ti lu fvatií FRIDAY,............... SEPTEMBER 11, 1874. TRIP LES. E ncountered a T artar .—A hand of ruffian street robbers in New York attacked Mitchel O’Connor, fresh from Arizona, a few days ago, as he was going to the house of a friend. They picked his pocket of $54 and tossed him violently upon the sidewalk. But he was not the man to surrender so. He sprung to his feet, knocked dow’n one of his assailants, with a pocket-knife stabbed another so that he fell, and then ran and caught, and stabbed another of the rogues who was trying to escape. A fourth one he grabbed by the hair, and these two he led back to where the first two he had overpowered were lying on the sidewalk. There he obliged them to remain until his calls brought the po­ lice, into whose hands he tranferred them. Grenada is the youngest town in Colorado, and yet it has a population j of 652 dogs. When five or six young ladies sit down to talk alwiut a new dress-pat­ tern, a small boy with a tin horn is a refuge for the weary. A lady harbor has heen driven out of Dubuque by the married ladies of that place. The latter thought she scraped acquaintances too easily. A woman’s heart is the only true place fora man’s likeness. An instant gives the impression, and an age of C hampion T hreshing .—The Yolo sorrow and change cannot efface it. (Cal.) Jfaffof August 13th says : An Idaho postmaster writes to the We have a card stating that Messrs. Postmaster-General that “h—1 will be Stinnaff A Bernard, running a thresh­ full of country postmasters before long er in Colusa County have turned off if they do not get more pay than is al­ 1,200 sacks of wheat per day on several lowed this office.” occasions. This being a fact, they A Milwaukee woman, far gone with are entitled to the belt. consumption, begged the doctor to ............ —■' < ♦ » ■ A n eminent physician says that in give her something that would Keep her up until the verdict of the Beecher his opinion there is no such a thing as cholera infantum. It is all the effect Committee was published. It was “darling George” when a bri­ of a baby’s imagination. dal couple left Omaha; it was “dear The Law of Newspapers. George” at Chicago; at Detroit, it was ‘•George;” and when they reached 1. Subscribers who do not give express Niagara Falls it was “Say, you.” notice t<> the contrary are considered as wish­ their subscriptions. A greenhorn sat a long time very ing 2. to If continue any subscribers order the discontin­ intently musing upon a cane-bottom uance of their newspapers, the publisher chair. At length he said, I wonder may continue to send them until ail arrear­ are paid. what fellow took the trouble to find ages 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take all them ar holesand put straws around their newspapers from the offices to which they are directed, the law holds them re­ ’em. sponsible until they have settled the bills, A politician wishing to compliment I and ordered them discontinued. 4. It subscribers remove to other places a well-to-do farmer, said : You must without informing the publisher, and the have begun life early to accumulate I newspapers are sent to the former direction, such an estate as this? Yes, replied they are held responsible. The courts have decided that refusing the farmer, I began life when I was a to 5. take newspapers from the office, or re­ mere baby. moving and leaving them uncalled for, is facie evidence of intentional fraud. It is only thirty years since the first prima fl. The postmaster who neglects to give electric telegraph line was established, the legal notice of the neglect of a person to and at this time there are many more take from the office the newspapers ad­ to him, is liable to the publisher for than a million miles of telegraph wires dressed the subscription price. in use. The man who happened to erect the first line, between Washing­ ton and Baltimore, died in Newfield, A THE HEW mraOVED^s, Maine, a few days ago. His name was G. E. Smith. Don’t use a hard pencil. At least that is the advice an Evansville, In­ diana, benedict gives his friends. He explains thus : His wife desired him to write a note to a lady, inviting her to meet a party of friends at their house. After “Hubby” had done as his wife desired, and started to post the note, she saw on another paper an impression of what he had written. It was: “Sweet Mattie, Effie desires your company on Wednesday to meet the Smithets. Don’t fail to come, and then, my darling, I shall have the hap­ piness of a long walk home with you, and a sweet good-night kiss. I dare Side Feed and Back Feed. not see you often, or my all consum­ THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, MOST SIM­ ing love would betray us both. But PLE, ANO MOST EASILY OPERATED Mattie, dear, don’t fail to come.” The SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. wife paid “sweet Mattie” a visit, and the result was that Mattie didn’t ac­ AlnysisOriitaiiBadyfcrWffk, i cept the kind invitation. ............■■■'■ -■< ♦ »III ■ — FLOR >4« A P olecat for a P laymate .