1 / Published Every Friday Morning. By I Official Paper for Jackson & Josephine RATES OF ADVERTISING. I CHAS. NICKELL, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. nates or Nubseriptton Ono copy, per annum,.. “ ’ six months. ... “ three months. *3.00 2.00 1.00 VOL. IV JACKSONVILLE, OREGON , FRIDAY, DEC. 18, 1874 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. P R( ) F ESS I ON AL U A RI >S. Furniture Ware - Room, STATE OF OREGON. Dr. L. DANFORTH. Cor. California A Oregon Sts., Governor................................. ........£ «’•oyer Secretary of State................................ J State Treasurer,.......................... '• Brown State Printer................................ M. \. Rrown Sup’l of Public Instruction...!.. L. Rowland gemhai , \(HLS axd new ». Albany cast 363 votes at tier muni­ cipal election on the 7th inst. The irrepressible Dr. Haskell is de­ Oregon. livering charitable lectures at Empire City. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, removed to .Tacksonvillo. and tenders Jacksonville, FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. DAVID LINN ,...P. P. Prim Circuit Judge District Attorney,...................... H. K. Hanna A. B. Ilaltock lias been elected Chief Engineer of the Portland Fire Depart­ Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment JACKSON COI NTY H. K. HANNA. ment for the ensuing year. of furniture, consisting of (‘ounty Judge,..............................K- B. Watson (John O’llrien, Attornry-at-Lnw and Notary Public, A tumor weighing 22 ounces was Uounty Commissioner*...... < M \.Hue*ton BEDSTEADS, ........................................ J. W. Manning Sheriff, removed from a lady’s shoulder by two Jacksonville, Oregon, . •...... E. D. Foielniv I BUREAUS. TABLES, (Tcrk... Washington county surgeons recently. Treasurer,...................................... ... K. Knbli Will practice in all the Courts of the State. i A . < ’ hilders Prompt attention given to all business left Assessor........................................... M C. C. Meade the other evening skat­ School Sii|>orintendent........... H- < ’’. Fleming in my care. 29tf. Surveyor...........................................E. Mason ed a mile at the Portland skating rink STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, Coroner............................................. H. T. Inlow E. R."WATSON. c. w . KAHLER. in three minutes and fifty-eight sec­ Official Paper.................... D emocratic T imes (’HAULS OF ALL KINDS. KAHLER & WATSON. onds. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, Attorney» and Counselors-at-Law, County Judge.............................M. F. Raidwin The Plaindealer says that the streams , f S. Messentrer, County Commissioner«........ j Jamp< Npp1v south of Roseburg are very much Jacksonville, Oregon, Sheriff........................................... Dan. 1«. Green Also Door«. Sash and Blinds always on swollen and that travel is interrupted Clerk................... .......................... Chas. Htvrho« Will practice inthe Supreme, District and hand and made to order. Planing done on in consequence. Treasurer,.......... . ........................... Wm. Naucke other Courts ofthisState. Office in the building formerly occupied reasonable terms. jaB“ Undertaking a spe­ Assessor........................................................... John Howell ' 29tf. An association of gentlemen of Salem Kehool Superintendent.................. B. F. Sloan by O. Jacobs, opposite Court House. 29tf. cialty. Surveyor,..................................... W. N. Sander« have clubbed together and sent about Coroner...,................................... Geo. F. Britrsr« J. H. STINSON. J. R. NEIL. “ EXCELSIOR ” $1,000 for a batch of tickets in the Official Paper,.................... D emocratic T imes STINSON & NEIL. the great Louisville lottery. COVRT SITTING«. Attorneys and Connsellors-at-Law, IJVERY STABLE .Tat'kMon Onunto.— Circuit Court, second The San Francisco *7’«»7 asserts that Monday in February. June an«l November. fresh water costs the inhabitants of JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, County Court, first Monday in each month. Oregon Street, Jacksonville, .Ttwnhinr Oonnt».— Circuit Court, second that city more than bread. No won­ Monday in Anril an«l fnur’h Monday in Oc­ Will practice in the Supreme. District and der they are envious of “Webfoot.” other Courts of the State. Prompt atten­ tober. Conntv Court, first Monday in Jan­ tion given to all business entrusted to our J. W. MANNING & R. ISH, Propr’s. uary, April, Julv and October. Hon. W. W. Bristow, State Senator care. JACKSONVILLE PRECINCT. ?.