o. hr ’prmocrntir îimc.s. 1 KÍDAY,.................... ...OCTOBER 1«, 1874. ARENTS FBR THE TINIES. <‘en appointed ' A levy of taxes for the year 1874 was and juicy, is sold for six cents a pound. i mad«', which we have heretofore published. by the County Court of Jackson county, J LOCAI. BREVITIES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE M. E. (’HURTH.—Religious services every Sunday, ut the usual hours, by the Rever- •• ii J m J. K. N. Bell. J. S. McCain and M. A. Williams, alternately. C at HOMO ClllWir.—Divine Services ev­ ery Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa­ thet Blanchett. M. E. S unday S chool .—Regular meetings cveYV Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. t'ATnoLtc S unday S chool . — Regular meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two o'clock. P. 0. REGISTER ARD TRAVELER'S GUIOE. Stages leave Jacksonville as follows : For Rock l’oint. Grant’s Pass and Rose­ burg, every day at 8 a. in. Mail closes at 7:30 p. nt. , For Pluvnix, Ashland, Yreka and Red­ ding. California, every day at 3:30 p. m. Mad closes at *1 p. m. For Applegate, Kerby ville, Waldo and Ure-went City, every Monday and Thursday morning at 4 o’clock. Mail closes at 8 p. ni. the preceding evening. The mail for Central Point, Table Rock, Faille Point, Brownsborough ami Sam’s | Valiev leaves every Wednesday morning ; doses the prtstsling evening. 'Hie mail for I.inkville, Hot Springs, Yia- nox and Inke City, leaves Ashland every Monday morning. For I.inkville every Monday and Thursday mornings. Money Order Offiœ open iront 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. O ffice H ours —From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.; Sundays, 30 minutes after arrival of stages. Mall matter must be in on time or ft will not go.' M ax M i ller , P. M. B oard of T rustees .—A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will l>e held next Tuesday evening, Octo- ber 20th. ———♦------- - F or J enny C reek .—J. S. Howard, accompanied by a company of assist­ ants, left yesterday to survey some Government land on Jenny Creek under a contract he has secured. B argains .—Wm. Bilger, who has lately removed into Unit’s brick build­ ing, is selling his stock of dry goods, etc., at astonishingly low rates. Call and sco him if you want bargains, ■■■ ■ ■■ —<---------------------- ---- I WHITE & MARTIN I (Successors to James T. Glenn,) —FOll— FALL AND WINTER! GEAND OPENING! I RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. ALKX. MAKn.X J. B. WHITE. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ! CALIFORNIA STREET, And MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY! JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. LOW PRICES WILL WIN I FISHER & CARO, (Successors to A. Fisher A Bro.) □THE undersigned take pleas - i 1 ure in notifying thoir friends and the public generally that they are now receiving ave pleasure in announcing i ami opening » very large and extensive the receipt of a large invoice of I stock of H Fancy & Staple Dry-Goods, STAPLE DRY-GOODS* CUSTOM-MADE Beady-Made Clothing, GENTS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, agricultural implements , HATS, Hats and Caps* HARDWARE) CROCKERY, GLASSWARE California & Salem Cloths and Blanket^ BOOTS AND SHOES, LKiUOlLS, Littlips’, Misucs’ anti Childrrn’s Shm. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, And a General Supply of I AM I I.Y <;HOCEIlIES ! We have also in connection with tho above very large and fine stock of choice i i GROUERI1S8, In fa-t’anytliimr you may want, no mat­ ter whether you are a GLASSWARE, QUEENS- WARE, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, OILS, NAIUS, WIN­ DOW GLASS, CAST AND Farmer, Miner, STEEL PLO^/i, WOOD­ EN AND WILLOW OR ANY OTHER MAN. WARE, ETC. We an- proud to state that we have thought our ste undersold by any house in Jackson satisfaction. |county. Remember the ohi pla<*e.'T8* All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. FISHER * CARO. R esigned .