. “T emple of F ashion .”—The holi­ ple of these three counties would be Aiken also attends to General law and Col­ Oliver C. Applegate is Lodge Deputy. Besides a splendid stock of jewelry, lection Business. 32. days are at hand, and while everybody immense. To us it would open a cash is looking for handsome presents, it market for all our surplus, lower freight S herman A H yde ’ s Musical Re­ you can find toys and holiday goods of GIVEN BY THE BARGAINS ! should be borne in mind that Sachs rates on importations, increase the view for November is an unusually all kinds at Neuber’s. Bros, have a large and elegant assort­ quantity and value of our productions, good number. It contains a Sketch of John A. Boyer, Ben Sachs and ment of dry goods, furs, etc., from particularly breadstuff's, increase the the Life of George T. Bromley, Glean­ Wintjen A Helms have a fine lot of INDEPENDENT LITERARY SOCIETY! whieh you can easily select a nice hol­ value of real estate, and add largely to ings from Musical History, a large col­ candies for the holidays. OF JACKSONVILLE, iday gift at a reasonable price. Call our circulating medium. lection of interesting miscellaneous TnE E xhibition .—There was a FIVE BRAN NEW FLORENCE and see. Very Respectfully Yours, matter, the usual Art Notes, Musical good attendance present at the Court D. S. K. B uick . Criticisms, and four fine pieces of vo­ House Saturday evening to hear the R eturned .—Most of those who left Jacksonville for the Galice Creek —OK— P repayment of P ostage .—From cal and Instrumental music. It is lecture of Prof. Stinson on the Darwin­ mines have returned. They report the 1st of January next the new pos­ worth double the subscription price ian theory, and witness Prof. Cox’s Sewing Machines ! an immense quantity of quartz, and tal law makes it Incumbent upon us of one year. Subscriptions will be re­ illustration of 0 W I GRAND CHRISTMAS BALL! ( 45 PER CENT. CHEAPER 11 T M A