—A i little four-year-old son of one of our citi­ zens has had an experience with a pet that has not heretofore been domesti­ cated. A few’ days ago his father re­ turned home, and the little boy said he had a dog out in the box w’hich he wished his father to see. After con­ siderable urging, the father concluded that he would go and see the pup. There had been a dry goods box placed in the door-yard, bottom side up, and the “little dog” ran in an out at pleas­ ure through a place where the box had heen broken. The father was surpris­ ed on approaching the box to see the child run up and take hold of—not a dog—but a large skunk the child had been petting and playing with for sev­ eral hours. His skunkship seemed to enjoy the sport as well as the boy, and would allow itself to be fondled just like a kitten, without doing the mean things that some people’s skunks do.— Grand Junction (Iowa) Headlight. ■ ■■■■„ II ■ I l.l.lll. » I. 1.1. ■■ I.-- If there la a FLORENCE MACHINE within one thousand miles of 8an Fran­ cisco not working well, I will fix it with- i out any expenae to the owner- SAMUEL HILL, Agent, No. 19 New Montgomery Street, GRAND HOTEL BUILDING, •AN FRAN0II00. / UNION JUDGE & NUN AN, Fifth, and Last Concert IN AID OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in All Kinds of Day fixed and a FULL DRAWING AS­ SURED on SADDLERY AND HARNESS. MONDAY, Nov. 3Oth, 1874, LAST CHANCE WE WILL SELL For AN EASY FORTUNE. A postponement of the Fifth Concert of the Public Library of Kentucky has been so generally anticipated, and is so manifest­ ly for the interest of all concerned, that it must meet the approval of all. The day is now absolutely fixed, and there will be no variation from the programme now an­ nounced. A sufficient num tier of tickets bad been sold to have enabled us to have had a large drawing on the 31st of July, but a short postponement was considered pref­ erable to a partial drawing. Let it be borne in mind that MEN'S AND BOYS’ SADDLES, from ......................................................................... $10.00 up HARNESS, per sett, from...... _.................... „............................................................... 25.00 up 18.00 up LADIES’ SADDLES, from HORSE COLLARS, from .............................................................................................. 2.50 up BLACK-SNAKE WHIPS, from..................................................................................... 1.00 up HEAD HALTERS, from................................................................................................ 1.25 up And all our goods at equally LOW RATES. We warrant all the above work. All we want these times is a fair living profit. Give us a call and see if we wont do all we assert. Repairing promptly done. THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT t -9" The highest cash price paid for Deer Skins. Jacksonville, 13th, 1874. Is THE LAST which will ever be given un­ der this charter and by the present manage­ ment ; that it will positively and unequivo­ ALL KINDS OF cally take place as announced on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30th, That the music will l>e the best the country affords, and that 20,000 CASH GIFTS, AGGREGATING JOB PRINTING! $2,5 00,000, LIST OF GITFS One Grand Cash Gift................ One Grand Cash Gift............... . One Grand Cash Gift................ One Grand Cash Gift................ One Grand Cash Gift................ 5 Cash Gifts, $20,000 each. 10 Cash Gifts, 14,000 each. 15 Cash Gifts, 10,000 each. *20 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each. ‘25 Cash Gifts, 4,000 each. 30 Cash Gifts, 3,000 each. 50 Cash Gifts, 2,000 each. 100 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each. 240 Cash Gifts, 500 each. 500 Cash Gifts, 100 each. 19,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each. ..$*250,000 ... 100,000 .. 75,000 .. 50,000 .. 25,000 ... 100,000 ... 140,000 ... 150,000 ... 100,000 ... 100.000 ... 90.000 ... 100,000 ... 100,000 .. 120,000 ... 50,000 ... 950,000 Ye OLD Homestead Tonic Will lie distributed by lot among the ticket holders. —FROM— samffe . ff6AÎOA/rcOMffirST.i A VISITING ASAN FRANCISCO. 2$ CARD PlamalioD Billers —TO---- THE LARGEST POSTER THE NEW DISCOVERY In Chemical and Medical Science, DR. E. F. GARVIN’S SOLUTION OF TAR! R. GARVIN’S SOLUTION AND COM- elixir of tar, first and only solu­ D tion pound ever made in one mixture of all the WOMEN twelve valuable active principals of the well known curative agent, PINE TREE TAR, Unequaled in coughs, colds, catarrh, asth­ ma, bronchitis and consumption. Cures without fail a recent cold in three to- six hours; and also by its vitalizing, purify­ ing and stimulating eifects ujton the genera! system, is remarkably efficacious in all dis­ eases of the blood, including scrofula and eruptions of the skin, dyspepsia, diseases of the liver and kidneys, heart disease and gen­ eral debility. YÇ NEATLY EXECUTED AT OLD 30 30 THE TIMES OFFICE 30 MEXICAN ONE TRIAL CONVINCES ! M ustang L iniment 30 30 JACKSON1TLLE, OREGON, 30 Prepared and bottled under ye immediate supervi­ sion of Professor Thomas B. Cross, for ye last 30 JENNIE, Darling, I am lonely now. Song and Chorus. Stewart.................................. Kiss me, Darling, ere we part. Song and Chorus. Stewart........................... Brace up, or Have you heard the news. Stewart................................................... There is something I’m dying to say. Stewart................................................... Walking on the shady side ; song and chorus. Stewart,.................................. Farewell, Annie Darling; song and cho­ rus. Stewart......................................... 