ft lit * ® z> tnwmffic times. ■.ETTER F Ht».if MALEN. S alem , October 12th. Members of the Legislature, during Official Pnprr for Jackson & Jovphinr Conntirx. the last week, have relieved the grow­ I OCTOBER 16. 1*74. ing tedium of the session by visiting FRIDAY the deaf and dumb school, the school TO OIK PATRON«. for the blind, the Willamette Univer­ The firm of Hull 4 Nickell, in pul>- sity, and by attending Mr. Condon’s llshlng the T imes , has been dissolved lecture on geology ; all through spe­ by mutual consent, P. D. Hull with­ cial invitations. Your correspondent drawing. All accounts due said firm invited himself on each occasion to he prior to September 1st may be paid to present. The exhibition on tho part either party, and ail accounts against of the deaf and dumb pupils was not a the firm will be paid by the same. little surprising, as illustrating what All persons indebted are requested to can lie done by education for this class settle forthwith, ns the business must of unfortunates. Their dexterity in be closed without delay. All accounts the use of signs is a natural conse­ not settled in a reasonable time will quence; but to see little girls and l»e placed In the hands of an attorney boys only six or seven years old writ­ forcollectlon. All unexplred contracts ing sentences on the black-board, is for advertising, subscription, etc., will simply astonishing. It would bo as­ l»o fulfilled by the new proprietor. tonishing if they had possession of all Thankful for pn«t patronage, we ask a their faculties. About thirty pupils continuance of the same to our sue- attend this school, and the aid given it by the State is a wise and necessary cesser. P. D. Hcu, expenditure. The pupils of the school Cn\s. N ickell for the blind are a sad spectacle. Their attainments are equally surprising with those of the other school. As a citizen of the State I am glad the com­ The Sentinel of last week devotes monwealth of Oregon provides as well as it does for the needy. A touch of considerable space to the bill just de­ sympathy “makes all the world akin.” feated by the Senate, repealing the The previse object of the Professors act providing $1,000 for incidental of the Willamette University in invit­ expenses of the Circuit and Supreme ing our legislators to visit that institu­ Judges, and is especially severe upon tion when they did, T am satisfied has not .vet fully dawned upon the minds Senator Herrin and Representatives of the members. The exercises were Flyniale, Wright and Van Riper for nearly all of a gymnastic character, voting against the repeal. Our co- and no doubt very good in their way ; temporarv says that Mr. Herrin was but hardly of sufficient novelty or im­ very loud in denunciation of this very portance to merit the grave considera­ tion of the law-making power, It was Act during the campaign, and that he the expectation of many that they and our Representatives were pledged were going out to attend a literary for its repeal. The Sentinel is in gross feast; they felt afterwards that they error here, as we have the word of had been sold, If President Gatch gentlemen of all parties who stumped adopted that mode to teach the mem­ bers the importance of vigorous ges­ the county that Mr. Herrin said not ticulation, his intentions should screen one syllable in relation thereto, and we him from animadversion: but the believe the subject was not even trouble was uncalled for. Tho impul­ broached. As to why our Legislative sive and sweeping gyrations of one of representation stood pledged for its the members from Multnomah are all that the exigencies of legislative pro­ repeal we cannot see, as the Democrat­ priety require as an example of De- ic State platform, much less the coun­ mothenesian and Ciceronian delivery. ty one, says nothing in the premises. Mr. Condon’s lecture was well at­ tended, not only by the members of The constitutionality of the act is the legislature, but by the people of vouched for by the prominent lawyers Salem and the State at large. Mr. of the Legislature, and as otir cotem- Condon had with him numerous and pornry bases his arguments on this valuable fossil remains to illustrate the importance of the great study he is point, his article comes to naught. engaged in. And well might he make I Nor can the Sentinel urge partisan the prediction, as he earnestly did, feeling in the matter, as Dolph, Cor­ that in less than twenty years Oregon nelius, Watson and other leading Re­ would rank as the wealthiest State in publicans, championed the opj»osition the Union in point of geological phe­ nomena. to the repeal. A great deal of discussion has been The constitutionality of the extra had in both houses of