ALEX. MARTIN S t . N icholas for October opens ^9' For the very best Photographs, go to J. B. WHITE. the Bradley er- New Firm ! New Goods! A dministrator ’ s S ale . — P. D. We learn he proposes erecting a resi­ sons in said county, and all other poor ¡ar­ ceipt of a complimentary ticket. he undersigned would re - Parsons, administrator of the estate of dence there next Spring. sons who are or may liecoine a county or —ANI speetfully inform their friends and the public charge by reason of bodily infirmi­ Jacob Roudebush, last Saturday dis- j Our old friend Henry Scharfenberg, ’ ’ NEW, THIS WEEK? ’ ties, idiocy, lunacy or other cause within public generally that they have purchased the above establishment, which will be the meaning of Chapter 43 of the General posed of the dwelling-house and lot on formerly of this place, is now stationed Laws of Oregon and tin* amendments there­ «conducted under their constant ERICES! henceforth Oregon street, belonging to said estate, at Empire City. We acknowledge the personal supervision, and they guarantee to. The Hospital and Poor Hcnse to be lo­ NEW satisfaction to all who may favor them with at the County Seat, or within one mile at auction. The price obtained was receipt of his order for a year’s sub­ I cated their patronago. thereof, and to lw? so constructed as to sepa­ —AT— These stables are centrally ltx'ated, and $400, and Mrs. W. F. Drannan w’as the scription to the T imes , accompanied by rate the disabled or infirm from those who —FOR— within convenient distance *of the various may require medical aid or treatment. purchaser. the bullion. houses of public entertainment. Ilorsea Bids will be receivetl up to 12 o’clock ' * ASHLAND, OREGON. and mules will be boarded and cared for at noon, Rev. P. C. Iletzler, Agent of the FALL AND WINTER! M eeting .—E. D. Foudray, Presi­ Wednesilny. October 7, 1874. moderate charges. They have one of the largest and flnest stocks in Oregon, south of dent of the Jacksonville Social (Tub, I American Bible Society, preached to and each bid must be accompanied with a Portland, of guarantee of Five Hundred Dollars, and the I whose headquarters were burned last j a good audience at the M. E. Church Board of Commissioners reserves the right BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, J. M. McCALL CO. April, desires us to state that the mem- last Sunday. A considerable collec­ to reject any and all bids. Published by order of the Board of Coun­ With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ bers are requested to meet at the tion for the Bible cause was taken up GRAND OPENING! ty Commissioners at their Septeml»er ses­ ave received and are still sonable terms. Also goo«i Saddle Horses at the close of the services. sion A. D. 1874. E. D. FOUDRAY, Court House next Wednesday eve­ receiving the largest and l>est selected and Mules, which will be hired to go to any 38t3. County Clerk. part of the country at moderate rates. stock of gtwMis ever before offered to the ning, to consider the question of re­ P ersonal .—W. H. S. Hyde, H. Pape Animals bought and sold, and broke to public. The stock consists of organizing. saddle or harness. and B. Robb, who started on a trip to 29tf. KUBLI A WILSON. FANCY A STAPLE DRY-GOODS, Coos Bay a few weeks ago, have re ­ N ew B uilding .—The lot between V New Store! New Goods! READY-MADE the stores of John Boyer and C. Cole­ turned, well satisfied with the country. We learn that Messrs. Hyde and man, owned by N. Langell, has been GENTLEMEN’S and BOYS’ CLOTHING, cleared of all debris, and lumber haul­ Robb intend returning, to engage in JOHN A. BOYER, BOOTS and SIIOES, ed on the ground with the intention of the saw mill business. ite ® rm 0 cratic ®ws. L‘> LOCAL BREVITIES. ■ WHITE