30 30 30 AT MOST REASONABLE RATES! 30 FRANCO-AM ERICAN YJJAJiS. This celebrated Liniment has no equal in ye world and has produced more cures of Rheumatism, Neural- ria, Sprains, Scalds, Bums, Salt Rheum, Sore Nipples, Swellings, Lameness, Chapped Hands, Poisonous Bites, Bruises, &c., on the human frame, and Sprains Strains, Galls, Stiff Joints, Inflammation, &c., on beast, than all other Liniments put together. MUSTANG LINIMENT is warranted to do just what is promised, or ye money will be refunded. Sold by all Druggis,s ana Country Stores. Be sure and get ye cknvinb . Lyon Manufacturing Co., New York. 30 30 THE FLOWER SOLDIERS’ HOTEL Piano,......................................................... 15.00 patient recovers his health. They are the Entrance fee, only once,........................ 5.00 •.freat blood purifier ninl a life-giving prin­ ciple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator SELECT DAY SCHOOL. of the system. Never before in the history Primary, per term,.................................. $ 6.00 of the world lias a medicine been com- Sewing Machines! Junior, “ ................................... 8.00 poinded possessing the remarkable qual­ Senior, “ ................................... 10.00 ities of V ineoak B itteksiu healing the sick Pupils are received at any time, and their of every disease man is heir to. They are a terms will be counted from the day of their gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, reliev­ entrance. For further particulars' apply at ing Congestion or Inflammation oi the the Academy. 29tf. Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis­ eases. MUX NOTICE. If men will enjoy trood health. 1< i them use V inkgau B itteus as a medicine,, E ARE NOW READY TO RECEIVE and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants THAN EVER AT wheat in store, and will commence in every form. grinding on the 10th inst. Our terms for grinding will be the eighth R. II. MCDONALD A CO.,. bushel, or exchange. Druggists and General Agents. San l-rancis- DALEY A EMERY. co, Cal., and corner of Washington anil Butte Creek Mills, Sept. 1,1873. 36tf. I Charlton streets, New York. JOHN NEUBERGS! 45 PER CENT. CHEAPER !! W WANTED. ; Also a Volatile Solution of Tar, for inhala­ tion, without application of heat. A re­ markably valuable discovery, as the whole apparatus can be carried in the vest pocket, ready at any time for the most effectual anti positively curative use in all diseases of the nose, throat and lungs. T11E (’OM POUND TAR and M AN DR A K E PILL, for use in connection with the Elixir Tar, is a combination of the two most valua- ble Alterative Medicines known in the pro- fession, and renders this pill without excep­ tion the verv best ever offered. The SOLUTION and COM POUND ELIX­ IR of TAR is without doubt the best remedy known in cases of Cholera and Yellow Fever. It is a specific for such diseases, and should be kept in the household of every family, especially in the months in which Cholera and Yellow Fever are liable to prevail. A small quantity taken daily will prevent con­ tracting these terrible diseases. Solution and Compound Elixir, $1.00 per bottle. Volatile Solution for inhalation, $5 per box. Tar and Mandrake Pills, 50 cents per box. Send for Circular of Positive Cures to your druggist or to L. F. HYDE A Co., Sole Proprietors, 195-7tli Avenue, New York. .^¿USold by all druggists. T T Jacksonville, Aug. 11,187!. J NEUBEB, Agent, Jacksonville. h a purely Vegetable Preparation. composed of Calisaya Bark, Roots, Herts and Fruits, among which will be found Sarsaparilian, Dandelion. Wild Cherry, Sassafras, Tansy, Genitan, Sweet Flag, etc.-, also Tamarinds, Dates, Prunes and Juni­ per Berries, preserved in a sufficient quantity (only) of the spirit Cane to keep in any climate. They invariably relieve and cure the following complaints : Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Liver Com­ plaints, Loss of Appetite, Headache, Bilious At­ tacks, Fever and Ague, Summer Complaints, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of the Heart, General Debili­ ty, etc. They are especially adapted as a remedy for the diseases to which are'subjected, and as a tonic for the Aged, Feeble, Debilitated, has no equal. They are strictly intend­ ed as a Temperance Tonicor Bitters, to be used as a medicine only, and always according to directions. S old by A ll F irst - class D ruggists . MUSIC. T^iss I dearly’ love. Song and Chorus. Stewart....................................................