the Legislature compensation lieing conceded, and the last week in regard to the proper even our cotemporary, as well as all method for levying the assessments. fair-minded people, admitting that In each laxly is a strong element op­ $3,000 D none too much for the ardu­ posed to allowing any deduction of in­ ous services performed by our Judges, debtedness, and they now have a fa­ vorable prospect of success. The sub­ the vote of Mr. Herrin in the Senate ject is one that is extremely difficult anti our Representatives in the House to solve satisfactorily and impartially. cannot but be justified by their constit­ One fact is overwhelmingly evident: uents and great credit given them for that the old law gives room for much the assistance they lent in defeating fraud upon the counties and State, and works a hardship upon the honest a measure that would finally have portion of the people. ended in great injury to the best in- The amended game law, as passed terests of the State. by both houses, allows persons to kill for their own consumption. As peo­ The Conqurred Mate. ple on the frontier were in the habit The country has received severe of doing that anyway, law or no law, I think the Legislature acted wisely shocks in the past few years from ex­ in having the law conform to public posures made of the rascalities of offi­ opinion. A law offering bounties for cials in high places. The correspond­ scalps of wild animals has passed the ence of Butler, Carpenter, Cushing, House hy a large majority. It fixes Senator West and other Federal officials the rates as follows: For panther, bears and wolves, each, $2.50; for unearthed by the Ixiuislanaconvulsion, lynx, $2.00 ; wild cat, < 50 r cts.; and i says the Sonoma Democrat, is the digger squirrels, 2} cts. The several crowning infamy. These Senators and counties can alter these rates to suit Members of Congress, rolling in wealth themselves. The Modoc war claims are now in at the seat of centralized power, call good shape to go through, A coni­ upon Kellogg to plunder the ruined mittee has been appointed on the people of a conquered State to satisfy part of the House to examine and re­ their unceasing craving for spoils. port on the same, and I am creditably Carpenter writes to Kellogg: “I am informed that that report will lie like­ hard up, send me $2,500.” Butler ly favorble fo the payment of the debt writes: “The other side wants to re­ As the present is Fair week it is not tain me. If you want my services, likely that much legislation will be you must send me $2,500.” Cushing done until that excitement is over. got $3,000; West $1,000, and Marshal The preparations for the Fair have Packard received about $G,000. Was been made on an extensive scale. It is likely to be as great a sue ess, as multi­ there ever before such a record of in­ tudes of people, immense quantities I famy ? When 10,000 people, driven to of blooded stock, big swings, aide desperation, threatened to resent such shows, circuses, candy shops and clouds scoundrelisrn, Kellogg coolly tells Gen. of suffocating dust can make it. The I Emory, “If you can by any means receipts thus far are very satisfactory and net, for the first day, the nice lit­ draw from them one shot on your I tle sum of $4,988. The entries up to I troops it will pave your way with date foot up 700, including cattle, hor­ gold.” Thia is the Government which ses, sheep, 'swine, poultry and man­ Gen. Grant bolsters up with his Fed­ ufactures. Jackson County is not represented eral bayonets! very extensively, which is a matter of serious regret, as she is capable of pre­ senting as good specimens of stock as An address by the Executive Com­ nearly ary county in the State. J eems ’ R iver . mittee of the Alabama Conservatives says the report« of violence in that State, set aflbat by the carpet-baggers, The mines on Connor Creek, Baker are false, and intended only to bring United States troops there, and to in- i county, are “panningout” extensively, fluence the election improperly. They In Rte Valley also some rich discov­ also say that the ratfoiw voted by Con­ eries have been made. The Herald gress to feed the Alabama sufferers by says McDonald, Green 4 Co. have the overflow are being used as a cor­ taken rock from their ledge which as­ sayed $15,000 to the ton. ruption fund by the Republicans. OREUON I. EW IM I. AT V RE. ter of the City of Salem. A communication from the Portland Board of Trade, praying for amendment of the act granting swamp land, etc., to the P., D. & S. L. R. R., that the money may be avail­ able as the work progresses, was read. Drmorrntir Principle«. The restoration of the principles of HOUSE. Jeffersonian Democracy is the one grand