—Dr. Plummer, the pop­ ular Superintendent of the Western Vnion Telegraph Company, has lately resigned and taken charge of a drug Administrator of the estate of James Haw-; The petition of Win. Wheeler for a dis­ kins, deceased. store in Albany. He is succeeded by Give us a call, and then judge for Fanners are now busily engaged charge from his duties as Supervisor of yourself as to our capj»citv to furnish goods All persons in— 29tf. ous grinding establishments are busy. The report of viewers appointed to view and all |M*rsons having claims against said I estate are requesteo ’s New Method.......... Price, This is a capital idea, providing they of the Legislature. Persons desir­ FANCY A STAPLE DRY-GOODS, i was thought that the excitement was The liest instructor for the voice : Ludden’s School for the voice,...... '» o 50 can make it profitable. Produce is so ing them for future reference should confined to the cities and towns, but The best guitar instructor ; JIEADY-MADE abundant here that it is difficult to 1 50 Worrall ’ s Guitar ................ ...Price, file away the T imes . reliable accounts show that the rural The best collection for male voices : (iENTLEMEN’S and BOYS’ CLOTHING, sell it at almost any price for cash, 1 5<> Sangerfest, ............................... Price, districts are as much in earnest on the Geo. A. King has thrown up his which in a great measure accounts for The l«>st colhsMion for mixed voices : BOOTS and SHOES, Ne Plus Ultra Glee Book.... Price. 1 54) position at Jay Beach’s, Fort Klamath, 1 subject as the cities. Indeed, the fact this movement on the part o£ our far­ The best collection for Church and Home : anil left for Nevada this week in is not surprising when it is known that f’ARl’ETM AND OIL-CLOTHS, The Cluster........................ ....Price, 1 50 mers. I — ♦--------- search of new fields in which to labor. j this is positively the last chance which The best instructor for accordion : ’s <’omplete Method........ 1 .70 Iron, Steel, can be given, and at this Concert $2,- The Sedgwick N ew A dvertisement .—E. Jacobs l>cst instructor for eon<,ertina : Morrell’s Minstrels, including Char­ 1 60 Sedgwick’s Complete Method........ 500,000 in cash will be distributed to comes to the front again in a new ad­ T he W ise M en oe the L and , the Divine, HOUSE SHOES AXD SAILS, ley Nickerson and Jake Wallace, the ticket-holders in such prizes or Published and mailed, post-paid, by vertisement, in which he announces the Physician, the Judge, use daily, in their J. L. PETERS. 599 Broadway, threaten to visit us before long. They gifts as $250,000, $100,000, $50,000, own home«*, and recommend to inyalids and New York City. he is prepared to sell his large and su­ GROCERIES, 41. Huflerers from Dys|>epsia, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Costiveness, Heartburn, In­ perior stock of fancy goods, groceries, arc now playing to good houses in the $25,000, $20,000. For further infor­ HARD AND CROCKERY WARE. digestion, Piles, Bilious Attacks, Liver mation, address clothing, etc., at the lowest living rates. Willamette. Complain*, Gout ami Rheumatic Affections. We., Wr. Our popular townsman Isaac Sachs Nature's own great and good remedy, GOV. T. E. B RAM EETTE, He this week received a large sup­ Louisvillle, Ky. ply of new goods for the fall and win­ led to the hymenia! altar the other day Rrices to Suit the Timos. Tarranli Efftncjcrnt Scltxrr Aprrirnl, one of San Francisco ’ s fairest daugh ­ ter campaign, which he invites the F rom C oos B ay .—Howard A Buf­ as the hest nnd most reliable medicine ever public to call and examine. Don’t fail ters. The happy couple are expect­ fer and surveying party have returned offered to the people for the above class of WANTED. diseases. The nursing babe, its brothers to visit him and judge for yourselves. ed home next week. from Coos Bay, having finished their and sisters, its parents and grandparents Throe Thousand Bushels of Wheat, in rx- Geo. Kahler, brother of C. W. and surveying contract. They report the will all find this pleasant remedy well eliange for goods. Highest prices paid, and F or M arket .