**' Office on California street, between from L ine county and one of the pio­ Justice nf the Pea<*o..................... J. IT. Stinson Third and Fourth. 41 tf. Constable..................................... A. M. Asbury neers of Oregon, departed this life at WING JUST RECEIVED A NEW TOWN OF JACK«ONVIT.T.F. j stock of Harness. Buggies and Car­ his residence in Eugene City on the ( C. C. Bookman, Pres’t, riage«, wo are now prepared to furnish our | Sol. Sachs, 8th instant. patronsand the public generally with as j John Ril«»or, Trustees.... Physicians & Surirons, A move is on foot at New York to FINE TURNOUTS I Henrr Judge, I K. Knbli. A« can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle unite all the Presbyterian Churches of JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. ...I’. S. Harden Recorder............................ horse« hired tn go tn anv nart of the country. whatever name in one body or ecclesi­ ..... Henrr Pa no Treawnror.......................... Animal« BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses I ........ Fro<1. Groh Marshal.......................... broke to work single or double. Horses astical confederacy, with equal repre­ . Po’or Bnschev Street CV»mmi««ir»nor.. Having formed a co-partnership for the boarded. r»n«1 the best of care bestowed upon sentation in its synods and presbyte­ nrac’iee of our profession, we offer our ser­ them while in our charge. vice* to the public. ries. OUR TERMS ARE REASONABLE. SOCIETY NOTICES. 7-1- ers have abandoned the Trades Unions THE low’« Hall. Bm»her« in good standing are I PHYSTCTAN AND SURGEON, in that city during the last year, as I invited to attend. Jacksonville. Oregon t . t . mckenzie , n . g . evidence of the declining power of CITY IJRUCr STO1Œ, Jnnx B h /» fr . Roe. Sec’v. such organizations. John A. Boyer, Isaac Sachs, Kaspar Ku- bli. Trustees. I Having loca’cd in the town of Jacksonville, JACKSONVILLE. Wells, Fargo A Co.’s safe on the for the purnnsp of practicing Surgery and Kansas Pacific express train was other branches of hi« profession, respect­ Jarksonvill* Minim No. IIs. C. 0. II. M.. fully a«ks a portion of the public patron­ robbed near Muncie, Kansas, last week, Hold* its regular meetings every Thurcdav age. Office—Second door north of the U. Hl’TE NEW FIRM <1F KAHLER A Rno. evening at the Odd Follows’ itali. Brothers S. Hotel. 4S(f. I have the largest and most complete by five armed and masked men, who in good standing are invUed »o «»‘end. assortment of flagged, stoppi'd and entered the train. BEN SACHS. O. C. I Dr. B. N. MODISETTE. A. Rnnv. TU S. DRUGS, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, The robbers secured $27,000. Trib’oo—Herman v. Helms, Ben Sachs, P II Y SI C I A N A ND SURGEON, Max Muller. Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also The Roseburg paper says: Billy the latest and finest styles of Anti I and, Oregon. Carroll and other teamsters who start­ Orfnnhn Porihont"» Trih* 'fl. 1. Im­ STATIONERY, proved order of Red Mop. Hol«!« its ed for Fort Klamath over a month ago stated council« at the Red Men’« And a great varietv of PERFUMES and with freight for the Indian Agency, Having locale«! permanently in Ashlnnd. Hall the third sun in every «even «uns. in fenders his professional services tn the TOTT,FT A RTI< ’LES. including the best and the eighth run. A cordial invitation to all people of the town and the surrounding ohonT»e*t assortment of ( ’( >MM<>N and PER­ have returned. They had a rough brothers in good standing. country. Dr. M. Is a graduate of the Med­ FUMED SOAPS in this market. time of it in the snow and mud. A. T. OWEN, S. ical Department of the Iowa University, I tafU Prescription* carefully compounded. C. W. S avage , C. of R. with an aPercourse at Pope’s College. St. 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. The Salem liecord is authorized to T/Ouis, and has been in active practice for state that Dr. Glass, an inmate of the fTOeen years. Orron Division No. 1, TABLE ROCK SALOON, Office and residence on Main street. Penitentiary, has not been authorized Son« and Daughters of Tempérance, mcot« *n Tucsdav evening nf eacb week in the to administer medicines in that insti­ OREGON STREET, Red M*n’« Hall. Brothers and sisters in MARY ’ S ACADEMY, ST. tution. When any of the prisoners gond standing are invite«! »n attend. WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. C. ULRICH, W. P. are sick in the future a regular practi­ CONDUCTED