essential of the Republic to-day. Riddle introduced a bill amending I Around its standard all may rally. It the act regulating public roads. GENERAL NOTEM ANO NEWH. t protects no special interest hut faith­ Chambers introduced a joint memo­ —OF— The State Fair is in session. fully guards the rights of all, the farm­ rial to Congress, asking for a survey of Cape Foulweather, with a view of mak­ The Linn and Washington county er, the laboring man, the manufacturer and capitalist. The Democratic party ing it a harbor or refuge, and that if Fairs were successes in every way. the point be found suitable, the neces­ Matters are not altogether quiet in has always opposed subsidies, says the ■ sary appropriations be made therefor. Louisiana. The carpet-baggers act in Sonoma Democrat, whether in the sha|>e of high tariffs or direct dona­ A message was read from the Senate | had faith. tions to corporations. When not in­ intimating the adoption by that body E. G. Ross, Ex-Senator of Kansas, Have on hand and ofl’cr for naie of a joint resolution tendering the is now foreman of the news-room of fluenced by side issues the landed in­ terest has always been Democratic, lie­ thanks of the people to Gen. Jefi. C. the Lawrence Journal. cause its opponents, under all names, Davis and his subordinate officers, as Four German families, 18 persons, have legislated in the interest of the i The Largest and Best Assortment well as the Oregon Volunteers, for have arrived at Salem direct from Min­ “money power” and to the prejudice their services in the Modoc War. Kelly of Benton moved to amend by nesota. They will settle in Marion of the farmer. The Democratic party alone has the needed nucleus for an thanking the soldiers as well as offi­ ' county. —OF— The low price of grain this season is organization which shall restore honest I cers, and the amendment was agreed causing farmers to inquire into the government and with it national pros­ to. prospects for making the cultivation of perity. The resolution was adopted. flax a financial success. We believe the very best Photographs, go to that considerable land will be put in Bradley For F iupay , Octolier 9th. A Rulofson's Gallery withan ELE­ SENATE. flax seed this season. VATOR, 421» Montgomery Street, San Fran­ —USUALLY KETT IN— A message from the Governor announced Coos Bay is a good place for steam­ cisco. that he had «pprove«i the following acts: boats. The steamer Messenger made An act to rc|»eal act to protect litigants. NEW. THIS WEEK. An act to repeal an act creating tlm oil'ice during the last month, 2J percent, on of Assistant Treasurer. her cost—$12,000—over and above ex­ Ladies' and Gentlemen's An aet to repeal an act to provide for a penses and repairs. The latter, owing State Board of Fxjnalizatioii. An act fixing times of holding County to the breaking of her cylinder heads, FURNISHING ami Courts in Union county. were quite expensive and much in ex­ Act to pay mileage and j>er diem of mem- cess of average. lier.s of Ix'gislature. GOODS, The Carlists in Spain begin to show We flatter ourselves that a fourteen years’ An aet to amend the «"harter <>f Eugene exjierienco has made us familiar with City. manifest signs of weakening. The BOYS' and GIRLS' A bill to amend the «'harter of Scio was latest dispatches show that they are read a third time and passed. fast losing hope and courage. This is a R E A DY-MADE CLOTH ING, A bill to incorporate the town ot McMinn- THE WANT of THIS COMMUNITY. promising condition of things for the I vill«* was read a third time and pass»>d. A bill to prevent the sale of intoxicating Republic. The Carlists have most BOOTS and SHOES, liquors on election day was passed by the wantonly and unprofitably troubled WE WEEP following vote: Aye«, 24; noes, none. the peace of Spain in the selfish inter­ A bill to ineor|»orate the town of Marsh­ ests of their Chief too long. It is FINE TOYS I OR HOLIDAYS, field, Coo« county, was pa««c<).0e boarded and caretl for at moderate «‘barge«. They have «»no of the largest and finest stocks in Oregon, south of Portland, of Fifth and Last Concert IN Ain OF THE PUBLIC UBRARY OF KENTUCKY. POSTPONED TO MONDAY, Nov. 30th, 1874, I BUGGIES AND CARRIAGE«, With «ingle or double teams, for hire on rea­ sonable term«. Also good Saddle Horae« LIST OF CITI'S. On«* Grand Cash Gift........................ ... $25n,ooo and Mules, whi<*h will lx* hired to go to any < )ne Grand ('ash (lift........................ .... ioo ' ooo part of the «•ountrv at nvxlernte rate«. Animals bought and sold, and broke to One Grand Cash f Sift........................ .... 75,000 < >ne Grand < ’ash < Sift........................ .... 50,000 saddle or harness. 