$0 No tidings from over the sea. Song and Chorus. Stewart......................... Alabama Blossoms. Song and Chorus. Stewart.................................................... Temperance Crusaders. Song and Cho­ rus. Stewart.......................................... Write to me, Willie. Song and Chorus. Stewart................................................... When Charlie Plays the Drum. Song and Chorus. Stewart.......................... sewiny. ) fi.GßWW/V.fyxt Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all cash...$2,500,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets..................................... $ 50.00 Halves,.................................................. 25.00 Tenth, or each Coupon....................... 5.00 11 Whole tickets for........................... 500.00 22*4 Tickets for.................................... 1,000.00 Persons wishing to invest should order promptly, either of the Home Office or our local agents. Liberal commissions will be allowed to satisfactory agents. Circulars containing full particulars fur­ nished on application. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. Do not weep so. Sister Darling; song and chorus. Stewart......................... 30 Beautiful Form of my Dreams ; song and chorus. Stewart........................... 30 Meet me, Bessie, in the Dell ; song and Cor. California & 4th Sts. choius. Stewart,.................................. 30 Back to the old Home ; song and cho­ rus. Stewart......................................... 35 Close the shutters, Willie’s dead. Stew­ HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- art............................................................. 30 spectfully inform their friends and the Asking a blessing from Mother ; song public generally that they have purchased and chorus. Stewart........................... 30 the above establishment, which will be henceforth conducted under their constant personal supervision, and they guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor them with He kissed me good-bye at the Gate. Stewart................................................... 30 their patronage. These stables are centrally located, and Tenderly think of the Dead ; song and chorus. Stewart,.................................. 30 within convenient distance of the various houses of public entertainment. Horses Give my love to all at Home ; song and chorus. Stewart.................................... 30 and mules will be boarded and cared for at ’ Neath the waves her spirit wanders ; moderate charges. They have one of the song. Stewart....................................... 30 largest and finest stocks in Oregon, south of Think of me sometimes, Maggie. Stew ­ Portland, of art ............................................................ 30 My dear old Mother; song and chorus. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Stewart,.................................................... 30 With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses And other Songs by J. E. Stewart. and Mules, which will be hired to go to any I want to see the dear old home............. 30 part of the country at moderate rates. Oysters and Wine at *2 a . m .; song........ 30 Animals bought and sold, and broke to Rambling through the town ; song...... 30 saddle or harness. Ring again, sweet silver Bells ; song... 35 29tf. KUBLI A WILSON. Stolen kisses are the sweetest; song... 35 Jennie, the Flower ot Kildare ; song... 40 Mailed post-paid, on receipt of the mark­ J. A. BAUER, ed price by J. L. PETERS, 35t4. 599 Broadway, New York. MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, No. 101 Post Street, A W ord to B oys .—Truth is one of the rarest virtues. Many a youth has SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. been lost to society by allowing false­ a** Orders from the country promptly hood to tarnish his character and fool­ filled. SOtf. ishly throw truth away. Honesty, frankness, generosity, virtue—blessed VQ ®cnd 15 cents, and receive O ur traits! Be these yours, my boys, we I Dv I kJ Y oung F olks , an illustrated shall not fear. You are watched by I 16 oolumn paper full of exciting stories, for months, and a PRIZE CHEQUE, en­ your elders. Men who are looking for three titling vou to one chance in the distribution clerks and apprentices have their eyes of the following Prizes on the first of Sep­ on you. If you are profane, vulgar, sa­ tember next: 2 Boys’ Gold Watches; 5 Magic Lanterns; 10 Amateur Printing Press­ loon going, they are not likely to choose es ; 10 Gem Microscopes ; 100 Fine Steel En­ you. If you are upright, steady and gravings ; 50 Fine Oil Chromos ; 20 Boys’ industrious, before long you will find Pocket Pistols. For complete list of Prizes 8th page ot O ur Y oung F olks . SEND good places, kind masters, and the see NOW to “Our Young Folks, Kansas City, prospect of a useful life before you. Missouri. 31. I VERYBES t W||