BY F. K asshaff . r , R. S. tioner will be summoned. I THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES, mHE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL- I Warrn lotter No. 10. A. F. t A. The Grangers of Oregon have estab­ ■ known and popular resort would in­ nolds its regular communications I form thejr friends and the public generally lished a market for the sale of fresh \ on the Wednesday evening« or pre­ he scholastic year of this that a complete and first-class stock of the ceding the full moon, in Jacksonville. Ore­ school will commence about the middle best brands of liquors, wine«, cigars, ale and meat at Portland, and it was formally gon. T. G. REAMES, W. M. of August, and is divided in four sessions, norter. etc., is constantly kept on hand. opened to the public on the 2d instant. M ax M uller , Sec’y. of eleven weeks each. The following are the They will be pleased to have their^riends “call and smile.” The difficulty of getting satisfactory terms: CABINET. $40.00 Ruth Rrbrknh Degree Lodtt No. 4,1. 0. 0. F., Board and tuition, per term,............ prices for cattle is given as a reason 4.O0 A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found Holds its regular meetings on every other Bed and Bedding................................... . 8.00 I here. M e would lie pleased to have persons for this departure from the usual trade Monday evening at Odd Fellows Hall. Drawing and painting......................... Piano, ........................................................ . 15.00 possessing curiosities and specimens bring Members in good standing are invited to Entrance fee, only once,................... , 5.00 them in. and we will place them in the Cab­ routine. attend. N. FISHER, N. G. inet for inspection. A dispatch from Oakland, Oregon, J ane K vbli , R. 8. SELECT DAY SCHOOL. WINTJEN A HELMS. dated December 9th, says : A son of Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. Primary, per term,.......... ...........................$ 6.00 Jacksonville Turnverein No. 1, Eb. Stephens, County Clerk of Doug­ Junior, “ ...................................... 8.00 Holds its regular meetings at Turnverein Senior, “ ...................................... 10.00 EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, las, aged almut 16, was accidentally Hall every Monday evening. Regular Ex­ Pupils are received at any time, and their ercising every Monday and Thursday eve­ terms will be counted from the day of their shot while scuffling with his broth­ C alifornia S treet , nings. CHAS. NICKELL, President. entrance. For further particulars apply at er over a loaded shotgun. The load E d . H orne , Secretary. the Academy. 29tf. John Noland, Proprietor. took effect in his stomac’s, of which INDERIMDENT LITERARY SOCIETY, he died a few hours afterwards. GRANGERS, H I Hold« it« regular meetings at the District "School Ilouse everv Friday evening. W. J. STANLEY, President. R obt . K aht . br . Sec’y. GEORGE SCHUMPF, BARBER, PATBONIZE HOME INDÜSTBY! XTONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND REST i x Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars kept. DRINKS, 12 J CENTS. I CAN FURNISH First-Class WATER PIPE, Cheaper and More Durable CALIFORNIA STREET, Jacksonville. NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t pay. Families needing anything ......... ............ ........... in inv line can always be supplied with the"purest and best to be found on the Coast. Give me a call, and you will be well satisfied. 29tf. —THAN— RAILROAD SALOON, he undersigned takes pleas - Wood, Iron, Lead, or any other Material. Third Street, Jacksonville, Oregon, ure in announcing that he is now in­ stalled in his new and elegant quarters, ANY SIZE FURNISHED. which are fitted up inthe latest and most HENRY PAPE, Engi leer. approved style. All branches of the busi­ ness executed in first-class manner. Send y Mir orders to I have also added bath-rooms, complete JOSTAH HANNAH, THROUGH TICKETS, 12j C ents . and convenient in their appointments, and Or A lex . M artin , Agent, Jacksonville. those desiring a good, clean hath of any de- MCription can be accommodated. piIOIUE WINES, LIQUORS AND CT- DANDRUFF LOTION, ' ' irars constantly on hand. The reading table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ An entirely new discovery for cleansing cals and leading papers of the (’oast. 2f»tf. the acalp and restoring the hair to its natu­ To Close Business, ral vigor. Price, $1.00 per bottle. H. L. WEBB. 8. P. JONES. T SELLING OUT CHEAP! RAZORS CAREFULLY PUT IN ORDER. AT W. BILGER’S, JACKSONVILLE. NOTICE. THE NEW STATE SALOON, HE UNDERSIGNED, DESIRING TO Corner of California and Third Streets, LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE close out business, will sell out hi« en­ undersigned are requested to come for­ tire stock of goods for COST and FREIGHT, Webb 8t Jones, Propr’s. ward and settle. Those who have not the for CASH. ready cash can nettle in lumber, wood, hay SETTLE UP.