The Law of Newspapers. She íDcmorratic Simes. F riday N ovember 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the eontrarvaro considered as wish* ing to continue their subscriptions. 2. If snv subscribers order the discontin­ uance of their newspapers, the publisher may continue to send them until all arrear­ ages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspapers from tho offices to which thev arc directed, the law holds them re­ sponsible until thev have settled the bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to other places without Informing the publisher, and the newspaper« are «ent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers from the office. or re­ moving and loavintf them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. ♦>. The j>ostmaster who neglects to give the local noticeof the neglect of a person tn ♦ako from tho otfice the newspapers nd- dre««»**J to him. is liable to the publisher for the subscription price. 20, 1*74. THE LONG AGO. Ob ! a wonderful »tronin is tho river Tune, A m it run« Firouirh the realms of tear«, With a faultless rhythm and n musical rhyme. And n broRiIer «-weep, find R «unre sublime, And blends with an ocean of years. How the winters arc driftiug like flakes ot snow, ... And the summer« lik<* bud« between. And Hie vear in liie sheaf—so they come nnd they „ On the river’s breast, with its ebb and flow, A« it glides in the shadow and sheen. There’s a magical isle up the river Time, When* the softest of air« are playing ; Then 's a rlotidh*« sky and a tropical clime. And a song a.« sweet a’» a v»>s|»er chime. And the Junes with the roses are staying. JOHN BILGER. And the name of this isle is the Long Ago, And we bury our treasures there ; Then* are brows of beauty and bosoms of »now — Then* are heaps of dust, but we loved them mo ! There are trinkets and trosses of hair. that htetantlv stop, the moot excruciating pains, allay« Inflammations, and core« ConceaUona. wbatbarof th* Lung«, stomach. Bowels, or other (lands or oraaoa. by jne application. • IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MTNUTM. ho matter how violent or exemelatfac the naln th* RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Inflrm, Ciippfo*. NtfVM* Neuralgic, or prostrated with dlaaasa may aoflar, si 0.00 HARNESS, per sett, from Jb.OO LADIES’ SADDLES, from TADWAY*8 READY RELIEF F WILL AFFORD INSTANT BAKE ■V lammation or the kidney « . INFLAMMATION or THE BLADDEK WLAMMATI o N OF THE BOWELS. l«.00 HORSE COLLARS, from 2.50 BLACK-SNAKE WHIPS, from 1.00 HEAD HALTERS, from 1.25 _ __ _ CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. «DRE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPTHERIA. ____ CATARRH, INFLUENZA. nEADACOE, TOOTHACHE. __ NEURALGIA, RHEVMATI8M. COLD CnTLLfl, AGPE CHILLS. The application of the Readj- Kelt*Pto the paper parte where the pain or difficulty eaiata will afford oas* and Comfort Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will In a few momenta cure CRAMPS, HPASM8, SOUR STOMACH. HEARTBURN, NICK HEADACftS, DIARRHOEA. DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Trarelers should alwavs carry a bottle ef Rtad- way’a Keady Heller with them. A few drop. In water will prevent alckneM or paint from change or water. It is better than French Brandy or Bitten as a fUmulant I And all our goods at equally LOW RATES, want these times is a fair living profit. Give us a call and see if we wont do all we assert. Repairing promptly done. /7-4F* The highest ea'sh price paid for Deer Skins. Jacksonville. 13th, 1874. ALL KINDS OF FEVER AND AGUE. assortment of the best 'FKVBR AND AGUE cored for fifty rente. There I* not a rentedial agent tn this world that will cur« Fever end Ague, and all other Malarious, Biloua. Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers [aided br RAD- WAY’S FILLS) eo quick aa RADWAY’B KEADY BE­ LIEF. Fgty cents per botUe. TINWARE, RRASS PTPES. FORGE PUMPS, CHATNS. LEAD PTPE, HARDWARE. CUTLERY, H YDR Al TLTC NOZZLES, PAINTS, SIZES. GT.ASS. OI.S. HOSE, POWDER. HEALTH!'BEAUTY I! I Ye old STRONG AND PrRR RfCH BLOOD-TWCRBAtm OF FLESH AND WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION BECUBED TO ALL. BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. DR.;RADWAY’S NAT US, Ssrsaparillian Besolvent MTNTNG TOOL. SHOT. RRUSHES, CARPENTER TOORS, BLACKSMITH T oot s. IRON WASH-KFTTT FS. RRASS AND TRON WTRE, SHEET -1 RON WARE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. has made Tnn most artontshimg ctre «- so QUICK, RO RAPID ABE THE CHANGES, THE body I ROPE, CAULDRONS, CULTIVATORS. COPPER WARE, WHFFL-RARROWS, SHEET-IRON WARE, V I S I TI N € Is «1 purely Vegetable Preparation^ composed of Oluaya Bark, Roots, Herbs and Eruiis, among •tvhi^h will be found Sarsafarilian, Dandelion, H7»d Cherry, Sassafras, Tansy, G enit an, Sweet Flag, etc.\ also Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes and Juni­ per Berries, preserved in a sufficient quantity (only} of the spirit ofSugaa Cane to keep m any climate. They invariably relieve and cure the folltrmng complaints : Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Liver Com^ plaints. Loss of Appetite, Headache, Filious At- tacks. Fever and Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, General Debili­ ty, etc. They are especially adapted as a remedy for the diseases to which —TC Always on hand a large Io« of parlor, conk­ ing. office. cabin stoves, of assorted sizes, nlain and fancy. constructed on the late«* fuel-saving plans. Boilers, kettle«, pots, and everything connected with these stoves warranted durable and perfect. All article« «old or manufactured hv him warranted. His work is made of the best materia! and ofthe ehoice«* oaftern«. 'Pi** Orders attended tn with dispatch and sited according to directions. He is deter­ mined to sell at low prices for cash. THE LARGEST POSTER of nil kinds, of the best brands,wholesale and retail. Also - THE TIMES OFFICE TOBACCO AND CIGARS. JA CESO SA 'IL L E, OREGON, GROCERIES of all kind*—Just what every married man wants in his family. And if you don’t be­ lieve it. call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN BILGER, Importer of farm implements and machines. 29tf. AT MOST REASONABLE RATES! roa th ..... THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. WEE POSTPONED TO MONDAY. Nov. 30th, 1874 DRAWING « ERTAIN AT THAT DATE. Off SAN N0I8C0. B. I The Great F Miner, M the Farmer, Merchant. OUR BOYS AN MENT IB A FEATURE I DEPART. TTR ACTIVE As I Fireside Crete the * tbe Family led. EVERY G HAVE IT. GET UP CL A Free Co a to whocier get» One Y ar, . 3.0 Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all cash...$2,500,000 Payable A m I I« a Club. 0 so • ot 00 advance in U. S. Gol «luiraient in Currenc Coin ifiient MAP of the l'adi.c ( oast to every salaci lie • DE YOUNG A CO., Pro A*n FrMrlaeo. All Poetm*rt«n are authorised vo «ubeoripUona Specimen »ent free. Saxo roi oxa CAUTION ! The City Brewery, For the relief and cure of all derange­ ments in the stom­ ach, liver, ami bow­ els. They are a tnild aperient, and an excellent purgative, being purely vege- table, they contain no mercury or mine­ ral whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering is prevent­ ed by their timely use; and every family should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience bas proved them to be the saf­ est, surest, and best of all the Pill» with which the market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is purified, the' corruptions of the svs- .tein expelled, obstructions removed, and tho whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity Internal organs which become clogged arid sluggish are cleansed by Aj/rr'» Pill», and stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value o! which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes w ho enjoy it, can hardly be computeri. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they arc mild, and operato without disturbance to like constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions are given on the wrapper to each box, how to use them '¡s a Family I’nyaic, and for the following complaints, which these Pill» rapidly cure: — For l>yapr|»«i«a or Indigestion. Liatleaa- nr im », Languor and Low of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stum* acb, and restore its healthy tone and action. For .Liver Corn plaint and its various symp­ tom«, Riliona Headache, Mick Head­ ache, Jaundice or trees Nickneoa, Ril- ion* Colic and Rilioua