29tf. KUBI.I 4 WILSON. On«1 »fraud Cash » Sift 25 000 5 »'ash »Sifts, !?20.000 each...... .... ioo’ooo 10 »'ash Gifts, 14.000 each...... ..... 140.000 New Store! New Goods! 15 Cash »»in«. 10,000 each...... ..... 150.000 20 Cash Gifts, 5.000 each...... ..... 100.000 25 Cash Gifts, 4.000 each...... ..... 100.000 30 Cash Gifts, 3,000 each...... ..... 90.000 50 <’a«h Gifts, 2,000 each...... 100,000 loO Cash Gifts, IJ mm ) each...... ..... 100.000 240 »’ash Gifts, 500 each....... .... 120,000 LINTS BRIOL BTILUHfi, CALIF0HI1 St 50») ('ash »Sifts, 100 each...... ..... 50.000 19,000 Cash Gift«, 50 each...... . ... 950,000 DEALER IX Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all <>a.«h. .82,500,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Ticket.«..........................................$ 50.00 Halves,............................................ t......... 25.00 Tenth,or each <’ou|»on.......................... 5.00 11 Whole tickets for.............................. 500.00 22 i Tickets for........................................ 1,000.00 For tickets and information address TIIOS. E. BRAMLETTE. Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, Ixniisville, Ky. i GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Assorted Nuts, TOBACCO, CIGARS AND PIPES* FRUITS nr SEASON. PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES. JOHN L. CARTER & SON. RODUCE TAKEN PAINTERS. C. COLEMAN. AITE ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO S aturday , Octob«1 r 10th. HOUSE. S. B. 38—for the protection of buoys and beacons, was paane«!, unanimously. Memorials to Congress relating to the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad, and also praying Congress to modify the duty on jute and burlap were introduced. H. B. 15—to provide for the payment of bounties on the scalps of wild animals. Mr. Steen obtaind unanimous consent to an amendment exempting Umatilla county, and Mr. Dully fora like amendment in re­ gard to Tillamook county. The bill then I passed. I II. B. 34—to prevent the spread of conta­ I gious diseases among domestic animals, passed. H. B. 57—to require parties to give an undertaking for costs and disbursements in courts ot records in certain cases. The bill failed to pass. The following bills were then introduced: Mr. Gearin—H. B. 101, to provide for liens of mechanics and others. Mr. Brown—H. B. 102, to legalize ac­ knowledgments of deeds taken by County Clerks in certain cases. Mr.Gilbert—11. B. 103, to amend the Char­ IN EXCHANGE, Please give me * call. P Jacksonville, August 5, 1874, 20tf. The Salem Mercury has lately en­ ft all kinds of Painting, including California Street, Jacksonville, Ogn., tered its sixth volume. It is a ster­ HOUSE PAINTING. SIGN PAINTING. ling Democratic sheet and Mr. Bristow DEALER IN O RN A M ENT A L PAI NTI NG. is making a first-class paper of it. WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. R EA D F- MA D E CL O THING I We have received copies of a new ALL Style« of Graining Done. DRY-GOODS. paper started at Marshfield, Coos coun­ Orders from the country promptly attend­ I I ed to. 21 m3. ty, by Tower & Ilascom. li is Repub- Hosiery, Hats, Boots and Shoes; lican in politics and seeins to be a PRO BONO PUBLICO sprightly little sheet. TOBACCO, PIPES, The “Thunderer” of the Western LIQUORS, GROCERIES. CROCKERY he public are hereby noti - continent, the N. Y. Herald, has fa­ fiod that I have placed my notes and Etc., Etc., ai^eonnt« in the hand« of mv attorney, H. vored us with an exchange. it is K. Hanna, with positive instructions to LL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT the newspaper of the age. containing make Im mediate and forced collection in ev­ tho lowest rate« for Cash or fn exchange ery instance where security is not given the news from all parts of the world for produce, hide«, fora, etc. 30tf. Those knowing themselves indebted to and is doubtless the most successful me will do well to call upon Mr. Hanna without delay, as this is mv last call. Mv I publication in America. LAGER, LAGER ! business.must be settled ! * * I T 1 n, „ JAMES T. GLENN. The Coos Bay News, edited by Jacksonville, Sept. 9, 1874. I CapL T. B. Merry, entered its second THE EAGLE BREWERY. f f volume recently. The News is in a All Kinds of Job Printing' prosperous condition, and" Mr. Merry rpHE PROPRIETOR, JVW. W ETTER ER, sustains his-well-earned reputation of NEATLY A CHEAPLY EXECUTED AT 1 has now on hand and i« constantly man­ ufacturing the lxat Fearer Beer in Noutherrv being one of the foremost editors on Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to I «uit purchaser«. Call and te«l tne arth-le. the Coast. We wish him all success. 2*»tf. The Times Office. I » • T A