—All persons indebted are or grain. I wish to live and let live. So requested to settle up immediately. A word take warning, as others are better collectors to the wise is sufficient. nglish ale and porter , together than myself. J. C. BELT, M. D. WILLIAM BILGER. with the finoat brands of liquors and ci­ Jacksonville, Sept. 1,1874. Willow Springs, Aug. 20. 1874. 34. gars always en hand. 16tf. T E NO. 51 COI N r*Y JOI KVALIKM. The Corvallis Gazette says of late years there has been an effort on the part of the proprietors of some of the large and influential newspapers in the great commercial centres, to stran­ gle the country press, and in many instances they have succeeded. It is a well established fact that no city pa­ per will assist in building up an inte­ rior town. What are the Portland pa­ pers, to-ilav, doing to build up Corval­ lis, or any other interior town in thi« ¡ State. And what have they been do­ ing in this direction for the past ten years ? Lot any reflecting man think of this for a few moments, seriously, and we think he will find strong rea­ sons for supporting his local paper. The following from the San Francis­ co Figaro of the 3d inst., with change of names, is so applicable and sensible, that we give the article entire, as fol­ lows: “Since writing a paragraph on this subject, (Country Journalism,) which appears elsewhere, we have read an article on the same subject in this morning’s ('In oniric. The lesson which it seeks to draw from the death of th<‘ Benicia Tribune seems to be that since the establishment of railroads, a paper in a country town is unneces­ sary. Inferentially the inhabitants ought to sub«crilie for the C/zrozizWc and let their local organ die. The fact of the matti-r is that there is not a paper in San Francisco that will assist in any way to build up an interior town. On the other hand, a bright editor proper­ ly sustained by the inhabitants can make a town. Does any one pretend to deny that the amusing nonsense published by Bailey, has had any effect upon the prosperity of Danbury ? Dan­ bury is known to a great many as the place where the Danbury Neirs is published. Not very long ago a man ‘ worth considerable over a million Tn money and land, pulled a Kansas paper ' out of his pocket, and pointing to the ' head of the column, said : ‘I depend j entirely on that man to make the prop­ erty I own in this place valuable.’ A country pap<>r might ho as pleasing to inhabitants of San Mateo, Jose, i the ' Grass Valley, Marysville, Placerville, Los Angeles, or any other interior town as one tilled with the scandal of the metro|Milis can lie. The natural advantages of the surrounding country afford as pipasing a text as murder in a dive, or at the latest discoveries of fraud among city officials. The coun­ try newspaper is a great advertisement for the town in which it is published t and it is to the interest of every inhab­ i itant to contribute to its support. P umpkins for S tock .—The differ­ ent opinions of farmers as to the value of pumpkin« for milch cows and other stock, is hplicvod to he the result of different ways of feeding thorn, by a correspondent of the Germantown Tel­ egraph. In a hurry to clean a field, farmers will give their cattle a surfeit of pumpkins for a day or two, then for a day or two perhaps none, and thu« alternate feasts and fasts, and t lien conclude pumpkins are worthless, The writer gives regularly, as long they last, once a day, from one to three pumpkins per head, never more, and finds them greatly conducive to the health of stock, besides greatly increas­ ing the quantity and quality of butter made. T A Advertisements will be inserted in the T imes the following rates n One square, one insertion......................... $3.00 “ each subsequent one............ 1.00 For legal advertisements, $2.50 per square ofl2lines, first insertion,and JI.00¡»ersquaro for each subsequent insertion. A fair reduction from the above rates made to yearly advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly executed. hi i L ived it D own —An honest black­ smith was once grossly insulted and his character infamously