Fever», they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For ■•y*entery or Diarrhcra, but one mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatiani, «out, «ravel. Pal- pitation of the Heart, Pain in the Side, Rack and Loin*, they should be contin­ uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change thoso complaints disappear. For Drop*/ and Dropaical Swelling«, they should be taken in large and frequent doses to nroduce the effect of a drastic purge. For Anppreacioo, a large dose should be taken, aa it produces the detired effect by sym­ pathy. As a IHnner Pill, take one or two PUlt to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Pill» makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive otice is hereby given that apparatus. the undersigned warns all persons not FREPAUD BY to bay or trade for the following note, to-wit: —BY— Dr. J. C. AYER A CO., PraeHeoI ChomUU, Lorr R iver , L anokll V alley , ) LO WE ED, MA88., U. 8. A. Jackeoa Co,, Oregon, Dec. 16tb, 1871. J FOB BALK BY ALL DBUG4M8TS EVEBYWEEBB On or before the first day of March next, VEIT SCHUTZ wee, or either of ua, promiae to nay to H. MILL NOTICE. Vanlieber or order, fat U,4L Gol l Coin, the num of ona hundred aod forty dollara, (|140) HTE ARE NOW READY TO RECEIVE for value received. ~ R. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY IN wheat in store, and will commence StLAB AYLfiWORTH, forma the citizens of Jacksonville am. grinding on the 10th inst. GEO. a. miller . surrounding country that he la now mauu Our terms for grinding will be the eighth I wm aot par tbe above qote, tor ft is tincturing, and will constantly keep on hano bushel, or exchange. the very beat of Lager Beer. Those wishing auduleatly obtained. DALEY A EMERY. frMdalMt>y * *0Ol «Is*- ''Mr •»K.'-u’d V"* pxe a <^ij W> •'MILI.FF TV j H* C.eek WJ*. P*pt. 1. IB’’. N M This celebrated Liniment has no equal in y- world and has produced more cures of Rheumatism, Neural­ gia, «prams, Scalds. Burns, Salt Rheum. Sore Nipple«, Swellings, Lameness, Chapped Hands, Poiscnous Eites, Bruise«, Ac., on the human frame, and Sprains Strains, Galls, Stiff Joint«, Inflammation, &c., on beast, than all oth-r Liniments put together. MISTANG LINIMENT is warranted to do iti«t what is promised, or ye money will be refunded. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. Be sure and get ye cfnvine . _ I.jon .Maiiufncttirlrig Co., Now York. SOLI >1 EKS’ WAR CLAIM AGENCY! r . h . Ur H. AIKEN, \TTO11NEY-AT-LAW, »» . ami Commander of the Graml Aruiv •1 the Republic in California ami Nevaila, 'ill give prompt attention to the collection >t Additional Travel Pay, now due Califor- ■iia :md Nevada Volun’eers diM-harged 3(h) miles from home. Soldiers can depend on air dealing. Information given free of ••hargc. When wri ing enclose stamp for reply and state company and regiment and whether yon have a discharge. Congress has extended the time for tiling claim« for idditional Bounty umler Act of .Inly 2«, ISfiiJ, o January. 1875, snail such claims must be made ladbre that time. Original Bounty of 81f>0 has been allowed all volunteers who ••nlisted before July 22. 1SGI, for thrive years, if not paid the «aiue when discharged. I.aml W arrant« can I»»* obtained for services ren­ dered l>efore 1855. but not for service« in the late war. Pension« for la’e war and 1812 obtained and increased when allowed for I 'ess than disability warrants, but no pen­ sions are alloweil to Mexican and Florida war soldiers. State of Toxa« has gran’ed Pensions to surviving veterans of Texas Rev­ olution. New Orleans and Mobile Prize Money is now due and being paid. W. IL Aiken also attends to General law and Col­ lection Business. 3-2. PerfectPff^ve&EeiiilatiiiirPillx >«rf«ctly tMtelem, etffkntly rokted with rweet gum, parge, rerulata. purtfy, cteanae and «trvnrthen Bad. way’» Pills, for the cure of all disorder« of tba Stomaeb, Liver. Bowel* Kidney* Bladder. Nervous Dtaease* ■eadaehe. ConMlpatlon, Coativeneaa, Indlgeatloo. Dn- MWia, BiiloiumeakBllwaa Fever, Inflammation of toe Bow el* Piles, and all Derangement« of the Internal Vnrer* W arranted to effect a positive cure. Purely V egetable, containing no mercury, minerals or ous drug* A tew doeesof RADWAY’S PILLS will free the an- tem from au tbe at-ive named dt-uirdtr* Price,jeceaa p- - Boa SOLD BY DKUGGI8TS. ^«.AD "F alse AND true ." Send «a« m * W in to RABW a Y A CO, No S Warren St N*w xn lufurinauun worth ibooaaadswlULoMatyW fx^THE NEW IMPROVED 5 BARGAINS ! i a co ., WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JLWELR?. JOHN NEUBER, DEALER IN 1VAT(’HE<, (WKS, JEWELRY, SIT, » » verivare, eh*., !:■<« received a lartfe ad dition ’o hi« wi*ll-.