—Dick Ish and W. F. for their different complaints. For Goods sold at Cash rates. Roht. Kahler, of this place, formerly a I country rough, and an immense fire This space is reserved for BEN SACHS, adapted sale by all druggists. Please give us a call and convdn*« your­ Dninnan left on Wednesday, "th inst, resident of Jackson county, but now who is selling a complete and ele­ selves. [4“tL] McCALL A CO. raging in it at one time. Mr. Howard, with a band of thirty-three horses of the Willamette, is on a visit to his g-ant assortment of general merchandise at the I while surveying down hill, slipped J. H. HYZER, and mules for Sacramento. They are friends and relations in this section. lowest rates. on a log and in saving his compass HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM! destined for a market and comprise I'l.AIX A OJtXAMEXTAL rAISTEll, from injury had a few ribs broken. We were visited by a severe thun ­ many good animals. We trust Messrs. Manning A Ish will have the der and lightning storm last Friday In attempting to survey some land for JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, ¡good fortune to dispose of them at night, which threatened to do serious which a milling company had a U. S. profitable rates. Jackson county con­ damage, but fortunately subsided with­ Patent, the party came very near get­ ting into trouble with the company. tains a large surplus of horses, and we out injuring anything. T HAVE BOUGHT M r . ACKLEY’S 1N- They all seemed glad to get back 1 ternst in the painting business, and will roe no reason why more are not driven We are assured that the races an­ again. endeavor to conduct it myself on terms to off to a market. suit the times. Favors respectfully solic­ nounced to come off the end of this ited. ! P roductive V ine . — John Weiss, month will transpire, as considerable N. B.—I will settle all accounts of the late F rom H appy C amp .—Wm. Bybee i of this place, has a vine of not very firm, pro and con. J. H. HYZER. of the necessary bullion for the premi ­ SELLING OUT CHEAP ! has just returned from a business tour Jacksonville, June 6, 874. 23tf. great dimensions, which this year bore ums has been collected. to Happy Caiup. We have been una­ 117 bunches of grapes. And Johnny lways on hand the best stock M. CATON. G. W. FREY. Latest advices from C. C. Beekman says it was not an extra year for ble to converse with him on the sub­ of Patent and Home-made Rifle and To Close Businoss, Shot Guns, single and double; Revolver« ject, but we learn that the packers in say that it will be some time before he grapes either. CATON A FREY, of the latest patents; Pocket Pistols, neat, small and jowerful; Dorringen», the latent — ----- — ♦.......... - that locality offer this year but 7 cents will return—perhaps upwards of a AT W. BILGER’S, JACKSONVILLE, and beat; also, the best Powder and Pow­ New Boot and Shoe Store* der Flasks; F rom S alem .—We received a letter a pound for dressed hogs. In previous month. His family and himself areen- Hunting and pocket knifes of the best brands ; all sorts of Shot and joying their visit finely. from Hon. W. J. Plymale yesterday years he has received 9) cents. He CALIFORNIA ST., JACISONVILLL HE UNDERSIGNED. DESIRING To Pouches ; Caps, Wads and everything in the Hportsman’s line. close out business, will sell out his en­ has offered to furnish his customers Hon. . J. Plyntale has been so evening, which we regret to say is too The above goods are all of the best qual­ tire stock of goods for COST and FREIGHT, this year at 8) cents. They having sick as to be absent from his post in late for this issue. It will appear next ; for CASH. ity, and will tie sold AVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED SETTLE UP.—All persona indebted are refused to accede to these terms, he is the Legislature for some days, but we week. in Jacksonville, respectfully inform CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. requested to settle up immediately. A word the nubli<> that they are prepared to do all making arrangements to drive in and are pleased to notice him now as in­ All orders promptly filled. Repairing done to the wise is sufficient. T hanks .—John Weiss has our kinds of work in the loot and shoe-making promptly and in good st vie. WILLIAM BILGER. line. Satisfaction guaranteed. k ill and puck on his own account. dustriously engaged as ever. thanks for a supply of luscious grapes. » Willow Springs. A ug. 29, 1874. 34. snf.* J ohn miller . 29tf. CATON ± FREY. SCIENCE! SUPERSTITION! H > A T ---------------- > ■■ — i H