defamed. Friend« advised him to seek redress by means of law, but to all he re­ plied, “No, I will go to my forge and there in six months I will have work­ ed out such a character and earned such a name as all the Judges, law, courts and lawyers in ,4he world can­ not give me.” He was right. It is by honest labor, manly courage, and a conscience void of offence, that we as­ sert our true dignity and prove our honesty and respectability. The Corvallis Democrat says : The prospects of Benton county were never brighter than at present. We now have the certainty of two separate lines of railroad, which will form a A n exchange gets off the following junction at this place, while the agri­ on delinquent subscribers: Looking cultural interests are in a more pros­ over an old ledger, we see a long ar­ perous condition than ever before. ray of names of former subscribers George Labor, 113 years of age, died who are indebted to us. Some of them at Stroudsburg, Pa., on the 30th of have moved away and are lost to sight, November. He was 15 at the date of although to memory dear ; others are carrying the contribution boxes in our the Declaration of Independence, 29 most respectable churches, and others when Washington was first inaugu­ again have died and are angels in rated President, 54 in the year Water­ heaven, but they owe us just the loo was fought, and was nearly eight same. years old when Napoleon the First N ew J ersey lias found a method was born. of manufacturing rum from cranber­ The Governor has commissioned the ries, which is said to have a longer range than even its famed “lightning,” following persons on the staff of the the latter only killing at 40 rods, while the Major-General of the Oregon State the former is deadly for a mile. Militia, W. H. Effinger: Joseph Teal, Assistant Adjutant General, with rank “S ambo , what is dar dat nehber of Lieutenant Colonel; Arthur Cris­ was, nebber can be, and nehber will field, C. H. Page, P. C. Harper, Aids- be ?” “I dunno, Ca?sar. I gibs it up.” “Why, chile, a mouse’s nest in a cat’s de-Camp, with rank of Major ; Dr. Al­ ear.” fred C. Kinuey, Surgeon, with rank of F at . se praise is the worst of slander. Lieutenant Colonel. 1 T he J udgment of H olomon .— Sometimes a goys at birth weigh a little more and girl« a little less than 7 pounds. For the first twelve years the two sexes continue nearly equal in weight, hut beyond that age the boys acquire a decided preponderance. Young men of 20 average 135 pounds, whileyoung women average 110 pounds each. Men reach their heaviest weight at about 40 years of age, when their average weight will lie about 140 pounds; but women slowly in­ crease in weight until 50 years of age. Taking the men and women together their weight at full growth will then average from 108 to 150 pounds, and woman from 80 to 130. The averago weight of humanity all over the world, taking all ages and conditions, work­ ing men and women and people with­ out occupation, black and white, boys, girls, and babies, Is very nearly 100 f pounds, advoirdupois weight , .... ■ ■ ■ ■ » I — ■ ■ -w D ecimal C oin .—Senator Jones of Nevada has a bill pending in tho House, from last session of Congress, providing for the coinage of twenty- cent pieces, to take the place of the present quarter-dollars. Its passage will reduce our coiitige to a complete decimal scries, and will do away with the broken change of quarters and “hits” which is such a nuisance on this coast. It will save the consumer of “bit” g(iods the twenty per cent, tax which he now pays in making change—the difference between ten cents and twelve-and-a-half. We have no doubt that the greater con­ venience of the uniform currency will also compensate the majority of deal­ ers for the loss of the per cent, they now make in changing quarters to get a “bit,” and all together it will be gen­ erally considered satisfactory. E ugene I ngenuity —The Guard relates that the young men of Eugene contrive to get over serious difficulties. It says : “Last evening we came sud­ denly upon a young man kissing a blooming girl on the na|»e of the neck. It.was new to us, and we immediate, ly organized an investigating commit­ tee and ascertained that this is the very last agony after eating onions for supper. ----------- ~ » ta ■ 1 G irls , as you value your lives, don’t get up and get breakfast in the mornings. A young lady attempted it one day last week, and was burned to death. Show this to your mammas. E verybody seems to konsider him­ self a kind ov moral half bushel, tew meazure the world’s frailtys in.— Jo.d< Ridings,