«elevted stock of Jewelry and silverware. ELGIN AND WALTHAM, Gold and Silver Watches. Gold and Silvet Chain«, all ini|H»r*od from ’lie tir«t iiianufac tiirer« In tin“ East. A fins lot of SETH THOM AS’ EIGHT DAY WETGIIT CLOCKS. Al«o all kind« of E ight -D ay and 30- hoci ; C t .OCKS : 1’OCKFT (TCTLERY ANO WlLI.OU W ake of all kinds ; a new assortment of the most elegant Eido Feed and Back Feed. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM­ PLE, AND MOST EASILY OPERATED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. Al^ipiaOrder axdatiiyforWork. If there is a FLORENCE MACHINE within one thousand miles of S&a Fntn- ciaco not working well, I will fix It with­ out any expense to the owner- SAZuUZL HILL, Agent, Toys for tho Holidays. No. 13 New Montgomery Street, CONSISTING OF ! FIVE BRAN NEW FLORENCE M c D onald Druggistsand « Agents. San Francis­ co, Cal., and corner of Washington ami Charlton streets, New York. ALBUMS, DOT J A BABY WORK-BOXES; . WAGONS. Tn fact everything that is w anted for the hol­ iday«. A fine lot of SILVER-PLATET» W A RE of the best quality. Also a fine lot ot M h .C c Uoxe9. Accordconn, Guitar», Violins, etc. A Fine Assortment of CTIFWING atuf SMOKING TOBAOOO. Pipes Pipe-stem«, and anything of tha' kind that mav lie wanted. I am also Agon» for the GROVER A BAKER and FLOR ENCE Sewing Machine«, and keep them constantly or hand. T have fust received the latest improved Florence.' which feed« the work FROM THE OPERATOR. ®-er Jewelry, Watches and Clocks eloaned and repaired and warranted. Also Sewing Machines cleaned and repaired Give me a call. 29tf. SETTLE UP. 4 LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE JOHN NEUBER’S! DR. RADWAY'S ¿* ’ them use V isegau B itters as a medicine, anl avoid the use of alcoholic btimulants in every form. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. THAN EVER AT \Kidney <£ Bladder Complaints, Tumor of 12 Years* Growth Cured by Rod way’s Resolvent^ If men will enjoy good health, let NO. 34 MONTGOMERY BLOCK, 45 PER CENT. CHEAPER I ! ■ ar Bittei’S are a purely Vegetable partition, made chiefly from the native rrbs found ou the lower ranges of theiSier- 1 Nevada mountains of California, the ledicimd properties of which arc extract­ ed therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tn question is almost daily asked, “What is the cause of the unparalleled success of ViM G\i< B itteiis ?” Our answer is. that they removo the cause of disease, and the p.iii it recovers his health. They are the jr* at bl oo:l purifier and a life-giving prin- i*i pie. 1 i perfect Renovator ami Jnvigurator of ¡he ystem. Never before in the history of the world lias a medicine been com- po inded po sessing the remarkable qttal- ill ; of V inegah BiTTEKsin healing the sick o» •very disease man is heir to. They are a itle Purgative as well aa a Tonic, reliev- 1: Congestion or Inflammation oi the 1 a r aud Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis­ eases. , Prepared and bottled under ye immediate supervi­ sion of Professor Thomas B. Cross, for ye lad Sewing Machines ! "/r 1 1 » * ’■ Dr. J. Walker's California Vill­ BO YU.iliN, Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, BSCRIBE MEXICAN î M ustang L inimenk In connection with all these I have on hand a large assortment of IN AID OF WOMEN I MEDICINE, Z Every ¿r<»P of ths RAR8APARTLLUN RM0L. VENT communicate« through the Blood, Sweat. Urine, and other Fluids and juice« of the «y«tem the vigor of Lie. for it repair« tbe wasiea of the body with new and •ound material. fU-rotula, Bvphllte, Censomptloii, Glandnlar disease. Ulcer« in the throat. Mouth. Tu­ mor* Nodetin the Glandsand otherparteof the system. bore Eye* Rtrutuorou« diacbargee from tbe Bara, and the worst forma of bkln disease* ErnpUM* Fever Bores, Scald Hoad, Ring Worm. Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spot* Worms in the Flesh.Tamora, Caa- cere in tbe Womb, and all weakening and painful dla- charges. Night Sweat* Lorn of Sperm and all waatse of tbe life principle, are within the curative range of this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few day«5 use will prove to any person using it for either of these forma of disease its potent power to euro them. If the pati.nt, daily becoming reduced by tho wastes and decomposition that io continually progressing, ane- cceda In arresting these wastes, and repalre tbs asms With new material made from liealthy blood—and thio the FARSAPARILLUM Will and does secure—a euro Is certain; for when ODOB fills remedy commences ita work of purification, and Succeed« In diminishing tba Io 1 of waste* its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient wiUfeflhtmselfgrowlnc better and stroMar, the food digesting better, appetite improving, and flaab and weight increasing. Not only does tbe HakSAPAUntiAir Rcsotvwrr eseel all known remedial agents Ini ba cure of Chronic. Scro- fulou* Constitotlonal, and bkln dteeaaea, but It la tba only positive cure lor . are subjected, and as a tonic for the Ar^d, Feeble, Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intend­ ed ai a Temperance Tonic or Rit:ers, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. S old by A ll F irst - class D ruggists . LIQUORS under tbe influence TRULY WONDERFUL ivory Day an'Increase in M anl Weight is Seen aid Fell Plantation Bitters I WOODEN A ND WIL L 0 IF TF A R E, .STO 17 X U ndergoes , OF THIA THAT Hast Iron and Steel Plows. Fifth and Last Concert PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets......................................... $ 50.00 • 1 25.00 Halve*,....................................................... Tenth, or each Coupon.......................... 5.00 11 Whole tickets for.............................. 500.00 22>< Tickets for...,................................... 1,000.00 F oe tickets and information address THOS. E. RRAMLETTE, * Apent and Manager, Public Library Building, Ixiuisville, Ky. MEN’S AND BOYS’ SADDLES, from eeps constantly on hand AN A G reat H and at W hist .—One of the most extraordinary incidents von ever heard of in connection with whist, occurred in Westminster, re­ cently. Four gentlemen of the highest respectability, with whom I am well acquainted, were playing at whist, last Wislnesday evening. They had been playing about a couple of hours, when one of them, after having dealt, found his hand to consist of the whole thir­ teen trumps. Two packs of cards were used alternately all the time, and thi- occurred with one of them after being shuffled and cut in the usual manner. Can you or any of your correspondents give an instance of this ever having taken place. An apparently well au­ thenticated case of the dealer holding thirteen trumps, supplemented by three hands as extraordinary, was pub­ lished some ten years ago In Bell’s Life. Our correspondents inquire as to what are the odds against it happen­ ing again. The mind is incapable of guessing the enormous number of pn«- s sihle ways in which the fifty-two cards can be dealt equally among four play ­ ers. It has l»een calculated that if the entire population of the earth, taken at 1,000,000,000 of person®, were tn deal tl|o cants incessantly, day and night, for one hundred millions of years, at the rate of a deal by each person a minute, they would not have exhaust­ ed the one hundred thousandth part fit the number of the essentially different ways in which the card® can Redistrib­ uted. The odds against the dealer holding thirteen trump® may be taken in round figures at one hundred and fifty-nine thousand millions to one.— If /wafer paper. aay «M SGFFEB WITH PAIN. READY RELIEF IB a cpbb bob ) EVERY FAIN. It wu the first and Is Tho Only Pain Remedy TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. Oh ! remembered for aye be the blessed isle. All the day of life till night— When «he evening comes with its beautiful smile. And our eves are closed to slumber awhile, May that “greenwood” of soul be in sight. »net re*tlng this advarttement need »ADWAY’I DEALER AND WORKER IN There are hand.« that are waved when the fairv shore Rv mirage is lifted in air ; An